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Regional - West

Growth of Jerseys in Western Canada

After a record breaking 2021, registry activity in the 4 Western provinces saw 2008 animals registered in the Jersey Canada herdbook. This number is the 2nd highest Western total in the modern era, and continues a growth trend in the West which shows a 10-year Average Annual Growth Rate of 4.4%, 47% more than the national average and leading all regions. This growth is reflected in transfer activity as well, which shows a 27% AAGR over 10 years. Much of this growth can be attributed to young farmers who have either entered the industry through a new entrant program or recently started out on their own. We asked some of these farmers why they decided to milk jerseys.


Arjan Otten & Jessica Hoffman of Hoften Farms (Farm Star) - North Okanagan, British Columbia

When was your farm established?

Arjan and I first started Hoften Farms in 2016. Our first Farm Star prefix Jersey was born January 2014, and still milking in the herd today.

How many cows are you milking and what percentage Jersey?

40 cows, 90% are either pure or half Jersey. We have two pure Ayrshires in our herd as well.

What were some of the reasons you choose to milk Jerseys?

Components was reason #1. But after milking them we realized they not only are excellent at components but also have great longevity, are exceptionally efficient at converting feed to butterfat, have good feet and legs, and good reproduction. Their personality and strength of character also won us over. Jerseys are very maternal cows, with hearts of gold and we are in love with everything about them.

Where did you purchase your first Jerseys from?

Lone Pine Jerseys

Curtis Delange of Gifford Acres Farm Ltd. - Abbotsford, British Columbia

When was your farm established?


How many cows are you milking and what percentage Jersey?

100 cows total, 56 Jerseys and should be entirely Jerseys in 2-2.5 years

What were some of the reasons you choose to milk Jerseys?

We decided to switch to Jerseys mainly for the size of the animal. Our milk barn facility is quite old so, alley size and stall dimensions are too small for Holsteins. We were being penalized on our cattle assessments for hock scores. My theory is/was, if I can take a cow that produces on average slightly less (Jersey) and put it in a barn more suitable to its size and keep the level of cow comfort higher, it should be able to achieve the same production as a Holstein(which on average produces a little more) in a environment where the cow is slightly more uncomfortable.

Where did you purchase your first Jerseys from?

We purchased five of our first Jerseys from Chimewood Jerseys (Gerry and Anita Norrish) about five years ago to try them out. Early summer of 2022 we purchased almost all of Chimewood's milking cows. We have also made a handshake deal to purchase all of their youngstock as well. Gerry and Anita have been absolutely wonderful to work with throughout this deal.

Randy VanDoornik of Dairy Lane Farms - Saint Claude, Manitoba

When was your farm established?

In the 1980s in Ontario and relocated to Manitoba in 2017 where we started milking Jerseys.

How many cows are you milking and what percentage Jersey?

Milking +/- 120, 100% purebred registered Jerseys

What were some of the reasons you choose to milk Jerseys?

The main reason was in our barn, the stall lengths do not provide enough lounge room for Holsteins and alley ways are more narrow. The concrete is best suited for a small breed cow. So the easiest fix was to go milk Jerseys in Manitoba. Feed conversion into milk and butterfat is the best of most breeds. Eating 70 % of what a Holstein needs in a day is definite savings!

Where did you purchase your first Jerseys from?

From several farms across the USA. Some closer to home in Manitoba from Clanman Jerseys and the Dorlyn herd from Ontario.

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