3 June 2021

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thursday 03 june 2021

POLITICAL CAPITAL Climate debate fuels youth hopelessness NEWS Brave swimmers bare all for Lifeline TASTE Winter warmer: wonton soup School holiday activity guide p24



Real estate P49 HOME Runway style WELLBEING The path to peace

Hot winter woollies Chic picks for the cold weather

Canberra Weekly .com.au contents

thursday 03 june 2021

This week...

Ta-da! Winter arrived unfashionably early on Monday morning 31 May, unceremoniously pushing autumn out of the way with a rude -6.3oC minimum – the coldest temperature recorded in the ACT in three years. This was followed up with a chilly -5.2oC on Tuesday 1 June, the official first day of winter down under. So brace yourselves, Canberrans, looks like we’re in for an icy cold one! Which will of course delight those who relish the cold and the ski bunnies who frequent the Snowies to make the most of the white stuff, natural or machine-made. Having migrated to Canberra in late May 1985 from southern Queensland, my first winter here came as a bit of a shock. Over the years, I learned to dress myself and my home more suitably to cope with the weather extremes and to love all four seasons. Clever me. One of my favourite things about winter is the art of dressing in layers – a fun way of expressing personal style through colourful or textured knits, scarves and other accessories. For inspiration, check out our fashion cover shoot courtesy of CW’s Libby Kimber and Kerrie Brewer on page 42. Reasons to be grateful this past week include the Reconciliation long weekend, quiet nights at home watching quality TV and reading books, nature walks on bracing days, and kitty-sitting my son’s purr-fectly sweet cat @magicat.esme. - Julie Samaras

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Climate debate fuels youth hopelessness

News Swimmers bare all for Lifeline

Special feature School holiday activity guide

On the cover Hot winter trends


04 06 14 16 18 20 32 34 42 46 47 48 49 85 86 87

General news Political capital Winners Sport Have you heard? Social scene Taste Time out The look Wellbeing Home In the garden Real estate Puzzles Stars Trades & services

on the cover

Hot looks for the cold weather – all items available locally. Styling by Libby Kimber. Photo by Kerrie Brewer. For details, see The Look, page 42.

38 42

38 East Meets West Orchestral Evening tickets 85 Book bundle 91 Buckley’s Chance film passes 91 Keeping Faith S3 DVDs

ISSN: 2652-9297


Editor Julie Samaras news@canberraweekly.com.au Founder & Publisher Nick Samaras

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Political capital


From the editor

06 12 24 42

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49 Published by Newstate Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2016 Newstate Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstate Media upon receipt and Newstate Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800.

news New ACT Cat Plan calls for cat containment and registration Cat owners will be required to contain their cats and register them under a new plan the ACT Government released last week. The ACT Cat Plan 2021-2031 has been developed to support responsible pet ownership and balance the wellbeing of cats with management of their impact on Canberra’s environment. It follows detailed consultation with cat owners, environmental groups and the broader community. Under the plan, annual registration requirements for pet cats will commence from 1 July 2022. New cat owners will be required to pay a once-off fee when they first register a cat and will then need to update their details annually at no additional cost. There will be no charge for existing cat owners to register their current cat. The plan will also introduce city-wide cat containment requirements for new cats obtained after 1 July 2022. Grandfathering arrangements will apply for cats owned before this date. All new Canberra suburbs will continue to be cat containment areas.

Every year, free-roaming but owned Canberra cats are estimated to prey on 61,000 native birds, 2,000 native mammals, 30,000 native reptiles and 6,000 native frogs. RSPCA ACT CEO Michelle Robertson said the organisation welcomed a coordinated approach to cat containment across the ACT. “We look forward to working with the Government to implement the plan to improve cat welfare and protect native wildlife. We also look forward to working with the community to increase responsible cat ownership.” Local charity Canberra Street Cat Alliance (CSCA) is a small volunteer group that works to reduce Canberra’s population of unowned cats via a trap, neuter, release (TNR) program. Upon catching them, CSCA will desex, microchip and vaccinate the cats. Where possible, they will be rehomed, but if a cat is too feral, it will be returned to where it was caught and fed daily. The charity believes The ACT Cat Plan 2021-2031 will require them to cease their TNR program. “We are extremely concerned about the impact

The ACT Cat Plan will promote practices, such as cat containment and compulsory registration, designed to improve cat welfare and protect wildlife. Photo: Jamila Toderas.

this will have on the street cat population,” a spokesperson said. “We are advocates of TNR with extensive overseas research showing TNR to be the most effective management strategy to reduce street cat populations as opposed to ad hoc trapping and killing.” Given CSCA primarily works with cat populations living in the industrial estates of Hume, Mitchell and Fyshwick, the charity will recommend an exemption for cat containment in industrial areas. Read an extended version of this story at canberraweekly.com.au

‘Guaranteed to fail’: Disability community opposes NDIS reforms Canberra’s disability advocates and support services fear reforms to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will be disastrous. The current process is complex and costly, the Federal Government states. People with disabilities must organise assessments and collect evidence to show how their disability affects them. National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) employees use reports from multiple clinicians and health professionals to develop individual plans. Free independent assessments will replace this approach. Assessors from eight agencies (allied health professionals, with at least one year of practical experience) will use standardised tools to determine the most suitable package for the person with disabilities. The government states this will make the NDIS “better, simpler, faster, and more flexible”. The government is testing eight assessment tools over two pilots; the first pilot ran from 2018 to 2019, and another began in October 2020. Some trial participants have called the assessment “a joy to be part of”, and the questions “reasonable and fair”, according to letters NDIA CEO Martin Hoffman received. 4


But Nicolas Lawler, CEO of Advocacy for Inclusion, called the independent assessments “egregiously flawed”. Dougie Herd, chair of the ACT Disability Reference Group, himself quadriplegic, was scathing: “I have never heard of a more ridiculous idea in my 35 years of working with and for people with disability. It is simply guaranteed to fail.” Opponents believe that independent assessments are simplistic, and overlook an individual’s needs. The new proposal fits 500,000 people into 400 boxes, Mr Herd said. “That then gives a plan to somebody without any real reference to what my individual needs are, or what somebody else’s individual needs are.” Mr Lawler said the independent assessments are made in limited time (three hours on average), so may not be accurate or complete. For instance, someone with disability might overestimate their abilities, or confuse the assessor. Mandatory independent assessments are potentially stressful and traumatic, ADACAS CEO, Wendy Prowse, and Mental Health Community Coalition ACT CEO, Bec Cody, believe. They could damage a client’s recovery and cause relapse.

Using clinical assessment tools to generate a client’s support package, rather than developing it with the person with disability, was not appropriate. The tools were not designed to identify a person with disability’s particular needs, Mr Herd said. The disability community also objected to a perceived lack of transparency. The NDIS was developed through co-design, Mr Herd explained: when it was designed and built a decade ago, the government consulted for two years with people with disabilities, agencies, and states and territory governments. But this time they say they have been left in the dark. Ms Cody said the Federal Government had not been open and consultative; she did not know what the pilot findings or the projected costings were; she was unsure about the assessment tools and categorisation process. Even politicians have not been informed, it seems. Emma Davidson, ACT Minister for Disability, said neither the current nor previous Federal Ministers for the NDIA had resolved her significant concerns about independent assessments. - Nick Fuller

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political capital Climate debate fuels youth hopelessness Observers of the march by young people through Civic on 21 May – protesting government inaction on climate change – probably fell into two camps. Some would have seen conscientious, motivated Generation Zs, determined to seize back the future which short-sighted politicians are stealing from them day by day. Others would have seen frightened, nearly-hysterical kids, chanting obscenities, pawns of a climate-panic movement they do not understand. They chanted, “F… you, Scomo” as they marched. That, of course, is the gift of free speech: Australians have always cherished the right to bag out the government of the day, even though they might usually avoid using the F-word in front of their children when describing the prime minister of the day. I sympathise with the cause that drives these youths. Governments everywhere are moving far too slowly on an issue which will impact heavily on future generations. But putting aside the question of whether their cause is just or not, the other question is whether political activism of

this kind is good for young people themselves. The Australian Election Study, run by the ANU, has conducted surveys after each federal election for the last 35 years, probing attitudes towards policy issues, leaders and democracy itself. The trends are disturbing. Support for major parties has been steadily declining, as has trust in government. Only a quarter of the electorate believes that people in government can be trusted. Satisfaction with the democratic process has reached its lowest level in 40 years. This is a dangerous cocktail of statistics. When people lose faith in those who govern, the leverage of governments to solve problems is diminished. Institutional voices are eroded in favour of voices at the margin; groups with simplistic answers, whether from the far left or right, gain traction they do not deserve. Churchill famously observed that democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. He was right. For all its faults and failings, democracy is the best – no, the only – sustainable vehicle for building a better future.

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How does the youth-led climate debate fit into this? Young people learn, particularly at school, that global warming is the greatest threat facing humanity, and that urgent action is needed to address it. But when they look to what governments are doing, they see lethargy and excuses, a general failure to respond. Those who are angry enough will march and wave placards. But many more young people will simply draw the conclusion that our system of government is useless, and that participation in it is futile. Among both sets of young Australians, the outcome is deep cynicism about the democratic process. No matter how strongly we feel about climate change, that outcome is deeply worrying. A nihilistic generation, inured in hopelessness, is a signpost to trouble. Two groups of Australians must act to avert this: leaders who drag their feet on climate action, and leaders who prey on the fears of young people to stoke climate panic.

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news Royalla residents are riled by a proposal to build a quarry nearby. They believe the possible environmental and social impacts – dust, illness, noise and environmental degradation – outweigh the benefits, both for their village and for the wider region, including southern ACT suburbs. “It’s not just a Royalla issue; it really does affect people in widespread ways and the communities for quite a decent distance around this quarry,” said Caroline Bradly, a member of the Royalla Quarry Opposition. Monaro Rock (a joint venture between Monaro Mix Specified Concrete and Pacific Formwork) plan to build a hard rock quarry 5km north of the Monaro Highway/Old Cooma Road intersection, and close to ACT suburbs in Tuggeranong, like Theodore and Calwell. They say the quarry would provide

aggregates and other products, at first for their own concrete batching operations (cheaper than buying aggregate elsewhere), but ultimately for local and regional infrastructure and construction projects. The company also says it will hire 20 to 30 full-time workers. But the opposition group is unconvinced. For a start, they believe the quarry is unnecessary. There are three other hard rock quarries within 10km, five quarries within 50km, none operating at capacity, and with an estimated 70 years’ worth of materials. The quarry is in the middle of an E2 Environmental Conservation Area (containing high ecological or other values), where industry and most developments are prohibited. However, the quarry is considered a state-significant development, and will be assessed by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

In a letter to residents, Monaro Rock stated a detailed technical Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) would assess transportation, dust and noise generation, vegetation clearing, social and visual amenity, Aboriginal and historic heritage, and water resources – issues the opposition group has concerns about. Residents worry that more trucks will use local roads (up to 100 trucks each day), and quarry blasts could weaken the foundation of houses within a 5km radius. Quarry dust contains fine particles of respirable silica – which can cause lung cancer, silicosis (scarring and stiffening of the lungs), kidney disease, and pulmonary disease. The opposition group is concerned the dust could affect thousands of people living near the quarry, particularly children (there are 18 schools within 7km of the proposed quarry site) and people with

Photo supplied

Royalla-y ticked off: Quarrels over quarry Royalla residents turned out in force to a recent information session about the proposed quarry.

respiratory conditions. The area also contains box-gum grassy woodlands – of which there are less than 10% left in the world – and is home to critically endangered lizards and plants, and vulnerable species of birds, insects and plants. Following initial consultation with the community, Monaro Rock’s group operations manager, John Patterson, said the company would assess the potential environmental, social, and economic outcomes identified. “Understanding these concerns ensures we can plan a project that best takes these matters into consideration.” - Nick Fuller

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news Tim Berman is thinking about selling his car to buy an electric bike. His employer, the digital agency Annex, was one of four businesses lent e-bikes and e-scooters by the Conservation Council ACT Region (CCACTR) in a trial program to encourage active commuting. “Is it possible to switch to an electric bike and leave your car at home? To go from being a two-car family to being a one-car family?” CCACTR executive director Helen Oakey wondered. The answer, it seems, is a resounding ‘Yes’. “I’ve been using the e-bike for the last week; it’s been fantastic,” Mr Berman said. “I used to cycle at school and when I commuted in Sydney. I hadn’t considered it in Canberra because it was easier to jump in the car.” But riding the bike from

Belconnen to Civic three days out of five has given him a second thought. “When I tried riding on my regular bike, that was tough, and I got pretty sweaty. But coming on the e-bike was magical; I felt fresh and good for work. And now I’m seriously considering maybe buying [an e-bike] and ditching the second car.” Which is exactly the result the Conservation Council hoped for. Around 60% of ACT greenhouse gas emissions come from transport, Ms Oakey said. Canberrans travel 11 million kilometres every day – 9 million of them in private vehicles mostly carrying one person. But if fewer people owned cars, ACT roads would be less congested, and the city less polluted. “With 9 million kilometres of car trips every single day, every kilometre we switch out is emissions saved,” she said.

To help Canberrans transition to active commuting, the Conservation Council and the Canberra Environment Centre developed the ‘Make the Move’ program. Four workplaces are being lent e-scooters and e-bikes for six weeks. Annex, and barber Truefitt & Hill in the city have already taken part. Early Childhood Australia in Fyshwick, and Icon Water in Mitchell will soon. The program also includes a tailored workshop and a website with information about planning trips; using bikes, scooters, skateboards and electric machines; and how to change travel habits. The ACT Government has provided more than $39,500 through the Community Zero Emissions Grant Program, which funds initiatives that are designed to help the ACT become emissions-free by 2045. “This is a terrific program that

Photo Nick Fuller

Canberrans ‘Make the Move’ to active commuting

Helen Oakey, Conservation Council ACT Region’s executive director, and Shane Rattenbury, ACT Minister for Water, Energy and Emissions Reduction, with Tim Berman, prospective e-bike buyer.

really seeks to tackle Canberra’s biggest greenhouse gas challenge,” said Shane Rattenbury, Minister for Water, Energy and Emissions Reduction. “People are used to driving their cars to get places. It tends to be pretty easy and pretty convenient in Canberra, and we need to tackle those transport emissions.” - Nick Fuller

MLA Marisa Paterson wants Canberra to “divorce” the house on the hill and instead apply to be internationally recognised as a National Park City. Dr Paterson said she was “dismayed” by recent media coverage of Canberra being named the world’s most sustainable city paired with photos of Parliament House, and wants to push Canberra’s landscape, nature and green credentials on an international scale. “We are more than Parliament House,” she said. “And the policies and actions that contribute to our sustainability do not arise from federal politics or from the house on the hill. “Canberra offers an unparalleled intersect between urban living and natural environments. We have some 10


Photo Kerrie Brewer

Calls for Canberra to become National Park City

incredibly inspiring groups, individuals, businesses and organisations already doing great work in this space.”



A m azin g !

news Go jump in the Lake: Streakers swim on the solstice Charity Swim to raise money for Lifeline’s Crisis Support Service. Organiser Ben Johnston said that since the pandemic, many Canberrans have struggled with mental health. Like bathing in the Ganges, swimming in Lake Burley Griffin on the winter solstice could

Photo Kerrie Brewer

Wanted: Hardy souls brave enough to bare it all for charity, and jump naked into Lake Burley Griffin in the middle of winter. Will you take the plunge? Intrepid Canberrans will dare the icy waters on the morning of Monday 21 June, for the Winter Solstice Nude

Organisers of this year’s Winter Solstice Charity Nude Swim in Lake Burley Griffin hope to attract up to 400 participants.

76 Hardwick Crescent, Kippax 12


be spiritually cleansing. “The whole idea of the swim is to start the new solar year by washing away the negative energy,” Mr Johnston said. “Some people go in with a mindset that this is an opportunity for rebirth and renewal. Our association with Lifeline and mental health feeds into that as well.” The Winter Solstice Swim is held in honour of Ian Lindeman, the event’s late founder. Inspired by Hobart’s Dark Mofo nude winter solstice swim, he organised the first swim five years ago, raising funds for cancer research and Lifeline. Mr Johnston met Mr Lindeman when he took over the Old Canberra Inn six years ago. “Ian Lindeman came with the pub; he was very much a fixture there – an absolutely wonderful man, who was the ultimate local that you wanted in your pub. He was a very friendly, affable, generous person who would talk to anybody at any time, and helped out people a lot. A lot of young people really looked up to him, and he made friends with everybody over the years there.” Mr Lindeman died in 2019, but the swim continues. The first swim held after his death was a tiny event, due to COVID restrictions in 2020. Only two people, Mr Lindeman’s brother Peter and his friend Geoff Arney, could take part, and they were not allowed to swim. Nevertheless, their photo shoot raised more than $19,000. This year, Mr Johnston hopes 350 to 400 people will swim; 90 Canberrans have already registered. “We’re throwing it wide open, and people are responding in record numbers.” But what can they expect? The lake is a chilly -2 degrees: brass monkey weather. “But it’s not what you think gets cold,”

Ian Lindeman used to tell people. In fact, brother Peter said, your feet are the coldest. He doesn’t linger in the water; the actual dip only lasts a minute. “I’m in pretty quick – head under, in, turn around.” But even for those 30 or 40 seconds, his feet really feel the cold. “I’m still feeling it that afternoon; at 3 o’clock, 4 o’clock, my feet are starting to thaw out.” The water may make his feet cold – but Peter Lindeman doesn’t have cold feet about the swim. Nor does Geoff Arney. “You feel invigorated!” Besides, Mr Johnston said: “You don’t have to swim very far. It’s not about a swim, it’s really about the symbolism of getting in the water and washing the negative energy away. It’s really up to you how long you spend in the water.” Swimmers cannot huddle together to keep warm, as they could pre-COVID, but there will be plenty of fires, hot coffee, and a free sausage sizzle. And a naked bagpiper. “It’s not quite going into war, but it is a little bit of a battle for people to get in there,” Mr Johnston said. “But once you’ve committed, people just tend to follow each other in there.” Ian Lindeman’s son Rohan considers the swim a distinctively Canberra challenge. “I don’t know if there’s anywhere colder in Australia where you could do something like this; it’s a cool thing that’s unique to Canberra.” Cool may be the word for the water – but the people in it are warm-hearted. For more information about the Ian Lindeman Memorial Winter Solstice Swim, to register, or to donate to Lifeline, visit wintersolsticeswim.com; donations are tax deductible. - Nick Fuller

Warrigal Queanbeyan advertising moment

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news Locals raise awareness of breast cancer in men

Letters to the editor

Canberra locals are banding together to make a pink pledge and dye their hair today, Thursday 3 June, to raise money for and awareness of breast cancer in men. Following Steve Hall’s breast cancer diagnosis in March this year, his wife Alison and younger sister Leanna Graham will be going pink in style with the support of Creative Image Hair, Kambah. Mr Hall is no stranger to cancer as he fights his fourth different diagnosis in his lifetime. Diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at 14, he went onto being diagnosed with Leukaemia at 16 when he received a life-saving bone marrow transplant. At the age of 33, Mr Hall had a Squamous Cell Carcinoma removed from his tongue.

Dear Editor, In his article, ACT sidelined in the euthanasia debate (CW, 27/5), Gary Humphries seems conflicted. On the one hand he suggests there is a right kind of euthanasia by saying that there are serious dangers if the wrong kind of euthanasia is legislated. He then goes on to explain what some of those dangers are: extending the time at which euthanasia might be considered: e.g. in the Victorian legislation states candidates must have less than six months to live, while the Queensland legislation is looking at less than 12 months to live. This, he acknowledges, is a serious slippery slope. Then there is the not always benign influence of families on those who are considering euthanasia. I would like to ask Gary what he considers a right kind of euthanasia? Experience in The Netherlands, Belgium, Canada and the US suggests there is no such thing. As far as euthanasia supporters are concerned, safeguards are just there to be got around. I suggest Gary and all your readers find and read Paul Kelly’s article ‘State-sanctioned death exposes the West’s moral decay’, published in The Weekend Australian of 29-30 May. - C. Rule, Gilmore ACT

Although he was aware men could be diagnosed with breast cancer, even following his previous battles, he never thought it would happen to him. “I had a little lump on my breast that had been there for about 10 years and the doctors knew about it … it had always been a minor thing that you keep an eye on,” he said. “Within pretty much a week, I was seeing a breast surgeon and having a full mastectomy.” Pink Party, Thursday 3 June from 5pm, Creative Image Hair, Boddington Cres, Kambah. Don your best pink outfit and join in as they ‘Colour It Pink’ for the National Breast Cancer Foundation Go Pink campaign. There will be pink food and drinks, raffles and a chance to colour yourself pink, too! - Erin Cross

No complaint Ms Samaras, just wanted to ensure this email actually got to you. Your editorial, Canberra Weekly of Thursday 27 May was exquisite. Its tactile nature literally did stop me in my tracks when, as a new boy practising or posing to be Canberran, I silently shared a path with crested cockatoos when one solitary large blackbird stood out and chirped almost into my eyes. I started chirping back and, astounding as it was, the blackbird stayed with me in earnest chirping, like we were trying to talk. Of course, some real Canberrans privy to my breathtaking display thought I might be quite mad - how not to impress the one beautiful human being who stood out in my eyes, as she slipped by, obviously taking what she considered my madness for granted. I enjoy yours and Nick’s magazine most weeks, including as a visitor in 2018 and an extended stay on Kingston Foreshore into 2019, where I definitely took my lifelong Canberran friend’s luxury apartment and Denhams Beach holiday cottage for granted or forever inherited a delusion of grandeur. At least its ‘illusion’ is now real enough, with my own little house on the prairie, as my UK based Brit and NYC families call it, basking in bright sunlight at the foot of that surprising phenomenon you mentioned [Mt Taylor], shrouded in fog. - C. Simon, Woden

Have an opinion you want to share?

Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Letters to the editor’ in the subject field. Please include your full name, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate.

Canberra Weekly competition winners The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: Ignite prints: M Wyatt, Gilmore; N Ediri, Belconnen; L Butler, Ainslie. Australian World Orchestra tickets: P Stratton, Yarralumla. Bluey tickets: J Roll, Gordon; E Gavin, Holder. Cruella film passes: M O’Donnell, Nicholls; E Coggin, Palmerston; C Neave, Lyneham; M Tallarida, Bonner; P Cottier, Lyneham; W Lockery, Dickson.



Upgrade your gas heating to reverse-cycle and save. Upgrade from a flued gas heater to a reverse-cycle air heating and cooling unit and save $500* off the cost and installation. PLUS $500* credit on your ActewAGL electricity bill. $500* off the cost and installation of your new airconditioning unit. A total of $500* is credited on your quarterly electricity bill over three years. Concession card holders will receive $1000 off the cost and installation and $500 Electricity Credit. Appliance payment plan available – see in store for details. Upgrade your inefficient ducted gas heater and save $1000* off the purchase price. PLUS $500* credit on your ActewAGL electricity bill. $1000* off the supply and installation of your new reverse-cycle air conditioning unit. A total of $500* is credited onto your quarterly electricity bill over three years. Concession card holders will receive $2000* off the cost and installation and $1000* Electricity Credit. Insulated ducting increases performance and minimises heating and cooling loss for further energy savings.

The local heating, cooling and hot water experts. For expert advice, installation and servicing call 6280 0994 or visit instore 100 Gladstone St Fyshwick. actewaglenergyshop.com.au *T&C apply, see actewagl.com.au/upgrade

sport Raiders lose in Gosford The Canberra Raiders’ poor season continued with a 44-16 loss to the Sydney Roosters at Central Coast Stadium on Saturday 29 May. Canberra began quickly with Josh Hodgson and Corey Horsburgh scoring the first two tries to open up a 10-0 lead. However, the Roosters hit back swiftly with three quick tries to take a 16-10 lead into half time. The Roosters’ onslaught continued after the break, scoring five tries to one in a dominant second-half performance. Canberra has now slumped to 14th on the ladder having lost seven of their last eight matches. They have a much-needed bye in Round 13 before taking on the Brisbane Broncos at GIO Stadium Canberra on Saturday 12 June.

Wighton on Blues bench Meanwhile, Raiders star Jack Wighton



has been selected by the NSW Blues for the first State of Origin match on Wednesday 9 June in Townsville. Wighton has been named on the bench after missing out on the fiveeighth spot to the Panthers’ Jarome Luai. It will be Wighton’s seventh appearance for the Blues after playing all six matches over the previous two seasons. He is the only Raider selected for either squad with Queenslander Josh Papalii ruled out due to suspension. Canberra was reportedly in the mix to host Game One after a decision to relocate it from Melbourne due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak. However, the NRL decided that Queensland Country Bank Stadium in Townsville was the best option, meaning the first two games will be played in Queensland with the potential decider in Sydney.

Brumbies back home after unsuccessful NZ trip The Brumbies will return home for the final two rounds of the Super Rugby Trans Tasman series after dropping all three matches across the ditch. They lost the first two matches to the Crusaders and Chiefs before rounding out the trip with a 38-10 loss to the Blues in Auckland on Saturday

29 May. The Brumbies will be looking to get on the board when they take on the Hurricanes at GIO Stadium on Saturday 5 June. It has been a rough series for all Australian sides as they occupy the bottom five spots on the ladder with the Reds the only Aussie team with a win.

Giants mauled by Lions The GWS Giants were no match for a red-hot Brisbane Lions side on Saturday afternoon, falling by 64 points at the Gabba. The Lions dominated from the outset, kicking the first six goals of the match on their way to a 19.15 (129) to 10.5 (65) win. The loss sees the Giants slip out of the top 8 while the Lions have

now won seven in a row. Bobby Hill, Josh Kelly and Callan Ward all kicked two goals for the Giants while Tim Taranto gathered 36 disposals in the midfield. The Giants have a bye in Round 12 before heading to Tasmania to take on the North Melbourne Kangaroos on Sunday 13 June. - Vincent Samaras

A perfect place, just for you. Looking to downsize, simplify your life, or want a fresh start? This is the one for you. Built with community living in mind, BaptistCare’s Yarra Rossa is the perfect backdrop for forging new friendships, and finding new passions. Residents will have access to an amazing range of amenities including gardens, walking tracks, indoor heated pool, café and more. Join us at our casual information session this June to find out more about the masterplan, available apartments, the many benefits of community living, and to learn more about the financials. Following the information session please join us for a complimentary light lunch.

“Retirees should plan ahead and downsize while still relatively fit and independent.” F U T U R E R E S I D E N T, DIANA


Thursday 17 June 10.30am – 12.30pm WHERE

Hotel Kurrajong 8 National Circuit, Barton RSVP

Call Karen by 10 June 1800 512 116



GIVIT donation of the week: Building tools

Kangara Waters Charity Sale Kangara Waters Retirement Village is holding a winter charity sale is on Saturday 5 June 8.30am- 12.30pm at 2 Joy Cummings Place, Belconnen. There are many handknitted scarves and beanies for sale for $5 each as well as a table at higher prices. All money raised will be sent to selected charities with scarves, beanies and other knitted good to give the homeless some comfort and warmth. The charities this year include the Early Morning Centre in Canberra City and Children’s Ground in Alice Springs.

Share your community event. Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

Two community organisations have come together on a mission to gather tools – new and used - to support people in the Bega Valley who are still rebuilding their lives following the Black Summer bushfires. A converted shipping container used to house these shared resources has become the hub for bringing together residents as they recover. For this communal tool library, the organisations need welding equipment, circular saws, cordless drills, tiling kits, wheelbarrows, sanders and a variety of hand tools. Any pre-loved, quality tools which can be donated will be greatly appreciated by this resilient community. To donate, visit givit.org.au/donate-items, search by category “Tools and Home Rebuild” in the Bega Valley. After you pledge the item, you will be contacted by the relevant organisation to arrange pick-up, post or drop-off.

Fyshwick Soup Kitchen The Fyshwick Soup Kitchen now serves hot soup and bread rolls every Thursday 5.30-7pm. The soup kitchen operates from Vision Church at 1 Lithgow St, Fyshwick. All meals are free of charge. More info: fyshwicksoupkitchen.org.au

HAVE YOU HEARD? what's on


Belconnen Day: The next meeting will be held Tuesday 8 June 11.45am at Raiders Leagues Club, Holt. Cost: $30 for two-course lunch. Guest speaker: Canberra author, Chris Hammer. To RSVP or cancel, call Mary on 6242 9549 or 0414 529 563 or email keithw@bigpond.net.au by 3 June. New members most welcome; please ring and register.

Canberra Jung Society The next meeting is on Friday 4 June 7pm, for music, light dinner, library and chat at MacKillop Conference Centre, 50 Archibald St, Lyneham, and online. At 8pm, guest speaker David Russell (Master of Analytical Psychology degree) will speak via Zoom. David’s work is not concerned so much with the treatment of neurosis but rather with the approach to the numinous. Cost: $15 ($10 conc). More info: CanberraJungSociety.org.au or call 0406 375 670.

Red Dove preloved clothing Browse an auditorium full of great winter bargains in clothing, linen, brica-brac, books and DVDs on Thursday to Saturday 3-5 June and 1-3 July 9am1pm at Tuggeranong Uniting Church, Cormier Street, Wanniassa (opposite Erindale Shopping Centre). Convenient car parking and easy access.

Country Women’s Association (CWA) The next meeting of the Queanbeyan Evening Branch CWA of NSW is Tuesday 8 June 6.30pm at the Tourist Hotel (private dining room), Monaro Street, Queanbeyan. New members always welcome. More info: email Nicole via cwaqebsecretary@gmail.com 18


must do

must see

Braidwood Book Fair Don’t miss the ever-popular Braidwood Book Fair over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend, Friday 11 to Monday 14 June at National Theatre, Wallace St, Braidwood. Open: Fri-Sun 9am to 4pm; Mon 9am-2pm. Known for the huge variety of books for all ages, DVDs, CDs, records, magazines and more. This is a Braidwood community event organised by the Anglican Parish of Braidwood. More info: call 0418 291 141 or email braidwoodbookfair@gmail.com

Campbell Primary turns 60 Campbell Primary will be celebrating its 60th birthday in August. The school community is seeking stories, photographs and memorabilia from past staff, students and Campbell Primary families to assist them in their celebrations of school’s history. To share some great primary school stories with them, please email campbellps@ed.act.edu.au

Canberra Union Voices Canberra Union Voices is a choir for people who believe in social justice and equality and would like to welcome new members to come and sing with them, about things that matter. No auditions, all welcome. A wide range of songs, serious and not so serious! At Dickson Tradies on Wednesdays 2-3.30pm. To find out costs, email Andrew via zipkow@optusnet.com.au or Chrissie via chrissieshaw@apex.net.au

AGED 50 AND OVER? COVID-19 vaccines continue to roll out to those most at risk. People aged 50 and over can receive their COVID-19 vaccine at one of the selected vaccination clinics or at participating general practices. It’s voluntary, free and the best way to protect you and your community. Our Therapeutic Goods Administration continues to closely monitor the safety of all vaccines in Australia.

To find out where you can get vaccinated visit australia.gov.au or call 1800 020 080

Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.

social scene

Leandro Waisman, Esther Posadilla

Dario Polski, Florencia Levato, Gregorio Acerbi Hernández

John Teres, Ricardo Gallardo, Celia Gallardo

Prabir De, Cameron Patterson, Ellie O’Donell

Mitchell Gonda, Michael Halloran

Meredith Turner, Marita Corra, Luciana Porfirio

Silvia Gabriela, Pablo Guzzo, Michelle Di Monte

Miguel Julian Palomino De La Gala (Ambassador Peru), Teresita Daroca Capell, Ivan Silva

Argentinean National Day Reception, Argentine Official Residence, Red Hill. Photos Kerrie Brewer

Need a hand understanding aged care? Our local Canberra team is here to help answer your questions and guide you through the best options available for you. 1300 275 227 | baptistcare.org.au/agedcare 20




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social scene

Elizabeth Lee MLA, Charlie Sgroi, Raffy Sgroi, Giulia Jones MLA

Elli Williams, Jodi Shepherd, Jodie Kirkness

Victoria Byron, Casey Gibson, Rhiannon Beach, Alex Knight

Erin Howe, Janine Hugo, Amanda Fintan

Tony von Brandenstein, Lizzie Papadakis

Vicki Dunne, Finn Busteed, Lyle Dunne

Teresa Ciardullo, Emily Egan

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser at Car Mechanical Services, Fisher. Photos Kerrie Brewer



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Marketplace Gungahlin provides the perfect opportunity to promote and showcase your brand or service to people who are ready to spend through our casual leasing options. • Affordable rates • 1 day to 12 months • Prime centre positioning • In-centre advertising options • High traffic

Let’s chat about how we can help you. Contact Anna Krajacic 0447 614 195

advertising feature

Winter school holiday activity guide Whether you’re planning a staycation, a road trip or getaway over the winter school holidays, check out the fantastic local advertisers in our special holiday activity guide to find fun activities, attractions, places and events for all the family – or kids only – to enjoy.

cwm advertising feature ‘Q THE KIDS’ INTO THE JOY OF LIVE THEATRE AT THE Q Whether you’re young or young at heart, we’ve got something for you at The Q! Entertain your little ones with our ‘Q The Kids’ shows. You know the story of The Owl and the Pussycat who went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat… This beautiful interactive show features singing, Matt Kelly and Richard Higgins in Hamlet: Prince of puppetry and musical Skidmark. Photo: Prudence Upton. Puffins. Australia’s favourite kidult comedy duo is back with their hilarious adaption of Shakespeare’s classic. This is the bard, Listies style: ninjas, ghosts, pirate aliens, swords, dinosaurs and zombies. Hamlet: Prince of Skidmark is a side-splitting adventure that shatters the fourth wall and glues it back together with supersonic story-telling and silliness. Spoiler alert: everyone dies at the end – including the audience! Based on a true story, Robot Song is an honest, intensely funny show for any child who’s ever felt isolated or pushed to the margins. And who doesn’t love a giant singing robot? To book your seats, visit theq.net.au or call 6285 6290 during box office hours.

22 - 25 JUNE

5 - 7 JULY


Adventure calls and love conquers all in this nostalgic musical journey!

A very cheeky, very clever, utterly irreverent riff on Hamlet — made for kids!

For the whole family! An honest, intensely funny and often unconventional window Autism Spectrum.







Q THE KIDS BOOKINGS 6285 6290 • THEQ.NET.AU canberraweekly.com.au


cwm advertising feature THE BOOK COW: FOR READERS OF ALL AGES

e lor

ins p




Space Squad Is Go For Launch reach the stars these school holidays with australia’s only residential holiday camp for students who love space, astronomy and everything to infinity and beyond. Applications now open!

Whether you’re travelling or having a staycation these school holidays, reading books is a great activity that enriches the lives and minds of young and old. You’ll find a great selection of quality new books for readers of all ages at The Book Cow, Canberra’s newest independent bookshop at the Kingston shops just opposite Green Square. Encouraging kids to read promotes imagination, improves concentration and develops language skills. The Book Cow sells ‘pages for all ages’ – but they have a soft spot for kids’ books for all ages. Drop by and have a browse. 47 Jardine Street, Kingston T: 5100 2730 | E: hello@bookcow.com.au | W: bookcow.com.au

JUMP INTO THE GYM! Get the kids into the gym these holidays with Canberra City Gymnastics Club’s school holiday program. The kids can try something a bit different, with a challenging and entertaining program packed full of fun activities, games and gymnastics exercises. Experienced coaches are on hand to make sure each child is happy, comfortable and having fun! The program runs for full days in both Belconnen and Lyneham, with the option for half-day sessions at the Lyneham gym. Healthy morning and afternoon tea is provided, BYO lunch. Contact the friendly office team to book! T: 6251 1131 | E: office@canberracity.org.au

Space Squad Youth Camp Grades 6 – 9 28 June – 2 July ‘21

Space Camps 5 days / 4 nights Includes all accommodation, meals, experience

What are you waiting for? Reach for the stars and apply now!

Female Cadet Camp

For further information please visit and like our Facebook page @YSpaceSquad or visit our website at https:// ymcacanberra.org.au/youth/space-squad/



Ages 15 – 18 5 – 9 July ‘21

CALLING ALL GAMERS! Try something new with Active Gamers, combining video games, sports and cyber-safety education in an action-packed school holiday program. Active Gamers use video games as an educational tool for team building, communication and sociability, all while having fun along the way! Held at the AFL Canberra headquarters in Woden and at the ANU, kids will also take part in sporting activities with qualified instructors and learn about how to keep safe online. The jam-packed and unique program is fully catered and the Woden program qualifies for the Child Care Subsidy. Jump online for more information and to book: activegamers.com.au

cwm advertising feature

Your local, independent bookshop in Kingston


Canberra’s newest independent bookshop - stocking a large range of quality new books for readers of all ages.

We sell pages for all ages 47 Jardine St, Kingston

E: train@canberramartialarts.com.au | T: 0414 798 723 W: canberramartialarts.com.au

02 5100 2730


Canberra Martial Arts & Fitness (CMA&F) has a range of classes that is unlike any other martial arts or fitness club in Canberra. It doesn’t matter what shape, size or age you are, we’ve raised the bar for functional training. Whether you’re looking for the most intense workout in the world, just interested in getting a great sweat in for 45 minutes or you need to entertain the kids these school holidays, we’ve got you sorted. Our Martial Arts based holiday programs include a range of classes each day, including themed days and other fun activities! For the adults, there’s a range of fitness programs including POWERfit, FIGHTINGfit, HIITfit and more. Fitness at CMA&F is about community, doing things differently and, most importantly, having a lot of fun while you’re at it. We’d love to have you join us on YOUR fitness journey.

hello@bookcow.com.au www.bookcow.com.au

Everyday of the Program we have an action packed scheduled of: FITNESS | MARTIAL ARTS | SCREEN TIME 10% OFF** w ith coupon cod e "Weekly"

Your kids will have fun, be active, learn some new skills and best of all - sleep well every night. ** Offer ends June 15 | Full Week & Days Available.



cwm advertising feature DB TENNIS SERVES UP FUN DB Tennis is offering a host of tennis clinics over the school holidays for children of all ages and skill levels. Run in small groups at the Eastlake Flinders Tennis Club, Griffith, the DB Tennis holiday program clinics serve as either a great introduction to the sport or a development pathway for more experienced players. Owner and operator David Beniamini says they are a fantastic way to experience tennis in a fun and social environment. Enrol online via the DB Tennis website or contact David directly for further information. W: dbtennis.com.au | M: 0412 623 713 | E: dbtennis@grapevine.com.au



Race down to Canberra’s only slot car venue these school holidays! Slot car racing is perfect for kids’ parties and groups of all ages. Cars are supplied, or you can BYO. Way2Fast now also stocks and services remote control cars from a variety of manufacturers, including ready to run cars and build kits from all of the major brands. We also sell slot cars and tracks as well as a full range of parts to fix remote control cars. Get in touch for repairs or servicing. 20 Essington Street, Mitchell | W: way2fast.com.au T: 0424 453 544


DB TENNIS AUTUMN HOLIDAY CLINICS A great way to experience tennis in a fun and social environment. Classes are suitable for all school aged kids, with school holiday clinics running from Tuesday 6th - 9th April and Monday 12th - 16th April, 8.30am - 1pm


www.dbtennis.com.au and follow us on Facebook. 28


Perform Australia is Canberra’s leading drama school, and these holidays they’re pleased to present three fantastic programs: ‘Earth and Space’ and ‘Impro Olympics’ for kids aged 7-12, and ‘Hit The Airwaves’, a new one day podcasting course for ages 12-17. Taught by special guest 2CA radio breakfast presenter Jen Seyderhelm, the podcasting course is a window into understanding everything you need to know about running your own podcast. Perform Australia prides itself on its fun and educational programs which give kids confidence. It’s not over when the holidays end – Perform Australia offers after-school acting classes right around Canberra. W: perform.edu.au

cwm advertising feature FAMILY SHOWS AT CANBERRA THEATRE CENTRE You’ll find some great family shows to enjoy during the school holidays at Canberra Theatre Centre: Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr Fox, 8-11 July, is recommended for children 5 years and older. Created by multi-award-winning theatre company shake & stir, Fantastic Mr Fox is part interactive cartoon, part stage show, and pure entertainment. Chase your tail all the way to the theatre and experience this family classic live on stage. Drummer Queens, 2-3 July, is an explosion of bass drums, backflips and brilliant choreography that will blow minds of all ages this school holidays. With awe-inspiring skills and stunning staging, the whole family will be swept up by the beat of this fun and fierce show. Also suitable for all ages is Celtic Illusion Reimagined, 5 July. Irish dance and Grand Illusion sensation Celtic Illusion is back and better than ever. This theatrical masterpiece will have the whole family mesmerised from the moment the curtain is raised. Bookings: canberratheatrecentre.com.au

Drama Holiday Programs with

JULY 5-6

JUNE 28-30


Impro Olympics

Earth & Space

Hit The Airwaves

2-day Acting Workshop (Fyshwick)

3-day Acting Workshop (Fyshwick)

Podcasting Workshop (Fyshwick)

ENROL ONLINE NOW perform.edu.au/holiday-programs


1300 908 905



cwm advertising feature


BECOME A NINJA WARRIOR AT B.FIRM Take your pick of Canberra’s best adventure training activities for kids aged four to 17! These school holidays, health and wellbeing business B.FIRM is offering a range of kids’ programs, giving them an opportunity to play hard at Canberra’s only Obstacle Adventure Park. Approaching health and wellbeing through the lens of holistic health, the Kids Firm philosophy is bedded in teaching and building on individual and community health and wellbeing knowledge by creating impactful programs and using encouragement and positive influence as tools for change. Watch your kid become a Ninja with the Ninja Warrior, Spartan and Obstacle programs, where they can battle their friends, or book them into a PT session where they can train with one of Australia’s premier trainers, Lee Campbell. Bookings are essential for guaranteed fun and fitness.



| Week 2 July 5th - July 9th

Time: 8.30am - 5.30pm Price: $85 for 1 day, $166 for 2 days $240 for 3 days, $312 for 4 days $75 per day for 5+ days

Bookings can be made by emailing office@canberracity.org.au or calling 6251 1131

If new to the club or booking for the first time for classes in 2021, registration and Insurance of $100 for the year must be paid.

Program available at both Belconnen and Lyneham venues and fees include morning and afternoon tea for all children

Who: Boys and Girls from kindergarten and above

T: 0418 225 525 | E: info@bfirm.com.au | W: kidsfirm.com.au bfirm.com.au


WEEK 1 Battle Pack Wed 30 June: Battle Games - Operation Blackguard

Week 1&2 Battle Pack $460





Your team is to build a fort and complete various obsta-cle challenges to earn stores for your fort. These items must be kept safe! You must not let the other teams ransack your HQ! But be warned! Your team has a rogue working for the ‘Dark Lord’! As a team you must work out who your rogue is and stop them from stealing your stores. If you can work out who the Dark Lord is, they will be captured and you win!

Thurs 1 July: Battle Games - Delta Force 1



Learn over 100 obstacle challenges with your team! Compete against the other team! Which team will be the fastest? Which team will accomplish the challenges in a certain time frame?

Fri 2 July: Battle Ninja - Teams of 4 With 10 Brand New Ninja Obstacles



Learn to swing, climb, jump and land. Learn new skills and build confidence. Have a go at our brand new ninja rigs and see if you’ve got what it takes to be a ninja war-rior! Great day to learn something new and make new friends!!



WEEK 2 Battle Pack Wed 7 July: Battle Games - Battle Bots






Your team must accomplish various obstacle challeng-es, break codes and save an injured soldier in order to win items to build a powerful robot to protect your team from being invaded by the other teams! you will need to gather lost parts from different chal-lenges to build your Battle Bot and defeat the other teams.

Thurs 8 July: Battle Games - Delta Force 2



Learn over 100 obstacle challenges with your team! Team Vs Team challenges and much more! Great day for learning new skills, making new friends and teamwork!

Fri 9 July: Battle Ninja - Pairs & 1on1 challenges



With a brand new Ninja lane you will be challenged to go head2head with your partner and the other ninjas. You will need hand strength perfect timing and be silent to complete some amazing new challenges- Learn to swing, climb, jump and land. Learn new skills and build confidence. Team up with a partner and see if you can complete the ninja challenges together!

cwm advertising feature SPACE SQUAD JUNE/JULY 2021 CAMPS ARE NOW BOARDING! Space Squad is Australia’s best residential holiday space camp program for students in Grades 2-6 (Junior), Years 6-9 (Youth), and Years 10-12 (Senior) who are interested all things Space! Over five days/ four nights, cadets will be immersed in all things Space. An out of this world experience for your children with hands-on workshops like rocketry, virtual reality, drones, telescope build, Mars Rover build and coding, science and physics. Chat with NASABoeing astronauts or in training, the Australian Space Agency, engineers, astronomers, astrophysicists, RAAF pilots, recruits, space ethicists and scientists who are working on earth and space missions. Visits can include Questacon, UNSW Canberra, ANU AITC building, Mount Stromlo Observatory, MSATT, Academy of Interactive Entertainment, Canberra Deep Space Communication Centre and more. The Y Canberra has over 75 years’ experience organising camps and children’s activities locally. Please call Mission Control or jump online to apply or for further information! T: 6242 4040 | E: spacesquad@ymca.org.au W: ymcacanberra.org.au/youth/space-squad/

UNLEASH YOUR CREATIVIT Y WITH CANBERRA GLASSWORKS The Canberra Glassworks school holiday programs are designed for kids from as young as three to unleash their creativity while working together to create their very own glass piece. With a range of unique, winterthemed activities on offer, there’s suitable classes for all age groups and interests that will take them behind the scenes of a Canberra institution. The kids can try their hand at making a glass mosaic, fusing a winter wonderland glass tile or turning their own design into a glass cast snowflake. There are also workshops for drawing on glass, inspired by the Glassworks’ current exhibition by artist Megan Cope, and a workshop for teenagers that will take them through the ins and outs of glass blowing. And, for kids 12 and under, the Kids Design Competition will see one submitted design turned into a glass creation. For an exciting, fun and different experience this school holidays, head to canberraglassworks.com/create/holidays



Looking for something creative and fun for the school holidays? Book into one of our school holiday workshops and unleash your imagination in glass. Age limit varies, see our website for program details. Program scheduled between 28 June to 11 July 2021


Drawn on Glass

Winter Holiday Tiles


Glass fusing

Casting Snowflakes

Connecting Pieces

Glass casting

Glass mosaic

Teen Winter Camp Glass blowing

* Please see our website for workshop details and dates, age limits, and additional postage costs.

BOOK ONLINE canberraglassworks.com

11 Wentworth Avenue Kingston, ACT 2604 T 02 6260 7005 E contactus@canberraglassworks.com

Canberra Glassworks is supported by artsACT & the Australia Council through its Visual Arts and Crafts Strategy

11 Wentworth Avenue, Kingston | T: 6260 7005




Winter warmer: wonton soup Nothing says winter like a bowl of soup! This week, food writer Libby Kimber shares this wonton soup recipe that will warm and nourish from within. This is an extract from Makan by Elizabeth Haigh, published by Bloomsbury, available now, $49.99.

of the skin with water, then bring the 2 opposite corners together to form a triangle, trying to remove as much air from the wonton as possible (to prevent it from bursting open later on). Press the edges together to seal. Dust the bottom of the wonton with a tiny bit of cornflour to prevent them from sticking together.

Serves 4, or 6 as a side 1/2 pack wonton skins/wrappers 2L salted water 2L chicken stock Soy sauce Choi sum or lettuce, shredded Spring onions, chopped Toasted sesame oil Salt and white pepper For the filling 200g minced pork (with 10% fat) 3/4 tsp salt 1/2 tsp caster sugar 1/2 tsp toasted sesame oil A good pinch of white pepper 1 Tbsp rice wine (shaoxing or sake) 2 tsp corn or groundnut (peanut) oil 1 Tbsp water 1/2 tsp cornflour, plus extra for dusting 170g peeled raw prawns, chopped

Start by making the wonton filling. Put all the ingredients, except the prawns, in a bowl and mix together by hand for 5 minutes. You want to make sure that the pork and seasonings are thoroughly combined. Mix in the chopped prawns until evenly incorporated. To make each wonton, take a wonton skin and put about 1 teaspoon of filling in the middle. Wet the edges

Continue making wontons like this – you should be able to make about 3 dozen, depending on how generous you are with the filling. Bring the salted water to the boil in a saucepan, then turn the heat down to medium. Add the wontons one at a time to the water. Don’t rush and don’t crowd the pan, cook in batches if you need to. Once a wonton is cooked, it will float to the surface, around 4–5 minutes. Scoop out the cooked wonton and place in cold water for 10 seconds. Lift out and set aside. Continue until all your wontons are cooked. To complete the soup, bring the chicken stock to the boil in a large pot, then turn the heat down to medium. Season with salt, pepper and soy sauce to taste. Add the choi sum or lettuce, then add the cooked wontons, dropping them gently into the soup. Take care not to stir hard as you don’t want to break the delicate wontons. Ladle into bowls. Alternatively, I find it easier to put the wontons into bowls and ladle the stock into the bowls. Garnish each with chopped spring onions and a drop of sesame oil.

Food for thought

The latest in foodie news, events and products.

It’s Pie Time! The Southern Pie-lands festival celebrating all things pies is back again for 2021, with a packed program filled with events old and new, including Pies and Pinot, Pie Tea, Pie-cycle tours and the new Great Southern Highlands pie drive. The festival runs for the month of June, head to pietime.com.au for all the details. A new festival, Creative Juices, will take place at Contentious Character winery on the June long weekend, showcasing Canberra Region talent in the form of food, wine and the arts. Events include performances from the Australian Dance Party, Dianna Nixon, and Somebody’s Aunt, as well as a kids’ hip hop workshop from Kulture Break and a long table lunch. For more information and tickets: contentiouscharacter.com.au The Winter Bites festival is on its way to the

Snowy Valleys for events in Tumbarumba, Adelong and Batlow, promising food, wine, fringe events, workshops and tours and demonstrations. Headline musical acts Kasey Chambers and Busby Marou will be taking to the stage at Courabyra Wines, and each event will showcase ‘hero’ elements of each town. The action kicks off at Tumbarumba on Saturday 5 June. Head to winterbites.com.au for all the details. Enjoy Sky High Tea at QT Hotel on the first Saturday of every month between June and October in the QT lounge on level 15. Executive chef Josh Smith-Thirkell has designed a delightful menu to include savoury treats like king salmon roe and crème fraiche blinis, and sweet sensations such as tiramisu cannoli and QT macaroons. Cost: $55 for adults, includes a glass of G.H. Mumm on arrival; and $35 for children aged five to 12. Book your sky high seat: qthotels.com/canberra




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time out

Bianchini said his vision for MusicACT’s professional program is to strengthen the local scene’s capabilities while fostering connections with interstate and international music communities. “Above all I’m honoured to work closely with our industry’s astonishing artists and passionate music industry workers,” he said. Bianchini replaces outgoing MusicACT program manager Joel Tyrrell.

New exhibition showcases the Australian Public Service’s role in democracy

Vietnam Requiem performers Normie Rowe AM and Nina Ferro, came to Canberra ahead of the concerts, visiting the Australian Vietnam Forces National Memorial on Anzac Parade. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.

That’s arts and entertainment Vietnam Requiem honours sacrifice of war A new concert designed both to honour the sacrifice made by those who served and to heal the wounds created by the Vietnam War will come to Canberra later this week. The Vietnam Requiem will enhance understanding of all those touched by the Vietnam War, some 50 years after our nation’s withdrawal. This concert will take audiences on a musical journey with popular songs from the era and contemporary orchestral movements written specifically for the Requiem. Stories of veterans will be brought to life through both the music and accompanying projected imagery. The recordings from this concert will be gifted to the nation to play at future commemorative services or for non-commercial purposes in perpetuity. Two of the concert’s key performers, Normie Rowe AM and Nina Ferro, came to Canberra ahead of the performances, visiting the Australian Vietnam Forces National Memorial on Anzac Parade last Friday. Rowe was an Australian King of Pop with global clout when he was drafted into the Australian Army and sent to Vietnam as a combat soldier. When he and his fellow troops returned home to Australia after the withdrawal, they were barely welcomed, much less honoured. There 34


was a sense that they were to blame for the war. He will bring his real-life experiences to the stage as he performs his popular songs from the era. Ferro is a multi-award-winning vocalist, songwriter, session and recording artist with a powerful, evocative voice, astonishing vocal range and captivating stage presence. She will recreate the last performance sung by Cathy Wayne, a young Australian entertainer who died after being shot on stage whilst touring Vietnam. The concert has been created and directed by Chris Latham, Artist-in-Residence at the Australian War Memorial together with other Australian composers and performing artists. Vietnam Requiem will take place 5-6 June, 1pm at Llewellyn Hall, ANU; ticketek.com.au

MusicACT appoints new program manager Canberra music industry body MusicACT has appointed rising music industry artist manager Billy Bianchini to a key role as program manager. Bianchini will drive ACT music industry growth by delivering a program of professional development events and workshops for musicians and music industry workers. Over 4,000 people have attended MusicACT professional development workshops and events since the program kicked off in 2019.

A new permanent exhibition telling the story of the Australian Public Service (APS) and the role it plays in Australia’s democracy has opened at MoAD. Officially opening Australia’s Public Service for the Government of the Day, Assistant Minister to the Minister for the Public Service, the Hon Ben Morton MP, said the exhibition will help educate Australians about the important role of the APS. “The APS story is not well told and its role not well understood within the community, but it is just so important,” he said. There has never before been a space for public visitors to learn about what the APS does in our democratic system to support the Australian community. “Visitors may be surprised about how the APS has supported successive governments to deliver some of our greatest milestones as a nation,” Morton said. “The work of public servants is both visible and invisible; it reflects the times, the needs of the Australian public and impacts each and every one of us.” Located within the Yeend Suite, named after former Prime Minister and Cabinet Secretary Sir Geoffrey Yeend, the exhibition brings into public view some of the unseen work of the APS. Featuring an array of objects and stories contributed by APS departments and individuals, it highlights the work of the APS during a selection of key moments of national significance over the service’s 120-year history. For more information, visit moadoph.gov.au/publicservice

A key produced by the Royal Australian Mint used by Queen Elizabeth II to open Australian Parliament House on 9 May 1988 is on display in MoAD’s new APS exhibition. Photo supplied.

10 - 12 JUNE WRITERS DAVID WILLIAMS & PAUL DWYER DIRECTOR DAVID WILLIAMS Sydney Arts & Health Collective: Dr Claire Hooker, Assoc. Prof. Louise Nash, Dr Karen Scott, Dr Kimberley Ivory Dr Jo River, Prof. Paul Macneill and Mr James Dalton.




We need to care for them Beautifully staged this is a truly unique theatre experience

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time out

The National Gallery of Australia (NGA) will display three new women-led exhibitions as part of their Know My Name gender-equality initiative, with the first opening mid-June. Part two of Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now will be displayed at the Gallery from 12 June to 26 January; Project 1: Sarah Lucas will be displayed 7 August to 13 February, and touring exhibition, Spowers & Syme, will open at the Canberra Museum and Gallery from 14 August until 24 October. Natasha Bullock, assistant director of Artistic Programs at the NGA, said Know My Name marked a moment of major transformation for the Gallery when the initiative launched in 2019. “Know My Name is only the start of an extraordinary era of collecting, exhibiting and presenting the work of women artists to the wider Australian public,” she said. “Elevating women artists now and into the future is being embedded into the culture

of the Gallery. While art and artists are fundamental to this initiative, our aim is to ultimately lead the conversation to transform the cultural landscape of Australia.” With part two of the exhibition, Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now will continue its evolution as one of the most comprehensive exhibitions of art by women ever assembled in Australia. Mainly drawn from the national collection, Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now continues to propose alternative histories, challenge stereotypes, and celebrate the achievements of more than 250 artists. Project 1: Sarah Lucas brings together recent work by one of England’s most influential and unapologetic artists. Over the past 30 years, Lucas has built an illustrious career challenging the social constructs of gender through sculpture, photography and performance – and curator Peter Johnson wants Australians to know her name.

Photo supplied

Know My Name initiative continues with three new exhibitions

The NGA’s Know My Name initiative is one of the most comprehensive exhibitions of art by women ever assembled in Australia. Artwork: Ewa Pachucka, Landscape and bodies, 1972.

Celebrating the artistic friendship of Melbourne artists Ethel Spowers and Eveline Syme, the Know My Name touring exhibition – Spowers & Syme – will present the changing face of interwar Australia through the perspective of two pioneering women artists. Spowers & Syme will tour nationally following its stint at the Canberra Museum and Gallery later this year. Visit knowmyname.nga.gov.au for more.

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Humble House Gallery advertising moment

Nature’s true architecture showcased in Longitude Latitude Solitude A touring exhibition opening at Fyshwick’s Humble House Gallery presents a look at our country few, if any, have been afforded before. Longitude Latitude Solitude, a solo exhibition by Melbourne photographer Andrew Vukosav, features a spectacular sample of bird’s-eye view landscape photos taken from the skies as he flew across the continent. The project was born from a combination of Andrew’s passion for flight, photography and love of the Australian landscape. With decades of experience as a highly soughtafter commercial photographer, along with a similarly long experience and love of piloting, several years ago Vukosav fitted out his single engine Cessna 182 with a Phase One Industrial digital camera into the underbelly of the fuselage. “I turned my plane into a camera,” he said, “I can’t move the camera around, so I have to pitch and move the plane to get the shots.” Flying solo on journeys that can take days or weeks at a time, the project began in May 2016 and ultimately saw him spend 247 hours in the

sky traveling 62,754km right across our wide brown land. Having traversed such a distance documenting so many landscapes, Vukosav said he’s drawn to abstract, tessellated desert landscapes with “a painterly quality to them”. “I like it when you can’t tell what it is,” he said. “I believe it adds a certain something to the images by allowing mother nature the chance to show her true architecture.” With Australia’s coastlines having been well documented, Longitude Latitude Solitude primarily highlights Vukosav’s affinity for the desert. Every photograph is remarkable in its elaborate detail and beautiful patterns of vegetation, rock formations, flowing water and animal tracks. The accessibility Vukosav is afforded by his Cessna has allowed him to capture some of the most isolated landscapes imaginable across the Outback. “To just completely get away from everything so far into the remote parts of Australia you don’t even get air traffic control, that’s where the magic happens,” he said.

Andrew Vukosav’s exhibition features spectacular bird’s-eye view landscape photographs taken from his Cessna.

The Dragon by Andrew Vukosav.

“I get really excited about deserts … With the expanse of Australia, the stuff you find is incredible.” Longitude Latitude Solitude by Andrew Vukosav is on display at Humble House Gallery, Fyshwick, until 27 June; humblehouse.com.au

Longitude Latitude Solitude – Solo Exhibition by Andrew Vukosav

The Serpent 2016, Kimberley Coast NT 2400mm x 1200mmw

2 June to 27 June Wed - Sun 10am to 4pm canberraweekly.com.au


time out

Now showing Cruella (PG) In 1970s London, Estella Miller (Emma Stone) recounts her early years as a child. Although creative with a talent for fashion, young Estella (Tipper Seifert-Cleveland) has a cruel streak, which leads to her mother Catherine (Emily Beecham) warning her not to be a ‘Cruella’. Pulling her out of school due to her rebellious nature, Catherine takes Estella to the manor of an old, wealthy acquaintance for financial assistance before heading to London, where tragedy strikes. Prequels of cinema’s classic villains are a bit of a wet blanket. Darth Vader was reduced to a whining teen and Maleficent turned out to be simply misunderstood. Cruella de Vil was first introduced to cinematic audiences in 1961, hell-bent on skinning one hundred and one dalmatian puppies to wear them AUSTRALIAN GLOBAL ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS








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as a coat. Why would anyone want to empathise with such a person? The movie is at its best when Estella adopts the Cruella persona to go head-to-head with the Baroness von Hellman (Emma Thompson), the narcissistic head of a fashion house. In full diva style, Cruella shows up the Baroness with loud-and-proud designs straight from ‘70s London punk. The movie, however, fumbles the psychological and cinematic metamorphosis of our lead. Verdict: Although stylish with flashes of fun, Cruella is an overlong, muddled origin that relies heavily on its soundtrack and editing instead of its characters. A stylised look and heightened reality and tone a la Tim Burton would also have kicked it up a notch! 2.5 stars. - Luke McWilliams themovieclub.net

WIN! East Meets West tickets A unique opportunity to experience Australia’s finest musicians perform traditional and contemporary music from the East and the West, including acclaimed Chinese classics Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto and Yellow River Piano Concerto. The orchestral concert will begin its national tour in Canberra, followed by Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide. Canberra Symphony Orchestra will perform under the baton of revered music maestro Guy Noble. A star-studded list of artists includes violinist virtuoso Sun Yi, award winning pianist Tony Lee, Opera Australia’s soprano Sharon Zhai, mezzo-soprano Victoria Lambourn, and Guzheng musician Angie Liu. In Canberra for one night only, Saturday 26 June 7.30pm at Llewellyn Hall ANU; premier.ticketek.com.au Canberra Weekly has 10 x East Meets West Orchestral Evening double passes to be won.

*A $5.95 transaction fee applies.



THE PROMS - A Musical Spectacular




Enter to WIN To enter, visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find this competition and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 11 June 2021 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+. Winners must be able to attend.

Celebrating dog tales in children’s literature Celebrating the innocence and fun of canines in children’s literature, Dog Tales is the newest exhibition to grace the walls of the University of Canberra’s Mura Gadi Gallery. Running until 23 June, Dog Tales features the works of celebrated, award-winning artists and storytellers Alison Lester, Bob Graham, Andrew McLean, Ann James, Patricia Mullins and Bev Aisbet. Beginning as a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) project, four students used their own love of dogs to inspire the exhibition. Mostly enrolled in different majors, the team members – Dempsey Ward, studying a double Bachelor of Communications and Media (Marketing Communication)/ Bachelor of Business (Marketing); Anna Xia and Holly Wu, both doing

the Bachelor of Design course; and Steve Pang, who is pursuing a Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication Design) – had never met prior to the project. Drawn from the collections at the National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature (NCACL) at UC, it took the students several months to put the final exhibition together. NCACL Director and Emeritus Professor of Children’s Literature Dr Belle Alderman said the NCACL has “thousands and thousands” of pieces of artwork that live in boxes and the exhibition was a great way to present them to the world. “Every artist has got dogs in their artwork and so we ended up selecting four that are really, really well known … so what we’ve got here is Australia’s best illustrators and some of their best

University of Canberra student Dempsey Ward and Emeritus Professor of Children’s Literature Dr Belle Alderman AM have a shared love for dog tales. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.

books,” she said. Mr Ward said he enjoyed putting the exhibition together because the experience stirred memories of his own special connection to the stories. “When my parents came to see the exhibition, my mum … it was memories for her. She remembered reading Queenie [by Jaqueline Wilson] to me when I was younger,” he said. “I think that for adults, they can get the experience of when they were

younger or reminiscing.” As part of the exhibition, NCACL will also run special exhibition-linked programs for school groups upon request. During the program, the school groups will read the stories before visiting the exhibition to learn about the creative process of writing and illustrating a children’s book. Dog Tales continues at the Mura Gadi Gallery until 23 June; open Monday to Friday 10.30am-4.30pm. - Erin Cross

Take the Bake Challenge How it works You bake your favourite food, sell to family, friends or colleagues and deposit the funds in our special account to go towards the purchase of a cooling blanket and phototherapy blanket to benefit sick and premature newborns of the Canberra Region. What could you bake? Anything you like; scones, cakes, pizzas, brownies, cheesecakes, cupcakes, cookies, muffins, biscuits, a slice or how about a cinnamon roll brioche.

Tina Martinovic (left) Bake for Babies Coordinator Peter Cursley (right) Chairman Newborn Intensive Care Foundation

Bake for Babies will run from 1 June to 31 August 2021 So there is lots of time to host a Bake Sale at your home, workplace, school or anywhere that bakes your fancy and help us raise some dough to help sick babies! You can’t bake? Do your scones turn out looking like ANZAC biscuits? No problem! Get you friends to sponsor you to stay out of the kitchen.

Go to www.newborn.org.au to register to Bake for Babies. canberraweekly.com.au


Support the annual Bake for Babies fundraising campaign for the Newborn Intensive Care Foundation (NICF) which helps fund medical equipment for sick and premature newborn babies of the Canberra region.






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Concertmaster, Director

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Book talk

This week, Michael Popple looks at three recent science fiction novels that are well worth reading. You can find more of Michael’s book reviews on his blog: unseenlibrary.com Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir Del Rey, $32.99

Ryland Grace has just woken up alone aboard a spaceship far from home. The sole survivor of a desperate mission to save Earth, Ryland is now humanity’s only hope. However, with his crewmates dead and his memories shattered, Ryland will need to solve the puzzle of the mission before he can attempt to save the world. The bestselling author of The Martian, Andy Weir returns with another epic piece of science fiction. Featuring an intense and powerful story of survival and scientific ingenuity, Project Hail Mary is an exceptional novel and one of the best science fiction books of the year.

The Ninth Metal by Benjamin Percy Hodder & Stoughton, $32.99

When a meteor shower hits Earth, it brings both destruction and opportunity. The mining town of Northfall, Minnesota is now awash in omnimetal, a valuable mineral that will change the world. As a deadly new gold rush begins in Northfall, a small group of people will discover the true potential of this Ninth Metal. This is a fascinating novel from Percy that serves as the first entry in a planned series of interconnected science fiction books. This novel has a great concept and Percy weaves a captivating tale of greed, power and redemption that proves hard to put down.

Rabbits by Terry Miles Macmillan, $32.99

Welcome to the hidden game known as ‘Rabbits’, where participants follow patterns, coincidences and obscure clues. No one knows the full truth behind the game, nor its rewards, but everyone agrees it will change your life, as long as it does not kill you. A new player, K, is about to start his first game, however, something is terribly wrong and all of reality is at stake. This is a complex debut from Miles that takes the reader on an unusual thrill ride. Featuring a unique and clever storyline, Rabbits proves to be an intriguing and compelling novel that will stick in the mind.

Hello... Is There Any Body There? By Ian Hornby

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Belconnen Community Theatre June 2nd – 5th LAST SHOWS Wednesday 7.30 pm.Thursday 7.30 pm. Friday 7.30 pm. Saturday 2 pm and 7.30 pm Bookings: Canberraticketing.com.au. Ph 62752700 Tickets also at the door. A Tempo Theatre production. Tempotheatre.org.au

time out

What’s on

MARUKI ORCHESTRA: Performing works by Beethoven, Mussorgsky and more, 6 June 3pm at Albert Hall, Yarralumla; marukicommunityorchestra.org.au

TEMPO THEATRE: Presents the comedic murder mystery Hello...Is There Any Body There? at Belconnen Community Theatre, until 5 June; canberraticketing.com.au

APIA GOOD TIMES: An epic line-up of Oz music megastars will rock the Canberra Theatre Centre, Civic, 6 June 7.30pm; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

APPLETON LADIES POTATO RACE: Charming contemporary Australian theatre written by Melanie Tait, at The Playhouse, Civic, 3-5 June; canberratheatrecentre.com.au Photo Kerrie Brewer

NICOLAS FLEURY, EMILY SUN & AMIR FARID: Perform Mozart, Kerry and Brahms at Llewellyn Hall, ANU, 9 June 7pm; musicaviva.com.au

WHILE WE’RE STILL HERE: A group exhibition exploring the enduring charm and legacy of the still-life genre at aMBUSH Gallery, ANU, 3 June11 July; ambushgallery.com NFSA: Has a rich June program ranging from Nordic winters to Japanese horror, Disney dragons and more; nfsa.gov.au THE AUSTRALIAN HAYDN ENSEMBLE: Presents Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony and Mozart’s Haffner Serenade at Wesley Music Centre, Forrest, 3 June 7pm; australianhaydn.com.au STRATHNAIRN ARTS: The Holt gallery hosts Cartography of Cloth by Australian Complex Weavers and Reflected Light by Jennifer Baird, 3-27 June; strathnairn.com.au BEAVER GALLERIES: The Deakin gallery hosts Erin Conron’s exhibition Intersect, featuring blown glass vessels, 3-20 June; beavergalleries.com.au HABITAT: CMAG hosts a special live performance by Tina Havelock Stevens and Liberty Kerr in celebration of their most recent exhibition, Friday 4 June 6pm; tickets $10 via Eventbrite. FILM SCREENING: Yuwinj Dhari Bulwal: Yuin Country Explored, plus a Q&A and performance by the Four Winds Djinama Yilaga Choir at Gandel Atrium, NMA, 4 June 6pm; nma.gov.au/yuin-country SWINGIN’ OUT!: Featuring the Blamey Street and ConneXion big bands, 4 June 6.45-9.30pm at Harmonie German Club, Narrabundah; Eventbrite.

22 - 25 JUNE


Normie Rowe AM and Nina Ferro will star in Vietnam Requiem at Llewellyn Hall, 5-6 June.

ANNIKA ROMEYN: COX Gallery, Kingston hosts the Canberra printmaker’s exhibition Across the Distance, 4 June-16 July; coxarchitecture.com.au MILK: World premiere of a work created by locally based playwright and performer Dylan Van Den Berg, 4-12 June at The Street, City West; thestreet.org.au IMPERMANENCE: Sydney Dance Company bring their acclaimed new show to Canberra Theatre, 4-5 June; canberratheatrecentre.com.au THE ROCK SHOW: Multi-talented eight-piece Trilogy of Rock will rock an outstanding Australian repertoire at Bicentennial Hall, Queanbeyan, 5 June 8pm; theq.net.au VIETNAM REQUIEM: Featuring iconic pop songs from the Vietnam War era and modern compositions, 5-6 June 1pm at Llewellyn Hall, ANU; ticketek.com.au LORINA GORE IN RECITAL: The acclaimed Canberra soprano will perform with the CSO at the NGA’s Gandel Hall, 6 June 2pm; cso.org.au X GALLERY: The Bungendore gallery hosts painter Janet Angus’ exhibition Soul vs Soul until 7 June; xgallery@msn.com

5 - 7 JULY

GRACE UNDER PRESSURE: A surprising, intimate theatre experience revealing the stories of health professionals, 10-12 June at The Q, Queanbeyan; theq.net.au BOOK LAUNCH: Dorothy Topfer’s new book, Past Presence will be launched at Paperchain Bookshop, Manuka on Thursday 10 June 5pm. RSVP: 6295 6723 or books@paperchainbookstore.com.au LEGENDS OF OL’55: Two of Australia’s rock and roll and TV legends, Frankie J Holden OAM and Wilbur Wilde, will play classics at Harmonie German Club, Narrabundah, 10 June 8pm; Eventbrite. LIGHTBULB IMPROV: A night of comedy completely made up on the spot, 10 June 7pm at Smiths Alternative, Civic; smithsalternative.com CREATIVE JUICES: An exciting long weekend of creative arts with local food and wines at Contentious Character Vineyard, Wamboin, 11-14 June; contentiouscharacter.com.au ANU CLASSICS MUSEUM: Tours of the museum’s collection of ancient Greek and Roman antiquities run on the second Friday of each month; call 0438 883 373. BLUEY’S BIG PLAY: The acclaimed theatrical adaptation of the award-winning children’s TV series comes to the Canberra Theatre Centre, 12-13 June; canberratheatrecentre.com.au Send your free entertainment listings to: arts@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘what’s on’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.


Best Presentation for Children & Young People Award Helpmann Award Winner





Winter woollies

Styling by Libby Kimber, Photo by Kerrie Brewer

the look

5 6

Hot picks for the cold weather. 2



7 1



9 10

12 11

13 15

1 Jacket $499, Arpelle, Cuir Laine; 2 Sunglasses $69.95, Witchery; 3 Beanie $39.95, Seed Heritage; 4 Bag $149.95, Witchery; 5 Shirt $199, Gorman; 6 Gregory Ladner beret $39.95, David Jones; 7 Shirt $299, Saba; 8 Pants $199, Cable; 9 Gloves $59, Gorman; 10 Emoii shoes $229, Happy Fit Footwear; 11 The Eighth Letter earrings $39, Debbie Maree’s Fashion Boutique; 12 Hair claw $9.99, Lovisa; 13 Earrings $10.99, Lovisa; 14 Boots $399.95, Seed Heritage; 15 The Two Mrs Grenvilles scarf $69.95, David Jones. ON THE COVER Planet boots $299.95, Happy Fit Footwear; BAG Bag $129.95, Seed Heritage; Goondiwindi sweater $179, Debbie Maree’s Fashion Boutique; Milana gloves $89.95, David Jones; Shirt $129.95, Witchery; STACK (from bottom) Jumper $299, Cable; Knit $329, Saba; Elk sunglasses $159, Debbie Maree’s Fashion Boutique; CHAIR Blazer $499, Arpelle, Cuir Laine; Jumper $249, Gorman.





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the look

Winter inspo Caro Daur at Milan Fashion Week in an on-trend trench.

Blake Lively arrives at Good Morning America last year.

Spotted in NYC: Olivia Rodrigo.

Bella Hadid walks the runway for Lacoste.


Some winter wardrobe inspiration from seriously stylish celebs.

Style icon Alexa Chung at London Fashion Week.






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the look What we’re talking about

Stay amongst the vines with the launch of Cubby and Co’s third accommodation option at Mount Majura Vineyard. The successful staycation operation has launched ‘Dinny’, a tiny house named after the vineyard’s first owner, Dinny Killen. Stay simple or go all out with a wine tasting, bottle of your choice and dinner delivered from local favourites, XO. Book via cubbyand.co

All the latest in fashion, health and beauty.

The Goulburn branch of the Knitter’s Guild of NSW will be celebrating World Wide Knit in Public Day on Saturday 12 June 10am-3pm at Belmore Park, Goulburn. There will be yarn bombing and a knitting and crochet session.

Photo Jenny Wu

Aussie label Mimco is celebrating its 25th birthday with the launch of a capsule collection and coffee table book paying homage to the brand’s past, present and future. The capsule collection will include a range of accessories and some re-additions of past pieces, while the book has been curated by former Harper’s Bazaar editor in chief, Kellie Hush, and revisits iconic designs and memorable moments from the brand’s history. Shop the collection in store and online from 20 June.

Clarks has launched some seriously cute new styles for the little ones. The ‘echo’ sneakers come in four colourways with velcro straps and retro nostalgia aplenty. Available in sizes for babies all the way up to teens via clarks.com.au



wellbeing WITH WESLEY SMITH DIRECTOR, LIVE WELL SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE MANUKA livewellnaturally.com.au meditatewithwes.com

Find the gift of being in the present Can you think of a time when you felt really content and at peace? My guess is, when you were feeling this way, it’s likely you were really ‘in the moment’, not worrying about what was going to happen next or ruminating about what had gone on earlier that day. You were just simply and effortlessly present. I’m sure most of us would agree that it would be nice to experience states of contentment,

peace and happiness more regularly in our lives. However, we often think that to cultivate these enjoyable feelings we need to control all the external conditions in our life so that everything is ‘just so’. We might need the kids to be asleep, you might need a glass of wine or a special cup of tea or to be on the couch with a good book, out in the garden or even away somewhere special like the coast, or the bush. The only trouble with this approach is that these external conditions happen so rarely compared to the rest of our days. We need more than the occasional dose of peace in order to feel refreshed and recharged. What if there was a way that you could access states of contentment and peace almost regardless of what was happening at the time? Well you can. It starts with finding a way back into being in the moment. Imagine that your mind has tentacles that extend out beyond your body and these tentacles spread out a long way forwards into the future and way back into the past. Being in the moment

simply means you pull these tentacles all the way back in so that your attention returns to the things that are actually happening around you right now. You might look around you and notice five interesting things you can see or five different sounds you can hear or noticing the rise and fall of your breath five times. Bringing your attention to the present moment is a key tool of mindfulness and a sure-fire method for coming back to your senses, literally! Like anything worth doing, it takes a bit of practice to re-train your mind but it’s thoroughly worth it. Try setting a timer on your watch or your computer to prompt you to ‘come back to your senses’ once an hour. Give it a go and I’m sure you’ll notice that at the end of the day you’ll feel calmer and more at ease. In time, that sense of calmness will grow into more frequent experiences of peace and contentment regardless of the external circumstances.


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Runway to home


For winter homeware trends, CW is taking inspiration from Gigi Hadid’s street style to infuse graphics and pastels without fear of being OTT. Blend relaxation and style by layering comforting colour palettes or make a statement when paired with neutrals for a cool casual look. WITH HOME EDITOR, ERIN CROSS


Sterwell cushion $69.99 Sheridan

Supermodel Gigi Hadid is also a style queen off the runway, mixing checks and stripes in shades of blue and beige at Paris Fashion Week in March 2020. Check mate.

Maxwell & Williams eclipse mug $9.95 Myers

Spencer check blanket $199.99 Adairs

Ultimate Ears Boom 3 $199 JB Hi-Fi

Sahara linen fringed oblong cushion $49.95 Pillow Talk

Ultrasoft bathrobe $89.99 Adairs

Jefferson cowhide 2-seater $1,699, Oz Design Furniture

Hampstead clock $349 Oz Design Furniture


Contour on stand $19.95 Pillow Talk


in the garden

A pot for every spot Meet John and Yvonne Booth, a dynamic retired couple who have called Queanbeyan home for the past 56 years, including 26 years at their current residence in Jerrabomberra. With an agriculture and food garden background, it’s no surprise that John is still an avid gardener at 81. What is a surprise, however, is the exceptional degree to which John potters in their gently sloping 920 square metre block. John spends most days “puddling in the garden” as there is always something to do – and has even walked 400km worth of laps in the backyard, raising money for Australian charity, Soldier On. Both the front and back yards have established trees and shrubs such as photinias, roses, camellias and rhododendrons. These plants provide structure and protection to the main attraction, John’s

gargantuan pot collection which has a staggering 1,300 specimens! Yvonne likes to joke that “If it doesn’t move, it goes in a pot”. John’s pot plants are in every corner of the backyard, including under the eaves, pergola and veranda, along the boundary of the in-ground veg patch, as well as under and around trees and shrubs. There are sub-tropical plants, ornamental flowering plants, edibles including herbs and veg, and succulents and cacti. All are in pristine health and without a weed to be seen; the density of the plants provides a more protected growing environment. The collection, which John has grown through his expert propagation skills, helps create a series of garden rooms and a sense of adventure for all who visit. Generally, John waters his pot plants weekly during winter and

every second day over summer, mostly by hand supplemented using portable sprinklers. He fertilises as needed using commercial products. John likes to make his own potting mix using 75% homegrown compost, 25% commercial potting mix, and a little sheep manure. There is a sizeable stockpile of potting mix on hand, stored in recycled potting mix bags. The large in-ground veg patch is in a sunny corner of the backyard. John grows his veg from seed each year, in a sunny north-facing room. Of particular interest in the veg patch was New Zealand Yam (Oxalis tuberosa), an edible perennial tuber which can be eaten fresh, boiled, baked or pickled. New Zealand Yam is a compact bush to 30cm and with foliage like clover. It prefers warm but not hot weather and dies back in heavy frosts. Once established, it can

WITH HORTICULTURIST TRACEY BOOL traceyboolgardenwriter.com

John and his dog Benji love to “puddle” around the series of garden rooms in the gently sloping 920 square metre block.

make it through a Canberra winter but keep some tubers on hand for replanting, just in case. Find an extended version with more photos at canberraweekly.com.au

Has your home got the



For those who don’t want to compromise on STYLE, COMFORT AND AFFORDABILITY. Windows will bring your vision to life. TAKE A LOOK-SEE





property of the week R E A L E S TAT E


Sleek and stylish Casey 51 Alan Watt Crescent This home in Casey ticks a lot of boxes for both families and entertainers alike. “Superb views to the ranges can be enjoyed from living and entertaining areas of this impressive home, situated in an elevated location near the top of the street and just steps from bushland reserve,” says Luton Gungahlin real estate agent, Luke McAuliffe. He says the home enjoys close proximity to the reserve’s walking tracks and is just minutes to

amenities like Casey Market Town and schools in the area. The perfect pad for growing families or those not wanting to compromise on location and style, 51 Alan Watt Crescent boasts segregated living spaces and sleek modern inclusions. The chef’s kitchen boasts twin ovens and walkin pantry, while the lounge enjoys sweeping views to Mount Majura. Double glazing throughout and reverse-cycle air conditioning ensure year-round comfort, and the alfresco

entertaining space is the perfect place to party, with wired-in sound, ceiling heaters and a plumbed-in gas outlet for the barbecue. The master suite is the cherry on top of this stylish home, with a walk-in robe and ensuite featuring double shower, dual basins and a timber-look feature wall. Outside, you’ll find landscaped gardens complementing the home’s sleek façade, grassed areas and gardens with in-ground watering system, and a covered area home to a relaxing spa. “Offering generous, separate living areas, stylish entertaining

with a spa, and a luxurious, segregated master suite, the home showcases high-end finishes throughout with no expense spared,” McAuliffe says.




Auction Saturday 12 June 9am on site View Saturday 5 June 10.30-11am Agent Luke McAuliffe Mob 0433 338 429 Luton Gungahlin Ph 6176 3420 canberraweekly.com.au




property news

Affordability holds steady in ACT: REIA Housing affordability has remained steady in the ACT over the March 2021 quarter despite a national overall decline, according to the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA). The latest REIA housing affordability report shows the proportion of income required to meet loan repayments has increased to nearly 35% nationwide. With this comes a decline in rental

affordability, with nearly 25% of income now required to meet median rents. The average loan size for first home buyers also increased 2.2% for the ACT, and while the number of first home buyers decreased in the Territory over the quarter, first home buyers increased in all states and territories over the past 12 months.

Nominations open for industry awards Housing affordability in the ACT has remained steady over the quarter, while more sellers are upping their asking prices mid-campaign due to a strong market. File image: Kerrie Brewer.

Mid-campaign price hikes continue According to new Domain data, 4.3% of property listings in Canberra in April saw asking prices increase mid-campaign. Senior research analyst Nicola Powell says strong conditions in the Australian housing market mean sellers are revising their asking prices midway through a sales campaign after seeing the demand and hearing feedback from prospective buyers. Dr Powell said Canberra’s house prices have seen the steepest quarterly increase in nearly 30 years, with prices in the first quarter of 2021 rising by $909 per day, or $25,452 for a four-week campaign. “During an upswing, particularly through periods of rapid price increases, the anticipated sale price outcome can alter and exceed initial asking-price expectations. This can result in adjusting the asking price to meet the perceived market price midway through a sales campaign,” said Dr Powell. “Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Hobart have been sliding from peaks reached late 2020, although still remain elevated compared with this time last year.” 50


Nominations are now open for the Real Estate Institute of the ACT (REIACT) Awards for Excellence. The seventh annual awards are set to be held in Canberra in October, recognising the real estate industry’s top performers across the

ACT and their achievements over the past year. Nominations close on Friday 16 July for all categories. Winners of some categories will be eligible for entry in Real Estate Institute of Australia’s national awards.

Winter fire safety campaign begins

MBA calls for investment in apprenticeships

Most people enjoy a roaring fire in winter, but not when their house is a blazing inferno. The ACT Government launched its winter fire safety campaign this week, to help Canberrans prevent fires and keep them under control. There are more house fires in winter than at any time of the year, Mick Gentleman, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, said; 60% of the 230 fires to which ACT Fire and Rescue are called each year happen in winter. Most begin in the kitchen, while fires caused by dryers and other heaters increased last year. “Most of these fires are preventable,” Mr Gentleman said. “We remind the Canberra community to keep flammable materials at least one metre from a heater, to regularly clean the lint filter in your dryer, and not to leave cooking unattended.” To reduce the number of house fires, and advise Canberrans how to put out smalls fire in the home, ACT Fire and Rescue will run three publicity campaigns this winter. June will focus on using fire blankets and fire extinguishers; July will look at heater and dryer fires; and August will concentrate on kitchen safety. Install a working smoke alarm. If a fire breaks out, call Triple 0; if you cannot put it out, leave the house. For more information and fire safety tips, visit www.esa.act.gov.au

Master Builders ACT has called on the ACT Government to invest in skills and education for the building and construction industry in the next Budget. Master Builders ACT’s Budget submission calls for more to be done to attract and retain apprentices “to meet workforce demands now and into the future”. “Unlike many sectors, increasing the number of trade apprentices can have an immediate impact on increasing industry capacity because new apprentices start working immediately,” said CEO Michael Hopkins. “Increasing the level of ACT Government support for apprentice training will help local training organisations to attract and retain enough apprentices to meet our workforce needs over the coming decade and beyond.” As well, the ACT association has proposed an increase in user choice funding, targeted wage support for employers in the construction industry, and a contribution to training organisations to support apprentices with mental health, workplace safety and tools and equipment.


property news


recent sales

under the hammer

4 Agnew Street, Ainslie

$1,670,000 Home by Holly

2/25 Aspinall Street, Watson


LJ Hooker

4 Eldon Place, Lyons

$1,305,000 Independent

18/27 Temperley Street, Nicholls



7 Ryle Place, Flynn

$1,300,000 Blackshaw

52 Kambalda Crescent, Fisher



42 Challinor Crescent, Florey

$1,290,000 Irwin

31 Elkedra Close, Hawker


LJ Hooker

1311/25 Edinburgh Avenue, Acton

$1,240,000 Luton

29/88 Narrambla Terrace, Lawson



13/60 Boldrewood Street, Turner

$1,200,000 McGrath

14/21 Temperley Street, Nicholls



65 Walker Crescent, Narrabundah

6 Waghorn Street, Gungahlin

$1,155,000 New Door

7 Eugenia Street, Rivett


Bertram Ellis

8 McCrae Street, Garran

$1,126,000 Maloney’s

10/27 Lightfoot Crescent, Florey




3 Styles Place, Wanniassa

$1,110,000 Luton

21/119 McMichael Terrace, Denman



81 Burnie Street, Lyons

$1,105,000 Cream

3 Patten Street, Ngunnawal


One Agency

9 Withers Place, Weston

$1,100,000 LJ Hooker

3 Yagan Place, Ngunnawal



86 Edgeworth Parade, Coombs

$1,070,888 Home by Holly

32/6 English Court, Phillip



16 Wootton Crescent, Gordon



155/46 Macquarie Street, Barton


Hayman Partners

40 Mackennal Street, Lyneham


LJ Hooker

7/61 De Graaff Street, Holder



3 Bynoe Place, Page


LJ Hooker

16 Howson Place, Richardson



524/20 Anzac Park, Campbell



14/2 Hopegood Place, Garran


LJ Hooker

7 Sturgess Place, Weston



8 Cumbrae Place, Kambah



13 Dinnison Circuit, Kambah



25 Le Souef Crescent, Florey


LJ Hooker

6 Merfield Place, Giralang



8 Iterra Grove, Ngunnawal



18 Gascoyne Circuit, Kaleen


LJ Hooker

12/29 Anne Clark Avenue, Nicholls


LJ Hooker

63/28 Torrens Street, Braddon


The Property Collective

20/311 Flemington Road, Franklin




15 Lowrie Street, Dickson



168/1 Mouat Street, Lyneham



117 Summerland Circuit, Kambah


The Property Collective

31 McNamara Street, Pearce


Michael Potter


15 Bilkurra Street, Queanbeyan


LJ Hooker

28/2 Hoffmann Street, Moncrieff


New Door

2/5 Fitchett Street, Garran



4 Nivison Place, Charnwood



48 Callabonna Street, Kaleen


Home by Holly

10A Langlands Close, Calwell


LJ Hooker

46 Zealie Bend, Googong


White Rhino

12/60 Paul Coe Crescent, Ngunnawal


LJ Hooker

49 Hesba Brinsmead Street, Franklin



23/54 Ernest Cavanagh Street, Gungahlin $465,000


59/18 Austin Street, Griffith



91/39 Benjamin Way, Belconnen


LJ Hooker

3 Clay Street, Bonner



4/7 Ford Street, Queanbeyan



24 Lexcen Avenue, Nicholls


Bolton & Co

60/275 Flemington Road, Franklin



50 Alpen Street, Melba


LJ Hooker

33/20 Oliver Street, Lyneham


LJ Hooker

86 Streeton Drive, Rivett



10/32 Bootle Place, Phillip



9 Ruzicka Street, Taylor

11 Jule Knight Street, Casey


Timothy Road

192/41 Chandler Street, Belconnen


LJ Hooker

17/47 Eyre Street, Kingston



10/26 Springvale Drive, Hawker


LJ Hooker


8/85 Holborow Avenue, Denman



11B/109 Knox Street, Watson


LJ Hooker

24/27 Temperley Street, Nicholls



9/122 Henderson Road, Queanbeyan



14 Hibiscus Crescent, Rivett


Agent Team

Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au




David Stokes 0410 598 463 Blackshaw Auction Sat 5 June 10am

113 Nemarang Crescent, Waramanga



Michael Potter 0413 830 598 Michael Potter Auction Sat 5 June 11am




Jeremy Maher 0410 481 260 Harcourts Auction Sat 5 June 12pm





Marvellous on Merryville Murrumbateman NSW 34 Merryville Drive This rare find is a grand property in Murrumbateman’s exclusive Merryville Estate, close to Canberra and Yass with the famous cool climate wine region on the doorstep. “The elegant family home sits on a large 7,284sqm block and features north-facing open planned kitchen, formal dining room, double glazing throughout and 5kW solar system,” says Ray White real estate and stock and station agent, George Southwell. “A growing family is perfect for this four-bedroom home due to having multiple living/dining areas, large walk-in pantry and additional games room. “34 Merryville Drive is located only 45 minutes from Canberra, with the closest winery just four minutes away,” says Southwell. “The property also offers a way to the estate’s own tennis courts.” The home blends elegance and grandeur with the functionality of a family home. A statement entrance, double doors and formal rooms work perfectly alongside the home’s family-friendly layout and features like the walk-in pantry, open-plan 52


kitchen, living and dining space and rumpus room. Southwell says the home is a private oasis due to the formal hedging and established trees on the property, and there is flexibility for an office or work-from-home setup. “Outside of the home is a curved, tree-lined driveway, established trees and meticulously maintained gardens and lawns as well as a large orchard with almond, olive, peach, apple, apricot, plum and pear trees,” he says. “There are two three-bay sheds, connected to power, one with a workshop and lined room ideal for an office space.”





Auction Saturday 26 June 1.30pm on site View Saturday 5 June 10.45-11.30am Agent George Southwell Mob 0429 838 345 Ray White Rural Canberra/Yass Ph 6226 4400

rare find

16 Wellesley Street, Amaroo Nestled in the beautiful and sought-after

Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, established home


suburb of Amaroo, this contemporary 4 is sure to appeal to any family. 16

Wellesley Street is hosted on a 476m2 block, which boasts a secure, lowmaintenance backyard.

Multipurpose study

Ducted gas heating and evaporative

NBN connected

Garden shed

• •

Covered outdoor entertaining area Double lock-up garage

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.




Auction | On-Site Sat, 19th June at 11:30am _______________________________________________ View Sat, 5th June at 1:45pm-2:15pm _______________________________________________ Agent Antony Damiano 0473 444 666 LJ Hooker Canberra City 6249 7700

20/16 Sexton Street Cook


This is your opportunity to purchase a

• Quiet location and light filled

Cook – perfect base for an executive

• Open plan living

split-level (just a few steps!!) townhouse in couple, first home buyer, downsizer or investor and epitomising low

maintenance living in the heart of Cook.

• Fresh new paint and floor coverings • Climate controlled • Private courtyards • Timber deck

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



Auction Sat, 19th Jun at 1:00pm _______________________________________________ View Sat, 5th Jun at 12:20pm to 1:00pm _______________________________________________ Agent Virginia Stoker 0434 610 698

LJ Hooker Gungahlin 6213 3999

28/200 John Gorton Drive Coombs Stunning views and almost brand new this spacious 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom

• Living: 80m2 (approx..)

and easy living. This modern apartment

• Year of Construction: 2020-2021

apartment provides both ideal location

features tiled living, carpeted bedrooms, well-proportioned euro laundry and

• Balcony: 11m2 (approx..)

• Body Corp: $1700 p.a (approx...)




For Sale $460,000+ _______________________________________________ View Contact us to View _______________________________________________ Agent Dan Cooper 0412 773 938

kitchen maximising functionality.

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Woden 6223 2620

43 Lowrie Street Dickson


Positioned on a quiet loop street this duplex is

• Solid brick construction

bursting with potential. The lower level comprises

• Tandem double carport

a functional kitchen and meals area, powder

• Generous North facing main living area

room, laundry and a North facing main living area

• Excellent functional floor plan to renovate

which is spills out onto the backyard. On the

• Good sized backyard with mature oak tree

upper-level of the home are the 3 bedrooms with

• Just moments away from a vast array of

built in robes, as well as the main bathroom.

amenities that the Inner North offers

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.




Auction | In Rooms Wednesday 9th June at 6:00pm at LJ Hooker Canberra City 182 - 200 City Walk, Canberra City _______________________________________________ View Saturday 5th June 1:00pm to 1:30pm _______________________________________________ Agent Andy Greenberger 0400 819 650 LJ Hooker Weston 6288 8888

45 Winarlia Lane Gungahlin Promising the laid-back and convenient

• Large 19m2 balcony

idyllic home just a short stroll from Yerrabi

• Private courtyard

lifestyle most can only dream of is this

Pond. Convenient living is assured with

restaurants, shops and public transport all at your fingertips.

• 2 x RC/AC and ducted gas heating • Walk to Yerrabi Pond

• Easy access to restaurants and cafes on the Pond

• Walking tracks and bike paths

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.




Auction | Online Wed, 23rd Jun at 6:00pm _______________________________________________ View Thu, 3rd Jun at 1:00pm to 1:30pm Sat, 5th Jun at 12:00pm to 12:30pm _______________________________________________ Agent Jason Hall 0475 983 079 LJ Hooker Gungahlin 6213 3999

36/23 Blackham Street Holt Sitting on the doorstep of one of Canberra’s most vibrant precincts, this exceptional threebedroom residences offers a rare market opportunity not to be missed! Designed to maximise natural light and air flow and finished with refined features throughout with views of the Brindabella Mountain Range.

• Three bedrooms, two with built in robes • Master bedroom with walk in robe and ensuite

• Open-plan living and dining

• Modern kitchen with quality appliances • Formal lounge room

• Secure double remote garage

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.




Auction | on site Saturday 19th June at 10:00am _______________________________________________ View Saturday 5th June 2:15pm to 2:45pm _______________________________________________ Agent Jane Kusetic 0408 662 119 jane.kusetic@ljhooker.com.au LJ Hooker Weston 6288 8888

2 Trickett Street Holt Designed by the well renowned architect,

Enrico Taglietti, in the 1970s, this character filled three bedroom free standing

townhouse has had most of the original style and design features retained,

making this gorgeous little home a real


• Bright and spacious open plan living areas • Great sized courtyard, ideal for pets • Covered private outdoor entertaining area • Lovely established gardens • Excellent position with views opposite to the



Auction Sat, 19th Jun at 10:00am _______________________________________________ Agent Peta Barrett 0499 044 028 Katrina Briggs 0499 041 044


standout for the area.

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Kippax 6255 3888

40 Ngunawal Drive Isaacs Set on sprawling gardens this exquisite

• Floor area: 274m2 approx.

Isaacs. Privately set back, with a circular

• Year of Construction: 1988

two-story home is nestled in the hills of drive this residence has been finely

crafted with quality and timeless finishes throughout.

• Land area: 1244m2 approx. • Rates: $3,763 p.a.

• Land Tax: $5,792 p.a. • UV: $602,000

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.




Auction Sat, 19th Jun at 1:30pm _______________________________________________ View Contact us to view _______________________________________________ Agent Dan Cooper 0412 773 938

LJ Hooker Woden 6223 2620


1/35 Ashby Circuit Kambah Located to the front of this well-

• Appealing single level townhouse

3 bedroom, ensuite townhouse will appeal

• Slate to living, dining & kitchen areas

maintained complex of 12, this single level

equally to the first home buyer, downsizer or investor.

• North facing living areas

• Well equipped sizeable kitchen

• Functional living area and floor plan • Reverse cycle heating & cooling




Auction | On Site Sat, 19th Jun at 1:00pm _______________________________________________ View Sat, 5th Jun at 10:00am - 10:30am _______________________________________________ Agent Margrit Sedlacek 0402 024 447

• Private paved courtyard

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Tuggeranong 6189 0100


41 Fitzalan Street Kambah You will be impressed when you walk

through this beautifully presented four bedroom ensuite family home on a peaceful and tightly held street in

Kambah. This property is perfect for those with a young family, first home buyers, investors or even downsizers.


• First time available for over 22 years • 6.6kW Solar system - 21 panels • Multiple spacious living areas - living, dining, meals & sunken family • Gorgeous vinyl hybrid flooring throughout • Ducted gas heating & evaporative cooling



Auction | On Site Sat, 19th Jun at 2:30pm _______________________________________________ View Sat, 5th Jun at 12:00pm - 12:45pm _______________________________________________ Agent Patrick Kinnane 0430 435 330

• Roomy kitchen with stainless steel appliances

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Tuggeranong 6189 0100

30/34 Gosse Street Kingston Situated centre stage between Old Kingston and The Foreshore, this bright & airy 2-bedroom ensuite apartment presents a fantastic opportunity to purchase a made to order investment property or owner-occupier without any of the hassle of making a move.

• Built: 1995

• Living: 82m2

• Rates: $2235.50 p.a.

• Land Tax (if applicable): $2885.36 p.a. • Body Corporate: $1073.36 p.q.

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.




Auction Sat, 12th Jun at 2:00pm _______________________________________________ View Contact us to view _______________________________________________ Agent Jack Flynn 0424 674 416

LJ Hooker Woden 6223 2620

18 Gubbity Street Ngunnawal Excellent 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house in

• Well placed bathroom, separate toilet

Road without the traffic noise offering

• Quality tiles, carpet on floors

good condition, adjacent to Horse Park

easy access to everywhere. Gas cooktop and dishwasher in a compact and functional kitchen

• RCAC, powerful gas furnace • Laundry in the garage • NBN fibre to the house

• Land: 250m2, Living: 105m2, Garage:




Auction | Online Wed, 23rd Jun at 6:00pm _______________________________________________ View Sat, 5th Jun at 2:30pm to 3:00pm _______________________________________________ Agent Naish Stormon 0488 164 426


All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Gungahlin 6213 3999

54/77 Northbourne Avenue Turner If you're looking for a one bedroom

apartment in a renowned complex, with a prime location and bespoke floor plan then look no more!

• Spacious bedroom with built in robe • Large bathroom with European laundry • Open plan kitchen and living areas • Integrated dishwasher • Marble bench top and island bench • Split system reverse cycle air conditioning




For Sale _______________________________________________ View Sat, 5th June at 2:00pm to 2:30pm _______________________________________________ Agent Andrew Browne 0403 169 259

• Under stair storage area All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Dickson 6257 2111


Suburb9XRuzicka Taylor Name Street Street

XXXsqm 250sqm

If you’re tired of looking at boring cookie Quidellenis cuptatiorum quiatio nseque cutter homes, then stop and inspect this home nimint et asint litatem olorem as endae immediately! This one-of-a-kind home boast Quidellenis cuptatiorum features and finishes that are quiatio second tonseque none and are aetcredit the designer and builder. nimint asinttolitatem olorem as endae Bathed in modern colours and textures, modi reptis siti net adis aut vendi dolor this home is a real stand out. The floorplan as aut eta ullaut faccatu riberatur, et with provides luxury segregated master suite Vogue ensuite and walk verum in wardrobe. aliquia essecepudis fuga.Stunning Ihit atis polished floorspa lead you through to moluptaconcrete tquasperia vendernatem a spacious living area with vaulted ceilings esti qui dolut ene vellorro et oditi to create that feeling of space. The gourmet

nonseritat quiaecullit ene vellorro


offerssinto ampleenihita bench and cupboard •kitchen Ximinum derspel space with quality appliances and cabinetry. itatiaerrum cumquib usciam Don’t miss the opportunity to be thefacilli envy of tinvelit voluptur. qua your friends with this 5Ad star high end home! • eaquibusam, cuptatur as pel • Original design with Hamptons style decor moluptium et estrum que pore • Currently tenanted until 28th Jan 2022 at • perrumquas ate nos molorpo $670 pw • reprorest Ducted air conditioning Stylishakitchen with walk-in pantry •• blaut aliae aciti que excea sequi • Easy care yard • off EER:iciet 6.0 laborro omnis • EER X.0


X 2

Auction or For sale Saturday 5th X Month June11.15am, 2021 on site 12 noon, on site View Wednesday X Month 6.00pm – 6.30pm Saturday X Month View Saturday 5th June 2021 4.00pm ––5.30pm 11.30am 12 noon harcourts.com.au/XXXXXXXX harcourts.com.au/NGN4359

Jeremy Maher Agent Verylongname M 0410 0400 481 000 260 000 jeremy.maher@harcourts.com.au agent.verylongname@harcourts.com.au

Agent Verylongname M 0400 000 000 agent.verylongname@harcourts.com.au

CWM05617AA CWM0000-V0

5Heading Star Home Title!!Case. Keep Short And On One Line.



Suburb X Name Gungahlin 135/2Street Hinder Street Quidellenis quiatio nseque Are you lookingcuptatiorum for a change to an easy living lifestyle? This apartment represents andas luxury at its nimint et asint litatemcomfort olorem endae finest and is onecuptatiorum of the best penthouses Gungahlin. Quidellenis quiatioin nseque Well-maintained and amazing value for money, this nimint et asint litatem olorem as endae stylish and attractive apartment has everything you modi reptis adis aut vendi dolor need plus moresiti rightnet at your doorstep. Theaut modern kitchenfaccatu overlooksriberatur, the huge, combined as et ullaut et dining & living area perfectverum for entertaining but atis also aliquia essecepudis fuga. Ihit offering the ideal atmosphere for a quiet night at molupta tquasperia pa vendernatem home. The main bedroom boasts an ensuite and esti qui dolut ene vellorro oditi access to the generous balcony offet ering a great nonseritat quiaecullit ene vellorro


• Ximinum sinto enihita derspel vantage point to enjoy the vibrant town centre. Come home every day to this facilli luxury itatiaerrum cumquib usciam with amazing views and location that offers tinvelit voluptur. Adaqua anything you need right at your doorstep! • eaquibusam, cuptatur as pel moluptium et estrum que pore • Large Balcony with • perrumquas ateViews nos molorpo • Amazing Location reprorest • Air Conditioning • blaut a aliae aciti que excea sequi • Double Car Space • EER: 6.0laborro omnis off iciet • EER X.0



X 2

Auction or For sale Saturday 5XwMonth June 2021 11.15am, on site 10:30am, on site View Wednesday X Month 6.00pm – 6.30pm View X Month Saturday 5th June 2021 4.00pm 5.30pm 10 am – –10.30am harcourts.com.au/XXXXXXXX harcourts.com.au/NGN4365

Agent Verylongname Jeremy Maher 0400 481 000 260 000 M 0410 agent.verylongname@harcourts.com.au jeremy.maher@harcourts.com.au

Agent Verylongname M 0400 000 000 agent.verylongname@harcourts.com.au

CWM05617AB CWM0000-V0

Heading for Looking Title “Uptown” Case. Keep Lifestyle? Short And On One Line.

102.4sqm XXXsqm


3 acres XXXsqm5

Heading Is This Your Title Sanctuary? Case. Keep Short And On One Line. Quidellenis quiatio nseque Set high on the cuptatiorum hill this grand home has incredible 270° views the Binalong Valley and Mount Bobbara. nimint etofasint litatem olorem as endae The stunning sunsets here are absolutely Quidellenis cuptatiorum quiatiosomething nseque not to be missed and something that you can enjoy nimint et asint litatem olorem as endae from your private sanctuary on a daily basis. modi reptishome siti net adis vendiall dolor The sprawling offers five aut bedrooms, with built-in as wellfaccatu as a walk-in wardrobeet to the as autrobes et ullaut riberatur, master. spacious northverum facing master aliquiaThe essecepudis fuga.bedroom Ihit atis also enjoys incredible views out to Mt Bobbara and molupta tquasperia pa vendernatem boasts a large en-suite. esti qui dolut eneis designed vellorrotoet oditi The spacious kitchen suit one of the nonseritat quiaecullit vellorro local chefs, commercial sizedene with metres of bench


• Ximinum sintoadequate enihitaroom derspel space providing to prepare many a feast. This home was built to entertain. itatiaerrum cumquib usciam facilli An enormous open plan tinvelit voluptur. Adliving quaarea provides ample space for dining as well as a comfortable • eaquibusam, cuptatur as pel lounge area and a separate rumpus. moluptium et estrum que pore • perrumquas ate nos molorpo • Stunning rural sanctuary reprorest • 5 King sized bedrooms • Ducted Air conditioning • blaut a RC aliae aciti que excea sequi • Wrap around verandah off laborro • 20iciet minutes to Yass oromnis Harden • Town and Tank Water • EER X.0




Auction or For sale Saturday 10th X Month July11.15am, 2021 on site 4.30pm View Wednesday X Month 6.00pm – 6.30pm View X Month Saturday 5th June 2021 4.00pm – 5.30pm 4.30 – 5 pm harcourts.com.au/XXXXXXXX harcourts.com.au/NGN4429

Agent Verylongname Jeremy Maher 0400 481 000 260 000 M 0410 agent.verylongname@harcourts.com.au jeremy.maher@harcourts.com.au

Agent Verylongname M 0400 000 000 agent.verylongname@harcourts.com.au

CWM05617AC CWM0000-V0

Suburb X 37 Binalong Name Stephens Street Street

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2.0 EER

PEACE, TRANQUILLITY & CONVENIENCE! Located adjacent to parkland and the Hughes playing fields is this well-presented family home. Positioned on a 791m2 parcel of land that offers a pleasant outlook from the living areas this home is ideal for the family or buyer looking for that opportunity to secure a home in this most popular of locations. The home offers open plan design where the functional kitchen looks onto the lounge and dining area. Through the laundry you walk out onto the elevated rear deck that overlooks the back yard. The location of this home is second to none. Being minutes from the Hughes Primary School, or at the other end of Webster Street, is Sts. Peter & Paul Primary School. The home is currently tenanted until the 11th of August and the tenants would like to stay longer if that was a consideration for the new buyer. Whilst this home is in good condition, if you were wanting somewhere to do a knock down rebuild upon then this could be the property for you.


Phone 6281 0822 Visit Hughes Place, Hughes ACT 2605 creamresidential.com.au 76




20m Resort Style Pool & Sun Deck

House Sized Kitchens

Rooftop Alfresco Area Featuring Pizza Oven & BBQ

Come and see why everyone is saying that these are Gungahlin’s best apartments! Completed and ready to move in now.

— Located in the Gungahlin town centre, one of Australia’s fastest growing regions.

2 beds 2 baths 2 cars $480,000 - $620,000

— Jade features a 20m resort style pool, sun deck & state of the art residents gymnasium.

3 beds 2 baths 2 cars $590,000 - $610,000 Penthouses

Display Apartments Open For Viewing 2 Gribble Street, Gungahlin

$890,000 - $1.1M

Open Times Saturday & Sunday — 10am to 4pm, Tuesday & Thursday — 4pm to 5pm Appointments are available on other days and times.

— Enjoy stunning mountain and water views. — Walking distance to the Gungahlin to Canberra City Light Rail terminal. — Walking distance to numerous restaurants, cafés, bars, shops and entertainment options. — Walking distance to Yerrabi Pond, walking tracks and outdoor family friendly activities.

— Generous car parking. All properties with two car spaces are side by side (not tandem). — Double glazing throughout.


Contact Marcus Allesch 0424 409 873 or marcus@podprojectsgroup.com.au to book an appointment.

visit jadegungahlin.com.au for virtual tours, all floorplans and pricelists



WEDNESDAY 10AM - 2PM Homes starting from $549,000 Secure, low maintenance living at

Bellerive Village Join in the fun at Bellerive retirement village. Enjoy the social community, neighbours you know, and your own home with all the time-consuming maintenance and gardening tasks taken care of. For your day-to-day needs, Bellerive’s conveniently located close to the Canberra Hospital and the heart of Woden, home to Westfield, the bus interchange and many of Canberra’s premier clubs. Private appointments are available Monday to Friday. Contact Donna Blackwell 02 6169 3669

• • • • • • • • • •

Generous open plan kitchen, living and dining rooms Stainless steel appliances, dishwasher and dryer Modern bathrooms Built-ins in all bedrooms Fresh paint and carpet throughout Large outdoor entertaining areas Solar electricity Reverse cycle air conditioning Secure single car park 24 hour onsite emergency staff

No stamp duty or building insurance required




We have a limited number of modern two and three bedroom homes available, nestled amongst established gardens. Each home comes with:

on the market

canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au R E A L E S TAT E

Ainslie 53 Tyson Street construction is situated on a superb 1,280sqm block in the heart of Ainslie. The home features two bedrooms, formal living, separate dining room, kitchen, laundry and an enclosed veranda/study. The site also includes two freestanding double garages, carport and a storage shed, all less than three kilometres from the heart of Canberra’s CBD. EER: 3.0



Auction Saturday 19 June 11am on site View Saturday 5 June 11am-12pm Agent Jeff Shortland Mob 0417 483 627

LJ Hooker Gungahlin Ph 6213 3999


“Boro Park” 1108 Goulburn Road Goulburn

123 Acres or 51 Hectares

Auction 18th June – 2:30pm Onsite • Nicely fenced into 6 paddocks View • Water consists of 1 dam and permanent creek By appointment • Currently 60 acres of oats and 10 acres Paul McIntosh of wheat 0409 056 287 (02) 4821 3788 raywhitegoulburn.com.au • Approx. 123 acres or 51 hectares of productive granite soils



In 1941, the city of Canberra had only recently become a ‘teenager’; Bob Menzies, Arthur Fadden (for 39 days) and John Curtin were Prime Minister during that year; the biggest news at that time would be the war in Europe; and 53 Tyson Street was a brand-new family home. On the corner of Tyson Street and Officer Crescent, this charming, red brick cottage of double brick




‘Mundoonen’ Reardons Rd, Yass - Buyer’s guide $880,000 178.23ha* (440.41ac*) of picturesue vacant land • 15min* Yass, 50min* Canberra, under 3hrs* Sydney • Scenic homesites for your dream home, retreat or subdivide amongst arable land + pristine scrub • Dams, tanks, power, good access & secure fencing Business decision to liquidate this asset.


Auction Saturday 12th June 10am On-Site View Sunday 6th June 2:30pm Sharp

George Southwell 0429 838 345


AUC T I ON THE OLD CONVENT - ICONIC BOOROWA PROPERTY • Sitting grandly at the western end of Queen Street is the Old Boorowa Convent. Appealing two story double brick building – now a private residence • Located one block from Boorowa CBD, next to school grounds and close to golf course • 8 bedrooms. Kitchen and dining area, spacious living rooms, sunroom and expansive entertaining area (former Chapel) • 2 bathrooms, laundry and storage sheds • High ceilings, wide hallways, full length verandahs with views over Boorowa • Offering potential for a private residence, guest home or BNB • Approximately 2300sqm • A very rare opportunity to secure an old-world building with loads of opportunity AUCTION DETAILS Date: Friday 25th June 2021 | Time: 1pm Location: Onsite Agents: Justin Fleming - 0429 820 389 Nick Duff - 0499 556 602




NOW SELLING A quality development of 24 serviced village residential building lots The Meadows offers an attractive selection of lots ranging from 1366 sqm to 2149 sqm. Delayed settlements with anticipated completion late 2021, early 2022. Sales Plan available on request. The Meadows 17 South Street, Murrumbateman

Anne Williams 0418 207 291



(02) 4479 0229

9/2a - 4a Orient Street (Next to Deli on Perry) Batemans Bay

2/21A Bavarde Avenue BATEMANS BAY NSW

3 bed 2 bath 2 car

Unquestionably one of the best placed, north-facing properties in the Bay.

For Sale $950,000 - $980,000

• North facing aspect filled with natural light • Sprawling master suite, ensuite with bath and extensive wardrobe space • Expansive, open plan living and dining areas join seamlessly with balcony area • Impressive kitchen featuring quality appliances • Spacious bedrooms with built-in wardrobes • Second bathroom perfectly positioned to service bedrooms 2 + 3 and guests • Deck off the laundry • 2 car garage with internal access • A short distance to the CBD, shops, restaurants and cafes

View By Appointment Only Agent Megan Goucher 0410 582 875



Office My Agent Christine Ewin



37 Clyde Boulevard Nelligen NSW

Fish, Ski and Boating all at your leisure With views over the Clyde River from 2 spacious entertainment decks, this could be your perfect weekender or new lifestyle! The heart of the home is upstairs with more views from the living room, dining and kitchen. Full length undercover area out the back with several fruit trees. Downstairs has a separate entry to create dual living (STCA). Huge 7x7.5m double garage. Only 65m to the waters’ edge!





For Sale $680,000 - $720,000 View Saturday 5th June at 11-11:30am Agent Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504 ljhooker.com/ZFYF8F

8-10 Annett Street MOGO NSW


Mogo Town - the Berry of the South Coast! Sitting around 10km South of Batemans Bay and around 18km North of Moruya is the quaint artisan village of Mogo on the Princes Hwy. The area is a mecca for all things a little special and a little different! Fully serviced with zoning that allows both a residence and commercial. STCA consider a work from home option, hobby shop, micro brewery, or for developers an affordable housing option!

Malua Bay NSW Lot 3 & 4 Bunderra Circuit - Lyrebird Hill Secluded Acreages Near the Beach Rarely does such a private, sealed road access, acreage with ocean glimpses, water, sewer and underground power, present to the market. Situated close to both Malua Bay & Lilli Pilli beach and shops. Lot 3 - “The Fern Gully” – 1Ha, North facing, and looks into its own pristine natural valley. Lot 4 - “The Kissing Tree” - 1.5Ha and has a lovely forest vista. There is space to let your home design imagination run its course, plus plenty of options for shedding and room for all the toys. The apz areas are cleared so it’s easy to get a vision of what you might build there. So get in quick and select your preferred site (the savvy buyer may buy both and land bank one for the future! The way real estate is heading, it’s better than money in the bank). The first stage of lyrebird hill sold quickly so make an appointment to view this final release.

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

Auction Saturday 12th June at 2:30pm Bidders Guide: High $600,000’s View By Appointment Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 ljhooker.com/ZHKF8F

Lot 3 - 1Ha | Lot 4 - 1.5Ha

For Sale Lot 3 - $595,000 Lot 4 - $595,000 View By appointment Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 ljhooker.com/ZJAF8F

batemansbay.ljhooker.com.au LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 02 4472 6455

3 4 5 8 9


In which year was construction of Rome’s Colosseum completed?


In the UK, what does the ship prefix RMS stand for?


Which French actress has been convicted five times of 'inciting racial hatred'?


Who was the chief god of the ancient Babylonians?


In what year did the television series Dr Who first screen on the BBC in the UK?


At what age did Elizabeth I become Queen of England and Ireland?


Who wrote the novel A Farewell To Arms?

DiFFiculty RAting 

no. 1436

5 4 2 9 6 1 8 7 3

2 5 6 3 7 8 4 1 9

7 8 4 1 5 9 2 3 6

1 9 3 6 4 2 7 8 5

6 2 5 8 1 4 3 9 7

9 7 1 2 3 6 5 4 8

4 3 8 5 9 7 1 6 2

Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com

no. 1435

8 1 9 7 2 3 6 5 4

DOWN 1 Pontiff (4) 2 Heights (9) 3 Barbecue (5) 4 cubic contents (8) 6 Dismissal (5-2) 7 Pale (5) 8 Pathological self-admirer (9) 9 capital of norway (4) 14 Banishment (9) 16 Moon (9) 17 Keep (8) 19 gives (7) 22 One of the ionian islands (5) 23 Book of the Bible (4) 25 unit of length (5) 26 unsightly (4)


3 6 7 4 8 5 9 2 1

To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.

ACROSS 1 Recording reproduction (8) 5 couch (6) 10 Outdoor area adjoining a house (5) 11 Variety of nut (9) 12 Slanted font (6) 13 South-west Pacific region (7) 14 inflexible (8) 15 Art of dwarfing shrubs or trees (6) 18 From tuscany (6) 20 cloistered (8) 21 Plaintiff (7) 24 Straightforward (6) 27 Waterer (9) 28 Fastening (5) 29 Fluffy dessert (6) 30 graveyard (8)

no. 3756

1 2 4 7 6 5 3 8 9

super sudoku



3 8 6 4 9 2 7 5 1

DiFFiculty RAting 

of Narcissus in 1937?

7 5 9 8 3 1 2 4 6

5 6 8 4

10. Who painted The Metamorphosis

9 6 2 3 1 4 5 7 8

8 4

9 4 7

5 1 3 6 7 8 9 2 4

5 2

7 1 8 8 2 1 5 3 4 6 1 4 5 7 no. 1436

Which dinosaur’s name means 'fused lizard'?

8 4 7 5 2 9 1 6 3

1 3 1



6 3 5 9 8 7 4 1 2

6 1 7

8 6

In radio, what do FM and AM stand for?

2 7 8 1 4 3 6 9 5

no. 1435

9 6 2


4 9 1 2 5 6 8 3 7

4 9 7 3 1 9 6 8 2 7 6 8 6 1 9 6 3

brain busters


Brain busters: 1. Frequency modulation, amplitude modulation 2. Ankylosaurus 3. 80AD 4. Royal Mail Steamer/ Ship 5. Brigitte Bardot 6. Marduk 7. 1963 8. 25 9. Ernest Hemingway 10. Salvador Dalí


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Enter to WIN For your chance to win, subscribe to one or more of the Canberra Weekly email newsletters and tell us what’s your favourite time of year in Canberra. Email your answer to competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘CW June subscriber’ in the subject heading, and include your name and address. Subscriber email address must match the email address used to enter the competition. Current and new subscribers eligible. One entry per person/per email address. Entrants must be aged 18 years or over. Entries close 9am Thursday 1 July 2021.



03 – 09 june 2021 WITH FRANCIS BEVAN www.francisbevan.com

For personal readings, call Francis Bevan & The Inner Circle Team of psychics and mediums on 1300 882 136. $5.50 per minute (higher pay-phone or mobile)..Credit cards welcome.

celebrity birthday RAFAEL NADAL 3 June 1986 Being a Gemini born on 3 June, one of Rafael Nadal’s greatest skills, other than his athletic prowess, lies in his ability to communicate. He is also really good with money. Throughout the years of using his talents seemingly with ease, he has gained knowledge on how to life a fulfilled life. When he eventually retires from the tennis circuit, he will feel a strong push to share this advice with the rest of the world.


in the stars ARIES 21 MAR – 20 APR




With Mercury being retrograde and Jupiter in your 12th house, your intuition is going to be especially potent, as hidden parts of your unconscious begin to reveal themselves. You’re being told to pay close attention to such things as they will help you to understand yourself and other people better.

Jupiter in Pisces attracts you to higher education, philosophy and religious subjects, which you’re keen to learn more about. You’re going to be in a light-hearted mood, determined to be the centre of attention – for a change. You’ll also be dealing with people from quite different backgrounds to yours.

Jupiter in your 6th house indicates there could be some great news about your job soon. You could receive the recognition you’ve been working for; even if that doesn’t apply in the near future, there are signs that there will soon be more money on the way via your job.

With Jupiter in your third house, your mental powers are in top form and you’re particularly persuasive so it shouldn’t be difficult to win over even the most stubborn and entrenched person to your cause. Your mind will be going at full speed over the next couple of months.


LEO 23 JULY – 23 AUG

Jupiter in Pisces indicates that friends are going to be an inspiration in solving problems. If you need help of some kind, you may expect it to arrive soon, probably from a source you had not considered. Mercury retrograde is warning you to be careful in all financial dealings.

Jupiter in Pisces makes this is a great time for business partnerships. You and your colleagues should be able to conclude something you’ve been working on for a while or start a new project. If you decide to start a new project with new people, this will work well too.

Jupiter in Pisces indicates that if things have been difficult in a partnership, either business or personal, this is your opportunity to put everything back into its proper place. It’s obvious that significant other people deserve respect and affection, and that’s just what you’re now prepared to give.

Jupiter in Pisces is good news for you financially and it looks as though someone behind the scenes has been working to improve your financial position. If you’ve been relying on others to pay your way recently, you will soon be able to contribute more to the household coffers.





Happy Birthday Gemini! With Mercury retrograde in your own sign, things are likely to become confused and complicated. Your relationships with loved ones involve competition at some level. It appears that both parties are striving to express your individuality in quite different ways.

Jupiter indicates that love is very much on the agenda, so whether you’re in the throes of a fresh love affair or happily settled in a long-term commitment, all dealings with your partner will make you happy. You and your other half will be putting extra energy into your relationship.

With Jupiter in Pisces, it’s the ideal time to sort out all domestic matters. Some of you will be moving home or renovating, and others will be taking on more family responsibilities. If you’ve been dissatisfied with your home and family life, now is the time to make positive changes.

Jupiter in Pisces brings a lifting of spirits and a gaining of confidence all round. It will be quite easy to influence others with the brilliance of your ideas and you will be able to make breakthroughs with projects that have been on the go for some time.



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Trades & Services Guide INDEX


87 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 90 90 91 91 91


• • •

Tile & Grout cleaning experts Detect/Fix leaking showers Stone & Slate sealing Pressure & Acid wash cleaning services

• • • •

30+ years building experience No job Too Small

Grout/Colour matching & advice All products used by us are Mould and mildew resistant 12 years warranty 10% pensioner discount


Decks - Pergolas - General Maintenance Painting - Tiling - Plastering

Richard Brennan 0412 161 312 rb.carpentry@iinet.net.au

ABN: 98 240 579 704

0416 910 119 • 0452 538 503



Complete Project Management All Trades Free Quotes


Enviro Trees Arboricultural Solutions

Rob: 0412 017 832 | Shane: 0412 942 041 email: downie100@ozemail.com.au www.dcbathrooms.net

ABN: 62973049707


• Tree Pruning • Qualified • Tree Removals Arborist • Stump Grinding • Full Insurance

0488 009 293

• • • • •


Mark Summerfield

Expertise in power-line clearing, pruning, optimizing form and function with a clean finish.


0431 882 229

Call IAN 0412 028 245 for advice and free quote


Attention tradies:

Bathroom & laundry renovations Project management • plumbing Installations • blocked drains Leaking taps & toilets • gasfitting Hot water units • drainage

mark@renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au www.renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au ABN 53 193 697 032 LIC NO 200015959

89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Monica on 0406 378 673 Or email: trades@canberraweekly.com.au


Adam Rose B. Ag. Sc Adv Cert in Arboriculture





Arborist Bathrooms & Kitchens Bathroom Maintenance Bathroom Renovations Carpenters & Joiners Carpet Laying Cleaning Service Concreting & Related Couriers Crane Hire & Car Removal Dancing Lessons Decks Electrical Gardening Gutter Cleaning Handyman Home Renovations Introductions Lawns & Turf Locksmiths Mechanics Painting Plumbing & Gasfitting Roofing Tiling Window Cleaning

Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au


CARPENTER • Renovation & Repairs • All Home Improvements incl. Plastering • Decks & Pergolas • Extensions • Fully Qualified

Call or Email Daniel teksaw@yahoo.com.au

0404 490 460



Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide CONCRETING & RELATED




‘The The Concreting Specialist Specialist’

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Call DANIEL 0431 311 746

6292 2073





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Ph: 0403 477 056 E: stt1@iprimus.com.au

Call 0400 702 701 • romeotheking@bigpond.com







Carpet Re • Carpet Laying • Domestic Call GARY • Commercial and New Carpets 0414 863 19u5 • Supply & Install .org.a rpets gary@pcug Ca nd Ha nd co Se • Laying


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Free battery/car parts pickup service Cash for old trucks, motorcycles, machinery, cars.

Servicing the ACT for the last 17 years with a perfect safety record

CALL ANDREW on 0427 545 613

To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Monica on 0406 378 673 88


Work performed by licensed contractors.

To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Monica on 0406 378 673

Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide ELECTRICAL



Al Gardner

For ALL your gardening needs. Covering all suburbs.

small job specialist • LED light upgrades meterboard/switchboard upgrades

Lawn Mowing•Pruning•Trimming•Weeding•Rubbish removal Gutter cleaning•Mulching •All maintenance Fully equipped INSURED-Guaranteed. Well presented after completion.

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Ph/Fax: 6241 9413 Mob: 0413 088 908


Gutter Clean The gutter vacuum specialist

Water features Pebbles Steppers Decks

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Contact Tim 0408 869 224


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Call Peter on 0419 289 886 peter.wurth@hotmail.com

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Baya’s Backyard

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Winter yard clean ups





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To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Monica on 0406 378 673

Premier Dealer for

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Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide HOME RENOVATIONS

MECHANICS Monteleone Car Works & Metal Fabrication

RENOVATION EXPERT bathrooms | kitchens | laundries | full house

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To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Monica on 0406 378 673 90


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Blocked Drains


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Trades & Services Guide TILING



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Ph: 0473 536 741 To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Monica on 0406 378 673

ABN 29 073 101 768

Buckley’s Chance (CTC) is a fish-out-of-water story of a young boy Ridley, who becomes lost in the harsh Australian Outback with nothing but his camcorder and new friend, Buckley, a wayward dingo. Starring British acting powerhouse, Bill Nighy (as Grandpa) and beloved Australian actors Kelton Pell and Martin Sacks, Buckley’s Chance delivers thrilling adventure, fun and friendship, all set in the beautiful Australian Outback. Buckley’s Chance (CTC) is in cinemas 24 June. Canberra Weekly has 10 x Buckley’s Chance in-season double passes to be won.

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Bathroom, Laundry and Kitchen tiling Walls and floors tiling Bathroom Renovations No job too big or small Water proofing shower leaks


Blocked Drains

Monarch Window Cleaning


$80 OFF Taps And Toilets


Enter to WIN

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 11 June 2021 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+.

WIN! Keeping Faith S3 (M) DVDs To celebrate the 2 June release of Keeping Faith S3 (M) on DVD (RRP $34.95), CW has 10 DVDs to be won. Two weeks away from their divorce and a hearing that will determine their children’s future custody, Faith (Eve Myles) and Evan (Bradley Freegard) are at loggerheads. Evan is jealous of Faith’s burgeoning love affair with Steve Baldini (Mark Lewis Jones) and fearful they intend to start a new life together. Meanwhile, Faith faces a far more terrifying problem when her long estranged mother, Rose (Celia Imrie), reappears, intent on wreaking maximum revenge for an event which remains a dark, buried secret between them. Navigating increasingly impossible dilemmas, Faith heads towards a devastating confrontation with Rose which will transform her life for ever.



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