Together As One (GoVentures) Print and Online Campaign DMA: Los Angeles Contact: Sean Bello
5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656
Campus Circle marketing tools used to promote the event • Print advertising in Campus Circle newspaper for 3 weeks. • Banner Advertising on for one month. • Newsletter advertising for 3 weeks. • Dedicated emailing to CC members in the L.A. DMA. • Editorial in print and online.
Print Advertising: - Campus Circle Readership: 90,000. Circulation: 30,000 issues/week A full page B&W ad appeared in Campus Circle (CC) for 3 weeks.
Banner Advertising for the film appeared on Web-site Traffic: 70,000 unique visitors/month, 525,000 page views/month. SOV: 1/3 to 100%. Banners appear on 95% of the website.
Banner advertising for the event appeared on all “Thank you� pages for Campus Circle sweepstakes and movie screening events. Web-site Traffic: 60,000 unique visitors/month, 525,000 page views/month.
Newsletter Advertising: Banner ads for the event appeared in our weekly event calendar Reaches: 27,000+ Campus Circle members in the L.A. DMA Banner Ad sizes: 300 x 250, 468 x 60 or 234 x 60
Dedicated Email - A HTML dedicated email was sent to 27,000 + CC members in the Los Angeles DMA to promote the event.
Campus Circle Event Calendar A calendar listing for the event appeared on our website. Web-site Traffic: 60,000 unique visitors/month, 525,000 page views/month.
Print Editorial - A listing for the event appeared in Campus Circle newspaper Readership: 90,000. Circulation: 30,000 issues/week