Systems Federal and State laws require Drinking Water Treatment Units (DWTUs) to be NSF Certified and Installed as specified in applicable laws, codes and ordinances of the Jurisdictional Authority "Get Your Permit Today and Inspection Tomorrow!"
Ionicron Water Systems Business Operations and Terms in Contracted W ater Products Sales, Installations, Services and W arranty Programs
Ionicron W ater Systems hereafter referred to as, “IW S”, is a privately held W ater Business that operates W ater Dealerships, hereafter referred to as “W D” and Service and W arranty Centers, hereafter referred to as “SW C” through out the Southern United States. IW S and its business outlets known as W ater Dealerships and Service and W arranty Centers, are to operate in full compliance with Federal, State, County and any other Jurisdictional Authorities Adopted Laws, Codes, Governmental Agencies Board Rules and Ordinances in which the IW Ss business enterprise shall be conduced in as specified in the appropriated states business and occupational codes. Ionicron W ater Systems, Commercial and Institutional Division, hereafter referred to as IW S CI is the manufacturing and marketing division of IW S of water treatment units, devices and components for institutional and commercial water treatment, hereafter referred to as, “W TU”. IW S’s commercial and institutional W TUs are manufactured and marketed using approved engineered designed and fabricated original components and/or Marketed NSF Standard 61 certified units, devices and components. Ionicron W ater Systems Residential Division, hereafter referred to as, “RCI”, is the manufacturing and marketing division of IW S for drinking water treatment units, devices and components, hereafter referred to as DW TUs units, devices and components. IW S’s manufactured and/or marketed referenced DW TUs units, devices and components shall be only those drinking water treatment units, devices and components that have been granted certification and listing status by an Approved NSF/ANSI Certifying Agency’s under the appropriate NSF Standards 16, 42, 44, 50, and 61. All such marketed units, devices and components shall hereafter be referred to as a DW TUs units, devices and components.
IW Ss DW TUs units, devices and components are designed and/or marketed to be applied and installed as a point of use DW TUs unit, devices and components, hereafter referred to as POU-DW TUs.
IW Ss DW TUs units, devices and components are designed and/or marketed to be applied and installed as a point of entry DW TUs unit, devices and components, hereafter referred to as POE-DW TUs.
W Ds are authorized by IW S to engage in the ordinary day to day business operations of Manufacture and/or Marketing of Ionicron W ater Systems drinking water treatment units, devices and component products. W Ds operational business plans shall be limited to perform only those business services and operations necessary to effectively offer for sale or lease water treatment units, devices and components products to the public. W Ds operational jurisdiction sales and operational authority is limited to the execution of sales to person or persons over the age of 21 years of age and legally recognized by the State in which the sale is executed to be of legal age and posse’s legal mental competency. SW Cs perform the necessary services relating to IW S’s products including products, devices and systems installations, exchanges, maintenance, repairs, and scheduled and unscheduled services for IW S customers and IW S W ater Dealerships. SW Cs are exclusively authorized and certified by Ionicron W ater Systems to administer and perform operations necessary to administer the IW S’s W arranty Authorization Repair and Return Programs, hereafter known as, “W ARR Program”. All SW Cs shall have a minimum of one (1) IW S Certified and Appointed W ARR Program Field Agent. The W ARR Field Agent shall be selected for training from the SW Cs most senior, W ater Treatment Specialist III or equivalent employee. The IW S W ARR Program Field Agent shall perform field operations duties for the IW S W ARR Program, within the SW Cs jurisdictional Territory. SWC’s WTS III or equivalent employees shall be trained in the SWCs administrative duties of the IWS WARR Program. The selected trainee for the IWS WARR Program, Field Agents position shall received necessary administrative training from the SWCs Manager. After the trainees shall successful completion training the trainee shall be tested by the SWC’s Manager. The SWCs trainee must be able to demonstrate to the SWCs Manger his or her proficiency as a trainee for the IWS WARR Program Field Agent position. The SWCs Manager shall serve as the examination’s proctor. The Proctor shall administer to the trainee the IWS WARR Programs Field Agent Position Proficiency Examination. The trainee shall have one hour to finish the examination. The SWC’s manager shall after the conclusion of the timed examination, immediate place all examination materials including the examination booklet and examination recorded testing sheets in the provided mailing container, seal the container and forward the materials to the IWS Warranty Services Department via certified us mail. The IWS WARR Programs Field Agents Prophesy Examination test results shall be graded by the appointed senior member of the IWS Warranty Services Department. The IWS Warranty Services Department shall notify the trainee of the results of the examination. The trainee after successful passing the IWS WARR Programs Field Agents Proficiency Examination shall be notified that the IWS Warranty Services Department has officially placed the trainee on the IWS WARR Program Field Agent candidates list. Because of the nature of the responsibilities and associated duties with the position of SWC’s IWS WARR Program Field Agent, Ionicron Water Systems obtains a surety insurance bond which protects the agent, Ionicron Water Systems and Ionicron’s Customer(s) from the potential miss deeds of the IWS WARR Program Field Agent; as his duties performance relates to the Warranty Coverage’s Liability of Ionicron Water Systems.
The candidate must be intervened by at least two (2) members of the IWS Warranty Services Department Staff. The Staff interviewers’ written recommendations shall be forwarded to the Presiding Official of the IWS WARR Program for final approval. The Senior Staff member of the IWS WARR Program Department shall notify the SWCs Manager of the acceptance or rejection of the candidate as the SWC’s Jurisdictions appointee to the position of IWS WARR Program Field Agent. The SWC’s Manager shall immediately notify the Jurisdictional Authority’s State County Judge that IWS SWC would like to schedule The Ionicron Water Systems Oath of Duty to the candidate. The SWC’s Jurisdictional Manager shall notify the candidate, the IWS Warranty Services Department, and the Presiding Official of the IWS WARR Program of the Date and Time the Oath of Duty Shall be administered.
The IWS WARR Program Field Agent candidate shall be administered the Ionicron Water Systems, IWS WARR Program’s Field Agents Oath of Duty the Jurisdictional Authorities State District Judge. certified as authorized by Ionicron Water Systems’ Warranty Service Department to conduct field service investigations of WARR Program and prepare reports necessary for IWS to property administer it’s Product Warranty Services Programs. IWS’s Service and Warranty Centers shall perform and conduct field investigations for Ionicrons Water Systems Warranty Services know as The WARR Program. The Service and Warranty Centers shall field water analysis and testing services, water collections for required State Certified and Approved Laboratory Water Analysis and Testing, field evaluations, for Ionicron Water Systems Warranty Service Department. Ionicron Service Centers also performs the necessary services of disinfection and startup of water treatment equipment and services for fixed or portable water treatment equipment, in public or private water treatment systems. Installation services include making all connections necessary to insure compliance with the manufacturer’s listed product installation requirements and specifications manuals. IWS Service Centers employ State Licensed, W ater Treatment Specialist