Pathways Summer 2023
Volume 12 Issue 3
Melanoma and Lymphedema
A roundtable discussion
By Marize Ibrahim, Angela Yung, Marie-Eve Letellier and Anna Towers (in discussion with Anna Kennedy)References
A full set of references can be found at:
1. Canadian Lymphedema Framework – Pathways Spring 2017, pages 5-8
2 Yamamoto, T (2020) Lymphedema secondary to melanoma treatments: diagnosis, evaluation, and treatments. Global health & medicine, 2(4), 227-234
3. Chen, T., Lin, Y., & Tan, Q. (2022). Risk factors for lower extremity lymphedema after inguinal lymphadenectomy in melanoma patients: A retrospective cohort study Surgery Open Science, 8, 33-39
4 https://www ncbi nlm/nih gov/pmc/articles/pmc7731060/#bib31, pages 25-31
5. Canadian Cancer Society – assessed 2023 -03-19
6 Melanoma Network Canada, accessed 2023-03-19