14 May 2020

Page 1

thursday 14 may 2020

Trades & services P52

Law Feature P21


Two ways with layers




New isocooking recipes to try Puzzles P50 Real estate P39

Raising hope

Vinnies CEO Sleepout in isolation

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Canberra Weekly .com.au contents

thursday 14 may 2020

From the editor Have you been spending more time in cyberspace lately because of physical distancing rules and shutdowns in these unprecedented times? Here at Canberra Weekly, we’ve been uploading lots of extra content on our website (worth checking out if you haven’t already), while continuing to produce our weekly, albeit significantly smaller, print editions to help keep you informed. We’ve been heartened by your response, dear readers, in continuing to pick up our magazine while out doing essential, or even non-essential, shopping. Sitting down with a magazine and a cuppa is one of life’s simple pleasures. Similarly, amid the deluge of emails that land in my inbox daily, it’s a real joy to receive a rare handwritten note in the snail mailbox. We recently received a lovely letter of appreciation from 80-year-old Donald in Goulburn who thanked us for continuing to keep readers entertained every week. Like me, he finds something to be grateful for every day, such as wheeling in empty garbage bins that had rubbish in them the night before – a first-world convenience easily taken for granted. I was also delighted to receive a thoughtful card from a girlfriend interstate purely to celebrate our friendship. Bless. Reasons to be grateful this week include the many frontline health, emergency services and retail workers who help to keep us safe and nourished, and educators for teaching our students. Thank you. - Julie Samaras

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This week...

18 21 33 37

On the cover Raising hope

Law feature 9-page advertising feature

The look Two ways with layers

on the cover

Home On trend: colour play

Mother and daughter team, Katrina Bracher and Matilda Holgate, will be taking part in this year’s Vinnies CEO Sleepout next month, which is going ahead in a different format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by Kerrie Brewer. See cover story, page 18.


08 18 18 20 30 32 33 37 39 50 51 52

General news Cover story Winners Have you heard? Taste Time out The look Home Real estate Puzzles Stars Trades & services



Competitions 55 3 x $85 Minions prize packs 55 Girlfriends S1 (M) DVDs

55 Editor Julie Samaras news@canberraweekly.com.au

Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue, Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 | F 02 6175 8899 www.canberraweekly.com.au Since March 2009



FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Nick Samaras Canberra Weekly is a member of the Australian Press Council and abides by its guidelines and policies. Complaints about editorial matter should be emailed to editor@canberraweekly.com.au

39 Published by Newstate Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2016 Newstate Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstate Media upon receipt and Newstate Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800.


The ACT Government has released a report 12 months after the commencement of light rail services, showing land values have increased within the light rail corridor. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.

Right side of the tracks: land values boom in light rail corridor Land values within the light rail corridor have increased substantially since 2011, reveals a report from the ACT Government released on 7 May. The light rail benefits realisation report shows the unimproved land value for blocks within the corridor increased by

35.2% between 2011 and 2018, compared to a Territory average of 21.7%. Property values have also jumped, with average house prices increasing 39% in the Inner North and 27% in Gungahlin from 2014-2018, compared to 17% for the whole of the ACT. Population growth has

exceeded initial expectations, too, with census data showing growth in suburbs along the corridor exceed business case figures by almost 2,500 people – supported by residential development and redevelopment along the corridor. Notably, 1,288 public housing residences have been replaced, with tenants relocated to newer properties elsewhere across the ACT. The Government has also outlined the ‘lessons learnt’ from the first year of operation and the construction phase. The report looked at feedback from local businesses about the effects of light rail, both during construction and operation, and will be used to inform the Government’s approach to stage two of the project. “There are lessons to be learnt from every project, and the lessons from stage one will help better support our local businesses for stage two,” said Transport Minister Chris Steel. Feedback from businesses

included suggestions to reduce multiple road closures and limiting road and lane closures during peak times, limiting the number of simultaneous traffic projects, and making use of traditional ‘shut down’ periods to undertake construction work, such as the Christmas period. “Construction on major projects can be disruptive but we will be enhancing our communication with those affected by future projects and better advising them about construction schedules and plans,” Mr Steel said. He said many Gungahlin-based businesses have cited an increase in revenue, footfall or improved access for patrons since light rail operations began. While light rail patronage figures have exceeded expectations since services began in April last year, Transport Canberra data shows a sharp decline in daily boardings from March this year due to COVID-19. - Libby Kimber

Volunteer Week acknowledges silent workforce Volunteers are often an invisible workforce but their work is essential to the response and recovery phases of emergencies, according to VolunteeringACT. “Volunteers have been involved at every stage of the current crisis and will continue to be as we come out the other side,” VolunteeringACT CEO Vicky Darling said. “The mental health and wellbeing benefits of volunteering cannot be understated and we anticipate volunteering will become even more important as restrictions are lifted.” For the moment, however, more than 70% of organisations in the Canberra region that involve volunteers in their programs have stood down volunteers during the last eight weeks, according to a survey of members of VolunteeringACT. 8


“Many of our members informed us that they followed Australian Government guidelines and temporarily stood down their volunteers aged 70 and over, and those at most risk of contracting coronavirus,” Ms Darling said. “However, most volunteering programs that stopped did so in full because the activity the volunteers were supporting was suspended, such as sports, environment, and arts programs that were not considered essential services.” Survey results also showed that 31% of organisations are experiencing an increase in demand for their services and 64% of organisations indicated they had found innovative ways to continue involving volunteers in service delivery. “Many volunteer-involving organisations are keeping in regular contact with their volunteers,

and VolunteeringACT has been providing advice on keeping volunteers engaged while programs are suspended,” Ms Darling said. “Some organisations, including our own, are holding regular video conferences with volunteers, sending volunteer newsletters and involving volunteers in other duties like social media and administrative tasks.” VolunteeringACT is currently engaging with the ACT Government so that they can provide more advice to organisations and volunteers on transitioning back when restrictions are lifted, and will provide further resources and advice in coming weeks. Ms Darling said the ACT has the highest rate of volunteering in the country at 36.8%, with all age groups volunteering in large numbers. Young people (aged

14-17) are the biggest cohort of volunteers (52.4%) followed by those aged 35-44 years (46%). National Volunteer Week is on 18-24 May with the theme ‘Changing Communities. Changing Lives’. VolunteeringACT is supporting Volunteering Australia’s smile campaign, that is calling on people to wave their appreciation for volunteers by taking a photo of themselves waving with a smiley face on their hand and share on social media using the hashtags #NVW2020 and #waveforvolunteers. VolunteeringACT also has a number of online events planned including introduction to volunteering information sessions. For more information, visit volunteeringact.org.au/getinvolved/national-volunteerweek-2020 - Allison Turnbull

news Iso-gardening increases green waste collection Autumn is often a time for increased leaf litter and green waste disposal, however ACT Government figures suggest Canberrans are using their green bins more since physical distancing measures began. ACT Minister for City Services Chris Steel said since the measures began locally in late March, an extra 5,500 bins have been presented for collection each week. Around 26,300 bins now line the kerb weekly, compared to an average of 20,800 each week during the previous six months. “While some of this is due to the usual seasonal increase, it is likely that with more Canberrans staying home they’re doing more work around the garden,” he said. The green bin service has rolled out in stages across Canberra since 2017, with the final roll-out implemented in April 2019. In total, 79,792 or almost half (47%) of Canberra households have registered for a green waste bin as at 30 April 2020. There has been an increase in the number of registrations in recent months, with over 4,600 residents registering for the service between 1 January to 30 April 2020.

“It’s great to see more Canberrans using the green bin service ensuring their green waste is reused in public spaces, often as mulch in community gardens, and doesn’t end up in landfill,” Mr Steel said. In terms of the volume of green waste being collected, Mr Steel said it is not possible to make comparisons to previous years, however, there is usually an increase in bin usage over the autumn months of about 10-15%. According to Mr Steel, Canberra’s “green waste contamination rates are extremely low and one of the best in the country at only 0.03%”. However, the most frequent contamination culprits are plastic, food, treated timber and paper and cardboard. Green bins are only for grass clippings, leaves, prunings and small branches under 10cm in diameter and 45cm in length. No fruit or vegetables. No soil or stones. Since the green bin collections started in April 2017 there have been over 21,000 tonnes of garden organics collected and processed. Residents can register for a one-off $50 fee, or free for eligible concession card holders.


It seems many Canberrans are getting back out in the garden during COVID-19, resulting in an increase in green bins being presented for collection. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.

For those without a green bin, the ACT’s waste and recycling facilities, including the Green Waste Drop Off facilities, have put physical distancing measures in place and are continuing to operate seven days a week. - Allison Turnbull

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news Lifeline appeals for help to answer the call Lifeline Australia is aiming to raise $5 million through their campaign ‘You’ve Got 30 Seconds To Save A Life’ to fill the funding gap caused by cancellation of key fundraising events, storefront closures and an increasing demand for services during the COVID-19 outbreak. In March, Lifeline answered almost 90,000 calls for help, an increase of 25% over the same time last year - equating to one call every 30 seconds. As the service braces for continued increases, Lifeline is calling for donations from those who can, to help save lives. Lifeline Canberra is expected to receive funds from the national emergency appeal (they do not receive funding from Lifeline Australia, with the exception of the latest funding appeal). The local organisation will also receive $250,000, which includes $100,000 announced on 20 March, from the ACT Government to help meet call-demand. Lifeline Canberra Crisis Supporters answered 3,185 calls in the month of April (around 106 calls per day on average). “This funding is vital as we continue to support the Canberra community,” Lifeline



Canberra CEO Carrie Leeson said. “The courage it takes for a person in crisis to call 13 11 14 is huge. And we as an organisation need to ensure all of these calls get answered, how can we do this? Funding allows us to train more Telephone Crisis Support Volunteers to make sure every shift is covered, every call gets answered and everyone who calls 13 11 14 is heard.” With 2020 being such a tough year of disasters, Lifeline Canberra have opened a second phone room within their centre allowing them to increase their capacity to answer callers. According to Mandy Larsson OAM, director of service delivery at Lifeline Canberra, the crisis lines are in high demand at the moment, which they expect to continue for at least another 18 months post-COVID-19. Statistics show that there was a 23% increase in calls taken during Easter 2020 compared to Easter 2019. Good Friday was the busiest day on record for Lifeline nationally with 3,028 calls in one day. This is an increase

of over 50% per day compared with an average day in the phone room during 2019. “We have found while not all calls are COVID-19 focussed, the majority have COVID-19 as an issue, especially relating to anxiety surrounding the impact of what is happening in individual’s lives,” Ms Larsson said. “Many of those struggling with mental health illnesses prior to COVID-19 are battling to see their professional supports and finding each day a challenge. “We are also receiving many calls from individuals who are in desperate family situations where tensions are high, and the financial stress is becoming overwhelming,” she said. If you are struggling, if you need support, or if you just need someone to talk to, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. To donate to the national Lifeline campaign, visit fundraise.lifeline.org. au/emergency-appeal or donate to Lifeline Canberra via lifelinecanberra.org.au/donate/ - Allison Turnbull


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Larry Brandy (left) and Rebecca Taylor (right), along with Alex Asch, Jim Sharrock and Robbie Karmel, are the first five Canberra region artists to be supported to produce works by the Going the Distance fundraising campaign. Images: Supplied by artists.

Campaign supports creative community A fundraising campaign is helping Canberra region artists to continue making and creating. Going the Distance aims to support artists to undertake alternative activities such as online workshops, exhibitions, developments and performances with the first round of successful artists announced recently - Alex Asch, Jim Sharrock, Larry Brandy, Rebecca

Taylor, and Robbie Karmel. The projects will be presented free and online through various platforms over the next few months. Going the Distance is an initiative of the Belconnen Arts Centre (BAC) designed to provide support to help try and sustain the creative community. Executive director and co-CEO of

BAC, Jack Lloyd, said they launched the fundraising campaign towards the end of March and “we reached our fundraising target to fund five projects really quickly”. The initiative received 38 applications and Mr Lloyd said there are “certainly more [projects] that we would love to support and hope to support” with another 10 waiting in the wings. “Hopefully the artists benefit from this and find new audiences. It’s certainly an experiment for us.” Helping the BAC achieve their vision is the Faculty of Arts and Design at the University of Canberra. Executive Dean of the Faculty, Professor Jason Bainbridge, said they are providing advisory and technical resources and assistance to participating artists. “It is a very new format to get used to and a new way of connecting with audiences.” Prof. Bainbridge said while many artists have suffered financially

during COVID-19, there is also the loss of “audience engagement”. He said Going the Distance helps provide an additional platform for artists to generate work and believes “there’s real appetite to see that kind of creative practice online”. “One of the great things, one of the opportunities coming out of the COVID-19 period, is learning how to work differently and better to engage with audiences,” he said. While “nothing will replace faceto-face” for the arts, Prof. Bainbridge acknowledged that in some cases, “normal didn’t work well before COVID-19”. “I think, in a strange way, it has provided an opportunity for rethinking how artists engage with audiences.” Donations to the Going the Distance campaign can be made online at www.belcoarts.com.au/support/. Donors can choose to make a one-off or ongoing monthly donation. - Allison Turnbull

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cover story CEOs set to sleepout at home

Walk this May

National institutions have played host to the Vinnies CEO Sleepout in previous years, but in 2020, participants will get to experience something a little closer to home such as their car, couch or backyard. The change to the event is in response to COVID-19, however CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn, Barnie van Wyk, said it also provides an opportunity to highlight other forms of homelessness. “While we know many people are sleeping outside, there are thousands of people experiencing homelessness that aren’t the ‘rough sleepers’ we automatically think of when we consider homelessness,” Mr van Wyk said. “For many people, homelessness is sleeping in a car, and an estimated 15% of Australia’s 116,000 people experiencing

homelessness are couch surfers.” As a region, Mr van Wyk said the local organisation is hoping to raise $350,000 from this year’s event to help fund their continuing work in the community. “We are facing reduced income due to the impact of social distancing requirements on the Vinnies shops, and the cancellation or modification of fundraising events including the CEO Sleepout,” Mr van Wyk said. “With more people out of work, and struggling with housing costs, there are more and more people requiring our help, so the fundraising efforts of our CEO Sleepout participants are more crucial than ever.” This year, participants can involve their partner and children, helping the whole family to learn more about the growing issue of

Red light rules in focus

Register and start fundraising today!


ACT Policing is targeting drivers not obeying red lights at traffic intersections this month as their monthly traffic focus. Statistics for 2019 show that police issued more than 840 infringements and warnings and 3,438 fines were issued as a result of fixed cameras at intersections detecting drivers ignoring red lights. The intersection of Northbourne Avenue and London Circuit recorded the highest number of infringements at 1,450 with the second highest, 805,

recorded at the intersection of Canberra Avenue, Captain Cook Crescent and Manuka Circle. Officer in Charge of Traffic Operations, Detective Station Sergeant Marcus Boorman said “from a road safety perspective, it is disappointing that on average, more than 11 drivers a day last year were caught ignoring red lights”. “Red lights are not negotiable. You must stop for every red light – for your own safety and that of all other road users,” Detective Station Sergeant Boorman said.


Canberra Weekly competition winners The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: As Nature Intended hampers: J Miller, Curtin; D Foster, Ngunnawal; L Strain, Mitchell. Harvestcare gift pack: B Griffin, Wanniassa. London Kills DVDs: G Wyatt, Gilmore; M Nicolazzo, Casey; S Matthews, Curtin; A Jin, Palmerston; M FitzGerald, Macgregor; R Genero, Lyons; J Williams, Belconnen; D Di Mezza, Mawson; G Edmonds, Spence; I Kendal, Kingston.



homelessness. Participants or donors can also pledge “Vinnies Hours”. “We know this is a time of economic hardship for many, but that people really do still want to help Vinnies,” Mr van Wyk said. “It may be that the best way they can help us is to spread a message on social media, or do a shift in one of our shops, or on one of our Night Patrol vans instead of donating cash. There will be a number of options available for people, and it will be managed through each participants’ online portal.” One local participant is Katrina Bracher, Executive Director of Women, Youth and Children’s Services at Canberra Health Services, who will be participating in her eighth CEO Sleepout this year. Ms Bracher first participated in the event while she was the Executive Director of Mental Health,

Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services. “The number of people with mental illness or addiction that are homeless struck me quite markedly,” she said, but the issue has also been noticeable in her other roles as well. “Women from DV (domestic violence) or relationships that are not positive, those women are at high risk of homelessness with their children,” she said. “This year with COVID-19, the number of people that are in rental stress and may become homeless, it is endemic within our community.” Ms Bracher said part of the reason she has continued to support the CEO Sleepout is “to do something for and on behalf of the community”. “I’m going to be sleeping in my backyard, outside under the stars. Each year that I’ve done it, lying under the stars with nothing above

Katrina Bracher, Executive Director of Women, Youth and Children’s Services at Canberra Health Services, will be participating in her eighth CEO Sleepout this year, opting to sleep in her backyard alongside her daughter Matilda Holgate. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.

my head, it’s quite reflective for me.” This year, she is also going to be joined by her daughter, Matilda Holgate. “For me it is great to have company on the night. She always donates to the cause, but it is personally very special that she is keen to commit to supporting

services like Vinnies that do such great work for very needy people in our community.” This year’s Vinnies CEO Sleepout will be held on Thursday 18 June. For more information, to register, or donate, visit ceosleepout.org.au - Allison Turnbull

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GIVIT donation of the week: Tarps

Candlelight memorial Every year, on the third Sunday in May, people gather around the world at International AIDS Candlelight Memorials. This year, an online Candlelight Memorial will be held on Sunday 17 May 6-6.45pm. Register online at bit.ly/ ICM2020CBR. If you would like to add the names of loved ones who have passed away in the previous year, call 6257 2855 or email contact@aidsaction.org.au

Families and individuals in the greater capital region who lost homes in the fi res are living in tents, caravans, campervans and sheds on their fi re ravaged properties. A local support organisation is in need of large, heavy-duty tarps for these individuals so that they can experience dry days and nights, have sheltered places for children to sit, play and now study, or just feel some relief from the gruelling experience of living without a stable roof over their heads. Items can be dropped-off, picked-up or posted to the charity. To donate, visit givit.org.au/items-needed, search ‘tarps’ and select requests located in ACT. After you pledge the item, you will be contacted by the relevant charity to arrange pick-up, post or drop-off. GIVIT supports over 300 charities across the Capital Region by matching your quality, pre-loved items with people who need them most.

Footy grants St George Bank is doubling this year’s funding for the St George Footy Grant Program to a total of $200,000, aimed to provide much-needed fi nancial support to the grassroots football community hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Applications and nominations are open until 31 May 5pm AEST. More info: stgeorge.com.au/footygrants

Op shopping Another Chance op shop on Ross Smith Crescent, Scullin has reopened for daily trading, 10am-1pm only, Monday to Saturday through to the end of May. Like their Facebook page for more information. A project of Mosaic Baptist Church.

Shoppers support veterans

Please help people




Shoppers in Canberra have banded together to raise more than $5,300 to support Aussie veterans struggling with injury or illness. Coles Gungahlin, Wanniassa and Jamison were ranked among the most generous stores in the ACT, contributing to over $232,000 raised nationally. The funds will enable Bravery Trust to support more than 150 Aussie veterans who have an injury or illness as a result of their service, as well as around 600 family members. Funds were raised over 22-26 April from customer donations and, for every Coles Bakery branded cookies or biscuits sold, 50 cents was donated to the Bravery Trust.

Doorknock goes digital The Salvation Army is taking the Red Shield Appeal digital in response to COVID-19’s impact on social contact. Salvos are asking locals to become digital fundraisers by going to digitaldoorknock.salvationarmy.org.au and setting up their own donation webpage to help those doing it tough. The Salvos hope to enlist 10,000 virtual collectors to sign up and fundraise for the Red Shield Appeal Digital Doorknock on 23-24 May. Funds raised will stay in the Canberra region and help fund local initiatives. Sign up and volunteer to fundraise at digitaldoorknock.salvationarmy.org.au; donate at salvationarmy.org.au or call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58).

advertising feature

Law feature This week, 11-16 May, marks ACT Law Week. Although Law Week events have been cancelled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the community’s demand for legal services is constant and law firms continue to operate to service their clients’ needs. When you require legal advice – from conveyancing and compensation to family law, estate planning, wills and more – you want to be sure you are dealing with qualified professionals who understand how the law applies specifically in the ACT and in other jurisdictions. Look no further than this special feature to find Canberrabased law firms who will act in your best interests.



Regardless of your stage of life or family status, you should have a will and enduring power of attorney in place. But it’s something that so many people neglect or put off entirely. However, as Meyer Vandenberg Partner Tanya Herbertson warns, this is an oversight that has significant consequences. “We’ve seen first-hand the distress, delay and cost caused to loved ones when estate planning has not been done or not done properly,” she says. As the head of Canberra’s largest, most experienced wills and deceased estates legal team, Tanya says that good estate planning is so much more than just passing on your valuables. “People don’t realise that estate planning also covers off issues such as instructions for your care if you become disabled, providing for the transfer of your business if you have one, or minimising future tax, court costs and legal fees,” she explains.

“And this should be an ongoing process, not a one-time event. Your family, financial situation and even laws will change over the course of your life, and so your plan should be reviewed and updated accordingly.” For some people the idea of addressing all these issues can seem daunting. But this is where consulting the right experts is absolutely critical. “It doesn’t matter if your circumstances are pretty straight forward or very complex – my team and I have the expertise and experience to make sure the process is as smooth and easy as possible, to ensure your peace of mind and to make sure your legal documents are enforceable when it counts.” Tanya and her team can meet with clients by video, teleconference, or in-person – whichever suits you best. To ensure your future needs and wishes are taken care of, please call 6279 4444 or email estates@mvlawyers.com.au


Call 6279 4444 or email estates@mvlawyers.com.au

cwm advertising feature CONVEYANCING CANBERRA Established in 2006, Conveyancing Canberra is an experienced law firm managing the purchase and sale of residential property in Canberra. We aim to put your interests first, provide you with top legal advice and achieve the best results for you. T: 02 6188 3570 F: 02 6188 3571 E: hoflynn@conveyancingcanberra.com.au W: conveyancingcanberra.com.au Kate Waterford is Special Counsel at Maliganis Edwards Johnson and leads a practice in medical negligence claims, specialising in birth trauma litigation. She is also the Chair of the Australasian Birth Trauma Association.

MALIGANIS EDWARDS JOHNSON Maliganis Edwards Johnson has been protecting the rights of injured Canberrans since 1985. MEJ are legal specialists in personal injury and understand the complexity of the laws that govern compensation in the ACT. Being injured can have a traumatic effect on your life and on your family. The experienced team know that without the right legal advice and representation, you can miss out on fair compensation and incur unnecessary costs. MEJ’s philosophy is simple – if you’ve been injured through someone else’s fault then you deserve fair compensation. However, it’s important that you act quickly to achieve the best possible result. They offer a free initial consultation and work on a ‘no win – no fee’ basis. At MEJ they know more, give more and achieve more. T: 02 6257 2999 W: mej.com.au

Contact Us P 02 6188 3570 E info@conveyancingcanberra.com.au | W conveyancingcanberra.com.au 24



A local law firm with an experienced team in conveyancing. We can help with the purchase or sale of established property in Canberra.

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cwm advertising feature EASTWOODS LEGAL At Eastwoods Legal, we love being lawyers and we love helping our clients. As the current restrictions are slowly lifted, now would be a good time to consider updating your Will or having a new Will drafted. We also recommend that you have an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) drafted to deal with your affairs during your lifetime. For as little as $990, we can prepare two Wills and two EPOAs – this will give you a level of comfort that your affairs in regard to your estate have been dealt with, allowing for the proper administration of your Will by your executors. Call us today on 6100 6553 to book an appointment. W: eastwoodslegal.com.au E: info@eastwoodslegal.com.au

COMMINS HENDRIKS SOLICITORS Heather heads the team at the Canberra office of long-established law firm, Commins Hendriks Solicitors. She brings extensive experience in personal injury claims and commercial litigation. The Canberra team has access to a multitude of legal expertise and can help you with Conveyancing, Wills and Estates, Family Law, Succession Planning and whole lot more! Level 4, 1 Hobart Place, Canberra ACT T: 02 6191 7000 E: reception@chlaw.com.au W: comminshendriks.com


Heather Ross brings a wealth of Litigation experience to her role as Special Counsel at our Canberra Office. Heather has spent 11 years as a senior litigant and has extensive experience in the area of personal injury, including:



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MV MANAGEMENT MV Management explains why you need to get expert legal advice for your Estate Planning. Can I write my own Will? Do it yourself Will kits may seem attractive because of the low price tag, however these documents tend to lack detail, running the risk of being declared invalid. If this happens, your estate may go to people you did not want to have it and could end up costing your loved ones a lot of pain and expense to try and challenge it in court. Is my superannuation included in my Will? Superannuation does not automatically form part of your estate under your Will. Instead, you need to complete a Death Benefit Nomination with your nominated superannuation fund. However, despite the fact that many superannuation funds allow you to choose multiple beneficiaries, legally you can only nominate a very limited class of people. What if there is no Will? If a person dies without a Will, they die intestate. In the ACT, their assets are then distributed according to a formula set out in the Administration and Probate Act 1929 (ACT). Intestacy can also occur if there is an existing Will that is not valid because, for example, it was not signed or witnessed according to the law, or the maker of the Will was not of sound mind or was under undue influence when making the Will. Where a person dies intestate, a court decides who will administer the estate and legislation will determine how the assets are distributed. T: 02 6279 4444 E: estates@mvlawyers.com.au W: meyervandenberg.com.au

For a new perspective call Falcon Legal. Regardless if you are an individual or a Business, Falcon Legal can help. Falcon Legal is conveniently located next to Kippax Shopping Centre. Free Parking is available or it’s just a 2-minute walk from the Kippax Bus interchange. We can assist in all areas of law, from buying or selling a house, drafting your will, commercial leasing, probate or resolving your family law issues. Flexible appointments are available, including Saturdays, by appointment. Just give us a call on 02 6188 3850 or email info@falconlegal.com.au

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Gateway Legal has, for over 20 years, provided professional and personalised service in several areas of general law practice. Our fees are competitive and affordable.

The Estates and Estate Planning Team at BAL Lawyers boasts a wealth of experience in legal practice. With Keith Bradley AM, Jill McSpedden, Christine Harvey and Ellen Bradley at the helm, the Team continually strive to deliver an exceptional quality of service to their clients.

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BAL Lawyers is delighted to welcome

BAL Lawyers is delighted to welcome JillMcSpedden McSpedden and Christine Jill and Christine Harvey toHarvey to our and and Estate Planning Team. ourEstates Estates Estate Planning Team. BAL Lawyers is delighted to welcome Jill and Christine bring a wealth of experience and join Jill McSpedden and Christine Harvey tobring a wealth of experience and join Jill and Christine Keith Bradley AM and Ellen Bradley in delivering an our Estates and Estate Planning Team. Keith Bradley AM and Ellen Bradley in delivering an exceptional quality of service to our clients. exceptional quality of service to our clients. team will work with you to put in place forward-thinking Jill and Christine bring a wealthOur of experience and join

Keith Bradley AM and Ellen Bradley in delivering an planning, tailored for individual families’ and flexible Our teamestate will work with you to put in place forward-think exceptional quality of service toneeds our clients. and circumstances.


BAL Lawyers is delighted to welcome Jill McSpedden and Christine Harvey to our Estates and Estate Planning Team.

and flexible estate planning, tailored for individual famili


Our team will work with you to put in place forward-thinking ‣ Wills and powers of attorney needs and circumstances. and flexible estate planning, tailored for individual families’ ‣ Pragmatic strategies for blended families needs and circumstances.

withof a disability ‣and family members Wills and powers attorney CONTACT US ‣ families Pragmatic strategies for blended families ‣ Pragmatic strategies for blended ‣ Probate and estate administration Jill and Christine bring a wealth of experience and join and family members with a disability and family members with a disability Keith Bradley AM and Ellen Bradley in delivering an ‣ Resolving estate disputes BAL Lawyers ‣ Superannuation options and solutions exceptional quality of service to ourEllen clients. ‣ Superannuation options 6274 and solutions Left to right: Bradley, Christine Harvey, Keith Bradley AM, ‣JillProbate McSpedden and estate administration 0999 Our team will work with you to put in place forward-thinking ‣ Resolving estate disputes ‣ Probate and estate administration ballawyers.com.au


‣ Wills and powers of attorney

and estate planning, tailored forKeith Bradley individual families’ Left flexible to right: Ellen Bradley, Christine Harvey, AM, Jill McSpedden needs and circumstances.

Left to and right: EllenofBradley, Jill McSpedden CONTACT US ‣ Wills powers attorney Christine Harvey, Keith Bradley AM,

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‣ Resolving estate disputes

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Beef tataki

Isolation cooking

Image and text from Japanese Food Made Easy by Aya Nishimura, photography by Lisa Linder. Murdoch Books, RRP $39.99. Prep: 20 mins Cook: 5 mins

If you haven’t already turned to the kitchen during isolation, try your hand at one of these recipes to broaden your repertoire, brought to you by food writer Libby Kimber.

Serves 4

Sweet pea risotto

2 Tbsp mirin

Prep: 15 mins

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Cook: 30 mins

Finely dice half the pancetta and cut the remainder into thin ribbons. Place the ribbon slices on a baking tray and cook in the oven until crisp.

160g smoked pancetta 80ml (1/3 cup) extra virgin olive oil, plus extra for drizzling 2 white onions, finely diced 2 garlic cloves, sliced 350g (1 2/3 cups) Vialone Nano (or any risotto rice) 250ml (1 cup) Istrian Malvasia white wine (or any quality dry white wine) 1L (4 cups) vegetable or chicken stock 300g sweet peas, half left whole, half puréed to a smooth paste 30g (1/2 cup) chopped parsley 2 Tbsp butter 50 g (1/2 cup) grated Parmigiano Reggiano, plus extra to serve Sea salt and freshly ground white pepper 30


Sea salt and ground black pepper 2 Tbsp sake

Image and text from Venetian Republic by Nino Zoccali. Food photography by Alan Benson. Murdoch Books, RRP $49.99.

Serves 4

400g good-quality beef fillet tail

Heat the olive oil in a saucepan. Add the onion, garlic and diced pancetta and cook over low heat until the onion is translucent. Add the rice to the pan and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Increase the heat to high, add the wine and cook for 2 minutes or until the wine has evaporated.

1/4 cup (60ml) soy sauce 2 Tbsp rice vinegar 1/4 cup (60ml) clementine juice or orange juice 1 garlic clove, crushed with the back of a knife but left whole 1 onion, thinly sliced and kept in cold water 2 cups (60g) watercress, washed 200g daikon radish, finely grated (optional) Take the beef out of the fridge and bring it to room temperature. Season with sea salt and pepper.

Meanwhile, bring the stock to the boil in another pan, then reduce the heat and keep at a simmer.

To make the sauce, gently heat the mirin and sake in a small saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the soy sauce, vinegar, clementine juice and crushed garlic.

Slowly add the hot stock to the rice, one ladle at a time, stirring continuously as the rice absorbs the stock. Cook for about 12 minutes, then stir in the peas, pea purée and parsley.

Heat a frying pan over medium–high heat. Sear the beef for about 1–2 minutes on all sides. Remove from the heat and leave the beef to rest for at least 10 minutes.

Cook for a further 3 minutes, then add the butter and Parmigiano Reggiano and season with salt and pepper. Stir well and leave for 3 minutes before serving, garnished with crisp pancetta slices, a little extra Parmigiano Reggiano and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Drain the onion and combine with the watercress on a serving plate. Cut the beef into 5mm thick slices and add to the salad. Serve with the sauce drizzled over the top. Drain any excess liquid from the grated daikon, and add it to the salad just before serving.

‘PB and J’ lamington This is an edited extract from Peanut Butter by Tim Lannan and James Annabel, published by Hardie Grant Books $22.99 and is available where all good books are sold. Photographer: © Kate Berry 2020. Makes 12–15 120g unsalted butter or butter substitute, softened 115g (1/2 cup) caster sugar 1 tsp natural vanilla extract 150ml milk of your choice 2 eggs or egg substitute 225g (1 1/2 cups) self-raising flour 30g (1/4 cup) cornflour 200g desiccated coconut 60g (1/4 cup) jam of your choice 60g (1/4 cup) smooth peanut butter, softened Icing 375g (3 cups) icing sugar 40g (1/3 cup) unsweetened (Dutch) cocoa powder 80ml (1/3 cup) milk of your choice 2 Tbsp melted unsalted butter or butter substitute

Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F) and line a 23×13cm loaf tin with baking paper. Whisk together the butter, sugar, vanilla, milk, eggs and a pinch of salt in a large bowl. Add the flour and cornflour and whisk to form a smooth batter. Pour into the prepared tin and bake for about 20 minutes, until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool in the tin for 5 minutes, then turn onto a wire rack to cool completely. Meanwhile, make the chocolate icing by whisking all the ingredients together with a pinch of salt and 1/2 tablespoon of hot water. Fill a wide bowl or baking tin with desiccated coconut. Slice the sponge into 6–8 squares and refrigerate for 15–20 minutes. Then, working one square at a time, dip each sponge in the icing to coat completely, then roll immediately in the desiccated coconut. Place the dipped squares in the freezer for 1–2 hours to firm up. Remove the sponge squares from the freezer and cut each in half crossways using a large serrated knife. Carefully spread jam on one cut side and peanut butter on the other. Sandwich the two layers together with jam and peanut butter facing. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

10 lathlain st belconnen canberraweekly.com.au


time out

New local theatre work to be First Seen online The idea that creativity benefits from working under pressure isn’t new, but is certainly apt for many creatives who have moved to using technology during the current pandemic. Goulburn-based playwright and author Nigel Featherstone’s latest work is undergoing a two-week development intensive as part of The Street’s First Seen program. Set at Lake George in the 1980s, The Story of the Oars sees three teenage brothers drown on an ill-fated sailing trip but their bodies are never found. Featherstone’s mystery play with songs then moves ahead 30 years and unravels before a now dry lake as four strangers unburden

themselves of the truth. The work has undergone development with a 10-person creative team over Zoom in an intense two-week incubation period that will culminate in a live online broadcast this Friday, 15 May. “We still just meet, it’s an intense schedule but we’re all punctual, turn up at Zoom and it’s still very collaborative,” he said. “One thing that I’ve found really beneficial is that I’m doing it at home in my studio. “Normally you get to the end of the day and you have to drive home … When we finish a three-hour Zoom session, I shut down the laptop and keep going.”

Living in Goulburn and having driven past Lake George many times, Featherstone finds the lake to be an alluring setting for a mystery. “A story that really moved me when I was much younger was Picnic at Hanging Rock. I think Lake George has a similar power as a landscape, with a lot of layers going on there,” he said. Also an author, Featherstone previously wrote for the stage when he created a song-cycle called The Weight of Light, which premiered at The Street in 2018. Given that work was sung through, he said this time around he wanted to start bringing in dialogue along with music but “not go so far as to write a musical”. “I had never written a mystery before … It was new for me in terms of structuring all that you want to reveal with the mystery

Goulburn-based playwright Nigel Featherstone’s latest work, The Story of the Oars, explores the mystery of an ill-fated sailing trip at Lake George. File image.

and so that when you get to the reveal it’s rewarding.” The Story of the Oars, currently a work in progress, will be shown to audiences via Zoom on 15 May 5pm. Register at thestreet.org.au/ shows/first-seen-story-oars-nigelfeatherstone

Book talk

This week, Michael Popple checks out a new World War II drama, Night Lessons in Little Jerusalem. You can find more of Michael’s book reviews on his blog: unseenlibrary.com Night Lessons in Little Jerusalem by Rick Held Hachette, $29.99

canberraglassworks.com 32


Loosely based on the memoirs of his father, Australian screenwriter Rick Held provides a powerful historical drama with his debut novel, Night Lessons in Little Jerusalem. Europe, 1941. Innocent teenager Tholdi’s bright future is forever changed when Nazi-allied Romanians invade his hometown of Czernowitz. As thousands of his fellow Jews are taken away to concentration camps, Tholdi is able to find work in a local mill, run by Nazi collaborators. With the threat of death constantly hanging above his head, Tholdi seeks to find a way to survive. Opportunity presents itself when he notices a mysterious woman, Lyuba, meeting with one of the mill owners. Hatching a bold plan to keep himself and his family alive, Tholdi approaches the owner with a proposal that makes him indispensable, but his growing obsession with Lyuba has the potential to ruin everything and could lead to the death of everyone he loves. This is a compelling historical drama that presents a moving tale of struggle, regret and forbidden love in the most devastating of circumstances. Held does an excellent job portraying the grim events that befall the town of Czernowitz and also sets the story around a complex protagonist in Tholdi. No hero, he is a young man forced to make difficult decisions to survive. An impressive and emotional debut novel, it comes highly recommended.

the look

Two ways with layers

Livigno scarf $69.95 kateandconfusion.com, theiconic.com.au

Anita fur pom beanie $24.99 Forever New

That Canberra chill is now upon us, and you’ll need to layer up to make it through!

Laura turtleneck knit $149 Saba


OCRF cotton white shirt $129.95 Witchery

Fine alpaca knit $179 Country Road

Crop check double breasted blazer $299 Check mini skirt $179 Country Road

Linda dolly coat $179.99 Forever New

Thermoshell jacket $445 ganni.com

Lucille croc calf boots $429.95 tonybianco.com

Mutual leopard sneakers $109.95 Stockists: stevemadden.com.au

Balloon jeans $149.95 Levi’s



the look

Feel safe in your own home

Style file: Serena Williams Getty

Stylish on and off the court, Serena Williams serves up aces and panache in equal measure. We took a look at some of her best red carpet moments.

In Atelier Versace (paired with Nike sneakers) at the 2019 Met Gala.

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At the 2019 Oscars in custom Armani PrivĂŠ and Forevermark Diamonds.

At the Brand Genius Awards in 2018 in Vera Wang.

In Giambattista Valli the 2019 Vanity Fair Oscars after party.

In Versace in 2019 at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Hear the soundtrack of life

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Need a hand? Keep those hands nice and toasty all winter long.

Aspen suede and leather gloves $129.95 kateandconfusion.com, theiconic.com.au

Flashdry gloves $50 The North Face

Apollo bay gloves $139.95 Stockists: emuaustralia.com.au

Rib gloves $19.95 Seed Heritage

Leather touchscreen gloves $40 asos.com/au

Knit overlay gloves $99.95 Country Road


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Open for your hair care Team building and leadership


In sport, we always talk about teamwork and team building, and how this could be the difference between winning or losing. Today, we face this very same question at work; as we head back into our workplaces, we will need to re-build our teams. We may well have lost some communication skills with work colleagues, and the group dynamic may have changed due to social distancing and people not being around one another for quite some time. We will have to spend some time rebuilding our workplace and environments, including

putting teams back together. Team building will be a key component for this as it will help set corporate culture as a base for communication and identifying potential leaders. In my view, this is a priority for workplaces – we need to get back to being part of a team, understanding where we all fit in to make the team work more efficiently and ensure we maintain clear communication. The key areas of goal setting and decision making will need to be discussed, to help give everyone a clear view of what they need to do as a part of the team moving forward.

Tips for team building

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• Exercise as team/group, twice a week for four to six weeks, to help build a healthy culture within your workplace. Train with a different person each session. • Plan a teambuilding day and spend the day mapping out and goal setting for the next six months. Set a team goal for everyone to work towards together. • Choose an event to do together as a team. • Hold ‘walking meetings’. • Host activities outside of work, such as enjoying a meal together, within physical distancing guidelines. • Collaborate with one another on a project and ensure you share your experiences of what is/is not working. • Practise constructive and honest communication with all team members.

Team workout Warm up: 10 mins walking Do these exercises as a team relay: partner up and set up two points 20m apart. Run the 20m, do the exercise, and run back to tag your partner for their turn. • 10 x push-ups

• 10 secs plank

• 10 x sit-ups

• 10 x seated punches above your head, each arm

• 10 x squat jumps

• Leap frog out and back, as a pair • 10 x ‘spins’: look up, extend your arms up and spin around to the right, before running back (this is Cool down: 5 mins walking a fun one!) Stretching: hamstrings, quads, lower back rolls • 10 x hops, each leg 36



Pale or white-washed floorboards can make a space feel open and airy and provide the perfect base for vibrant brights. Photo: Carpet Court.

Rainbow bright

Lift your spirits and have some fun with the Colour Play trend to create spaces that spark joy. But don’t confuse Colour Play with an overly busy, eclectic look. Instead, think of it as “curated maximalism”, says Heather Nette King, interior stylist and Carpet Court style ambassador. “The colours and patterns might be bright, but furniture and accessories are chosen for their clean lines and styled with intent to allow plenty of breathing space.” WITH HOME EDITOR, ALLISON TURNBULL

Abstract dining range Pieces from $12.95 Bed Bath N’ Table

Nellie throw $119.95 each Bed Bath N’ Table

Joy footstool in Augustus Pacific felt $1,750 heatherlydesign.com.au

B&C Estella Tetris 089605 rug From $1,390 Instyle Rugs and Flooring

Strandmon wing chair, Nordvalla red $259 Ikea

Rainbow cushion $15 Target





A m azin g !

property of the week R E A L E S TAT E


Contemporary cool Pearce 4A Cumberlege Crescent This light-filled home in popular Pearce is the epitome of executive living. A brand-new build, this duplex home oozes contemporary charm from the outset, nestled in the highly sought-after southside suburb close to schools, Mount Taylor Reserve and Woden Town Centre. “The location is elevated and in a quiet street,” says Scott Crossman, director of One Agency Scott

Crossman. “Walk to Woden and Southlands at a pinch. Backing Mount Taylor is a bonus as well, with great schools within walking distance.” He says the home is ideal for families, but would be equally so for downsizers, too. “Ideally someone with maybe one or two teenage kids going to Marist (or Melrose High); it’s so close and you also have the trails of Mount

Taylor to keep them amused on the weekends. “For the downsizer, it is large at 180sqm of living, but it would suit someone with a lot of large furniture. “Four steps at the front and four up the back at the three rear bedrooms – that's all.” This elegant home boasts a segregated master suite with walk-in robe, a gourmet kitchen with stone benchtops and walk-in pantry, and a gas fireplace in the living area for cold Canberra days and nights. Outside, the landscaped gardens are easy to care for, and the outdoor entertaining space can be used yearround for any number of events. With a list of luxurious features, Crossman says the home has a number of inclusions that make it special.

“The special attributes of the home, as I see them, are the light, massive window space, 4.3m high which just make the space feel so large, nice clean lines and just the quality of the finishes,” he says. “It’s seven-star energy rated as well. “The other one has sold so only one remains!”




EER 7.0 Price Offers over $999,000 considered View Contact agent Agent Scott Crossman Mob 0417 292 733 One Agency – Scott Crossman

visit www.canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au to view more listings





Weekly market wrap Blink and you’ve missed it As market conditions change, very few people have the internal fortitude to make proactive property purchasing decisions. Property buyers can have inherently flawed logic when it comes to researching the market. An example is sourcing market intelligence from media sources and compounding newfound beliefs by seeking the opinions from others peddling fear. This herd mentality removes intellectual debate, market analysis and the ability to capitalise on any opportunities which present themselves. Current data shows property market analysts to date have been wildly wrong on Canberra. A big shift in vendor confidence saw, during the prohibition of on-site auctions, weekly new listings on Allhomes.com.au fall by 36.53%. This is a huge reduction in weekly new listings during a time which can be one of the busiest of the year. The auction clearance rate from last weekend was 57%, providing encouragement for those considering selling now. I will concede nothing is perfect and there are parts of the market where vendors’ commercial interests have led to re-pricing stock. Finding them

can be difficult as examples are minimally applied to a small selection of off-plan developments. Those seeking to take advantage of favourable conditions in the off-plan market need not be paralysed by the responsibility of making their decision. Astute buyers are recognising this opportunity and are being decisive, leading to significant transaction volume during the last week. I expect it will only be a matter of time before property developers secure sales required and restore pricing in this part of the market. This shift of market conditions has demonstrated a valuable lesson in asset allocation. Values do not increase equally across all properties, which can be a crushing blow if or when you choose to sell. According to Allhomes ACT Property Report, houses offer superior appreciation in value; the median price has increased by 40.19% since 2010. Houses do have higher acquisition and holding costs compounded by lower rental yields, which can make ownership prohibitive to some investors. The median price of multi-unit dwellings is up by 18.25% over the same period. Apartments and townhouses are more affordable for investors to

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own as they have lower holding costs and higher rental yields but are a tricky proposition to get right. Medium-density apartments and townhouses make the largest contributions to increasing values in this part of the market. Without a serious second outbreak of COVID-19 infections in Canberra, the best time to buy a property in 2020 was three weeks ago. The next best time is the six weeks ahead as normality (potentially) restores to the market.

Your property questions answered Do you have a question about Canberra’s property market you would like answered? This Saturday 16 May at 9.45am, Sam will be hosting a Facebook Live for Canberra Weekly to answer your property questions. You can send through questions in advance via email to hello@canberrapropertypodcast. com.au with ‘Facebook Live’ in the subject line. Tune in via the Canberra Weekly Facebook page.

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More Information: Credit criteria, fees and charges apply. These rates are current as at 27.03.2020 and are available to new and existing customers. We will apply the fixed rate that is available at the loan settlement date or the date the fixed rate period commences, unless the customer locks a fixed rate in on the loan using our Fixed Rate Lock-in feature (conditions apply). The Fixed Rate Lock-in fee is 0.15% of the fixed loan amount. At the end of the fixed rate period the interest rate will convert to the applicable variable home loan rate, and the Value Advantage Package discount will apply to that rate. * The comparison rate is based on a loan of $150,000 for a term of 25 years. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. RAMS Home Loan Centre ACT Central is owned and operated by ACT Central Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 95 619 745 416. Credit provider and issuer of RAMS deposit products: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714 20177/0520



Ruby Virtual Tours Take a virtual tour of 6 completed apartments & all private amenity including pool deck and gymnasium at rubygungahlin.com.au

Move in now. Brand new apartments in the heart of Gungahlin town centre. Limited penthouses still available from $740k Display Suite & Display Apartments Open for exhibitions Saturday & Sunday from 10am to 4pm, Tuesday & Thursday from 4pm to 5pm. Appointments are also available on other days and times. Contact Marcus Allesch 0424 409 873 or marcus@podprojectsgroup.com.au to book an appointment.

Located in the Gungahlin town centre, one of Australia’s fastest growing regions.

Walking distance to Yerrabi Pond, walking tracks and outdoor family friendly activities.

Enjoy stunning mountain and water views.

Unmatched floor plan designs.

Both properties feature Resort style pool, sun deck + residents gymnasium.

House sized kitchens.

Walking distance to the Gungahlin to Canberra City Light Rail terminal.

Both properties feature Rooftop alfresco dining and entertainment spaces.

Walking distance to numerous restaurants, cafés, bars, shops and entertainment options.

Generous car parking. All properties with two car spaces are side by side (not tandem).

Double glazing throughout, AVE EER 7.7

visit rubygungahlin.com.au or jadegungahlin.com.au for virtual tours, all floorplans and pricelists

1 car


2 beds 2 baths 1 car


2 beds 1 bath

2 beds 2 baths 2 cars $419,950+ 3 beds 2 baths 2 cars $474,950+

10 Limbunya Street Hawker This split level townhouse comprises 3

• 6 KW Solar Panel System

sunroom to entertain from. Smartly

• Under Floor Heating in Loungeroom

bedrooms, ensuite & a large fully enclosed renovated you will find updated kitchen & ensuite, a 6KW Solar system & a double

garage. The home is pure magic with old school charm.

• Ducted RCAC

• Vaulted Ceilings

• Double Auto Garage with Auto Door

• Double Gardens Face North & South

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.




Auction Saturday 30 May at 10:00am, On site _______________________________________________ View Contact Agent _______________________________________________ Agent Robert Murphy 0414 734 185

LJ Hooker Belconnen 6251 1477



12 River Dr Queanbeyan

$719,000 - $749,000 Setting a new benchmark in contemporary family living, this new four bedroom residence is indeed stylish and spacious but its design and quality finishes deliver a family environment as functional as it is beautiful.


Move into this brand new home now & take advantage of its River Reserve setting

A striking presence in its River Reserve setting, the prized location offers easy proximity to shops, parks and river walking trails, to name a few. Spanning three light-lavished levels the accommodation has been finished to an exceptional standard throughout. The home offers 2 bedrooms with ensuites, one belonging to the master suite, while on another level is the guest/4th bedroom, perfect for the extended family or frequent visitors.

your local agent


VIEW BY EXHIBITION THIS WEEKEND SATURDAY 10:00am - 1:00pm Lucy MacGregor 0433 310 366 Catherine McGeachy 0410 774 821 Steve Taskovski 0418 611 044


102 O’Halloran Circuit, Kambah


3 | STUDIO, 1BR AND 2BR Your new secondary residence can be located in your backyard on a block larger than 500m2. We build in the ACT up to 90m2 and NSW up to 60m2.

2 |


Something for Everyone $640,000

If you are looking for a home with extra living space and scope to further improve then put this oversized three-bedroom ensuite home on your list of properties to inspect. Set on an expansive 851m2 block this property presents with wonderful north facing glass to the main bedroom, bedroom two and the lounge room, allowing all the winter sun to shine in. EER 0.0 Viewing

Our Pods include: Plans, approvals, flooring, blinds, white goods and high-quality fixtures and fittings. Check out our website to get a FREE online site check to see if a Pod fits on your block.

Website Contact

Sat 16th May from 11.00-11.40am & Tues 19th May from 12.00pm-12.40pm oneagencysandy.com.au Sandy Morris 0420 380 895 Kelsey White 0414 422 824


5 Desalis Street, Sutton

By Negotiation

Tucked away behind the privacy of electric gates, 'Riverview' is a graceful, double storey, country residence, providing a sense of grandeur and a timeless elegance that almost transports you to another era! Set in tiered stone gardens with lush green lawns, this elevated home captures some of the most picturesque views that Sutton has to offer. Each room perfectly frames the views of rolling fields, hills and the Yass River winding through this property. Simply stunning! This home has everything you need! Pool, tennis courts, stables and arenas as well as Yass River frontage set on 12 acres (4.9 ha approx.).

For more information or to view the property, contact the agents today! Nicola and John Brady - 0421 558 454 sales@bradysrealestate.com.au







For Sale $595,000 - $620,000 View Saturday 16th at 12-12:30pm Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 ljhooker.com/XPTF8F

78 Yugura Street Malua Bay South Coast NSW


On the doorstep of Garden Bay... 36m to the Sand! Simply superb location with picture perfect views of the beach. The eclectic charm of this home with its cypress pine flooring, broad bay windows and wrap around veranda lends itself to the overall character of this home. Renovate and restore back to her iconic best or build your new dream home on 556m2 of prime real estate and create the idyllic coastal lifestyle that few are able to attain.

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



For Sale $1,300,000 - $1,350,000 View By Appointment Agent Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504 ljhooker.com.au/XTZF8F


Just move straight in! Around 8 years young and just had new paint inside and out, new carpet laid, and the yard all tidied up. Even better this home is vacant so as soon as you want you can order the removalist. Bright and modern with an easy-care block situated up a private road. A good-sized open plan area with the kitchen just off to one side is perfect for family.


batemansbay.ljhooker.com.au LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 02 4472 6455

(02) 4479 0229

9/2a - 4a Orient Street (Next to Deli on Perry) Batemans Bay

47 Long Beach Road, Long Beach SOUTH COAST NSW


3 bed 2 bath 2 car

An inspection is a must to truly appreciate everything this home has to offer! Simply move straight into this stunning and beautifully presented property, with nothing left to do. The generous floor plan features an abundance of natural light, 2 living spaces and 2 great outdoor entertaining areas. Only 600 meters to the beach and 10 minutes from the heart of Batemans Bay. Some of the features include: 3 bedrooms, all with built-ins, master bedroom with ensuite plus French-style doors opening out onto rear deck, stone benchtop kitchen, with gas cooking and dishwasher. Formal lounge and large open spaces, double garage with remote and internal access, low maintenance property, fully fenced backyard with luscious leafy outlook & 5,000-litre rainwater tank. Fact sheet available upon request.

For Sale $595,000 - $635,000 View 11am Sat 16th May 11am Sat 23rd May Agent Megan Goucher 0410 582 875 Office My Agent Christine Ewin



110 Carramar Drive Malua Bay South Coast NSW



brain busters

5 9

2 5 7 6 2 5 9 1 6 2 9 5 4 3 9 2 5 1 7 6 3 4 5 9 8 5 7 2 4 1


When was Allan Border the captain of the Australian Test cricket team?


What action crime series did David Hasselhoff star in between 1982 and 1986?

4. 5.

What is the highest peak in Africa?


What English term is most commonly used to refer to a bell tower attached to a church?


How many riders are there to a team in polo?


Baron Lawson of Blaby is the father of which famous English chef?

DiFFiCuLty RAtiNg 

No. 1327

Brain busters: 1. Albino 2. 1984/5 to 1993/4 3. Knight Rider 4. Mount Kilimanjaro 5. Catch Me if you Can 6. Belfry 7. Four 8. Nigella Lawson 9. War/ bloodlust 10. Spanish

1 3 5 9 6 7 8 4 2

3 2 9 5 1 6 7 8 4

8 5 4 7 9 3 2 6 1

6 7 1 4 2 8 3 9 5

No. 1328

8 5 7 9 2 1 4 6 3

9 3 1 4 7 6 5 2 8

4 2 6 3 8 5 7 1 9

3 6 9 2 1 7 8 4 5

2 7 4 5 3 8 6 9 1

5 1 8 6 9 4 2 3 7

7 8 3 1 6 2 9 5 4

1 4 2 8 5 9 3 7 6

6 9 5 7 4 3 1 8 2

DOWN 1 Firm (6) 2 Nook (6) 3 Seasoned smoked beef (8) 4 Old stringed instrument (4) 5 Act of enrolling in armed service (10) 6 Bottle for the table (6) 7 Allowing (8) 8 Author of short pieces (8) 13 teacher (10) 16 Relating to time (8) 17 Actress, - Jolie (8) 18 Experienced people (8) 21 Cooing bird (6) 22 Antenna (6) 23 Exacting (6) 26 Slight (4)

solutions 7 8 2 3 5 4 9 1 6

To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.

ACROSS 1 Surgeon’s instrument (7) 5 Defecate (7) 9 inherited from one’s family (9) 10 Brings up (5) 11 uniform (6) 12 Advantageously (8) 14 uS rapper (6) 15 individuals (4) 19 Sicilian volcano (4) 20 Fine combustible material (6) 24 Cherished (8) 25 Strike (6) 27 Lift (5) 28 garrulous (9) 29 Student (7) 30 Determine (7)

No. 3702

4 9 6 2 8 1 5 3 7

super sudoku



9 1 3 6 7 5 4 2 8

DiFFiCuLty RAtiNg 

spoken languages worldwide are Mandarin Chinese, English and what?

5 4 8 1 3 2 6 7 9

7 3 1 8 4 9 8 9 4 3 2 7 8 3 6 4 2 9 3 1 8 6 2 1 4 7 9 1

Which 2002 film starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks?

9. Ares is the Greek god of what? 10. The three most commonly


No. 1328

What do you call an animal or plant that is unable to produce pigment in some or all of its organs?

2 6 7 8 4 9 1 5 3

No. 1327


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14 – 20 May 2020 WITH FRANCIS BEVAN www.francisbevan.com

For personal readings, call Francis Bevan & The Inner Circle Team of psychics and mediums 1300 882 136. $5.50 per minute (higher pay-phone or mobile)..Credit cards welcome.

celebrity birthday CATE BLANCHETT 14 May 1969 Cate is a very logical and down to earth person, but she can become fixed in her thinking and set in her ideas. However, she is extremely loyal to those she loves and will make great sacrifices on their behalf, if necessary. This is her year to make her mark on the world and her popularity will be extremely powerful. Change is all around her and she needs to go with the flow even though she may not have all the answers to all the problems.


in the stars ARIES 21 MAR – 20 APR




Venus is in the third house, the area of your chart devoted to short distance journeys, social activities and the mind. The latter is going to be extremely active, particularly if you happen to be creative. Those around you at work are going to be really impressed – including the boss.

Due to the influence of Neptune in

If you feel an attraction to someone from afar, remember that longdistance relationships rarely last, so avoid getting involved, especially with those you meet on social media. At work, Neptune is causing confusion. You’ve tried hard to take a rational approach to a complex matter, but emotional undercurrents remain.

Regardless of setbacks or disappointments you might have experienced recently, you are well on the road to recovery and success. It might be a good idea to trim your expenses and take a second look at your budget because you do need to keep an eye on money right now.


It’s a good time to make a plan, especially if it will enhance your future security. That isn’t to say you should make some dramatic changes, but you should be exploring ways to solve any current financial difficulties and look after your interests in the months ahead.

TAURUS 21 APR – 21 MAY Financial incomings might have increased but that doesn’t mean you can rob your own bank account. If you do, you could regret it for quite some time. You would be wise to create an emergency fund where you can have access to savings to cover bills, mortgage payments or necessities.

GEMINI 22 MAY – 21 JUNE The planets encourage you to have faith in yourself; this is the time to persuade others that you can take charge of a delicate situation. What others don’t realise is that you have an uncanny ability to uncover hidden facts and information, as you have a detective-like mind.

your chart, you need to be careful of becoming involved with people or situations that are insincere. You have amazing insights and intuitions which have rarely, if ever, let you down so have faith in your inner voice.

LEO 23 JULY – 23 AUG If you imagine you can pull the wool over your partner’s eyes, you are in for a very big surprise. The tension in the planets is urging you to think about those patterns of behaviour that lead you to doubt yourself when there is no need to do so.

VIRGO 24 AUG – 23 SEPT Neptune creates confusion in your personal life at times during May and you might have the feeling that someone is not being completely truthful with you. Your intuition and instincts will help you to uncover hidden details and information that will provide some clarity.

Financial matters seem to have reached a vital stage and steps need to be taken to ensure long-term security and prosperity. If work has been demanding of late, you’ve probably been setting a cracking pace. No doubt this will make you smile because you love to be top dog.

SAGITTARIUS 23 NOV – 21 DEC Be picky and alert this week because you’re going to need these characteristics on your side. On the business or career front, you must confront reality and be prepared to begin again from scratch. Right now, you can meet any challenge and will be pleased with the way you perform.


PISCES 20 FEB – 20 MAR Close colleagues at work and loved ones at home are looking to make some changes around the place, either to routines or the surroundings. Ensure you listen to them and if you think they’re being completely impractical, gently point out the pitfalls in their plans without being too arrogant.




Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au


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To book your ad, call Monica on 0406 378 673


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Contact Alice 61758888 8888 Contact the trades & services team 6175 trades@canberraweekly.com.au trades@canberraweekly.com.au




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To book your ad, call Monica on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au canberraweekly.com.au


Contact Alice 61758888 8888 Contact the trades & services team 6175 trades@canberraweekly.com.au trades@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide PAINTING Fu Insurlly ed

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Contact Alice 61758888 8888 Contact the trades & services team 6175 trades@canberraweekly.com.au trades@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide UPHOLSTERY


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Minions mayhem May is Minions mayhem month! Everyone’s favourite little yellow henchmen, the Minions will keep children occupied during these times, thanks to Scholastic Australia. CW has three Minions prize packs (valued at $85 each) to be won, each including: Minions poster book, mega mayhem activity tin, activity bag, fun book, create-a-scene, and Evil Panic graphic novel.

Enter to WIN To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Minions mayhem’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details (including best delivery address) and the name of your favourite Minion. Entries close 9am 22 May 2020 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+.

Hey, Girlfriends To mark the DVD release of Acorn Media’s Girlfriends S1 (M) on 20 May, you could win 1 of 5 DVDs (valued at $34.95 each). After the dramatic and sudden death of Linda’s husband Micky, childhood friends Linda (Phyllis Logan), Sue (Miranda Richardson) and Gail (Zoë Wanamaker) find themselves back together again. Each has their own problems to face; from a looming divorce and the loss of a high-powered job, to juggling the endless responsibilities of their grandchildren and ageing mothers.

Enter to WIN To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Girlfriends’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details (including best delivery address) and one of the stars of this series. Entries close 9am 22 May 2020 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+.



You will think you are almost alone…. 200,000 square metres of landscaped grounds….total quietness…then a rude awakening from

THE ILLUSION OF SECLUSION! with three lions roaring centimetres from your bed

YOU we re bored ! I’ve had no h ouse gu ests for 6 we eks, jus t mum and a br o!

PLUS 200 OTHER ANIMALS IN YOUR VICINITY Jamala Wildlife Lodge is having a restricted opening of some of its rooms, only for a few nights a week and for those living in the Canberra region*. Due to social isolation rules and the fact that the zoo is still closed to the public, it’s virtually just you and the animals (plus a few other guests and some staff)! However, it’s not total seclusion - your ‘roommate’ will visit your balcony or window (maybe a giraffe, a cheetah, 2 lovable sun bears, lions or tigers) and your sleep will probably be interrupted by the roaring of lions and tigers or the calling of monkeys. What’s worse is that your roommates may hang around while you are having dinner in your luxury African themed room, as for the first time our chefs will have a gourmet 3 course dinner hamper delivered to your room. (If prior to your booking date, Government regulations allow dining in our restaurant, you may have this option).

20 hours living with the animals, but only for a very limited number of couples or families and most likely only for a week or two* *opening days subject to bookings and to Govt restrictions. Travel subject to Govt regulations.

@jamalalodge @jamalawildlifelodge

Book online or call Jamala on 02 6287 8444 www.jamalawildlifelodge.com.au Probably real soon would be a good idea!


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