Edition 9, Issue 34 - 2019
LIFE Publication
IN THIS ISSUE • • • • •
Normal or Not! The Enemy Within Persevere for Peace The Curse of Creativity Dare to Dream
WELCOME.... The LIFE publication is produced quarterly. Our desire is to bring you stories and articles that will encourage, inspire and perhaps even challenge you as you journey through life. Life is a journey with many twists and turns, valleys and mountains, laughter and sorrows. It is not always how we start that matters, rather how we choose to live everyday with the options and choices that are before us. Today, choose to live and love your life!
Table of Contents Edition 9, Issue 34 - 2019 ........................................................................................ 1
Emotions.........................................................................................................2 Normal or Not! ................................................................................................2 Meaning and Morality ..................................................................................... 3 The Spiritual Path ........................................................................................... 5 Servant........................................................................................................... 8 The Enemy Within ..........................................................................................9 Persevere For Peace ...................................................................................... 10 The Curse of Creativity ...................................................................................11
or spiritual, is like being in a constant
Candy Daniels
tug-of-war. The longer we are in a state of pain the more distracted and dis-
Emotions are fuelled by either love and faith or
heartened we get from staying focused
fear and worry. I have come to realise that our
on truth.
emotion can either sap or boost our energy lev-
Spending time in worry – worry is a
els. When it is fuelled by fear and worry it
thief. Worry keeps us guessing. It
steals from our energy bank. When this hap-
opens the vault of peace that we all
pens, we can often become destructive in our
carry and makes space for doubt to
thinking and behaviour. However, when we
creep in uninvited. •
are fuelled by love and faith it boosts our crea-
Consumed by fear – fear makes us susceptible to danger. Fear can consume
tivity and opens up possibilities for us to
us from the inside out and outside in.
dream, learn, love and live.
Fear not only questions truth, but
When we become passionate about anything,
steals our peace and takes away free-
the passion harnesses our energy and boosts
dom. Freedom comes from knowing
our strength. Emotional strength is what ena-
truth and living with peace.
bles us to face the day and its many activities.
When we exercise our faith and love we build
It is also what equips us with mental capacity
emotional strength. We further capitalise on
to face challenges with courage and confi-
peace and truth and become better equipped to
manage pain. Pain is something we will all ex-
The following are some of the challenges we
perience; it is unavoidable. Yet we can choose
face that cause us to make more withdrawals
how we learn to live with it. To overcome
from our energy bank than deposits.
worry and fear we must daily choose to capture
our thoughts and renew our minds. We must
Lacking peace – peace is a state of
learn to harness our emotional energy and gain
mind. The water of a deep flowing
emotional strength.
river is like faith that keeps flowing regardless of how small the gap is, refreshing anything it touches along the path. •
Normal or Not!
Uncertain of the truth – truth is a mat-
Trudy Buchanan
ter of certainty. Truth is like oxygen and love, which keep us breathing with
Often people talk
confidence and assurance, reminding
about what is ‘nor-
us of purpose and giving hope. •
mal’. I wonder if
Distracted by pain – pain is disheartening. Pain is like having a hole in your
people use a lot of
bucket. Pain, be it physical, emotional
energy trying to be ‘normal’ without even
LIFE Edition 09, Issue 34
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knowing what they are trying to attain. What
does ‘normal’ actually look like? How we deo
fine normal is often driven by social norms and -
sidering the whole picture. I prefer to consider
Normal is often a black-and-white construct —
healthy is viewed on a spectrum. This takes our
Have values that direct and motivate behaviours
differences, story, perspectives, personalities
and uniqueness into account.
Resilience and an ability to tolerate and manage stress
What constitutes a healthy adult? My list
Can compromise to meet self and others needs
would be something like this: Meaningful and purposeful aspects of life
Compassionate to self and others
Creative — open to new ideas and ways of being and doing
Managing reality whilst understanding
Many of these ideas are embedded in the idea
and experiencing emotions
Can interact respectfully with others
we are either normal or abnormal—whereas
Values-driven whilst respecting other values
what makes us healthy rather than normal.
Be comfortable with one’s own uniqueness
averages that we compare against without con-
Accept one’s strengths and weak-
of self-differentiation. Self-differentiation sug-
Goal formulation and implementation
gests we can balance our emotional and intel-
Sense of efficacy
Able to make decisions and action
lectual functioning as well as balance our inti-
macy and autonomy in relationships. In this
Equality of relationships with the abil-
healthy space, we can be comfortable with and
ity to:
in our skins and be real about who we are.
Experience emotions
This creates interdependent and real relation-
Tolerate pain, but also find pleasure
ships in which we can communicate who we
in life o
are, but also allow that same freedom for oth-
Tolerate intimacy and be vulnerable
ers— i.e. a healthy sense of us and them. This
and open o
is the freedom I believe God desires and cre-
Receive feedback and criticism to
ated us for. He made us unique; not to be ‘nor-
grow -
Able to be proactive and assertive
mal’ but healthy, functional, relational—the
Openness to ideas and feedback
capacity and ability to be ourselves.
Being empowered. An ability to: o
Take responsibility for own actions, thoughts and behaviours.
Meaning and Morality
Be open to reflecting on motivation
Jodie Chambers
and necessary changes to behaviours and traits. LIFE Edition 09, Issue 34
Page 3
Over the past few months I have been doing an
more than on what it is to live a meaningful
online course in Christian Apologetics through
RZIM Academy. I have found it quite interest-
In the area of morality, we need to look at the
ing, though at times confusing and challenging.
reality of suffering and evil. One of the worst
Lectures based in a Christian worldview have
examples of this is the Holocaust; needless
explored other religions, hope, evil and doubt,
death and suffering through an evil we can
and the relationship between science and faith.
barely comprehend. Viktor Frankl, a psycholo-
The course has raised as many questions for
gist and Holocaust survivor, says that it wasn’t
me as it has given answers. I began to realise
suffering that caused suicide and death within
that, if I hadn’t been doing this course, I may
the concentration camps, but the absence of
never have understood my own stance on
hope. Hope in God, the hope in being released
things like morality and meaning. So I invite
and the hope of seeing loved ones again were
you to consider how you would answer ques-
what sustained most survivors. In the face of
tions on the meaning of life and if there is a
evil, Viktor noticed those who had faith saw
common morality. More than that, how have
their faith increased. He saw many die and
you come to understand these concepts?
found that those without hope were more likely
In the course, Ravi Zacharias quotes G.K.
to commit suicide even after being released
Chesterton on the subject of meaning in life.
and discovering their life no longer had mean-
“Meaninglessness does not come from being
ing. Where was God? What is it that keeps
weary of pain. It comes from being weary of
one living in the face of such evil?
pleasure.” I found this quote very interesting
Ravi Zacharias says there is a trilemma of faith
and, in my view, true. Believing in a God who
when looking at suffering and evil:
loves me, is interested in, and is part of, my life
How can evil be evil?
gives my life meaning, as long as the focus of
How can God be all good?
that meaning comes through Him. If I have everything in regard to materialism or security
How can God be all powerful?
outside of God, I begin to believe my meaning
Ravi says the biblical answer is to hold all of
comes from a worldly perspective of attain-
these together as true. “Evil is real, but it never
ment, status or from what I am doing. Os
should have been. What is, is not what was
Guinness says that the modern world has mini-
and what is, is not what will be. God is good
mized pain and magnified destructiveness. He
because no other God has wounds.” (see Isaiah
says that our goal in life is industrialisation to
53 regarding His torture and disfigurement).
eliminate pain. Life can become meaningless
“God is all powerful, and it is rational to trust
when our focus is on comfort and pleasure
LIFE Edition 09, Issue 34
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The answers to evil and suffering are not easy
The Spiritual Path
to hold along with the trilemma that Ravi im-
Donna Hunter
plies we must contend with. Kobayashi Issa
“Grace must find expression in life, otherwise
was a Japanese poet and Buddhist priest. He
it is not grace” Karl Barth
wrote the following poem:
Spiritual practices are formed from within and
“The world of dew,
without, in response to God’s desire to be in re-
is the world of dew.
lationship with humanity. Internally, spirituality
And yet,
is formed out of both conscious and unconscious thoughts, from experiences of the past as
and yet…”
well as the present, knowledge and history of
This poem is from the view of there being no
one’s understanding of self, God, the world, and
answers for pain and suffering, except in the
others, and the imagination and/or reality of ex-
detachment from it to gain enlightenment.
istential hopes and fears (Dueweke, 2004). Ex-
“And yet, and yet…” he looks for answers.
ternally, life is lived in response to the arrange-
What a hopeless view of life and one that is far
ment of the natural world in which one learns to
removed from my Christian worldview, so I
form spiritual rhythms that are complementary
will continue to wrestle with Ravi’s trilemma,
to these greater rhythms of creation (Ward,
knowing the love of Jesus in my life to be my
rock of truth.
I aim to explore four of the spiritual practices
I will leave you with some quotes to ponder.
that facilitate these connections, their expres-
“Before time, God chose us out of the desire to
sions and purposes, underlying theological
love. In time, God loved us enough to suffer
thought, historical practices that have informed
with us. At the end of time, God will see
them, their biblical understandings, and one’s
things right. When suffering comes, when
personal engagement with these practices
death comes, who will bear it with us? Who
within the context of grace. The four practices
will see us through it?” Vince Vitale
explored are silence and contemplation, reading
“Love does not exist in the absence of judge-
and contemplating God’s Word, reflecting on
ment, only in the presence of it. It is only
one’s identity, and re-creating and nurturing na-
when the
There are many ways in which humanity at-
person who
tempts to connect to God in response to God’s
speaks it
endeavour to connect to humanity. Throughout
knows eve-
history this has led people on spiritual journeys,
rything about you.” Michael Ramsden.
seeking identity and purpose through relationship with God by means of many different
LIFE Edition 09, Issue 34
Page 5
meaningful and spiritual practices. The Carthu-
God and love one’s neighbour as oneself (see
sian monks understood the primacy of relation-
Matthew 26:36-40), a union of hearts, minds,
ship with God, and through silence and contem-
and purpose. Augustine’s writings emphasise
plation lived the simple life (Dueweke, 2004).
continuously finding hope in Christ, being con-
Historically, monastic silence, prayer, and con-
stantly inspired by the gospels, and not wasting
templation of the Scriptures has been practiced
time on empty entertainment but building one’s
by religious traditions for centuries in some
life around “charity towards the poor” that gives
shape or form, with the belief that it created el-
greater understanding of the self and the rhythm
evated states of spiritual purity, helped gain
of relationships with others (Stock, 2011). Con-
templating one’s own identity can only be done
knowledge and helped to live more harmoni-
through the contemplation and understanding of
ously in creation (Dueweke, 2004). “Silence is
the Word of God and the self in relationship
not just the absence of sound”, or the “emptiness
with God and others (Majerus & Sandage,
of thoughts or conversation”, but an emptying
of the self, where language can be heard through
It is in silence and contemplation that the shat-
the heart (Keller, 2005). Silence helps focus the
tered and displaced energies of the self are
mind and facilitates contemplation, where one
drawn together, sharpening one’s ability to re-
can observe and consider spiritual matters that
flect, restore, and understand the self, giving
are enlightened through the Word, thus drawing
wisdom to all relationships (Matthews, 2002). It
one closer to God, others and creation (Ward,
is hard to imagine repentance without some sort
2009). David proclaims this internal under-
of personal commitment drawing one closer to
standing of silence and the contemplation of
God’s love and grace, which emphasises rela-
God throughout the Psalms. For example, “For
tionship through the power of listening to the si-
God alone my soul waits in silence; from Him
lence in which God is heard (Matthews, 2002).
comes my salvation” (Psalm 62:1), “Be still be-
Proverbs details how gaining wisdom and un-
fore the Lord; wait for God” (Psalm 37:7), “I
derstanding enables a better life through waiting
have stilled my soul” (Psalm 131:2), and, “Be
on God. Though this may prepare one for a bet-
still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:11).
ter life, ultimately humanity is unable to reach
Augustine (354-430AD) takes the theme of con-
perfection, and this is where grace takes place
templation further, using the term coaptatio
(Warren, 2011). Ecclesiastes reinforces these
translated as “rhythm of relationships” in writ-
same themes from an external position of the
ings themed around harmony between the self,
outworking of the difficult life, highlighting the
others, and God, and expresses the virtue of
virtues and enjoyment of a simple life and pleas-
caritas (love) through these relationships as a
ures, demonstrating that life without God is
way of living (Dueweke, 2004). This is summed
up perfectly by the great commandment to love LIFE Edition 09, Issue 34
Page 6
It is from this position that the humble petition
being mindful about both essential and non-es-
of the repentant sinner moves the hand of God
sential purchases, growing food and exploring
to act where no other method or technique born
my environment. These practices have stemmed
of human industry can compel Him. In a culture
from the belief that we are stewards of the earth
that objects to silence and contemplation, em-
and that connecting within my community,
phasising everything and anything that it has to
wherever I live, has value. Putting this into prac-
offer, one views suffering as not only an internal
tice helps to educate others of the importance of
fracturing of self, but of humanity’s relationship
looking after that which God has given and fa-
to God, each other, and their environment,
cilitates and enhances meaningful relationships.
through the lack of silence, contemplation and
My personal application of these four spiritual
reflection on the Word (Matthews, 2002). It is
practices causes me to spend time each day en-
in this that grace prevails.
hancing and beautifying my garden while in re-
The practice of silence and contemplation is es-
flection of God, myself, others and the world. In
sential to connecting deeply with God through
this place I seek to find words which speak of
the Word and the Spirit, for Scripture declares,
who God is, who I am, and the importance of
“Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm
relationships with others and my environment. I
46:10). It is in the stilling of the busyness of life
find enjoyment in journaling my experiences
and the mind that one can perceive the invisible
through my photography and creativity. I would
spiritual dimensions of the Word, self, and cre-
like to continue moving towards appreciation of
ation. Coming from an active and verbal evan-
these practices in my everyday life in a way that
gelical tradition, silence and contemplation
just becomes part of who I am. I believe that in
have not been explicitly known within my own
doing so, I will be better equipped to hear and
journey, although I am learning of its signifi-
follow that still small voice within when I am
cance for future spiritual growth. The reading of
out in the world.
the Word, however, is something that has been
When there is a commitment to spiritual prac-
a strong part of my journey. I have chosen these
tices, they are embraced as part of the art of liv-
practices because I feel they hold great meaning
ing and following the spiritual path, enabling in-
in regard to spiritual growth, and something to
corporation of biblical teaching and mission
which I am constantly reminded to give more
into one’s life. There are a variety of creative
expressions practiced by humanity in response
I have always aimed to shift from the self-cen-
to the divine call of God; all embraced differ-
tred greed that abuses the abundance of the
ently at different times, by a diversity of people
earth, toward being a good steward of what God
that ultimately shape who they are. This is truly
has put in humanity’s care. I try to take time out
a beautiful thing. In the Western culture of noise
regularly to enjoy and care for creation, through
and busyness there is an escape from the reality
LIFE Edition 09, Issue 34
Page 7
of the existential fear of oneself, others, and God
(Matthews, 2002). God, in all His wisdom,
Devsiri Peiris
knows the history and future of creation and has
Four months of this year has been completed.
ensured that His grace is sufficient (see Corin-
A new year is a time many make resolutions
thians 12:9). It is in modernity that silence and
for the year ahead. What were your resolutions
contemplation are predominantly practiced less
for the year 2019? Have you already forgotten
but needed more, but grace comes before re-
them? Many of us resolve to spend more time
pentance, through contemplation of the sinful
studying the Word of God, more time in
self (Matthews, 2002). Embracing the truth and
prayer, and more time serving God and others.
power of God’s gesture of grace through Christ
Our Lord Jesus became a real man. He left His
is truly possible when people respond by pur-
glory and power behind. He emptied Himself
posefully including the spiritual path as part of
of all His glory and majesty and came into this
their daily lives.
world as a helpless baby born into an extremely poor home. “The Word became flesh, Bibliography
and dwelt among us” (John 1:14a). He came in
Dueweke, R. F., (2004). The Augustinian Theme of Harmony: A Contribution of a Spiritual Tradition to a Better Understanding of the Self and Others. Doctoral Thesis, Saint Paul University, Canada.
powerlessness, and was laid in a borrowed crib, in a borrowed shed. He was crucified on a borrowed cross, that of Barabbas, and buried in a borrowed tomb.
Majerus, B. D., & Sandage, S. J., (2010). Differentiation of Self and Christian Maturity: Social Science and Theological Integration. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 38:1, 41-51.
In the 70’s, a young Anglican clergyman in Sri Lanka was sent to a village where the church had virtually died out. There were only three
Matthews, G., (2002). The Healing Silence: Thomas Merton’s Contemplative Approach to Communication. The Continuum Publishing Group Ltd, N.Y. USA.
Anglicans in that area and they too had com-
Prince, B., (2010). Interrogation, Interpretation and Integration of Spirituality: Insights from Sri Aurobindo for “Care for Creation”. International Review of Mission, World Council of Churches.
tian influence and had lost respect for the
Spirit-Filled Life Bible, New King James Version, (1991). Thomas Nelson, Inc. Tomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, USA.
hill to the guest house he was working at. This
pletely lapsed for over 30 years and the building was collapsing. The village had no Chrischurch. One day this clergyman who had the spirit of servanthood helped a labourer carry his heavy load of vegetables up the Rumassala man did not recognize the clergyman because he was dressed in trousers and shirt. In the
Stock, B., (2001). Self, Soliloquy, and Spiritual Exercises in Augustine and Some Later Authors.
evening when the man went back to the village, he narrated how this gentleman had helped him. The local gang leader investigated
LIFE Edition 09, Issue 34
Page 8
who this gentleman was and recognized that it
and the lives of all in this world. We need Je-
was the newly arrived Anglican clergyman. In
sus! We cannot do without Him! Jesus the
this culture, the clergy do not serve anyone;
Servant Lord can give you a servant heart and
they are served by others. They are not allowed
spirit of service. He will not force Himself on
to stand and travel in a bus; the laity get up and
you, but if you allow Him and invite Him to
give their seats to them. Laity do not sit with
work in you, you will become more and more
clergy for meals. In contrast, Christian minis-
like Jesus. It is the Spirit of the Servant Lord
ters and missionaries are called the Diaconoi,
that inspires and enables us to be servants to
or servants. When this hostile gang heard of
others, and to give diligent service to our soci-
this act of servanthood of the Christian clergy-
ety and nation.
man, they put aside their hostility and became friends, visiting the mission house frequently. The gang leader and his best friend accepted
The Enemy Within
Christ before long. Within two years the
Graeme Cann
church consisted of over 50 new believers,
A politician launches a scare campaign against
worshipping God.
a government bill that he doesn’t like. A racist
You may have been exploited or abused, your
generates angry protest in the community in re-
leadership may have been taken for granted or
lation to the country accepting refugees. A vio-
even rejected. All the good you have done to
lent and controlling man beats and kills his wife
others may seem like water poured on a duck’s
of twenty-five years. A gang of fourteen-year-
back. You may feel like it is better to mind
old boys terrorise a ten-year-old in the school
your own business and say, “I am not going to
ground. Each of these events has its genesis in
help anyone in the future”. Today the focus is
the same emotion. It’s the same emotion that
on all that glitters, on fame and glamour. But
drives panic selling on the share market floor, or
deep down, people admire simplicity, humility
the frenetic buying of food when an imagined
and love. These are the characteristics and na-
disaster threatens. It is what keeps a person
ture of Jesus Christ the Servant Lord. The nine-
awake at night worrying about finances, health
fold fruit of the Holy Spirit are love, joy,
or relationships. It is fear!
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithful-
We have many words for fear; timidity, anxiety,
ness, gentleness and self-control.
dread, terror, phobias, apprehension, mistrust
Mark 10:45 says “For even the Son of Man did
and suspicion, just to name a few. We describe
not come to be served, but to serve, and to give
situations that inspire fear as alarming, formida-
his life as a ransom for many.” The Lord Jesus
ble, redoubtable, shocking, fearful and ghastly.
Christ can make all the difference in our lives
We explain our feelings of fear as fright, panic, alarm, dread, horror, scared and dismay. We
LIFE Edition 09, Issue 34
Page 9
seek medical help for anxiety, we self- medicate
that people experience have their origin in them.
with addictive substances, and we develop
In every aspect of community life and relation-
harmful protective mechanisms against fear,
ships, he claims you can see the presence and
such as controlling behaviours, aggression and
power of fear. Fear has an impact in the life of
the individual and in the community.
Fear lies at the root of civil and international
For further details about the book visit https://whenthetigerroars.com
wars, violence, poverty, racism, sexism, nervous disorders and many other mental health issues. It both motivates us and cripples us. It can
Persevere For Peace
save us from real danger, but it can paralyse us
Larelle Smith
with fear of imagined threats. It can unite communities against a common threat or enemies,
There is no part of my life that I can remember
and it can, in the very same communities, cause
existing without the presence of anxiety. I re-
people to hate each other. Bullies use it to intim-
member having migraines in kindergarten from
idate us, politicians use it to manipulate public
anxiety. By the time I was 14, the anxiety had
perceptions, and dictatorships use it to control
‘hidden’ itself and presented as depression. In
the masses.
high school I made my way from tween to
An awareness of the pervasiveness of fear
adult life living in deep depression. I was sui-
leaves us with many questions. Is it inevitable?
cidal, I was deeply distressed, and I was de-
Is it necessary so that communities can be gov-
pressed right within my core. I lived each day
erned? Is it all related to ignorance and therefore
willing it to be my last. I never once considered
exists mainly in primitive cultures, or is there
that I could be free from these thoughts and
something about our modern societies that
means that destructive fear will continue to in-
Fast forward six years and I am now living as a
crease and become even more destructive?
missionary within the 10/40 Window in south
In many respects the fear I speak about is the
east Asia. I work alongside a Christian mission
“enemy within”. For some it is the fear of not
organization working as a designer and per-
‘measuring up’, for others it is the threat of be-
forming artist. I am astounded daily at the
ing exposed as incompetent or impotent while
grace and freedom Christ has presented me
for others it is the fear of failure, loneliness, or
with. I could never have imagined a life that
of being devalued or rejected by others.
excluded depression, anxiety and numerous other symptom-related disorders. In the midst
In my new book titled When the Tiger Roars, to
of my teen years I couldn’t see myself past 18
be released in May 2019, I invite the reader to
years old. God has grown me into a life I
explore the theory that fear, and shame are pri-
couldn’t have even begun to dream of.
mary emotions. All the other painful emotions LIFE Edition 09, Issue 34
Page 10
The ocean is and always has been my favourite
the guidance of a Father who is eternally per-
place. When I was 21, I had a checklist for
fect and when we trust that we are who God
what I thought life would look like. The big-
created us to be, life will never be the same.
gest dream I could come up with for life was to
God continues daily to expand the possibilities
be a designer living by the beach. Now, five
of who I am. God pushes me; He is actively
years later, God has given me a home overseas
shaping and creating me to do better and better.
in Asia. I am right next to the ocean, right in
I still have days or moments that the anxiety
front of the mountains, five kilometres from
and depression seem much larger than the real-
the city and surrounded by a godly community
ity but there is never a time that I can ask God,
that I work alongside and treasure deeply. I
“Who do you say I am?”, and be left with si-
spend my time working with a team of design-
lence. That’s what recovery and a life with
ers, travelling and performing around Asia, al-
God is all about and it will always be worth it.
leviating poverty, becoming an advocate for those who don’t have a voice, and a girl who can now see a life filled with God’s joy and peace. It is an enormous contrast to the person
The Curse of Creativity
I once believed I was and a huge difference to
Julie Kelly
the person I thought I could be.
The hook of the crochet needle creating an-
It has been a journey filled with pain, fear and
other knot in the patch, the click of the knitting
unbelief but I have been led by a God and lead-
needles creating a purl stitch from a ball of
ers who were filled with faith, encouragement
wool or the silk thread through the eye of the
and perseverance on my own behalf. We un-
needle weaving a tapestry. The fine tip of a
derestimate the communities we plug ourselves
well-placed brushstroke onto the canvas or the
into, but although it is primarily God who I
speck of charcoal dust being rubbed from fin-
owe the honor of a continued life to, it is vi-
gertip to parchment. The capturing of a mo-
tally important to also be connected with peo-
ment in time through the lens of a camera with
ple who also believe in me, mirroring God’s
one precise activation of the shutter. The deli-
creation of me.
cate placement of melodic lines on fine manu-
When you ask God who you are, your life
script creating that song that will reach the
changes. When you say yes to the leading of
heart. The words of the song that set the feet a
God, your life will always get better. When
dancing or the tapping of the typeset keys pro-
you allow your heart to soften towards friends
ducing words of a story that needs to be told.
and family who care for you in your suffering,
Whatever the creative activity, there is curse in
your life will become richer. The people
it. Creation holds a story that, until that mo-
around us are never perfect, but we live under LIFE Edition 09, Issue 34
Page 11
ment, has remained visually and audibly un-
is seeded into the place where nothing grew.
told. There is a risk of exposure, a transparency
It’s the creation of a garden from whatever me-
and a vulnerability that is released with every
dium the heart may choose, that a broken piece
creative production. In that moment there is a
of self is given and the true self is let loose. In
part of the creator that is placed into the mas-
the mixing of these elements, the receiver of
terpiece at hand. From the inside out, the con-
the creation is released from a similar cursive
cept within a hidden part of self is released into
expression as the creative has been set free.
its’ expression. The risk is not fully over when
There is a deep, abundant well buried way
the masterpiece is being given away or sold for
down in every soul. It’s the heart of creativity -
someone else to critique, question and use to
no longer a curse because through expression
of one’s creativity, the Lord heals it and sets it
There is something about this creative curse
that becomes a healing moment and a blessing as it reaches into the heart, mind and soul as it
Dare to Dream
is released then captured in another heart, an-
I encourage you to dare to dream, to step out of the shadow/comfort zone/fear and focus.
other mind, another soul, another home. Perhaps it speaks to you of a Master Creator that designed us to be like Him, or maybe it reveals
Make time to • Discover what you like doing – your passion will drive you forward, reducing fear of failure if you focus on what you can learn rather than how you might fail. • Discover what drives you – your determination to live your dream can keep you going despite the outcomes you face. • Discover what you hope to achieve – your commitment and dedication to the dream will become an attribute of your character. • Discover what success means to you – your ability to have confidence that God dreams with you will determine your anticipation of achievement. • Discover what may cause you to stop – your courage is your ability to face challenges, knowing you are never alone.
the plan of the Master Conductor as He set about creating space and, with each breath, creating life. In the conceiving of ideas, He birthed colours and images into an empty, formless earth. It is in this God-inspired, creative freedom where creatives seamlessly express the heart, mind and soul; images of what heaven on earth is all about. In this, God breathed creativity in which healing can be given. The curse was broken when Jesus was nailed to the tree. In the dying and bleeding He poured out, and from burial to resurrection there came the victory. God created us in His image and within each one of us is creativity. There is art in every heart and expressing it sets it free. The curse is lifted, the ash is removed, and beauty LIFE Edition 09, Issue 34
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LIFE Edition 09, Issue 34
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