CANPOTEX INTERNATIONAL (CANADA) LTD 来自加拿大萨省的 Canpotex 是全球最大的钾肥供应商。萨省中国代表处和加拿大商会将在 上海安排 Canpotex 的代表和中国资源及资本市场的企业见面。请大家不要错过这个难得的 机会! Canpotex is a world-class marketing and logistics company that sells and delivers Saskatchewan potash to international markets. As a competitive world supplier, Canpotex markets and distributes Saskatchewan potash to customers overseas, principally to countries in Asia, Latin America, and Oceania. Key Products/Projects: Business Opportunities: Target Invitation:
Potash trade Chinese fertilizer buyers/traders
CSIT CONSULTING CSIT 商务咨询有限公司提供专业的农业大宗商品出口服务以及为中国资本配对萨省高回报 的项目。此次来沪访问,CSIT 希望能和中国的农产品进口商洽谈出口产自萨省的豆类及其他 农作物的商机。同时,他们也带来几个在农业和铀矿领域里的投资合作项目。 CSIT services include consulting for setting up a business in Saskatchewan, for buying Saskatchewan goods, and attracting investment for oil and mineral projects in Saskatchewan (e.g. enclosed uranium projects). Key Products/Projects: Business Opportunities: Target Invitation:
peas, crops, uranium trade and investment Agri-Food Importers/Chinese investors interested in getting into agricultural resources and private equities
IPAC-CO2 IPAC 专长于二氧化碳储存的服务。这是一个节能减排的技术,让能源的使用不会导致环境 污染。 他们这次来沪访问的目的是希望能寻找到合作伙伴共同进行二氧化碳储存技术商业 化发展。 IPAC-CO2 has a national and international reputation for quality research and for the superior delivery of success to clients related to the geological storage of CO2. IPAC-Co2 is committed to providing independent, objective information, best practices advice and assessments for governments, industry, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and communities on all aspects of the geological storage of CO2. Key Products/Projects: Business Opportunities: Target Invitation:
CO2 Storage, a clean technology for reducing CO2 emission joint-venture clean tech companies, research institute, government agencies, consultant who can educate them about clean tech market in China
LEWIS M. CARTER MANUFACTURING (CANADA) LTD 卡特制造(加拿大)有限公司是一家以制造加工种子及谷物的设施设备为主业的萨省企业。 此次来沪访问,他们希望能找到潜在的买家。 Lewis M. Carter specializes in designing and building processing facilities and equipment for the seed and grain industry. LMC is a quality driven company with emphasis on performance, reliability and customer satisfaction. Key Products/Projects: Business Opportunities: Target Invitation:
processing facilities and equipment for seeds and grain buy products from this company potential buyers/importers of agricultural machinery and equipment, potential distributors and consultants who can educate them about the market for their kind of machinery in China
MAXCROP LANDING LTD 加拿大麦科农业发展有限公司是一家以种植各类农作物为主业的大型农场。这家公司所拥有 的农地面积在加拿大排名第四。此次来沪访问,麦科希望能为他们生产的亚麻籽,青豆,紫 花苜蓿饲料,大麦等农作物在中国找到长期的买家。 Maxcrop Farm Ltd. is reshaping farm land and commercial property investment by providing an Innovative, effective, reliable, and proven method of capital investment to take full advantage of Economic growth and property value appreciation. Key Products/Projects: Business Opportunities: Target Invitation:
flax seeds, peas, alfafa, barley trade importers/buyers of agricultural commodities
RALLYEMONT ENERGY Rallyemont 能源公司是一家专注于萨省油气资源开发的企业。这家公司的优势在于:拥有专 业的油气技术和开发团队,了解加拿大资源开发的政策和法规, 拥有广泛当地人脉资源。 这些优势让他们能获得萨省一些回报率非常高的石油和能源资产。此次来沪,他们希望能为 他们的几个稠油及热能项目找到资本。 Rallyemont is a private Saskatchewan based Company engaged in the exploration and Development of thermal heavy oil projects in west-central Saskatchewan. The Company was founded in 2009, and since that time, has evolved quickly from a concept to a company with a large heavy oil land position with great potential for significant recoverable resource.
Key Products/Projects: Business Opportunities: Target Invitation:
heavy oil, thermal capital investment investment companies, private equities, investment banks
RW ORGANIC RW 有机食品公司生产有机春小麦,硬粒小麦,大麦,黑麦和青豆。此次来沪访问目的是考 察市场以及寻找国内的农作物的进口商或买家。 Ron Wells founded R.W. Organic Ltd. in the year 2000 to assist farmers in becoming organic producers. This endeavor aided 194 producers in obtaining organic standing. Currently focused on finding and maintaining markets, supplying the end user with organic product and making sure the producers receive top dollar for their product. Key Products/Projects: Business Opportunities: Target Invitation:
hard red spring wheat, durum, rye, barley and peas trade importers/buyers, bakeries, beer producers, food ingredient suppliers, consultant who can educate them about the market for organic food ingredients in China and organic food in general in China
SASKATCHEWAN FLAX DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 萨省亚麻发展协会专注推广亚麻籽在食品上的应用以及推动亚麻纤维加工产业的发展。此次 来沪主要是考察市场和寻找相关的食品加工生产企业,纺织产业的企业。 The Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission (SFDC), established in 1996 represents 10,000 plus flax producers in Saskatchewan. SFDC provides information and guidance regarding production, research and market development to producers. Products and services include the promotion and enhancement of flax production and value-added processing of flax products. Key Products/Projects: Business Opportunities: Target Invitation:
flaxseed for food application, flax fiber for textile investment and trade bakeries, food processors, hotels and restaurants, textile companies and consultants who can educate them about the market for flaxseed as a health food ingredient and flax fiber in China
TITAN CLEAN ENERGY PROJECTS CORPORATION 泰坦洁能公司研发生产各类处理工业和农业废料的清洁技术和产品。此次访沪目的一是为他 们的产品和技术考察市场,二是和中国企业作对接。 Titan Clean Energy Projects Corporation uses advanced clean technologies to produce value-added bio-products from waste wood and agricultural residues. Products include biochar soil enhancers and inoculants, and industrial absorbents. Key Products/Projects: Business Opportunities: Target Invitation:
clean technologies and products buy their products/to be their distributors clean tech companies, individuals who are interested in becoming their distributors, consultants who can educate them about the
market in China for clean tech and products TOEPFER INTERNATIONAL GRAIN-WESTERN GRAIN AND PROCESSING DIVISION TOEPFER 国际粮食公司在萨省的分部主要负责生产和加工各类农作物,包括青豆,亚麻籽, 小扁豆,鹰嘴豆,金丝雀鸟食,非转基因大豆,小米,小麦,大麦,啤酒麦芽,硬小麦, 油 菜籽等。萨省的青豆是中国人吃的粉丝不可或缺的原材料。此次访沪,他们希望寻找长期买 家。 Western Grain & Processing Division is wholly owned by Toepfer International which is headquartered in Hamburg Germany, with 38 offices worldwide handling more than 42 million tonnes of grains, oilseeds, feedstuff, special crops, fertilizer and bio fuels. Key Products/Projects: Business Opportunities: Target Invitation:
flaxseed, vermicelli, lentils, peas, bird seeds, millet, non GMO soy beans, wheat, barley, malt barley, durum, canola trade importers/buyers, bakeries, food processors looking for ingredients, beer producers, editable oil producers, snack food producers
NIPAWIN Nipawin 是萨省的一个城市。此次来沪,Nipawin 市的代表主要是招商引资,随他们而来的 是一系列的具体项目。 The Town of Nipawin is one of Saskatchewan's most cherished vacation destinations and provides industrial, commercial and residential land development, airport development and services, municipal services, industry services, and business development. The Nipawin Economic Development, Business and Tourism department provides extensive business development, retention and expansion assistance to local business and those businesses that aspire to relocate to the Town of Nipawin. Key Products/Projects: coal, oil, helium, diamonds Business Opportunities: co-marketing, joint ventures, and export consortium Target Invitation: distributors/wholesalers, and agents/brokers
VACCINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE ORGANIZATION – INTERNATIONAL VACCINE CENTRE 国际疫苗中心研发生产各类疫苗以及预防动物传染疾病的疫苗的组织。此次来沪,中心的代 表是希望能和中国的兽医,相关医生对接,介绍他们的疫苗产品。 VIDO-InterVac is a world leader in developing vaccines and technologies against infectious diseases. Created in 1975, research collaborations have resulted in 80-plus U.S. patents and eight commercialized vaccines. Six of these vaccines were world firsts. Theses vaccines have saved millions of dollars for the agricultural industry, making Canada more competitive internationally and enhancing global trade. Their research is driving the discovery of new vaccines that are transforming the future of public health. Key Products/Projects: Business Opportunities: Target Invitation:
vaccine buy/distributor veterinarians, physicians, medical institutions, animal health, vaccine/pharm producers, government health agencies
WEST CENTRAL PELLETING LTD 中西饲料有限公司主打产品为高营养超健康牧草丸。 奶牛或肉牛吃过他们的牧草丸生产出 来的牛奶或牛肉是最高品质的,健康安全的,以及含有大量人体健康所需的营养和矿物质。 此次来沪,他们希望能找到买家。 West Central Pelleting manufactures feed pellets for feedlot cattle, cow/calf operations, bison, deer, elk, and horses. West Central Pelleting Ltd. provides quality product to customers based on their specific needs. Ingredients include feed grains, dried distiller grains, and grain screenings. Key Products/Projects: Business Opportunities: Target Invitation:
forage pellet buys/distributors cattle farms, forage distributors