Canford celebrates 45th Anniversary By Stephen Gallagher, Canford Marketing Manager
The catalogue would understandably be among the first things to spring to the mind of long-standing Canford customers. Sometimes known fondly as the ‘industry bible’ the Canford catalogue grew from a mere 24 pages in 1981 to a 2kg, 1500page encyclopaedia of broadcast and pro audio must-have essentials by 2010. Fast forward to July 2021 and Canford is celebrating its 45th anniversary. A ‘Sapphire’ achievement which ‘the big blue book’ played a critical part in helping the North East business to reach. After graduating from Durham University with a degree in engineering, and several vacations spent in various BBC local radio stations, Iain Elliott was in at the start of commercial radio at Newcastle based Metro Radio in 1974. At the time, Metro was one of only six commercial radio stations in the UK. “ All pioneering stuff, an exciting time to be working in the industry”. There was no specialist source for the ‘bits and pieces’ of equipment a radio station would need, and therefore a market to explore and a business to create. Never for one moment did Iain anticipate that Canford would evolve into a £17m turnover business employing 140 people. Talking to KitPlus in a recent video interview, Iain explained some of the early principles behind Canford: 6 | Source Material by Canford
“ We wouldn’t be just a box shifter. Canford would contribute ‘original thought and innovation’ and we have remained that way to this day. About 40% of what we do is our own manufactured product.” Manufacturing has always been at the core of Canford. The very first product was born out of frustrations with badly labelled news cuts on NAB carts leading to on-air gaffes – so the printed NAB cartridge labels emerged. Other very early products were the On-Air Illuminated Signs and AcousticTables.
“About 40% of what we do is our own manufactured product.” Iain Elliott, Canford Founder and CEO
At Canford’s 20th birthday in 1996 came the most complex products, the iconic NEAL range of interview recorders. The company continues to invest in all three of its production sites - fibre termination and the electronic assembly units in the Washington,Tyne and Wear headquarters, and the metalwork manufacturing located in Portland, Dorset.
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