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Senior School Leadership Team (SSLT)

In 2022 the leadership team in the Senior School remained as it had been at the end of 2021. Mr Neil Dunkley continued as the Director of Academic Education, Ms Dimitria Karapanagos as Director of Student Care and Development and Mrs Lindsey Herse as the Assistant Director of Student Care and Development. These appointments continued until the end of 2022, when permanent appointments were finalised for the following year.

They worked alongside Ms Ann Hamer as Director of Teaching Development and Mr Stuart McNeill as Director of Active Education. Mrs Deborah Tierney continued as Senior School Co-ordinator, and her team continues to develop and add value to Senior School’s daily operations.

The commitment and insight provided by each member of the SSLT towards the overall functioning of the Senior School helped enormously as we returned to normal operations throughout the year. I want to personally acknowledge and thank each team member for their valuable, tireless and professional commitment to CGS and for the cooperative spirit which has helped us achieve so much in a short time.

Mr Sandy Goddard and Ms Kerri Rock remained members of the SSLT even though their Director’s portfolios covered whole school operations. Ms Rock was farewelled at the end of the year as she retired from CGS to move to Queensland. Her impact, down-to-earth attitude and no-nonsense approach have been a wonderful asset to the functioning of our team.

Mr Smart was ‘decommissioned’ from the role of Head of Senior School at the end of term four as he moved into a new role as Deputy Head (Senior Specialist Care) from the start of 2023.

Exchange Programme & Overseas Tours

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 situation meant that the School again decided to postpone all overseas tours for 2022. The Exchange Programme also remained suspended, with resumption planned for 2023 on a small scale at this stage. Online opportunities for connection and interaction with students from other parts of the world were taken up as they became available.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care at CGS in the Senior School is overseen by the Director of Student Care and Development, along with the team of staff - the key group being the Pastoral Leadership Team (PLT). Specialist assistance is provided through our Chaplains, School Counsellors, Careers Advisor, Individual Learning Department, Indigenous Student Co-ordinator, Defence Mentor, Boarding staff and Health Centre as required.

Our ten Senior Houses and three Year 7 Houses in the Senior School are crucial in providing individual pastoral care to all students and delivering an essential programme of learning about key topics in character development and becoming good citizens.

The House system continues to be one of the finest aspects of a Canberra Grammar education. The Pastoral Care provided to students through this system helps to increase students’ connectedness to their School, which arises through the many unique facets of each House. Care for our students remains one of the highest priorities at CGS, encompassing many facets and interventions depending on the individual situation. This continued to be even more crucial during the Covid-19 lockdown, and the interactions within

Houses were a crucial aspect of how successfully we could navigate the uncharted waters of a global pandemic and keep students connected and motivated.

In 2022 a new Pastoral Programme was launched through the House Tutor Group system. This programme delivers key elements based on ten important pastoral dimensions commencing in early childhood up to Year 12. It involves a natural content progression up to the final year of Senior School, incorporating relevant issues and activities. The programme will provide holistic and age-appropriate sessions and activities to develop ethical values and strong, positive behavioural skills.

Leadership Opportunities

Leadership opportunities are provided across all levels of the Senior School through various activities, our House system, and formal positions of responsibility. Our model of leadership is based on service and having a positive impact on others. In 2022 a positive change to our model of student representation and agency was made whereby the Student Representative Council (SRC) was expanded to have a separate committee for each year group under the leadership of one of the School Captains. This provided much greater opportunities for student voice from all year groups.

Special thanks to our School Leaders for 2022 from Year 12 who had such a positive influence on the life of Canberra Grammar School. Tom Gazard, Evie Lane, Zara Ford, Nick Yannopoulos, Lily Feakes, Mia Byron and Orlando Throsby were all inspirational captains. They were superbly supported by the House Captains, Co-curricular Captains and many others without official leadership titles.

Leadership opportunities were also provided through the CAS programme in the IB, the Service Committee and through many fundraising initiatives led by students, including “Shave for a Cure” and a wide variety of House-led initiatives supporting many worthy charities. Outdoor Education provides many practical leadership experiences when students are out in the field. It was superb to be able to hold camps once again in 2022.

Indigenous Scholarship Programme

Our Indigenous Scholars Programme continues to thrive at CGS through our valuable connection with the South Coast community at Nowra, Wreck Bay and Ulladulla. In 2022 we invited eight new students to join us at CGS and have drawn from the South Coast region and further afield. Silas Holmes joined Year 11 from East Reynella College in South Australia and Kaylah Upfield from Wagga Wagga. Both are gifted athletes, and it wasn’t long before ACT Brumbies recognised Silas’ natural ability and included him in their representative programme. Kaylah has also played Netball at an Elite level, including playing as Goal Shooter for First Nations All Stars. We aim to see the Indigenous Scholarship programme flourish as we seek to invite six new students to join CGS in 2023.

Outdoor Education Camps

In 2022 we had the good fortune to return to a full camps programme and offered a range of outdoor experiences throughout the year. The Year 9 Rolling Camps occurred during Terms 2 & 3 with great success. These important opportunities lay a solid foundation as they are organised in small groups of 20 students and led by our own Outdoor Education team. With more outdoor opportunities in 2022, we supplemented our staff team, and Kevin Archbold was employed as Assistant to Sue Donoghoe. Mick Forrest continued in his pivotal logistic role, and the team was often strengthened by Sam Beaver when he had breaks in his Master’s programme.

In Term 4, we trialled Camps Week after a three-year hiatus. Getting this huge undertaking off the ground was difficult, but we offered separate Year Group activities for the first week of term. Year 7 had a great four-day programme at Sport and recreation Camp in Jindabyne. At the same time, Year 8 headed to Coolendel on the Shoalhaven River with an exciting week of hiking care of Optimum Experiences. Year 9 trialled a different programme delivered as a learning and leadership week at a non-residential camp in Canberra. Year 10 got to self-select their mode of travel and journey through Kosciuszko National Park by Skiing, Snowshoeing, Paddling, Mountain biking or bushwalking.

Music & Drama

Music and Drama continue to play a crucial role in the life of CGS, and the range of concerts, performances and plays enrich those involved and the wider school community. We were lucky indeed to open the Snow Concert Hall in August, and the range of guest performers was simply stunning. As they were all alumnae of Canberra Grammar School, it was a very special evening enjoyed by a capacity crowd. Next year will see music moving to the next level, and the SCH will come online as a fantastic asset for CGS and the wider community. Drama will continue to offer stellar productions as they gear up for the lively musical “Chicago” for 2023


Boarding continues to provide a wonderful component of CGS education for many students. Returning to almost normal operations for most of the year was a positive situation for our students and staff involved with boarding. Our boarding staffing underwent some temporary adjustments during 2022, with Mr Kiel Brown moving to assist with Psychologist responsibilities in the Senior School and Mr Lawson Waser Acting as Head of Boys Boarding. This meant Mr Max Bode assumed responsibility as Assistant Head of Boys Boarding. Mrs Jenny Hunter and her team, which includes Ms Olivia Gurney as Assistant Head of Girls Boarding, continued to have a positive impact. Our Boarding provision underwent an audit by the Australian Boarding Schools Association (ABSA) late in the year. This report has provided valuable feedback that will help further develop boarding operations throughout 2023. Those in Acting positions were confirmed as moving to permanent positions. Mr Brown will continue his connection with boarding by providing psychological support to boarders each week and valuable input to the pastoral programme within boarding. This will give CGS Boarding a unique level of support for students.

Numerous initiatives were introduced throughout 2022 to improve the assistance provided to boarding students with their academic work and study, including teaching staff being made available to assist with work during prep times. This has provided valuable extra support.

Final Thoughts

2022 concluded with a return of Presentation Night at the convention Centre as a way of recognising our top academic achievers and experiencing fantastic performances from our musicians, choirs, actors and dancers, as well as powerful speeches. A new style of Valedictory celebration was also held after the Year 12 examinations in late November to conclude the year. I would like to especially thank the staff, parents and students for their outstanding contribution throughout 2022, which helped to make CGS the special place it is for many in our community. As we continue to encourage connection and belonging to our School, we experience students who thrive in our world and have a sense of purpose and well-being.

Hopefully, you will enjoy reading about the Senior School experience in the following pages and reflect on a year that saw a return to more normal operations and activities and was very positive in the life of our School.

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