4 minute read
Does the project involve interaction with other vulnerable/high risk populations?
Vulnerable populations are groups and communities at a higher risk of poor health and welfare as a result of the barriers they experience to social, economic, political and environmental resources, as well as limitations due to illness or disability.
These may include (but are not limited to) the elderly, economically disadvantaged, racial and ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples, immigrants and refugees, people experiencing homelessness, people with disabilities (physical and mental), pregnant women. Due to the humanitarian nature of many of CI projects, there is an extremely high probability that volunteers will come into contact with vulnerable populations.
Every project is carefully considered and agreed in partnership with key stakeholders within the local communities in question.
Visits to vulnerable groups are not permitted unless they are directly relevant to project goals, are mutually beneficial to each party (e.g. cultural excursions) and have been approved in advance.
All projects involving interaction with vulnerable populations are supervised, structured and limited.

Does the project involve interaction with children? GUIDANCE NOTES THE CAMP WAY
Projects that interact with children carry unique risks. Unplanned interactions between local children and volunteers/tourists can be extremely disruptive to important routines, including schooling. Children in developing countries are often extremely vulnerable and may have a complex and traumatic background, which may be exacerbated by interaction with strangers. All projects involving interaction with children are supervised, structured and limited.
Prior permission is sought from the school and Camps International works within the school schedule.
Does CI’s Child Safeguarding Policy specifically take into account and address the protection needs of children in overseas destinations?
Overseas volunteer travel present unique risks to travelling students and local children in the selected destination communities.
Are all project staff required to undergo a criminal record check? This includes staff of third-party providers or partner organisations
Securing a criminal record check for all adults is crucial in ensuring volunteer travel experiences are safe for volunteers, students, teachers and the local communities. All staff and participants over the age of 18 undergo a criminal record check prior to being approved for participation.
Does CI have informed consent from the subjects of photos used in their marketing materials?
Subjects of photos should give informed consent for their image to be taken and used. Informed consent means the subject understands how, where and by whom their image will be used. Children below the age of 15 years are generally considered unable to give informed consent. In these instances, their parents should give informed consent. CI considers the needs and rights of local communities as paramount and seek permission from relevant parties to take and use images to promote our ethical objectives and volunteering experiences only.
Images taken are never sold on to any third parties.
CI’s Child Safeguarding policy includes a specific section dedicated to children in host communities.The policy identifies the risks to both students and local children and specific mitigation strategies to prevent those risks from occurring.

Does CI allow volunteers to post pictures of project partners or local communities on social media? GUIDANCE NOTES THE CAMP WAY
Images taken informally by volunteers are often obtained without the informed consent of the subjects. Additionally, images can be shared and used on other platforms without the volunteer, or subject’s knowledge or consent. CI provides clear guidance to all clients about the need to seek permission from subjects before taking photos.
CI provides guidance to help volunteers make informed decisions before posting on social media due to their potentially exploitative nature.
Does CI use photos that depict people as alone, sick, vulnerable or in poverty in their marketing materials?
Using marketing images of children and other vulnerable people that depict them as alone, sick, vulnerable or in poverty breaches ethical standards around the dignified portrayal of others and can reinforce negative and harmful stereotypes.
Are volunteers always supervised by a member of project staff?
Are volunteers/ visitors ever left alone with project partners?
It is important that volunteers are supervised in their work to ensure that they provide maximum benefit, do not cause harm and are not at risk of being harmed. Volunteers are always supervised by a member of staff that understands the project and the needs of the volunteers.
Allowing visitors or volunteers unsupervised interactions community members, particularly children, can pose risks to either or both parties. Visitors or volunteers are never in a situation where they are left alone with community members, especially children or vulnerable individuals.
CI uses images that depict local community members in a positive manner.
Where images of children are used, CI tries to depict groups of children together.
Children are fully clothed in images.