High School Report

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High School (Anchor Bay) Retail, Online, Social Media and Print Campaign DMA: Los Angeles Project Manager: Sean Bello sean.bello@campuscircle.net

5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656

Overview of Campaign •

Campus Circle worked on marketing the release of High School in Los Angeles. This report recaps our efforts on multiple levels including:

Online Marketing through CampusCircle.com Banner Ads, Newsletter Advertising, Trailer/ Online Editorial Postings, Sweepstakes Hosting

Retail Promotion - Poster display and pizza box toppers in 10 Numero Uno pizza chain locations.

Social Media - Campus Circle utilized its own Social Media channels to promote the release of the film. We disseminated original content we produced for the movie through our Facebook and Twitter pages along with various other efforts of outreach.

Campus Circle - We utilized our free weekly newspaper in L.A. as a marketing tool to promote the film.

High School Campaign Recap Banner Advertising - 129K impressions, 91 clicks Dedicated Email - 27,648 sent, Total Opens - 4,509, Total clicks – 511 Newsletter Banner Ad - 2 wk, 28,000 emails per week, 42 clicks Social Media - Campus Circle channels: Facebook - 6,118; Twitter- 2,635 Sweepstakes page - 1,062 page views • Calendar Listing - 90 Page Views Movie Trailer on website - 226 page views • Online Editorial - 310 page views Screening Pages (2) - 1,755 page views Print Ad - 30k circ., 90k readership, 800 retail/40 schools Retail Promotion - Numero Uno - 10 locations in the L.A. DMA

Total Page Views - 7,952 Total Clicks - 644

Retail Promotion Numero Uno Pizza - 10 Locations in the L.A. DMA #1 Poster displays and pizza box toppers [Total value = $8,000.00].

Retail Promotion Numero Uno Pizza - 10 Locations in the L.A. DMA #2

Retail Promotion Numero Uno Pizza - 10 Locations in the L.A. DMA #3

Retail Promotion Numero Uno Pizza - 10 Locations in the L.A. DMA #4

Retail Promotion Numero Uno Pizza - 10 Locations in the L.A. DMA #5

Campus Circle - Online Editorial •  Editorial for the film appeared on our website, campuscircle.com. •  To date, the article has been viewed 310 times. •  Campus Circle website traffic averages: •  519,000 page views/month •  140,000 unique visitors/month

Banner Advertising â€˘â€ˆ

Banner advertising for the film appeared on our website, campuscircle.com. The banner ads ran throughout 95% of the site. Our monthly traffic currently averages 519,000 page views and 140,000 unique visitors. The banner ads had a combined 129,717 impressions and 91 clicks in 7 days. The value of the banner ads was $1,300.00.

Newsletter Advertising •

Banner advertising for the film appeared in our weekly email newsletter for two weeks.

The Campus Circle weekly email newsletter reaches 28,000 members per week in the greater Los Angeles area. The banner ads had 42 combined clicks.

The total value of the banner ads over two weeks was $600.00.

Bit.ly Tracking Stats •  •  • •  •

Campus Circle used bit.ly as a third party tracking service to track clicks for the following online components: Banner Campaign Newsletter Banner Ad To date, the total number of clicks for the 2 components is 133. Campus Circle accounts for 78% of the Bitly tracking for High School.

Dedicated Email Campaign •

Campus Circle sent out a dedicated email to promote the release of the film.

The stats for the email were as follows: Emails sent: 27,657 Total Clicks: 511 Total Opens/Views: 4,509 Value = $1,200.00

•  •  •  •

High School Calendar Listing â€˘â€ˆ The calendar listing for the film has 90 page views to date.

Film Trailer on website â€˘â€ˆ The trailer for the film appears on our website. To date, the trailer page has been viewed 226 times.

High School Sweepstakes â€˘â€ˆ The film sweepstakes has 585 entries to date. The sweepstakes page has been viewed 1,062 times to date.

High School Sweepstakes Stats - Age

High School Sweepstakes Stats - Ethnicity

High School Screening #1 •  The film screening had 172 RSVPs in 1 day on our website. The screening page was viewed 637 times.

High School Screening #1 Stats - Age

High School Screening #1 Stats - Ethnicity

High School Screening #2 •  The 2nd film screening page had 426 RSVPS. The screening page was viewed 1,118 times.

High School Screening #2 Stats - Age

High School Screening #2 Stats - Ethnicity

Campus Circle - Social Media Campus Circle utilized its own Social Media channels to promote the release of the film. We disseminated original content we produced for the film through our Facebook and Twitter pages along with various other efforts of outreach. The following pictures recaps some of our approach. Facebook Likes: 6,118 Twitter followers: 2,639 Total Value = $1,100.00

Campus Circle - Social Media 2

Print ad in Campus Circle [Value = $2,567.75]

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