Condolences to Brents family from the MANITOBA ANGUS PRODUCERS
I had the great pleasure of knowing Brent for a large part of my life. From a young teenager his strong handshake while looking you straight in your eyes taught me the right way to meet men. His knowledge of the cattle business helped me forge my way into the business.
One of the best memories I have is when he helped my son, Carson, select a female. He told me what a pleasure it was to help the 3rd generation at Greenbush Angus select cattle.
“Swing that Gate”
Brent Wesley Carey October 2nd, 1958 - May 9th, 2024
Well Brent the pleasure was mine and Carson’s to have you pass your great knowledge onto us.
Your friendship is held near and dear to me.
Tim Baker, Greenbush Angus
Editor’s Corner
Lois McRae and Arlene Kirkpatrick
Hope everyone has enjoyed the beautiful fall weather. We have been truly blessed to get the crops off, hay baled and feed in the yards for the winter.
It is weaning time for some producers and it is exciting to take a group of calves to the auction mart. The prices are strong and we deserve it after BSE . It is exciting times in the Livestock Industry .
In the spring of 2024, we had the misfortune of loosing Brent Carey. Brent was the auctioneer at the Keystone Klassic Sale from 1988 - 2023 . When the Manitoba Angus decided to start the Keystone Klassic Sale: Brookmore, Greenbush and Mar Mac Farms were the founding consignors. Brent stepped in as Auctioneer and also became a Mentor and Good friend to us all. His positive attitude, hard work and dedication to the Manitoba Breeders and Keystone Klassic Sale made a lasting impact on all of us. His contributions, sense of humour and his friendship will never be forgotten. On behalf of the Manitoba Angus Association, we thank you Brent for the good times, memories and the impact you had on the Angus industry . Rest in Peace Brent. See page 1 for more memories.
This fall due to lack of numbers there will not be a Keystone Klassic Angus Sale in December. We hope to get things rolling again in the future.
Manitoba Angus Outlook
Canadian Publications Mail Product Registration #40045651
All billing to be addressed to: Manitoba Angus Association Box 172 Pierson, Mb R0M 1S0
The Manitoba Angus Outlook Newsletter is the official publication of the Manitoba Angus Association. It is published three times a year in the interest of all members of the Manitoba Angus Association and seeks to promote the growth and development of the Association and to print the news and educational material to use. There is no subscription fee for this newsletter and is distributed free of charge to all current paid members of the Manitoba Angus Association. The material produced is done so with the highest integrity, however we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible only for the value of the ad. All Advertising accounts must be paid in full within 30 days of billing before any more advertising is accepted. If you would like to be on the mailing list, advertise or submit news articles please contact one of the Editors. For page specs go to
Deadline for next issue is January 10, 2025 will be mailed in February
Advertising must be sent to
Or Lois McRae–204-728-3058
This issue has many articles on Junior Angus activities. The world is full of exciting opportunities for our youth. If you are interested in becoming a Junior Angus member contact one of the Manitoba Junior Angus Board Members.
We are truly honoured to have the Canadian Angus Foundation Ambassador for 2024 Lainie Muir from Glenella , Manitoba. Lainie is a hard working, dedicated Junior who has this opportunity of a lifetime to tour across Canada promoting Angus. If you see Lainie at any events stop and have a chat on the Canadian Junior program.
Have you sent in your details for the Manitoba Angus Breeders Directory? See form on Page 9. We have lots of Angus Breeders travelling through our province and this gives them an opportunity to find your place and view your cattle.
Lastly the Canadian Angus Association Annual Meeting is in Winnipeg on June 11-15, 2025. Did you know the First Annual Meeting of the Canadian Angus was held in Brandon Manitoba? See page 10 for more details. We are going to highlight some of the past Meetings in Manitoba in the upcoming Outlooks.
Lois and Arlene.
Advertising Rates
Full Page: $ 300 B +W
Full Page: $ 600 Full Color.
Yearly contract for 2 Full Color and 1 B+W contact the editors.
2/3 page: $ 200
1/2 page: $ 150
1/3 page: $ 125
1/4 page: $ 100
Business Cards $150 per year.
Rates as of Jan 1, 2024
Please note
All accounts are due within 30 days of billing with interest charged at a rate of 2% per month after 30 days. For those accounts that are not paid within 30 days, advertising will not be accepted until the account is paid in full.
Cover design and photos: Prairie Pistol Designs
Congratulations to Joran Frey with his Black Angus Female and calf at side at the 17th annual Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup Supreme Female of All Breeds Event.
Devin Boitson
204-803-8676 *
Allan Nykoliation
204-748-5128 *
Dallas Johnston
204-841-3880 *
Emma Harms
Mandi Fewings
Phone: 1-888-622-6487
E-mail: *
Cody Nolan
204-573-4006 *
Holly Madsen
204-463-0525 *
Penny Rooke
204-752-2073 *
Cam Tibbett
204-841-3060 *
Glen Humphreys
204-573-7538 *
Austin Richards
204-903-0704 *
Canadian Angus Association
292140 Wagon Wheel Blvd
Rocky View County, AB T4A 0E2, Canada
Phone: 403-571-3580
Toll-free: 1-888-571-3580
Web site:>Manitoba-Angus-Association Facebook: Manitoba Angus Toll Free: 1-888-622-6487
Happy Fall Everyone,
As I write this report, harvest is on the home stretch, and we are in full swing of feeder cattle entering the auction marts. Feeder cattle prices are staying strong, and producers have never been more willing to let go of cows and bulls they aren ’t pleased with, as cull cattle prices are spectacular. On another positive note, with talking to producers from across the province there isn ’t many places that claims to be short on feed. In fact, the feed situation in western Canada is in a good place. Of course there are areas that are still considered to be in a drought, but there are pockets along the prairies that haven ’t seen a hay crop like this year ’s for over a decade due to chronic drought. The beef business is in a great position and there is lot ’s to be positive about these days.
In terms of what ’s new in the MB Angus world, we have some dates to make sure are etched into your calendars. Ag Ex is right around the corner and the Angus show this year is scheduled for the Thursday Oct 24. Entries are in and we expect many exhibitors in both the Black and Red Angus. We again received enough entries to be able to host a separate Black and Red Angus show this year. In Nov, our AGM will be held at Section 6 Brewery Company on Nov 22 @ 7pm with a social hour and appetizers starting at 6pm. Then on Dec 6 th we look forward to welcoming back the Manitoba Magic Red Angus Sale, to be held at the Keystone Centre, it has been many years since this sale was held and we look forward to bringing it back to the province.
So as I said, make sure you have these dates marked in your calendars this fall and I hope to see you all at these upcoming events.
Devin Boitson MAA President
Message from the Canadian Angus President
—Ronnie Ford
Greetings fellow Angus members!
I would like to introduce myself as the Maritime Director and the 89 th Canadian Angus President. I feel very honoured to be chosen to represent the Canadian Angus Association on the National level. This is a lifetime opportunity, to represent the Angus breed and what I will take away when I complete my second term.
I attended Showdown in Grassie, Ontario on July 18 - 20th. There was great participation from all Junior members across Canada. There were 125 members and 150 head of cattle congregated for Showdown. Our future looks good from the strong participation by Juniors in shows across Canada. I had the privilege of being a judge of the seventeen off category. Every team prepared a delicious meal. Congratulations
I attended the BC Angus Association AGM and Jackpot Show in Quesnel on September 28 - 29th. I had the honour of being one of the judges on the panel of three for the Jackpot show.
The Canadian Angus Association has brought out new changes for the membership and we look at changes as being positive. The Board of Directors, CEO and staff are working hard for the betterment of the Association and efficiencies for the members. There are exciting things in the future for the Angus breed.
I look forward to meeting many of you at the Canadian Angus Convention in June 2025 in Manitoba.
Nominations for MAA Purebred Breeder
The VanDaele Award (In memory of Floyd VanDaele)
Nominations will be received by mail or email by November 21st and from the floor at the Annual Meeting. Nominations will then be posted, and vote taken to determine the winner. Guidelines to keep in mind during the nominations can be found on the MAA website. Please send in your nominations for this award to by Nov. 21st, 2024.
MAA AGM for 2024
The Annual General Meeting will be November 22 at Section Six Brewery, 1126 Princess Avenue Brandon. 6pm social hour and meeting at 7 pm.
All members are encouraged to attend and new ideas are welcome. If you are a Purebred Angus breeder in Manitoba you are encouraged to attend! There will be some openings for new Directors if you would like to become more involved and learn more about the Association.
Attention Purebred Angus Breeders!!!! Think about your Commercial Cattlemen who have a strong Angus influence in their herd.
There are many commercial cattlemen across Manitoba who have used Angus bulls or have had a mainly Angus cow herd for years with great dedication. The MB Angus Association would like to recognize more of these cattlemen. Please take the time to think about this and send in your nomination for a commercial producer who uses Angus Bulls. Nominations will be received by mail or email (Deadline Nov. 21st, 2024) and selection will be made by the board. The recipient will be notified of the award and invited to attend a MAA function, where a presentation will be made. This is a chance to recognize a dedicated producer. Please provide a brief history on the individual with the nomination.
DEADLINE for NOMINATIONS is Nov. 22nd, 2024
Apply Now!! For Show Female of the Year 2024
The Manitoba Angus Association will be hosting the CAA AGM June 11-15 at the Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg!
Plan to attend this fun and educ ational event. It is a great opportunity to meet with fellow Angus Producers from across the country.
The MB Junior Angus Show Female of the Year award was created to give Manitoba Junior Angus members recognition for their accomplishments throughout the year.
Eligibility requirements:
The Junior member must have a current & paid CJAA membership. The animal must be registered under the participating Junior ’s name. NO exceptions.
Eligible shows: Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, Manitoba Junior Angus Summer Gold Show, CJAA Showdown, Manitoba Youth Beef Round -up and Manitoba Junior Fall Gold Show!
Applications must be submitted to by Nov. 15th, 2024 To print the application go to the MAA website Jr Angus Junior Awards.
Have you listened to Angus Life, the Canadian Angus Association’s official podcast?
You can check it out at or subscribe through your preferred podcast platform (see the website for a complete list).
Watch for new 20- to 25-minute episodes once per month. It is our hope that these short episodes will make information accessible and easy to fit into your busy schedule. If you have a suggestion for a future episode or would like to provide feedback, please contact the host, Tina Zakowsky at or 403-571-3584.
Canadian Junior Ambassador Report
Lainie Muir , Glenella, MB
Hello everyone,
I am beyond excited to be writing to you as this year ’s Canadian Angus Foundation Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador. My time in this role began during our National Convention hosted in and around Toronto, Ontario in June. A fabulous group of Association members representing our 7 regions were in attendance. We all got to experience a thorough look into Eastern agriculture. From the Kawartha Ethanol Plant & the Elora Research Station tours, to visits and cattle displays at Whiskey Lane & Walkerbrae farms, there was no shortage of sights to see and things to learn.
I especially enjoyed taking in the 2nd Annual Verified Angus BBQ Competition where 4 vendors were selected & paired with an Ontario beef producer. A message for everyone - if you get the opportunity to attend the Verified Beef BBQ in the future, do it! The food is positively delicious and seeing the passion put into preparing Canadian Angus beef at this event is incredible. It serves as a great reminder of the significance behind the work we all do at home to make quality beef
On July 3, I spent the day at the Neepawa 4-H Fat Stock Show & Sale. There was a strong representation of enthusiastic young 4-H members from the Angus breed, which is always great to see.
20. Traveling to Ontario gave me the opportunity to build connecti ons with many juniors I had not yet had the chance to meet and gain exposure to the style of cattle representing the Angus breed in th e eastern half of Canada, particularly in ON & QC. I had a great time competing in 11 of the events offered at Showdown. It is safe to say that we have an overwhelming amount of talent from peewees through to seniors. A special thank you to Kevin and James McNaughton for providing Vo s Vegas Black Pearl 2310 for me to exhibit in conformation and showmanship. I think it is important to note how many Eastern breeders prepared and hauled cattle to the grounds for our Western members to compete with throughout the week, this allowed many of us to take par t in all com-
Up in Neepawa, MB with a string of 4 bred and owned Crossing Angus fem ales. This weekend was certainly a summer highlight for me. I got the chance to get to know up -and-coming juniors within and outside o f the Angus back in 2017. Round-Up is one of the first places I put many industryrelated skills: from graphic design to judging, and showmanship, to practice. Getting to compete in the event again as a seni or member was a full circle moment with a highlight of exhibiting alongside my sister, Ryder. We are so fortunate to have Round -Up- and even more fortunate to have the exceptional members of the committee who make it all happen- in Manitoba.
On August 20th & 21st I took in the Canadian Beef Industry Conference (CBIC) at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon. The two days w ere packed full of enlightening conversation, high-quality meals, & both informative and insightful presentations. Between economic reports, dis cussing the effects of different rations on rumen health, or extreme weather and how it relates to forage production, just to name a few, there was something for everyone. Personal highlights for me included a talk on how beef consumption can be linked to the suppression of me ntal illnesses such as dementia and the possible future for the use of beef genetics on dairy cattle.
Since attending CBIC I am settling back into my school schedule at the University of Saskatchewan learning all things Soil Sc ience. Throughout the fall I will be keeping busy with my classes & university clubs, going home to Glenella when possible for Crossing Angus f all processing activities, & attending as many events as I am able as Ambassador. I hope to see many of you on the fall show string. Keep an eye out for me at Manitoba AgEx, Farmfair, & Agribition! You can reach me at (204) 841 -1105 or with any Junior Angus-related questions or just to chat. I wish everyone the best of luck with fall grazing, weaning, and all the other fall festivities yo u get up to. Have a great rest of 2024!
It has been 8 years since the last Manitoba Angus Herd Directory was published and there have been many changes in the Purebred Angus industry in Manitoba. It is time for a new one! The directory with map has proven invaluable to those shopping for females or bulls. Prices listed below. You will never get better advertising for this price!
Please fill out the application form very carefully as the MAA will not be responsible for any errors made by the applicant.
Deadline for application is Nov. 22nd, 2024
HERD IS: BLACK___________ RED____________ BOTH___________
FULL PAGE_________ HALF PAGE________ DIRECTORY LISTING ONLY_____ (All pages are in full color and are 5 ½ by 8 ½ in. size for the full page)
Full page color $500.00
Half page $300.00
If you are a MAA member take $100.00 off the above prices. for a Listing only & map acknowledgement (price) $150.00
NOTE: If you choose a half or full page ad, the directory & map listing is included at no extra cost. Submission of advertisement and content is also open to industry businesses and partners.
Special Note: There will be a chance to bid on the Inside Front, Inside Back and Back pages at an MAA event!
Applications can be submitted via email to or please fill out this form and mail it back with your cheque to:
Manitoba Angus Association Box 172 Pierson, MB. R0M 1S0
Ads or content to be submitted to or by the deadline of November 22nd, 2024 (Contact or or ph. 1-888-622-6487 with any questions.)
Where it all began - Manitoba 1906
When the Canadian Angus Association was formed, all the directors and officals were from Western Canada and the breed association office was in Winnipeg, Manitoba.The constitution and by laws were approved at the first meeting in Brandon, Manitoba on March 1, 1906.
The Canadian Angus Association was incorporated on May 4, 1906. The first Annual General Meeting was held in Winnipeg in July 1906. The Honourable W. Clifford of Manitoba was the first president in 1906,1907 Samuel Martin of MB, and 1908-1910 John Tranquair, Manitoba
One of the longest serving Canadian Angus Presidents was J.D. McGregor, farmed just south of Brandon Manitoba 1911-1920.
The head office did not remain in Winnipeg. It moved to Brandon,Manitoba in 1911, to Calgary in 1947, then to Guelph in 1964,to Regina in 1988 and Back to Calgary in 1995.
Manitoba played very important part of forming and operating the Canadian Angus Association at the beginning.
We are bringing the CAA Annual Meeting back to Winnipeg in June 2025. Watch for more details.
Hello everyone! This has been a busy but enjoyable summer for Manitoba Juniors! Beginning in July we had our Manitoba Junior Angus Summer GOLD Show Harding, Manitoba. Soon after was the Canadian Junior Angus Showdown in Grassie, Ontario from July 18th to the 20th. Manitoba Juniors were represented throughout the weekend in many different events which is very exciting! I was fortunate enough to attend as the director for Manitoba for the first time, which was very, very exciting. I was able to bring cattle and it is safe to say it was a fantastic experience. I loved participating and meeting all of the awesome Juniors that attended. I can’t wait to see you all next year for Showdown in Stettler, AB from July 24th to the 26th!
On August long weekend, Manitoba Youth Beef Round Up, an All-breeds show in Neepawa, MB had quite a few Angus juniors represented, and the Champion Female was an Angus female. Looking into the fall, Manitoba AgEx will be happening in Brandon, MB from October 23rd to the 26th. I also hope to have some Manitoba Junior members participate in Agribition in November!
As for me, I am back at Oklahoma State University for my sophomore year studying Animal Science. Here I am also fortunate enough to work at the OSU Purebred Beef Center as well as with Express Ranches, both places where high quality Angus cattle are produced and sold, so I am getting to experience the Angus breed on an international scale! Finally, don’t forget to mark your calendars for the GOAL conference happening February 15th – 17th, 2025 in Saskatoon, SK!
I hope you all have a great fall, and I can’t wait to see you!
All the best, Emma Fox
A 2025
February 15-17, 2025
Sheraton Cavalier, 612 Spadina Crescent E Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Registration deadline January 10
The Guiding Outstanding Angus Leaders (GOAL) Conference
GOAL Travel Bursaries
Application deadline January 1
Bursaries of up to $750 will be awarded to 12 deserving Canadian Junior Angus members from anywhere in Canada. Bursaries must be used within the same year awarded to help offset travel and registration costs for attending the GOAL Conference.
promotes leadership skills within the Angus breed. Junior members from all over the nation attend this three-day event that is held in a different location each year. During GOAL the Juniors hear from motivational and educational speakers, participate in workshops, get involved in teamwork activities and develop beef and industry knowledge. Juniors are also given the opportunity to network and socialize with fellow Junior Angus members.
Please stay tuned for more details
Watch our Facebook and Instagram pages and visit our website for more details on 2025 scholarship deadlines, awards and other events.
For more information contact Belinda Wagner, Canadian Junior Angus Coordinator, at 306-537-1518 or
Manitoba Magic
Hunting For New Genetics?
Females on Offer
Manitoba Magic Sale | Friday, December 6, 2024
Keystone Center | Brandon, MB
Bulls on Offer
Buy the BEEF Bull Sale | Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Stride Ag Complex | Neepawa MB
17th Annual Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup 2024
The 17th Annual Manitoba Youth Beef Round-Up was held August 2- 4, at Stride Exhibition Place in Neepawa. This may be the Best Manitoba Youth Beef Round-Up ever held, with a record number of enthusiastic Junior Cattle Producers and the largest number of Cattle to date .
Over 100 youth and 115 head of cattle gathered for an educational and fun weekend. This event draws youth aged 6 – 25 from Ontario, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Committee members consist of: Co-Chairs Lois McRae, Jake Rawluk & Laura Horner; Emma Harms, Ken & Kerri Hinsburg; Rilla Hunter, Megan Kemp, Samantha Korosil, Lana Krauss, Mary-Jane Orr, Albert & Michelle Rimke, Dalyse Robertson, Alice Rooke, Blair McRae, Kara Thompson, and Bobbi Jo Foster. The success of this event is attributed to not only the teamwork of the committee members but also the hands-on assistance of parent volunteers, jumping in whenever and wherever necessary. Our judges for the weekend were Justin Harcourt, Quill Lake, SK and Mason Beck, Lang, SK. Friday events kicked off with the ever-popular Ag Challenge. Members are grouped into teams of all ages and sent on a scavenger hunt for various items. Educational workshops included learning how to wash and care for the animal’s hair and grooming, herd health with Dr. Liz Ostendorf (Neepawa Vet Clinic), making a herd health plan, record keeping, and verifying the beef program, health and medicine, mock interviews, branding yourself, filling out applications, and essential HR guides. Juniors finished off the hot day with the popular slip-and-slide.
Saturday began bright and early with judging workshops facilitated by Justin and Mason.
Senior members were then required to judge heifers, steers, sheep, hay, and a scenario class, filling out a judging card for each and providing oral reasons for the cattle, sheep, and scenario classes. Intermediates provided oral reasons for the heifer & sheep class and written reasons for the others. Juniors provided written reasons for all and oral reasons for the heifer class.
Pee-wee members and new juniors were involved in a unique Cattle Camp where they learned how to judge in a more appropriate setting, as well as making & tying rope halters. After lunch, Cattle Camp members worked on grooming and showmanship while everyone else participated in team grooming, team judging, and sales talks.
The evening concluded with group members competing in the cook-off, where each group was provided with a steak and was required to prepare a meal for two discerning judges’ evaluation. Our judges were treated to feasts worthy of kings & queens! Steak Judges were Cam and Tracy Wood, Albert Rimke, Phil Reimer (Bullseye), Devin Boitson (Boehringer), and Wade Beck. Sunday is show day. It begins with showmanship, followed by the conformation show, a parade of 4-H Champions, and the Supreme Show. The weekend concludes with awards and supper. A large crowd attended the weekend events.
Champion Angus Heifer Calf: Joran Frey
Champion Angus Yearling Female: Joran Frey
Champion Cow/Calf Angus Female: Joran Frey
Reserve Champion-: Lainie Muir
Reserve Champion Angus Yearling Female: Ben Fox
Reserve Champion Angus Female: Kate Hinsburg
Grand Champion Angus Female- Joran Frey Cow and Calf - Freyburn Blackbird 48J and heifer calf
Reserve Grand Champion Angus Female- Joran Frey with Freyburn Rally Missie 22J
Grand Champion Angus Bull Calf: Kate Hinsburg Reserve Grand Champion Angus Bull Calf: Kate Hinsburg
Nine champion 4-H heifers and all the breed grand champions from the show competed for the Overall Supreme Champion Female. Joran Frey of Oxbow, Saskatchewan, was awarded this honour with a beautiful Round-Up Belt Buckle for his Black Angus Female, Freyburn Blackbird 48J and her heifer calf. Pictured on the cover.
Special thanks to all our sponsors and volunteers who make this event possible. These skills prepare our livestock youth with lifelong skills and friendships in the beef industry.
The FULL SHOW RESULTS and show photos by Prairie Pistol Designs can be viewed on the Facebook page or at.
Manitoba Angus Summer Gold Show
July 19, 2024 - Harding Fair Grounds, Harding, MB
Judges: Jake Rawluk & Laura Horner, Minnedosa, MB
The Manitoba Angus Association would like to thank the Harding Ag Society for welcoming them to their fair and also thank all participants and volunteers who helped to make the show a success . There was a good group of top quality cattle for the Judge to sort through. The exhibitors were: KCH Cattle Co., Maple Lake Stock Farms, Nolan Cattle Co., Ramrod Livestock, Section 7 Ranch, Merit Cattle Co., Stepp ler Farms, Bar H Land & Cattle, Ramrod West,Country View Angus, Freyburn Farms, Eastondale Angus, Kenray Ranch, Jaymarandy Livestock, Bo lton Angus, Crossing Angus, Breelee Bootsman, Sophie Koshel, Swayzie Bootsman and Ensley Bootsman. We appreciate these exhibitors taking the time to bring their cattle out to the show. Thank you to Lois McRae for taking the Champion pictures. Congratulations to all exhibitors.
Show Champions: ( For complete Results go online at
Champion 2 year old Cow -calf Pair: Jaymarandy Grace 201K with Jaymarandy Grace 423M exhibited by Jaymarandy Livestock Reserve Champion 2 year old Cow -calf Pair: KCH Beauty 214K with KCH The Rock 216M exhibited by KCH Cattle Co.
Champion Mature Cow-calf Pair: Merit Socialite 1028J with Merit John Wayne 4063M exhibited by Merit Cattle Co.
Reserve Champion Mature Cow -calf Pair: Freyburn Blackbird 48J with Freyburn Blackbird 36M exhibited by Freyburn Farms
Grand Champion Female: Merit Socialite 1028J with Merit John Wayne 4063M exhibited by Merit Cattle Co., Radville, SK
Reserve Grand Champion Female : Jaymarandy Grace 201K with Jaymarandy Grace 423M exhibited by Jaymarandy Livestock, Beausejour, MB
Grand Champion Bull: EXAR Redemption 2612B exhibited by Bar-H Land & Cattle, Langenburg, SK (This bull was also Supreme Champion of the Harding Fair, winning the Ron Sangster Memorial Award.)
Reserve Grand Champion Bull: Freyburn Bobcat 88K exhibited by Freyburn Farms, Oxbow, SK
Grand Champion Angus Female
Grand Champion & Supreme Bull Champion of Harding Fair
The Canadian Cattle Young Leaders (CCYL) program is a national initiative that provides individuals aged 18 -35 the opportunity o f a year-long mentorship and access to learning experiences. The initial stage of this competition is a written component submitted in March where each candidate expresses their area of interest and background in the Canadian cattle industry. From this point 2 4 semi-finalists are selected to compete in a rapid fire, round -table discussion session. They are judged on their knowledge of th e industry, ability to lead and direct conversations along with their ideas and initiatives towards current day issues.
I am both honored and grateful to have received one of the final sixteen spots in the CCYL program alongside peers from acros s the country. While I have not yet found out who my mentor will be in the program, my goals are to learn more about the synergies between cattle and grain systems including forage agronomy and annual forage crop rotation, business strategizing for diverse enterprises as well as general leadership skills. During this experience I hope to build a network of people and resources that I can utilize in the management of both my diverse family farm and independent agronomy consulting business. Thanks to platinum sponsors Cargill and McDonalds along with other foundation partners, I also will have access to a bursary to go towards travelling to meet with my mentor and any learning opportunities that will aid my goals. I am really excited for the year ahead and all the possibilities it will bring! What a fantastic industry to be in!
Manitoba Junior Angus Summer Show Results at Harding Fair
Judges Nolan Glover and Denver Bolton (for more detailed results see the MAA Website)
Heifer Calf Champion: Jaymarandy Grace 423M exhibited by Finnley Angus
2 Year Old Cow/Calf Champion: KCH Beauty 214K with KCH The Rock 216M at side exhibited by Katie Hinsburg
2 Year Old Cow/Calf Res. Champion: Freyburn Georgina 125K with Freyburn Georgina 66M at side exhibited by Reegan Frey
Mature Cow/Calf Champion: Freyburn Blackbird 48J with Freyburn Blackbird 36M at side exhibited by Joran Frey
Grand Champion Female: Freyburn Blackbird 48J with Freyburn Blackbird 36M at side exhibited by Joran Frey
Reserve Grand Champion Female: KCH Beauty 214K with KCH The Rock 216M at side exhibited by Katie Hinsburg
Class: 574 – Peewee Showmanship
1st Swayzie Bootsman, Rapid City, MB
2nd Oliver Kyle, Redvers, SK
Class: 576 – Intermediate Showmanship
Class: 575 – Junior Showmanship
Breelee Bootsman, Rapid City, MB
Ellie Nolan, Cypress River, MB
Class: 577 – Senior Showmanship
1st Joran Frey, Oxbow, SK 1st Reegan Frey, Oxbow, SK
2nd Sophie Koshel, Oxdrift, ON 2nd Dylan Frey, Oxbow, SK
Grand Champion Showman: Joran Frey, Oxbow, SK
Reserve Grand Champion Showman: Breelee Bootsman, Rapid City, MB Congratulations to all Junior participants!
Ch ampion fem ale class at the Angus Summe r Gold Show at Ha rding Fair!
Photos by Penny Rooke & Lois McRae
4-H and Angus
Each year the Manitoba Angus Association hands out tokens to 4 -H Beef Club members who exhibit an animal with 50% Angus genetics. Below are some of the enthusiastic members with there Angus projects and their tokens. Pictured below are the South Brandon 4 -H Beef Club and the Erickson 4 -H Beef Club
Our sympathy to the family of Karen Williams who passed away suddenly on July 24th, 2024. Karen & her husband Ken, along with their children Kaylen and Karla were long time Red Angus Breeders in Manitoba under the farm name of Karlen Red Angus. They were dedicated supporters of the Manitoba Junior Angus Association and the Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup Program.
Sympathy to Brent & Dale Stewart & family (Stewart Cattle Co.) in the passing of Brent ’s mother Bonnie Stewart October 5th, 2024
Sympathy to Ione & Bruce Anderson and all family members of Anderson Cattle Co. in the passing of Ione ’ s mother Donna Staniland and brother Melvin Staniland this summer.
We also extend our Sympathy to Tom & Alana Madsen & family of Madsen Angus in the passing of Tom ’ s mother this past summer.
Lois & Arlene would like to express their sincere condolences to the family of Dean Jago who died suddenly on September 21st, 2024 and to Dean ’s other family at Leech Printing. Dean was our go to guy at Leech printing for the past 25 years. He was always cheerful and very helpful. He will be missed!
Congra tula tion s!
To Matthew and Leanne Glasman of Glasman Farms in welcoming Bodie Steele Glasman to their family, on August 15th, 2024. A baby brother for Sarayah, Aleah and Harlan. Proud Grandparents are Miles & Bonnie Glasman M & J Farms and Donald & Brenda Dunn.
Nov. 22nd……………...MAA - AGM Section Six Brewery, Brandon, MB
Nov. 28th ……………..Angus Show Agribition in Regina, SK
Dec. 5th………………...Maple Lake Commercial Female Sale on the farm
Dec. 6th ……………....Manitoba Magic Sale / Brandon, MB
Dec. 15th……………....Females of Merit Volume 7 / Radville, SK
Dec. 16th……………….Diamond R Select Bull & Female Sale / at Farm / Wawota, SK
Dec. 18th……………….Eastondale Angus Female Sale/ at farm/ Wawota, SK
Jan. 10/ 2024………....Outlook deadline for Bull Sale Issue
Feb. 15-17 ………….... CJAA GOAL Conference in Saskatoon, SK
Mar. 5th........................ Mar Mac Farms & Guests Bull Sale/ on farm Brandon, MB
Mar. 6th…………….….Anderson Cattle Co. Bull Sale/ on farm/ Swan River, MB
Mar. 8th…………...…...Freyburn Bull & Female Sale / on farm Oxbow, SK
Mar. 15th……………….Hamco Bull Sale/ on farm/ Glenboro, MB
Apr. 1st ………………. “Buy The Beef” Bull Sale / Neepawa, MB
April 15th…….. ……....Outlook deadline for spring issue.
June 11-15th..………...CAA Convention / Winnipeg, MB
July 24-26th……………CJAA Showdown, Stettler, AB
Aug. 1,2 & 3rd……….…Manitoba Youth Beef Round -up, Neepawa, MB
Anderson Cattle Co………………………..28
Ag Days January 21-23, 2025 at the Keystone Centre in Brandon!
The Manitoba Angus Association will have a booth at Ag Days again this year! Please stop by for a chat and learn more about what the MB Angus Association has to offer!
To Gerry & Wendy Nykoliation (N7 Stock Farm) on their 50th Wedding Anniversary! (pictured with grandchildren)
Reminder - If you are no longer in the cattle business or for other reasons you no longer wish to receive the Manitoba Angus Outlook. Please contact us and we will remove you from the mailing list. Our contact information is on page 3 .