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Why Shows Matter
Shows are an untapped opportunity to market the entire dairy industry — Jenny Butcher explains why.
Pourquoi les Exhibitions Compte
Les exhibitions sont des opportunités insoupçonnées de publiciser l’ensemble de l’industrie laitière — Jenny Butcher explique pourquoi.
an organized act of resistance
by / par Jenny Butcher
We utilize a significant portion of the milk from our 70 Jersey cows to create a wide variety of dairy products, exclusively available from our on-farm store, branded “Little Brown Cow”. This has offered us a unique perspective on the influence of showing cows and its links to other parts of our business.
Sharing our experiences showing cows resonates with our customer base. We can tell them we care 100 different ways but nothing makes it more authentic than the public display of affection that is unique to a show. The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is extra special because it is tangible; virtually every Ontarian seems to have a meaningful connection to it. We hope, that as our business matures, it becomes easier to divide our resources and we are able to include our customer base more in the side of our business that celebrates our best.
We also see the shows as an untapped opportunity to market the entire dairy industry. So many immediately think of how vulnerable it would make us to activists. They will be there, but they are a tiny minority. The majority of people love to watch other people exude passion and there is no group more passionate than dairy show people. That needs to be shouted from the rooftops. Reality shows need to air it. Newspapers need to cover it. Times have changed. There are entire TV series made up of watching people do regular things like cook or date or hop on one leg after being deprived of sleep. It is a shame that the extreme amount of passion, perseverance and sheer love for the bovine has been completely contained within our circle.
un acte organisé de résistance
Canadian Jersey Breeder / Eleveur De Jersey Canadien DECEMBER / DÉCEMBRE 2019 33