april 10 - 29, 2018 berkeley street Theatre
love and information by Caryl Churchill
A Canadian Stage Production in collaboration with the Department of Theatre in the School of the Arts, Media Production and Design at York University 17.18 Season Sponsor
Proud Sponsor 17.18 Berkeley Season
This production has been generously underwritten by Sylvia Soyka
Media Sponsor
p e r fo r m e r s
D i r ec to r s
Jason Cadieux Sarah Deller Peter Fernandes Maggie Huculak Sheila Ingabire-Isaro David Jansen Reid Millar Ngozi Paul
Tanja Jacobs Alistair Newton S e t + Cos t u m e D e s i g n e r
Eo Sharp Li g hti n g D e s i g n e r
AndrĂŠ Du Toit So u n d D e s i g n e r
Jennifer Gillmor Stag e M a n ag e r
Laura Baxter A s s i s ta nt Stag e M a n ag e r
Victoria Wang HE a d o f Wa r d ro b e
This performance runs approximately 90 minutes, There is no intermission A special thank you to Peter Hinton, dedicated mentor of the York University Canadian Stage MFA Program. Love and Information was first presented by The English Stage Company at The Royal Court Theatre in the Jerwood Theatre Downstairs, London, England on 6 September 2012. The US premiere was presented at New York Theatre Workshop, New York on 19 February 2014, directed by James McDonald. Love and Information is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC. The videotaping or making of electronic or other audio and/or visual recordings of this production or distributing recordings on any meduim including the internet, is strictly prohibited, a violation of the author’s rights and actionable under United States copyright law. For more information, please visit: www.samuelfrench.com/whitepaper
Natalie Voorn
engage Pre Show Chats
Friday, April 13th/20th/27th @ 6:15PM
Post Show Talk Backs Matinees
Wednesday, April 18th/25th Evenings
Thursday, April 19th/26th
Relaxed Performance Saturday, April 21st @ 1:00PM