2023 National Lymphedema Conference Program

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Conference PROGRAM








Conference Map


Exhibit Hall Map


On-Site Information


Friday Schedule


Industry Sponsored Sessions


Patient Pre-Conference Workshops


Keynote: Dr. Denise Campbell-Scherer


Conference Sessions


Saturday Schedule


Keynote: Dr. Céline Koryzma


Conference Sessions


Poster Abstracts








David Keast

Anna Towers

Shirin Shallwani

Siba Haykal

Catherine McCuaig

MD. Co-Chair

MD. Co-Chair




Marie-Ève Letellier

Maryse Beaumier

Spencer B. Gibson

Kristen Campbell

Geneviève Chaput

PhD, Kinesiologist

BScN, MSc, PhD


PT, MSc, PhD


Anna Kennedy

Bisa Dobson


Bonnie Baker

Executive Director Chair

Angela Dunphy

Finance Chair

Grace Neumayer

Event, Marketing, and Outreach Manager



Event Support Volunteer

2023 NATIONAL LYMPHEDEMA CONFERENCE ! e m o c Moving Forward Together Wel Dear Friends, It is with great pleasure and anticipation that I extend my warmest welcome to you as we embark on an exciting journey at this year's National Lymphedema Conference. I thank you for your presence here, which underscores your commitment to driving positive change in the field of lymphedema management and serves as a testament to your dedication to the wellbeing of those affected by lymphedema. Our conference theme, "Moving Forward Together," echoes our collective resolve to transcend the challenges of the past few years as we celebrate the accomplishments that define our lymphedema community. We recognize that progress is often achieved through collaboration and shared knowledge. The connections formed during this event will certainly propel us toward innovative solutions and a deeper understanding of this condition. Throughout the conference, you will have the opportunity to engage with other participants and I trust you will forge new connections that have the potential to make a lasting impact. This year's event brings together an exceptional group of professionals, patients, advocates, and researchers who are dedicated to addressing the complexities of lymphedema. We are fortunate to have the insights and expertise of our esteemed Scientific Committee members, who have worked to curate an enlightening and comprehensive program. On the opposite page, allow me to introduce this noteworthy group, along with the individuals who comprise our Conference Organizing Committee. On behalf of the CLF's Board of Directors and our Conference Committees, we welcome and thank you for being here with us. Once again, I extend my personal, heartfelt gratitude for your participation and support at the 2023 National Lymphedema Conference. Collectively, we are moving toward a brighter future for those living with lymphedema. Let's seize this opportunity to learn, connect, and inspire as we journey forward together. Warm regards,

Bonnie Baker Executive Director Conference Organizing Committee Chair


Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel 901 Dixon Rd, Toronto, ON M9W 1J5




Please visit the exhibits of our nonprofit partners in the conference foyer.

2023 National

Lymphedema Conference Moving Forward Together


INFORMATION ON-SITE For assistance, visit our Registration and Information Desk from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM (see map on page 6).

Conference WiFi


Enjoy complimentary WiFi in all areas of the conference level of the venue thanks to the generous support of 3M Canada.

The 2023 National Lymphedema Conference venue is well equipped for persons with disabilities. All Conference sessions are located on the ground floor with access to elevators for reaching guest rooms and the lower level where the pool and fitness facilities are situated.

WiFi Name: 3MHealthCare WiFi Password: 3MA6A7

If you have an accessibility question or concern, we want to help. Please visit us at the registration desk for assistance.

Charging Stations


Two charging stations are available for keeping cell phones and other personal devices charged (See map page 6).

Access to the conference venue is limited to registered participants with valid badges. Those who have not registered in advance will not be permitted access to the conference.

Power up throughout the conference compliments of Essity Canada.

Coat Check A complimentary coat check is available if you wish to store your outdoor wear. Coat check is located across from the Carlingview Board Room, near the Registration and Information Desk. Kindly note that while the coat check will be operated by by Marriott staff, neither the Marriott nor the CLF assume any responsibility for lost or missing items. Please keep valuables on your person.


Food and Refreshments

The Friday evening Welcome Reception is sponsored by Diamond Partner Bauerfeind and takes place in the Exhibit Hall Foyer.

Lunches and refreshments that are included with your registration will be served at the times shown on the Friday Schedule, pg. 11 and the Saturday Schedule, pg. 23. Food is served from the Exhibit Hall Foyer area, and cocktail tables are situated inside the exhibit hall. Additional seating is available throughout the conference venue as well as inside the Grand Ballroom.

There will be a cash bar and complimentary hot and cold hors d'oeuvres. All registered attendees will find one complimentary beverage voucher included in their welcome package, tucked into their lanyard.

Dining On-Site

Invited Speakers Dinner The CLF thanks Platinum Partner Juzo for sponsoring a special dinner on Friday evening for our keynote and special guest speakers. Please note that attendance is by invitation only.

For your dining convenience, visit the Wayside Social - Eatery | Café | Bar located on-site at the Marriott on the ground level. Wayside Social is the hotel’s signature restaurant, offering a variety of food and beverage options for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Open 6AM - 11PM daily.


Welcome Reception

Parking If you are staying overnight at the Toronto Airport Marriott, the Front Desk will ask you at check-in if you have a car parked with us. Have your license plate number ready to register your vehicle. Parking charges will be added to your guestroom account at the conference special rate of $7.50 daily. If you are not staying over, please park your car, note your license plate number, and enter the hotel. There are parking pay stations located at both entrances where you will need to register your vehicle and pay your $7.50 daily parking fee. Parking is monitored by license plate number so it is important to register at the machine inside right away after parking to avoid a parking ticket.








7:00 AM

8:00 AM

Registration & Info Desk

Sponsored Session: Essity Canada S. White 8:00 - 9:00 | Pg. 12

9:00 AM

7:00 AM - 7:00 PM

10:00 AM Sponsored Session: 3M Canada

11:00 AM

J. Ball 10:30 - 11:30 | Pg. 13

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

Opening Lunch Plenary: Dr. Denise Campbell-Scherer


Exhibit Hall 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM

3:00 PM

Poster Hall 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM

4:00 PM

5:00 PM

6:00 PM

Why Weight? What you need to know about the Canadian Adult Obesity Guidelines 1:00 - 2:45 | Pg. 16 Discoveries in genetics and primary lymphedema C. McCuaig 3:00 - 4:00 | Pg. 16

Lymphedema prospective surveillance and risk reduction S. Shallwani 3:00 - 4:00 | Pg. 17

New ILA recommendations for diagnosis of lipedema

Best care for the feet when you have lymphedema

A. Towers 4:30 - 6:00 | Pg. 19

M. Beaumier, A. Wall 4:30 - 6:00 | Pg. 20

Welcome Reception 7:00 PM

8:00 PM


Sponsored by: Diamond Partner Bauerfeind Exhibit Hall Foyer 6:00 - 8:00





Open to All

Health Professional Stream

Patient Stream

Sponsored Session: Bauerfeind Canada

Pre-Registration Required

E. Küppers 9:15 - 10:15 | Pg. 12

Sponsored Session: Juzo Canada K. Gladman 11:45 -12:45 | Pg. 13

Yin Yoga: Lower Body

Aqua Lymphatic Therapy: Upper Body

T. Gardikiotis, M. Kralovcova 10:00 - 11:00 | Pg. 14

M.E. Letellier, M. Ibrahim 10:00 - 11:00 | Pg. 14

Yin Yoga: Upper Body

Aqua Lymphatic Therapy: Lower Body

T. Gardikiotis, M. Kralovcova 11:30 - 12:30 | Pg. 14

M.E. Letellier, M. Ibrahim 11:30 - 12:30 | Pg. 14

Conference Breaks Lunch and refreshment times:

How does lymphedema and its care impact body image and sexuality?

Lymphedema: Learning to take care

D. Keast 3:00 - 4:00 | Pg. 18

M.E. Letellier, S. Rotholc A. Towers | 3:00-4:00 Pg. 18

A. Kennedy, J.A. Ryan 3:00 - 4:00 | Pg. 19

Skin changes in lymphedema and risk reduction

Oral Abstract Presentations

Workshop: What I have learned: patient-to-patient advice

Wounds and Lymphedema: Prevalence and Management

C. McCuaig 4:30 - 6:00 | Pg. 20

E. Anderson, M.E. Letellier, M. Ibrahim 4:30 - 6:00 | Pg. 21

L. Radke, C. Bowman, H. Watt 4:30 - 6:00 | Pg. 21

07:00 AM - 10:00 AM Coffee/Tea 12:45 PM - 02:00 PM Plenary Lunch 04:00 PM - 04:30 PM Refreshments 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM Welcome Reception

Exhibit and Poster Halls 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM

The Exhibit and Poster Halls will officially open at 11:00 AM Friday November 3 and remain open throughout the conference until 2:00 PM Saturday. Friday scheduled Exhibit Hall times:

Learn more about our speakers

11:00 AM - 01:00 PM 04:00 PM - 04:30 PM 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM


8:00 AM – 9:00 AM | Salon D

Unity in Compression: Advancing Together for a Brighter Future Industry-Sponsored Session | Open to Health Professionals Presented by Sophia White for Essity. Attendees will be immersed in an enlightening presentation centred around the innovative JoViPak technology. This transformative session will delve into the revolutionary compression garment, JoViPak, and how it has been instrumental in improving the lives of individuals with lymphedema and other related conditions. Through captivating case studies and real-life success stories, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and applications of JoViPak in the healthcare industry. Moreover, this presentation will emphasize the importance of collaboration and unity among healthcare professionals, patients, and manufacturers to advance the field of compression therapy and ensure a brighter future for those in need. Join us as we explore the power of unity in compression and its remarkable impact on improving quality of life.

Sophia White, CLWT - LANA

Clinical lymphatic advisor for Canada with Essity Canada for 8 years.

9:15 AM – 10:15 AM | Salon E

Moving Forward Together: IPC and Self-Management Industry-Sponsored Session | Open to Health Professionals Presented by Erik Küppers for Bauerfeind. It is recognized worldwide that lymphedema and lipedema are underdiagnosed and undertreated diseases. Symptoms of these conditions include: severe pain, restriction of movement and damage to the joints. In addition, there is a massive psychosocial restriction of the affected women, usually from the teenage years. For many of these women, a long traumatizing journey into an uncertain future begins. Experience in Germany shows that it is possible to provide these women with comprehensive therapy in accordance with guidelines and to limit the individual and socio-medical damage. An essential part of this therapy concept is the direct involvement of the patients in the sense of self-management.

Erik Küppers, MD

Managing Director of Bösl Medizintechnik and Bösl Holding


10:30 AM – 11:30 AM | Salon D

Optimizing Outcomes in Lymphedema Management: An Evidence-Based Approach to Treatment and Care Industry-Sponsored Session | Open to Health Professionals Presented by Jennifer Ball for 3M Understand the causes, risk factors, and pathophysiology of lymphedema Learn about the latest diagnostic and assessment tools for lymphedema Review the different types of lymphedema and the appropriate treatment options for each Discuss the importance of patient education and self-management in lymphedema treatment Examine the latest advances in compression therapy and other physical modalities for lymphedema treatment Understand the psychosocial and emotional impact of lymphedema on patients and their families and the importance of addressing these issues in the management of lymphedema

Jennifer Ball, RN, Clinical Specialist, Wound Care

Nurse and certified lymphedema therapist, dedicated to best practice guidelines as they relate to wound care, lower limb preservation pathways, and lymphedema prevention and management.

11:45 AM – 12:45 PM | Salon E

Lymphedema Is Challenging, Let’s Make Choosing the Right Juzo Compression Garment Easy. Industry-Sponsored Session | Open to Health Professionals Presented by Kim Gladman for Juzo.

This session will explore the K.E.Y (Knowledge Empowers You) to selecting the correct Juzo Garments for various stages of lymphedema that a patient may present. Juzo offers high-quality medical compression garments for treatment during both decongestive and maintenance phases of Lymphedema. Come join us to learn about the K.E.Y to your success. Kim Gladman, BRLS RMT CDT

In March of 2020, Kim joined the Juzo family as Territory Manager and Medical Education Liaison. Since 2005, Kim has been helping patients with lymphedema through the administration of Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) and Combined Decongestive Therapy (CDT).

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UPPER 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Pool

LOWER 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM | Pool

Aqua Lymphatic Therapy, Upper Body and Lower Body Sessions Workshop sessions | Open to patients

Pre-registration required

Lymphedema can cause challenges such as feelings of heaviness and/or tightness in the affected area, self-esteem issues, and difficulty with movement and activities of daily living. Aqua Lymphatic Therapy (ALT) is a pleasant and relaxing form of physical activity performed in the water. ALT is a safe method for treating mild to moderate lymphedema in the maintenance phase of therapy. It is a good supplement to land-based treatments, such as exercise and/or compression. ALT is appropriate for anyone who can participate in water exercise classes! Some benefits of taking part in this program are reduced impact on your bones and joints, ease of movement in the water vs. on land, and the compression that occurs naturally when your affected body part is submerged in water. This workshop is offered to people with or at risk of developing lymphedema. A brief introduction to water exercises will be done followed by a practical session in the pool. Please bring your smile, flip flops, bathing suit, and goggles. The workshop spaces are limited and offered on a pre-registration basis. Marie-Ève Letellier, PhD

Working in close collaboration with Dr. Anna Towers for almost 20 years, Marie-Ève is currently combining research and clinical work at the Lymphedema Clinic (MUHC), in addition to her private practice. She teaches the theory section of the Level 3 lymphedema training course with Dr. Vodder School International, and is an accredited instructor of aqua lymphatic therapy (Tidhar method).

Marize Ibrahim, PT CLT-LANA

Marize is a physiotherapist and a licensed lymphedema therapist with the Lymphology Association of North America. She works at the McGill University Hospital Centre Lymphedema Clinic, a Lymphatic Education and Research (LE&RN) Network of Excellence.

LOWER 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Forum 3

UPPER 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM | Forum 3

Yin Yoga for Lymphedema, Upper Body and Lower Body Sessions Workshop session | Open to patients

Pre-registration required

Yin Yoga is a slow paced, passive style of yoga suitable for all levels of fitness and flexibility. Postures are designed to safely apply gentle tension to the connective tissues that form our joints. Postures are held for longer periods of time, targeting the ligaments, tendons, and fascia of the body. During this session we will focus on supporting the lymphatic system by awakening natural movements, placing the body in shapes and poses that directly stimulate healthy movement of the lymph. Participants are welcome to bring their own yoga mat, but it is not necessary to bring any equipment. This session will be adapted to all levels of ability and participants can perform the guided movements to the best of their ability from any comfortable position, including seated in a chair. Spaces are limited and the workshop is offered on a pre-registration basis.


Your Yin Yoga Session Facilitators Tracy Gardikiotis, BScPT CLT-LANA CCES

Senior therapist on the lymphedema service at the Pasqua Hospital in Regina, Saskatchewan. She treats all types of lymphedema and specializes in cancer rehabilitation and cancer related lymphedema. Tracy is dedicated to supporting and advocating for lymphedema patients and increasing awareness and access to rehabilitation services.

Maja Kralovcova

Owner and Premier Performance Coach at Level 10 Fitness in Regina, SK. She is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist with the NSCA and is also a Consultant to the Canadian Sport Centre and the Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan.

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Compression for night-time lymphedema management


Full body solutions for reliable lymphedema management during night-time

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1:00 PM – 2:45 PM | Grand Ballroom

Why Weight? What you need to know about the Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines: An overview of this patient-centred framework for healthcare professionals, patients, and policy makers. Keynote address | Open to all The international lymphedema community agrees that there is a close biological relationship between fat and lymphatics. Our standard treatments for lymphedema address fluid but do not remove fat, yet weight loss is a critical component of successful lymphedema management for many patients. Join us for this enlightening keynote address with Dr. Denise Campbell-Scherer as she provides us an overview of Canada’s obesity management best practices for supporting or achieving weight loss.

Denise Campbell-Scherer, MD PhD CCFP FCFP

Professor of Family Medicine and the Associate Dean in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta. Presenting Sponsor

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM | Salon ABC

Discoveries in genetics and primary lymphedema Breakout session | Open to all The current panel of genetic tests include 11 mutations, although over 40 primary lymphedema defects have been identified in which lymphedema is the primary finding. Other vascular anomalies may share similar genetic findings. In addition, there are many conditions that have other major problems, such that lymphedema may be a minor component. The phenotype and genotype may vary each condition. Discovering which genetic mutation is responsible for the lymphedema may lead to preventative measures, such as in GATA2 deficiency, during which life saving bone marrow transplantation prevents the onset of leukemia. Or the patient with lymphedema who was found to have a syndrome called Tuberous Sclerosus. The latter had their lymphedema improve greatly due to the use of sirolimus that inhibits the RAS mutation. Catherine McCuiag, MD

Pediatric dermatologist working at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center Sainte-Justine, and clinical professor at the University of Montréal, Quebec, Canada.



3:00 PM – 4:00 PM | Salon D

Lymphedema prospective surveillance and risk reduction Breakout session | Open to all In this session, Dr. Shallwani will examine prospective surveillance and risk reduction approaches in lymphedema. She will present the latest research evidence on these approaches and share examples of two Canadian programs. She will also discuss practical challenges to integrating prospective surveillance, and propose potential solutions based on research findings and clinical experience. Shirin M. Shallwani, PT CLT PhD

Physiotherapist and certified lymphedema therapist who is currently completing a postdoctoral research fellowship at the University of Alberta Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Her research interests include exploring physical activity and rehabilitation strategies in oncology, as well as investigating lymphedema risk reduction and management approaches.

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Juzo Sensation

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3:00 PM – 4:00 PM | Salon E

Wounds and lymphedema: prevalence and management Breakout session | Open to health professionals In a review of multiple international studies involving over 21000 patients, the overall prevalence of wounds in persons living with lymphedema was 32.8%. Prevalence ranged from a low of 2% to a high of 73.6%. Wounds are prevalent in chronic edema of the lower extremity. In this session an approach to management with a focus on the updated Consensus Document on Wound Infection will be reviewed. Case studies will be presented. David Keast, BSc(Hon) MSc DipEd MD CCFP FCFP(LM)

Medical Director of the Chronic Wound and Lymphedema Consultation Clinic at the Parkwood Institute in London Canada. He is Co-Chair of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework, Secretary Board of Directors of the International Lymphedema Framework and President of the World Alliance for Wound and Lymphedema Care. Presenting Sponsor

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM | Dixon

How does lymphedema and its care impact body image and sexuality? Breakout session | Open to all In this interactive panel session, which is open to all attendees, experienced clinicians will lead a discussion on topics such as a modern, holistic view of sexuality and how one can regain a sense of wholeness despite having lymphedema. The panel will also explore how a therapist might consider the fact that lymphedema impacts body image and one's sexual self and integrate this into their practice. Marie-Ève Letellier, PhD

Working in close collaboration with Dr. Anna Towers for almost 20 years, Marie-Ève is currently combining research and clinical work at the Lymphedema Clinic (MUHC), in addition to her private practice. She teaches the theory section of the Level 3 lymphedema training course with Dr. Vodder School International, and is an accredited instructor of aqua lymphatic therapy (Tidhar method).

Sandra Rotholc, RP RSW RMFT CST

Currently lives in Toronto and has a private practice, offering individual and couple counselling. She has traveled extensively around the world, and while living in London, England, she furthered her education and studied Psycho-Sexual Therapy. She has training and experience in a variety of couple and family therapy models, including Narrative Therapy, Brief Solution Focused Therapy, PACT and RLT

Anna Towers, MD

Director, Lymphedema Program, Supportive and Palliative Care Services, McGill University Health Centre, and Associate Professor in the Department of Oncology, McGill University, Montréal. Her main academic interest since 1994 has been in the development of lymphedema services for cancer patients, an area in which she is recognized as a national and international leader. Dr. Towers is a founding member and former Co-Chair of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework.


3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Forum 3

Lymphedema: learning to take care Breakout session | Open to patients Join us for this session which will provide a lymphedema overview for first time attendees, newly diagnosed patients, and those at risk. Learn about the diagnosis and treatment of lymphedema, along with practical suggestions on how to manage lymphedema on a daily basis. Lymphedema basics (primary vs. secondary) and prevalence in Canada. Topics covered will include: risk factors, diagnosis and stages, signs and symptoms, cornerstones of treatment: MLD, compression, skincare and exercise, practical, day-to-day suggestions for managing your lymphedema and where to find support, national, and local resources Anna Kennedy

Editor of Pathways magazine and a Founding Member of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework. She lives in Toronto and manages her lymphedema successfully with compression, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.

Jean Ann Ryan, RNBN CDT

Registered nurse and the Lymphedema Nurse Coordinator with the Provincial Cancer Care Program in St. John’s, NL. She works within a multi-disciplinary oncology team to provide lymphedema services ranging from lymphedema education to intensive treatment and home-based management. Jean Ann also attends a monthly wound care/lymphedema clinic for patients with complicated lymphedema unrelated to cancer.

4:30 PM – 6:00 PM | Salon ABC

New ILA recommendations for diagnosis of lipedema Breakout session | Open to health professionals Lipedema remains an under-researched condition. How to diagnose the condition was the topic that was considered during 2022 by a Working Group of the International Lipoedema Association (ILA). Their final recommendations, supported by the ILA board, will be presented here. There will be opportunity to discuss challenges in diagnosing lipedema. Anna Towers, MD

Director, Lymphedema Program, Supportive and Palliative Care Services, McGill University Health Centre, and Associate Professor in the Department of Oncology, McGill University, Montréal. Her main academic interest since 1994 has been in the development of lymphedema services for cancer patients, an area in which she is recognized as a national and international leader. Dr. Towers is a founding member and former Co-Chair of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework. Presenting Sponsor

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4:30 PM – 6:00 PM | Salon D

Best care for the feet when you have lymphedema: education and treatment plan Breakout session | Open to all Proper foot care is essential for people living with lymphedema. The feet play a crucial role in the lymphatic system’s function, as they are often the starting point for lymph fluid movement toward the legs and trunk. Neglecting foot care can lead to secondary complications such as cellulitis infections, chronic wounds, ulcerations, and lymphangitis, which are more difficult to manage and may require intensive medical attention. Foot care and skin health practices will be discussed along with self-management resources and strategies. Maryse Beaumier, RN MSc PhD

Professor in the Department of Health at the University of Quebec at Rimouski (UQAR), Campus Lévis since August 2020 after 11 years in the Department of Nursing at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières.

Audrey Wall, RN BScN

RN for more than 25 years. She has practiced in a number of clinical capacities and has worked with the Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses over the past few years in a number of roles and is currently serving as President. She was part of the group tasked with developing the National Competencies for Advanced Nursing Foot Care in Canada which was published in 2017. Presenting Sponsor

4:30 PM – 6:00 PM | Salon E

Skin changes in lymphedema and risk reduction Breakout session | Open to all Lymphedema causes many skin changes. At the surface of the skin, one notes dryness. This can lead to vulnerability to trauma and infection. Deeper down in the skin, there may be deposition of fat and eventually fibrosis. Prevention and treatment of these potential complications will be discussed. Catherine McCuiag, MD

Pediatric dermatologist working at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center Sainte-Justine, and clinical professor at the University of Montréal, Quebec, Canada.

Presenting Sponsor

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4:30 PM – 6:00 PM | Dixon

Oral Abstracts Open to all Experience of lymphedema and fatigue in breast cancer survivors diagnosed with Covid-19 Elizabeth Anderson, BSN MS(N) PhD

INVITATION Saturday November 4th 1:30 p.m. Salon D Educational session on compression therapy in children.

Independent prospective follow-up of lymphedema patients who have undergone lymphatic surgeries Marie-Ève Letellier, PhD

Management of lymphedema related to head and neck cancer Marize Ibrahim, PT CLT-LANA

4:30 PM – 6:00 PM | Forum 3

Presented by: Prof. Nele Devoogdt (UK) Visit the medi booth A2-3, prizes to be won!

What I have learned: patient-to-patient advice Interactive workshop session | Open to patients Living with lymphedema? We want to hear from you as a lymphedema expert! The CLF recognizes the vast, experiential knowledge that is available through patient voices and wishes to engage patients in developing education for other patients and those involved in their lymphedema care. The format for this session will be a small group, interactive workshop for participants to collaborate, brainstorm, and ultimately create a ‘living’ document of advice to support current and future lymphedema patients along the journey of living with lymphedema. No identifying information will be collected or published for this document. Please attend this session if you would like to be part of this exciting project! Lori Radke, PT CDT

Physiotherapist and certified lymphedema therapist who coordinated the Rehabilitation Oncology program at the Tom Baker Cancer Center/Holy Cross in Calgary, AB from 20092021. She now works at the lymphedema clinics in Calgary on a casual basis and enjoys the mountain life in Canmore when not working. Lori also volunteers on the editorial board of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework Pathways magazine.

About Heather Watt, OT CLT Heather has worked in various community settings as an Occupational Therapist. She has been an integral part of the development of an outpatient lymphedema clinic since 2010. This clinic focuses on treatment of primary and secondary lymphedema excluding cancer related lymphedema. Catharine Bowman Graduate student in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health at Stanford University and MD Student at the University of Calgary. Her research focuses on the epidemiology of lymphatic disease, lymphedema therapeutics, psychosocial manifestations, and surgical treatment of lymphedema.







7:00 AM

8:00 AM

Registration & Info Desk

Opening Plenary: Dr. Céline Koryzma

Exhibit Hall 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM

9:00 AM

Poster Hall

10:00 AM

7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Motivating patients to make meaningful and sustainable health behaviour changes with relationship-centered care 8:00 - 10:00 | Pg. 24

7:00 AM - 2:00 PM

11:00 AM

Panel Presentation: Surgical management of lymphedema S. Haykal, C. Temple-Oberle, B. Cartier, A. Simpson 10:30 -12:00 | Pg. 24

12:00 PM

1:00 PM


3:00 PM

Meet & Greet hosted by the Lymphedema Association of Ontario 12:00 -1:30 | Pg. 26

International perspectives in lymphedema

Importance and challenges of compression therapy in adults and children with lymphedema

D. Keast 1:30 - 2:30 | Pg. 27

N. Devoogdt 1:30 - 2:30 | Pg. 27

Workshop: Overcoming barriers to body acceptance and health behaviour change through mindfulness and self-compassion C. Koryzma 2:45 - 3:45 | Pg. 29

4:00 PM

5:00 PM

Closing Plenary Patient voices: what patients have told us today Panel Q&A with our speakers Poster, Exhibit Hall and door prizes awarded Closing remarks & announcements

4:00 - 5:30 | Pg. 30

6:00 PM

Learn more about our speakers





Open to All

Health Professional Stream

Patient Stream

Pre-Registration Required

Workshop: The 5As Team approach to holistic obesity Sponsored Session: assessment and management Juzo Canada D. Campbell-Scherer, K. Gladman | See pg. 14 M. Heatherington 11:45 - 12:45 PM 10:30 -AM 12:00 | Pg. 25

Oral Abstract Presentations

Fitters' Forum: Interactive roundtable discussion for garment fitters

Workshop: Aqua lymphatic therapy introduction for therapists

J. Kwan, G. Cama Lee N. Patel 10:30 - 12:00 | Pg. 25

Facilitators: Diamond Athletic Fitting Team 10:30 - 12:00 | Pg. 26

M.E. Letellier, M. Ibrahim 10:30 - 12:00 | Pg. 26

How should we treat palliative cancer patients who have uncontrolled edema?

Staying active with lymphedema: Let's get moving! Let's get pumping!

Patients Count: Development of a patient registry for Canada

A. Towers 1:30 - 2:30 | Pg. 27

M. Ibrahim, A. Yung 1:30 - 2:30 | Pg. 28

Facilitator: S. Gibson 1:30 - 2:30 | Pg. 28

PAD best practice assessment for lower limbs with lymphedema

Oral Abstract Presentations

M. Beaumier 2:45 - 3:45 | Pg. 29

T. Blinn, C. Bowman E. Anderson 2:45 - 3:45 | Pg. 29

Conference Breaks Lunch and refreshment times: 07:00 AM - 08:00 AM Coffee/Tea 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Refreshments 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM Lunch Buffet 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM Afternoon Snack

Exhibit and Poster Halls 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM

2023 National

Lymphedema Conference Moving Forward Together

The Exhibit and Poster Halls will officially open at 11:00 AM Friday November 3 and remain open throughout the conference until 2:00 PM Saturday. Saturday scheduled Exhibit Hall times: 07:00 AM - 08:00 AM 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM


8:00 AM – 10:00 AM | Grand Ballroom

Motivating patients to make meaningful and sustainable health behaviour changes with relationship-centered care Keynote address | Open to all Understand the factors that make healthy behaviour change so difficult for so many. Apply motivational interviewing and relationship-centered communication principles when discussing health behaviour change with patients. Identify the modifiable individual and environmental variables that lead to sustained health behaviour change. Céline Koryzma, PhD Registered Psychologist

Dr. Koryzma is a clinical health psychologist in the Endocrinology and Metabolism Program within Alberta Health Services in Calgary, AB. She works with an interdisciplinary team to help patients with chronic health conditions make sustainable health behaviour changes. Dr. Koryzma’s background includes advanced training in interpersonal and health psychology. Presenting Sponsor

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | Salon ABCD

Surgical management of lymphedema Breakout panel session | Open to all During this session, we will discuss the surgical options available for lymphedema depending on stage. We will review preventative techniques, physiologic techniques, and excisional options. We will delve into indications for each option and provide a better understanding of the way each technique works. Siba Haykal, MD PhD FRCS(C) FACS

Dr. Haykal’s clinical focus is on complex oncological reconstruction and microsurgical reconstruction of the breast, head and neck, and extremities. She started a lymphedema program in 2019 where she offers microsurgical techniques for the treatment of lymphedema. Her research focuses on tissue-engineered techniques for tracheal reconstruction and the immunology of vascularized composite allotransplantation as well as long term outcomes of lymphedema surgery.

Claire Temple-Oberle, BA MD MSc FRCSC

Dr. Temple-Oberle is a University of Calgary Professor cross-appointed to the Departments of Oncology and Surgery with a special interest in reconstructive plastic surgery. She completed her MD at Queen’s University, plastic surgery residency at the University of Western Ontario, and fellowships at MD Anderson Cancer Center in reconstructive microsurgery and surgical oncology at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre.

Benoît Cartier, MD

Dr. Cartier is a general and vascular surgeon with a clinical practice at l’Hôpital de Saint-Jérôme, Quebec. Dr. Cartier graduated from the Université de Montréal vascular surgery program in 1990, and The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, general surgery, and the College of Physicians of Quebec, Vascular Surgery in 2011. He is an elected Member of the Canadian Society for Vascular Surgery.

Andrew Simpson, MD FRCSC

Dr. Simpson is a reconstructive plastic surgeon and Assistant Professor and Wellness Director at Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London, ON. His areas of clinical interest include orthoplastic surgery and limb salvage, microsurgery, diabetic foot, melanoma, and lymphedema.


10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | Salon E

The 5As Team approach to holistic obesity assessment and management 90-minute workshop for health professionals Obesity Canada’s 5As of Obesity Management program was designed as a step-by-step framework for busy non-specialists to support obesity management in their clinical settings. Dr. Denise Campbell-Scherer and Education Specialist Melanie Heatherington lead this interactive workshop to introduce lymphedema clinicians to the 5As toolkit to equip them with tools to support patients whose lymphedema is related to or impacted by elevated weight.

Denise Campbell-Scherer, MD PhD CCFP FCFP

Professor of Family Medicine and the Associate Dean in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta.

Melanie Heatherington, MEd, Education Specialist

Education Specialist with the Office of Lifelong Learning and the Physician Learning Program at the University of Alberta. She also works as a study coordinator for the 5As Team Program with Dr. Denise Campbell-Scherer and helps coordinate the 5As Team training programs for interdisciplinary healthcare providers.

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Dixon

Oral Abstracts Open to all Evaluating radiotherapy-induced circulating cytokine levels as predictors of lymphedema risk Jennifer Kwan, MD PhD

Improving lymphedema care: Advantages of a lymphedema database Georgina Cama Lee, BSIE MBA MEng QSE

Establishment of a Biobank of secondary lymphedema patients at the University of Alberta: Success and challenges Nirav Patel, MBBS MD (Community Medicine) MPH

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10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | Forum 3

Fitters’ Forum: Interactive roundtable discussion for garment fitters Roundtable discussion session for garment fitters only

Pre-registration required

The Canadian Lymphedema Framework recognizes the integral role of the compression garment fitter on the lymphedema patient’s health care team. We feel that fitters are central to good lymphedema management, and that too often this important role is not given the recognition it deserves. We know that fitters face many challenges and have few opportunities to network and share best practices, or even to share their experience. The CLF thanks the fitting team from Diamond Athletic Supplies for accepting our request to facilitate this discussion with you today. We thank all attendees for their participation in this important conversation. We look forward to learning from you! Claire Ann Deighton-Lamy, Jessica Diamond, Kim Radford, Jenny Whitlaw, Megan Diamond and Dayna Ricard are all custom garment fitters at Diamond Athletic Medical Supplies Inc. in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Between the six fitters, they have over 65 years of experience helping clients with the proper compression garments. Presenting Sponsor

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | Pool

Aqua Lymphatic Therapy, Therapists Session Workshop session | Open to health professionals

Pre-registration required

Finding solutions to help our clients manage their lymphedema is the goal of most therapists. Emphasis is often on the use of compression and exercise. Consider exercising in the water, using the natural compression provided by the water and movement to get the most for the lymphatic system! This workshop is an introduction for lymphedema trained therapists to Aqua Lymphatic Therapy (ALT), which is a safe method for treating mild to moderate lymphedema in the maintenance phase of therapy. It is a good supplement to land-based treatments. A brief introduction to water exercises will be given followed by a practical session in the pool, providing examples for both upper and lower limb lymphedema. Kindly note that no exercise sheets will be provided and that photography/filming is not allowed. Please bring your smile, flip flops, bathing suit, goggles and come discover ALT! The workshop spaces are limited and offered on a sign-up basis. Marie-Ève Letellier, PhD

Working in close collaboration with Dr. Anna Towers for almost 20 years, Marie-Ève is currently combining research and clinical work at the Lymphedema Clinic (MUHC), in addition to her private practice. She teaches the theory section of the Level 3 lymphedema training course with Dr. Vodder School International, and is an accredited instructor of aqua lymphatic therapy (Tidhar method).

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM | Salon ABC

LAO Meet and Greet Open to all


Hosted by the Lymphedema Association of Ontario. Stop by Salon ABC for this meet & greet with members of the LAO. All are welcome.

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM | Salon ABC

International perspectives in lymphedema Breakout session | Open to all Lymphedema/chronic edema worldwide is under recognized and under treated. There are currently 15 Frameworks involved in the International Lymphedema Framework with 6 more in the process of becoming members. The LIMPRINT study has been conducted in 10 countries to date and work is underway to implement the study in various countries including resource-limited settings. The basic Core Tool will require adaptation. This session will look at prevalence and experiences in various settings. David Keast, BSc(Hon) MSc DipEd MD CCFP FCFP(LM)

Medical Director of the Chronic Wound and Lymphedema Consultation Clinic at the Parkwood Institute in London, Canada. He is Co-Chair of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework, Secretary Board of Directors of the International Lymphedema Framework and President of the World Alliance for Wound and Lymphedema Care. Presenting Sponsor

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM | Salon D

The importance and challenges of compression therapy in adults and children with lymphedema. Breakout session | Open to all In the first part of the presentation, the scientific evidence, and practical implications of applying compression materials and systems, such as multilayer bandages, therapeutic compression garments and Velcro bandages for the treatment of adults with lymphedema will be discussed. The second part of the presentation will focus on the application of compression in children. Nele Devoogdt, PT

Physical therapist and professor at the department of Rehabilitation Sciences of KU Leuven and is doing research in the topic of clinical evaluation, prevention and treatment of lymphedema and lipedema. She is coordinator of the centre for lymphedema of the University Hospitals of Leuven (in Belgium), where she performs coordinative tasks and clinical evaluations and guides treatments of patients with lymphedema and lipedema. This presentation is made possible through the generous support of our Silver Partner, medi Canada.

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM | Salon E

How should we treat palliative cancer patients who have uncontrolled edema? Breakout session | Open to health professionals This session will include a review of malignant lymphedema as well as edema from other causes in palliative cancer patients with a limited prognosis. Flexible compression solutions are the mainstay of conservative treatment. Medical solutions such as inferior vena cava stents, ascites drainage as well as subcutaneous needle drainage of edema will be discussed in the form of a recent case study. Anna Towers, MD

Director, Lymphedema Program, Supportive and Palliative Care Services, McGill University Health Centre, and Associate Professor in the Department of Oncology, McGill University, Montréal. Her main academic interest since 1994 has been in the development of lymphedema services for cancer patients, an area in which she is recognized as a national and international leader. Dr. Towers is a founding member and former Co-Chair of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework.


1:30 PM – 2:30 PM | Dixon

Staying active with lymphedema: Let’s get Moving! Let’s get Pumping! Interactive workshop | Open to Patients This workshop will highlight the importance of exercise and its impact on the lymphatic system and lymphedema. Key tips will be reviewed on exercise progression and long-term lymphedema management. Adaptations will be reviewed to help individualize exercise programs to suit individual needs. Please bring with you an exercise (or two) that you enjoy to share with all of us! Marize Ibrahim, MSc PT CLT-LANA

Lymphedema therapist working at the McGill University Hospital Center Lymphedema Clinic, a LE&RN Network of Excellence. She is a certified Clinical Specialist in Oncology by the Physiotherapy Specialty Certification Board of Canada.

Angela Yung, PT CLT-LANA

Lymphedema therapist working at the McGill University Hospital Center Lymphedema Clinic, a LE&RN Network of Excellence.

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM | Forum 3

Patients count: development of a patient registry for Canada Interactive roundtable discussion | Open to interested parties

Pre-registration required

Lymphedema patients are often left behind in the healthcare system. There are few dedicated clinics for lymphedema and many patients use private healthcare to seek treatments. There is a need to establish a lymphedema registry in Canada where we can track patients in the healthcare system. This will identify research questions that need to be addressed and ultimately get better care for lymphedema patients. Spencer B. Gibson, PhD

Professor at the University of Alberta in the Department of Oncology and the first Dianne and Irving Kipnes Endowed Chair in Lymphatic Disorders. At the national level, Dr. Gibson is part of the executive team representing the Prairie provinces for the Terry Fox Research Institute.



2:45 PM – 3:45 PM | Salon ABCD

Overcoming barriers to body acceptance and health behaviour change through mindfulness and self-compassion. Breakout workshop | Open to all Employ a mindfulness exercise to encourage self-awareness and work with challenging emotions. Understand the role that self-compassion plays in encouraging behaviour change. Céline Koryzma, PhD Registered Psychologist

Dr. Koryzma is a clinical health psychologist in the Endocrinology and Metabolism Program within Alberta Health Services in Calgary, AB. She works with an interdisciplinary team to help patients with chronic health conditions make sustainable health behaviour changes. Dr. Koryzma’s background includes advanced training in interpersonal and health psychology.

2:45 PM – 3:45 PM | Salon E

PAD best practice assessment for lower limbs with lymphedema Breakout session | Open to all In best practice, the arterial vascular status of the legs of all patients with lower limb lymphedema should be assessed to adapt a proper compression. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a chronic condition that can affect the upper and lower extremities but occurs more frequently in the lower extremities. PAD causes decreased blood and oxygen supply to the skin, constituting ischemia. Many ways exist to assess the arterial status: arterio-brachial index, toe pressure, arterial waves, and transcutaneous oximetry. Their methods and interpretations will be discussed during this session. Maryse Beaumier, RN, MSc, PhD

Professor in the Department of Health at the University of Quebec at Rimouski (UQAR), Campus Lévis since August 2020 after 11 years in the Department of Nursing at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières.

Open to all

Enhancing Cancer Associated Lymphedema Care at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (PMCC) Through Improved Cellulitis Management, a Quality Improvement Project Patricia Blinn, MScOT OT Reg.(Ont.) CDT

The Impact of Lymphatic Venous Anastomosis as a Treatment for Upper and Lower Limb Lymphedema: A Qualitative Interim Analysis


Oral Abstracts


2:45 PM - 3:45 PM | Dixon

Catharine Bowman

A Core Outcome Set for Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: A Delphi Consensus Study Elizabeth Anderson, BSN MS(N) PhD

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Visit the Poster Hall in the Grand Ballroom Foyer Poster Abstracts Open to all Heterogeneity of Lymphedema Clinical Scoring Systems Sara Sheikh-Oleslami, PhD Thesis

Comorbidities in a Lymphedema Population Receiving Suboxone or Methadone Treatment Sondra Willis, OTR/L CLT-LANA

A core outcome set for breast cancer-related lymphedema: A Delphi consensus study Cathy Burrows, MScCH Clinical Advisor - Wound Care Canada

Heterogeneity of Lymphedema Clinical Scoring Systems Amanda Sobey, CPT NCCPT ISSA Certified Nutritionist

Comorbidities in a Lymphedema Population Receiving Suboxone or Methadone Treatment Joseph Harfouche, DPhysio, CEO Just A New Health

Health and Wellness Coaching: An Important, Powerful Component of Lymphedema and Lipedema Care Marti Klein, NBC-HWC

Visit Us at Booth #A16 Learn about clinical evidence demonstrating the efficacy of Mobiderm technology during the complete decongestive phase of therapy

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