VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK Volunteers play a significant role in making sure the biennial National Lymphedema Conference runs smoothly. We thank you sincerely for your commitment to supporting the conference as a volunteer. The different volunteer roles are described here, along with some general volunteer information.
General Volunteer Responsibilities Specific duties vary depending on which volunteer job you are assigned, but all volunteers will be asked to: • • • • •
Know the key locations of conference events and amenities (Grand Ballroom, breakout session rooms, swimming pool, Exhibit Hall, coat check, washrooms) and be able to direct attendees as needed. Have the contact information of the Event Team staff handy in case any issues should arise. Wear a lanyard identifying themselves as volunteers. Answer attendee questions in a helpful and friendly way Review the program and get familiar with the schedule, sessions, and speakers, especially your assigned session(s).
Orientation Sessions Two orientation sessions for all Volunteers will be held via Zoom. These sessions will provide a brief overview of the Conference, a review and explanation of the different volunteer roles; an opportunity to meet the CLF Event Team members who will be primary points of contact throughout the Conference; and final instructions. You will also have a chance to meet other volunteers, and there will be plenty of time for Q&A to ensure all Volunteers understand their roles. Sessions will be held on: 1. Tuesday, October 24 at 7:00 pm EDT 2. Friday, October 27at 7:00 pm EDT You will receive a calendar invitation with the Zoom link for BOTH sessions, please accept whichever one you can attend, and feel free, if you wish, to attend both. If you cannot attend at either of these times, please just let us know and we will work with you to find a time for one-on-one orientation, if needed.
Handy Links: • • • • • • •
Volunteer Handbook Conference Program Conference Schedule Conference Floor Plan Map Conference Speakers listing, with their sessions and bios Speakers and Presenters Handbook (Just FYI) Sponsors and Exhibitors Handbook (Just FYI)
VOLUNTEER ROLES AND DESCRIPTIONS Pre-Conference Setup and Materials Assembly Setup and assembly Volunteers will assist CLF Staff with general setup of registration and conference material and assembly of delegate welcome bags on Thursday evening, November 2, from 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm.
Registration and Information Desk Volunteer As a registration volunteer, you will likely be our attendees’ first point of contact at the 2023 National Lymphedema Conference. Your job will be to welcome registrants as they approach with a warm greeting, check them in by referencing the Master Registration List, provide them with their lanyard and name badge and their welcome bag and welcome kit. You will also provide directions or answers to questions as needed. Shifts: • • • •
Registration is open from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm each day of the conference. A minimum of two volunteers at a time will be assigned to the Registration Desk. The day is divided into a first shift (7:00 am – 12:00 pm) and a second shift (12:00 pm – 6:00 pm). The first shift is busiest, when most registrants are arriving. Friday will be much busier than Saturday, as most registrants are attending both days and will only need to register once upon their arrival.
Specific duties include: • •
CHECK-IN, SET UP: Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your assigned shift(s) to get oriented with the setup and materials, meet your partner volunteer, and get organized. REVIEW BRIEFING NOTES: If the Event Team has any special notes for you to be aware of (e.g., watch for a speaker who will be arriving on a tight timeline(s) and expedite their check-in), you will find a page of Briefing Notes for your shift. Please take a moment to review. GREET AND CHECK IN: Work as a team with your partner to provide a friendly and efficient check-in experience for registrants. You will work from a Master Registration List and provide attendees with their welcome packages, lanyards, and any directions or instructions they need.
During your shift(s) you will be able to catch some of the keynote address(es) and session, and after your shift you will be free to attend whichever breakout sessions you wish, as well as attend the Welcome Reception on Friday evening and the closing plenary on Saturday. If you have specific sessions on the program that you do not want to miss, please let us know and we will do our very best to ensure that someone covers the Registration Desk during that time so you can attend. There will be at least 2 CLF Team staff available as “floaters” to step in and cover stretch breaks, washroom visits, meal breaks, etc.
Session Moderator The primary responsibility of a moderator is to introduce/thank the presenters and to facilitate the question period. All sessions will be assigned both a Moderator and a Room Monitor who work together to support the presenting speaker, assist session attendees, and to keep the session on track and running smoothly. Specific duties include: • •
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CHECK-IN, PICK UP MATERIALS: Visit the Registration and Information Desk to collect your session script and materials at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your assigned session(s). ARRIVE AND INTRODUCE: Report to your assigned room at least 10 minutes before the session is to begin. Introduce yourself to the presenter(s) and your partner Room Monitor and discuss the time frame of the session and whether any assistance is required during the presentation. TECH CHECK: Together with the Audiovisual Technician in the room, assist speakers with getting their presentation loaded and displayed and ensure there are no technical difficulties. Connect with the Audiovisual Technician in the room right away if there are problems. START ON TIME: Ensure that the session starts on time as stated in the program. SPEAKER INTRODUCTIONS: From script provided, read any housekeeping and Q&A process remarks. Next, briefly introduce yourself by name to the audience, acknowledge session sponsorship, if any, and then introduce the presenter(s) with the introduction “bio” script provided. TIME-KEEPING: Your Room Monitor will provide visual 5-minute, 2-minute and “Wrap Up” cues to the speaker(s). Watch for these to ensure session is kept on schedule and advise presenter if necessary. • Oral Abstract presentations are allotted 10 minutes to present plus 5 minutes for questions. • Other sessions are either 60-minutes or 90-minutes, and the speaker should wrap up with 15minutes remaining for questions, if any. BEGIN Q&A PERIOD: When the presenter concludes, thank them, and facilitate the question period of the session. Ask attendees for questions and your Room Monitor will assist by bringing questions to the podium to be read to the speaker(s). WRAP UP: When there are no more questions or time runs out, whichever comes first, thank the speaker on behalf of the CLF and present the thank you gift (provided with your session materials). FINAL WORDS: Read any announcements or housekeeping notes that were provided with your session.
As a Moderator you will be assigned to specific sessions, and we ask that you remain in the room for the whole breakout session. If you have specific sessions on the program that you do not want to miss, please let us know and we will do our very best to ensure that you are not scheduled elsewhere during that session. Moderators will be able to attend both keynote addresses and the closing plenary session on Saturday.
Room Monitor The primary responsibility of a Room Monitor is to staff the plenary and breakout session rooms and help ensure that everything runs smoothly and on time for the session. Each session will be assigned both a Moderator and a Room Monitor who work together to support the presenting speaker, assist session attendees, and to keep the session on track. Specific duties include: • •
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CHECK-IN, PICK UP MATERIALS: Visit the Registration and Information Desk to collect your session materials at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your assigned session(s). ARRIVE AND INTRODUCE: Report to your assigned room at least 10 minutes before the session is to begin. Introduce yourself to the presenter(s) and your partner Moderator and discuss the time frame of the session and whether any assistance is required during the presentation. HANDOUTS AND SUPPLIES: Distribute any handouts, literature or supplies for the session (these will be in your session package) first thing, before attendees begin arriving. Ensure there is an adequate supply of Q&A slips and pens on all tables. GREET AND ASSIST: Position yourself at the entrance door to your session room and monitor to greet attendees as they arrive. Do your best to ensure that only registered delegates with an appropriate name badge are admitted into the room. Provide directions and address any needs that come up. WATCH CAPACITY: Monitor the room as it fills and help attendees find an available seat if the room becomes crowded. TIME-KEEPING: Watch time and hold up the visual 5-minute, 2-minute and “Wrap Up” cues to the speaker(s). (in your session package). Help Monitor ensure that the session is kept on schedule. Oral Abstract presentations are allotted 10 minutes to present plus 5 minutes for questions. Other sessions are either 60-minutes or 90-minutes, and the speaker should wrap up with 15-minutes remaining for questions, if any. Q&A SUPPORT: Assist the Moderator with the question period by collecting question slips from attendees and delivering to them to the stage where they will be read to the Speaker(s) by the Moderator. Ensure that all question slips are gathered up, whether there was time to answer them during the session or not, and place them in your session envelope to be delivered back to the Registration Desk. All questions will be addressed, if not in the session, then in the closing plenary Q&A, or in post-conference communications. WRAP UP, RETURN MATERIALS: As attendees move on to their next session, gather up any Q&A slips and literature left on tables and watch for forgotten or misplaced items left behind. Bring all to the Registration Desk, along with your session envelope with the Q&A slips inside.
As a room monitor you will be assigned to specific sessions, and we ask that you stay in the room for the whole breakout session. If you have specific sessions on the program that you do not want to miss, please let us know and we will do our very best to ensure that you are not scheduled elsewhere during that session. Room monitors will be able to attend both keynote addresses and the closing plenary session on Saturday. Requirements: Because we count on room monitors to make sure that everything runs smoothly during breakout sessions, we need room monitors to be comfortable being assertive and providing directions to attendees in breakout session rooms.