Gentlemen Broncos (Fox Searchlight Pictures) Print and Online Campaign DMA: Los Angeles Film Sales Manager: Sean Bello
5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656
Dedicated Emailing: An HTML email was sent out to our L.A. database to promote the Gentlemen Broncos Screening in Los Angeles at the Arclight Database: L.A. (29,000+ members)
Print Ad: A full page 4 color promotional ad appeared in Campus Circle. Circulation: 30,000 Issues distributed to 900 retail locations and schools in L.A. DMA. Readership: 90,000
Advance screenings - Campus Circle co-hosted an advance screenings of Gentlemen Broncos in Los Angeles.
Stats/Demographics - Film clients can track stats and demographics for Campus Circle film screening events and sweepstakes. Key information includes - age, gender, ethnicity, status, entries and opt-ins.
Pictures from the screening
Pictures from the screening
Pictures from the screening
Banner Advertising for the film appeared on Web-site Traffic: 60,000 unique visitors/month, 500,000 page views/month. SOV: 1/3 to 100%. Banners appear on 95% of the website.
Newsletter Advertising: Banner ads for the film appeared in our weekly event calendar. Reaches: 28,000+ Campus Circle members in L.A. DMA Banner Ad sizes: 300 x 250
Print Ad: Full page 4 color Release Date ad - Appeared in Campus Circle (10/28/09) Circulation: 30,000 Readership: 90,000 Distribution: 900 Retail outlets and schools in Los Angeles
An interview for the film appears on Web-site Traffic: 60,000 unique visitors/month, 500,000 page views/month.
An interview for the film also appears in Campus Circle newspaper. Circulation: 30,000 Readership: 90,000 Distribution: 900 Retail outlets and schools in Los Angeles