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7.4 Physical and Cybersecurity
The security of our electricity system is fundamental to our quality of life and our economy.
Introduction to Physical and Cybersecurity
The electrical system is one of ten critical infrastructure sectors as defined by Canada’s National Strategy for Critical Infrastructure. The electricity sector is especially crucial because all the other critical infrastructure sectors depend on it. It is therefore vital that we identify emerging threats and protect the security, reliability, and stability of the integrated North American power grid.
Providing Stable and Reliable Power to Canadians
While Canada’s electricity system falls within provincial jurisdiction, there are federal and cross-border bodies involved in helping to make the system safe and reliable.
• At the federal level, Public Safety Canada helps to develop management tools and facilitate information sharing in support of strengthening and maintaining the security and reliability of the
Canadian electricity system.
• In the United States, this role is shared by the Department of Energy and the Department of
Homeland Security. By participating in security forums at every level of government and on both sides of the border, Electricity Canada helps to ensure that the knowledge and expertise of the Canadian electricity industry contribute to our shared security.
Protecting the Grid
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) enforces Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards (CIP). All entities connected to the bulk transmission system must be CIP-certified and must adhere to the standards and provide regular reporting.
Valuable steps forward could include:
• Increased funding and capacity for national computer emergency readiness teams
• Development of integrated, cross-border incident response plans for cyber and physical security threats of national significance
• Deployment of standardized, automated platforms for machine-to-machine information sharing
• Robust government interface with the electricity sector’s official information sharing and analysis centre
Electricity Canada strongly believes that the sharing of threat information between sectors and among governments across North America is our first line of defence in securing the integrity of our systems.
Protection of Assets
Electricity Canada provides members with national coordination and programming to enhance protection of the power grid from physical and cyber threats and to promote healthy and safe electricity workplaces.
Protection of physical assets
The protection of physical electricity assets and infrastructure is critical to ensuring a safe and reliable North American electricity system.
Copper theft from Canada’s electricity infrastructure is dangerous, expensive, and a threat to system reliability. Electricity Canada has been active on the issue since 2014, advocating for Criminal Code amendments that create sentencing options more proportional to the impacts of copper theft.
Protection of cyber assets
Cyber attacks on electricity assets and infrastructure have grown exponentially, compounded by the recent increase in system automation and emerging grid technologies.
Today, cyber security has emerged as a dramatically heightened focal point for various reasons:
• The global importance of the electricity system
• Utility automation and integration with telecommunications and the Internet
• Increased access to the Internet worldwide
Together, this makes the electricity system a significant potential target for industrial hacking and for holding system operators at ransom.
Electricity Canada engages with relevant authorities, such as the Federal Ministry of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, with respect to measures and initiatives to protect Canadians and our critical infrastructure from cyber threats.
Knowledge Check
Public Safety Canada maintains the security and reliability of the Canadian electricity system.
The Department of Energy and The Department of Homeland Security maintain the reliability and security of the U.S. electricity system.
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation enforces Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards (CIP).
The Federal Ministry of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness makes initiatives to protect critical Canadian infrastructure from cyber threats.
Electricity Canada advocates for Criminal Code amendments for the protection of physical assets.