Campus Circle Comsumer Marketing Campaign Print, Online & Street Marketing DMA’s: Los Angeles & Orange County Music Sales Manager: Jon Bookatz
5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656
Consumer Marketing Objective To promote various new & catalog releases, tour support and in-store appearances with our audience, utililzing non-traditional retail accounts and creative marketing tools.
Ex. Adventureland Motion Picture
Participating Cities Participating cities involved with the Consumer Music Marketing Campaign include: (1) (2)
Los Angeles Orange County
Marketing Strategy The Campus Circle Media strategy for the Consumer Music Marketing Campaign is to integrate the following marketing components: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Print Advertising Dedicated Emailing Viral Marketing Street Marketing E-tailer accessible
Ex. Adventureland Motion Picture
Third Party Retail Involvement (1) (2) (3) (4)
Campus Circle will partner up with 22 NUMERO UNO retail locations in Los Angeles and Orange County. 300 - 500 flyers will be adhered to Numero Uno pizza delivery boxes at every location. Full size posters will be place in the windows of each Numero Uno location. Campus Circle will provide the flyers and posters at each location.
Campus Circle Media - Print Ad Campus Circle will run two prints ads per month to help promote the Consumer Music Marketing Campaign. (1) Circulation: 60,000 (2) Readership: 180,000 Distribution: retail outlets and 40 college campuses throughout Los Angeles.
Banner Ads, Dedicated Emailing & Viral Marketing A 300 x 250 banner ad will appear on the Campus Circle website. This will be a click thru to, which will then allow our readers to purchase the music advertised. Campus Circle will send out a dedicated HTML email blast to our database of over 30,000 members to promote the Consumer Music Marketing Campaign. Campus Circle will utilize our Social Network arms, which include Facebook, MySpace and Twitter to announce the Consumer Music Marketing Campaign. Our E-tailer partner in this campaign will be will provide home page banner ad for Campus Circle and the Consumer Marketing Campaign. (See next slide with the orange arrow) That link will build out into a pre-loaded cart featuring each of the titles in the sale that month. Each title will be P&P’d on for 1 month and tracked for sales. Each title will be reviewed and stocked at Super D in order to fulfill for
Consumer Music Marketing Campaign Impact This new marketing campaign has the potential of reaching thousands of online and retail customers combined on a monthly basis. Currently there is no other campaign of its kind running which offers the exposure Campus Circle guarantees. The campaign is cost effective and requires limited effort on behalf of the labels and vendors participating.
Consumer Marketing Campaign Cost This campaign will run once a month and is sold on a cut by cut basis. There are 15 cuts available each month and each vendor/label can purchase as many cuts as desired.
Cost per cut: $800.00