Healthy Living Magazine 2014 Spring Summer

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spring/summer 2014

Toxic Colon Build-up Slay the Inner Bully Generative Potentials of Sex Balancing your Pet's Chakra System Tapping into Energy Psychology Raindrop Technique Your Soil's pH

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Cover photo by Malcolm LorentĂŠ

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Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014



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Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014


All-Natural Tick Tick Control All-Natural Control for for Your Your Property. Property. All-Natural Tick Control for Your Property. With With No No Compromises. Compromises. With No Compromises.

Lyme Disease Lyme Diseasehas hasbeen beengetting ge ttinga alotlotattention attentionthese days and for good reason. The incidence and geographic these days and for good reason. The incidence and days Lyme Disease has been getting a lot attention these distribution of reason. the disease continuescontinues to grow an geographic distribution ofThe the disease to at grow and for good incidence and geographic alarming rate. The disease is transmitted by the blackat an alarming rate. The disease is transmitted by the distribution of the disease continues to grow at an legged tick (Ixodes scapularis), called tick.” blacklegged tickThe (Ixodes scapularis), oftenthe called alarming rate. disease is often transmitted by “deer thethe blackTicks become infected when they obtain blood mealstick.” from “deer tick.” Ticks become infected when they obtain legged tick (Ixodes scapularis), often called the “deer infected white-footed mice white-tailed deer.or blood meals from infected white-footed mice whiteTicks become infected whenor they obtain blood meals from tailed deer. infected white-footed mice or white-tailed deer. Ticks are not insects but are creatures more closely related to spiders, scorpions, and mites. Ofmore the more than 80 Ticks arenot not insectsbut but are creatures more closely Ticks are insects are creatures closely related species in the U.S., mites. only 12 are ofthan public related tofound spiders, scorpions, andabout mites. Ofmore the more to spiders, scorpions, and Of the 80 health80 concern. than speciesinfound in theonly U.S., only about of species found the U.S., about 12 are12ofare public public health concern. health concern. The black-legged tick is the principal vector for Lyme Disease. It has a 2-year life cycle, and feeds multiple The black-legged tick vector foronLyme The black-legged tick isisthe theprincipal principal vector for Lyme hosts ranging from small animals, birds, deer, and humans. Disease. It has a 2-year life cycle, and feeds on multiple Disease. It has a 2-year life cycle, and feeds on multiple Females will lay two to animals, three thousand eggs in a single hosts ranging from small animals, birds, deer, and hosts ranging from small birds, deer, and humans. batch in May. Thetwo larvae hatch the thousand eggs mid late humans. Females willtolay two from to three eggs in Females will lay three thousand eggsin in a to single July, with August being the peakhatch month for larval tick a single batch in May. The larvae from eggs batch in May. The larvae hatch from the eggs inthe mid to late activity. isJuly, the with stage referred to month asthe “seed in midwith toThis late being peak month for July, August beingAugust the peak forticks.” larvalAfter tick the larvae feed for the first time, they drop off the host larval tick activity. This is the stage referred to as “seed activity. This is the stage referred to as “seed ticks.” After animal andfeed begin molt nymphs whichthey willthe appear ticks.” After the larvae feed for the first time, drop the larvae fortothe firstinto time, they drop off host thethe following spring. May, June, and are peak off host animal begin moltJuly into nymphs which animal and begin toand molt intotonymphs which will months appear for nymph asMay, theyspring. begin and a quest for second host will appearactivity, the following May, June, July are the following spring. June, July areaand peak months to feed upon. Once fed, the nymphs will molt into adults peak months for nymph activity, as they begin a quest for nymph activity, as they begin a quest for a second host andfeed in the fallthe of nymphs theOnce same year. Adults are for a reappear second to fed, feed upon. fed, the into nymphs to Once will molt adults typically more with the same causal agent Lyme will molt into adults and in the fall of Adults theofsame and reappear ininfected the fallreappear of the year. are because they’ve had two with blood meals, one asthe a larvae and year. Adults areinfected typically morethe infected with causal typically more causal agent of Lyme another as nymphs. Adults don’t hibernate, and may be agent of Lyme because they’ve had two blood meals, because they’ve had two blood meals, one as a larvae and active one asyear-round. aaslarvae and Adults Anotherdon’t as nymphs. Adults another nymphs. hibernate, and don’t may be

hibernate, and may be active year-round. active year-round. Controlling ticks is often a community-wide effort that involves wildlife management, rodent control, and Controlling ticks effort thatthat Controlling ticks isisoften oftena community-wide a community-wide effort insecticide treatments. Property owners can involves wildlife management, rodent control, andmakeanda involves wildlife management, rodent control, difference by making smart landscape decisions around insecticide treatments. Property owners cancan make insecticide treatments. Property owners makethe a home, teaching their children about ticks, and treating a difference by making smart landscape decisions difference by making smart landscape decisions aroundpets the with products like Frontline™ or Advantix™. around the home, teaching children about ticks,pets home, teaching their childrentheir about ticks, and treating and treating with products like Frontline™ or with productspets like Frontline™ or Advantix™. Up until recently, choices for tick control for your property Advantix™. have been limited to chemical insecticides. Introducing Up until recently, choices for tick control for your property Essentria™ Tick Control for your yard. It’s an all-natural Up until recently, choices for tick control for your have been limited to chemical insecticides. Introducing and scientifically proven product that shown to property have limited chemical insecticides. Essentria™ Tickbeen Control fortoyour yard.has It’sbeen an all-natural be as effective as theTick leading professional chemical Introducing Essentria™ Control for yard. It’s to and scientifically proven product that hasyour been shown insecticide, bifenthrin. an all-natural and scientifically proven product that be as effective as the leading professional chemical has been shown to be as effective as the leading insecticide, bifenthrin. professional chemical insecticide, bifenthrin.

888-780-0110 888-780-0110 527 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118 527 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118

Introducing IntroducingEssentria™ Essentria™Tick TickControl Control Introducing Essentria™ Tick Control for Property. forYour Your Property. for Your Property. The active ingredient in Essentria™ is a proprietary The active ingredient in Essentria™ is a proprietary combination combination of plant essential oils. Essential oils are in oils Essentria™ is primarily a proprietary of The plant active essentialingredient oils. Essential are present in present primarily in aromatic plants – those often used as combination plant oils. or Essential aromatic plants –of those oftenessential used as herbs for their oils scent.are herbs orprimarily for their in scent. In these plants,those essential oils serve aromatic plants often used as In present these plants, essential oils serve many–functions, including many functions, including helping to regulate evaporation, herbs or for their scent. In these plants, essential oils serve helping to regulate evaporation, attract specific insects for attract specificincluding insectshelping for pollination, and, most many functions, to regulate evaporation, pollination, and, most importantly, defending the plant against importantly, defending the plant against insects and attract insects for pollination, and, most insects and specific microorganisms. microorganisms. importantly, defending the plant against insects and microorganisms.

How Howititworks works How it works

The essential oils that comprise the active ingredients in The essential oils that comprise the active ingredients in Essentria work by disrupting neurotransmitter function in Essentria workoils by that disrupting neurotransmitter function in in The essential comprise the active ingredients ticks. Neurotransmitters conduct nerve impulses between ticks. Neurotransmitters conduct nerve impulses between Essentria workcells) by disrupting function in neurons (nerve and otherneurotransmitter body parts, such as neurons (nerve cells) and othernerve body parts, between such as ticks. Neurotransmitters conduct muscles. The neurotransmitter binds to aimpulses receptor site on muscles. The neurotransmitter bindsbody to a receptor site on neurons cells) other parts, such as the affected(nerve cell, and thenand is broken down and deactivated the affected cell, and then is broken down The neurotransmitter binds to a receptor siteand on bymuscles. enzymes.

deactivated by enzymes. the affected cell, and then is broken down and deactivated by enzymes. In invertebrates such as ticks, with their simpler nervous In invertebrates such as ticks, with their simpler nervous systems, a multi-functional chemical known as octopamine systems, a multi-functional chemical as octopamine In invertebrates such as ticks, with known their simpler nervous handles many of these functions. handles many of these functions. systems, a multi-functional chemical known as octopamine many of these functions. Byhandles targeting octopamine receptors, essential oils provide By targeting octopamine receptors, provide insecticidal activity with a much wider essential margin ofoils safety insecticidal activity with areceptors, much wider margin safety By targeting octopamine essential oilsofprovide than other products. Because vertebrates like birds, fish, than other products. Because vertebrates like birds, fish, insecticidal activity a octopamine much wider receptors; margin of they safety dogs and people don’twith have dogs and people don’t have octopamine receptors; they than products. like birds, are notother affected by the Because Essentriavertebrates mode of action. And,fish, are not affected bydon’t the Essentria of receptors; action. by and people have octopamine they bydogs combining multiple essential oil mode compounds thatAnd, have combining multiple essential oilmode compounds that have are not affected by the Essentria of action. And, by varied profiles, Essentria provides highly effective control. varied profiles, Essentria highly control. combining multiple essential oil with compounds that have The result is all-natural tickprovides control noeffective compromises.

The result is all-natural tick control highly with noeffective compromises. varied profiles, Essentria provides control. The result is all-natural tick control with no compromises. Ask us for a copy of the scientific research white Ask us fordemonstrated a copy of the Essentria™ scientific research paper that is justwhite as paper that us demonstrated is just as effective as the effective as athe leading insecticide bifenthrin. Ask for copy ofEssentria™ thechemical scientific research white paper leading chemical insecticide bifenthrin. that demonstrated Essentria™ is just as effective as the

Remarkably affordable and effective! leading chemical insecticide bifenthrin.

Remarkably affordable and effective! Remarkably affordable and effective!

Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014




5. Oil Pulling

HealthyLiving TEAM

by Erica Stolman

5. Digestive Support for Toxic Colon Build-up and Constipation 6. Mindful Eating 6. Hizik with Sweet Summer Vegetables by Andrea Beaman

7. Your Soil's pH Explained

Editor & Publisher Radio Host Candita Mamet 781 834.2728

Designer Art Director Virginia Just 781 767.4080

Serving South of Boston to the Cape in Print and Online

by C. L. Fornari

8. Five Simple Tools for your Authentic Self by Laura Tryon Jennings 10. Tapping into Energy Psychology by Fern Ross Israel

11. Dance as Medicine

by Donna Newman-Bluestein

12. Your Aura Energy Field by Heather Keay

14. How Harmful is Beauty? by Vani, Food Babe

15. Tricks to Spot Eco-Friendly Furniture

Since I last wrote to you, I had my first surgery tucked away with the strongest hope that my cancer was gone. Not true, I needed yet another surgery to remove the ductal carcinoma in situ. So, I checked that off, hoping once again that it was gone. Now, I am told the cancer didn’t spread, but it was like sprinkles and chocolate chips on an ice cream cone – very hard to remove with two lumpectomies. I was told that, “in order to be sure we remove all traces of the cancer a double mastectomy would be most advisable to undergo.” The memories come flooding back – how they looked in my first bikini, and in my T shirt in a wet T-shirt contest in Key West shared with my college friends (shhh, don't tell my Mom). And not to mention how perfect they were when I met my husband at a party as I showed them off in low-cut shirt (of course he noticed).

16. Tools to Slay the Inner Bully

But, as I got older and a little more mature, I remember placing them just so in my wedding gown. And their function gave me the most beautiful experience breast feeding my three precious babies. Lovingly showing them to my daughters during their own discovery. It's funny how my son calls them the warm spot as he snuggles into me while we watch a movie together.

17. Pan Seared Pasture Chicken with

Damn! I love my breasts. Can’t we save these tatas? I don't want to give them up to cancer. What a bitch.

by Mary Jo Cunningham by Judy Giovangelo

Sauted Summer Veggies by Andrea Beaman

18. Cancer, Exercise and Recovery

But then, reality and divine guidance soothe me. Although I may miss them terribly if they go, I know they do not define who I am as a woman. They are merely an extension of my body. My true core is what lies literally beneath them – my heart.

19. Five Love Languages

Giving and receiving love is the most magical experience of being a woman. So I give them up, willingly and with no regrets, knowing that they have served me well.

21. Examining the Generative Potentials of Sex

And so the healing journey continues.

by Laury True Hale by LeRoy Malouf

by Dr. William Kolbe

Your support has been immeasurable to me, and makes my heart beat even stronger.

22. Pet Q&A

by Dr. DeMarco and Karen Price

Be well,

23. Balancing the Chakra System of

Your Pet

by Wendy Van de Poll

24. Raindropp Technique by Nan Martin

Copyright © 2002-2014 Healthy Living Productions. All Rights Reserved. All information contained in this publication is the exclusive property of The Healthy Living Magazine unless otherwise noted. Publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions in the ads upon proof. No monetary returns. The Healthy Living Magazine cannot warrantee or guarantee any of the goods or services advertised herein. Information contained in this guide is no


substitution for the advice of a qualified health care professional. Healthy Living Magazine does not necessarily advocate or recommend any particular medical treatment. Healthy Living Magazine does not investigate the claims made by advertisers and is not responsible for their claims. Articles published are accepted in good faith by the author. Healthy Living is not responsible for reprinting copy right material submitted by the author.

Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014

Everyone has a morning routine . . . but mine has recently changed. 1. First things first, I battle with my alarm (i.e. hit snooze 30 times). 2. Bitzy my cat then wakes me up, and I stumble to the kitchen to feed her and let her out. 3. We both get back into bed and snuggle for a bit. 4. I turn on morning cartoons (I’m not kidding). 5. I head to the kitchen and put a spoonful of coconut oil in my mouth. 6. I get back in bed, set a timer for 20 minutes, and start checking my email. You may be wondering about number 5. Why am I putting a spoonful of coconut oil in my mouth and then getting back, while setting a timer?

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling has been around for years, which makes me mad, as I’ve only just found out about it. It’s an ancient Ayurvedic technique that basically involves swishing oil in your mouth for 20 minutes (no more, no less) to help improve your oral and overall health. The idea behind it is pretty simple – the oil is sticky, and when you

swish it around in your mouth, bacteria gets stuck in the oil and dissolves. It’s easy to do. You can use organic coconut oil or any other vegetablebased oil (sesame, sunflower or olive). I prefer coconut because it also has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antiinflammatory properties. Put anywhere from a teaspoon to a tablespoon, depending on what you can handle, in your mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes. Erica Stolman is the blogger & creator of Fashionlush is a lifestyle blog that covers anything from health & wellness to fashion & beauty. She also is the co-owner of a blog design company called Blog-Doo.

Digestive Support for Toxic Colon Build-up and Constipation Oat bran - A natural product, oat bran consists mainly of soluble fiber, which is beneficial in relieving constipation. An open study showed a marked improvement in bowel movement frequency, stool consistency and pain upon defecation, without side effects. Slippery elm (inner bark) - This botanical acts as a stool bulking agent, similar to psyllium, helping to relieve constipation. The bark of this plant also

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softens the stool and is healing/soothing to the GI tract. Althea officinalis (marshmallow) Supplementing with Althea helps soften the stool, addressing a common problem in constipation. Additionally, the plant contains mucilage polysaccharides, similar to slippery elm, which are healing/soothing to the GI tract. Buffered ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - Higher doses of the essentially nontoxic vitamin C soften the stool and increase the frequency of bowel movements. Interestingly, children who suffer from chronic childhood constipation have higher levels of oxidative stress and lower levels of antioxidants like vitamins C and E. With

its extensive list of colon-supporting nutrients, Progressive Health’s advanced constipation formula can help to re-nourish your body with the natural nutrients it needs to correct irregularities in GI function and health. Probiotics: Lactobacillus acidophilus and bacillus - Probiotics are beneficial bacteria (or flora) that reside in the digestive tract and create a healthy gastrointestinal environment by restoring normal flora. Patients with constipation who were treated using yogurt containing Lactobacillus and rye bread reported that gastrointestinal symptoms resulting from the increase in fiber consumption were relieved.

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Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014


CHRONIC health issues

by Erica Stolman


The China Study

Mindful Eating

The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Forks Over Knives-The Cookbook Conducted And the Startling Implications Over 300 Recipes for Diet, Weight Loss, for Plant-Based And Long-term Health Eating All by T. Colin Campbell Through the Year &

Hiziki with Sweet Summer Vegetables

by Del Sroufe

Thomas M. Campbell II

The China Study Cookbook Over 120 Whole Food, Plant-Based Recipes Paperback by LeAnne Campbell

1/4 cup hiziki, dried 2 tsp. toasted sesame oil 1 onion, peeled and cut into thin half moons 1/3 cup water 1 1/2 tbsp. shoyu 1 red pepper, deseeded and sliced thin 1 ear of fresh corn, kernels removed from the cob

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Cover hiziki with water and soak 15 minutes. Heat sesame oil on medium heat and saute onion for 2-3 minutes. Drain hiziki from soaking water and add hiziki to the pan. Add 1/3 cup fresh water plus shoyu to the pan. Cover and cook 7-10 minutes. Add red pepper and corn and continue cooking 7-10 minutes or until most of the liquid in the pan evaporates. Andrea Beaman is a Natural Foods Chef, author, and television host dedicated to alternative healing and green, sustainable living. Find more Recipes online at Yummy Spiced Pear Terrine, High Energy Trail Mix Cookies, Halloween Gingerbread, Creamy Pumpkin Pie with Candied Walnuts

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Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014

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In my early years of gardening I didn’t know the difference between pH and PMS; I had no idea if my soil was alkaline or acidic. Fortunately most things I planted grew anyway, but I did have trouble with a few plants, and I now suspect that the soil’s pH was the problem. pH stands for “parts hydrogen” and the pH scale measures how acid or alkaline the soil is. The scale ranges from 0 to 14; anything below the neutral point of 7 is acidic, and anything above 7 is alkaline. Most gardens have soils that range between 4.5 and 7.5. In general, most areas of the United States receive regular rainfall, and these regular rains keep soils on the acid side. But locations where rainfall is less prevalent usually have neutral or alkaline soils. Local conditions such as the composition of the bedrock, or the vegetation present may also affect the pH.

Now this is all very interesting, but what does it have to do with our gardens? Well, pH is of concern because it influences how available nutrients are to the plants. For example, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and magnesium are most available to plants when the soil is in the neutral range. And if the soil is very acidic, the bacteria that make nitrogen available to plants are not as active, so less nitrogen is there for the plants’ use. In extremely alkaline soil,

phosphorus, iron and trace elements are unavailable for plant uptake. So if the pH of the soil is off, there may be adequate nutrients in your soil, or you may be fertilizing, but your plants can’t absorb what is there. The majority of garden plants (especially annuals, perennials, and most vegetables) grow best in soil that is near neutral, from 6.5 to 7.0. Other plants (azaleas and blueberries for example) need acidic soils, and some, such as delphiniums, prefer soil which is more alkaline. If the pH of your soil is wrong for the plants you are growing, there are things you can do to change it. The addition of lime or wood-ashes will bring the pH of acid soils up closer to neutral, and digging sulfur or peat moss into the garden will bring the pH down if it is too high. But don’t treat your soil with anything before you know what the pH is. What has been put on or in your soil in the past may be affecting the pH today. Even the water that is sprinkled on your lawns and flowerbeds might be changing the pH, so it is important that gardeners not assume that their soil is either acidic or alkaline. Put a small trowel full of dirt into a baggie, and have it tested by a lab or your local Cooperative Extension, and be sure to mention what you have growing in the soil that is being analyzed. They will tell you what the pH of that soil is, and if you need to alter it to suit what is growing in that area.

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There’s a fine balance between what’s best for your landscape and what’s best for your family. This is why Aspenn Environmental Services of New England is proud to be an industry leader in the use of environmentally responsible products for outdoor pest control, tree and shrub spraying and injecting. Applications control Lyme Disease Ticks, Caterpillars, Adelgids, and 200 other pests that damage landscapes.

C.L. Fornari is a writer, gardening expert, professional speaker and radio host dedicated to getting you into the garden. She is also a freelance garden consultant providing help with garden design, problem-solving, plant selection, and insect and disease concerns. She can be found at or her blog

Visit the Plant Health Care Professionals at


Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014


environment responsibility

Your Soil's pH Explained

by C. L. Fornari


Five Simple Tools to Unearth Awareness and Your Authentic Self by Laura Tryon Jennings

Is there something inside you which doesn’t feel at peace, but you can’t exactly put your finger on it? Do you feel you are meant to be on a different journey? Do you miss the joyful, imaginative, impassioned energy for selfexpression you had as a child? Do you get caught up in all the “I should” tasks? Sometimes our daily responsibilities, obligations, and the mundane details

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We invite you to visit our journal, share your feelings, clear your mind and find your stillness. Seek stillness is a safe friendly place to reconnect with yourself. Enjoy! Kathleen Powers is a Certified Integrative Coach through the Ford Institute of Transformational Training specializing in Breakthrough/ Shadow Coaching. She is also a Certified Holistic Health Coach trained by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. 781-983-6298


of keeping all the trains in life running on time can cloud our dreams and desires and block awareness of our true feelings. Expressive Arts is a pathway to discover who you are meant to be

at a core level, what you actually want in your life, how you want to feel, how to get it, and how to be mindful as you go about your day. Expressive Arts is a holistic therapeutic process using the arts as its basis for discovery and change and simple exercises to express emotions and feelings through an inner dialogue of the heart (right side of brain) and mind (left side of brain). Here are five simple tools for getting in touch with awareness and your authentic self. 1. Meditating: Set aside 3 minutes of quiet meditation every morning. Set an intention. Decide what you need or how you want to feel for the day, e.g. clarity, focus, balance, love, compassion, understanding, etc. First minute: Get present, calm, and body-centered in a comfortable chair. Second minute: Take cleansing breaths in, imagining yourself going up toward the sky or the warmth of the sun, and then take long breaths out. Imagine being rooted down in the earth. Third minute: Breathe in what you want for that day (your intention).

Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014

Let the intention come in through the crown of your head and out through your feet, and repeat. 2. Journaling: Write all your wants, desires, dreams for your life and how you want to feel about them. This gives you clarity. If you don't know what you want, you can’t achieve those desires. 3. Image making: Get a piece of paper and a medium which has several colors to choose from, such as markers, colored pencils, crayons, pastels, or paint. Visualize yourself making the choice to fulfill one of your dreams. Draw an image expressing how it would feel to make the choice. This is not meant to be art (see examples). 4. Writing: View your image. If it could speak to you, what would it be saying to you? Write everything down in a stream-ofconsciousness way. 5. Listening: Really listen to your sounds in your surroundings. It’s especially nice to do this in nature. What do you hear (e.g. leaves being rustled by a breeze, bird chirping, a shower running, rumbling of sheets as you move in bed, etc.)? Notice what sounds give you peace. Listen for them to make you feel calm.

Laura Tryon Jennings, CAGS, is a certified Expressive Arts facilitator, art educator, and artist. She holds private, semi private, and group sessions for anyone who desires self-discovery or is working through a difficult situation. She runs workshops at Hope Floats Wellness Center, in Kingston, and her Marshfield, MA studio. Visit

by Fern Ross Israel

mind” by Candace Pert. By establishing health and a positive vibratory nature, we have the outward expression that we want in our lives, and energy psychology paves the way.

Energy psychology addresses the relationship of energy systems to emotion, cognition, behavior and health. These systems include the electrical activity of the nervous system and heart, meridians, biophotons, biofields, etc. We discussed this technique with Fern Ross Israel, MA, LMHC, of Heart Centered Healing, to discover the ways in which our brain and body operate electromagnetically and how we can tap into this process. According to Israel, the roots of energy psychology are within the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine. Fourteen meridians, or energy pathways, flow throughout the body as an energy circuit.

Gary Craig, the developer of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) explained, “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. Energy psychology works on these imbalances and leaves a person free from physical pain, trauma, anxiety etc.” This reminds me of the quote, “Our body is an outward expression of our

There are many applications or different protocols within the larger umbrella of energy psychology. Whether one taps or holds various acupuncture points, while putting the attention on different aspects of a problem or disturbance, it might very well turn out to be a healing expression. Fern Ross Israel MA LMHC RYTbrings 30 years of devoted practice and experience to the sacred art of yoga & meditation. As a mind-body therapist, Fern’s compassionate presence assists people through difficult life transitions with a multi-dimensional approach to healing.

Promoting Wellness & Healing

on all levels of JLJ Mind, Body, and Soul. Healing & Here you will find an atmosphere and gentleness. Wellness We areofallsupport striving to have a happy and life while we are here on earth. Center It is mypeaceful intention to offer Reiki classes, workshops

& guest practitioners of many modalities to assist all who come to the center. Heather Keay, Founder

Offering: Reiki Healing Sessions Integrated Energy Therapy Healing Sessions Cymatron Healing Sessions Intuitive Guidance

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Physical Mediumship Sessions Angelic Photography and much more. 380 Chief Justice Cushing Highway (Rt. 3A) Unit A, Cohasset, MA 02025 781-383-8444

Fern Ross Israel MA LMHC RYT

Group Classes Individual Sessions Specialty Workshops Hospital Programs some insurance plans accepted Studio located in Milton

brings 30 years of devoted practice and experience to the sacred art of yoga & meditation. As a mind-body therapist, Fern’s compassionate presence assists people through difficult life transitions with a multi-dimensional approach to healing.

617 696-1665

Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014



Tapping into Energy Psychology

Yoga and fitness

Practice Yoga Scituate Art and Soul Space Darlene Bradlee, B.F.A., E-RYT 11 Hollett Street Scituate, MA 781 545.0340


Dancing Crow Yoga Fay Sutherland Derby Street Shoppes BEHIND Crate & Barrel 781 836.5150

Marshfield DragonFly Yoga Studio Emma Boyle Yoga Teacher & Owner

The Freight House

844 Webster Street 781 696.1266

14 Locations Open Doors Yoga Studios Richard Lanza Yoga Teacher Trainings www.opendoors7com 781 843.8224


The Rewards of Hula Hooping by Tifany Hawco

Do you remember when physical fitness was all about play? Jump rope, kick the can, and hop scotch were great ways to get your daily doses of fun and activity. And who can forget the hula hoop? You are never too old to hula hoop. It is still a fun way to get exercise, even for adults. Hula hooping expert Tiffany Hawco, from Tiffany Hoops, explained how this common, colorful, plastic toy can be used as a bona fide piece of workout equipment. “When the hula hoop was introduced in 1958 it was a child’s toy,” Hawco said. “Hooping now continues as an enduring exercise movement trend. If you want to start ‘hooping,’ it’s important to find a hoop that fits you properly. To do this, stand the hula hoop in front of you; it should reach the center of your abdomen. If you have never used a hula hoop before, it may feel awkward when you begin using it, and you may even drop it. Practice, you will increase your spatial awareness and quicken your reflexes.If you want to strengthen your core, using a hoop is a good way to work your abdominal muscles, and waist. According to Weight Watchers, hooping for 20 minutes burns 200 calories, and one hour of hula hooping burns up to 600 calories. Using the hula hoop as part of your exercise regimen will empower you to increase your aerobic stamina in a new way. “Hooping has brought me the gift of empowerment, joy, energy and even sexiness. Whether you simply desire to explore this new world of dance, get a good workout, or learn new and amazing acrobatic skills, I'm positive hooping will inspire you to keep on moving and be more in touch with your body.”

Tiffany Hawco has been hooping and making hula hoops since 2012. She specializes in creating custom hoops, classes, birthday parties and special performances.

~ Editors Pick! ~

Yoga and fitness

Dance as Medicine by Donna Newman-Bluestein

I have been musing on the meaning of the arts and beauty in my life. Why are they so important? What dance and the arts bring to health and well-being is the concept of wholeness. The arts are not about the individual elements so much as how they are put together. As you may know, the source for both the words “heal” and “well” come from a Middle English word meaning “whole.” Both the arts and health have to do more with the relationship between the parts and the whole than any particular elements. Pearl Primus, a famous dancer, choreographer and anthropologist, wrote, “Dance is my medicine. It is the scream which eases for a while the terrible frustration common to all human beings who, because of race, creed or color, are ‘invisible’. . . I dance

not to entertain, but to help people better understand each other.” Donna NewmanBluestein, who offers psychotherapy through movement and dance, led a group using an Octoband a product for stimulating movement and exercise in children and the elderly, where, despite varying levels of dementia, everyone participated, contributed, and moved past isolation as they danced and moved rhythmically together, offering gestures, memories, and moments of connection. By using the Octaband individually with this young woman after major back surgery, she said "The colorful Octaband coupled with dance/ movement therapy made her day."

The Octaband® is a fun, interactive tool which promotes individuality and group cohesion through movement for people of all ages and abilities. The stretchy material, bright colors, and innovative design stimulate selfexpression, spontaneity, and awareness of others. Find out more Donna Newman-Bluestein, Founder and Principal, Dance for Connection, Master's Degree in Dance Therapy. Creating connection and joy for older adults and people with Alzheimer's and dementia through dance entertainment and interactive engagement.

Specialty Yoga Classes Chill • Restorative Yoga & Guided Meditation Monthly Class • Vinyasa Flow with Hands on Assist Monthly Class • Gentle Thru to Intermediate Flows • Butts & Gutts • Reiki Clinics and so much more . . . For class schedule log onto Owner Emma Boyle Certified Yoga Teacher Ambassador of lululemon Athletica 781-696-1266

The Freight House 844 Webster Street Downtown, Marshfield Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014



Your Aura Energy Field

by Heather Keay

What exactly is an aura? People have many different definitions. The easiest way to understand it is this: the aura is a tangible energy field surrounding the physical body. With practice, anyone has the ability to see aura around themselves, other people, and objects. Energy surrounds everything, so in time one is able to see aura around everything. Your aura has seven layers 1) Physical auric body 2) Etheric auric body 3) Vital auric body 4) Astral (emotional) auric body 5) Lower mental auric body 6) Higher mental auric body 7) Spiritual (intuitive) auric body Aura is a white or colored light that emanates from people and objects. These auras can be read and interpreted to mean various things. With people, auras are most commonly seen around the head and shoulders. Human auras change due to internal and external stimuli. Many things

affect a person’s aura including food, medication, and sleep patterns. It is very important to keep your aura clear. Your aura can pick up negative energy throughout your day and can even pick up negative energy from other people. When you feel your energy is being drained or you suddenly become tired, it may be because your energy is being pulled. This can happen after you have finished talking to someone in person or over the phone. You may feel exhausted following your conversation. Did you know your aura has seven layers. (see Chart Next Page) 1) Physical auric body - physical sensations, such as simple physical comfort, pleasure, and health. 2) Etheric auric body - emotions with respect to self; self-acceptance and self-love. 3) Vital auric body - rational mind; to understand the situation in a clear, linear, and rational way. 4) Astral (emotional) auric body - relations with others; loving interaction with friends and family.

6) Higher mental auric body - divine love and spiritual ecstasy. 7) Spiritual (intuitive) auric body - divine mind and serenity; to be connected to divine mind and to understand the greater universal pattern. The chart on next page indicates what each color means.

Now, Clearing your aura Take a shower - Taking a shower is the easiest way to clear your aura. As the water flows over every inch of your body imagine all your troubles and stress flowing away from your mind along with the water. I like to imagine the water is like molasses and as it moves down slowly removes all leftover residue from the day.

An Angel Encounter Patricia Butler

Spiritual Healer/Angel Intuitive

5) Lower mental auric body - divine will within; to align with the divine will within, to make commitment to speak and follow the truth. Patricia channels the Archangels

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Spiritual Healings Ask the Angels Angelic Readings Dream Interpretations Marston Mills, MA 508.364.1923

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Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014

Individual or group sessions Long Distance Available

Saltwater soak - Treat yourself by soaking in a steaming tub of water with epsom salts or sea salt. This is by far my favorite way to clear my aura. A lavender sea salt bath cleanses and calms body and spirit. I sometimes will place an amethyst crystal in the tub on the days I feel I really need extra clearing. If you live near the ocean even better - jump right in it. Set the intention to have your aura cleared and it will be. Comb your aura - Using your fingers as a comb, comb through the space surrounding your body starting at your head and continuing downward to your toes. I usually do this three times. Smudge your aura - Smudge the area surrounding your body with the smoke from sage, lavender, palo santo, or other smudging herbs. Heather Keay offers alternative healing therapies at her practice in Cohasset, Massachusetts. She is a Level I and II certified Reiki practitioner, an Advanced Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) healer, spirit photographer, and a medium.

Special Thanks to Our 2014 Expo Speakers LIAm Galvin Lori Sheridan

LeRoy Malouf Energetic Well Being Process

Judy Giovangelo Growing resilient teens through powerful choice

Darnell Nestor Divine Healing Gong Meditation

Kim Newcomb Margo LaPointe Feed Your Spirit. Balance Your Life. The Science of Happy.

Join us for our 10th Annual Healthy Living EXPO Spring 2015 Log onto for details about our 10th annual Expo Next Spring

Katina Makris Author of the award-winning, best-selling book “Out of the Woods: Healing Lyme Disease”

To n o i ss Admibits Free Exhi

beauty and natural products

It is Not Just Your Hair

It’s Your Health

Treat your Hair Like Your Face and Your Body

How Harmful is Beauty? Have you ever seen that long list of ingredients on the back of a cosmetics bottle? Some of these products probably aren't as safe as you'd hope they are. Since the FDA does little to regulate ingredient safety, it has authorized the cosmetics industry to police itself through its Cosmetics Ingredient Review panel. In its more than 30-year history, the industry panel has declared only 11 ingredients or chemical groups to be unsafe (CIR 2012). Its recommendations on restricting ingredients are not binding on companies (FDA 2012). Myth – The government prohibits the use of all dangerous chemicals in personal care products, and companies wouldn’t risk using them. Fact – With the exception of color additives and a few prohibited substances, cosmetics companies may use any ingredient or raw material in their products without government review or approval (FDA 2005). Whereas the European Union has

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Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014

banned more than 1,000 ingredients from use in cosmetics, the FDA has only prohibited the following (FDA 2000a): • Bithionol • Chlorofluorocarbon propellants Chloroform • Halogenated salicylanilides (di-, tri-, metabromsalan and tetrachlorosalicylanilide) • Methylene chloride • Vinyl chloride • Zirconium-containing complexes • Prohibited cattle materials (including material from non-ambulatory cattle, material from cattle not inspected and passed and mechanically separated beef).

Food Babe’s Holistic Tips by Vani (aka Food Babe)

Your skin is your largest organ! What you put on your hair, is absorbed into your blood through your scalp and face. Nurture it, be kind to it and, most importantly, LOVE it! Eat foods that have a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids and all the essential amino acids like chia seeds, hemp seeds and flax seeds. Your hair is made up of protein; getting all the essential amino acids will help it get stronger and grow more lustrous. Silica found in cucumbers, cabbage, and celery are great to improve elasticity of hair, preventing split ends! Joy McCarthy, a registered holistic nutritionist, recommends eating lots of dark, leafy greens, like kale, that provide vitamin A, vitamin C and iron, which are critical for healthy, strong, and shiny hair. She also recommends eating lots of legumes as well. Brittle hair is often caused by a deficiency in biotin, which is found in beans. Choose hair care products fragranced with natural smells from essential oils, herbs, fruits and vegetables. Sleep on a 100% silk pillowcase – not only will this help you prevent bed head – it will help you develop fewer wrinkles on your face. continued on next page . . .

Vani’s blog,, is now well-known worldwide for its insightful and informative exposés on conventional American foods, as well as helpful tips in eating a wholesome, organic diet. Vani also published a series called “Food Babe Investigates,” where she digs deeply into the products sold by major food companies.

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by Mary Jo Cunningham

With so many home furnishing makers claiming their product are green, organic and healthy for the environment, how do you spot the real deal?

Four Tricks To Spot Truly Eco-Friendly Furniture

Try these four tips from Dimitrios Klonis, president of Urban Green a Brooklyn, N.Y. manufacturer of ecofriendly furniture:

4. Consider the finish. Ask about the type of VOC (volatile organic compounds) finish used. LowVOCs release less chemicals into the air through evaporation. It’s a red flag when furniture has a strong odor. This probably means high levels of VOCs were used.

1. Look for certification. An organization like the Forest Stewardship Council© (FSC) or Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). Certification tells you the wood used was legally harvested from responsibly managed forests.

2. Look for furniture made close to home. Fuel used to transport furnishings adds to greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Options other than solid wood can be eco-friendly. MDF (medium-density fiberboard) can be green when it’s FSC-certified. Wood veneers over formaldehyde-free plywood cores with soy-based adhesive can also be an eco-friendly choice.

Mary Jo Cunningham Serving the entire South Shore from Quincy to Cape Cod! With over twenty-four (24) years of selling homes I've been helping Sellers and Buyers successfully fulfill their dreams. With my extensive marketing plan and working for the Number One Real Estate Office on the South Shore. SUCCESS! Real Estate, Plymouth, MA. www.MaryJoCunningham.Net

Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014


natural living

Have you tried searching for the hair care products you use on EWG’s cosmetic database at www.ewg. org? I did and was saddened to learn so many popular hair care brands were rated 8-10! Try to pick hair care products that are all below a rating of 3 on the EWG cosmetic database. Check all your hair care products individually for safety. Don’t assume if you use a certain brand, your product is safe. Many companies have products across the spectrum from very safe and natural to horribly deadly. Stop relying on fancy marketing and celebrities to choose brands. Vote with your dollars! Stop supporting companies that are harming the environment, your family and, most importantly, your own body with crazy chemicals! What works for one person, may not work for another. There are so many great natural products available now; you WILL find some that suit you. It might take you some time navigating through the “old” world of natural beauty! God knows, I’ve been through several trials and errors.

Inner Resiliency

Tools to Slay The Inner Bully

by Judy Giovangelo

The bully is all about power and control. Each and every one of us has experienced both ends of this coin. As children we tease, bully, power over our friends, our pets and especially our siblings to gain dominion over the outside world. Sometimes we are the victim of bullying, sometimes we are the bully. As adults we bully and power over our children to get them to comply to our ideas of who they should and should not be. In the work place we bully our co-worker to gain power and our bosses over power us to maintain control of their position. The bully is alive and well in our society. So how can we slay this dragon? Think of someone you know who is very happy, healthy, and confident in who they are. They are not a bully to anyone, they do not attract bullies into their lives, they exude a very high self esteem and believe in their greatest potential. They tend to live in their heart, more than their head, and they are kind not only to themselves, but those around them. They are often leaders and stand alone. They are completely at ease within themselves whether surrounded by many or alone. They succeed at whatever they set out to do. In order to teach this to our children, we must first become it ourselves. Be the change that you want to see in the world around you. When we R.E.S.P.E.C.T. and honor ourselves the world around us will meet us where we are. This is the law of attraction.

R – Responsibility – Take responsibility for your thoughts, words, feelings and actions and recognize that you are the creator of your own experience. E – Effort – Make the effort to be the change you want to see in the world. Rather than focusing on the problem, be the solution. S – Self Love & Acceptance – What you focus on is what you create. Focus on your gifts and accept your weaknesses. You are perfect, just the way you are. P – Patience & Considerate Action – Treat others the way you want to be treated. Like attracts like. E – Expression – Use positive words and language to empower yourself and those around you. Practice positive affirmations daily and speak highly of others. C - Cooperation – Be a team player. Be willing to act in service for the greater good of the whole. It takes a village to raise a child. T – Thankfulness – Remember, what you focus upon is what you create. When you focus on what you have, you create and attract more of what you want. Write down five things you are grateful for everyday. Teach these seven laws of attraction to your children. Power comes from within. When we are empowered from the inside, the outside world will meet you there. With practice, the bully will simply fall away. Judy Giovangelo founded Ben Speaks in 2009 following the loss of her teenage son Benjamin to suicide aftering bullying. Her organization is "Saving Lives" through Empowerment. Offering inspiration and a power-filled toolbox to parents, teachers and youth.

Hope Floats Healing & Wellness Center An educational center and retreat for people facing life struggles, seeking spiritual growth and improving their overall wellness. • Yoga, meditation, therapeutic massage, Reiki • Workshops on healing and wellness topics • Individual counseling for grieving, illness, and coping • Support groups • Overnight retreats • Nutrition support 4 Elm Street Kingston, MA 02367 781-936-8068


What The Law Says

about who can attend an IEP meeting? “Chosen by the discretion of the parent or the local educational agency, other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise about the child.”

What The Law Means The school or parents may bring other people to the IEP meeting. The law says these people must have “knowledge or expertise”. The one doing the inviting makes the decision about this person’s “knowledge or expertise”. The school must consider information from others whom the parent brings.

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Candita Mamet provides advocacy and referral services for students with special needs, implementing a step-by-step IEP process starting with the “PARENTS’’ vision for their Child. SERVICES INCLUDE: • Eligibility Determination • IEP Development & Placement • Writing letters to school district • Reviewing IEPs for sufficiency • Attending Team Meetings, Mediations, Resolution Meetings, Due Process Hearings • Filling out complaints with Department of Education

Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014


Cancer, Exercise and Recovery

by Laury True Hale

The experience of having cancer, from diagnosis to treatment and recovery, is often described as a journey. At some point, most patients will be encouraged by their medical team to return to activities that they enjoyed before diagnosis. This can be welcome news for some survivors and a puzzling mess for others. Many questions can arise. What’s safe? How much can you do, and how often? Most importantly, will it make a difference? And where are the sign posts for this part of the journey? We asked Laury True Hale, Cancer Exercise Specialist to give our readers some important points to consider. Here’s what she had to say: Cancer Exercise Specialists can help patients and caregivers navigate the next steps to recovery. Some symptoms you may experience after treatment and/or surgery are fatigue, distress, decreased mobility, neuropathy, and joint pain from medications. Exercise can help address these symptoms.

It’s important to set the stage for realistic goals and appropriate exercise options. Whether you are returning to exercise or new to exercise, recognize that your body is different from everyone else’s. Try stretching or yoga initially to reconnect. Physical therapy, lymphatic drainage massage and meditation can deepen your awareness and help prevent injuries from too much, too soon. Progressive exercise plans for recovery will include cardiovascular and resistance training. Walking outdoors or taking an indoor cycling class are two options. Start slowly and build up your time and endurance. Targeting a charity walk or ride as a goal can give you both motivation and inspiration. Resistance or strength training can be added after mobility and stability have been addressed. Stretch, then strengthen, keeping range of motion along with muscle building. Use resistance bands, medicine balls, suspension training systems (like TRX) that give the most options for time

and energy invested. Take a class for guidance or use a cancer-specific DVD. Begin core and balance training with floor exercises such as the plank or simple standing-on-one-leg challenges. Low-impact practices such as Barre and Pilates can teach you to switch on trunk and glute muscles in particular, sparing the lower back, while strengthening the links needed for good posture. Surgery can often leave you with muscle imbalances; building muscle is important, but knowing how to connect strength with movement is key. By building a community of people who are in a similar situation, the journey to healing takes on new meaning for everyone involved. You’re not alone. Find a support group or exercise program to help you build your confidence along the way. Laury True Hale is a personal trainer (NASM) and Cancer Exercise Specialist at Fitness Unlimited in Milton. She is happy to answer questions via email about general concerns for survivors who want to add exercise to their recovery. She can be reached at

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Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014


Special Thanks to Our 2014 Exhibitors Arbonne International Paula Pizzimento Angel Intuitive Psychic Medium / Lightworker Doreen Tripp Ben Speaks Founder Judy Giovangelo Boston Alphabiotic Center for Health and Wellness Clark Reddick Center for Awakening Angie D'Anjou Spiritual Consultant Circle of 5 Kim Newcomb Margo LaPointe Crystal Concentrics Kyle Russell Power Stone Crystals & Artifacts.

Healthy Living Magazine Candita Mamet

Norwex Independent Consultant Sarah Rose

IamTra Jennifer Neuguth

Powerful Women Revealed Radio Nicole M. Perry

IMLunasin Independent Reliv Distributor Eileen Bendiksen

Seek Stillness Kathleen Mullaney Powers

Intention Braclets Kathleen Mullaney Powers JLJ Healing and Wellness Center Heather Keay

Spatech Institute Schools of Massage, Polarity, Aesthetics. Ipswich | Plymouth | Westboro

JoAnne Woods Young Intuitive Guidance Counselor

Surf Inside Studio Lia Driscoll

Koenig Family Chiropractic Josh Koenig

The Pampered Chef Shannon Colabella shannoncolabella

Lotus Life Designs Shannon Caldwell Roche

Eclectic Physical Therapy™ Ian L. Rubinstein, M.P.T., M.R.

Market America Products Al Bozza

Elen's Candles Maine's Finest Jeff Travers

New Century Healing Arts Frank DeStefano

Embrace Reiki Healing & Learning Center and Boutique Store

New Day-Hypnosis & Healing Nora Helbich

Energetic Well Being Process LeRoy Malouf

Simply Soothing Sanctuary Dee Davidson

Next Step Living Home Energy Solutions

Tiffany Hoops Tiffany Hawco Trainer MD Silke Heine Ultimate Body Applicator Kathy Murdock Waves of lllumination Henrik Cervin Women of Wisdom Schools of Wisdom Intensive Courses

Do you have preconceived notions and past experiences of difficulties with loved ones? There is the possibility of not communicating love effectively because our love languages are different. We can avoid potential difficulties by effectively communicating our love and caring as described in the book, “The Five Love Languages,” by Dr. Gary Chapman. Gary states that we communicate love in five ways: 1 Quality Time 2 Words of Affirmation 3 Gifts 4 Acts of Service 5 Physical Touch Suppose that, within a couple, person A feels loved when receiving Quality Time from person B. Person B feels loved when receiving Words of Affirmation or Gifts from person A.

The challenge is that we communicate with others in the way we receive love. So person A gives Quality Time to B, and person B gives Words of Affirmation or Gifts to A. And each does not fully feel or appreciate what is being given. A couple who have been together for a long time each feel they completely love the other. On the other hand, they don’t feel completely loved by the other. The reason is that their love languages are not the same and they only communicate their love to the other through their own love language. So how do you figure out how to communicate more in the ways that others feel love? Recall a few times when you have felt love coming from another and remember how they were communicating. Identify which of the five ways have most positive impact on you. • Tell another person how you feel loved.

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• Ask another person how they feel loved. Tell them about the five ways of communicating love and ask which have the most impact on them. • Communicate in ways that have most positive impact on the other person. If you want more guidance, read the book “The Five Love Languages,” by Dr. Gary Chapman. Chapman lists many ways to communicate each of the five languages. He also includes a selfdescription section to help each person define their own love languages more completely. LeRoy Malouf, wellness and vitality practitioner and instructor, Energetic Well Being Process© enabling you to make significant breakthroughs and sustainable improvements, and to discover the joyous treasure that is you. BS and MS, MIT

Volunteers Needed: Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Music, Pet Therapy & More

Care Alternative is recruiting volunteers

Care Alternatives is to work with terminally Hospice ill patients and their families throughout Massachusetts. recruiting volunteers to work Volunteers receive training and with terminally patients continuing educationill related to hospice and the support of the Hospice staff. and their families throughout For information Massachusetts. Volunteers Volunteers Needed: about classes receive and continuing and volunteer Reiki,training Massage, education relatedopportunities, to hospice Reflexology, Music, please callHospice and support& ofMore the Petthe Therapy 508229-8390. staff. Care Alternative is recruiting volunteers

For classes and to information about work with terminally ill patients and volunteer opportunities: their families throughout Massachusetts. call Volunteers receive trainingor and continuing education related to hospice 508-887-1373. and the support of the Hospice staff. Volunteers Needed for: Reiki, Massage, For information Comfort about classes Reflexology, and volunteerMusic, opportunities, Pet Therapy & please call More. 508-229-8390.

Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014



Five Love Languages

by LeRoy Malouf

Spiritual development

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Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014

by Dr. William Kolbe,

Richard P. Feynman, one of the most publicly known scientists in the world, said, “Physics is like sex. Sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it.” Sex provides pleasure; a means to realize familial and social goals; an emotional outlet for love, commitment, and gratitude; and a boost to selfesteem. Sex usually is considered as being body-centered or appealing to the senses, and person-centered by fostering relationships. However, there is another aspect of sex and its generative capability that holds vast potential in terms of our mental and physical health, but which is woefully neglected in media, educational, and medical circles. What happens in our bodies when we are sexually stimulated? For

starters, let’s look at the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. Sex trumps all other forms of exercise as being the best means to signal our master pituitary gland to dole out ‘work orders’ to enlist our sex glands in the production of sex hormones. These miraculous substances are directly involved in muscular, skeletal, and cardiovascular system integrity, as well as certain cognitive functions, behaviors, and memory. The presence of these hormones is very important for our overall physical and mental health over our lifetimes. Our sex glands also concoct, in addition to the “I highly recommend this book to anyone who is open sex hormones, a to the possibility of unifying spiritual energy with sexual substance linked energy; ultimately empower one’s capacity to give and to endocrine and receive love.” brain health. In males, semen hosts “This author not only has the courage to tackle the a veritable cocktail taboo topic of masturbation but he does this task with of beneficial graciousness and insight. The book is well written, easily substances such as understandable, and brings a completely new perspective vitamins, minerals, to human sexuality.” trace elements, enzymes, amino acids, proteins, “Dr. Kolbe presents a unique amalgam sugars, hormones, of perspectives spanning historical and and cancer-fighting cultural references on masturbation combined with a thorough and agents. This is understandable look at how the human where things body and brain benefit from sexual get interesting. stimulation.” The brain’s cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), responsible The Rejuvenating Power of Masturbation book and DVD for buoyancy and are available in Barnes & Noble, Amazon Kindle, and at brain function, and semen share over a dozen similar


ingredients. Recent scientific research has shown that female sexual fluid also contains many ingredients found in CSF. This brings us back to the notion that sex has generative potentials. One technique that taps into these potentials for men and women, both in solo and paired sex, is a form of orgasm control called “edging an orgasm,” or what Dr. Stephen Chang, author of The Tao of Sexology, calls “superior orgasm.” In Tantric teachings this is called “valley orgasm.” Essentially, one is slowly building up and then controlling the intensity and duration of the levels of arousal close to full-body orgasm without getting to the point of spasm. This technique, practiced periodically, results in a robust supply of key nutrients for brain and nerve vitality, along with promoting balanced endocrine function. Eastern sexuality affirms that, especially as we age, we benefit from including more superior orgasms in our sexual practices. By understanding the inner workings of our bodies, we can choose forms of solo and paired sexual activity that enhance our fitness, vigor, stamina, and longevity. Our sexuality provides stress reduction, endorphin release, a fortified immune system, supple skin, weight loss, lower blood pressure, improved sleep, and reduced risk of heart disease. A knowledgeable approach to our sexuality enables us to cultivate lasting physical and mental benefits as well as avoid adopting conventional ideas about what should be satisfying to us. Dr. Kolbe has dedicated over 30 years of research to linking ancient Taoist and Hindu sexual practices to contemporary medical knowledge. He has a B.S. in Microbiology and an Ed.D. in Leadership in Schooling from the University of Massachusetts, an M.A. in International Studies from Lesley College, and an M.B.A. in Public Management from Boston University. He presently resides in New England with his family.

Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014



Examining the Generative Potentials of Sex

animal wellness

Pet Q and A

by Dr. DeMarco and Karen Price


the abdominal wall so it cannot shift or twist.

A: Sadly, yes. Bloat is a very serious

Can dogs and cats really get sunburn?

A friend of mine had a dog that suddenly died of “bloat.” Is bloat really that common and dangerous?

health risk for many dogs, yet many dog owners know very little about it. Large breed, deep-chested dogs, such as German Shepherds, Great Danes, and Dobermans are particularly at risk. The technical name for bloat is Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV). Bloating of the stomach is often related to swallowed air (although food and fluid can also be present). It usually happens when there's an abnormal accumulation of air, fluid, and/or foam in the stomach (gastric dilatation). Bloat can occur with or without "volvulus" (twisting). As the stomach swells, it may rotate 90° to 360°, twisting between its fixed attachments at the esophagus (food tube) and at the duodenum (the upper intestine). The twisting stomach traps air, food, and water in the stomach. The bloated stomach obstructs veins in the abdomen, leading to low blood pressure, shock, and damage to internal organs. The combined effect can quickly kill a dog. Typical symptoms often include some (but not necessarily all) of the following: unproductive vomiting, drooling, foaming around the mouth, unusual behavior, anxiety, restlessness, hunched-up appearance, and a bloated abdomen that feels tight (like a drum). Unfortunately, from the onset of the first symptoms you have very little time (sometimes minutes, sometimes hours) to get immediate medical attention for your dog. Because the causes of bloat are not always clear, prevention can be difficult. To minimize the risk to your dog you should do the following: avoid stress, do not elevate the dog bowl, avoid exercise right after a meal, do not allow rapid eating or drinking, and feed a good quality food. One way to virtually eliminate the risk of bloat is to have the surgical procedure called canine gastropexy done. In this procedure, the stomach is attached to the right side of



A: Yes!

Just like humans, other lightskinned mammals can become sunburned, especially in areas where the coat is thin, on the underbelly, and after a “summer cut” from the groomer. To avoid sunburn in pets, keep them in shade and out of direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. To date, only one sun protection product for pets has FDA approval, and that is Epi-Pet Sun Protector. This is great news for dogs and horses but, unfortunately, it should not be used on cats. Products containing titanium dioxide are acceptable for use on ear tips and noses. This ingredient works by physically blocking the sun's harmful rays, but use it sparingly as it, too, can be toxic in larger amounts. This homemade recipe for a cat-safe sunscreen lotion came from Sphynxlair. com. Sphinx cats are almost hairless and have very little fur to protect their skin:



First Aid & CPR 6 Tbs. almond oil 3 Tbs. shea butter Don’t It By Accident! 1 tsp. beeswax 1 tsp. soy lecithin 2 Tbs. aloe vera gel 2 Tbs. rose water 3-5 drops coconut oil (optional, for fragrance). Melt oils, butters and beeswax in a double boiler over low heat, only until melted. Add the soy lethicin, and stir until mixed. Remove from heat. Warm the aloe vera and rose water. While still warm, put the water mix over ice, drizzle in the oil mixture while stirring rapidly with a small whisk. Add coconut oil, if desired. Mix well, and store in a clean, airtight jar.

Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014

Before trying any product all over your cat, test it on one small area to make sure kitty is not sensitive or allergic to any ingredients. If in doubt, or if your pet shows any signs of illness or irritation, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Q: My dog ate my pot! Will he be OK?


With the recent changes in our laws, this question may be posed more often than you would expect. The reality is that many dogs and cats are admitted to the veterinarian hospital every day after ingesting marijuana. According to Dr. Agata DeMarco, DVM, of Kingston Animal Hospital, clinical signs of marijuana exposure include drooling, disorientation, dribbling urine, dilated pupils, staggering, hypersensitivity to stimuli, vomiting, tremors, hypothermia, low blood sugar and abnormal heart rate. An overdose can cause seizures and even death. There is no antidote, so treatment is imperative. Your vet may induce vomiting, use activated charcoal to absorb the toxins and may keep your pet for observation overnight with IV fluids. Dr. DeMarco stresses that preventing access to marijuana and other potential toxins is the best way to avoid accidental poisoning and a lengthy hospitalization. In case of suspected exposure, veterinarians or pet owners may seek assistance by calling The Pet Poison Helpline at (800) 213-6680, ($35/case) or ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435, ($60/case). Service is available 24/7 and the line is staffed by experts in the field of veterinary toxicology. Karen Price is a lifelong animal lover and pet owner who earned a BS in Animal Science from U-Mass, Amherst, and has over 25 years of experience in the pet care industry. She currently owns and operates South Paws Doggie Daycare, in Pembroke. She is also an instructor with Fetch First Aid and CPR for Pets.

by Wendy Van de Poll

3. The third Chakra is located in

the middle of the back. The color associated with this Chakra is yellow and relates to self-esteem and sense of self. It is the energy center that governs the stomach and the liver.

4. The fourth Chakra is located in the middle of the chest. The color associated with this Chakra is green and relates to feelings of herd hierarchy, emotional grief, nervousness around other animals, separation, etc. It is the energy center for the heart, blood and lungs.

1. The first Chakra is located where the tail meets the body. The color associated with this Chakra is red and relates to survival and grounding. It is the energy center for the skeletal system, muscular system, intestines, gut, hips and hind legs. 2. The second Chakra is located in the lower lumbar area. The color associated with this Chakra is orange and relates to feelings, emotions and excessive whining, boundary issues, etc. It is the energy center for the kidneys, adrenal glands, reproductive system and lymphatic system.

Wendy Van de Poll works with clients all over the world and is known as a Soul Level Animal Guidance Communicator and Intuitive Life Path Coach. Learn more at

5. The fifth Chakra is located on the throat. The color associated with this Chakra is blue and relates to the ability to communicate and listen. It is the energy center of the throat, mouth, teeth and jaws. 6. The sixth Chakra is located on the forehead between the brow-line. The color associated with this Chakra is indigo and relates to acceptance of self. It is the energy center of the eyes, nose and head. 7. The seventh Chakra is located on the top of the head, between the ears. The color associated with this Chakra is white or violet and relates the connection with spirit, depression or being withdrawn. It is the energy center of the brain, pituitary glad, skin, spine, central and autonomic nervous system.

"Exercise. Shmexercise. I'll just enjoy your space."

Victoria Haffer and her Yogi cat, Salem

As a loving pet owner you have probably experienced a time when your beloved companion was ill, not feeling well, in pain or just plain out of sorts. This experience can leave you feeling helpless and defeated! Not to worry as there is a hands-on solution that you can learn which can help your pet feel more relaxed, centered and focused. It is called Chakra Balancing.

Remember . . . balancing the Chakra System for your pet is a wonderful way to connect with your companion and by practicing this technique regularly you will see the difference with your best friend's health, behavior, wellbeing and more!

Dogs, Cats & Horses

Serving the South Shore and Cape Cod Acupuncture & other natural and holistic treatments to promote healing, wellness and longevity

Mark E Russo, V.M.D.

Kingston Animal Hospital, Inc. 192 Main Street Kingston, MA 02364

781 585.6525

Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014


animal wellness

Balancing the Chakra System of Your Pet


by Nan Martin

Raindrop Technique

Raindrop technique is a powerful technique using essential oils that was developed by D. Gary Young in the 1980s. It combines several holistic modalities to bring balance and alignment to the body in a noninvasive manner. It also stimulates all the body systems on a physical and emotionally level.

What is Raindrop Technique? This technique involves applying therapeutic grade essential oils to the spine, neck and feet. The session lasts about an hour however the benefits may last up to a week or more. Gary found that combining several holistic techniques, described below, created a synergistic effect for the body. The three modalities that combine to form Raindrop Technique are: Aromatherapy – Raindrop technique uses seven single essential oils, two blends and one essential oil massage blend during the session. It is congruent with the French application of aromatherapy where essential oils are applied NEAT (undiluted) to the body.

It is thought that the oils interact with a person's electric field before even penetrating the skin of the back. Thereby, enhancing the electromagnetic properties of the oils as well. Amazing! Nan is a Licensed Spiritual Healer and Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist. You can sign up for the Free E-zine and Receive a copy of "How Therapeutic Essential Oils Help Us Recover our Emotional Wellbeing One Oil at a Time!"

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• Vita

Flex Technique – Vita Flex was brought to the US in the 1920s by Stanley Burroughs. It is an ancient Tibetan healing methodology meaning "vitality through the reflexes". Its theory is based on the fact that slight pressure applied to the body creates an electric charge that is therapeutic to the body. This is known as piezoelectric.

• Feather

Stroking - This is similar to a massage term technique called effleurage. But this technique was actually termed by the Native American Indians. How does Raindrop get its Name? Essential oils are actually dropped from about 6 inches above your spine, simulating rain drops! It feels like a rain drop gently striking your spine, and it is very relaxing and comforting.


Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014

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Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014


AllergIES Mass Allergy Relief Center Specializing in Advanced Allergy Therapeutics. Foods, airborne allergens, chemical sensitivities, sunlight/heat sensitivities. 594 Marrett Road, Suite 17 Lexington. 781.274.7700

Energy medicine Alicia Sinicrope Matrix Energetics Practitoner. 15 years of experience helping people transform Professional Psychic Reader, Reiki Level 2 Practitioner. 1155 Sea Street Quincy MA

Angel Therapy practitioner Nancy Johansen, RN, ATP,CCH,RMT Psychic Medium, Reiki, Past Life Regression.

Environmental Services Aspenn Environmental Services of New England Call 888.418.BUGS


Angel Patricia Butler Spiritual Healer, Angel Intuitive. Had an angel encounter in 1993. Channels the Archangels. Spiritual Healings, Angelic Readings, Dream Interpretations. Individual or group Long distance available. Marstons Mills, MA 508.364.1923 BIOFEEDBACK NES HEALTH Waves of lllumination The synergy of ancient healing arts & innovative technologies. Restore total wellness through a new, non-invasive system from Europe. Henrik Cervin, LSHC 303.589.7208 BODYWORK Bodyworks Healing Centre Kim Purdy. Classical Homeopathic medicine, Shiatsu, Acupressure and more. 29 Cottage Avenue Quincy, MA 617.479.1030

EXPRESSIVE ARTS Laura Tryon Jennings, CAGS, Certified Expressive Arts Facilitator, Teacher, Artist offering group workshops and private and semi-private sessions. LTJ Studio, Marshfield, MA. 781.837.7982 Eye Center Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston (OCB) Providing patients with eye care, laser and surgical treatment of the highest quality. Cataracts, Glaucoma, Retinal Disease, Corneal Disease, Eye Plastics, Laser Surgery Consultations, Second Opinions, Eye Examination. OCB Plymouth Eye Center 146 Industrial Park Rd, Plymouth, MA. 800.635.0489 gRAPHIC DESIGN SERvIcES Virginia Just – Art Director for Healthy Living Magazine. Books, Magazines & Newsletters, Brochure Design, CDs and DVDs. 781.767.4080

COACHING Kathleen Mullaney Powers Certified Integrative Coach at the Ford institute of Transformational Training specializing in Breakthrough/Shadow Coaching. Certified Holistic Health Coach trained by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. 781.983.6298

GESTALT REIKI Kristen Crociati Reiki energy work, Bio-mat sessions, RMT, Chakra clearing & balancing, Past life Regression, Meduimship, Metaphysical classes, Card Readings, Dream work 508.685.0758

COLON HYDROTHERAPY Cornerstone Therapeutics for Women. Colon Hydrotherapy and Massage Therapy in a relaxing, professional atmosphere. Lila Reader, 43 Hatherly Road, Rockland 781.775.7352

green living Make Green Go Green We educate parents on a safer choice of products. We offer a fantasticwork from home program. 781.378.2305

counseling/LIFE AND CAREER COACHING MaryKay Duffy M.S., M.Ed., L.M.H.C. Solution focused individual, couples or family

HAIR CARE NATURAL Hair Consultants Plus, Beauty Spa. Organic Hair Color Line & Products, No harsh chemicals 100% Organic & Vega. Great For Clients with Asthma, Skin Sensitivity, Allergies. Pembroke, 781.826.7595

counseling Individual & Family Candita Mamet MSW. Therapeutic sessions include expressive art activities to support self’s not all talk... 781.834.2728

HEALTH FOOD Good Health Natural Foods. 100% certified organic produce, All natural organic groceries, gluten-free foods, vitamins, ports supplements, natural cosmetics. Shipping Available. Quincy, 617.773.4925 Hanover, 781.826.0808

sessions. Location in Scituate. Most insurance’s are accepted. 617.921.0869

CYMATRON FACILITATOR Ellen Gill RYT. Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Cymatron Facilitator, Ear Coning, Thai Yoga Bodywork. 617.877.2305 DOGGIE DAYCARE SOUTH PAWS Karen Price. Daycare, grooming and training. Unit 1750, Corporate Park Drive. Pembroke, MA 781.826.7297 Drumming PORCELLO GALLERY 839 Webster Street, Marshfield. Bob Porcello 781.837.7776 EARN PROFESSIONAL CAREER CERTIFICATES Cape Cod Center for Whole Health. Hypnotherapy, NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), Crystal Energy Healing, Reiki, Integrative Energy Therapy (IET), 116 State Road, Sagamore Beach, MA 508.539.2885

Eating Disorders Kind Eating with Stacey Richmond, RD Nutrition Counseling and Mindful Eating Programs/Retreats. Specializing in Disordered Eating. Kingston and West Barnstable offices. 508.362.1221


HEALTH/nutrition coaching Juli Ford, CHC. Natural Health and Lifestyle Coach,Trained in “The Hormone Cure”, Path Natural Health, Plymouth, MA 617.733.1124 HEALING & Wellness Bellas Bodyworks 1362 Washington Street (Rte 53) 781.974.5748 Weymouth MA HEALING & Wellness CENTER Hope Floats Educational center and retreat for people facing life struggles, seeking spiritual growth. 4 Elm Street Kingston. 781.936.8068 HEALING & Wellness CENTER JLJ Healing & Wellness Center. Heather Keay Spirit Medium/Reiki Master.

380 Chief Justice Cushing Highway (Rt. 3A) Unit A1 Cohasset, MA 781.383.8444

Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014

HEALING & Wellness CENTER Angels of Light Healing & Intuitive Center Where the Angels & Healing energies flow, 320 Washington Street, Norwell, MA Offerings a Divine array of Workshops, Readings, Events, Meditation, Holistic Nutrition and more. 781.871.1740

HEALING CENTER The Dartmouth Center of Spiritual Development and Healing. Jody Pinard ATP RM CYT CHT offering reiki, energy, sound healing, angel therapy, readings, Spiritual Development Circles & classes. meditation, yoga and hypnosis. 508.560.9710 Holistic Healing Eclectic Physical Therapy™ Ian L. Rubinstein, M.P.T., M.R. Holistic manual therapy techniques for root restriction releases, combined with biomechanical reeducation 508.246.4233 HYPNOSIS TRAINING Pat MacIsaac. Learn to HYPNOTIZE Yourself and Others. Fully Accredited Hands-On Training, Texts and Material Included, Certification On Graduation. OnRolling Admission. 781.749.9050 Inspirational HEALTH COACHing Ann Fraser, CHHC, AADP, CPT Certified Health, Fitness & Nutrition Coach. Corporate & Home Retreats, Energy Work, Presenter, Inspirational Health 781.829.9335

INSURANCE Hanson Insurance Agency, Inc. Stephanie Lipinski. Protection for your life, auto, home & business. 632 County Rd. Hanson 781.293.6376 Integrative Holistic Practitioner Heart Light TherapiesBarbara Barker LMT Massage, Reiki, Energy Work, IET, Essential Oils, CIH, Energy Scans. 781.585.6292

MASSAGE Lauren’s Massage - Lauren Turner, LCMT Classic Swedish, Esalen, Deep Tissue. 163 Washington Street,Norwell 781.878.6002 MASSAGE Simply Soothing Sanctuary Dee Davidson 84 Summer St. Kingston MA 617.962.9775

Photographer Malcolm LorentÉ Specializes in Portraits, Families, Children, Products, Events and Art photography servicing Boston, South Shore and Cape Cod, available for travel. 781.588.4787 PRANIC HEALING Miriam Smith Certified MCKS Pranic Healer/ Teacher. Balancing physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual energy with no-touch. Relieves acute/chronic illness, stress, pain. Private in person or distance sessions. Workshops. 978.807.1634 PUBLIC RELATIONS Candita’s Production Studio. I will assess the publicity needs of your business and offer a clear plan for achieving those goals. 781.834.2728 Reflexology and Aromatherapist Annie Massed Cloud Dancing Reflexology, Nurse, Midwife Cloud Dancing 781.837.3776 REIKI TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Heart of Reiki with three locations in: Hanover, Weymouth and Stoughton. Learn Reiki for for self-care, or become a Reiki Professional. info@ 857.574.0777 REIKI TRAINING - SESSIONS FRANK DESTEFANO Jikiden Reiki Treatments, Usui Reiki Classes. New Century Healing Arts 508.339.7470 Retreat Center The Sweet Retreat. Leah Doroch, founder. Offering: Meditation, Healing and Transformation. 140 Main Road Westport, MA 508.636.1230 info@ SCHOOLS & CERTIFICATION Women of Wisdom Schools of Wisdom intensive courses: Holistic Practitioner Certification,

Earth Medicine Shaman, Professional Hypnotherapist, Angel Master Certification, Mediumship. Professional Development/ Spiritual Enrichment. 508.230.3680 Sexual health The Rejuvenating Power of Masturbation book and DVD by Dr. Kolbe is available in Barnes & Noble, Amazon Kindle, and at

SHAMINISM JAMES THE SHAMAN Reiki Master, Psychic, Channel, Medium. James does sessions in person, telephone, Skype. 857.719.9076 MEDIUM READINGS AND REIKI/MEDIUM TRAINING LAUREN BORTOLAMI Angel Messenger, Psychic Medium, Spiritual and Reiki Master/Teacher In-person and phone sessions SKin CAre/Natural Christine Tempesta Clark, Pure, organic, Bridgewater, MA - 508.697.3113 custom-blended skin care products based on the healing traditions of holistic medicine. 617.315.5065 Metaphysical Healing New Age Products Hafta Havit Unique arts, Inspirational Gifts, Crystals, Stones, Salt Lamps, SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVOCATE Candita Mamet, MSW Music, Books, Local Artist’s Work, Jewelry, Statuaries,Tapestries Trained by the Federation for Children with Special Needs. 781.829.4969 160 Schoosett Street, Pembroke Eligibility Determination • IEP Development & Placement. Call 781.834.2728 or email New Age Store & Healing Center Open Doors. Specializing table tipping Anna Barnes offering: Table Tipping, Reiki and in crystals, jewelry, divination tools, herbs, incense, books, cds, healing tools. Free Reiki Treatments, on-going workshops, Psychic Angel Card Readings, Reiki, ANGEL/MEDIUMSHIP READINGS. 781.974.5130 / Tarot readings daily, 395 Washington Street, Braintree, Open 7 days. 9am-9pm, 781.843.8224 Weight loss Whole Health In; Vicky Perkins, CCHC “Weight Loss For Real Men & Women, Using Real Foods, Yielding Real Nutrition Therapy Kind Eating with Stacey Richmond, RD Results.”Plymouth, MA. 781.361.4469 Nutrition Counseling and Mindful Eating Programs/Retreats. Specializing in Disordered Eating. Kingston and West Barnstable offices. 508.362.1221 VETERINARY ALTERNATIVES Kingston Animal Hospital Acupuncture & other natural & holistic treatments to promote PEST CONTROL Ecologic Entomology LLC provides pest wellness and longevity. Mark Russo, Kingston 781.585.6525 management consulting & technical services. 617.989.0110

Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014


VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Care Alternatives Hospice/ Massachusetts. For terminally ill patients and their families. Reiki, Pet Therapy, Music, Massage, Reflexology. Kelly Tammaro 508.887.1373 YOGA DragonFly Yoga Studio Emma Boyle Yoga Teacher & Owner. Freight House, 844 Webster Street, Marshfield 781.696.1266 YOGA Art and Soul Space Darlene Bradlee, B.F.A., E-RYT. Yoga Pilates Barre Workshops Wellness Art. 11 Hollett Street, Scituate, MA 781.545.0340 YOGA Dancing Crow Yoga Fay Sutherland. 98 Derby Street, Suite 440. Behind Crate & Barrel. 781.836.5150 YOGA HEART CENTERED HEALING Fern Ross Israel, LMHC Classes: YOGA/Meditation/QiGong. Specialty workshops: Restorative YOGA/Stress Reduction/FINDING Tranquility Tapas Acupressure Technique, Counseling Milton, MA 617.696.1665 Yoga Classes & Yoga Teacher certifications Open Doors Yoga Studios 14 locations in the south shore and great

boston area. Call about yoga training certification near you. 781.843.8224

Yoga CERTIFICATION Finding Inner Peace Yoga School. The “How To Start A Yoga School” Kit. A Turn-Key Business. No franchise. You own your training. You earn the income! Maureen Spencer, RN 781.864.2130

Calendar Of Events JULY 31st THURSDAY HULL, Ma Summer Evening of spirit Messages 12-9pm. Most reading $40 for 20 minutes.

FEATURING THE SOUTH SHORES FINEST READERS! Jill Jardine • Patti Sheets • Deborah Wallace • Cathi Burke • Ronnie Shaffer • Nancy Smith • Lori Doupé Sheridan • Michelle Kundzicz • Cristina Burke • Doreen Tripp • Elaine Read-Cole. FREE Wellness Faire - Showcasing: Massage, Jewelery, Essential Oils, Organic Products, Healing Stones, bio Scan and more! Spiritual Teacher/Angel Minister/Healer Cathi Burke will be offering her 8 Angel Ray Mini Journey with the gifts from the 7 Archangels and the 7 Rainbow Crystal Bowls. Nantasket Beach Resort 45 Hull Shore Drive, Hull Ma. Pre-Registration Recommended. Space Limited Call Candita 781.834.2728 or email August 3-10, 2014 Marlborough, Ma NGH Certified Consulting Hypnotist Course Certification Course

Instructor: Patricia MacIsaac, LPN, MCI, FNGH, OB For details: 603.429.9438 • •

after cancer treatment. A conference designed to empower people touched by cancer. KEYNOTE: Dan Shapiro, Ph.D. Garner James Kline Professor of Humanities in Medicine and the Chair of the Department of Humanities at Penn State College of Medicine. PRESENTS: A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Chemotherapy In this sometimes moving, sometimes laughout-loud adventure through one man’s experience with multiple relapses, Dr. Dan Shapiro invites us to consider how we approach our medical teams, how we interact with other patients and our guiding priorities. Hester Hill Schnipper, LICSW, BCD, OSW-C Chief of Oncology Social Work at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and adjunct professor at Simmons College of Social Work PRESENTS: Living Well After Cancer. Many people experience significant physical and emotional challenges after completing treatment for cancer. Common themes and suggested strategies will be addressed to craft a considered and joyful life. Presented by: Friends of Mel Foundation | 200 Ledgewood Place, Suite 101. Rockland, MA 781.878.8639 APRIL 2015 PLMOUTH, MA 10th Annual Healthy Living Expo, Learning Conference and Road Race Hosted by Candita Mamet of Healthy Living Magazine. Held at the Radisson Hotel, Plymouth, MA. Click on our website to learn more

Ongoing Events SAGAMORE BEACH, MA QiGong drop-in, $10. Monday’s 6-7 PM. 508.539.2885 Cape Cod Center for WholeHealth, 116 State Road, Suite#3, Sagamore Beach, MA SAGAMORE BEACH, MA

Tong Ren & Varied Energy Healing Clinic. drop-in, $10. Thursday’s 5:30-8:30PM. 508-539-2885. Cape Cod Center for Whole Health, 116 State Road, Suite#3, Sagamore Beach, MA


CRYSTAL & MINERAL FAIR 10-20% discounts!

7/20, 8/17, 9/28, 10/26, 11/23, 12/14 Sunday’s 10am-3pm- Common and rare crystals, minerals and jewelry. Cape Cod Center for Whole Health 116 State Road, Suite#3 508.539.2885 SAGAMORE BEACH, MA

Monthly- Reiki, Crystal Energy Healing, IET, classes for Certification and CEU’s. Cape Cod Center for Whole Health 116

August 8-10, 2014 Marlborough, Ma National Guild of State Road, Suite#3 508.539.2885 Hypnotists- Annual Convention & Educational Conference. Contact us for a Free Course Syllabus and Convention Catalog For details: 603.429.9438 • •

October 12, 2014 Back Bay Events Center BOSTON, MA Spend a day with Dr. Brian Weiss and John Holland at Journey of the Soul Experience a past life regression, develop your own unique psychic abilities and discover new levels of healing. Only $89 when you register by August 12, 2014. Register online at


Every Spring (March & April) and Fall (September & October) - Hypnotherapy (220 hours) and NLP (64 hours), classes for Certification and CEU’s Cape Cod Center for

Whole Health 116 State Road, Suite#3 508.539.2885

October 18, 2014 SaturDAY Marriot Quincy THE ART OF LIVING Life Beyond Cancer A conference for people facing life


Healthy Living Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2014

Healthy Living Exhibitor Opportunities 2014 -2015 Summertme Medium Fest July 31st Thursday 12pm - 9pm 3rd annual event - Sold out 2 years in a row. Expanded the hour this year to accomodate increase in visitors. Held at Nantasket Beach Resort Hull, MA Free Health and Wellness Faire for the public. Featuring South Shore’s Best Mediums. Readings $40 for 20 minutes. Vendors pay $75 Plastic Training Table - 18”W x 72”L x 30”H 3rd Annual Special Education Learning and Resource Conference. OCTOBER 25th Thursday 3rd Annual event over 100 participants last year Cardinal Cushing Centers, 405 Washington Street, Hanover Visit with 20 Exhibitors, 10+ Workshops. We will also have top experts in special education presenting the latest findings on education, parenting tips, as well as how to promote learning, understanding, acceptance and inclusion in our schools and community. Vendors pay $99 non-profit or $150 for-Profit 6’ ft. non draped table. 10th Annual Health and Fitness Expo Symposium 5k Road Race at Radisson Plymouth Harbor. Coming Spring 2015 Radisson Plymouth 180 Water Street, Plymouth, MA. Healthy Living Magazine’s signature events focuses on health, fitness, nutrition and living green. Experience Interactive, educational exhibits, demonstrations and presentations. Vendors pay $150 advertisers or $250 non advertiser 6’ ft. draped table.

For more information contact Candita Mamet to become an exhibitor or speaker Event Coordinator by email or phone: 781 834 2728

October 25th, 2014 9-8pm Raising Resilient Children & Teens

Conference and Expo at Cardinal Cushing Centers 405 Washington Street, Hanover, MA 02339

A full day of education, insights and best practices to optimize the physical, social and mental health and well-being of children of all ages. With a distinct focus on credible, evidence- and science-based information and services, this one-of-a-kind event combines an in-depth education conference with an interactive expo floor to get parents, grandparents, childcare providers and caregivers up close and personal with the experts. BELOW IS A SAMPLE OF OUR VENDORS THat PARTICIPATED IN 2012, 2013 ACTabilities Jaden Ford 781.849.3033

Heart Light Therapies Barbara Barker 781.585.6292

ARC of Greater Plymouth 508.732.9292

Lindamood-Bell Learning Center Christina Seremetis, M.A. 800.233.1819

BAMSI’s Family Support Center 508.580.8700 Brian McLaughlin LLC, Esq. Special Education Law 617.236.5847 Boston Higashi School 781.961.0800 Building Better Bridges for Learning 781.424.3596 Cardinal Cushing Centers 781.829.1205 Chamberlain International School 508.947.7825 Crystal Springs 508.644.3101 educational advocacY Candita Mamet, MSW 781.834.2728 Friendship Home 781.659.8202

Mary Sheridan, Attorney 508.205.9019 Mathnasium of Cohasset 781.923.1295 Mobility Plus Physical Therapy 781.826.2200 Ohio National Financial Jude Kostas, Attorney at Law 774.215.0057 South Shore Therapies Howard Szklut, Vice President 781.335.6663 South Shore Education Collaborative 781.749.7518 South Shore YMCA 781.829.8585 SPECIAL NEEDS ADVOCACY NETWORK(SPaN) 508.655.7999

SS Speech Pathology Partners. Suzanne M. Ducharme 781.335.7575 Top Banana Education Foundation 888.411.KIDS


Special Education Eligibility & Rights Managing a 24/7 Digital Life Bullying & lingering Effects Learning & Developmental Disabilities Addictions Behavior Management Anxiety Depression Sensory Sensitivities Speech and Language ADL’s Estate Planning Executive Function Self Harm Self Medicating Eating Disorders Body Image Chronic Health Issues Youth Violence Obesity Social Phobia Dialectical Behavior Therapy Explosive Anger Substance Abuse FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Candita Mamet 781.834.2728

Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston (OCB) Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston (OCB) was founded in 1969 with the primary goal of providing patients with eye care, laser and surgical treatment of the highest quality. In addition to eye examinations, our ophthalmologists provide care in the following specialties: cataract, glaucoma, cornea, diseases of the retina, orbital plastics, pediatrics, LASIK refractive surgery and eye trauma. Our staff of 30 ophthalmologists and 13 optometrists care for over 165,000 patients each year with all categories of eye disorders and visual system diseases. This level of care has earned Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston a national and international reputation for excellence.

With offices Located in Beverly, Boston, Cambridge, Framingham, Plymouth, Sandwich, Waltham, Yarmouth • 1-800-635-0489

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