Voces del mundo Inglés

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Tax havens are one of the

scandals of the 21st century. This global system of hiding money to avoid paying taxes is yet another example of capital acting without responsibility or ethics. Tax havens contribute to obscene levels of global inequality and they undermine basic human rights such as access to health care and education. Ecuador's government has decided to combat this injustice with concrete proposals. At a national level, our President Rafael Correa has called for a referendum so that the people can decide if those with assets in tax havens can hold public office. 1

If this measure, known as the Ethical Pact, is adopted then Ecuador will become the first country where, because of a popular decision, the elites will have to choose between hiding their money in tax havens and holding public office. At an international level, we are constructing alliances with academics, politicians, economists, social movements and NGOs to push for the creation of a UN global body that can put an end to tax havens. In this struggle, Ecuador is not alone, people across the world are united with our campaign. We invite you to read here a small example of the support we have received. Dr. Guillaume Long Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Ecuador 2

Winnie Byanyima - OXFAM

Executive Director of OXFAM International

A new UN-led global tax body must

now be established where all countries can work together as equal partners to put an end to tax havens for good.

On behalf of Oxfam, I am proud to stand with Ecuador to call for an end to tax havens.


Jeffrey Sachs - United States

Professor of Sustainable Development, Columbia University


The world should now stand in solidarity with the Government of Ecuador in its call for the U.N. to take a much stronger stance against tax dodging in general, tax havens in particular and in favor of the broad issue of tax justice.



Alicia Bárcena - ECLAC Executive Secretary of the U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Companies should pay what is right in

the countries where they do business. Not only in countries where they are domiciled. We need new global fiscal compact to address the issue of tax havens and contribute to financing the sustainable development goals.

Ecuador cannot go alone, we must work together as Latin America and the Caribbean.


John Pilger - Australia Award winning journalist and author


resident Correa's referendum on tax havens is one of the most important initiatives by a national leader in the modern era. Tax havens help impoverish millions of people; in Latin America the tax realised on secret stashes would rejuvenate whole economies. Ecuador is the first country ever to take this initiative and should be supported by all states that regard themselves as civilised. With his proposal to the United Nations, Rafael Correa deserves to count on new allies. 6


Maite Mola - Spain Vice-President, European Left Party


e think the proposal made by Rafael Correa is important - to call a referendum to decide whether a person who is elected may have money in tax havens. All our support for Rafael Correa and to the people of Ecuador for being an example of democracy for the rest of the world.



Axel Kicillof - Argentina Member of Chamber of Deputies, President of the Economic Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, and former Economy Minister (2013-2015)


Those who do politics, cannot have

double standards. You cannot hide money in tax havens, on the one hand, and on the other preach equality, better income distribution and distributive justice.



Mark Weisbrot - United States

Economist, Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research


It is a great thing that Ecuador has

shown leadership on tax havens, as this is something people all over the world are organizing for. As the pressure builds in the United Nations and throughout the world I think we can win this, because there is a lot of support for it.



Marie Arena - Belgium Member of the European Parliament for the Socialist Party, former Minister of Belgium, Economist


We need to support the referendum initiative of Ecuador because tax havens are harmful for everyone. Taxes should be used for education, health, infrastructure, for the people who need them most.



Erika Dayle - United States

Secretary Director, Independent Commission for Corporate Tax Reform. Former advisor to the UN on tax issues


It is very important to introduce this

referendum and also to bring this best practice to the UN and other global forums so that other countries can see that solutions do not have to come from the most powerful countries, they can come from the global South.



Lidy Nacpil - Philippines Coordinating Committee Member - Global Alliance on Tax Justice


we really commend the initiative to

have a referendum around the question of tax havens and to prevent people in Ecuador from running for public office and at the same time holding their money in tax havens outside Ecuador.



Dennis Holwett - Canada

Executive Director of Canadians for Tax Fairness. Expert at the Finance Committee of the Canadian Parliament


I think the referendum proposal in

Ecuador is very interesting. We believe this will be a good way to raise public awareness about the conflict of interest that some politicians have.



Richard Wilkinson - United Kingdom

Author of The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone and Co-Founder of The Equality Trust


I very much welcome President

Correa's initiative to ban politicians from using tax havens. Politicians should be model citizens who set standards of ethical behaviour rather than examples of greed and self-aggrandizement.



Ecuador: A global leader against tax havens Share your message of support:

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