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How to Grow Your Fitness Career

A simple one-page marketing plan to keep you focused and producing powerful results

By Sean Greeley


Too many fit pros think they need to learn a dozen different strategies to market their business. They try posting videos on social media, digital advertising, launching challenges, chasing likes and comments on social, discounting prices, and a whole lot more.

The result is they do not have any focus, get overwhelmed, and do not produce results in terms of generating quality leads and new client numbers to show for their time and effort. Yes, you need a marketing plan, but a simple one. You need a plan that is focused, easy to execute, and will consistently grow your business month-over-month.

Here is a simple and effective one-page marketing plan that will keep you focused and produce powerful results:

1. Speak to the heart of a specific client.

Which message works better: A message that could be addressed to anyone, or a message that directly addresses your challenges in a way that speaks to your heart? Too many fitness professionals create marketing messaging that speaks “generally”. It sounds like you are interested in anyone – so you will be speaking directly to the heart of no one. That is why you have to be clear on EXACTLY who you want to serve, and communicate a message that matters DEEPLY to them. Answer the following:

• Who is your ideal client, and what are their goals?

• What obstacles are standing in their way?

• How do they feel about their obstacles?

• What does success look like?

• What does failure look like?

Once you know these answers, you can create powerful messaging directly at them. Because your purpose is to help them solve their specific health and fitness challenges they cannot solve on their own. For example:

“We help busy moms gain energy, look good, and feel good.” “We help seniors regain their strength, endurance, and confidence.” “We help busy executives achieve excellence in health and fitness.”

2. Craft a powerful offer that attracts the right people.

Most fitness professionals try to execute “half-baked” marketing ideas where they are not sure where and how to direct people to the next step in working together.

Before you begin marketing to your ideal client, you need to get crystal clear on what you want prospects to do. You must have an offer - something for them to start the process of working with you. For fit pros, we recommend one of two proven types of offers:

• Free consultation. You can call this what you want (e.g., “Fitness, nutrition, and diagnostic consultation” or whatever else speaks to your target client.) This is the best offer for trainers with some experience. Prospective clients get value in learning your assessment and recommendations. Then you offer to fulfill those recommendations in your programs.

• Paid trial/short-term program. This is good for fitness professionals who are just starting out. Clients have a lowrisk way to get started working with you. When the trial ends, if you have provided enough value, they will join for a longer-term contract.

3. Focus on the three top leadgeneration strategies.

Which works better for fitness clients: Trying a dozen different ways to get into shape –then working out for a week and then disappearing for a week? Or choosing one program and executing consistently, day after day, week after week?

Too many fitness professionals overcomplicate things. What they need is to CONSISTENTLY execute three lead generation strategies. We recommend:

1. Referrals:

Who do you know? Who do they know? You need to have a referral collection script you can use. Create a plan and use it to talk to people in your “sphere of influence.” Continue to follow up and reach out to people who gave you referrals. And connect with your referrals. We have had clients who have gotten a great start simply by pursuing referrals consistently.

2. Networking:

Who have you not met yet that already serves (or has influence with) your ideal client? Identify local businesses and people of influence who already serve your ideal client base (including past clients!). Get a script and process for reaching out and connecting with them. Use your script to ask “who do you know who might benefit from an intro to me?” Consistently take action to build, grow, and cultivate your referral network!

3. A/B Offer:

This is for “hot prospects” and “warm leads.” That means these people are either ready to buy or people who are researching solving their health and fitness challenges. Your “A Offer” is for people ready to buy. This is your free consultation or your paid trial.

Your “B Offer” is for warm leads. These are people who are just researching and summoning the gumption to get back in shape. They need information. If you supply what they are looking for, you will gain credibility and build your list. You can help inspire them … and when they are ready to buy, you will have the A Offer to attract them.


Do not get overwhelmed by marketing. The key is consistent, targeted, focused action. Choose your ideal client. Speak to their needs. Create a powerful offer that will interest them in engaging with you. And have a B Offer to build your list, gain credibility, and be there when they are ready to buy.

Get instant access to our free training, “Conquer Marketing! The 1-Page Fit Pro Plan To Bank $5k/Month.” The training includes a free downloadable, 1-Page Fit Pro Marketing Plan Cheat Sheet. Get it here: www.npefitness.com/fit-pro-plan/

Sean Greeley, Founder and CEO of NPE, has an unrelenting passion for inspiring fitness professionals and business owners to realize their unlimited potential. Since 2006, NPE has helped over 45,000+ fitness professionals and business owners in 96+ countries grow their client base and income to the next level.

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