Australian Canegrower November 2020

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WE MUST LOOK IN THE MIRROR TO SEE OUR FUTURE During a recent radio interview, a reporter asked me to put into context whether the Queensland State Election really mattered. I thought it was a fair question. Given the hype and hyperbole around political photo opportunities and statements during an election campaign, it can be difficult to cut through to meaningful substance but my answer to the reporter was straight forward of course an election matters and when it is a State Election, it really, really matters. When you look at all three tiers of government in Australia, it is the state level which has enormous influence over agriculture. The states have the policy levers on water and electricity pricing, land use planning policies, environmental (reef) regulations, resources allocation and planning. These are all issues CANEGROWERS canvassed heavily in our 8-point election platform which was in your October magazine. It was pleasing to see that CANEGROWERS was successful in getting a response to our issues which were published also in last month’s magazine. The response of the parties points to the importance they place on the voice of CANEGROWERS. Their published statements remain as a benchmark for the new State Government. It was clear though that in final weeks of the campaign there was a lack of momentum. Perhaps brought about by the strategies harbouring uncertainties about the unique nature of this first fixed term, fixed date, huge pre-poll vote and dramatic influence of preferential voting. There was also the growing feeling in agriculture that this was an opportunity lost by our politicians. Gone are the days where comprehensive strategies built on the pillars of agriculture, mining and tourism were the cornerstone of most campaigns. They have been replaced by policies, many it must be said are noteworthy and supportive of industry, but they don't appear to be stitched within a cohesive campaign-wide strategy . We as industry, led by growers, must step up to fill that void. Over recent months I have used this magazine to float such ideas and talk of our emerging work on a new industry vision and roadmap to grow the industry. It is a compelling story full of bright opportunities for cane growing in Queensland and as we work with our supply chain partners, I know we can deliver it. To do so we have to face the reality that the ‘old days’ of government leading this process are gone – it is up to us. Government will need to be part of our future, but we will lead because if we wait for them we may not see our part in that future. 


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