Results of the Workshop "Enchanted Kyiv by the Dnipro"

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СANactions Workshop «Enchanted Kyiv by the Dnipro»


green gates of Dnipro river 2017-2040 done by: Bulatov Mykyta, Kateryna Yakovyshena, Yuriy Lynov

Kyiv 2017

Scheme of location in the city structure Kyiv, Ukraine

Planning site City center


Water zones location scheme Kyiv, Ukraine

Planning site City center


Green plantations location scheme Kyiv, Ukraine

Planning site City center Green plantations


Industrial objects location scheme Kyiv, Ukraine

Planning site City center Industrial objects


Ecological conditions Kyiv, Ukraine

Planning site City center Zones with positive environmental status Zones with negative environmental status


Historical details Galerny Island Industrial area: In the first half of the XIX century. there were brickyards of the Vydubets Monastery. Before the war and immediately after the war, archaeologist Samoilovsky unearthed here a large burial ground of the so-called Zarubintsy culture, known as the Korchevatovsky burial ground. During the defense of Kiev before Korchevatym passed the second defensive line of the city. Since the 1950-s on Telichka was created one of the largest industrial zones of Kyiv. Recreational area: In the second half of the XIX century, Korchevate was mentioned as a farm, which was owned by the Vydubitsky monastery. Near the settlement, there were brick factories and the Korchevate pier. One more legend: on Korchevate there were dense pagan forests on the banks of the Dnieper, and Korchevate arose as a result of uprooting part of the forest.



3 Industrial area


Recreational area



Photo of the territory Galerny Island






Topography scheme Galerny Island


Water zones location scheme Galerny Island

Surface waters Underground rivers


Green plantations location scheme Galerny Island

Green plantations


Infrastructure objects Galerny Island


Territory development concept Galerny Island

Algorithm of redevelopment 1

Preparatory stage


Ac va on



Data collec on and analysis

Place marking

Development of a fund of premises

Forma on of a strategic vision

Fill with events


Crea ng a revitaliza on project

Resident se lement

Integra on with the city

Recrea onal zone:

Industrial zone:

Pokol is a large landscaped park that borders the Dnieper in the east, the Korchevate neighborhood from the south, the Stolichnoye highway from the west and the “Telychka” industrial zone from the north. The park could be fully reconstructed. Ponds of aquaculture are s ll preserved at the park. Also, Lysa Hora, another recrea onal are, is located at the other side of Stolichnoye highway. Both of them could be connected with a wide park bridge. It could become a popular sightseeing not only within the local residents, but for the city in general.

“Telychka” is one of the largest industrial zones in Kiev that is situated Vydubychi metro sta on and Korchuvate dis ct, and therefore the ecological situa on in this area is very poor. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to carry out the ecologiza on of the land in the industrial zone. Ecologiza on of urban spaces is the important trend in the crea on of comfortable city environment. In industrial areas, as a rule, an industrial landscape has developed with its own terrain features and an abundance of all kinds of ar facts: equipment, aggregates, and mechanisms (for example, cranes, li s, containers, etc.). In the process of improvement, all this can be used to create unique, emo onally saturated and a rac ve public and recrea onal spaces for the ci zens. Sizes, unusualness, and isola on of industrial objects from the urban environment mean that they can freely take in themselves non-standard forms of leisure or crea ve prac ces that for various reasons have no place in the city: extreme sports, noisy mass events, non-standard forms of leisure, contemporary art, ar sanal crea ve produc on, etc. In the industrial zone could be created: - Museums - Art spaces - Public spaces - Offices - Industrial landscape park


Territory development plan till 2040 Galerny Island Conclusion:



The general idea of the reconstruction of this territory is a transformation of the alienated industrial cluster to cozy and unusual place for rest, which is filled with multiple functional areas and combines the natural and urban components. In the project we were trying to unleash the potential of the territory by enabling to see the good examples of industrial architecture, creating qualitative public spaces for each group of people where everyone could find something for themselves and reconstructing the park zone to make it significant for the whole city. In current situation spaces like this one are necessary.



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