09 March 2023

Page 8


From the editor

Like a thunderstorm out of the blue, sometimes you encounter people and events that touch your heart in ways you didn’t expect. Such was my experience on Sunday afternoon at the poignant yet uplifting Bras, Breasts & Beauties High Tea & Fashion Parade organised by and for Pink Hope – a preventative health charity focused on those at high risk of developing breast, ovarian or prostate cancer.

It was, as the poster suggested, “an afternoon of delicious food, lots of laughter, fabulous fashion and plenty of prizes” – but it was also so much more.

Rather than professional models, starring in the parade were local women of varying ages and sizes who have undergone surgery because of cancer or the risk or cancer. How we clapped and cheered and cried tears of joy and vulnerability as these beautiful ladies weaved their way around our tables, wearing nothing but swimwear or lingerie – and radiant smiles.

Two key messages: Be proactive when it comes to your health; and you are not alone.

Reasons to be grateful this past week include Jodi’s kind invitation to the Pink Hope fundraiser, a splendid Saturday lunch with Anne-Louise and Mike at Hyatt Hotel Canberra, fun at the Enlighten attractions in the City on Thursday evening, great vibes, service and refreshments at the launch of Luna on Friday night, and sharing exquisite Japanese food with Kerrie at Inari. Take care.

on the cover

04 ON THE COVER Women in STEM 16 SENIORS FEATURE 24-page advertising feature 42 TIME OUT Cloudspotting for kids 49 THE LOOK Autumn trends Regulars 04 General news 10 Letters 11 Fit the bill 13 Have you heard? 14 Social scene 15 Puzzles & stars 41 Taste 42 Time out 46 Winners 48 What’s on 49 The look 53 Home 54 Real estate 83 Trades & services WIN 87 Scent Australia Home prize pack 87 Allelujah (CTC) film passes
Representing generations Z, X and Y respectively Chloe Choy (left), Tara Searle and Surabhi Mishra are leaders of Canberra’s WICked Women in tech. Photo by Kerrie Brewer. Shot on location at The Marion, Regatta Point. See cover story, page 4.
contents thursday 09 march 2023 Published by Newstime Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2016 Newstime Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstime Media upon receipt and Newstime Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800. Get your daily news at canberraweekly.com.au @ Editor Julie Samaras news@canberraweekly.com.au Founder & Publisher Nick Samaras Canberra Weekly is a member of the Australian Press Council and abides by its guidelines and policies. Complaints about editorial matter should be emailed to editor@canberraweekly.com.au Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue,Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 www.canberraweekly.com.au ISSN: 2652-9297 54 53 14 87 48 2 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Become a member and have the kids learn to love the world of nature! 02 6287 8400 frontdesk@nationalzoo.com.au 999 Lady Denman Drive, Canberra ACT www.nationalzoo.com.au GROW UP with our animals...

Tech is changing, so are the challenges women face

Tech needs women.

It’s no secret that the industry responsible for shaping our future is split by a gender gap. A 2020 study led by Girls Who Code revealed only 21 per cent of women feel it is easy to thrive in tech. That statistic drops to just eight per cent for women of colour.

The challenges may not look the same as they did 30 years ago, but are we dealing with the same problems, wrapped in a purple banner? In the lead up to International Women’s Day, 8 March, CW sat down with three generations of women in tech, over tea at The Marion at Regatta Point.

Many speculate the venue’s namesake, Marion Mahony Griffin (born 1871), was not given due credit for co-designing the city of Canberra alongside her husband, Walter Burley Griffin.

Tara Searle (born 1976), Surabhi Mishra (born 1982), and Chloe Choy (born 1997) are the president, treasurer, and secretary of Canberra’s Women in Information and Communication (WIC). As well as representing Generations X, Y, and Z respectively, they each embody a different gateway to tech.

Chloe, who works in cyber security, was first introduced to her field when she fell for a phishing email.

“I had a very low awareness of cybersecurity, so when the opportunity came to move into the industry and learn more about it, I took it. “One of my friends was in cyber and looking for someone with ‘soft skills’.

“After I took that job offer, I dedicated a lot of time to trying to build up my knowledge base in cyber. I was at the office until 9, 10, 11 at night … doing extra work just to keep up with the boys.”

Surabhi was born in India and would go on to attend the newly established allwomen’s engineering college, the Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology.

“When I was growing up, the only options I was given was engineer or doctor. And I knew I didn’t want to be a doctor.

“It was a society that, even now, puts enormous pressure on the kids because of the population, and the competition… Still, I was the only female engineer in my family.”

Unlike Chloe, who grew up with tech, and Surabhi, for whom STEM was the only option, Tara saw the very beginnings of modern computers – and fell in love. “When I was eight years old, I got the Atari 2600 –one of the wooden ones – and I loved it.

“In Year 11, I could finally do computing as an elective. There were very few girls in the class which, at first, was fantastic, hanging with all the boys who were excited that there was a girl there.

“Until I topped the class. The next year, no one would work with me.”

Despite attending high school halfway across the world, Surabhi exclaims, “That is exactly what happened to me!”

“Throughout my career, my biggest obstacle was

the way guys are given a push based on potential, while women have to prove themselves 100 per cent before they’re given a chance,” says Tara.

“Then when I had kids, I was no longer ‘on the fast track’. I just watched as people who I considered peers, who went to the same high school and did the same courses at university, also had kids, but as men they didn’t have to slow down.”

“The workplace perception is that women parent and men babysit,” Chloe agrees.

“The greatest obstacle I have had to face is performative allyship. Companies, leaders, people who promote themselves as supporting equal rights, but their actions – and their reactions to other people’s behaviour – show what they really believe.”

Surabhi says, “For me, the biggest obstacle was migrating to Australia and starting from scratch.” She describes “the unconscious bias” women of colour tackle in the workplace.

“You see other people getting promoted, maybe they’re the same gender, or the same colour, but not both. Meanwhile, you are getting passed on for promotions. People aren’t taking you for what you know, but how you look.

“When trying to fit in, I always worried about how I say things, how I dress, even my food … Chloe is right, you don’t need fake feminism. You need progressive people behind you, lifting you up.”

“Imposter syndrome is very real for someone my age,” says Chloe. “So, when [discrimination] is in the subtext, you gaslight yourself into wondering if it was real.

“Because of coded talk and implied meanings from senior leadership, I could never really be sure whether I was being taken seriously, or if I was being taken in as a pretty girl who could sit in at the meeting.”

Tara shakes her head. “As somebody who’s been in the industry for a long time, I can tell you that as you get older, the industry becomes more cutthroat, less inclusive.

“You realise that you weren’t gaslighting yourself. It’s really happening.

“Something that really helps with this in the workplace is not mentoring for women, but coaching programs for men,” says Tara.

Surabhi agrees. “As someone who grew up in an age when there was a big push for all girls to study and to work, we aren’t teaching boys the same things we’re teaching girls –how to work and be the primary caregiver.”

“We have a specific responsibility in the tech industry because we know that tech is the future,” Tara adds.

“We know that digital is going to change the world. We need women at the table in order for this to be a safe space for the whole community.”

4 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Tara Searle, Surabhi Mishra, and Chloe Choy are part of Canberra’s WICked Women in tech, who gather at The Marion for breakfast once a month.
Photo Kerrie Brewer

St John Paul II College

Year 7 – 12 Catholic Co-Educational College

Open Evening

30 March 2023

St John Paul II College (JPC) is a welcoming and inclusive learning community where diversity is embraced and learning outcomes are maximised for each individual. The college is a flagship in education and provides a unique, innovative educational environment where all students can flourish. The college’s core principles of Justice, Peace and Courage support the holistic development of students as they navigate an ever changing world.

Key Dates

• Open Evening | Thursday 30 March 2023 commencing at 4.30pm, last tour at 6.30pm

• School Tours | Small group tours are available during May

• Senior College Expo (Year 9-12 Students) | Wednesday 17 May 2023 from 4.30-7.00pm

• Try JPC Day (for Year 7 2024 students) | Friday 19 May or Monday 22 May

For more information and for bookings, visit our website www.jpc.act.edu.au

1021 Gungahlin Drive, Nicholls ACT 2913 | (02) 6163 4800 | Office.jpc@cg.catholic.edu.au Be active... Be creative... Be inspired... Enrolling Now for 2024

Firefighters climb ‘Ainslie to Everest’ in Lifeline fundraiser

Mount Everest is nearly 10,000 kilometres away from Canberra, but ACT firefighters will scale the height of the mountain this month, in a physical endurance challenge to raise thousands of dollars for Lifeline Canberra.

On Saturday 18 March, ACT Fire and Rescue members will charge up Mt Ainslie, breathing apparatuses on their backs. Five teams of five volunteers will each do eight 36 km laps (four round trips of the summit track, up and down): the equivalent of the height of Mt Everest (8.85 km).

This is the second year running the ESA Ainslie to Everest has been held.

As first responders on the front line, Lifeline is a cause close to firefighters’ hearts, organiser Sean Guinard said. Everyone involved was keen to hop on board, take the challenge, and raise money for a good cause.

“We pretty much point everyone to Lifeline if they’re in a tough situation,” Mr Guinard said. “The community is facing unprecedented times. We joined emergency services to help the community … and anything we can do to create

a better mental space for the community is a bonus.”

Mr Guinard wants to raise enough money to support the charity for a month. Every $26 donated covers the cost of a lifesaving call to Lifeline’s 24/7 crisis support hotline (13 11 14). In December, Lifeline answered 2,733 phone calls, which cost more than $71,000.

Last year’s Ainslie to Everest raised $55,000 for Lifeline Canberra; the firefighters’ target this year is $50,000, but Mr Guinard dreams of doubling that, and raising $100,000.

“It is humbling to receive this support from the ACT Emergency Service Agency, an organisation that works 24/7 to secure the safety and wellbeing of our community,” Lifeline Canberra CEO Carrie Leeson said.

The event on 18 March will be a great family day and a lot of fun, Mr Guinard said. Community activities will take place at the Mt Ainslie summit from 10am.

Fire and Rescue will bring out their appliances, making it a mini open day. Their

colleagues in other branches of the ACT Emergency Services Agency – the Rural Fire Service, State Emergency Service, and the Ambulance Service – will have information tents, face painting, and sausage sizzles, while ACT Pipes and Drums will provide music.

The event is sponsored by Allhomes, Capital Chemist, HIIT Republic, Hopscotch, Brodburger, and the Ainslie Football & Social Club. Each sponsor will also have a pop-up tent.

The first firefighters will set off at 9am, wearing sports gear and runners, and carrying breathing apparatus that weighs between eight and 12 kg.

“Anyone who’s done Mt Ainslie just for fitness knows that one lap is a good workout,” Mr Guinard said. “So to do eight laps with the BA set on, non-stop, is quite a challenging feat!”

Visit esaainslietoeverest.gofundraise.com.au to support the cause and donate to Lifeline Canberra,

Full story online.

6 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023 NEWS



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WOMEN CONSTRUCTION in Ginninderry SPARKs careers for

Challenging roadblocks can exist for women entering construction, but SPARK at Ginninderry is working to help more females build a meaningful career in the industry.

The SPARK JobTrainer Women in Civil Construction Program is designed to ignite an interest in construction for women and develop their confidence to give it a go in a supportive environment.

In collaboration with Master Builders ACT (MBA) and Southern Training Organisation, the program allows women the opportunity to learn the skills and knowledge they require to move into employment.

In the five years since the program’s launch, SPARK has seen many fearless women gain the strength, resilience, and confidence to work in a male dominated industry – and the next woman could be you.

Fully funded through JobTrainer, a jointly funded initiative of the ACT and Australian governments, the program o ers participants all the benefits and opportunities at no cost.

Commencing on Monday 1 May, the next nine-week fulltime program combines theory, practical hands-on learning, and a four-week industry work placement. Come along to the enrolment session on Tuesday 4 April from 10am to 12.30pm at MBA in Fyshwick to learn and be inspired about the innovative SPARK JobTrainer Women in Civil Construction Program – the

opportunity is waiting for you!

SPARK Women in Civil Construction graduate testimonial

Before discovering the SPARK program, Rhiannon was working as a support worker while looking for a pathway into construction.

“I had been googling White Card and Asbestos Awareness Tickets when I noticed an ad on Facebook advertising the SPARK Women in Civil Construction Program. I was curious, so I had a read. It sounded like everything I needed to get started, so I applied right away,” she said.

After attending the information session, Rhiannon was o ered a place in the program.

“The program helped boost my confidence, whilst making new friends and learning the basics. After completing the training, I felt I could walk on site with the skills and knowledge to really give it a go,” she said.

Made possible through JobTrainer, a jointly funded initiative of the ACT and Australian governments, the program provides participants with a range of benefits.

As a part of the program, participants are provided with full PPE, Asbestos Awareness training, White Card training, targeted workshops with the Healthy Tradie Project, practical hands-on training, and an industry work placement with one of seven partnering civil contractors.

“The work placement was a huge benefit to me; it helped me make connections and led me to find fulltime employment with Cord Civil, which I am loving! I found the idea of approaching civil employers very daunting, but this pathway made it a lot easier,” Rhiannon said.

Stuart Ritchie, Cord Civil Managing Director said: “SPARK gives increased confidence to the participants, a sense of adventure for trying something new, mentoring from the SPARK team throughout the process, and a sense of achievement.

“Cord Civil has been involved with the program for several years and see it as essential in the ACT Region. Collaboration has always been a main driver of the success of the program and for us as a company.”

SPARK and Ginninderry are committed to improving the educational, social, and economic outcomes of residents in the local area and have a dedicated team who are passionate about supporting their participants.

From the moment a person engages with SPARK, there’s someone to walk with them every

step of the way.

“They are super supportive, understanding, and helpful. Doing the program through SPARK gave me the confidence and support I needed to step out into the construction world,” Rhiannon said.

Upon graduation, Cord Civil o ered Rhiannon employment.

“Within six weeks of being ‘on the ground’ as an employee of Cord Civil, Rhiannon was enrolled to do her Certificate III in Civil Construction,” Mr Ritchie said. “Rhiannon worked tirelessly on the theory components of the Cert III and, under supervision, was operating machinery at various sites, which was part of the practical component of the course.

“Rhiannon became a member of our consultative committee and a respected member of the Cord Civil team,” he said.

When asked whether she would recommend SPARK to others, Rhiannon enthusiastically said: “I 100 per cent recommend doing a SPARK program! The SPARK program honestly changed my life. It helped me get my foot in the door in this industry and I’m excited to explore it further.”

SPARK JobTrainer Women in Civil Construction Program participant, Rhiannon, 100 per cent recommends women engage with the program.

Ginninderry Training + Employment Initiative

JobTrainer Women in Civil Construction Program

SPARK together with Master Builders ACT and our partners are proud to launch this innovative training program to encourage more women to consider a career in the civil construction industry.

Civil construction is an exciting part of the sector with interesting roles across the planning, design and creation of major infrastructure projects. This program will provide participants with specialised accredited training and employment pathways.

Please note, those individuals who wish to be considered for this program MUST successfully complete a functional capacity assessment (which includes drug and alcohol testing) before being offered a place on the program. Specifically targeting women from the ACT, this program will:

· Provide participants with seven core units of competency and a pathway into a qualification in civil construction

Provide participants with 11084NAT - Asbestos Awareness, CPCCWHS1001

– Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry – White Card and 10830NAT Course in Crystalline Silica Exposure Prevention

· Provide a range of interesting workshops including resilience, mental health and wellbeing, time management and more

· Provide a four-week work placement within the civil sector with one of our partner contractors and potential employment pathways for successful program graduates

Commencing Monday 1 May 2023, this 9 week program will run five days per week and be a combination of theory, practical hands-on learning and industry work placement.

The information session will provide individuals with advice on eligibility criteria, program content and the commitment that is required to be selected as a participant on this program.


When Tuesday 4 April 2023

10:00am – 12:30pm

It is mandatory that all individuals seeking to be on the program attend this session.

This is a two-part session broken into:

1. An information presentation, followed by;

2. A selection session for eligible individuals.

To book a place and check your eligibility, please contact Shayla at Ginninderry on 1800 316 900 or spark@ginninderry.com

Where Master Builders ACT

1 Iron Knob St, Fyshwick ACT 2609.


This program was made possible through JobTrainer and is a jointly funded initiative of the ACT and Australian Governments. Eligibility criteria applies.

SPARK and Master Builders ACT acknowledge our program partners and thank them for their participation.

Industry partners

Funding Partners


Scan the QR code to register your interest in this program.
Training partner


Rattenbury’s figures don’t add up Minister for Emissions Reduction Shane Rattenbury (‘Shane of the Antarctic’, CW 5 March) seems to have difficulty with some of his mathematics.

A previous article (‘Globally ambitious’: ACT first to calculate indirect greenhouse emissions,” 11 November 2021) reported that the ACT had calculated the community’s indirect greenhouse gas emissions from the goods and services that it buys. In 2018, those ‘Scope 3’ emissions came to 11 million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) – or 27 tonnes per capita – per year. The government has not estimated Scope 3 emissions for other years.

The ACT Government’s only policy to address those emissions is to “work in partnership with state, territory and national governments to discuss initiatives to reduce Scope 3 emissions across jurisdictions”.

Adding the ACT’s Scope 1 direct emissions, plus indirect Scope 2 emissions from electricity generation, brought the ACT’s annual total to 14 million tonnes, or 35 tonnes per person. Compared with the global annual average of seven tonnes per person, that unfortunately does make Canberra a “global leader in climate action”.

ACT Greenhouse Gas Inventories show that the ACT’s emissions from electricity generation fell from two million tonnes in 1990 to zero in 2022. The government achieved

the 2022 figure mainly by acquiring and then surrendering thousands of Large Scale Generation Certificates. Inventories also show that emissions produced directly in the ACT increased from 1.1 million tonnes in 1990 to 1.6 million tonnes in 2022. The combined impact of those changes in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions was a reduction of 1.5 million tonnes. That is a reduction of only about 10 per cent, compared with the ACT’s 2018 total of 14 million tonnes. Yet Mr Rattenbury claims that the ACT reduced emissions to 46 per cent below 1990 levels.

Political correctness

Successive gutless governments of all political persuasions by pandering to minority groups for crass political purposes, has led to “political correctness” taking over from common sense. This disgraceful state of affairs has been very aptly described as “when intelligent people are being silenced, so that stupid people won’t be offended”. When and where will it all end?

School discrimination?

Can the government please allow religious schools to openly discriminate against staff students, parents and others on their religious grounds, but then discriminate against the schools by removing all government funding? It would be interesting to see how long the moral outrage lasts when the government funding is cut.

10 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
TO THE EDITOR Want to share your opinion? Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘To the editor’ in the subject field; include your full name, phone number, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate.
Presented by the Canberra Symphony Orchestra with guest conductor Dane Lam and percussion virtuoso
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Where have all the local bank branches gone?

First, it’s decision time for our new nuclear subs. I agree with Peter Dutton that we would be foolish to go for a UK boat, as it took the UK a long time to build the Astuteclass submarines, which were plagued with difficulties. The only real option is the US Virginia class, despite its large size. I suggest we either offer to help the US financially to open a third construction yard in the US, or perhaps they could help us finance an expansion of our Adelaide yard to build boats for both the USN and the RAN here, starting now. There is much potential in either option.

Just as nuclear subs epitomise new technology, so do internet banking and the use of computers rather than good old-fashioned counter staff to do our banking.

Indeed, most Australians now use the internet to bank.

Our big banks make huge profits. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia posted a $5 billion profit in the last six months. However, all

banks have a statutory obligation to the whole Australian community.

The community includes elderly people, people with disabilities, and technologically challenged people who can’t use internet banking, and in many cases rely for their financial survival on that interaction with bank staff at rapidly closing local branches. The internet is also not totally secure …

Over the last few years, I have spoken to numerous local bank staff who regard moves to close local branches as folly in the extreme. Not only are their jobs threatened, but many old and often vulnerable customers will be at a loss as to how to access their money, be told of the best interest deals going, and miss out on opportunities they have every right to access.

My family and I lived in Macgregor until 2014, and my wife and I used to bank at the St George and Commonwealth banks at Kippax and Jamison. Those banks are now closed, and there are no banks at those two group centres.

Jason Taylor, local Belco Party candidate for Gungahlin and former police officer, tells me there are no banks in the northern suburbs, only at the Gungahlin town centre. (He’s starting a petition, I understand.) On the south side, I used to bank at the St George Bank at Manuka. It closed, and I went to Fyshwick. It closed, as will the Commonwealth Bank there this Friday, leaving no banks in Fyshwick. I go to Queanbeyan now to bank at St George.

I can’t really quibble with some bank closures, but surely, we need banks at least in our larger suburban group centres such as Casey, Kippax, Jamison, Manuka, and Fyshwick. It’s not like the big banks can’t afford it.

I would urge concerned citizens to Google the current Senate inquiry into closing banks, write to your local federal reps, and sign any petitions on this issue to send the federal government a clear message that we want to keep our local banks and friendly helpful human staff therein.

11 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
OPINION FIT THE BILL WITH BILL STEFANIAK AM RFD FORMER ACT OPPOSITION LEADER St Edmund’s College Canberra, a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition has been educating boys from Year 4 to Year 12 for 69 years Since 1954, the College has seen over 11 000 boys grow into fine young men with generations of families passing through the halls We strive to deliver a holistic Catholic education for boys which incorporates academic faith sporting and extra curricular pursuits We believe in preparing boys for life, helping them focus on their strengths and better themselves as individuals in the years they spend at the College
Hamish Chapman Vice Captain (Academic) Liuaki Percival Vice Captain (Service) Mr Joe Zavone College Principal Damian Jelfs-Smith Vice Captain (Mission)
EDDIES DAY EXPERIENCE 27 MAR BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL If you would like to find out more about the College, please contact our Enrolments Officer by emailing enrolments@stedmunds act edu au or by calling 02 6239 0660 EVENING OPEN 29 MAR Explore the campus and view our range of academic and co-curricular opportunities, while meeting current educators and students. For current Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 student Confirm your attendance by scanning here There are two information sessions, held at 4:30pm and 6:30pm
Deveraux Tapelu College Captain

Canberra celebrates 80 years of National Sheep Dog Trials

Soft fur, wagging tails and wet noses are almost enough to draw attention to any event, however these canines also have jobs – they are the protectors and overseers of their sheep. The National Sheep Dog Trials celebrate their 80th year at Hall Showground on 13-19 March.

The trials test three creatures – sheep, dogs and humans – and their ability to work together to complete obstacles in a limited timeframe. The sport can be traced back 150 years with farmers competing against one another to be known as having the best dog around.

The first official championship event was held in 1943 at Manuka Oval to raise funds for the Legacy organisation during World War II. Starting off as a one-day event, it has grown into seven days of entertainment for all those in attendance.

The National Open Champion takes home a prize of $5,000, a portrait of the winning dog created by artist Linda Dening, a replica Duke

of Gloucester sash, and a Greg Prince memorial watch. Other titles include the National Maiden Champion, the National Improver Champion, and Champion of Champions.

The sash is of great significance to the competition. It was awarded to the National Sheep Dog Trial Association by His Royal Highness, Prince Henry Duke of Gloucester, in 1945 when he was serving as the GovernorGeneral of Australia. Hand embroidered with the coat of arms of the Royal House of Windsor, the once royal purple velvet sash has faded to a soft brown with antique hues.

The original sash that was once awarded to winners has been preserved and replica sashes are now presented to competition winners, halved in size and reproduced in the original purple.

A touch quieter than your regular animal showcase, soft whistling can be heard as handlers instruct their dogs and sheep around

the obstacles. Organisers are proud of the equal opportunity in the sport, with men, women, young and old, invited to participate. They even welcome mobility scooters into the pen.

Catch the action at the 80th National Sheep Dog Trial Championships, Hall Showgrounds, 13-19 March; nationalsheepdogtrials.org.au Full story online.

Then we found The Grange Deakin Serviced Apartments. After a little encouragement Dad moved in and within days couldn’t stop thanking me. Dad has his own apartment, he’s surrounded by company and regular social activities. The household chores are no longer a burden, the apartment is cleaned, and the linen changed weekly. Plus the pressure of the building maintenance is gone. Dad’s now out doing things he loves again.

I know Dad gets breakfast delivered in the morning and two home cooked meals. For added peace of mind there is someone there 24 hours a day in case of an emergency. The Grange isn’t aged care, but I know when the time comes, I can organise external community home care support to help Dad stay independent longer.

Now when we talk it’s without the worry and nagging. Dad couldn’t be happier.

12 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023 NEWS
The 80th annual National Sheep Dog Trial Championships take place at Hall Showgrounds on 13-19 March.
Call 02 6282 1782 to find out more www.thegrangedeakin.com.au
Photo Kerrie Brewer
“Dad isn’t ready for aged care”
Dad was lonely in the house by himself. He was still independent but needed a little domestic help.


community noticeboard  email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field

Friends of the ANBG Thursday Talks

On Thursday 16 March 12.30-1.30pm, Dr Heidi Zimmer will talk about “Orchids of Norfolk Island and their place within the Australasian Orchidaceae”. More info: talks@friendsanbg.org.au


Belconnen Day: The next meeting is on Tuesday 14 March 11.45am at Raiders League Club, Holt. Cost $32 for lunch. Guest speaker: Jay Bhatt from Uniting Community, talking about fall prevention. RSVP to Chris on 0438 878 120 or Christine.Colyer50@gmail.com by 12 noon Thursday 9 March.

Queanbeyan Evening: Our next dinner meeting is on Wednesday 15 March, 6 for 6.30pm, at the Vanilla Pod, Riverside Plaza, Queanbeyan. $35 for a two-course dinner and raffles. Guest speaker this month is from Services NSW, and will speak on services and concessions available. RSVP to Sue on nasforbes@bigpond.com or 0448 427 237 by 12 March.

Tuggeranong Day: The next meeting is on Tuesday 21 March 11am-2pm at Town Centre Vikings Club, Greenway. Cost: $33 for two-course lunch. Guest Speaker: Val Dempsey, ACT Senior Citizen of the Year 2022. RSVP: by Friday 17 March to Jan on 6193 5398 or email maleyjan@yahoo.com

No Lights No Lycra

No Lights No Lycra Canberra Belconnen is hosting a Nostalgic Nineties! community dance event on Wednesday 15 March 7.30pm. One hour dedicated to ‘90s music at the Flynn Community Hall.

Tickets: $10 via trybooking.com/CGMYJ. More info: facebook.com/ nlnlcanberrabelconnen or email nlnlcanberrabelconnen@gmail.com

Beginning Family History Course

Would you like to research your family but don’t know where to start? Or are you already researching and don’t know where to go next? Family History ACT (FHACT) is conducting our next Beginning Family History Course over three Saturday afternoons 2-5pm commencing on 18 March. You can attend in person at the FHACT Library at Cook or via Zoom. For more information and to reserve your place, contact FHACT at familyhistoryact.org.au/home

Wesley Autumn Fair

On Saturday 18 March 9.30am-1.30pm at 22 National Circuit, Forrest. It’s our first fete since the pandemic began, and the antiques and collectables, the books and white elephant treasures and homewares have been quietly accumulating. There will be cakes, food, plants, quality clothes, homewares, jewellery, crafts, toys; something for everyone. More info: call 6295 3680 or email wesleyuc@bigpond.net.au


“Free for everyone forever”, parkrun is a community event where you can walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate. Parkrun is 5km and takes place every Saturday morning at more than 450 locations across the country. In the ACT, the newest parkrun at Point Hut Pond District Park joins others in Tuggeranong, Coombs, Lake Burley Griffin, Mount Ainslie, Ginninderra, Umbagong District, Gungahlin, and Wagi Bridge in Amaroo. Just over the border, there are parkruns at Jerrabomberra Mountain Reserve and Queanbeyan. For more details, visit parkrun.com.au

GIVIT seeks compact electric wheelchair

GIVIT is working with the largest not-for-profit community organisation in the ACT that provides a range of services to its most vulnerable and disadvantaged members. They are assisting a woman living with complex disabilities who needs a sophisticated mobility aid – a new or used ‘Go Chair’. This woman’s health has been declining recently and due to high medical costs, she does not have the means to purchase the chair herself. This compact wheelchair will allow her to move around with ease and comfort. To fund this request, please visit givit.org.au/whats-needed, Search Category: keyword ‘wheelchair’, Location: ACT. 100% of money donated for this request will be used to purchase a wheelchair.

Zonta pre-loved fashion sale

Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast will hold its eagerly awaited annual preloved fashion sale on 17-18 March at the Ann Harding Conference Centre at 24 University Drive, University of Canberra, Bruce. The VIP event will be held on the Friday at 5.30-8.30pm. Only 120 tickets available: $20 via Humanitix. Then on Saturday from 9am to 3pm, the doors will open to the public with free entry to purchase amazing fashionable clothing at ridiculously low prices. The funds raised support many projects in the Canberra community and Birthing Kit Foundation Australia, which provides simple but effective birthing kits for women in developing countries. The Pre Loved Fashion Sale not only helps people shop in a sustainable, cost effective way but also helps fellow women who are doing it tough. More info: email zontaclubcanberrabreakfast@gmail.com

Suited for persons who are retired or semi-retired looking for additional income.

Applicants need a driver’s license and a one tonne ute, van or equivalent.

Must be available on Thursday mornings from 8am to commence deliveries.

13 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
IN NEED OF SOME EXTRA $$ DELIVERERS REQUIRED For Canberra Weekly – Commercial Runs
Call Vincent Samaras 0418 182 664 or 6175 8800


14 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Peter Cain MLA, Nicole Lawder MLA, Lisa Scott Sarah Buckley, Dr Meredith Martin Alice Tay, Vanessa Gstrein, Lucy Johnston, Ingrid Moses AO, Trish Bergin Carolyn Schwartz AO, Ginger Gorman, Elizabeth Lee MLA, Gai Brodtmann Paddy Nixon, Adam Creighton Christine Dobson, Mandy Hill, Amanda Fintan, Heidi Prowse, Jennifer Harris
Kirsten Tapine, Ellen Simpson, Aunty Roslyn Brown ABOVE ABOVE University Canberra’s Celebrating Women in Leadership Breakfast, Gandel Hall, National Gallery of Australia. Images supplied. BELOW Pink Hope Bras, Breasts & Beauties High Tea & Fashion Parade, Pialligo Estate Glasshouse. Photos: Jodi Shepherd, Hot Shots Photography.



No. 2847


1 Plant of the genus that includes cabbage (8)

5 Prizes (6)

10 Riverside embankment (5)

11 Central American country (9)

12 tallies (6)

13 ' i don’t know' (coll) (5,2)

14 i nverted (8)

15 Alliance (6)

18 Round, red root; salad vegetable (6)

20 Masters (8)

21 16th uS president (7)

24 Common fruits (6)

27 Garrulous (9)

28 Popular aquarium fish (5)

29 Peril (6)

30 Resent someone’s pleasure or good fortune (8)


1 Light globe (4)

2 Publicly supported (9)

3 Daub (5)

4 Box (8)

6 Hub for military planes (7)

7 Recommends (5)

8 Brazen (9)

9 Crust formed over a cut (4)

14 n ot connected by kinship (9)

16 Clothed (9)

17 Of or from Japan (8)

19 Retention (7)

22 A tough synthetic polymer (5)

23 fastener (4)

25 father (arch) (5)

26 Counterfeit (4)

Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com


1 Which Aussie actor played Mike young in neighbours from 1986 to 1989?

2 Who played the t V character Blackadder?

3 What is the largest coal mining company in the world?

4 What is the capital city of the uS state of u tah?

5 What does Christian Louboutin design?


pi SC e S feB 20 – MAR 20

As taskmaster Saturn will now be in Pisces for the next three years, the upcoming months are ideal for getting practical about your ideas and plans in your personal life, daily routine and health-wise, and for building a framework that facilitates bringing joy into your life.

AR ie S MAR 21 – APR 20

Opportunities at work or regarding your status may arise; you may hear unexpectedly good news. It’s a good week to dig deep and use your inner resourcefulness to research and configure plans for the future that help to provide a solid base for growth and security.

tAu R u S APR 21 – MAy 21

A lovely get-together or activity will be refreshing. It’s a good weekend for socialising. If you must make a tough decision, look at the personal as well as the financial cost. Unexpected news could brighten up your week, but you must avoid rushing into agreements.

gemi N i MAy 22 – Jun 21

You have the gift of the gab, but when someone’s ideas are contrary to yours, it’s to your benefit to be patient and base communications on facts to avoid misunderstandings. You’ll enjoy a get-together this weekend, or news from afar, so be sure to socialise.

CANC e R Jun 22 – JuL 22

You’ll enjoy socialising or taking a trip this weekend. Unexpected news or developments could signal a solution to a problem. You’ll find ways to improve the way you share space or duties. A trip, legal matter, study and spiritual development are best planned methodically.

leO JuL 23 – AuG 23

A spontaneous event will bring you in touch with like-minded people and will be fun. Someone you have a strong connection with may visit or be in touch. Be prepared to establish common ground with a friend to reconfigure agreements if needed.

vi R g O AuG 24 – SePt 23

You like to be methodical in your daily arrangements. Sometimes, a little spontaneity will refresh dynamics. An unexpected change of routine or news will lift your mood this weekend, but midweek, you must be sure to double check facts to avoid mix-ups.

li BRA SePt 24 – OCt 23

A pleasant surprise will bring more fun and happiness into your weekend routine. You’ll enjoy being creative, dance, romance and music. It’s a good week to look after health and to devise a supportive work schedule. Avoid impulsive decisions midweek.

SCOR pi O OCt 24 – nOV 22

You’ll enjoy a change of routine at work and there may also be developments that provide fresh dynamics at home or with family. Be adaptable and avoid jumping to conclusions, especially midweek next week. Far better to research your options so you are clear.

SAgittAR iu S nOV 23 – DeC 21

An unexpected change in your usual weekend will be enjoyable. It’s a lovely weekend for romance, so be sure to plan a treat. Someone may need your help or advice and, if you need advice, it will be available. Just avoid jumping to conclusions, especially midweek next week.

CA p R i CORN DeC 22 – JAn 20

Developments at home or via a trip this weekend may be ideal. An event may be unexpected but also fun. However, someone may need a little extra attention. If it’s you, be sure to ask for it and look for ways to enjoy your weekend. Avoid rash decisions next week. Find the facts first.

AquAR iu S JAn 21 – feB 19

It’s a lovely weekend for romance, so be sure to plan a date with someone special. You may receive news that motivates you to formulate your long-term plans. The key to success now lies in finding the correct information you need to proceed.

iN tHe StARS with PAtSy Bennett

For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website to make an appointment, or call 0448 808 333.

Facebook: facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology

Instagram: instagram.com/patsybennettastrology www.patsybennett.com

15 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023 Brain busters: 1. Guy Pearce 2. Rowan Atkinson 3. BHP Group 4. Salt Lake City 5. Shoes DiffiCuLty RAtinG  415 7 27 43 4 697 2369 43 5 37 9 39 8 35 9 9764 No. 1610 649218357 275689143 468593271 582734619 894321765 123847596 731956824 316475982 957162438
PUZZLES & STARS CROSSwORd SUPER SUdOkU 0903 9 MArch - 15 MArch DIAMONDS MANUKA Shop 5 Manuka Arcade, Manuka | Phone 62 95 6448 | Email info@diamondsmanuka.com.au
“Where nature meets perfection”

136 stalls featuring products, services and advice

Smart Energy Hub courtesy of SolarHub and ActewAGL

Advice and information on the latest scams

Green Hub, Hobby Hub and Model Railway


Singalong Sessions with Shortis and Simpson

Love songs of the 60’s and 70’s with Leisa Keen

15 March 2023 In Canberra (EPIC)

Elvis and Johnny Cash music tribute performances

Free parking and disabled car parking at EPIC

Free travel courtesy Transport Canberra & Canberra Metro

All this for a gold coin (or note) donation entry!


15 March 2023 Exhibition Park

In Canberra (EPIC)



15 March 2023 Exhibition Park In Canberra (EPIC)

COTA ACT’s Seniors Expo in Autumn will be held at EPIC on Wednesday 15 March 10am-3.30pm. It’s our first major event for the year and we’re putting on a showcase that will present the very best in senior living here in Canberra.

With 136 stalls, a variety of musical performances, a green hub and hobby hub to explore, competitions, giveaways and much more, seniors, their friends, families and carers are invited to make a day of it, with food and beverages available for purchase and plenty of café-style seating to rest and relax in.

Radio station Mix 106.3 will be broadcasting live at the event, and ActewAGL will host a Smart Energy hub where Expo patrons can learn about green energy and even test drive one of their electric vehicles!

Services Australia and Western Union will be running special stalls with information on scam awareness, and the COTA ACT team will be there to help with all enquiries small and large. You can even apply for a Seniors Card or become a member of our organisation. Or stop by just to have a chat – we’d love to meet you!

We’ll also have no less than four of our local politicians checking in on Expo day, to speak with Expo visitors and learn more about what matters to the senior community of Canberra.

Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC) is located on Flemington Road in Mitchell, and there is plenty of free parking, as well as disability parking, available to Expo patrons. Transport Canberra and Canberra Metro are also providing free travel on light rail and bus to all Seniors Card holders, with shuttles bringing Expo patrons right up to the door. Entry is by gold coin donation and the Expo will have volunteers on hand to help people get the very best out of their Expo experience.

For more information about our Seniors Expo in Autumn, please phone the COTA ACT office on (02) 6282 3777 or visit our website: www.cotaact.org.au

Email footer image


For over 20 years, Open Mobility has been a leading provider of assistive technology equipment and services in NSW and recently the ACT. The company’s Managing Director, Michael Standley, takes pride in ensuring that each of his valued customers receives the highest quality mobility products and service possible.

“Our top priority is to ensure our customers’ satisfaction, and we take pride in our ability to listen and understand their needs,” Mr Standley said.

At the end of 2021, Open Mobility opened a new 500sqm showroom in Belconnen, and earlier this year opened a showroom in Tuggeranong to be able to service both northern and southern Canberra for our customers.

With a total of seven showrooms across NSW and the ACT, Open Mobility are able to offer in-showroom service where experienced staff can demonstrate products to our customers, giving you confidence to use our products in day-to-day life.

Open Mobility offers a wide range of mobility scooters, lift chairs, beds and daily living aids. As part of our service to customers, Open Mobility’s expert and

friendly team members can deliver purchases safely and securely, including free setup and demonstration on all products. We can even take away old mattresses for anyone who is having difficulty disposing of them.

“If you ever have a problem with your equipment, we collect and fix it ourselves, so there’s no dealing with a third party,” Mr Standley said.

Open Mobility’s customer-centric approach has earned us a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy mobility and assistive equipment provider.

With a 5% Price Guarantee, you can shop with confidence knowing you are receiving high quality products at the best possible price.

Open Mobility is a registered NDIS provider of assistive technology and works directly with the NDIS participant or with their Occupational Therapist. As an NDIS-registered provider, Open Mobility adheres to the rigorous standards and guidelines set by the Australian government to ensure the best possible care and support, enabling greater independence and community access for the participant.

If you are unable to make it to a showroom, customers

can shop online from the comfort of your own home, with our easy-to-navigate ecommerce website. Products can be purchased securely online and delivered straight to your door, with free delivery in our service area, a 100km radius from any of our showrooms.

Right now at Open Mobility, we have a huge stocktake sale with up to 40% across the range – huge savings across scooters, walkers, cushions, reachers, sheepskins and more!

Open Mobility will be attending this year ‘s COTA Senior Expo in Autumn. Our team will have products on display and expert advice on the benefits of the products we provide. Come visit our Expo site on 15 March at EPIC, or visit our showrooms at Belconnen and Tuggeranong.

Belconnen: 32 Cohen Street, Belconnen ACT 2617

Tuggeranong: Until 6-7, 310 Anketell Street, Greenway ACT 2900 (Tuggeranong Square Shopping Centre)

T: 1300 881 355

E: sales@openmobility.com.au

W: openmobility.com.au

20 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Seniors Feature
Open Mobility invites you to meet us at our stand at the COTA ACT Seniors Expo in Autumn on Wednesday 15 March 10am-3.30pm at EPIC, or visit our showrooms in Belconnen and Tuggeranong.
Independence, Freedom, Living. Free delivery in our service area 7 Day Return Policy • Service Second to None Shop in our showrooms or online openmobility.com.au 1300 881 355 Homyped Shoes | Cushions | Scooters | Reachers | Sheep Skins | Tipping Kettle | Quickshoelace range | Walkers and more! UP TO 40% OFF Savings up to 40% off our normal retail prices. Expiry 31/5/23.


Staying independent and remaining at home is an important goal for many older people in Australia. While tired stereotypes about ageing and older people have created a culture of dependence, most people want to continue to look after themselves, whilst living at home and engaging in their community.

LiveUp is a free online healthy ageing guide powered by a not-for-profit organisation and funded by the Department of Health and Aged Care. LiveUp is designed to give older people in Australia a breadth of opportunities to maintain their independence through healthy ageing approaches. The LiveUp website is packed with the ideas, tools, and guidance to keep you doing the things you already know you love or to try something a bit different.

Healthy Ageing, a term coined by the World Health Organization, is an emerging concept aimed at helping people stay independent for longer. It encompasses several health and lifestyle factors, most of which are within our control.

Scientific research shows that 75 per cent of how well we age is determined by three factors. These are exercise, maintaining social connection, and using

assistive products. Making informed decisions about how and when you exercise, how often you spend time with others out in your community, and which products you use to help you with daily tasks can help you age well.

Around half of the common barriers older people face when tackling daily activities can be addressed by finding and using assistive products, many of which are available from well-known retailers and reliable online stores such as Bunnings and Kmart. On the LiveUp website, people can complete a simple quiz which will provide suggestions for low-cost products to help with everyday living.

It’s common knowledge that exercise is good for you, but even modest amounts of low intensity exercise, like walking, yoga, and gardening, activate your brain, build bone mass, maintain muscle, and boost your mood. Once people enter their postcode, they will find locally relevant activities and groups focused on keeping them physically active and socially connected.

LiveUp also features regularly updated healthy ageing articles written by allied health professionals, designed to provide information and downloadable resources for various age-related issues such as

preventing falls, and getting a better night’s sleep. People can also download exercise guides that focus on specific areas of the body such as hands and ankles.

If you’re ready to throw out tired stereotypes about ageing, try new interests or take up some old ones, LiveUp can help you get started. Take the simple quiz for personalised advice about assistive products and tailored suggestions for strength and exercise, and social and cognitive activities, all in your local area or online at www.liveup.org.au.

If you’d prefer to talk to someone over the phone about your healthy ageing options, you can speak directly to a friendly LiveUp team member for free on 1800 951 971.

By prioritising your health, staying connected to your friends, family, and community, and using simple products and practices that support you every day, you can live your life to the full. Let’s add life to years, not just years to life! Welcome to the upside of ageing.

T: 1800 951 971

E: support@liveup.org.au

W: liveup.org.au

22 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Seniors Feature


As the cost of living in Canberra has risen significantly, more people are struggling to cope with energy bills. This is especially true for those on a limited income.

Home Energy Tune-up is a new partnership between Vinnies Canberra/Goulburn and Care. The Home Energy Tune-up aims to help people who want to reduce energy use, lower their bills, and get help to resolve any outstanding energy debts. It is funded by the ACT Government.

Recently, the Home Energy Tuneup program helped Curtis, who has been looking for ways to reduce his energy bills. Curtis agreed to have a Vinnies Home Energy Assessor look at ways to make his home more energy efficient, which included sealing air leaks in his external doors and windows. The assessor also gave him a free heated throw rug and

energy saving devices to help reduce future bills.

Care’s Financial Capability Officer helped Curtis set up repayment arrangements for his current and future bills with his energy provider. Now his bills are automated, Curtis no longer needs to worry about going to the post office to pay his bills. Care was also able to give Curtis a $100 energy voucher towards his next electricity bill.

Curtis told the Home Energy Tuneup team he was grateful for the help as he wasn’t sure if he could have afforded the cost of materials and labour of organising draught-proofing himself. He was very happy that the ACT Government funds a program that could help him.

The Home Energy Tune-up team will be attending the COTA Silver is Gold Expo on Wednesday

accommodation. If you would like to know more, visit our website: www.homeenergytuneup.com.au or call us on 02 6257 1788.

24 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
15 March at Exhibition Park to help all low-income families, couples and singles. The Tune-up team can work with homeowners, renters, Housing ACT residents and student Seniors Feature


Like so many empty nesters on the cusp of retirement, Colleene and her husband Brian had never really thought much about retirement villages. But a friend got her thinking. “We went to Marigal Gardens just to have a look and we really liked the look of it and the idea of it,” says Colleene. Before they moved, the couple heard a lot of concerns around the financial costs of a village.

“Everyone says, what about the exit fees? But we’re doing our kids a favour because they’re not going to have to worry about us.” For Colleene, one of the most important benefits of living in Marigal Gardens is the sense of safety and security she feels, both physically and financially.

But she also loves the freedom she and her husband have now, to live life to the full, without the demands of household maintenance. She takes full advantage of the amenities and activities and she’s “so excited” about the new pool, which is due next year when the new apartments are built. Her advice to anyone thinking of a retirement village move? Don’t wait. “It’s the best thing we ever did,” she says.

With construction activities for the new apartments at Marigal Gardens started, buying off the plan is an

excellent opportunity to downsize. Not only do you have the choice of a colour scheme and any optional upgrades, but it also gives you time to plan your move and the sale of your home, knowing your new home will be ready to move into next year. Like Colleene and Brian, don’t leave it too long to experience all the benefits of a low-maintenance home, without the mowing and weeding.

Most importantly, take the opportunity to move into a wonderfully social village where you can be as social as you like, surrounded by established gardens. But hurry, as over 50% of the new apartments are already sold and the period for choosing colour schemes and upgrade options closes soon.

“People worry about what it’s going to cost, but they don’t think about what you gain while you’re here. And that’s the most important thing.” – Marigal

Tips for downsizing your home

• Start working on one room a week or month, depending on how much time you have. It’s less daunting than tackling it all at once.

• Create four piles along the lines of: keep, sell,

donate, and trash or recycle.

• Offer items to family and friends.

• If you know you need to get rid of something but want to remember it, take a photo.

• Many of our residents used auction houses such as The Auction Barn (theauctionbarn.com.au) and Allbids (allbids.com.au) in Canberra to successfully sell unwanted furniture and items, and make a little extra cash to purchase new things for their new home.

• For special antiques try Canberra Antiques Centre in Fyshwick

• The other obvious places are Facebook Marketplace, eBay and Gumtree.

• For those who find the thought of downsizing their home far too stressful, there are downsizing and decluttering services in Canberra.

To find out more, call Marigal Gardens in Kambah on 1300 884 784 or visit the website.

W: www.marigalgardens.com.au

E: info@hindmarsh.com.au

T: 1300 884 784

25 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Bennet Lodge, the leisure centre and central hub of Marigal Gardens retirement village. Artist’s impression of the new indoor pool under construction at Marigal Gardens.
Seniors Feature
The outlook to Kambah Adventure Playground.
www.marigalgardens.com.au | 1300 884 784 Renders are for illustrative purposes only. Details are correct at time of printing and subject to change. February 2023. New Year, New Beginnings at Marigal Gardens The Retirement Village where the Grass is Greener OVER 50% SOLD

Are you over the constant gardening, home repairs and increasing costs of maintaining the family home? Are you wanting a new home yet not wanting to sacrifice on space and quality?

We’ve got a selection of brand new, off-the-plan 1, 2 and 3 bedroom spacious apartments that are light, bright and modern. Plus, with low maintenance living, you’ll have more time to enjoy the good things in life.

That’s not all! Our village community centre, Bennet Lodge, is the hub of all social, health and wellness activities. From bingo and trivia to carpet bowls and exercise classes, morning teas to happy hours, we’ve got something for everyone. And with beautifully landscaped gardens, you’ll have plenty of places to sit and enjoy the scenery or catch up with neighbours. And too top it all off coming soon is our new Wellness Centre will feature an indoor pool (where you can swim your worries away), Hobby Shed and Outdoor Bowling Green.

So why wait? Call now and secure one of our easy-to-maintain homes on 1300 884 784 or email michaela.howard@hindmarsh.com.au to book a private tour or join us for Tea and Tours, every Wednesday from 10am to 2pm at 21 Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah.

Live life your way
21 Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah ACT 2902
Look no further than Marigal Gardens, the retirement village where the grass is always greener.


Canberra Memorial Parks staff will be operating a stall again on March 15th at Exhibition Park for the 2023 Autumn Seniors Festival.

Our friendly staff will be on hand to answer all your questions on our products and services including cremation, burials and memorialisation options.

We’ll also be showcasing some of our new burial and ash memorialisation options coming to Woden and Gungahlin, designed exclusively for the needs of the diverse Canberra community.

Canberra Memorial Parks offers a wide range of cremation, traditional burial, natural burial and memorialisation options to honour and celebrate community members across three beautiful parks at Woden, Gungahlin and Hall, says CEO Kerry McMurray.

“We also assist those who would like the remains of loved ones to be buried or scattered elsewhere, in a place of personal significance,” he says.

“We strive to help the whole community in planning

for their end of life or to honour the life of a loved one in a way that reflects their personal needs and wishes.”

Featuring a private viewing room accommodating up to 25 people, Kerry says the new Gungahlin crematorium incorporates features which meet the diverse needs of Canberra’s communities.

The crematorium is ideal for intimate services, providing the choice to observe the cremation or to have a natural burial in a beautiful bushland environment at the Gungahlin Cemetery which lets people’s remains decompose sustainably and return to nature.

We are excited to announce the planning and development of the new Memorial Hall and Condolence Lounge at Gungahlin is underway after extensive consultation with community groups and religious and cultural partners. Combining a connection to the environment with state-of-the art furnishings and services, our new facilities are

anticipated to be opened in 2025 and will offer a quality full-service offering to the Canberra community.

Our team are caring, considerate people who are committed to supporting the Canberra community when they need us most.

The services we offer are facilitated by our expertly trained and considerate customer service people, who help you navigate what option best suits your personal needs and wishes or cultural tradition.

Staff are available to conduct tours of the grounds at Woden, Gungahlin and Hall cemeteries and assist you with finding a beautiful resting place.

Keep an eye on our website for future crematorium tours and feel free to contact us via our online enquiry form with any questions or enquiries you have.

Canberra Memorial Parks – call 6207 0000 or online: www.canberramemorialparks.act.gov.au

28 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Seniors Feature

Canberra Memorial Parks

provides Canberrans with a choice in honouring and celebrating life

• Our natural burial area at Gungahlin Cemetery offers a burial with a lower environmental impact.

• Gungahlin Crematorium at Gungahlin Cemetery, the first publicly owned crematorium in the ACT, offers a wide range of services including a private viewing roomideal for intimate services.

• Eternity Memorial Garden, Woden Cemetery, is a newly-opened area where ashes can be laid-to-rest and loved ones memorialised.

• The new Olive Grove development will provide a new premium lawn burial option to complement our range of services.


To make an appointment to explore your end-oflife arrangements for yourself or your loved ones, call 02 6207 0000


SHOUT Inc (Self Help Organisations United Together) is a local Canberra community organisation, located at the Pearce Community Centre, which has been operational for over 40 years. SHOUT is a hub for community organisations working in the health and disability sectors, providing leadership, promotional activities, business advice, administration services and support to our members across the region.

Self-help is an essential part of managing conditions, and being involved in a self-help group can provide assistance and support which enables the person to cope. It makes such a difference to be supported by people and offers a sense of relief that others understand the journey. Research has shown that people who connect and participate in self-help organisations and groups are likely to feel more connected with others who have similar conditions, reducing the feeling of being so alone. Friendships often develop that provide further connection and support. The social isolation of feeling alone usually decreases as a common purpose and strategies develop

to enable the person to deal with the condition. Through participation in self-help groups, people learn ways to cope, empowering them to make their own decisions about their health and wellbeing. People are more likely to seek appropriate help when armed with quality information. Self-help also works well alongside the medical model and reduces hospital admissions, especially once the acute stage has passed.

SHOUT has developed a computer platform called

r vice s

listing over 180 organisations and services supporting and assisting people in the local region. It is up to date and easy to navigate, with information at your fingertips, at any time of the day or night. The Web of Support provides an easy reference for individuals, families and carers to find the supports and services that best suits their individual needs.

The Web of Support can be located at www.shout.org.au. For further information,

30 canberraweekly.com.au
Seniors Feature F i n
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www . sh o u t.o rg .a u • Local Canberra Information vices Ser Care Aged and Health Disability, • • Suppor t Ser vices Director y • Self-help Groups • Information at your Finger tips Web of Suppor t
d t h e Se
n ee d to supp o r t
nd yo
f a m il y


Tuggeranong Arts Centre’s Creative Seniors Day on Friday 31 March is a series of free creative activities for senior residents of the Tuggeranong Valley.

Focusing on inclusion, wellbeing, and social connectivity, participants are welcome to stay for the day or drop in for an hour! Come and explore visual arts, music, dance and singing at this wonderful community event. Relax in the fresh air, take in the view, and use available drawing materials to make observations in Lakeside Sketching. Focus on a tree, the lake’s edge, or clouds in the sky. Whether it’s smudgy, streaky, swirly, or scratchy, use your own marks to capture a memory.

Create a flower motif with leftover fabric, yarns and buttons and contribute to a group textile assemblage in the Collaborative Flower Making activity.

Learn coiled weaving techniques and make small items using raffia in a Weaving Circle led by Indigenous knowledge holder, Narelle Hutchings.

Surprise yourself on what you can achieve in a Be Still – Still Life Painting class with artist Lily Platts and be guided through an introduction to basic acrylic techniques.

Enjoy listening to the wonderful



sound of strings in a lunchtime concert by the Canberra Symphony Youth Chamber Orchestra, performing a varied program of solo and ensemble repertoire.

Have fun singing popular songs in an informal sing-along.

Find your groove in the Fresh Funk 55+ modern movement class. Fun, funky and suitable for beginners, come and sample Tuggeranong Arts Centre’s flagship dance program.

Conclude the day celebrating with the artists at the official opening of three new exhibitions – On the Banks of the Murrumbidgee by Mark Dober, Traverse by Peter McLean and John Pratt, and Incidental TV by Nicci Haynes.

Full program details and booking links are available on the Tuggeranong Arts Centre website at: www.tuggeranongarts.com/events/ creative-seniors-day/

Creative Seniors Day is on Friday 31 March at TAC, 137 Reed Street, Greenway.

T: 02 62931443

E: info@tuggeranongarts.com

W: tuggeranongarts.com/events/ creative-seniors-day/


31 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Seniors Feature
F R E E F O R P E O P L E 55+ B O O K I N G S E S S E N T I A L A R T & D A N C E W O R K S H O P S C S O Y O U T H C H A M B E R O R C H E S T R A C O N C E R T S E N I O R S S I N G - A L O N G E X H I B I T I O N S O P E N I N G A N D M O R E


Sleeptime has a range of the highest quality adjustable beds, with Australian Made mattresses. Sleeping correctly on an adjustable bed has been known to help with back pain and pressure points, to reduce, and in a lot of instances, eliminate snoring, ease acid reflux and heartburn, reduce swelling and so much more. You get the joy of falling asleep in a luxuriously comfortable bed, and waking up feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

12/16 Bernera Road, Prestons NSW 2170

T: (02) 9018 9255

E: info@sleeptime.com.au

W: www.sleeptime.com.au


Goodwin has been caring for Canberra and the surrounding NSW region since 1954. We are the ACT’s largest aged care provider, and we’re proud of our reputation as an industry leader. We understand how life changes, and we’re here to guide you through it. From fully independent retirement communities through to 24/7 round-the-clock care, Goodwin offers a wide range of high-quality services to meet and grow with your needs. We’re not-for-profit and owned by our members, most of whom are Goodwin residents. We’re not affiliated with any other business, property developer, political or religious body. We’re just here to offer the best services possible. Whatever stage you’re at in your retirement or aged care journey, talk to us. We’re here to help.

T: 02 6175 5100

E: info@goodwin.org.au

W: goodwin.org.au

32 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Seniors Feature We’re proud of our reputation. Built on innovation,honest hard work and excellence. Not only for providing superior care, but helping seniors live happier, healthier and connected lives. Our services: • Residential Care • Home Care • Retirement Living • Wellness Centre Celebrating age since 1954 Talk to our experienced team to find out more 02 6175 5100 info@goodwin.org.au goodwin.org.au


Rubies Community Care offers a wide range of services to support the community, we are a boutique style, all-inclusive organisation. This allows us to offer support tailored to the consumer’s individual needs across the NDIS/Disability and Aged Care/Home Care package sectors.

Services include, but are not limited to:

In Home support – Including basic domestic assistance; personal care; social support; transport; shopping.

Palliative Care – Specialised end of life care.

Community Nursing – Providing in home care and support.

Respite Care – Offering families/carers a much-needed break.

Package Management – Including establish and manage budgets, coordinate services such as schedule services and workers, or arrange respite care.

SIL Housing – Supported independent living for NDIS participants, which can include 24/7 support.

Rubies Community Care has a highly experienced team, allowing us to offer personalised health and support services for seniors and people living with a disability.

Our knowledgeable team supports consumers to continue living at home whilst actively participating in their local community, giving families and consumers security and peace of mind.

Rubies Community Care consumers enjoy many supported days out – coffee catch-ups, a simple stroll around the local park, picnics by the lake, visits to the Zoo, and the Temora Air Show, to name just a few of our many adventures.

Rubies Community Care is an all-inclusive, nonjudgmental organisation, with diversity at

its core. We pride ourselves on facilitation and service delivery for our consumers’ needs where possible. Rubies Community Care invites you to contact us for more information.

Suite 2H, 40-50 Gungahlin Village, Hibberson Street

Gungahlin ACT 2912

163 Langtree Cres, Crace ACT 2911

T: 1300 651 649

E: roster@rubiesnursingcare.com.au

W: nursingagencyrubies.com.au

33 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Seniors Feature PROVIDING SERVICES FOR PEOPLE SO THEY CAN REMAIN INDEPENDENT WITHIN THE COMMUNITY. Our Services include: 1. Assistance with daily personal activities, such as showering and dressing. 2. Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement. 3. Participation in community, social and civic activities. 4. Assistance with travel/transport arrangements. 5. Household (domestic assistance) tasks. Together We Are Able 1300 651 649 Suite 2H, 46-50 Gungahlin Village, Hibberson Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 www.rubiesnursingcare.com.au CWM00013AA


Are you ready to move into a retirement lifestyle that better suits your needs? Then call the caring and knowledgeable team at Inspired Outcomes. We offer seniors a stress-free service to help you downsize from your family home to a Resort, Retirement Village or Aged Care Home. We aim to make the transition as seamless as possible – for you and your loved ones. Our services include: a free needs analysis; assistance to find the right place for you; property sale guidance; pre-sale home presentation; de-cluttering; removalist; re-establishing you in your new home; and referral to appropriate services available to you. Contact Inspired Outcomes for a complimentary consultation to see how we can help you.

M: 0448 201 884

E: margaret@inspiredoutcomes.net.au

W: inspiredoutcomes.net.au



Nurse Next Door provides the full spectrum of in-home care for seniors and people living with a disability. From grocery shopping, meal preparation, medication reminders and companionship to 24/7 nursing, the team at Nurse Next Door makes it possible for your loved ones to live a happy and healthy life, no matter the circumstances.

Nurse Next Door Canberra runs by the philosophy that every person should be able to access care on their own terms and in their own homes.

Simply call 1300 600 247 to book a free Caring Consult today!

W: nursenextdoor.com.au

Nurse Next Door's extraordinary family of Registered Nurses and qualified Caregivers are specially matched to you. With 24/7 availability, total schedule flexibility and everything taken care of for you, we can give your family peace of mind.

We offer full spectrum premium in-home care, ranging from nursing to companionship.

Get started with a FREE Caring Consult today, because there really is no place like home.

34 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Seniors Feature
you ready
can provide assistance and suppor t with:
We help with selling your current home
Assistance with packing, moving and unpacking
Introduction to professional advice including Lawyer, Accountant and Financial Advisor Inspired Outcomes can help you navigate the complexities of transitioning to a retirement lifestyle that suits your needs. 0448 201 884 Call Margaret today for a free, no obligation consultation on: www.inspiredoutcomes.net.au
nursenextdoor.com.au 1300 600 247


Aged care respite supports carers and the people they care for, giving you both a break for a short period of time. It can give you both time and space to do things independently, or help carers attend to travel, work or other commitments by ensuring the person they care for is in good hands. Carers ACT offer several respite services to ensure carers can continue to support their loved one longer, in a way that is positive, balanced and sustainable.

Cottage respite

We provide a home-away-from-home environment for the person you care for when things get complicated, difficult or a carer encounters something unexpected. You can take a break, knowing our service providers are looking after the person you care for. Planned respite care can also help you plan for regular breaks to rest and recharge. Tour the Cottages online at: www.carersact.org.au/see-our-respite-cottages/

Aged Care Respite Booking Service

If you care for someone with a respite care code from My

Aged Care, we can do the leg work for you and take the stress out of finding a short-term respite bed for people who are frail aged.

Our respite booking service provides you with a single point of contact for aged care facilities across Canberra and Queanbeyan, so you don’t have to call around to find a respite vacancy. We can also connect you with support for at-home care after a respite stay.

“Carers ACT found Dad a respite placement at a really difficult time over Christmas ... I had spent hours ringing multiple facilities ... but none had actual availability

– we thought he would have to go back to hospital for Christmas. Luckily, one of the facilities I rang gave me the Carers ACT number. Julie found 2 respite options for us within a couple of days. My recommendation would be –phone Carers ACT first!” – Heather, carer for her father

To book frail aged respite or enquire about our own cottage respite service, call (02) 6296 9900 or speak to a local Carer Gateway care planner on freecall 1800 422 737.

To see all respite services available, go to carersact.org.au/news and select the “Respite” category.

35 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Seniors Feature


Better Hearing Australia is an organisation, run by volunteers, supporting those with hearing loss. People often underestimate the difficulties encountered by those with hearing loss.

BHA Canberra was established in 1993 as a branch of Sydney. Afternoon and evening lipreading classes, now called Hearing Loss Management classes, were run so those with hearing loss could get together, improve their lipreading skills, discuss issues related to hearing loss and thus improve their quality of life.

Newsletters, presentations by audiologists, and annual dinners have been another feature of BHA in Canberra. Annual dinners usually include a guest speaker with real-time captioning by Polly Templeton, who also captions other events.

We also have been instrumental in having captions at the Canberra Theatre and work with the Canberra Symphony Orchestra to provide small concerts featuring selected instruments to assist those with hearing loss. These sessions of

“Rediscovering Music” are run by Kristen Sutcliffe, a bassoonist with CSO and an audiologist.

BHAC created a “Hospital Kit” with signage and other information for hospital staff and others to identify that the patient has a hearing loss. The kit has recently been adapted to become a Hearing Help kit for use in travel and other situations as well as hospitals. BHA Canberra has also developed other assistance devices such as badges, wrist bands, polo shirts and vests that advise that the wearer has hearing loss.

In addition, BHAC has launched the booklet ‘Communication with the hearing impaired particularly at home’ to help those who live with others with hearing loss manage at home.

In 2019, BHAC located its office at the Council of the Ageing (COTA) in Wisdom Street, Hughes, and continues to help those with hearing loss.

W: bhacanberra.org


For membership enquiries, email bhacanberra@gmail.com

36 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Seniors Feature Website bhacanberra.org Facebook BetterHearingAustraliaCanberra Enquiries bhacanberra@gmail.com
Australia Canberra - BHAC BHAC o ce is at the Council of the Ageing (COTA) in Wisdom St. Hughes. Please contact us via email for an appointment. All activities are held in a COVID safe environment. 30 Years of helping those with hearing loss • Sessions with members of Canberra Symphony Orchestra with Rediscovering Music Sessions • Hearing Loss management classes via Zoom • Hearing Help hospital/travel kit and other aids • Workshops & social events Organised specifically for hearing impaired people
Better Hearing


The Y Chifley Health and Wellness Centre is a community-based gym which focuses on helping members of the community to live happier, healthier lifestyles through movement. Whether you are wanting to join in on the fun in a group fitness class, gain strength in the gym, improve your balance and work on your flexibility in a Yoga class, the Y Chifley offers it all. The Centre includes a fully equipped gym and group fitness room with a wide range of group classes to cater for people of all ages, abilities and fitness levels.

We also have Accredited Exercise Physiologists available for one-on-one sessions to help you reach your health goals. An Accredited Exercise Physiologist is an allied health professional who has all the knowledge and skills to design a tailored exercise program to individuals for a range of medical conditions, injuries and/or disabilities.

From the moment you walk in the door, we are

confident you will feel right at home.

See what some of our wonderful members have to say: “I was 30 kilos heavier before I attended the Y, and now at 75 I feel fitter than I have ever been in my life!” – Joan

“When I lost my best mate of 50 years in 2016, my wonderful family helped to fill the void, but the YMCA did the rest. I love people and each day I meet such genuine people from such varied backgrounds and careers. This social connection is so important to me and the amazing staff have created a real

community where everyone is important. As the saying goes ‘you can’t stop getting older, but you can stop getting old’.” – Brenda

We are located in The Chifley Health and Wellness Building, 71 MacLaurin Crescent, Chifley.

To get started, feel free to call us on 6281 0124 or pop in during our business hours.

E: activey@ymca.org.au

W: www.ymcacanberra.org.au

37 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Seniors Feature


Nothing pleases Helen King more than helping someone break the sound of silence.

Helen says: “Conducting hearing tests and presenting results is straightforward, but dealing with the psychology of someone getting a divorce from their hearing, no matter what their age, isn’t. Clients go through the full range of emotions, including denial, anger and, finally, acceptance.

“It can be hard to live, work or socialise with someone who has a hearing problem, but it’s important to understand that the motivation to get tested or not, or to try a hearing aid or not, is complex,” says Helen.

Helen learned early to suggest clients test-drive a hearing aid like they’d do a car they’re thinking of buying.

“I tell them they have nothing to lose … if they’re not happy they can return it,’ she says.

“I’d rather them take the time testing one than be forced into spending money on a hearing aid that ends up as an expensive drawer filler.”

Helen believes it is imperative clients make an informed choice and provides two-hour initial appointments to ensure the opportunity for clients to ask questions in a relaxed environment, tailor the hearing aids to suit the individual’s needs, and discuss expectations.

“I became an audiometrist to help people once again enjoy life’s special moments.”

Helen is excited about the new technologies available to her clients today. Having worked in the industry for 35 years, she has seen hearing aids change from analogue (making adjustments with a tiny screwdriver!) to digital hearing aids today, featuring Bluetooth technology that ensures ease of streaming phone calls, music and audio books, and technology more capable of reducing background noise and enhancing speech.

38 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Helen King Hearing Solutions on
363. E: helenkinghearing@gmail.com W: hkhearingsolutions.com.au Seniors Feature
0414 927
Call the team today on 0414 927 363 to find out more about Evolv AI! Starkey is a registered trademark of Starkey Laboratories, Inc. Evolv is a trademark of Starkey Laboratories, Inc. Hearing aids that are discreet, stylish, and effortless Evolv AI custom hearing aids are handcrafted just for you, with exceptional sound, effortless hearing is yours. Evolv AI offers a complete line of hearing technology that’s smartphone compatible, fits to your unique ear anatomy, rechargeable options, and adapts seamlessly to your everyday life. A tiny hearing aid that’s as unique as you are.  hkhearingsolutions.com.au  Home visits for all Canberra area
Helen King Hearing Solutions invites clients to “test-drive” their hearing aids before they commit.


Knowledge and experience matters, especially when it comes to you and your family’s primary health care. Wakefield Gardens Surgery is proud to say they have looked after generations of Canberran families, with patients who have been associated with the practice for over 50 years. A true family practice, located in Canberra’s Inner North, Wakefield Gardens Surgery’s primary goal has remained constant over the decades: to provide quality, comprehensive medical services within a friendly, caring environment.

For more information on becoming a new patient, please contact reception at 6257 4086. You can also learn more about their capable team and the services provided at wgs.net.au


Staying at Home is a free carer wellbeing and respite program designed to empower and upskill carers to support a person living with dementia to remain at home for as long as possible. With a strong focus on wellbeing and self-care, carers will be equipped to navigate the complexities and challenges of supporting a person living with dementia. As part of the program, the person living with dementia is o ered an introduction to respite and receives tailored, individual support to continue meaningful and enjoyable activities for longer.

T: 1800 699 799

E: stayathome@dementia.com.au

W: www.dementia.com.au/dsa-staying-at-home

If you are interested in this FREE carer wellbeing and respite program, scan the QR Code, call 1800 699 799 or visit dementia.com.au/dsa-staying-at-home

39 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Seniors Feature
Wakefield Gardens Surgery is a true family practice in Canberra’s inner north. We are proud to say that we have looked after generations of families, with some of our patients associated with us for more than 50 years. Our aim, over decades of care, is to provide quality, comprehensive medical services within a friendly caring environment.
99 Wakefield Gardens Ainslie ACT 2602
02 6257 4086
Helping people who live with dementia to stay at home longer.


As senior citizens, a professional cleaning service can be the key to independence in retirement.

That’s why Jim’s Cleaning is proudly part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, delivering expert cleaning services for your home whether your NDIS plan is self-managed, plan managed, or NDIA-managed.

Jim’s has a wide range of professional cleaning services on o er, including:

• Vacuuming and mopping floors

• Dusting and wiping surfaces

• Kitchen cleaning, including sinks, taps, benches and microwaves

• Bathrooms, including toilets, showers and baths

• Other tailored tasks

• Spring cleans

• Deep house cleans

• Vacate cleans

After 20+ years in the industry, Jim’s Cleaning is Australia’s leading home and commercial cleaning service and ensures that you are only ever in the best of hands. Their extensive network of franchisees in Canberra are

all independently owned small businesses, fully insured, police checked, and come with a satisfaction guarantee.

At Jim’s Cleaning, the top goal is to help clients gain independence in their lives by cleaning to suit the individual’s needs, whether they struggle with strenuous housework, or just want more time on their hands to spend on the things that matter.

Every domestic setting has di erent and important needs to ensure the client meets their goal. That’s why each visit will be tailored to the needs of the customer that day. Jim’s Cleaning services can be completed daily, weekly, monthly, or as a once-o visit.

They o er open communication with all service providers, self-managed participants, and cleaners, to make sure each visit to your home is a success.


“Amazing … they got back to me in a timely manner and provided a quote the next day. I had less than a week to have the clean finalised, and they managed to squeeze me in to the schedule. They were friendly, helpful and did an amazing job.” – Ash


40 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
online at jimscleaning.com.au. Seniors Feature
131 546 today or request a free quote
Jim’s Cleaning Your Local Cleaning Experts We are police checked, fully insured, giving you and your family total protection Call now on 131 546 or visit jimscleaning.net.au to book a free quote

Food for thought

The latest in foodie news, events and products.

Underground Spirits is providing a place to stop, sit, and sip while meandering through Enlighten Festival 2023. From 3 to 13 March, Des Lumières will be Underground’s first foray into the Enlighten Festival Hub area, open 5-11pm each night. “We’re positioned overlooking Enlighten’s city illumination from our deck [near the National Portrait Gallery entrance], just the perfect place to stop during a wander through Enlighten which is set to be just exquisite this year,” says Underground’s CEO, Claudia Roughley. Festivalgoers can enjoy themed cocktails, gin and tonic, or a mocktail for those looking for a lighter option. Other local beverages will also be on offer at Des Lumières, including beer from BentSpoke Brewing Co., and wine from Canberra Region winemakers. “There is absolutely no need to book tickets, just turn up during Enlighten and your warm welcome awaits,” says Claudia. For more information, visit undergroundspirits.com.au

On Saturday 18 March, the 16th Canberra Craft Beer & Cider Festival will see over 45 craft breweries, and – for the first time

– distilleries showcasing their premium spirits. Hosted at Mercure Canberra, the Festival will run from 11am to 6pm, spilling onto the adjoining lawns of Batman and Gooreen Streets in Braddon. Up to 250 craft beers, ciders and spirits will be served up for tasting. Bentspoke Brewing Co, Capital Brewing Co, Cypher Brewing, and Ale Mary will be repping Canberra among the exhibitors. Complementing the bevs will be a range of food stalls offering barbecue dishes, pizza, nachos, burgers, and fish & chips. The festival’s line-up of live entertainment includes sweethearts of Canberra’s live music scene, Archie, and Rubix Dudes. General admission costs $33, with on-the-day tickets for $45, plus booking fees, and includes entry plus five drink tokens. Children have free entry when accompanying parents. Festivalgoers can eat, drink and be merry knowing that the event is helping to raise funds for Rise

Above Capital Region Cancer Relief, a locally based group providing support to over 950 cancer patients.

Bookings via Moshtix; learn more at canberrabeerfest.com.au

On Tuesday 7 March, Grill’d on Bunda Street joined the burger chain’s nation-wide City Support Dinners initiative, helping them to pass the recent national milestone of 10,000+ meals served to those doing it tough in CBD areas. The initiative started in March last year as a response to the spiralling cost of living in Australian cities, and people in need turning to local businesses for a helping hand. On

the first Tuesday of every month, Grill’d closes six Grill’d CBD restaurants from 5pm to create a safe space for people experiencing disadvantage in the city to enjoy a meal in dignity and in good company. Key locations include Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and now, Canberra. The effort is a hearty collaboration between the burger franchise and St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies).

41 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Grill’d and Vinnies’ City Support Dinners take place on the first Tuesday of every month at the Bunda St restaurant in Canberra. This year’s Canberra Craft Beer & Cider Festival will be serving up to 250 beers, ciders, and spirits – and if live music is more your thing, Archie will be playing at 1pm.
Fresh Fish for Good Friday! 6239 6415 �ishco.com.au 19 Dalby St, Fyshwick Q: What is the Easter Bunny’s favourite sport? A: Basket Ball! Easter Trading Hours Wed 5 April Normal Trade Thu 6 April 7am - 6:30pm Good Friday 6am – 2pm Easter Sat 8am – 2pm* Easter Sun CLOSED Easter Mon CLOSED Tue 11 April 9am – 6pm Wed 12 April Resume Trade *Subject to stock availability (ANZAC Day Open 10am – 2pm)

Revisit the warmth of childhood in Cloudspotting

Many moments from childhood follow us through life, evoked through a familiar place, smell or feeling, and transporting us back to that treasured time. For Canberra author Samantha Tidy, moments spent on the ocean with her father have always held a special place in her heart; moments she has captured in her newest children’s book, Cloudspotting.

Hitting the shelves around the middle of this month, Tidy and Canberra illustrator Susannah Crispe worked together to bring the vision to life, intertwining their important moments. The women say it is rare that an author and illustrator will be in the same city, and appreciated the time they could spend discussing ideas and memories.

Growing up in Perth, Tidy recalls being the only one of her siblings to go crabbing for blue manna crabs with their father, spending precious time in those early mornings quietly sitting together.

During the pandemic, Tidy visited her father

during one of the travel windows. Whilst back in her hometown, someone o ered to take the pair crabbing, something they hadn’t done since the author was young. She and her 79-year-old father boarded a boat and set out together, planting the seed for her new book.

She says the book is a quiet and patient reminder of how important it is to cherish moments with family when you’re young.

“I used the idea of clouds because when you look at clouds, they move on pretty quickly. For me, that captures the ephemeral nature of childhood,” says Tidy.

Crispe says marrying the nature of clouds to art was easy; the two go hand in hand. Coming from a background studying art history and zoology, the illustrator and her young son spend a lot of time in nature looking for faces in bark and trees and shapes in the clouds. She has brought a love of finding creatures in nature, where they may only be a hint of them alive on the pages.

“There are a lot of creatures if you look at the clouds; there’s a dragon on the front cover. So a little challenge for kids to go back through – a stegosaurus sleeping, a cat chasing a mouse,” Crispe says.

Cloudspotting hits the bookshelves mid-March. For more of their work, follow Samantha Tidy at samanthatidy.com and Susannah Crispe at ohsusannah.com.au Full story online.

42 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Susannah Crispe (left) and Samantha Tidy with their children’s book Cloudspotting, out mid-March. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.




Italian artist Luca Siliquini presents his first exhibition in Australia at Humble House Gallery, from 18 March to 16 April. Ever wondered what Canberra looks like through someone else’s eyes? Moving to Canberra from Rome in 2016, Siliquini has created works sharing his perspective of his new hometown in Chromology

Through the use of bold colours and symbolism, the artist’s abstract pieces tell the story of Canberra, its


changing seasons, and the hues that envelop the region.

The coronavirus pandemic played an important role in these works. For a few years, Siliquini felt the world was stuck, then, when restrictions started to ease, he sensed that colour started to return to life, an experience he has captured in this exhibition.

See Luca Siliquini’s Chromology at Humble House Gallery, Fyshwick, from 18 March to 16 April.

Take 5 with Josh Cunningham of The Waifs

Iconic Australian band, The Waifs, is one of the headline acts at this year’s National Folk Festival, heading to Exhibition Park over Easter, 6-10 April. CW ’s Jessica

Cordwell had a chat with Josh Cunningham to discuss festival culture, 30 years of touring, and chosen family.


Are you excited to be one of the headliners for the National Folk Festival?

Definitely! That is one of our favourite festivals. It’s been a long time since we’ve been there. I just have such fond memories of the early Waifs being at the National and I can’t wait to get back there.

2 What sets the National apart from other festivals?

The thing I always loved about it is it had a very small, intimate feel but it felt like a big deal; the


Solo exhibition by Luca Siliquini of oil paintings interpreting the colours of Canberra

18 March – 16 April

All welcome to the opening 2pm Saturday 18 March and Artist Talk 2pm Saturday 1 April

93 Wollongong St Fyshwick Canberra ACT Open Wed - Sun 10am - 4pm Phone (02) 6228 1988 humblehouse.com.au

quality of the acts was unreal and there is a real sense of community there.

The larger ones are also very exciting, but you can get lost in the crowd. But at the National, you feel part of the community.

I remember there was the Session Bar and when everything was said and done, you could sit at the session and either join in or listen until the sun comes up.


The Waifs have been together for an incredible 30 years. What’s the secret to your longevity?

I guess the girls are sisters so there is no separating them, it doesn’t matter how bad things might get ... they have a lifetime of working stuff out and sticking together. But they are great people; the bond you form through those years, it just seems to get stronger.

I love them, and people often ask who your musical influences are, and for me, the most formative ones would be my fellow Waifs.

4 Do you have a favourite memory of your time with the band?

It’s kind of like asking who your favourite child

is ... There are obviously the accolades, being recognised with ARIAs, and the people we have opened for, like Bob Dylan.

I think over all the collective years, it has been a special thing to do with your life.


What’s next for The Waifs?

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of Up All Night, so we will do a commemorative tour, tipping our hat to that album and celebrating it turning 20. Some answers have been condensed for publication.

Catch The Waifs at the National Folk Festival, Exhibition Park in Canberra, 6-10 April; folkfestival.org.au

43 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
The Waifs will headline this year’s National Folk Festival at Exhibition Park, 6-10 April. Photo: Toni Wilkinson.

Women’s Room returns to add estrogen to Canberra Comedy Festival

What happens when a hypochondriac, a celebrant, a widow, a midwife, and a north-sider walk onto a stage? You get The Women’s Room, back with their second instalment, Just Add Estrogen at Canberra Theatre Centre’s Courtyard Studio, 18-19 March.

The Women’s Room say they were surprised when they were in such demand at last year’s Canberra Comedy Festival, they had to put on a second show. Offering something other than a younger male on stage, this year they were offered two shows straight away.

“We wanted to keep it all women; being older women as well, we’ve got a lifetime to laugh and cry about … doing comedy as an older woman gives me, gives us as women a voice,” says Sarah Stewart.

The five women, all of a certain age, bring their own flavour, from dry to upbeat to sticky and itchy. The comedians take experiences from

their own lives and observations from the world around them. While they don’t talk about specific patients or clients, family and friends are fair game.

“When you’re a nurse or a midwife or celebrant even, you’ve got to be careful you don’t talk about specific people … you could laugh about situations,” says Sarah.

“We basically draw on our lives; my kids have all gone, so I talk about being an empty nester and being stuck with their possessions, having them gone and still not having an empty nest,” says Jacqui.

Trish Hurley, an ex-nurse and self-confessed hypochondriac who has a habit of diagnosing her friends with obscure illnesses, brings her health scares to the set.

“I have an unusual relationship with health. I’ve done a set about how you’re a nurse or a doctor and if you’re not a hypochondriac then

there’s something seriously wrong with you … I actually diagnosed Jacqui with a terminal illness shortly after meeting her,” says Trish.

“I did, in fact, go to the heart specialist and I am fine,” Jacqui smiles.

Jaqui Richards, the dark horse of the group, is an ex-psychologist, grieving widow, and full of surprises.

“I talk a little bit about how I hated being a psychologist and one of the things I say is, it’s a hard job because you can’t tell the truth. You

44 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Tania Losanno (left), Jacqui Richards, Sue Stanic, Sarah Stewart, and Trish Hurley make up The Women’s Room 2, coming to Canberra Theatre Centre, 18-19 March.
Photo Kerrie Brewer

can never say ‘please stop talking. I’m bored’,” says Jacqui.

Sarah Stewart, a midwife and storyteller, has a lot to share. The least cynical of the group, Sarah says she’s evolving into someone’s naughty granny and her biggest fans are young men.

Tania Losanno spends her day surrounded by love as a celebrant, then, after hours, plays the role of carer to her stubborn, ageing parents, one of the biggest sources of material for her recent shows.

“My mum came to the dog park with me the other day and one of the people went up to her and said I don’t know you, but I’ve heard a lot about you through Tania’s comedy. Mum just rolled her eyes and just walked back to the car,” says Tania.

Joining the line-up with the role of emcee is north-sider Sue Stanic, dubbed the funniest middle-aged woman in Belconnen. She says her style is very much like her personality.

“Dry and cynical and self-deprecating, a few d*ckheads I used to work with get a mention, a long time ago but no one in Canberra,” says Sue.

The women thank Canberra comedian Chris

Ryan for bringing them together; though Chris didn’t introduce them, she is their central anchoring. During the pandemic, Jacqui, Trish and Sarah took a course by the comedian.

Trish says she never went intended to do comedy; she just wanted an excuse to get out of the house and liked Chris Ryan’s comedy. She was just hoping for a bit of peace and maybe a laugh.

“Chris Ryan is an amazing human being, and I did not want to disappoint her, so I am pretty much here because I didn’t want to let her down,” smiles Trish.

For Jacqui, the class was her daughter’s idea for a creative outlet, and she accompanied her.

“We’re the only three really who have continued and two out of three had no intention of doing comedy at all,” says Jacqui.

Sarah, on the other hand, wanted to try her hand at comedy but was nervous to take the stage. She had been speaking to Sue via social media about how they were both interested; while Sue took the leap Sarah wanted to build up her confidence a bit more.

“Everybody thinks they can stand up and tell a joke, that they’re funny, but actually there is

quite a science behind putting a joke together, putting a performance together,” says Sarah.

Sue started about four years ago in one of Chris Ryan’s rooms, where there were five-minute slots for newbies. She says it was permission to be terrible; she wrote some jokes, didn’t invite anyone she knew, and fought back the urge to throw up or run back to her car.

“You try it and it’s like skydiving, going up in the plane, you don’t want to be here anymore, it’s terrifying. Then you do it and you’re like ‘oh, I’d like to do that again’,” says Sue.

Tania has been on the Canberra and Melbourne comedy scene for about 20 years, and prefers working in a group to solo shows.

“Collaborating is so much more fun than being backstage by yourself,” says Tania.

Together, the five women offer a fresh and exciting comedy experience, one they recommend for viewers of all genders and mature ages.

See the madness in The Women’s Room 2 … Just Add Estrogen at The Courtyard Studio, Canberra Theatre Centre, 18-19 March; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

Canberra French Language Institute

Are you travelling to France or to a French speaking country? Do you want to learn to speak French for fun? The go no further. CFLI is the school for you!

At CFLI, we work in a friendly and encouraging environment to help adults and students of all ages to reach their goals. All our teachers are highly qualified and ready to facilitate your learning experience. And we guarantee e ective and enjoyable learning from day one.

45 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Enquire now 0417 182 492 | aliane@cfli.com.au

Book talk

This week, Jeff Popple reviews three tales of crime, mystery, and an eerie writer’s retreat. More of Jeff’s reviews can be found on his blog: murdermayhemandlongdogs.com

Judgement Day

Judgement Day by Mali Waugh continues the recent run of high quality debut crime novels by Australian authors. Set amid the drama and egos of Melbourne’s family law courts, Judgement Day is an assured mystery that also takes a searing look at the legal system. When family law judge Kaye Bailey is found murdered in her chambers, there is no shortage of suspects, including disgruntled complainants and jealous colleagues. Working her way through the chaos is police detective Jillian Bassett, who has just returned from maternity leave and is trying to juggle a difficult case and the demands of motherhood. Highly recommended.

The Favour

The husband and wife writing team known as Nicci French are renowned for their literate, compelling, psychological thrillers and their latest, The Favour, is another enjoyable read. Jude has moved on from a traumatic incident in her past, and is now a successful doctor who is about to get married. When her enigmatic first love, wild boy Liam, turns up in her life after ten years of no contact, she is surprised and willingly agrees to his request for a favour. That favour, however, soon leads to death, and suddenly Jude is caught up in a murder investigation. A clever, engaging, mystery thriller.

The Writing Retreat

Julia Bartz’s debut chiller The Writing Retreat is a mixture of horror, locked room mystery and psychological insights into writing and authors. Five attendees are selected for a month-long writing retreat at the remote estate of a controversial feminist horror writer. Struggling author Alex is pleased to be invited and enthusiastically dives into the lucrative competition to see who can produce the best novel. But when the other attendees begin to disappear, Alex finds that she is writing for her life. Gripping and fast paced, this is a suspenseful and claustrophobic thriller that will keep you keenly turning the pages.

Canberra Weekly competition winners

The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: Living film passes: D Casey, Franklin; T Jiggins, Nicholls; R Parker, Richardson; C Reeve, Ngunnawal; R Grace, Crace.

Cantails: A Rae, Kambah; M Dovgun, Gowrie.

February subscriber prize: G Young, Nicholls.

46 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023 TIME OUT

Now showing

Creed III (M)

In 2002, a young Adonis Creed sneaks out with his boxing prodigy best friend, Damian ‘Diamond Dame’ Anderson, to watch Dame compete in an underground boxing match. After getting into a violent scuffle at a bottle shop, we flash forward to a retired Creed (Michael B. Jordan) who is living the good life with his wife Bianca (Tessa Thompson) and young daughter, while running a gym specialising in setting up a world-class contender. Soon, however, Dame (Jonathan Majors) arrives at Creed’s gym fresh out of a long stint in prison.

The original Oscar-winning Rocky (1976) set the template for the franchise going forward, let alone the all-around American sporting film. While each entry added to Rocky’s mythology in terms of his character-defining challenges, they

also laid down the tropes in which the series was to operate. The Creed franchise serves as a sequel series and also a remake of the original series, paying homage to what came before while also carving out a fresh perspective for a modern audience.

Rocky’s absence allows Michael B. Jordan to finally take centre stage in his directorial debut.

Up-and-coming Jonathan Majors brings a chilling, dead-eyed antagonist, a skeleton from Creed’s past that had the potential to delve deeper into Creed’s psychology and motivations to fight in the first place. Verdict: A strong debut that shirks away from the darker possibilities, preferring to follow the established template once the conflict is clear.

3.5 stars.

- Luke McWilliams, themovieclub.net. Viewed at Dendy Cinemas.

47 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Major Partners A beautiful, seductive and subversive exhibition ... SASHA GRISHIN, The Canberra Times NOW SHOWING, NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AUSTRALIA CANBERRA nma.gov.au
The presentation of this exhibition is a collaboration between the British Museum and the National Museum of Australia. Figure of Guanyin, China, about 1700–1722 CE. ©Trustees of the British Museum, 2022

what’s on


Discover the story of Canberra as the place where nationhood found a home – the people, places and history that make up this city and region. Through objects, artworks and moving images, explore the stories of the people who have always been on this country and those who have come to make their lives here.

Canberra Museum and Gallery, ongoing exhibition; cmag.com.au

11-09 MAR APR


Solo exhibition by Marilyn Hutchinson of photography and soft pastels focussing on the interconnections between sky, land and water. All are welcome to the o cial opening on Saturday 11 March 2pm and Artist Talk on Saturday 25 March 2pm.

Humble House gallery, Fyshwick, 11 March-9 April; humblehouse.com.au


09-05 MAR APR


Alliance Française brings a season of beautiful French film to Australia, with 39 feature-length films telling tales of resilience and limitless hope. The perfect trip out for any cinephile or Francophile.

Palace Electric, 9 March-5 April; a renchfilmfestival.org

10-12 MAR


The Rotary Club of Murrumbidgee Canberra presents a weekend of treasure hunting for locals, pop in for your chance to find a collectible or one-of-a-kind piece from up to 30 local and interstate dealers.

Albert Hall, Yarralumla, 10-12 March; mc-rotary.org

Find more listings at canberraweekly.com.au

To advertise here, contact Samantha on 0423 355 536 or samantha@canberraweekly.com.au

Last tickets! Tom Busby and Jeremy Marou have been playing music together for over a decade, since their initial music connection at a pub in Rockhampton. There’s a potent chemistry that drives Busby Marou, and it is that unwritten agenda, a simple intangible understanding between them, that they will continue to drive into the exciting new chapter in their remarkable career.

Tallagandra Hill Winery, Gundaroo, Sunday 12 March 6.30pm; tallagandrahill.com.au


Join the Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra for Viennese Vogue as they perform Mozart’s sparkling, beloved Clarinet Quintet, which remains one of his most celebrated works. In 1807, it inspired his former student Johann Nepomuk Hummel, whose Clarinet Quartet is a beautiful chamber work. We also hear Schubert’s String Trio, a lyrical gem.

Albert Hall, Yarralumla, 15 March 7pm; 1300 798 224; marketing@arco.org.au; arco.org.au

18-19 MAR


With over 50 home designs, building, garden, and lifestyle professionals, 20 guest speakers, and a pimped-out smart home and cinema, you’ll find all the home and lifestyle inspiration you need under one roof for one weekend only. Free entry.

The ShowRoom Canberra, Exhibition Park, 18-19 March; 0410 544 069; theshowroomcanberra.com.au

48 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
HAWKER, Sammy Ngungara (Lake George). Busby Marou bring their unique sound to Tallagandra Hill Winery, 12 March. Marilyn Hutchinson’s Heaven and Earth exhibition comes to Humble House Gallery, 11 March-9 April. The Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra performs Viennese Vogue at Albert Hall, 15 March. See the best of home design at The ShowRoom Canberra at Exhibition Park, 18-19 March.
12 MAR
Photo Robert Catto
18-19 MAR

Closet must-haves for Autumn/ Winter 2023 with Kimberly Hunt

Kimberly Hunt, known from The Style Side and Canberra Outlet, shared with us her must-have items for autumn and winter, so you can march into the cooler months with confidence.

According to Kim, the value in knowing what’s on trend isn’t about splurging on a whole new wardrobe every season – quite the opposite, actually.

“If you know what you’re looking for, you can search for it at op shops and outlets, rather than having to rely on stores to tell you what’s in.”

Fashion is above all things cyclical, so we strongly encourage you to take what you like from this list and go a-bargain hunting.

“Fashion and money shouldn’t be related,” says Kim. “With today’s cost of living, nobody should have to be spending heaps and heaps of money to feel good about their wardrobe.”

“Once you have an understanding of what is going to be current, and what’s going to move your wardrobe forward, you don’t have to go and buy brand new.”

Trend prediction #1: Suit up

When it comes to timeless versus trendy, Kim leans towards the former, and so does this menswear-inspired look.

“Classic, tailored pieces are really coming through at the moment. In 2023, we’ll see a lot of suiting, particularly vests. Blazers have been big for seasons, but now the vest is very much a hot item.”

A vest is always a killer accent piece (and easily found at op shops) but if you’re looking to channel a classic look, style it with a matching pant in a neutral colour.

“Building a functional wardrobe means having a lot of pieces that you can play with,” says Kim. “Suits are very easy to mix and match, so you’ll get lots of options out of that, and you can dress it up for the evening as well. It doesn’t just have to be corporate.”

Trend prediction #2: Hot chocolate

“We often see a lot of black in the winter,” says Kim.

Chocolate brown in particular is rising to the top. “It’s very ‘70s, and we’re definitely seeing a return of that era - a nice change from all that ‘90s minimalism.

“When we talk about micro and macro trends, colours tend to be more of a micro trend,” says Kim.

49 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Look 1: Demetria high-waisted wide pants, $89.99, Demetria tailored cropped vest, $89.99, Forcast. All looks can be shopped at the Canberra Outlet.
WWW.BECOFAMILY.COM.AU Cooleman Court Shopping Centre Weston, ACT (02) 6101 5661 Eco Friendly Products for Babies and families. Baby shower gifts the whole family will love. Baby Eco Shop Snuggle Hunny Subo Bedhead Hats Mumilk Melvory Cloth Nappies Baby Clothes Breastfeeding needs Toys Come and see us at
Photos Kerrie Brewer

(from previous page)

Meaning that it’s easy to get swept away by trendy shades, which is a recipe for impulse buys.

Plus, if the colour of the season isn’t your thing (*cough* Bottega green), then you may find yourself taking a hiatus from saturated store windows.

However, if chocolate brown does tickle your fancy, Kim gives the all-clear.

“In two years’ time, we might not be doing monochromatic brown looks [but] it’s still a fairly neutral tone, so you will be able to wear your brown pieces, just maybe not head-to-toe.”

Trend prediction #3: Into the trenches

“Trench coats are going to be huge this season… it’s one of those pieces that will always be in style. Easy to layer and adds a super chic touch to any outfit.”

When shopping for a trench, Kim suggests the longer the better. “If it

sits midway down the leg, you’ll find doesn’t work for a lot of outfits.

“A long-line trench creates a dramatic flair, making more of a statement. Go for a classic cream, beige, white or black.”

Trend prediction #4: Knit wits

“We saw so much linen in the last few seasons. Now we’re moving away from that and towards super soft, easy-to-layer knitwear.”

Something as simple as knitwear is

key to building longevity into your wardrobe. “Start with those really paired-back basics, then you can add more statement pieces, knowing that you’re going to be able to use them with most of your outfits,” says Kim.

Today, Thursday 9 March, St John Paul II College in Nicholls will become the first ACT school to ensure male students receive a Periods, Pain, and Endometriosis Program, or ‘PPEP Talk®’, in honour of International Women’s Day, 8 March.

The government-funded program is run by the Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia (PPFA). It will be delivered to all Year 10 students at St John Paul II, in order to support teenagers who suffer from severe period pain and endometriosis, as well as to educate their peers.

According to PPFA, “one in four girls and people assigned female at birth” struggle with severe period pain.

“While pelvic pain and endometriosis are gaining greater awareness worldwide, and the progress made since the inception of the bipartisan supported National Action Plan for Endometriosis is

significant, the impact these conditions have on an estimated 700,000 Australians remains largely misunderstood.”

Endometriosis is a chronic disease that may cause severe pain and infertility. The disease presents itself in a variety of ways and can compromise the education, career paths, social growth and productivity of women and girls in Australia.

By including the male students at St John Paul II, PPEP aims to help them understand the challenge that endometriosis and period pain is for their peers and better support them as a friend, brother, partner, co-worker, and potentially as a father in the future.

The program has been launched in independent and Catholic schools in the ACT, and conversations with the Department of Health continue regarding matched funding to offer PPEP Talk® to government schools.

50 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Look 2: Double-breasted fleece coat, $499, suedetrim Henley dress, $199, Polo Ralph Lauren. Look 4: Waffle mock neck sweat, $49.95, cable midi split skirt, $69.95, Seed Heritage.
THE LOOK Nothing over $100! Saturday 11th March 9am to Saturday 18th March 3pm, while stocks last! *Selected Styles only FINAL SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE 234 CRAWFORD ST, QUEANBEYAN 02 6299 3335 Weekdays 9.30am - 5.30pm Saturday 10am - 3pm Sunday Closed @debbiemareesfashion
Look 3: Lana long line trench, $189.95, boucle tee, $59.95, heritage check mini skirt, $119.95, Portmans.
ACT school welcomes PPEP Talk
$3500 $3500 $4498 $4798 $7999 EDLP EDLP SHORT SLEEVE LONG SLEEVE EDLP NEW Hindmarsh Drive, Phillip • Comfortable elastic waist with drawstring • Jetted side pockets • Back pocket • Reinforced stress points • Fold back cuff • Pen pocket on sleeve • Matching stud buttons on tape • Available in Black or White • Lightweight & stylish • Underarm & back air flow mesh vents • Sleeve double pen pocket and side split • Extremely comfortable for long hours • Made with food service, hospitality, and health care workers in mind OR HAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR

The 5 most popular wellbeing tutorials, and why they work

Thanks to rising cost of living, many Canberrans may find themselves turning to at-home methods of self-care to de-stress and look after their wellbeing.

A recent study by The Knowledge Academy revealed which wellbeing-centred YouTube tutorials see the highest search volumes every month.

University of Canberra’s Dr Vivienne Lewis, Clinical Psychologist, explained why the highest-ranking methods work and may be worth a try.

Guided Meditation - 175,000 monthly searches

“The whole point of meditation is to calm your body systems right down,” says Dr Lewis. “Mentally, yes, but physiologically as well. It’s quick, it’s simple, and it works straight away.” She says the main struggle people face when seeking to meditate is not knowing how to get into the zone. Hence why a quick search for a guided meditation tutorial can help when you need to centre yourself right before a Zoom meeting or taking an exam.

Yoga for Beginners - 106,000 monthly searches

Originating from India as a tradition to focus the mind, body, and soul, approximately 300 million people worldwide regularly practise yoga. “It’s not surprising that yoga’s up there,” says Dr Lewis. “Not only are you moving your body, but you’re also doing so in a way that involves a lot of stretching and slow movement; this helps people get in touch with their bodies. Also, when you’re focusing on an activity like yoga, it helps distract you from the thoughts hanging around in your mind, which calms us right down. In short, yoga’s just really good for you!”

Stretching Exercises - 70,000 monthly searches

Stretching helps stabilise our mood and reduce stress by increasing blood circulation and relieving muscle tension. As Dr Lewis says, “Similar benefits to yoga, with the difference between the two being that stretching isn’t as centring for the mind. However, moving your body in any way certainly helps it feel better and relax.”

Positive Affirmations - 42,000 monthly searches

Numerous studies have proven that challenging negative thoughts by practising positive phrases does help us cope better. The main challenge with positive affirmations is finding ones that work for you – and don’t feel too silly – which is where browsing YouTube for suggestions can come in handy. “When you’re stressed or worried, you’re full of negative thoughts about yourself and the world around you,” says Dr Lewis. “Thinking about what you’re grateful for, and what’s important in your life can help change that mindset, particularly if you’re in the depths of being harsh on yourself.”

Morning Routine - 28,000 monthly searches

“Having a morning routine means getting up at the same time, having a nutritious breakfast, and getting in a bit of exercise to start the day. Most people function at their optimum when they have a routine – particularly one that involves waking up at a consistent time and nourishing the body. It kickstarts the day and helps us feel productive –which we like.”

52 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023

Mid-century modern kitchen

Bright colours, eclectic pieces, and futuristic vibes are pinnacles of 1960s style, and are still chic in 2023. So, add a touch of nostalgia to your kitchen with some mid-century modern décor.

Canberra Event 18 –19 March at Epic.

Come chat with us about how to move forward with your dream of a classic forever home.

We will be showcasing unique, classic luxury furnishings and providing a free seminar on How to create your very own Interior Design Strategy. We can’t wait to meet you

Nadine & Peta


53 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
1 5 3 7 2 6 4
1 Midwinter Stylecraft Bali Hai cup and saucer, $15 each, Dirty Janes in Fyshwick; 2 Vintage 1950s cocktail table, $880, fentonandfenton.com.au; 3 Midwinter Stylecraft Bali Hai co ee pot, $65, Dirty Janes in Fyshwick; 4 Varmblixt serving bowl, $49, Ikea; 5 Flute ceramic top dining table, $2,699, Early Settler; 6 Frankie bar stool in green, $169, Early Settler; 7 Sällskaplig champagne glass, $20 for 4, Ikea Classic Interiors display at The Showroom


54 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Deluxe outdoor living SEE PAGE 55

Cook 9 Aston Crescent

Exuding sophisticated character, exquisite style, and an exceptional presentation, 9 Aston Crescent in Cook is a fabulous family home, perfect for the avid entertainer.

Agents Jane Macken and Emma Robertson say their favourite parts of the property are “absolutely everything”.

“The owner has meticulously maintained, updated, and loved every inch of the property, both inside and out. The backyard is the star of the show – your own private garden oasis with a covered deck area, fire pit, plus sprawling gardens with an abundance of vegetables and herbs,” they say.

“We have both sampled some of the produce and can guarantee the new owner will enjoy delicious meals

straight from the garden!”

According to Jane and Emma, if you’re looking for a quality lifestyle, this is the perfect family home for you.

“It has a homely charm with a modern twist – the current owner has truly thought of everything and the highest of style and comfort is ever present throughout,” they say.

“Beautifully renovated kitchen and bathrooms, it is a true family entertainer with multiple indoor and outdoor living areas. It’s completely move in ready; the lucky new owners need to do nothing but enjoy. Every window shows a glimpse of the established gardens surrounding the home and it has a great feel.

“Cook is a real family locale, highly sought after yet tightly held with so


much at your fingertips – local shops, bicycle paths, mountain bike trails and quality schools. The Cook Grocer independent supermarket and Little Oink café are among the local’s favourites.”

Extra features of the property include ducted gas heating, evaporative cooling, plenty of off-street parking, large separate laundry with outdoor access, and a mix of hardwood timber flooring and soft carpet throughout.

44 Everist Street, Taylor $855,000 LJ Hooker

11 Beard Street, Queanbeyan $840,000 Property Collective

10 Shearston Street, Moncrieff $821,000 Canberry

20 Pannamena Crescent, Jerrabomberra $820,000 LJ Hooker

5 Allison Place, Monash $820,000 LJ Hooker

7 Naas Close, Amaroo $815,000 LJ Hooker

35 Nulsen Circuit, Flynn $815,000 Stone

11 Galleghan Circuit, Gowrie $815,000 Independent

3/39 Benjamin Way, Belconnen $785,000 Archer

230 Gorman

Mission Street, Amaroo $970,000 Blackshaw

13 Forwood Street, Monash $945,000 McCann

70 Thynne Street, Bruce $930,000 Belle

2/11 Urangarra Place, Jerrabomberra $930,000 Property Collective

3/5 Phippard Court, Watson $905,000 LJ Hooker

4 Doeberl Place, Queanbeyan $890,000 Property Collective

15/1 Bellette Street, Weston $885,000 LJ Hooker

18 Grayson Street, Hackett $885,000 Home by Holly

3 2 1

EER 1.5

Auction Sat 18 Mar 10am

View Contact agent

Agent Jane Macken

Mob 0408 662 119

Agent Emma Robertson

Mob 0422 415 008

LJ Hooker Woden/Weston 6288 8888

403/1 Watkin Street, Bruce $435,200 Blackshaw

29/2 Newchurch Street, Coombs $425,000 Canberry

10/9 Keith Street, Scullin $392,000 LJ Hooker

14/12 Federal Avenue, Crestwood $350,000 Ray White

13/9 Macquoid Street, Queanbeyan East $172,500 LJ Hooker

Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au

55 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
Pindari Crescent, O’Malley
Civium 12 Duffy Street, Ainslie $1,700,000 Home by Holly 3 Couvreur Street, Garran $1,500,000 Michael Potter 166 Oodgeroo Avenue, Franklin $1,440,000 Luton 18 Ivy Kent Street, Forde $1,430,000 LJ Hooker 53 Mackenzie Street, Hackett $1,370,000 Edge 130 MacKenzie Street, Hackett $1,281,100 Home by Holly 4/33 Gooreen Street, Braddon $1,235,000 Home by Holly 62 Bindaga Street, Aranda $1,230,000 Michael Potter 12 John Bull Street, Queanbeyan West $1,190,000 Luton 4 Coomera Street, Harrison $1,175,000 Stone 19 Nell Edeson Street, Taylor $1,160,000 Confidence 26 River Street, Oaks Estate $1,155,000 Home by Holly 9 Bunny Street, Weston $1,125,000 Property Collective 26 Waterworth Street, Dunlop $1,050,000 Timothy RD 49 Carroll Street, Hughes $1,050,000 Cream Residential 295 Maribyrnong Avenue, Kaleen $1,000,000 LJ Hooker 4 Sturrock Place, Gordon $985,000 Michael Potter 3 Cotter Place, MacGregor $975,000 Independent 16
Drive, Googong $750,000 Solely 43 John Crawford Crescent, Casey $750,000 Stone 9/3 Derrington Crescent, Bonython $750,000 LJ Hooker 427/55 Currong Street, Braddon $745,000 Whitcombe 13 Landale Place, Charnwood $741,000 LJ Hooker 21 Pockett Avenue, Banks $740,000 Solely 161/22 Kings Canyon Street, Harrison $725,000 LJ Hooker 47 Hellmund Street, Queanbeyan $710,000 Remax 14 Beechworth Street, Watson $705,000 Home by Holly 1 Roughsey Place, Conder $701,250 Property Collective 75/29 Jimmy Little Street, Moncrieff $700,000 Luton 3/15 Namadgi Circuit, Palmerston $695,000 Hugo 3/1 Wilkins Street, Mawson $690,000 Solely 29 Stuart Street, Crestwood $680,000 Ray White 115 Keverstone Circuit, Isabella Plains $665,000 Blackshaw 38 Rockwood Street, Casey $661,000 Stone 12/31 Thynne Street, Bruce $650,000 Belle 106 Stockman Avenue, Lawson $640,000 Home by Holly
Pindari Crescent, O’Malley Civium 147/1 Rowland Rees Crescent, Greenway $625,000 Ray White 70/30 Pearlman Street, Coombs $622,000 Independent 5 Bonnor Close, Holt $620,000 Heading Home 7/47 Kennedy Street, Kingston $612,500 Maloneys 9/2 Lander Crescent, Amaroo $595,000 LJ Hooker 13/74 Britten Jones Drive, Holt $590,000 LJ Hooker 8/26 De Burgh Street, Lyneham
$2,400,000 22
$565,550 Belle
8/7 Tenison-Woods Circuit, Bonython $558,000 LJ Hooker
519/74 Northbourne Avenue, Braddon $555,000 Independent 119/49 Nullarbor Avenue, Franklin $553,000 MARQ 91/3 London Circuit, City $510,000
6/25 Forbes Street, Turner $502,500
LJ Hooker
207/48 Gungahlin Place, Gungahlin $472,500
46/43 Hibberson Street, Gungahlin $450,000 Civium
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FISHER 13 Kambalda Crescent




AUCTION Sat 1/4/2023, 10am onsite

VIEWING Sat 11/3/2023, 10-10.40am

Sun 12/3/2023, 10-10.40am

Wed 15/3/2023, 5.30-6pm

CONTACT Alisa Lawrence 0404 066 119

The living is easy

This inviting, open plan family home is set in a quiet loop street ready for you to unpack, unwind and enjoy the super convenient location.

With easy care living in mind and with all the hard work done, families will love the entertainer’s kitchen flowing out to the fabulous deck with the bonus of a kid’s playground in clear view.

Family living at its best! EER 1.5

70 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
alawrence@mpotter.com.au visit us at mpotter.com.au




There comes a time in the journey of life that maintaining one’s house and garden becomes unmanageable. At Michael Potter Real Estate we have extensive knowledge and experience in relocating the older folk to an aged care facility or retirement village. We understand the challenges, not only physically but also emotionally, with such a sale.

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- a combined 38 years of sales and marketing experience.



Ruth and I are very comfortable giving you and your team our highest recommendation. Your advice before listing the property for sale was invaluable. You were always available and kept us fully informed at all stages during the sale. We envy the energy and enthusiasm you exhibited on our behalf. Your attention to detail on all aspects of the presentation and sale was a calming influence in what otherwise would have been a stressful experience.

Michael was our selling agent when we chose Goodwin Retirement Village in Farrer. His skill and long experience in the Canberra market was demonstrated in managing the many requirements of the process. He was helpful in assisting with property presentation, furniture removal, arranging painters, etc. Based on our experience, we highly recommend Michael as a selling agent, particularly for those moving in circumstances similar to ours.

A note of appreciation for the outstanding and personal service we received with the sale of our apartment. Communication with Michael andAlisawasalwaysprompt,conciseandefficient.Weweredelighted with the result and after sales service.

71 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
alawrence@mpotter.com.au - 0404 066 119 mpotter@mpotter.com.au - 0413 830 598

9 Cosgrove Street Curtin

HELLO! Calling CURTIN Wannabees…

Are you a single gentleman or lady over 55 through misfortune or desire & want a cosy home because you have now decided to downsize?

With this home you hardly pay any electricity bills through an agreement with ActewAGL. To buy solar credits from you. You also have your feet on the ground, with no body corporate fees.

It is a stand-alone cottage with a small garden. Big enough to grow all the vegies you want & small enough to not be a bother.

For the active over 55’s there is a 24-hour 7 day a week gym at Curtin shops 10 mins walk away. There is a chemist, post office, a barbers & various shops, eateries & a Coles Supermarket. There is a manicurist for the person who wants to keep their nails trim & a new bar & restaurant just opened.

The cottage stands alone with an auto roller door garage on the side. It has two bedrooms with new carpet & built in wardrobes. A bathroom with shower & separate toilet, both these rooms have handrails bolted to the walls for the times you feel a bit shaky on your feet.

A sitting room with space for books & computer station & a new kitchen with microwave & dishwasher. There are extra wide glass sliding doors that lead from the sitting room onto the patio.

It is a gem of a property. The land is worth approximately $600,000 with the house we are asking a bit over $800,000.

Curtin is 10 mins drive from the city. It couldn’t be a more perfect location. Off the main road in a cul-de-sac with plenty of free visitor parking available & none of the hassles of apartment living or the fees.

Just a simple well maintained cosy cottage, no steps & level on the ground with a place to hang your hat.

Peter Baum is the real estate agent man from Francis Properties & Lucy Steen is the lady that will help you get rid of years of accumulations in the nicest possible way.

Downsizing! Way to go!!

Agent Peter Baum 0412 851 139


For sale Offers Over $800,000

View Contact Agent

2 1 1 EER 2.0
Opening Doors

Ditch the mower and the weeds

Embrace the ease of a low maintenance brand new 1, 2 or 3 bedroom apartment, selling now.

Display Suite open Monday to Friday. Book a private tour or join us at our Open for Inspections every Wednesday, 10am to 2pm.

We believe a home is more than just bricks and mortar. It’s a sanctuary that allows you more time to do the things you love.

Over 50% Sold

At Marigal Gardens retirement village, you’ll enjoy access to fabulous facilities and services at your doorstep, and an already established and thriving community.

And, when you’re ready to unwind or entertain in the privacy of your own home, you’ll enjoy:

• generous open plan living areas designed to be practical and inviting

• spacious balconies or courtyards to enjoy the paper and a coffee, or dabble in some gardening

• well-appointed kitchens with all the modern conveniences

• reverse cycle air-conditioning for all year round comfort

• double glazing

• abundant light and ingenious use of space

• sophisticated neutral palette and subtle textures that create a timeless canvas to add your own personal touch

• internal access to a secure car space with a storage cage

• 24-hour emergency assistance at the push of a button for peace of mind. Experience convenient and comfortable living, where someone else mows the lawns and takes care of the extensive village gardens there for your enjoyment.

21 Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah ACT 2902 www.marigalgardens.com.au | 1300 884 784 Renders are for illustrative purposes only. Details are correct at time of printing and subject to change. November 2022.
It’s more than a home, it’s a community Located in the heart of Deakin, just 300m from the shops and close to medical facilities, The Grange retirement village offers you independent living in your own private home without the hassle of the building maintenance, and the security of knowing staff are onsite 24 hours a day in case of an emergency. Join the vibrant and welcoming community where you can live life your way. Enjoy lunch or dinner in the private dining room. Take part in the many social activities or interest groups in the village. Keep fit at one of the regular exercise classes, the indoor pool or the many walking tracks nearby including Red Hill. Indulge your passion for culture at the many museums and galleries close by. Join us for Tea and Tours, Friday between 10am-2pm or call 02 6282 1782 to book a private tour Our 2 bedroom homes are beautifully renovated and come with: • A spacious kitchen with granite benchtops • Open plan living and dining areas opening onto spacious balconies • Master bedrooms with plenty of storage • Modern bathrooms • Reverse cycle air conditioning/heating • Good sized internal laundries with dryer Call 02 6282 1782 to find out more www.thegrangedeakin.com.au Homes starting from $655,000 buildingNostampdutyorinsurancerequired

One Bedroom Home Coming Soon

We have a modern one-bedroom apartment available soon. This home comes with:

•Generous open plan living space opening onto a balcony

•Modern kitchen with stone benchtops and user friendly appliances

•Large master bedroom

•Reverse cycle air conditioning to keep you comfortable all year round

•A accessible bathroom

•Internal laundry

•Smart metering and community solar electricity to reduce you energy footprint, and cost of living

Our residents love calling Bellerive Village home – and you will too.

Our relaxed, contemporary retirement village makes it easy for you to make the most of every day. Ditch the mower and enjoy the social community, neighbours you know, and your own home without the time-consuming maintenance. We’ll even change the lightbulbs.

For your day-to-day needs, Bellerive’s conveniently located close to the Canberra Hospital and the heart of Woden, home to Westfield, the bus interchange and many of Canberra’s premier clubs.

Call Donna Blackwell on 02 6169 3669

now 15 Burnie Street, Lyons
to book a tour
ACT 2606
It’s more than a home

Bungendore NSW 10 Hyland Drive

This stunning regional property is situated just a short distance from the city, providing the perfect balance of peaceful country living and urban convenience. Boasting five spacious bedrooms and two luxurious bathrooms, this home is the ideal

retreat for families. The highlight of the property is undoubtedly the sparkling pool, perfect for relaxing in the sun or entertaining guests. With plenty of room for outdoor activities and entertaining, this property is a true oasis.

Auction Timed Auction | Concludes Fri 24 March 12pm

Register to bid here https://buy.realtair.com/properties/103283

Price $1,250,000 - $1,350,000

View Sat 11 Mar 1-1.30pm

Agent Ryan Hedley

Mob 0458 440 375

LJ Hooker Dickson | 6257 2111


Best of both worlds, Mountain and Ocean View

Make no mistake this property is quite literally a once in a life�me, in fact a once in two life�mes opportunity. It has been �ghtly held by the same family since 1958 with over three genera�ons enjoying everything this incredible loca�on has to offer.

With only an open expanse of grass and soaring Norfolk pines between you and the endless blue ocean, this three-bedroom, two-bathroom classic coastal brick home is perched high on the headland and boasts one of the most sought a�er addresses in Moruya Heads.

The home itself sits on a gently sloping, 562 m2 block and features two neatly presented levels. The first floor enjoys ocean views to the east from the open plan living room and front deck and views towards the Moruya River from the rear deck.

PLEASE NOTE: Auc�on will be held in-room at 2:00 pm on Saturday, 1 April 2023.

Auc�on BIDDING GUIDE $1.1m


Saturday, 11th March

Saturday, 18th March

Saturday, 25th March


Megan Goucher 0410 582 875


My Agent Team

80 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023 canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au REAL ESTATE ON THE MARKET
5 2 5 (02) 4479 0229 myagentteam.com.au
1/9 Orient Street Batesmans Bay NSW 2536
1 Corona�on Drive MORUYA HEADS 3 bed 2 bath 1 car

Bimbimbie NSW 1 Margaret Drive

Why wait to build a new home when this one is ready to move into! Situated on just over 4.5 acres of land and ready for your personal touch, we’re proud to introduce a brand new, stunning four-bedroom home that combines modern elegance with the timeless charm of Hamptons style.

Price $1,450,000

View Sat 11 March


Agent Dawn Mason

Mob 0424 847 522

Ray White Moruya 4407 2088

Opportunity presents, Berry Villa, Convenient location

Berry | 2/134 North St

Here is an opportunity for those seeking to enter the Berry property market or add to their investment portfolio.

This 2 (doubled) bedrooms, 1-bathroom single storey villa is conveniently positioned one street back from the heart of Berry CBD. 300 meters level walking distance to shops, cafes, school, pubs, local parks, medical centres & 900 meters to city railway service.

Designed for space-an open plan lounge/dining room area complimented by a spacious full-size kitchen with plenty of cupboards & generous

For Sale: $720,500

Inspection: By Appointment

bench space provide ample storage. A private courtyard- grassed & evergreen landscaping & a covered entertaining timber deck, creates a peaceful ambience.

Features: Reverse cycle air conditioning, gas bayonet, Built In Robes, ceiling fan in main bedroom, internal laundry with double door storage cupboard, allotted carport. This villa would suit a single person or couple to enjoy Berry. Neat and tidy throughout, the villa is ready now to live-in or maybe permanently rent out for potential income?

Contact Christine 0409 399 326

81 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
4 2 3
CLN: 10007612 | ABN: 67159632890 | PO BOX 461, BERRY NSW 2535
1 1
christinehuntberryrealestate.com.au 2

8153 Monaro Highway, Bombala

Rare rural lifestyle opportunity close to town!

“Merriwee” is a golden opportunity for those wanting a country lifestyle with the convenience of being minutes from town.

The property is located only 5 minutes from Bombala and features 57.23ha/141.415ac of rich open grazing country, well subdivided into manageable paddocks with 2 dams for stock water. Merriwee lends itself to a smaller grazing

opportunity allowing purchasers to enjoy an idyllic life on the land, whilst earning a solid additional income.

The homestead features 4 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, formal lounge room, living room, family friendly farmhouse kitchen complete with all mod cons, home office, external laundry, single car garage/shed, circular

4 2 1 57.23ha

driveway and established gardens and trees. This comfortable country home has reverse cycle air conditioning but also offers the charm of slow combustion heaters and an open fireplace.

Additional improvements include a large 1 stand shearing/machinery shed - with timber sheep/cattle yards and established orchard.

Virtual Online Auction

Tuesday 14 April at 11am, unless sold prior Conditions apply.

Christine McIntosh M 0427 584 004


Nutrien Harcourts Bombala


82 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
83 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023 INDEX Air Conditioning/Heating 83 Arborist 83 Bathroom Maintenance 83 Bathroom Renovations 83 Bathrooms & Kitchens 84 Builders 84 Building Design 84 Carpenters & Joiners 84 Carpet Laying 84 Cleaning Service 84 Commercial Cleaning 85 Decks 85 Electrical 85 Gardening 85 Gutter Cleaning 85 Handyperson 86 Home Renovations 86 Lawns & Turf 86 Locksmiths 86 Mechanics 86 Painting 86 Pet Services 86 Plumbing & Gasfitting 87 Roofing 87 Solar Cleaning 87 Tiling 87 • Air Conditioning • Air Con Repair • Commercial Aircon • Reverse Cycle • Heating & Cooling • Refrigeration • Appliance Repairs CWM00368AA Putting Quality First For Over 15 Years 02 6140 3273 mark@blissaircon.com.au A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G Replace your inefficient heating & replace it with efficient reverse cycle air-conditioning UPGRADE & SAVE with the ACT Sustainable Household Scheme Talk to one of our Energy Specialists today! Call 02 6280 0994 energypeople.com.au Work performed by licensed contractors CWM09734AA INTEREST FREE LOAN UP TO 10 YEARS • 10 year interest FREE loan • Borrow up to $15,000 • Concession Card rebates available • Terms and conditions apply A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G Exclusive finance partner Call 0480 099 204 We are Fully Licensed & Insured, with a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty and a 100% Service Satisfaction Guarantee 4.9 star 1000+ Reviews @ alliancecc.com.au Alliance Climate C o n t r o l COMPLETE TREE SERVICES REMOVAL, PRUNING, HEDGING Expertise in power-line clearing, pruning, optimizing form and function with a clean finish. for advice and free quote QUALIFIED . EXPERT . RELIABLE Call IAN 0412 028 245 CWM0940 ARBORIS T CWM00085AA Enviro Trees Arboricultural Solutions 0488 009 293 • Tree Pruning • Tree Removals • Stump Grinding • Qualified Arborist • Full Insurance BATHROOM RENOVATIONS POOL RENOVATIONS AND GENERAL TILING Complete Project Management All Trades Free Quotes ABN: 62973049707 Rob: 0412 017 832 | Shane: 0412 942 041 email: downie100@ozemail.com.au www.dcbathrooms.net B AT H R O O M M AINT E NAN C E • Bathroom & laundry renovations • Project management • plumbing • Installations • blocked drains • Leaking taps & toilets • gasfitting • Hot water units • drainage Mark Summerfield LICENSED PLUMBER 0431 882 229 mark@renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au www.renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au ABN 53 193 697 032 LIC NO 200015959 B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au
84 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023 ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S • Tile & Grout cleaning experts • Detect/Fix leaking showers • Stone & Slate sealing • Pressure & Acid wash cleaning services • Grout/Colour matching & advice • All products used by us are Mould and mildew resistant • 12 years warranty • 10% pensioner discount DIRTY TILES/GROUT NEW IN NO TIME CALL BRENT FOR FREE QUOTES & INSPECTION 0416 910 119 • 0452 538 503 STOP LEAKING SHOWERS B AT H R O O M S & K I TC H E N S 30+ years building experience No job Too Small Decks - Pergolas - General Maintenance Painting - Tiling - Plastering ABN: 98 240 579 704 rb.carpentry@iinet.net.au Richard Brennan 0412 161 312 CWM0009 CWM00151AA LACHLAN WARD FOUNDER & BUILDER 0423 220 166 lachlan@highlandcraftrenovations.com.au www.highlandcraftrenovations.com.au BUIL D E R S BUILDING DESIGNER Drafting & Construction DARRELL MOLYNEUX BAppSc (Environmental Design) FREE CALL Occupation Builder Licence: 19946873 Class-B anenvironmentaldesign.com 1800 815 150 BUIL D I N G D ESI G N • Renovation & Repairs • All Home Improvements incl. Plastering • Decks & Pergolas • Extensions • Fully Qualified Call or Email Daniel teksaw@yahoo.com.au CARPENTER 0404 490 460 C AR P EN T E R S & J O I N E R S CARPENTER/ HANDYMAN Call Rob - 0438 307 796 Alterations, Repairs, Prompt Services CWM0681 C AR P EN T E R S & J O I N E R S CWM00361AA Construction Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Decks and Pergolas Home Renovations Joinery Stonemasonry Retaining Walls/Feature Walls Dry-stack Feature Work Artisan Stone Reconstructed Stone Bench tops 0415 052 103 homes@purecs.com.au PURE Construction & Stone CWM0257 EXPERT CARPET PERFORMANCE! • Carpet Laying • Carpet Repairs • Commercial and Domestic • Supply & Install New Carpets • Laying Second Hand Carpets CARPET SERVICE GT Call GARY 0414 863 195 gary@pcug.org.au C A R P E T L AYI N G P 6259 3200 / 6241 0857 M 0407 263 812 www.monarchcleaningservices.com.au Monarch Cleaning Services ABN 29 073 101 768 Window Cleaning From Average 3 BR Home + Free Flyscreen & Tracks Clean $220 C L E ANI N G S ERVI C E Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au
85 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023 To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 CALL NOW info@instacleaning.com.au ins.tacleaning /Insta-Cleaning-Services OUR SERVICES • Residential & Commercial cleaning • Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly cleaning • End of lease cleaning • Office cleaning • Carpet steam & Oven cleaning • Window cleaning • Emergency cleaning • Upholstery & Airbnb cleaning • Construction cleaning / after building 0432 597 029 C L E ANI N G S ERVI C E P 6259 3200 / 6241 0857 M 0407 263 812 www.monarchcleaningservices.com.au Monarch Cleaning Services ABN 29 073 101 768 Covid Prevention Cleaning | Approved Australian Products Staff Security Clearances for Government Leased Buildings Corporate Offices • Childcare Centres • Aged Care Facilities COMMERCIAL CLEANING RENO DECKS ✓ Pergolas ✓ Renovations ✓ Painting ✓ Bathrooms ✓ Kitchens FRIENDLY | RELIABLE | LICENSED 0431 163 015 renodecks1@gmail.com D E C K S FREE QUOTE AUTUMN IS HERE Timber Decks & Pergolas METAL PERGOLAS has you covered! BH CARPENTRY ACT Call BrendAn 0407 763 597 PHONE DANIEL ON 0418 419 383 OR EMAIL PRIME1Q@OUTLOOK.COM Phone Daniel on 0418 419 383 or email prime1q@outlook.com E L E C T R I C A L CWM0128 Baya’s Backyard Ph/Fax: 6241 9413 Mob: 0413 088 908 • Mowing / Edging • Pruning / Odd jobs • Rubbish Removal • Gutter Cleaning • Tree Services • Small landscaping Garden & Tree Services G A R D EN I N G CWM00349AA REECIE M’OWEN Regular or One Off Options Available Call Reece 0422 761 238 pickandshovel5@hotmail.com GARDEN MAINTENANCE MOWING MULCHING – PRUNING – HEDGING SMALL TREE REMOVAL MINOR LANDSCAPING & PAVING PAVING REPAIRS – DECK & PAVER RESEALS PRESSURE WASHING RUBBISH & GREEN WASTE REMOVAL CWM0352 Al Gardner For ALL your gardening needs. Covering all suburbs. Lawn Mowing•Pruning•Trimming•Weeding•Rubbish removal Gutter cleaning•Mulching •All maintenance Fully equipped INSURED-Guaranteed. Well presented after completion. 10% Pensioner discounts 0449 898 527 • GARDEN MAINTENANCE • LAWN MOWING • GENERAL CLEAN UP • RUBBISH REMOVAL • REGULAR or CASUAL SERVICES • ALL SUBURBS • FULLY INSURED Call Peter on 0419 289 886 peter.wurth@hotmail.com CWM0116 EZY PROPERTY MAINTENANCE WE MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU Mowing & Edging Pruning & Mulching Hedge Trimming Weed Control Fertilisation A WELL MAINTAINED GARDEN ADDS VALUE TO A PROPERTY Kaushik Makwana Qualified Horticulturist CALL: 0430 582 821 Free no obligation quotes Fully insured Customer service from a company you can trust Garden Cleanup Rubbish Removal Gutter Cleaning Regular Maintenance Commercial or Domestic G A R D EN I N G CG CULTURED GARDENS Garden Care and Maintenance Pruning / Garden Cleanups Lawn Mowing / Hedge Trimming High Pressure Cleaning Commercial/Domestic • Fully Insured • Horticulturalist INFO.CULTUREDGARDENS@GMAIL.COM 0438 477 462 Want clean gutters? Want clear downpipes? Want safe work practices? “Clean. Safe….Easy” ANY HEIGHT - OH & S COMPLIANT 0407 701 135 e: act@guttervac.com.au w: www.guttervac.com.au CWM0126 We are still operating and observing Social Distancing G U T T E R C L E AN I N G Gutter Clean The gutter vacuum specialist Pergola repairs 0421 193 553 All areas Free estimates gutter_clean@hotmail.com CWM0812 To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au
86 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023 Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 to get your business listed To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au Quality Roo� Paintin� Paintin� � Plasterin� Flat Pack Furniture General Repairs �� �� �� �� �� Call Patrick Free Quote Work ... and more HAN DYPERSON We create ART with daylight! (02) 6280 9901 | daylight_artistry Premier Dealer for Proud installer of SKYLIGHTS H O M E R E N O VAT I O N S We supply high quality Artificial Turf and install. Call Us Today 0435 039 350 0402 708 203 info@capitaloutdoors.com.au www.capitaloutdoors.com.au Seniors discount available Our Services: - Stylish Deck - Artificial & Synethetic Turf - Landscaping & Lawns - Pergolas L AW N S & T U R F Even the magpies think it’s real... CW0348 Even the magpies think it’s real... • Synthetic grass stays green all year round • Easy low maintenance & water free • Family owned business with 14 years experience • Landscaping & paving services available • Australian made product Call David 0410 682 457 Or Nancy 0410 081 771 Keeping it green .com.au The synthetic grass solution Over 30 years experience securing the Canberra Community Locks changed & keyed the same ‘Locked out’ service Dead locks & window locks supplied & fitted Keys made to locks & locks repaired Screen door locks, repaired and replaced Servicing domestic & commercial clients Master licence #17501928 Seniors discounts CWM0231 Phone: 0458 786 727 www.highsecuritylocksmiths.com.au LO C K S M I T H S Mechanical | Metal Fabrication | Mobile Welding Tyres | Brakes | ACT/NSW Regos | & more Monteleone Car Works & Metal Fabrication Ph: 02 6241 0222 Mobile: 0438 469 138 Unit 6, 91-93 Grimwade Street Mitchell CWM1051 M E CHAN I C S CALL 0417 255 869 Exterior Painting from $1300 special! offer! Unbeatable (INCLUDES FASCIA, GUTTER, EVES AND DOWNPIPES) ALL HANDYMAN SERVICES ALL WORK GUARANTEED CEILINGS, WALLS & CORNICES (MIN 3 ROOMS) /ROOM ONLY 2 COAT APPLICATION QUALITY PAINTS Dulux $300 CANBERRA’S LEADING PAINTING EXPERTS FOR OVER 25 YEARS FOR A free ONTHESPOT QUOTE MONET PAINTING PAINT I N G www.bonzapainting.com.au 0405 588 540 • Internal Paintings Services • External Paintings Services • Residential & Commercial Painting Service • House Paintings Services • Over 15 years experience • Fully Insured Lic No 358952c BONZA PAINTING Free Quotes PAINT I N G Seniors discount available. 0451 031 550 | info@taqwapainting.com.au ABN: 39617453237 Taqwa Painting With 10 years experience, we’re the ones you’ve been looking for. DREW’S PAINTING SERVICES REFERENCES PROVIDED ON REQUEST PH: 0427 004 411 | E: drewburgin69@gmail.com HOUSE PAINTING INTERIORS & EXTERIORS OUTSIDE PRESSURE CLEANING RUST REMOVAL “Life to the fullest for your best iend!” Dog walking & adventure hikes www.pawventures.com.au bookings@pawventures.com.au CWM00378AA P E T S E RVIC E S Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au

Enter to win

Allelujah (CTC) is a warm, humorous, and deeply moving story about surviving old age.

When the geriatric ward in a small Yorkshire hospital is threatened with closure, the hospital decides to fight back. Allelujah celebrates the spirit of the elderly patients whilst paying tribute to the deep humanity of the medical staff battling with limited resources and evergrowing demand.

In cinemas 6 April.

CW has 5 x Allelujah in-season double passes to be won.

87 canberraweekly.com.au 09 March 2023
WIN! Scent Australia Home prize pack
To enter, visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 10 March 2023 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged
WIN! Allelujah film passes
NO HOT WATER? Call us for fast and reliable hot water repairs and replacement. Express replacement ser vice Systems to suit all needs 24/7 emergency ser vice Work performed by licensed contractors. 6280 0994 energypeople.com.au TS01217AA PLUMB I N G & GA S F ITT I N G $80 OFF WHEN YOU QUOTE THIS AD ANY SERVICES *CONDITIONS APPLY Taps And Toilets Hot Water/Solar Blocked Drains Gas Fitting Burst Pipes Bathroom Renovations Roofing/Guttering • Local Professional Service • Seniors Discount • No Call Out Fee • All Work Guaranteed • Support Local Business • 24/7 Emergency service Phone 0421 038 243 Web capitalpd.com.au Email: admin@capitalpd.com.au Plumbing Lic 2013728 ABN: 53193588524 • Roof maintenance both tile and colourbond • Roof leaks • Roof restorations • New roofs Ph: 0473 536 741 R O O F I N G TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROOF Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs • New roofs • Extensions • Re-roofs • Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING OR IN NEED OF REPAIR? 0407 789 258 TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROOF IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING OR IN NEED OF REPAIR? Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs • New roofs • Extensions Re-roofs • Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping YEARSFULLYEXPERIENCE INSURED Lic. No. 252440C CWM0353 www.prideroofingcanberra.com.au PH: 0427 004 411 | E: DREWBURGIN69@GMAIL.COM SOLAR PANEL CLEANING GENTLE & EFFECTIVE CLEANING TO REMOVE DIRT, DUST & BIRD DROPPINGS FROM YOUR SOLAR PANELS S O L A R C L E ANI N G LOCAL TILING ACT Call Alex today 0475 000 528 localtilingact@hotmail.com All suburbs For all your tiling needs: CWM0477 Bathroom, Laundry and Kitchen tiling Walls and oors tiling Bathroom Renovations No job too big or small Water proo ng shower leaks TIL I N G Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au
The new Smart Micro Diffuser from Scent Australia Home enables full aromatic control from your phone, effortlessly infusing your space with vibrant aromas. Included in the prize pack is the Energised Scent Pack designed to awaken the senses and refresh your space, with a carefully curated selection of Bergamot, Mandarin,
One lucky CW reader will win a Scent Australia Home prize pack, valued at $346 (prize may differ from that pictured).
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