1 minute read
Key Takeaways
• Good customer service prioritizes individual transactions or interactions with customers, whereas a good customer experience is focused on the image of the utility, and the experience the customer has with its operations.
• Utilities are using a wide variety of tools, from surveys and benchmarks to mobile apps, outage maps, and biometrics, to enable a good customer experience.
Welcome to Module 7: Industry Focus Areas.
By the end of this module, you should be able to:
• Explain what is restricted under Canada’s Personal Information Protection and
Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
• List the goals and principles for engagement of Indigenous communities
• Identify employee safety strategies
• Describe the measures utilities are taking to protect their physical and cyber assets
This course uses images, audio, and text; content will appear on your screen as you scroll through the module. Keyboard navigation instructions will be provided for those who are not using a mouse or touchscreen. There is a short, graded assessment at the end.
This module should take approximately 25 minutes to complete.
Lesson list
7.1 Introduction
Electricity Canada | Electricity Fundamental in Canada: Student Handbook 86 077.2 Serving Indigenous Communities 7.3 Health and Safety 7.4 Physical and Cybersecurity