The Winer's Journal

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WINNER'S JOURNAL No. 3 Thursday April 21th 2011

Director: Alejandro Medina Villarreal • Libna Stevens Editor: Merab Tello Tirado Translator: Paola Álvarez Reporter: Lisbeth Antonio Sánchez Desing: Estela Hayasaka Reyes Expresión Joven Uxmal 431, Col. Narvarte 03020 México, D. F. Tel.: (55) 5687-0941



Don't forget that practice is important to defeat giants. It is risky to face a giant without the appropriate training. The best preparation is at • Alejandro Medina V. school. If you want to It is probable that you have umphs depend on their train- have the weapons that will allow you to heard that David killed Goliath ing. It was not that the ball didn't want to score the goal; defeat giants then with a slingshot. Now, the question is: Do you think that but rather more training was spend a lot of time studying. “But I don't needed. It is said that the David hit the mark just by like school” you may person who practices an luck? I don't think so. David activity for 10,000 hours has say, be careful! That became an expert in the use is a bad attitude, and the success guaranteed in of the slingshot because he you need to correct this area of life. 10,000 practiced many hours. You that, because prepacould have seen him shooting hours? Yes! So, if you want ration is essential to to be a successful athlete, to different targets while he turn you into a giantmusician, researcher, busitook care of his father's nessman, preacher or some- conqueror. sheep. So, when the time to (Adapted from face Goliath came, the young thing else, remember to Hebrew boy used his weapon spend lots of time preparing Vencer en tierra de gigantes, GEMA EDIfor that. ¿Can you imagine perfectly. TORES, 2011). how the violin will sound Training is necessary to obtain the important victories after 10,000 hours of practice? You are going to sound in life. Athletes know that trilike an expert!


David was surprised when Samuel, the prophet, anointed him. David was soon to take King Saul's place. In fact, even Samuel was surprised, since he had in mind another profile for who needed to be king. David was just a boy, a shepherd. The fact of the matter is that he was called out of the fields to be the next king. Pathfinders, be preparer for you could get called anytime! God is going to set you apart for an especial mission. In your life, you will always face giants, so preparation is necessary to defeat them. Guard the pathways to your soul. Choose victory in the name of Christ and remember, you have been chosen for a special mission. There will be baptisms during this camporee. Maybe you didn't know and did not make preparations, but, if you feel that God is inviting you to surrender your life to Him thru baptism, don't hesitate to accept. Be part of the group of Pathfinders that, just like you, have decided to give their lives to God, so you my friend can be called, a “giant defeater”.


Your friend, Benjamín Carballo C. Youth Ministry Director / Inter-American Division

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