MB Angus Outlook News Spring 2025

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We have a selection of 30 registered Red Angus bulls and 6 full-blood Simmentals for you to select from. All the bulls are available for viewing and selection at the farm, 15 minutes west of Brandon at Alexander, MB.

Wheel Stark 77K

This was a “I have to have that” kind of bull! Coming directly out of the Wheeler program - this bull has don't a fantastic job with his first set of calves. You will pick them out of the pen as the low birth weight, high performance boys. Really excited to see these bulls go to work in programs.

Red Mar Mac Leader 40L - NEW herdsire!
Wheel Stark 67G - Sire of 77K

2024 Manitoba Angus Association Purebred Breeder of the Year-


It was a huge honour for our herd to be recipients of the 2024 VanDaele Award. We would like to thank Penny Rooke for her nomination. The Award was presented to the Tibbett family December 6th at the Manitoba Magic Red Angus Sale.

The Tibbett family started CAMO Cattle Co in 2016 with their first female purchase from JAS Red Angus. Since then we have purchased a volume of females from Wraz Dispersal, MAVV Dispersal, Blakes Red Angus, Brylor Ranch and many more. Cattle were kept at the McLaren Family farm until 2020 when we purchased the Guillas farm home ½ section and moved just east of Eden. Farming has been in the family for many years and is currently a multi generation farm covering 1500 acres.

CAMO Cattle has since expanded to where it is today with 100 registered Red Angus cattle and a commercial herd that floats around 250 cows. Bulls are sold at the BUY the BEEF bull sale the first Tuesday in April. The McLaren family started the bull sale 20 years ago and it has expanded from a Red Angus sale to one of Manitoba’s best Angus bull sales along with guest consignors leading the Black division Nolan Cattle Company and Madsen Angus.

Kristin and Cam farm with their two children Hannah and Hunter. Cam’s dad Glen is a daily staple for the farm and leads the tractor operating division, mother Cindy is the book keeper, uncle Dunc is seasonal and the lead seeder and combine operator. In-laws Wayne and Joanne Nelson are backup babysitters and cooks for the farm. Holly Madsen was added in the spring of 2024 as herdswomen and pasture boss.

One of farms highlights was at the 50th Annual Canadian Red Roundup Sale in Olds, AB, Camo along with T-K Ranch purchased Red Allison Carlee 28J. She went on to produce the High Selling Bull at the 2024 Manitoba Magic Sale in Brandon, MB , Red T-K 115J Retribution 3M . 3M was one of the First Sons of Shag Rage to sell in Canada. Selling for $ 50,000 to Karli Cattle Co, Fraser Red Angus, JAS Red Angus and Brylor Ranch for Full possession and 1/3 Semen interest. This was an exciing event for our family.

We would like to thank all our family and staff for the dedication and hard work to make this all happen.

To our previous customers and future ones we look forward to working alongside your herd as we grow together.

Tom Madsen

Highlights of the Manitoba Angus Association AGM from Mandi


This year the Annual General Meeting was held at Section 6 Brewery in Brandon on November 22nd, 2025.

Canadian Angus Association CEO Myles Immerkar was in attendance for the meeting. The meeting saw a good turnout of membership with lots of discussion.

Some highlights from the year included:

-Hosted a very successful National Show at Ag Ex, with the most exhibitors and head of cattle in attendance since COVID.

-Hosted the 35th annual Keystone Klassic Sale held in conjunction with the Keystone Simmental Sale with sale management Bohrson Marketing. 33 lots averaging $5,205.

-Booth at Ag Days 2024 in January.

-158 Angus tokens handed out to 4 -H kids across the province.

- Hosted the summer Gold Show at Harding, MB this year with a great turn out of cattle on the Junior and Open side.

-Gearing up to host the CAA Convention June 12th-13th in Winnipeg, MB.

-Getting the ball rolling to produce a 2025 MAA Herd Directory.

A few reports were given by directors.

Membership was discussed with Myles adding in that memberships have been the highest they have been since 2003. They have seen lots of other breed members registering as an Angus member and also members who have let their membership fall in the past and want to get caught up. This is being seen all across Canada.

The Outlook was discussed. Lois and Arlene are going to retire from the newsletter starting summer of 2025. The board will be looking to replace them prior to that. The board would like to thank Lois and Arlene for their hard work and dedication to th e newsletter. There will be big shoes to fill for sure.

The Junior Association was discussed. There has been a decrease in engagement from Juniors. The board is looking at strategies to increase engagement and has a dedicated team of directors looking to revive it & get the Juniors to take on mor e responsibilities.

The Keystone Klassic Sale was discussed. The board will be sending letters to sales management companies to gauge interest in resurrecting the sale for 2025.

The Summer Gold show was discussed. The board will be sending letters to Ag. societies to gauge interest in hosting the show for 2025. The Fall Gold show was also discussed. The board will be working with Provincial Ex and their entry system to improve it and to match the new structure of classes for the Angus show. Also, to invest more time into the announcing of the show, as it is a vital piece.

The Jack Hart Memorial Award was discussed. Going forward recipients must be a Manitoba Junior and the winner must purchase their animal from a Manitoba breeder.

The board has already made plans for a pasture tour for 2025. More details to come in the future.

Welcome to new Directors, Taylor Ginter, Kerri Hinsburg, and Kendra Hinsburg– Junior director Dallas Johnston returns for his second term as Canadian director

Congratulations to the 2024 Purebred Breeder of the year. Camo Cattle Co. - The Tibbett family of Neepawa, MB

Congratulations to the 2024 Honorary President - Colin Kirkpatrick of Kemnay, MB

The 2024 Jack Hart Memorial Foundation Female Award was announced. Congratulations to Mara Vogel of Theodore, SK. Mara received $2500 toward the purchase of a female as a foundation to her herd.

Congratulations to the 2024 Commercial Producer of the Year Award, the Sawatsky Family of Oak Lake, MB.

Congratulations to the Junior Show Female of the Year for 2024, Katie Hinsburg of Rapid City, MB, with her female KCH Rose 310L.

Thank you to all members who took the time to submit applications and nominations for the above awards.

Editor’s Corner

Happy New Year!! We wish everyone all the best in 2025.

As we look toward the future, we hope the strong cattle markets continue, a healthy calf crop and good demand for seed stock in both bulls and females. Anyone with Angus cattle knows that their strong attributes should sell themselves, but in these times, good marketing is a huge part of the business.

We wish to thank all of the Angus breeders who have advertised in the MB Angus Outlook, over the past 20 years that we have been publishing it, and have helped to make it the magazine it is today! Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated.

Check out the The Grand Champions at Ag Ex who are featured on the cover and results are listed through out this issue as well as Junior Show results.

As you receive this issue, many will be into calving, while assessing your calf crop and bloodlines used in the past, you will also be making your plans for spring breeding and what traits you want to change or strengthen. This is a good time to check out the breeding programs offering bulls listed in this issue. We hope you will keep this magazine handy as a reference for dates throughout the spring, for when you go shopping for your next Angus bull!

2025 starts :

-MAA booth at Ag Days in January and the Bull Congress - MB Cattle Producers AGM in early February -Junior Angus members at the GOAL Conference in Saskatoon, SK.

Manitoba Angus Outlook

Canadian Publications Mail Product Registration #40045651

All billing to be addressed to: Manitoba Angus Association Box 172 Pierson, Mb R0M 1S0

The Manitoba Angus Outlook Newsletter is the official publication of the Manitoba Angus Association. It is published three times a year in the interest of all members of the Manitoba Angus Association and seeks to promote the growth and development of the Association and to print the news and educational material to use. There is no subscription fee for this newsletter and is distributed free of charge to all current paid members of the Manitoba Angus Association. The material produced is done so with the highest integrity, however we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible only for the value of the ad. All Advertising accounts must be paid in full within 30 days of billing before any more advertising is accepted. If you would like to be on the mailing list, advertise or submit news articles please contact one of the Editors. For page specs go to www.mbangus.ca.

Deadline for next issue is April 15, 2025 will be mailed in May

Advertising must be sent to mbangusoutlook@gmail.com

Arlene Kirkpatrick


Or Lois McRae–204-728-3058

-The RMWF heifer show is at the end of March

- Congratulations to Lainie Muir of Manitoba for being selected a member of the Canadian Junior Team for the World Angus Forum in Australia late April.

- The CAA Annual Convention will be hosted by the Manitoba Angus Association in Winnipeg on June 12 and 13th. Plan early to attend this fun and educational event! It is a great place to meet with other Angus breeders from across the country to compare challenges and solutions which can very different across this vast country of ours. This is an exciting time to be in the cattle industry! Hope to see you there and watch for some history facts in the next two issues of the Outlook.

As you read through this issue, we hope you enjoy a variety of articles about what is happening in the Manitoba Angus Association as well as the cattle industry in general. To our Commercial Producers and there are a large number, we appreciate your interest and participation in adding Angus genetics to improve all aspects of your cattle herd.

We wish all cattle producers a very successful year! See you down the Angus trail!

Cover design : Prairie Pistol Designs SALUTE to our Gold Show Champions from Ag Ex 2024

Grand Champion Black Angus Female- Merit Socialite 2056K and Merit Intrepid 4055M owned by Merit Cattle Co.

Grand Champion Red Angus Female - Red Blairswest Inatex 6M owned by Blairswest.

Grand Champion Red Angus Bull - Red Mar Mac DM Landmark 10K owned by Double F Cattle Co and Mar Mac Farms

Grand Champion Black Angus Bull- EXAR Redemption 2612B owned by Bar-H Land and Cattle Co.

Advertising Rates

Full Page: $ 300 B +W

Full Page: $ 600 Full Color.

Yearly contract for 2 Full Color and 1

B+W contact the editors.

2/3 page: $ 200

1/2 page: $ 150

1/3 page: $ 125

1/4 page: $ 100

Business Cards $150 per year. Rates as of Jan 1, 2024

Please note

All accounts are due within 30 days of billing with interest charged at a rate of 2% per month after 30 days. For those accounts that are not paid within 30 days, advertising will not be accepted until the account is paid in full.



Devin Boitson

204-803-8676 *devinboitson@gmail.com


Cam Tibbett

204-841-3060 * tibbett_8@hotmail.com


Dallas Johnston

204-841-3880 *djcattleco@hotmail.com


Kendra Hinsburg

431-542-2745 * kchchar@gmail.com


Mandi Fewings

Phone: 1-888-622-6487

E-mail: * mandi.mbangus@gmail.com


Cody Nolan

204-573-4006 * nolancattleco@gmail.com

Penny Rooke

204-752-2073 * penny@rookefarms.ca

Glen Humphreys

204-573-7538 * glendastill@gmail.com

Austin Richards

204-903-0704 * countryviewangus@gmail.com

Kerri Hinsburg

431-541-3205 * kchchar@gmail.com

Taylor Ginter

204-573-5756 *taylor_lynn12@live.com

Canadian Angus Association 292140 Wagon Wheel Blvd

Rocky View County, AB T4A 0E2, Canada

Phone: 403-571-3580

Toll-free: 1-888-571-3580


Web site: www.cdnangus.ca>Manitoba-Angus-Association Facebook: Manitoba Angus Toll Free: 1-888-622-6487


Happy New Year everyone,

As we roll into 2025 and 2024 is in the rearview mirror. I am happy to say the cattle industry is still as strong as ever. Wi th plenty of feed available in the province and cattle prices from feeders to culls all at an all time high, I am sincerely happ y for all beef producers who are finally getting the reward they deserve after the years of hard work and struggle that the industry has been facing for decades. All of you should be extremely proud because your passion for the beef industry never faded and even though times were tough for an extended period, you all faced the adversity head on and did what you had to get by after years of struggle.

The last few months has been great for the MB Angus Association. We had a great attendance at the AGM meeting in November and with lots of great discussion and new ideas brought up at the meeting, I am anxious to see what becomes of 2025. The Manitoba Magic sale i n December had a strong attendance and it was great to see the sale be revived after years of a hiatus. I look forward to the sale retur ning for good and be a success for years to come, as it was a great to see a barn full of great Red Angus cattle from local breeders.

Some of the exciting events coming up in 2025 first and foremost start with the Canadian Angus Convention which is to be held at the Fort Garry Hotel from June 11-13 in Winnipeg. We really hope you all can attend as we are excited to have the opportunity to host this year and be able to showcase our province to breeders and Angus industry people across Canada. Make sure to mark the date in your calendars and p lease stay tuned as we have more news and events to announce as the year unfolds.

I would like to send a thank you to Allan Nykoliation and Holly Madsen and Emma Harms for their years of service on the Angus board, we will miss your input and presence at the board meetings but look forward to visiting with you at cattle events in the future. I wo uld also like to welcome Taylor Ginter, Kerri and Kendra Hinsburg on to the board and look forward to working with you all in the coming years.

Happy calving,

Devin Boitson

MAA President

Greeting from Canadian Angus

The past six months has been a humbling experience being President. I ’ve been involved in good discussion with breeders, international delegates and industry leaders. I ’ve had the opportunity to attend the American Angus Association Convention in Fort Worth, 50th Anniversary of FarmFair International and the Canadian Western Agribition. The exceptional quality of Angus cattle shown this fall by all breeders cannot go unnoticed. The breeders brought their best to exhibit in their stall, present in show ring and you need to be congratulated for your commitment to promotion and marketing of the breed.

The Canadian Angus is a leader in the beef industry and we should be proud to be part of the Angus breed. We have seen record prices for trading Angus genetics and the momentum and enthusiasm being created by consignors, bidders, and buyers with the prices. The Angus breed is in a good place right now!

The Canadian Angus has developed a new platform to communicate with members and replace the Angus Life Magazine. The staff has recorded five different Angus Life Podcasts since June. These twenty minute podcasts highlight different happenings currently taking place with the Canadian Angus Association. This new platform keeps everyone informed in real time.

The Board of Directors, CEO and staff are working hard for the betterment of the Association and efficiencies for the members . There are

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy calving season and the beef industry continues on with strong markets in 2025. I look forward to meeting many of you at the Canadian Angus Convention in June in Manitoba.


4 Purebred Black Angus Yearling Bulls

Selling in the Northern Light Simmentals Annual Bull Sale March 13th, 2025 in Rossburn, MB

These guys will make your cows happy and your pocket book even happier! Feel free to stop by to take a look for yourself at any time leading up to the sale!!

New Beginnings Cowboy Logic 4M

Black Meadows Beauty 1K (Merit Sam Elliot 9144G) X Far Cowboy Logic 0156

Phone: 1-204-821-3802

Email: bobbijo123.bf@gmail.com

This is our first offering of Purebred Black Angus bulls, and they sure are impressive!

Bobbi-Jo Foster & Cody Carson Rossburn, MB

The Manitoba Angus Association welcomes 3 New Directors

Kerri Hinsburg

My name is Kerri Hinsburg and I am looking forward to serving as a director on the Manitoba Angus Association board. We started out in the breed with the purchase of an Angus bull to use on our commercial herd. We were so impressed with the result that we decided to add a number of quality females to our herd. We find them to be a great fit in our operation of Purebred Angus, Charolais and Simmentals.

Kendra Hinsburg, Junior Director I am years old and I’m excited to be your Junior Angus Director! I live on my family ’s cattle operation KCH Cattle Co where we breed Angus, Charolais and Simmentals. I love my herd of Angus females and I show heifers at many Junior shows throughout the year. I have been a past recipient of both the 2022 & 2023 Manitoba Junior Show Female of the Year. The Angus breed is very important to me because the people in this breed are so welcoming and have helped me when I starting showing in 2022. This year I decided that I would take a more active role in the Manitoba Angus Assoc. I chose to step up to represent my fellow Juniors because I want to help represent my favorite breed on a higher level.

New Beginnings Riptide 2M HBH Miss Thunder 51E (Remitall F Rage 9A) X Premier Rip 29H


Congratulations to Ensley Bootsman , Rapid City, MB for selecting her Junior Heifer for 2025 at the Manitoba Magic Sale, December 6 in Brandon, MB .

Watch the Manitoba Angus Facebook page for updates on events at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, Summer Gold Show, 4-H shows, Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup and in the fall, Manitoba Ag Ex. Junior show.

If you are interested in joining the Manitoba Junior Angus Association please contact : Kendra Hinsburg 431-542-2745 or Cody Nolan 204-573-4006.

This is a great way to learn new skills and meet new friends in the Livestock Industry.

Winnipeg, MB June 12-13


The 2025 National Convention will be co-hosted by the Manitoba Angus Association at the Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg, MB Details will be posted at www.cdnangus.ca as they become available

Photo of Fort Garry Hotel provided by Tyler Walsh/Tourism Winnipeg

All applicants must:


The Manitoba Angus Association is looking for a new Editor for their Association newsletter. The magazine is published 3 times per year at the present time. Early February, mid May and late October.

- be familiar with a computer program for making up ads such as In Design or Publisher

- have good communication skills

- good grammar & spelling skills for proof reading.

- be self -motivated with a strong work ethic

- ability to meet deadlines

- be able to work with Angus Producers and the chosen magazine publisher

Interested persons must apply with a complete resume by March 14th, 2025 to allow time for job interviews. Wages will be discussed at the interview. The successful applicant will start July 1st, 2025.

This is an exciting project, with much opportunity for creativity.

Please send application/resume ’ to:

Manitoba Angus Association Box 172, Pierson, MB R0M 1S0 Or email to: mandi.mbangus@gmail.com


Working Stiff’s BULL SALE

Tuesday March 18th, 2025 | 5:00 PM

Angus | Red Angus | Simmental | Percentage yearling & extra aged bulls

Bridgeway top half

Live Video Sale Hosted at Bridgeway Livestock

6 Miles East of Wawota, SK on 48 Highway then 4 Miles North on the 601 Grid

Visit DLMS.ca for catalogue, videos, and sale day info!

Karl & Kristine Sauter

Office (306) 739-2774

Karl (306) 435-7053

Kristine (306) 434-5093

Calvin & Jamie Murphy

Calvin (306) 434-5410

Jamie (306) 227-7581

Gilbert & Carol Sylvestre

Gilbert (306) 452-7226



(Below is a tentative schedule. Please check Prov. Ex website for updates)

March 25th & 26th - Kirk Stierwalt Clinic for ages 12 to 21 years.

March 27th in the morning - Team Grooming competition

March 27th in the afternoon - Boys & girls calf feeding and Prospect Steer Show

March 28th - All Breeds Klondike Showmanship competition

March 29th - Heifer Conformation classes for all Breeds and the “Royal Lady Jackpot Show”

There will also be other opportunities to participate in youth activities during the evening show. Watch the website for more details! https://provincialexhibition.com

4-H members please remind your leaders to apply for Free and/or reduced price tickets for your club to attend the RMWF!

Manitoba Junior Angus members please watch out for information regarding a MJAA meeting to be happening at Winter Fair 2025 and make plans to attend!

Manitoba Juniors who are attending GOAL Conference - contact the MB Angus Association regarding the bursary for Juniors to assist them with travel expenses to GOAL and the qualifications for the bursary. (Email: mandi.mbangus@gmail.com)

Manitoba Angus Association awards Commercial Producer of the Year for 2024 to the Sawatzky Family from Oak Lake, MB

The Sawatsky Ranch is located South-West of the town of Oak Lake. It has always been a family venture beginning in 1930 when our grandfather bought it and our grandmother had a market garden to help support it. Jake and Rosie Sawatsky took over the operation in 1950 and their seven children all participated in agricultural activities. The five girls have families and live in Manitoba, coming out frequently to make themselves useful.

Dan received a heifer calf from his uncle when he was born, drove tractor at the age of nine, and has been on the place full time since the mid seventies. David started by buying a bred heifer from proceeds of his trapline. He works the first part of the year as a tax professional and the remainder on the ranch. David ’s sons grew up doing chores and working with 4 -H calves and are part of the labour pool. Nathanael is studying at A.C.C. in Brandon and working at Heartland Virden while building a cow herd. Oliver is employed at Brandon Bearing ’s rebuild shop.

The operation consists of four sections of owned or rented land, with ten quarters of pasture, five of hay and one of cropland. The grazing land is divided into four one -bull and one three-bull pastures with stocking rates of twenty pairs per quarter. Most years cows graze until late November.

Beginning in 1970 there was usually an Angus bull in the herd, and in 1990 we began buying only Angus bulls. The breeding program being developed showed potential and we recognized the calving ease as well as the maternal strength of the breed. Calving starts in mid -March and is mostly done in six weeks. The calves are sold in mid -October with thirty replacement heifers retained. We attended twenty-three consecutive Cattleman Connection sales and have also bought bulls from Stewart Cattle Co., Ramrod, Youngdale, and Swindon Ranch.

Manitoba Angus breeders have done an excellent job of developing good cattle which have increased in popularity throughout the years. Manitoba feeder cattle have gained a reputation for quality, and Angus beef is a top tier product. The Sawatskys congratulate you on these achievements and thank you for acknowledging the Commercial Producers.

MAA Director Taylor Ginter presents sign to the Sawatzky Family Left to right: (Dan, Nathanael, David and Oliver)


Ellingson Badlands 0285

LVVF Tanker 14, Peak Dot Absolute 712K Young Dale Edan 126E


LCDR Favor 149F, LFE McDavid 413C

WLB Top Tier 456G, IPU Bentley 81F MR SR Highlife G1609 & More

Purebred Black Angus cattle for sale by Private Treaty 45 yearling bulls | 35 yearling heifers | 3 two-year old bulls

Consigned to this years Lundar Bull Sale GGA Buxom Fancy 21H x Basin Rainmaker 4404

Elaine Keen & Kathleen Porteous 204-383-0703 | 204-383-0154

Marquette, Manitoba Check us out on Facebook


from Elaine Keen-Porteous (Ossawa Angus) taken from the Canadian Angus Foundation Cookbook


1 C. Peanut butter 1 C. Chocolate chips

3/4 C. Honey

1 tsp. Vanilla

1 1/2 C. Oatmeal

1 C. Salted peanuts

1 C. Raisins

Combine peanut & honey in large microwave dish. Cook on medium until mixture just comes to a boil.

Add vanilla, oatmeal, chocolate chips, peanuts and raisins. Stir until chips are melted and mixture is combined. Turn into greased 9X9 inch pan. Chill for 1 hour. Cut into bars. Scrumptious!

New MAA Director Taylor Ginter attends the Angus booth at Ag Days!

Please join us Roundup 2025 in Neepawa, Manitoba August 1-3, 2025. Open to Junior Livestock Members who are interested in an educational weekend with workshops, competitions and cattle shows. Watch our facebook for updates or www.mbyouthbeefroundup.weebly. com

Manitoba Youth Beef Round-Up 2024 Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations to Teegan Hyndman of Hamiota, MB for winning the $ 1000. Scholarship presented by Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup.

Teegan and her family operate a multi-generational Hereford operation. Teegan is attending Niagara College in Welland, Ontario to pursue a Sports Management Degree and Graphic Design in Ag Promotions while playing on the Women’s Volleyball Team.

Teegan is a delegate on the Canadian Junior Hereford Association National Council. In July 2024, she was a co-chairperson of the National Junior Hereford Show, Bonanza, in Brandon, MB. Teegan is also on the Manitoba Junior Hereford Association Board serving in various executive positions over the last few years.

Teegan spends her spare time volunteering at Volleyball camps and being an active member of the Hereford Association. She wants to continue to be active and involved in the beef industry in years to come.

Congratulations Teegan!

Robin & Michelle Hogberg

John Hogberg & Maddie Caldwell

Langenburg, SK S0A 2A0

Robin Cell: 306-743-7490

John’s Cell: 306-496-7696

View the Catalogue at www.barh.ca

Manitoba Angus Gold Show at Ag Ex in Brandon, MB

October 24th, 2024

Judge: Dave Durie

Reserve Grand Champion Black Female

Bar-H Miss Evergreen 113L exhibited by Bar-H Land & Cattle Co.

Champion results for Black Angus Show listed below:

Junior Heifer Calf Champion: Piller Pretentious 2429M exhibited by Piller Show Cattle

Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion: BASKM June 6M exhibited by BASKM Land & Cattle

Intermediate Heifer Calf Champion: Freyburn Blackbird 36M exhibited by Freyburn Farms

Reserve Int. Heifer Calf Champion: Rideau Ever Entense 55M exhibited by Rideau Angus Farm

Senior Heifer Calf Champion: HLC Erica 383M exhibited by Hollinger Land & Cattle

Reserve Sr. Heifer Calf Champion: Perrot Bella 6M exhibited by Perrot Cattle Co.

Champion Yearling Summer Born Female: Bar-H Miss Evergreen 113L exhibited by Bar-H Land & Cattle Co

Champion Yearling Junior Female: Bar-H Miss Evergreen 43L exhibited by Bar-H Land & Cattle Co.

Reserve Champion Yearling Junior Female: Seldom Rest Sandy 3031 exhibited by Swindon Ranch

Champion Yearling Senior Female: Freyburn Georgina 99L exhibited by Freyburn Farms

Reserve Champion Yearling Senior Female: Legaarden Jestress 3L by Nolan Cattle Co.

2 year old Champion Female: Merit Socialite 2056K with Merit Intrepid 4055M exhibited by Merit Cattle Co.

2 year old Reserve Champion Female: Jaymarandy Grace 201K with Jarmarandy Grace 423M exhibited by Jarmarandy Livestock Co.

Champion Senior Female: Freyburn Blackbird 48J with Freyburn Blackbird 36M exhibited by Freyburn Farms

Grand Champion Female: Merit Socialite 2056K with Merit Intrepid 4055M exhibited by Merit Cattle Co.

Reserve Grand Champion Female : Bar-H Miss Evergreen 113L exhibited by Bar-H Land & Cattle Co.

Reserve Grand Champion Bull

HLC CSI Elevation 100K exhibited by Hollinger Land & Cattle

Champion Junior Bull Calf : Bar-H Niagara 33M exhibited by Bar-H Land & Cattle Co.

Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf: HMM Machine 28M exhibited by Madsen Angus

Champion Intermediate Bull Calf: Blairswest High Def 32M exhibited by Blairswest

Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull Calf : Rideau CM Maverick 52M exhibited by Rideau Angus Farm

Champion Senior Bull Calf: Steppler Stunner 292M exhibited by Steppler Farms

Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf: Steppler Big Social 122M exhibited by Steppler Farms

Champion Yearling Fall Born Bull: Jaymarandy Good Medicine 340L exhibited by Jaymarandy Livestock

Champion Junior Yearling Bull: HDH Northern Charm 30L exhibited by Half Diamond H Stock Farm

Champion Senior Yearling Bull: Cowtrax Milwaukee 153L exhibited by Merit Cattle Co.

Reserve Champion Senior Yearling Bull: Brandy’s Black Tie 211L exhibited by Eastondale Angus

Champion Mature Bull: EXAR Redemption 2612B exhibited by Bar-H Land & Cattle Co.

Reserve Champion Mature Bull: HLC CSI Elevation 100K exhibited by Hollinger Land & Cattle, CSI and Rafter D4

Grand Champion Bull: EXAR Redemption 2612B exhibited by Bar-H Land & Cattle Co.

Reserve Grand Champion Bull: HLC CSI Elevation 100K exhibited by Hollinger Land & Cattle, CSI and Rafter D4

Red Show results on page 33….

Manitoba Angus Gold Show continued With Red Show Results

Champion pictures are featured on cover

RED ANGUS Reserve Grand Champion Female Red Bridgeway Lady 10L exhibited by Bridgeway Livestock

Junior Heifer Calf Champion: Red JAS Star 146M exhibited by JAS Red Angus

Intermediate Heifer Calf Champion: Red ACC Tibbie 169M exhibited by Anderson Cattle Co.

Reserve Intermediate Heifer Calf Champion: Red LV Miss Dallas 21M exhibited by LV Farms LTD.

Senior Heifer Calf Champion: Red Blairswest Inatex 6M exhibited by Blairswest

Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion: Red Bridgeway Pride 26M exhibited by Bridgeway Livestock

Champion Yearling Senior Female: Red Bridgeway Lady 10L exhibited by Bridgeway Livestock

Reserve Champion Yearling Senior Female: Red ACC Tibbie 169L exhibited by Anderson Cattle Co.

RED ANGUS Grand Champion Female: Red Blairswest Inatex 6M exhibited by Blairswest

RED ANGUS Reserve Grand Champion Female :

Red Bridgeway Lady 10L exhibited by Bridgeway Livestock

(More detailed results can be found on the Provincial Ex website or the Canadian Angus website)

RED ANGUS Reserve Grand Champion Bull Red Blairswest Milwaukee 2M exhibited by Blairswest

Champion Junior Bull Calf: Red Nu-Horizon Rocker 419M exhibited by Nu-Horizon Angus

Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf: Red LV Revelation 31M exhibited by LV Farms LTD.

Champion Intermediate Bull Calf: Red ACC Nozeka 178M exhibited by Anderson Cattle Co

Champion Senior Bull Calf: Red Blairswest Milwaukee 2M exhibited by Blairswest

Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf: : Red Mar Mac Major 2M exhibited by Mar Mac Farms

Champion Yearling Bull:

Reserve Champion Yearling Bull:

Champion Mature Bull: Red Mar Mac DM Landmark 10K exhibited by Double F Cattle CO. and Mar Mac Farms

RED ANGUS Grand Champion Bull: Red Mar Mac DM Landmark 10K exhibited by Mar Mac Farms and Double F Cattle Co.

RED ANGUS Reserve Grand Champion Bull : Red Blairswest Milwaukee 2M exhibited by Blairswest

This Manitoba Angus Gold Show was a huge success! Thanks to all the enthusiastic exhibitors as well as the organizers and the sponsors. Your participation is greatly appreciated! Sponsors for the Red Show were: Anderson Cattle Co., Fraser Farms, Best Farming Systems, Manitoba Magic Sale, Emmatt Creek Red Angus, Ravenbrook Farms, JAS Red Angus, B -Elle Red Angus, Moose Creek Red Angus, Bridgeway Red Angus, Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society, Springville Farms, Silver Creek Farms, Gardham Farms, Hamco Cattle Co., Camo Cattle Co., Rooke Land & Cattle Co., Buy The Beef Sale, Blairswest Land and Cattle Ltd., Rooke Farms Ltd., Mar Mac Farms, Keystone Livest ock Services. Black Show sponsors were : NYK Cattle Co., Elk Ridge Farms, Madsen Angus, Half Diamond H Stock Farm, Rooke Farms Ltd., Blackhawk Angus, Kembar Angus, Glasman Farms, Country View Angus, Willow Rock Angus, N7 Stock Farms, 5B Farms, Cranberry Creek Angus, BASKM L and & Cattle, New Beginnings Black Angus, Hank & Maria Franken, Rideau Angus Farm, Strongbow Farms Ltd., KCH Cattle Co., DJ Cattle Co., HB H Farms Inc., Blairswest Land & Cattle Ltd., Ossawa Angus, Keystone Livestock Services.

Denbie Ranch

Two Year Old Hybrid
Two Year Old Charolais



New in 2024, The Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society invited Junior Red Angus members from across Canada that are showing Canadian Registered Red Angus Females to apply for the program. CRAPS set up 3 Regions within Canada and awarded Jackets to the winner in each region. In order to qualify Juniors could accumulate points at 4-H shows at any level, Jackpot shows, Regional Junior and Angus shows. Points were awarded for participation and Champions.

In addition, the 32 participants were entered in a draw for a $ 1500. Sale credit at Red Roundup October 12, 2024. The winner was Lexie Dietrich of the $ 1500. And she purchased a female at the 2024 Red Roundup with the help of these funds.

Region 1 – British Columbia and Manitoba.

Heart of the Valley Angus, BC donated the Jacket to Winner- Swayzie Bootsman, Rapid City Manitoba with her heifer Red JJL Mati 9L. Swayzie is a young Red Angus producer just getting started in the business. ( Pictured at bottom of article)

Region 2 – Alberta and SaskatchewanTowaw Cattle Co., AB donated the Jacket to Winner- Heidi Pas, Mayerthorpe, Alberta on Red Redline Rosalie 71J and calf at side.

Heidi had purchased her female out of Red Roundup Sale and along with winning Show Female of the Year she also won Grand Champion Owned and the Legacy Class at Red Roundup. It is great to see the Roundup cattle out working in the industry.

Region 3 – Ontario east to Maritimes –

Mar Mac Farms, MB donated the Jacket to Winner- Corbin Reid, Moorefield, Ontario on Red Covey Hill Lauryn 5L. Corbin is busy expanding his Red Angus herd.

Thanks to everyone who applied, and we hope to give out more awards in 2025. Great to see Juniors from all across Canada being able to participate in this program. Watch for more details on the 2025 program in the New Year. Redangus.ca or Facebook Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society



Lois McRae of Mar Mac Farms presents jacket to Corbin Reid (above) & (to Right)
McRae pictured with Manitoba winner
Bootsman of Rapid City, MB

3rd Annual Bull Sale



Brayden Heapy (431) 282-3085 • follow us @ hbhangus

Have you listened to Angus Life, the Canadian Angus Association’s official podcast?

You can check it out at www.cdnangus.ca/angus-life-the-podcast or subscribe through your preferred podcast platform (see the website for a complete list).

Watch for new 20- to 25-minute episodes once per month. It is our hope that these short episodes will make information accessible and easy to fit into your busy schedule. If you have a suggestion for a future episode or would like to provide feedback, please email cdnangus@cdnangus.ca.



Hello everyone, Happy New Year! Looking back to when you last heard from me in September, lots has happened in the last four months. This fall, my time was split between my studies, travelling home to Glenella to help with the cows, and packing in as many Angus-related events as I was able.

At the end of August, I took part in a field course and spent 5 days with Dr. Angela Bedard-Haughn and Dr. Eric Lamb of the University of Saskatch ewan. Our group travelled to grasslands, mostly mixed-grass and some aspen parkland, across the province where we investigated the soil types and plant species that were present. The areas we visited were predominant ly land managed as beef cattle pastures. Through this, I learned much about

rangeland health and management, cattle grazing preferences, and the effect of grazing on different plant species. During this week my respect for the importance of having beef cattle as part of our prairie landscape was reinforced. It is easy to conclude that beef cattle can make use of areas with soils that lack productivity, such as certain unstable sandy landscapes or sodium/salt-affected soils, but diving into the details of why the success of beef cattle on what may be identified as “problem soils” in other types of agriculture is a reminder of the significant role our business plays across Canadian landforms.

My next big event was Farmfair at the start of November. Here I took in our National Black & Red Angus shows. The Edmonton Expo Centre got to house a very strong set of Angus cattle and I had a great time visiting with the exhibitors and helping move the animals around the ring. On the Saturday of Farmfair, I participated in the collegiate judging competition as part of the University of Saskatchewan Judging Team and watched my first Alberta Supreme Show of Champions. My attendance at Farmfair checked off a bucket list item for myself and it was exciting that it also happened to be the 50th anniversary!

Later in the month, I travelled to Agribition. Agribition is the place myself, and many of us get our annual catch up with friends and fellow producers from across the country - my highlight is always the conversation and the people. My busiest days were Thursday and Friday helping out in the Black Angus show ring and the John Deere Sale Arena for our Canadian Junior Angus donation heifer auction. I’ve seen the incredible support for our association’s Juniors demonstrated through the success of the donation heifer for several years now, and it will never cease to amaze me. This year we brought in over $35 000 for our scholarships and bursaries. Credits to the Loveridge’s of JJL Livestock for the production and donation of 2024’s Red Angus heifer calf, JJL Miss Deal 417M, and thank you to everyone who purchased tickets to support.

On December 10th I flew from Saskatoon to Cleveland to attend the the Certified Angus Beef Youth Beef Leaders Seminar (YBLS) in Wooster, Ohio. This trip was a quick one but wow was it incredible. Truly a once in a lifetime event. Morgan MacIntyre of Ontario and I were the Canadian attendees and were accompanied by 23 students from the United States. My time in Wooster is one I could spend much time reflecting on so I will keep my remarks short and sweet but do note that a trip to the CAB Culinary Centre/Warehouse/Office (perhaps for Beef Leaders Institute) would serve tremendous benefit to anyone passionate about Angus cattle. Through speakers, tours, and meat labs we covered history of the CAB brand, the 10 specifications that are met by certified beef, ranch-to-brand-to-table connections, beef carcass value, and consumer trends. The picture included with this write-up shows my group after winning the competition in the meat lab where we estimated the economic value for each primal cut based on total carcass weight and each primal’s yield.

The food, the people, and the facilities were all world-class. There is a wonderful and overwhelming amount of information and experience I gained at YBLS, but I think the takeaway that stands out the most to me is how lucky we are to be a part of the Angus breed. We have so many ambitious, extraordinary people working for our cattle at all levels of the chain. These people are passionate about Angus beef as a nutritious and highly demanded product that delivers an incredible eating experience, consistently. The reach Angus beef has is a remarkable one. If anyone is interested in knowing more about my trip/what I learned about the CAB brand please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message and keep an eye out for a detailed report on the event in the next issue of the Canadian Angus Junior Connections publication.

Upcoming events for me is our very own GOAL Conference in Saskatoon on February 15-17, Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference in Calgary from March 16-18, as well as various upcoming webinars including those offered by Alberta Agrisystems Living Lab. Last but not least, over the next few months I will be preparing for and greatly anticipating my trip to Australia for the Zoetis World Angus Youth Competition at the end of April and into May!

I wish everyone the best of luck through calving and bull sale season and as always feel free to reach out with any Junior Angus-related questions or just to chat.

Take care,

Lainie (204) 841-1105

For more information on Canadian Junior Angus Programs or the Newsletter go to www.cdnangus.ca and got to Juniors and Newsletter.

The E Butchery on Main garnering Media Attention

It’s farm to table -with first of its kind in Canada technology mixed in. And Nerbas Bros. Angus have brought it to Russell’s M ain street. With that, it seems, comes a lot of national and international attention both online, on streaming services and in p rint. “In plain terms, it is a self serve automated retail location,” Arron Nerbas explained. “Customers can purchase frozen beef by t he individual cut and all the beef sold is direct from our farm - born and raised to harvest.” “We work with an abattoir/processor in Neepawa that is a provincially inspected facility. So we drop off live animals there. They do the kill, hang, cut, wrap, freeze and b ox. And then they deliver frozen boxed product to our store where we retail through the machine.” That’s where the exciting innovation co mes in. “When a customer walks in they will see a welcoming space that highlights our farm and the E Butchery branding,” Arron explai ned. The machine with a double glass door Nerbas said, is front and centre so you can see the product. Each product has its indi vidual tray that is on its own weigh scale. “The doors are locked and not freely opened,” he continues. To gain access, the purch ase process must be initiated. “To do that, they must tap either their credit card, debit card or their phone (if set up on apple p ay or google wallet). This will approve a preauthorization and give access to the machine.” Customers then pick one of the two doors the door will unlock and they can remove whatever product - or products, they want. “The machine knows what weight has been removed, shows by product line and charges accordingly based on a preprogrammed dollar per kilogram pricing.” “A total is shown and then, wh en the door is closed, the transaction is complete and the settlement process begins, the machine communicates to the card reader a nd the charges are complete.” Nerbas started the innovative new process when he made some connections after a trip to the United K ingdom which brought new ideas on how to deliver product to customers of Nerbas Bros. Angus where he and his brother Shane have worked with their parents Gene and Cynthia for the majority of their lives. “Our goal was never to have a traditional butch er shop or any kind of fully staffed retail shop so I wanted to know if there was a creative option to bridge the gap with technology and c onvenience.” In Europe, he found vending machines that fit the bill and offers their clients the opportunity to purchase single cuts of meat, seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 9 pm, and as Arron pointed out, you’re only buying what you need, when you need it, your fre eing up freezer space that you may have used previously by buying large amounts of beef from a local producer, as is often done he re. Overseas, Arron explained, this system is relatively common and works well for businesses and their clients. “I saw differe nt things that farmers were doing there, innovative farm shop ideas that incorporated self -serve vending options mostly with eggs, milk an d cheese though.” From there, came extensive research. “I started researching online and exploring options to see if any machines had a fit for what we wanted to do.” With the knowledge he’d gathered, Arron was able to work with a UK business that distributes vending machines and found a model that he thought could work here. “It came from China direct in a shipping container,” he said, a dding that the entire process took four months from order to delivery. “The goal was to find a machine that could sell on a per w eight basis that was compatible with the various package sizes of beef and be able to calculate pricing. At the same time, it had to cre ate a selfserve point of sale (card reader etc) with the required tech built right in”. Arron said there have been a few challenges al ong the way that they’re working with and adapting accordingly. A lot of it too, he added revolves around the education of customers in to the workings of a new way of shopping. And things are definitely falling into place. New clients are asked to create an accoun t on the company website. (continued on page 47)

Nerbas Bros. Angus, a multi generational cow calf operation out of Shellmouth has been a farm to table business for decades. Now the two brothers, Arron and Shane and their families (left-right) Amber, Hailey, Emerson & Arron, Shane, Cash, Kane & Sacha Nerbas, have brought state of the art technology into the their Main Street business. The cashless, automated and self serve system which bridges the gap between the farmer and their customers, utilizing technology, is garnering national and international attention.

The first step is logging onto the website: https://www.theebutcheryonmain.com There, you’ll find a link to the membership application. The process is like signing up for most others, online. 1. First and last name 2. Enter your email 3. Make a password Once y ou’re approved, there is a google form to fill out with some customer information required. The information you provided will be securely stored and w ill not be kept online. Then, an email will be received which includes a PIN number which facilitates access to the premises, using a key pad on whic h to enter the code.

“The front door is always locked”, Arron said “Once they are inside the door locks behind them, and when they leave, they jus t f lip the deadbolt, leave and the door auto locks behind them.” New members will have immediate access to simple videos explaining everything fr om how to use your PIN to enter the building, a first time customer instructional tutorial giving you step by step instructions on how to a ccess the freezer and an explanation of the payment system.

As the business model and system allows, staffing at the E Butchery on Main will be part time. “Off the start, for a few rea sons, we’ve found that we need to have staffed hours”, Arron said. We need to be here to help people understand the business concept, to learn how to use the machine and for them to get to know and meet us, the farmers.”

And dropping in to the shop at 350 Main Street North is more than welcomed. Some people will not want to do the membership o r access the PIN, and if they want to come in when someone is there, that’s completely fine.”

Their plan is to set up hours so that it can be dependable on a month to month basis. Their hours will be posted on their fr ont window and online. Their online presence includes Facebook: The E Butchery on Main. They can be found on Instagram @theebutcheryonmain, on YouT ube as well as on their website.

For a completely new and literal foreign concept, there is a bit of a learning curve but Arron says it is going very well. “ We’ ve had a fantastic response locally,” Nerbas said. “And this is only the beginning.” Customers can definitely give us feedback about what they w ould like to see or buy if it is something we don’t currently have. Speaking of custom orders, “we will be rolling out a custom online ordering system in October. Basically, customers will be able to order a custom box online, prepay by etransfer and pick up at anytime at their convenien ce at the store.”

There are many different cuts available and this will change on an inventory and customer demand basis. But generally, we wil l have the premium cuts that everybody knows and loves, the grilling steaks, ribeye, tenderloin, etc. Also other miscellaneous cuts such as stir fry, stew meat, skewers, fast fry. Beef ribs have been popular as there are many ways to cut them. Roasts and the other staple, lean ground beef. We very much want to promote a “nose to tail” utilization philosophy - selling parts of the animal in creative ways!”

(This article was supplied by Terrie Welwood, Editor of the Russell Banner )

Nerbas meat packages in the refrigerator at the EButchery on Main

Nerbas Black Angus cattle grazing

Yearling Bulls for Sale



My name is Kate Hinsburg and I have been a member of the Manitoba Junior Angus Association for 4 years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Manitoba Angus Association for sponsoring the Manitoba Angus Junior Show Female of the Year Award. I was very excited to be informed that my heifer KCH Rose 310L was selected as this year’s Show Female of the Year.

We bought Rose as an embryo from Brooking Angus Ranch. She is sired by America and is out of Brooking Rose 9129. We started our show year with the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. We had a huge stall with 12 head and 7 Juniors, it was a lot of fun! I showed Rose in Showmanship, the Angus breed class and the Jackpot. I placed first in our Angus split and we also came out of our split in the Jackpot. I was very happy with our first outing together.

The next show we went to was Harding Fair for the Manitoba Junior Angus Summer Gold Show. We faced some stiff competition and placed 4th in the Junior show, but later in the day we came in first in the Senior Yearling Heifer split and then was selected Champion Yearling heifer in the Angus Gold Show. We also came out of our split in the Jackpot show.

We then attended my favorite summer youth show Manitoba Youth Beef Round -Up. I entered Rose, Beauty and her bull calf, another Angus bull calf, as well as a Simmental Yearling Heifer and a Simmental Heifer Calf. My sister Kendra was able to help me a little bit as she had a bad injury to her right hand at 4 -H. I had a busy, but great day showing in the Angus and Simmental shows. Rose won her class in Senior Yearling Heifer, I placed first with Beauty and her bull calf in the 2 -year- old division and then was selected Reserve cow calf pair. With the 2 Angus bull calves I won Champion and Reserve bull calf. In the Simmental Division I won Grand and Reserve Champion Simmental females with my bred and heifer calf.

The last show of the season for Rose and I was Ag - Ex. We placed 3 rd in the open show and in the Junior Angus show we placed 2 nd. I am excited to see what 2025 has in store for Rose, she is bred to Bravo and I am hoping she has a heifer calf, I am sure you will see Rose at the shows next summer and fall!

Katie Hinsburg with KCH Rose 310L
Jack Hart Memorial Awar d Winner Mara Vogel

MARCH 19, 2025

25th Annual Canadian Junior Angus


Thursday, July 24, 2025

11 am • Move in complete • CJA Annual General Meeting & Orientation

12 noon • Lunch

12:30 pm • Judging (individual competition – written reasons)

1:30 pm • Team Grooming

5:30 pm • Supper & Extravaganza

Friday, July 25, 2025

8:30 am • Group Photo

9:00 am • Showmanship

9:00 am–1:00 pm • Print Marketing

12 noon • Public Speaking

1:00–4:00 pm • Sales Talk


24–26 2025

2:00 pm • Team Judging (must qualify from individual competition)

6:00 pm • Cook-off & BBQ

Saturday, July 26, 2025

10:00 am • Conformation Classes

5:00 pm • Banquet, Awards Presentations, Auction & Dance


The Canadian Angus Foundation will provide travel and trucking bursaries to attend Showdown as well as significant cash prizes and scholarships for the Aggregate Winners. There will also be three draws made for vouchers to purchase Angus females—one at $3,000 and two at $2,000. All exhibitors will automatically be entered to win!

Visit the Canadian Angus Foundation website at www.cdnangus.ca/foundation for more information and to apply for the bursaries.

For up-to-date Showdown information, please visit www.cdnangus.ca/canadian-junior-angus/showdown Morgan MacIntyre • President: 613-720-6684 Lexi Dietrich 780-781-6695 and Thomas Wildman 780-305-1826 Belinda Wagner • Coordinator: 306-537-1518 or bwagner@cdnangus.ca


75 and 100 Years of Continuous Membership

Based on their commitment to historical preservation and restoration, the Canadian Angus Foundation is recognizing members who have shown 75 and 100 years of family dedication with a custom farm sign. A number of signs have been presented this fall to honour these families.

Canadian Angus Foundation representatives will be delivering signs to

• Southern Angus Farm;

• Dalrene Farms—The Flint Family;

• The Bradshaw Family—D.C. Bradshaw/Aberlynn Angus;

• C.H. Richardson Family—Willow Park;

• Old Valleymere Angus;

• Valleymere Angus Ranch; and

• Willabar Ranch Ltd

Presentations are also scheduled for Sandy Bar Angus— Switzer Family and Parkwood Farm—Burkell Family in the spring.

In 1998, the Canadian Angus Association introduced a long-term recognition award program to recognize those individuals and families that have demonstrated a long-time commitment to the Angus breed in Canada by maintaining a continuous membership in the Association for at least 50 years. The program was expanded in 2011 to also recognize families with 75 and 100 years of continuous membership.

Congratulations to these Angus enthusiasts who have maintained continuous family memberships for generations.

We thank you for your commitment and endurance.

Anderson Cattle Co.,

Eastondale Angus, Heatherbrook


Presentation to Bill and Sylvia Jackson (Tullamore) was at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in November
Presentations to Rodney Ribey and family (Angus Knoll Farm) and Colin Trivers and family (Len Mar Farms) were at the Blue Water Angus Female Sale in October
Mountain View Farms, Matthews Family and Argwen Angus Ranch were presented at Farmfair in November
Bell Angus, Early Sunset Ranch, Arda Farms, Minburn Angus,
Kenosee Park Angus were presented at Canadian Western Agribition in November



the backbone of the industry! Remember it takes a great cow to make a top notch Bull! Angus females are a benefit in any Purebred or Commercial herd due to:

Easy calving, calves that get up and suck soon after birth, ample milk supply, hardiness in cold weather, good dispositions, longevity and best of all they add marbling for tastier beef. We are proud to be raising Purebred Angus cattle for the past 38 years!

Stop in for a tour and a visit anytime!


Colin & Arlene Kirkpatrick Brad & Noreen Kirkpatrick Kemnay, MB.

Ph. (204)-725-3597 or 204 -761-8526 or email: ackirkpatrick@rfnow.com

Feb. 19, 2025

Feb. 22, 2025– Brookside Bull & Female Sale Neepawa, MB

Feb. 23,-24, 2025– Horner, Downhill, TSN, KCH–on line-Minnedosa

Mar. 3, 2025 - Canadian Central Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB

Mar. 4, 2025- Maple Lake Bull & heifer Sale – on farm, Hartney, MB

Mar. 5, 2025 - Mar Mac & Guests Bull Sale – on farm- Brandon, MB

Mar. 6, 2025 - Anderson Cattle Co. Bull Sale - on farm - Swan River,MB

Mar. 6, 2025 - Bar H Bull & Female Sale - on farm- Langenburg, SK

Mar. 8, 2025 - Edie Creek Bull Sale-on farm– Anola, MB

Mar. 8, 2025 - Freyburn Angus Bull Sale - on farm - Oxbow, SK

Mar.9-10, 2025 - McIntosh online Bull & Heifer Sale –Ericksdale, MB

Mar. 12, 2025 - HBH Bull Sale on farm - Oak River, MB

Mar. 12, 2025 –Tools of the Trade Sale - on ranch near Dundurn, SK

Mar. 13, 2025 - Northern Lights Bull Sale - Rossburn, MB

March 14, 2025 Deadline for “Outlook Editor” Applications

Mar. 15, 2025– Hamco Cattle Co. Bull Sale – on farm – Glenboro, MB

Mar. 18, 2025– Working Stiff’s Bull Sale on farm Wawota, SK

Mar. 18, 2025– Diamond W - JTM Livestock, Minitonas, MB

Mar. 19, 2025– Cow Boys Bull Sale Melita, MB

Mar. 26, 2025 - Count Ridge Bull Sale - Brooks, AB

Mar. 26, 2025 - Hamilton Farms Bull Sale -on farm– Cochrane, AB

Mar. 29, 2025 Douglas Bull Sale at Douglas Bull Test, Douglas , MB

Mar. 31, 2025- Merit Cockburn Bull Sale, Briercrest, SK

Apr. 1, 2025– Buy the Beef Bull Sale – Ag Plex, Neepawa, MB

Apr. 2, 2025– Whitecap, Rosso, Howe Bull Sale - Moose Jaw, SK

Apr. 3, 2025– Southview Angus Bull Sale - on ranch -Ceylon, SK

Apr. 3, 2025 - Kenray online Bull Sale - Redvers, SK

Apr. 5, 2025 – Crescent Creek Bull Sale – on farm – Goodeve, SK

Apr. 7, 2025– Eastondale Bull Sale on the farm Wawota, SK

Apr. 7, 2025 - Justamere Bull Sale - on farm- Lloydminster, SK

Apr. 8, 2025 – Young Dale Bull & Female Sale - Alameda, SK

Apr. 9, 2025 - Prime Plus Bull Sale - Neepawa, MB

April 10, 2025–OUTLOOK DEADLINE Spring Issue.

Apr. 12, 2025– SWBDC Bull Sale, Batho farm, Oak Lake, MB

Apr. 14, 2025 – Triple J Bull Sale –Whitewood Auction, Whitewood, SK

April 19, 2025 - Shortgrass Bull & Female Sale - Aneroid, SK

June 12 - 13, 2025 – CAA Annual Convention – Winnipeg, MB

July 24-26, 2025 – CJAA Showdown—Stettler, AB

Aug 1 - 3, 2025– MB Youth Beef Round-up Show, Neepawa, MB

B usiness D irectory

Congra tula tion s!



Congra tula tion s!


July 27, 2024, 2025

Parents are:

Correction of information in the last issue.

We would like to Congratulate Sheldon Kyle on showing

Kenray Ninja 11L exhibited by Kenray Ranch at the Manitoba Angus Summer Gold Show in Harding, MB


This enthusiastic group of Manitoba Angus Breeders organized and hosted the 2005 100th Anniversary Canadian Angus Annual Meetings along with the Canadian Junior Angus Showdown in Brandon,MB.

In 2009, These Manitoba Breeders took cattle and a display for the Manitoba Association to the World Angus Forum in Calgary, AB.


Meet the teams representing Canada at the Zoetis World Angus Competition in Australia

If I could take everything I have learnt in the process of applying, travelling to Australia, and being part of the World Angus Forum Competition, I would strive to give back to juniors and breeders in Canada. Sharing my experience and knowledge with junior members in Canada in hopes of influencing whomever I can, to take advantage of any opportunity presented because you never know about the small connections that could influence your life.

Listening to global leaders will offer fresh ideas applicable to my own operation and future career in agriculture, which I can also share with my peers. I am particularly interested in learning how other countries address climate resilience and herd improvement—both areas that are becoming increasingly critical to sustainable agriculture.

To me, the people that are chosen to go are not only there to represent themselves, but more importantly, they are there to represent the Canadian Angus Association in the most professional way to further promote Canadian Angus genetics and producers.

The 2025 Zoetis World Angus Youth Competition will provide me with the opportunity to make my own memories and connections, as well as be an advocate and representative for Canadian Angus on the world stage…. In between the competitions I want to talk to and befriend people from across the world. I especially want to meet my fellow competitors from the other countries and learn their perspectives.

This event is more than just a platform to showcase skills; it’s also an incredible opportunity to connect with young people from around the world who share my passion for the cattle industry. If selected, I have three main goals that I hope to achieve: share my knowledge of Canadian cattle ranching practices, expand my understanding of the Australian cattle industry, and build connections with other young leaders in agriculture.

The most meaningful and lasting relationships in my short life have been built at CJA events such as the GOAL conferences and Showdown. These friendships are the kind I want to build with other Angus Breeders and enthusiasts from around the globe.

Representing Canada in the Zoetis World Angus Competition has been a dream of mine since a very young age. I vividly recall hearing about my mentors competing in the competition and thinking “I want to be like them one day”.

Challenges such as food insecurity, climate change, and land availability are present on a global scale. As someone who plans to pursue a career in agricultural soil health upon university graduation, exposure to how these challenges are at play in another country would make me better able to address them in the future. As a producer, exposure to agricultural practices in another country would provide me with ideas that may be helpful to implement in my operation.

Hillary Sauder
Julie Sharp
Kodie Doetzel
Thomas Wildman
Lainie Muir
Garrett Liebreich
Keely Adams
Sarah MacDonald



SATURDAY . MARCH 15 . 2025




































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