Who’s A Plumber By: Ted Thetford
Plumbing and the Plumber So your Son or Daughter maybe considering choosing PLUMBING, as a vocation. That is just terrific! Perhaps your potential plumber has already had the opportunity to meet a special someone in the plumbing occupation. It is most likely that your, soon to be plumber, in their heart of hearts would like to emulate or become like the plumbers they have met. I certainly hope the aforementioned statement is true, because the new plumbing apprentice will find that a professional plumbing career will be one of the most interesting, challenging, and satisfying careers of all the construction professional trades. The profession has many variations of plumbing designs, layouts, procurements and installation methods that are sure to present extreme challenges even to the most skilled and knowledgeable plumbers in the construction industry. The new apprentice plumber will grow to understand that a competent licensed professional plumber is a person to respect and admire on the job site and in their personal lives as well. Newly registered apprentice plumbers are confused, as to why they are being required to work extensively in the, “digger labor pool”, “tote the pipe crew”, “tear out crew”, “cover-up crew”, “sanitation crew”, “haul off crew” and then finally one day get the opportunity to actual work on a professional plumbing crew after his first year of training is complete. Yes the first 2200 man hours of apprentice ship training skills are complete.
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Who’s A Plumber By: Ted Thetford New apprentice plumbers must learn in a hurry and understand that the basic skills of an apprentice plumber are the requirements of physical stamina. All apprentice plumbers must be foremost physically fit to endure the trials of a plumbing job’s physical demands. Physical training insures the apprentice can carry his or her on labor skilled weight on plumbing job assignments. Starting on the very first workday new apprentice plumbers must learn to become knowledgeable of every other professional tradesman’s job at his assigned job site. The plumbing apprentice must understand the relationship a plumber has with the other professional construction trades. These Trades are carpenters, electricians, framers, tile setters, iron workers, concrete crews, glazier crews, cabinet crews, carpet crews, insulation crews, air conditioning crews, concrete crews, sheetrock crews, painting crews, appliance crews, building officials, plumbing inspectors, homebuilders, tax assessors, insurance company, mortgage bankers, homeowners and especially their relationship with the unseen woman of the house. The apprentice plumber must learn the professional knowledge associated with the other skill trades and their individual trade requirements. Apprentice plumbers, are lonely plumbers that practice their skills every day. These proud individuals start everyday wearing appropriate clean clothes, practice good hygiene, including shaved face, hair combed, good shoes, and posses the individual tools to accomplish the of the plumbing trade. The apprentice plumber does all this work, with a smile on his face, assured in the facts that they are trained in and posses the professional knowledge and understanding of the adopted plumbing codes and possess the necessary skill sets that will make a construction site a home for a family or a building for the citizenry to work in. It is only once in awhile that an apprentice plumber is permitted to ask, playfully, “Is this the Friday, We get paid?” The aforementioned statements refer to professionally trained and educated apprentice plumbers that are admired by their peers as well as professionals of the trades. If an apprentice plumber has a working knowledge of practical plumbing methods and practices, knowledge of the minimum requirements of the modern plumbing codes and the physical stamina to perform the labor intense work service activities that will insure that the apprentice is not going to become discouraged, frustrated, confused and possibly involved in a career ending legal litigation action. The new apprentices will also find it useful to not participate in drugs use, alcohol consumption, and/or freelance sexual activates outside of the marriage environment. The ideas behind becoming an apprentice plumber is to understand that apprentices plumbers do not become a master plumber overnight just as young men do not become men when acting like spoiled little boys. Every apprentice plumber learns during his apprenticeship that there are many me’s in the word we. If the me plumbers looks closely enough at their individual assigned tasks and perform those tasks as instructed then the professional plumbers, can get the plumbing job accomplished quietly, quickly and within efficient costing limits. Apprentice plumbers learn early in their careers there are not Federal or State Laws that prevents homeowners from going to home improvement centers, asking South American illegal aliens or asking a local repair people if they will make pluming repairs. There are however Federal and State Laws that prevent the contactors, home repair people and South American illegal aliens from performing plumbing repairs The local home improvement centers advertise weekly for homeowners to believe their erroneous advertisements of we can do it together with adds titled: “Take A Class, you can do it! We can build it, together! .. Attention Shopper, We have a special for you today!
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Who’s A Plumber By: Ted Thetford All the statements and advertising in the world will not make a homeowner or repair people a professional plumber, just a potential locally grown terrorist.
Quiz: Does anyone know how many plumbing products there are for sale in America today; what the names of the plumbing parts, pipes and fixtures or when, where and how the individual parts, parts and fixtures are installed to guarantee the health, safety and general welfare of the public? The Responsible Master Plumber is required to know all parts, pipes and fixtures, plus the when, where and how to apply each and every one of the individual parts, pipes and fixtures and he must guarantee the health, safety and general welfare of the public. How long does a Responsible Master Plumber guarantee plumbing work service activities? Responsible Master Plumbers (RSM) are required to guarantee. All installed plumbing parts, pipes and fixtures once installed are incompliance with State adopted Plumbing Codes, incompliance with the manufacturer’s installation requirements and specifications and listings; The RSM must guarantee that parts, pipe, fixture once assembled into systems or products are watertight, works properly, as designed for the life of the parts, pipes, fixtures or assemblies. Learning physical plumbing from a plumbing codebook is a very difficult task, if not darn near impossible task. Professional plumbers training requires supervised individual instruction, on the job training and with direct on the job supervision, understanding of the products manufacturer’s installation and specification manuals, Standards and Listings Requirements of each products whether it be a part, pipe or fixture. These reasons alone are enough for anyone entering the professional plumbing trades to purchase the Who’s A Plumber, training publication. The materials published are to help a young apprentice plumber grasp the importance of design and installation principles recognized as a most for the beginning plumbing professionals. Instructions on the essentials to performing professional-grade quality plumbing work services activities. What you’ll discover and learn through the use of the published plumbing publication are necessary techniques and design principles that are applicable anywhere in the U.S., regardless of the name of the modern plumbing or building codes that have been adopted by your applicable local administrative plumbing jurisdiction authority. Whether, you are an apprentice plumber just learning the fundamentals of plumbing or a seasoned master plumber. After reading, studying and employing the practical plumbing knowledge in this plumbing publication you will have instilled in yourself competence in your knowledge and be assure that your skills have made your individual work much easier and safer than just reading the adopted plumbing code.
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Who’s A Plumber By: Ted Thetford The quality and completeness of a young apprentice’s plumbers training program will insure that the young apprentice plumber will end up one of two types of plumbers. The 1st is a highly trained professional that considers their skilled work nothing short of play for pay. The 2nd is a person that hates his job and regrets he ever choice the profession. Which will it be for your apprentice plumber? You are can guarantee that the Who’s A Plumber publication will help determining which plumber emerges.
Purchase today call 1-800-854-9911. Cost $150.00 per copy. Also asked about, Plumbing Seminars in your area. Remember, the requested plumbing instructional book is not an official plumbing code booklet. All plumbers should have a copy of the State approved and adopted plumbing code at all times in their trucks and refer to their local adopted plumbing code(s) always. Every plumber must know when the adopted plumbing is not the law of the land. Do You? Who’s A Plumber publication emphasize the variations in model plumbing codes throughout the book. The young apprentice plumber should easily recognize the differences in Adopted Plumbing Codes as he read and compare sections of this book with local plumbing codes. The basic principles of sanitation, disinfection and safety always remain the same, regardless of the apprentice’s geographical work location. The number 610, to a plumber has a very special meaning. Plumbers do not think the call for 610 applies to a Bible verse or a freeway. Do you know what 610 means or the when and where to apply it?
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Who’s A Plumber By: Ted Thetford
The History of Plumbing: The art and science of plumbing came into being as humankind struggled to survive against disease. The history of civilization is the history of plumbing. At the dawn of civilization, when two or three families gathered to make a tribe, people drank from the same springs and streams. They made no provisions for the disposal of sewage and garbage. We can assume that when their site fouled with food refuse and human waste, the tribe just moved on. If disease, killed members of the tribe because they had not known or understood the laws of sanitation or the tribes did not understand the cause and effect of disease. For sure, it took a long time for people discover that the lack of sanitation breeds disease. Up until the late twentieth century (1999) may federal, state, county and city officials did not understand the difference between cleanliness and sanitation. Many people still died from disease. Do you know and understand what the causes and effect of the great awakening in America and the effects that the adoption of the modern plumbing has had in American Economic Development.. Mr. Phil Graham, Texas own, US Senator, one year, prior to his retirement was a single minded man who understood the cause and effect of cleanliness and sanitation and how each was important but totally different.
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Who’s A Plumber By: Ted Thetford Archeologists, while digging in various parts of the world, have confirmed that even ancient civilizations developed plumbing systems for protecting health. At Nippur, in Babylon, archeologists uncovered an aqueduct made of glazed clay brick that dates back to 4,500 B.C. This aqueduct contained three lines of glazed clay pipe. Each section was 8 inches in diameter and 2 feet long, with a flanged mouth. Other excavations have revealed glazed clay pipe in jar patterns, concave and cone shapes and a sewage system complete with manholes. On the island of Crete, some of the palaces of ancient kings have been discovered to have been equipped with extensive water supply piping systems and sewage drainage systems. The glazed clay pipes found were in perfect condition after 3,500 years. Archeologists even discovered evidence of plumbing fixtures constructed of hard clay. In ancient Greece, further advances were made in cleanliness. Greek aqueducts took pure water from mountain streams into cities. Sewers, which exist to this day, carried away waste to the surrounding rivers. They understood that bathing was a desirable habit. Greeks portrayed Hygeia, the goddess of health (from whose name we get the word "hygiene", as supplying pure water to a serpent, the symbol of wisdom. The ancient Egyptians also realized the value of sanitation. Moses was acquainted with the sanitary science of the Egyptians and used it in framing the code of laws found in the book of Leviticus. The Romans in the time of Julius Caesar developed the principles of sanitation to a high art. Unlike the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, they were familiar with lead, which they imported from the British Isles. They called it plum bum. The word plumbing is derived from the Latin word for a worker in lead. The Romans used lead in many of the same ways we use it today. Two thousand (2,000) years ago, the city of Rome had an adequate water supply and sewage disposal system. Water was piped from hills and mountains from as far away as 50 miles from the city. This piping system was used to bring water into Rome. The great overhead aqueducts and underground tunnels were built of masonry. Distribution branch lines carried water into the homes of the upper class for private bathrooms long before the development of the great public baths. Some baths in Pompeii had floors and walls of marble, with brass, bronze and silver fixtures. From as far back as 600 B.C. Rome had an elaborate drainage system called the Cloaca Maxima. This main was 13 feet in diameter and was joined by many laterals. It was constructed from three concentric rows of enormous stones piled one on the top of another without cement or mortar. It still exists and is used today in the drainage system of modern Rome. When Rome set out to conquer the world, they took their bathing habits with them into what is now Great Britain, now known as the City of Baths, archeologists uncovered a Roman bath 110 feet long and 68 feet wide. What party bathers, they must have been.
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Who’s A Plumber By: Ted Thetford Basic Apprenticeship Laws In the 12th century, trade guilds were organized in England. The first apprenticeship laws were established in England and passed into laws in 1562 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. These laws required an apprenticeship of seven years and made apprenticeship in all crafts compulsory. It was not until 1814 that the compulsory clause was removed and apprenticeship were made voluntary. The first known master plumbers' association was organized in England and incorporated in the College of Heralds of London. Hence the idea of Home Depot was discovered. With the discovery of the New World, man, like his ancient ancestors, sought to escape the dark and dirty cities of Europe for a fresh campground. Although America has become a symbol of very high standards in plumbing and sanitation, progress in the early development of sanitation and plumbing were very slow. As the population of the early American settlements increased, conditions deteriorated. Garbage and sewage dumped onto the ground and seepage from earth-pit privies polluted nearby wells. Health conditions became so intolerable that eventually public sewers had to be installed underground and extended to each building. Although New York in 1782 installed the first sewer under the streets, Chicago is credited with having the first real city sewage system, constructed in 1855. Home Depot founders not to be out done established their first Home Improvement Center and then the Home Depot Foundation was established in 2002 to further the community building goals of Home Depot by providing additional resources to assist nonprofit organizations throughout the United States and Canada. By partnering with manufacturers and suppliers producing inexpensive products and appliance soon filled the Home Depot's Home Improvement shelves. The Foundation strengthens Home Depot’s relationships with their suppliers, their customers and their neighbors by giving grants for community works construction projects. To learn about how the Home Depot grant systems works to insure Home Depot’s profit making services with their supplier partners, Google, Home Depot Profits. Modern plumbing as we know it today traces its roots back through the centuries; however it was not really perfected until the late twentieth century (1999). Many older Americans that were reared without indoor plumbing still remember the open well, the pitcher pump, the outhouse and the Saturday Night romp in the old wooden tub. The new generation of American, Asians, Indians, African, Mexicans, South Americans, Russian, Yugoslavians, Iranians, Yemen, Arabs, and Yes Terrorists all take the modern bathroom, city water systems, and the sewers systems of today for granted.
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Who’s A Plumber By: Ted Thetford Modern plumbing codes, professional licensed plumbers, property owners and renters of private property should never forget that professional licensed plumbers have been charged by the Governor of the State to protect the public’s health, safety and general welfare of our nation and the safety of the State public drinking water supply system. Private Property Owners complain about the cost of their home maintenance, the cost to heat and air condition their home, residential and commercial water bills, how much it cost to re-roof a house or fix a commercial roof, how much it cost to have an electrician come to their house and to fix their electrical problems. But the two (2) things the property owner never talks about is C_________________________, and S______________________.
Home Depot issued the following statement after a lengthy liability trial. “We the officers, executives and employees of Home Depot apologize to you, the customer, for any inconvenience, you may have experienced do to your personal injury and/or property damages we assisted you in acquiring, during your (non-qualified to perform) Home or Business Projects.”
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Who’s A Plumber By: Ted Thetford
Home Depot Officials provided the following statement, when pressed by the injured party’s attorney, during an alleged general liability law suits. The plaintiff’s Attorney simply asked the Home Depot’s Official about the possibility of Home Depot’s being found liable for the injuries to the private property owner or for the damages to his home during the alleged Home Depot improvement project. “Sir”, Replied the Official: “Home Depot’s Home Improvement Centers offer for sale construction materials, appliances, general construction repair materials and supplies to the general public. Home Depot’s employees are not qualified or allowed to provide facts or factual advice about any of Home Depot’s in store product or services. Employee may however express their own personal opinions about their experiences with singular in store products and services they may have used inside their individual housing projects. However, in no instance are our employees to express a Home Depot opinion as Home Depot does not officially have an opinion on any of its in store for sale products or services. The Official further stated, All Home Depot Officials have ever since the companies beginning realized, Home Improvement Center cannot be held liable for our un-trained and un-trainable employees and management staff. The plaintiff’s Attorney followed up by asking the HD Official if it was true as was repeated in the local news paper, that all of Home Depot’s National, Regional and District Managers including Store Manages, Department Heads and stock Employees of our Home Improvement Centers were single mindedly hired for their general knowledge of marketing and offerings for Sales Skills as their skills pertain to the in store for sale products and materials. The HD Official clearly stated, What you asked me is true overall, for most employees. However it does not apply to individual lot loaders and/or any foreign nationals, from South America that operating the hot dog stands. All HD Center’s dog stand employees were thoroughly trained in the proper pronunciation of $.50 Cents and $1.25 Cents and that’s all. Except their individual qualifications and procedure to hand over the dog prior to crossing the southern border were verified.
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Who’s A Plumber By: Ted Thetford
When the Official was pressed by the Plaintiff’s Attorney about other employees, the HD Official stated; ”Employees of Home Depot’s Home Improvement Centers are not and have not been employed to and/or trained in the installation, application and/or construction of any of the stores 10,000 products to be sold. Store employees are not capable of knowing the all these products proper use, installation and construction requirements and/or practices and/or applications. Home Depot makes no assertions of fact as to whether the product(s) offered for sale or any items sold to the general public are manufactured or constructed of approved materials, meet the minimum standard of manufacturing or if the materials or products to be sold have ever been tested by an approved laboratory or agency. Home Depot’s purchasing agents are specifically hired and directed by Home Depot executives to obtain the most products for the very least price possible. Store Manager’s are hired as manages of the stores to order merchandise that the general public may purchase and offer such products for ongoing general public sales offerings. Many times appliances, materials and construction products sold in our Home Improvement Centers are not of the absolute highest quality but the quantity is always there. Home Depot’s warrants and guarantees through its secret manufacturing partnerships with China, North Korea, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, Libya, Syria, The White House and many, many other countries that desperately want to sell their products in our American markets have guaranteed to both Home Depot and our friends at Wal-Mart that there will always be a good quantity of precut and post cut products available for sale. The Plaintiff’s Attorney without hesitation immediately asked the HD Official, If the manufacturer’s warranties and guaranties are so good why then doesn’t the LG appliances manufacturer have their own stores in North America and Canada. With squinted eyes the HD Official said, I Don’t Know, Sir. Near the End of the examination The Home Depot’s Official’s commented just prior to stepping down from the sworn testimony, WAS ASKED BY THE PLANIFF’S ATTORNEY!, “Are any of the materials, products and/or supplies for sale and for purchase at any of your Home Improvement Center’s considered an international purchases exempt from federal, state or local taxes. www.tsbpe-qsa.com
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Who’s A Plumber By: Ted Thetford Without pause, the Official All The Home Depot’s Consumer Reports stated, that purchases at Home Depot are a diffident kind of item purchase. He continued by stating!, That the ticket, Yah, the individual consumers purchases are and upgraded purchase. Our Customers are way ahead of local garage sales items purchases run by those South American Under Grounders. After all, garage sale’s product item purchases are good only for the local underground economy formed locally by the South America Natives. He concluded by saying that all Home Improvement Centers purchases are really international economic development purchases from around the world and remember Home Depot is considered A GREEN COMPANY !!. The HD Official then continued by explaining the differences in the general public’s items purchased at garage sales centers and consumer purchasing items from Home Improvement Centers; “Home Improvement Centers only sell complete repackaged returns and/or new products, never before opened, since THEY WERE originally packed by the manufacturer in China, North Korea, Iran, Libya etc. etc. The Official Home Depot Witness said, “Let’s say, a woman goes home from shopping at Home Depot and her husband explains she did not purchase the right item that the accountant husband had specified on the note he wrote on the cardboard, fold over flap. The Husband not wanting to look like a dumb ass in front of wife attempts to make the wrong item work. After trying to make the wrong item work for two (2) hours; because the sales and marketing employee of Home Depot told his wife it was just the item the husband needed to complete the home improvement project correctly. Finally determining that the Home Improvement Centers employee was not qualified to give an opinion and that the item suggested was not the correct item and/or are just not the right items needed to do this home project correctly or do the job right. The HD Official stated that, Look the wrong item(s) purchase, may be returned, if the item purchased was purchased after talking to our employees and/or cashiers and then the consumer purchased the wrong kind of product or bought too many of the same kind of product. The Official noted that, “This specified return policy as defined in his last statement, does not apply to nails and/or shingles items. However he did, reiterate that no wooden product or materials once cut, could not be returned as full boards but a discounted refund could be give for half sheets if cut properly., “Any and all product(s) returned must be in the products original packaging and in like new condition within the allowable thirty days of purchase date. As an afterthought the official stated that. All subparts of the original product must be included in the original return packaging. The official then continued, “Unlike garage sales purchased items where you cannot get your money back unless you’re big enough or look very mean with a knife. At Home Improvement Centers all you www.tsbpe-qsa.com
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Who’s A Plumber By: Ted Thetford have to do to get a refund or exchange the item is bring in your original purchase item(s) along with the original sales receipt of purchase in the original packaging from one of our Home Centers and visit with one of our friendly staff cashiers. There are other requirements and exception but they can be worked out by your credit cards second billing cycle. He added.” Have you ever asked a plumber why it took so long to go to Home Depot and Pick up parts? I wonder just what he would tell you about Home Depot’s sales and return policies and the availability of approved plumbing stock. Thank God! You have decided! Responsible Master Plumbers are competently trained and skilled qualified.
Who’s A Plumber! Welcomes You and Your Family To The Professional Plumbing Industry!
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