Experimentation and Evaluation on games designed on Unity
Aurora http://www.kongregate.com/games/limbo_cow/aurora Navigation, Models, Links, Enter field options, ability to scroll in and out, first person, animation, mouse sensory, sound, colours representing the universe, size
Wrestle Jump http://jayisgames.com/games/wrestle-jump/ Navigation, Links, models/illustrations, animation, Moving background image, sound, engine, up arrow button and cursor both linked, reaction time to action, colours representing atmosphere/scene.
Examples of Games created using Unity.
The Light http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=97293280
‘The Light isn’t just a game. It’s an interactive philosophical story. It is a part of something bigger that will encourage you to rethink and reevaluate the whole genre of such games for yourself. It is not a game, it is an experience… "Travel to a world without humans. Where the peace and the beauty of the world reign. The history of probable futures of mankind, the mystery of our evolution, our progress, and our desires for luxury and infinite resources." Key features: - Relaxing atmosphere of union with nature, calm and silence. - Beautiful environment. - Interactive storytelling. Powered by Unity3D Contact us: PhotoArtMoskow@yandex.ru’