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Eric Simon … p.9

Gazette Arts offers their picks … p.6



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News Year in Review SEPT. 24, 2009

Some members of the Society of Graduate Students circulate a petition to vote to leave the Canadian Federation of Students, a large lobbying group. The petition was unsuccessful. OCT. 2, 2009

The Homecoming parade takes a turn for the worse after organizers realize not enough flatbed trucks are booked. Some groups drop out of the parade while others cram onto a single flatbed or walk the parade route. OCT. 22, 2009

Clothing vendors in the University Community Centre are seen selling supposedly inauthentic merchanise. The Gazette reports the brands were part of the “grey market” and were not illegal. OCT. 31, 2009

Over 300 attend a Halloween party on Fleming Drive near Fanshawe College. Some throw bottles at police. Watch the video at

SEPT. 18, 2009

H1N1 comes to Western After a summer of concern surrounding a new strain of influenza, Western is hit with H1N1 in early September. The Middlesex London Health Unit began distributing its limited supply of flu vaccines to high risk groups in late October. In November, the Gazette reported on the rising use of hand sanitizer in reaction to the flu panic. Western set up an online absence-reporting tool for sick students to prevent the disease from spreading.

OCT. 13, 2009

Arrest in the SSC A video circulates on YouTube showing the violent arrest of Western student Irnes Zeljkovic. The incident gained national and international media attention with many questioning whether Campus Community Police and the London Police Service used excessive force during the arrest. The Gazette’s live coverage and videos of the event online received a spike in traffic, crashing the website. Zeljkovic’s charges were stayed in late January. Following a lengthy investigation by London Police Service, the use of force by Western Campus Community Police and London police in the arrest was deemed appropriate on Feb. 2, 2010.

NOV. 27, 2009 NOV. 16, 2009

LTC goes on strike A 29 day strike by the London Transit union leaves Western students scrambling to find alternate arrangements for November and December. The University Students’ Council and Western set up the “Mustangs moving Mustangs” program and makeshift dorm space in UCC. As a result of the strike, each student with a bus pass was compensated $18.93, with cheques still available for pick-up at InfoSource.

London Taxi comes to town A new taxi company hits city streets in November. Within days, its president lashed out at his competition, accusing Aboutown of breaking city bylaws by offering fixed rates and undercutting city-mandated meter rates. Aboutown, which has had a fixed rate program with the University Students’ Council since 1994, claimed this program is legal and a clerical error in a 2004 bylaw amendment forgot to include a provision allowing it.

FEB. 10, 2010

USC Elections FEB. 24, 2010

The library at King’s University College announces it will stay open for 24-hours during exam season. MAR. 12, 2009

The USC votes to not renew’s $3.55 student fee, effectively ending the station. MAR. 22, 2010

Ann Coulter visits Western to significant controversy. Students and Londonders line up outside of the North Campus Building hoping to enter the sold out event.

Six candidates began campaigning for the University Students’ Council presidential election in late January. Platforms were characterized by promises of inclusivity and communication. The campaign season saw highs and lows, including sign vandalism and several debates. Ultimately, Mike Tithecott reigned victorious on election night with 2,066 votes. MAR. 31, 2010

After months of negotiations and debate, Western officials announce D.B. Weldon Library will remain open for 24-hours during exam season. The majority of the $10,000 price tag will be footed by students.

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