Katalog 31. LIFFe (2020)

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Kolofon Credits

31. Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival 2020 31st Ljubljana International Film Festival 2020 programski direktor/programme director Simon Popek programski svet/programme board Koen Van Daele, Kraken – Peter Cerov{ek in Matev` Jerman (kratki filmi/shorts), Barbara Kelbl, @iva Juran~i~ (Kinobalon) vodja projekta/project manager Brane Kodrin vodja slu`be za tr`enje programa in odnose z javnostmi/head of the marketing and public relations department Sa{a Globa~nik vodja promocije in tr`enja festivala/head of festival promotion and marketing Janina Pintar pokroviteljstvo, vodja glasovanja ob~instva/sponsorship, head of audience voting Zvezdana Lazar urejanje spletne strani/web page editor Tadeja Drolc urednica tiskovin/publication editor [pela Barli~ izdelava spletne strani in aplikacij za pametne telefone/ creation of website and smartphone applications Jure Mo`ina vodja slu`be za goste/head of guest service Medeja Medved dru`bena omre`ja/social networking websites Medeja Medved, Hana Radovan celostna grafi~na podoba /identity design Mojca Vanelli vodja prodaje/head of box office Andreja [teblaj koordinacija `irij/jury coordination mag. Anina Oblak vodja prostovoljcev/head of volunteers Ivana Vulanovi~ koordinacija projekcij za {olske skupine/coordination of school-group screenings Kristina Jerman~i~ Golc, Medeja Medved tehni~ni vodja festivala/festival technical director Mensur Hod`i} pomo~nik tehni~nega vodja festivala/tehnical deputy director Janez @agar vodja prevajalske slu`be/head of translation services Nives Ko{ir koordinacija prevajanja in podnaslavljanja/translation services Dejan Bjelajac, Niko Bogataj kinooperaterji/projectionists Juro Gani}, Haris Ataji} multimedija/multimedia Anton Kuhelj, Haris Ataji}

voznik/driver Iztok Suhadolc varnostna slu`ba/security services Martin Remic, Dejan Ba`ec poslovna sekretarka/business secretary Tamara Habjani~ finan~no-ra~unovodska slu`ba/accounting department Du{an Lakner (vodja/head), Irena Balanti~, Vladana Spiri}

producent festivala/producer

kulturni in kongresni center Ljubljana cultural and congress centre Ljubljana www.cd-cc.si E info�cd-cc.si generalna direktorica/director general Ur{ula Cetinski direktorica poslovnega sektorja/managing director Barbara [tukelj direktorica kongresno-komercialne dejavnosti/congress and events management director mag. Breda Pe~ovnik direktorica tehni~nega sektorja/technical director Karmen Klu~ar direktorica Kinodvora/Kinodvor director Metka Dari{ direktor Koloseja zabavni centri/Kolosej zabavni centri, director Urban Racman direktor Slovenske kinoteke/Slovenian Cinematheque director Ivan Nedoh direktor Kina Be`igrad/Be`igrad Cinema director Klemen Toman direktor Maribox/Maribox director Stjepan Jeri} vodja Kina Metropol/head of Cinema Metropol Borut Kramer ravnatelj Anton Podbev{ek Teatra/ Anton Podbev{ek Theater director Matja` Berger



urednica/editor [pela Barli~ besedila/texts Matic Majcen, Janina Kos, Damijan Vinter, [pela Barli~, @iva Juran~i~ (Kinobalon); Kraken (Evropa na kratko) prevajanje/translation mag. Anina Oblak lektoriranje/proof-reading mag. Sonja Ko{mrlj oblikovanje/design Toma` Perme, Edin Alibe{ter

tisk/printed by Silveco – Studio Orca izdajatelj/issued by Cankarjev dom zanj/represented by Ur{ula Cetinski, generalna direktorica/ Director General oktober/October 2020


Uvodnik Foreword

Nih~e ni~esar ne ve Nobody Knows Anything Simon Popek Kot ljubitelj spekulativne fikcije sem v zadnjem ~asu tudi sam premleval, tehtal, primerjal, tuhtal, in, no, {pekuliral z razli~nimi mogo~imi scenariji covid festivalske sezone. Ekipo Cankarjevega doma sem medtem celo razglasil za veterane, saj smo ognjeni krst pre`iveli – in premagali – `e spomladi, z odpovedanim majskim in uresni~enim junijskim Festivalom dokumentarnega filma. Medtem ko pi{em te vrstice, sredi drugega vala, ko {tevilke znova strmo nara{~ajo, smo ponovno na preizku{nji. Organizirati ali ne? Prestaviti? Hibridizirati? Modificirati? Vsekakor razku`evati in distancirati, kar spet ni tako te`ko; zdru`evale nas bodo filmske vsebine s (skoraj) vseh delov sveta. Tudi zato leto{njo podobo festivala vizualno ozna~uje t. i. dreamcatcher, "lovilec sanj"; filmske podobe ob zapiranju in vegetiranju kinodvoran pa~ trmoglavo i{~ejo gledalca in gledalci jih sku{amo ujeti, ~e je le mogo~e, v kinu. Festivali so tekom leta postali poligoni v prekucni{kih vragolijah, za uspe{no (in varno) organizacijo je treba ujeti pravi trenutek, pravi "val". Sta festivala v Karlovih Varih (julija) in Locarno (avgusta) prehitro odpovedala prireditvi? Ne vemo, ~eprav bi padla v razmeroma umirjeno obdobje korone, niti jima teh odlo~itev ne zamerimo ali oporekamo. Nad odlo~itvijo bene{ke festivalske direkcije so {tevilni zmajevali z glavo, iz{lo se je perfektno, podpisani sem bil navzo~ – in navdu{en. Po sili razmer smo vsi postali amaterski covid-vremenkoti in finan~ni {pekulanti. Vpra{anja se med negotovostjo mno`ijo, npr. Koliko ~asa zadr`evati pla~ilo ra~unov za festivalske licence? Koliko ~asa za letalske vozovnice? Organizirati `ive dogodke ali ne? In tako naprej. "Nih~e ni~esar ne ve," je maksima, ki jo lahko pripi{emo tako Sokratu kot hollywoodskemu scenaristu Williamu Goldmanu, letos pa za name~ek {e vsem organizatorjem kulturnih prireditev in festivalov. Berete namre~ {pekulativni uvodnik za filmski festival, ki se ima zgoditi, ~eprav nih~e ne ve to~no, kdaj in v kak{ni obliki. Verjamem, da se vidimo novembra. Morda marca ali enkrat vmes. Ampak ko bo, bo dobro. Skupaj bomo lovili sanje.


As a lover of speculative fiction, I have recently been pondering, hypothesizing, cogitating on, and, yes, speculating about the different viable scenarios for a festival season in times of the COVID-19 crisis. I have already pronounced the team of Cankarjev dom seasoned veterans, as we took – and passed – the acid test in June by successfully implementing the Documentary Film Festival that had been postponed from May. While composing these lines, in the midst of a second wave when numbers are again rising dramatically, we are faced with another difficult decision. To organise or not? To postpone? Hybridize? Modify? The social distancing and hygiene protocols have to be observed, of course, but that is not a serious problem; we will be sharing the big-screen experience of watching films from (practically) all over the globe. This is also why the 2020 festival's visual identity symbolizes a dreamcatcher; at a time when cinemas are either slipping into stagnation or under threat of closure, moving images are tirelessly seeking viewers, and the viewers are trying to catch them, if at all possible, in a movie theatre. Throughout the year, festivals have morphed into trampolines for acrobatic stunts; one has to seize the right moment, the right 'wave,' to implement a festival successfully (and safely). Were the Karlovy Vary (July) and Locarno (August) festivals too hasty in their decisions to cancel the event? Nobody knows. Even though their slots would have coincided with a relatively relaxed Corona period, we can neither challenge nor hold their decisions against them. Many were sceptical about the Venice festival directors' decision to go ahead, but the result was wonderful. The author of these lines was there – and much impressed by what he saw. By force of circumstances, we have all turned into amateur COVID forecasters and financial speculators. Various questions keep arising in these times of uncertainty; e.g., how long can we delay paying film-licensing invoices? How long the air tickets? Should we organise live events or not? Et cetera. The motto "nobody knows anything," attributed to both Socrates and Hollywood writer William Goldman, has been adopted by organisers of cultural events and festivals this year. This is because the text before you is a speculative foreword to a film festival that is scheduled to take place, although nobody knows exactly when and in what format. We have every intention of welcoming you to Liffe this November. Perhaps in March, or sometime in between. But when it does happen, it is going to be good. We will be catching dreams together.

Vsebina Contents

2 Uvodnik Foreword 4 @irije, nagrade Juries, Awards Program Programme 7 15 29 33 37 41 47

Perspektive Perspectives Predpremiere Avantpremieres Kralji in kraljice Kings and Queens Panorama svetovnega filma Panorama of World Cinema Ekstravaganca Extravaganza Kinobalon Kinobalon Evropa na kratko Europe in Short

52 Spremljevalni program Accompanying Programme 56 Nagrajenci LIFFe LIFFe Award Winners


@irije, nagrade Juries, Awards

foto: Sa{a Kova~evi~

Nagrada vodomec (sklop Perspektive) – mednarodna `irija Kingfisher Award (Perspectives section) – International Jury Zdravko Du{a je po tolminski gimnaziji {tudiral angle{ki jezik in primerjalno knji`evnost na ljubljanski Filozofski fakulteti. Po zaposlitvah na ^GP Delo in Studiu marketing Delo je nadaljnja tri desetletja slu`boval pri Cankarjevi zalo`bi kot urednik leposlovja in humanistike. Kot prevajalec je v sloven{~ino posredoval predvsem ameri{ko in angle{ko dramatiko druge polovice 20. stoletja, seznam dopolnjuje nekaj pomembnih romanov tega obdobja. Ob scenaristi~nih delavnicah Poka`i jezik, ki jih je vodil nekaj let, je poskrbel tudi za izdajanje knjig priznanih avtorjev o scenaristiki. Kot scenarist, dialogist ali epizodni igralec je sodeloval v dokumentarnih in igranih filmih ter serijah. Njegova kratka zgodba Pa ravno tako je bilo je izhodi{~e za film Oroslan (2019) Matja`a Ivani{ina. Marina Gumzi je v Ljubljani, Berlinu in Parizu {tudirala dramaturgijo, gledali{ke {tudije in filmsko produkcijo. Od l. 2013 je direktorica Zavoda Nosorogi (Playing Men, 2017; Zgodbe iz kostanjevih gozdov, 2019), raziskovalno usmerjene mikro produkcijske hi{e, znotraj katere deluje kot producentka in avtorica. Med 2019 in 2020 je bila ~lanica prve raziskovalne skupine podiplomskega programa Next Wave, v okviru katerega se je za~ela {tudijsko ukvarjati z novimi modeli filmske distribucije ter sodobnimi trendi produkcijskih in kuratorskih praks AVmedijev. @enja Leiler, diplomirana literarna komparativistka in profesorica filozofije, je bila dolgoletna novinarka, kriti~arka in urednica ~asnika Delo. Njeno novinarsko in kriti{ko delo je povezano s podro~ji kulturne politike, dru`be, filma, literature in gledali{~a. Oblikovala je idejno zasnovo {tirinajstdnevnika za umetnost, kulturo in dru`bo Pogledi ter bila med letoma 2010 in 2013 tudi njegova odgovorna urednica. Za svoje novinarsko delo je prejela Jur~i~evo nagrado. Bila je generalna direktorica direktorata za medije Ministrstva za kulturo ter je dejavno usmerjala pripravo filmske in medijske zakonodaje. Je avtorica knjige esejev Zapisi in zapiki, ki je bila nominirana za Ro`an~evo nagrado. Bila je tudi soavtorica razstave Ivan Cankar in Evropa – Od Shakespeara do Kafke.

Nagrada FIPRESCI mednarodna `irija FIPRESCI Prize International Jury


Zdravko Du{a graduated in English and comparative literature from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. After holding posts at ^GP Delo and Studio Marketing Delo, he worked as a fiction and humanities editor for the Cankarjeva zalo`ba publishing company for three decades. As a translator, he mainly devoted himself to late-twentieth-century American and English drama, whilst also translating some important novels from that period into Slovenian. As well as leading Poka`i jezik, a series of workshops on screenwriting, for a number of years, he promoted the publishing of renowned authors' books on screenwriting. His credits as a script- and dialogue writer or walk-on actor include documentaries, feature films, and TV series. Zdravko Du{a's short story, Pa ravno tako je bilo, inspired Oroslan (2019), a film by Matja` Ivani{in. Marina Gumzi studied dramaturgy, theatre studies and film production in Ljubljana, Berlin and Paris. Since 2013 serving as director of Nosorogi Institute (Playing Men, 2017; Zgodbe iz kostanjevih gozdov, 2019), a research-oriented microscale production house, she also works as its producer and screenwriter. Between 2019 and 2020 she was member of the Next Wave postgraduate programme's first research group, which enabled her to study new models of film distribution and contemporary trends in AV media production and curatorial practices. Literary comparatist and professor of philosophy @enja Leiler was a long-time journalist, critic and editor of the newspaper Delo. Her work as a journalist and critic is related to the fields of cultural policy, society, film, literature and theatre. She outlined the conceptual design of Pogledi, a biweekly focusing on art, culture and society, and served as its editor-in-chief between 2010 and 2013. She received the Jur~i~ Prize for her journalistic achievements. She was Director-General of the Ministry of Culture's Media Directorate and actively supervised the drafting of film and media legislation. She is the author of the book of essays Zapisi in zapiki, which was nominated for the Ro`anc Award, and has co-curated the exhibition Ivan Cankar and Europe – Between Shakespeare and Kafka.

@irije, nagrade Juries, Awards

Nagrada za najbolj{i kratki film – mednarodna `irija Best Short Film Award – International Jury Katja Lenar~i~ Ve~ let je delovala v ekipi berlinske prodajne agencije M-appeal. Leta 2015 se je pridru`ila produkciji EnaBanda, kjer je producirala dokumentarne in kratke filme mladih slovenskih avtorjev, ki so bili prikazani na mednarodnih filmskih festivalih, kot so Sarajevo FF, Clermont-Ferrand ISFF, Solun. Med letoma 2016 in 2019 je bila programska vodja scenaristi~ne delavnice za kratke filme Kratka scena, od 2020 pa je del produkcije Vertigo. Rok Kajzer Nagode Diplomiral je na Akademiji za gledali{~e, radio, film in televizijo Univerze v Ljubljani, smer Filmsko in televizijsko snemanje. Leta 2019 je magistriral z naslovom Restavriranje in revitaliziranje filmske dedi{~ine, v sklopu katerega je digitalno restavriral dokumentarni film V temi @arka Lu`nika. Kot direktor fotografije je sodeloval pri ve~ kot dvajsetih kratkih filmih, med njimi so Prespana pomlad, Mladi Menendes in Plavanje. Za svoj prispevek pri filmih K.A.O.S. in Kar ostane je v letih 2016 in 2017 prejel nagradi IRIS za fotografijo v {tudentskem filmu, ki jo podeljuje Zdru`enje filmskih snemalcev. Projekti poleg {tudija vklju~ujejo celove~erni film Posledice in ve~ dokumentarnih filmov, televizijskih in spletnih serij ter kratkih filmov. Igor Prassel Svobodni novinar, specializiran za strip, animirani film in film. Diplomiral je iz novinarstva na ljubljanski Fakulteti za dru`bene vede. Od leta 2000 je programski sodelavec Slovenske kinoteke – vodja kinote~ne mese~ne nanizanke Animateka. V preteklosti je deloval kot odgovorni urednik stripovske revije Stripburger, programski sodelavec razli~nih filmskih festivalov (Sniff, Dokma, Kino Otok, G-Fest) in festivalov sodobne umetnosti (Break 21, Mesto `ensk), z Ireno ^er~nik sokurator razstave Slovenski strip in animirani film 1996–2006 v celjski Galeriji sodobne umetnosti in direktor Festivala slovenskega filma. Je tudi ustanovni ~lan Dru{tva slovenskega animiranega filma in avtor Filmografije slovenskega animiranega filma 1952–2012. Od ustanovitve leta 2004 je programski direktor Mednarodnega festivala animiranega filma Animateka ter od 2017 urednik filmskega programa in vodja programskega oddelka Slovenske kinoteke.

Katja Lenar~i~ Katja was part of the film sales team of the Berlin-based M-appeal agency for several years. In 2015, she joined the production company EnaBanda, where she worked as a producer on documentary and short films by young Slovenian directors shown at various international film festivals, including Sarajevo, Clermont-Ferrand, and Thessaloniki. Between 2016 and 2019, she was project manager of Kratka scena (Short Scene), a scriptwriting workshop for short films. She has been on the team of the Vertigo production company since 2020. Rok Kajzer Nagode Rok graduated from the University of Ljubljana's Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, majoring in film and television directing. In 2019, he earned an MA in restoration and revitalization of film heritage, within the context of which he digitally restored V temi, a documentary film by @arko Lu`nik. As director of photography, he has worked on more than 20 short films, including Prespana pomlad, Mladi Menendes and Plavanje. For his contribution to the films K.A.O.S. and Kar ostane Rok Kajzer Nagode won the 2016 and 2017 IRIS Awards for Student Film Photography presented by the Slovenian Association of Cinematographers. Projects outside his studies include the feature film Posledice, as well as several documentaries, TV- and online series, and short films. Igor Prassel A freelance journalist specialising in comics, animated film and film, Prassel graduated in journalism from the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. Since 2000 he has been on the programme team of the Slovenian Cinematheque – as head of Animateka, a monthly animated film series. He was editor-inchief of the comics magazine Stripburger, programme selector of various film festivals (Sniff, Dokma, Kino Otok, G-Fest) and contemporary art festivals (Break 21, City of Women), co-curator – with Irena ^er~nik – of the Slovenian Comics and Animated Film 1996–2006 exhibition in Celje's Gallery of Contemporary Art and director of the Slovenian Film Festival. He is also a founding member of the Slovenian Animated Film Society and author of Filmography of the Slovenian Animated Film 1952–2012. Since its launch in 2004, he has been programming director of the International Animated Film Festival Animateka and since 2017 film programme curator and Head of the Programme Department of the Slovenian Cinematheque.


@irije, nagrade Juries, Awards

Nagrada Art kino mre`e Slovenije Slovenian Art Cinema Association Award Gregor Jane`i~ je samozaposlen v kulturi in kot zunanji sodelavec Zavoda Ivana Cankarja Vrhnika kurira program Kina Vrhnika, kjer deluje od njegove ponovne obuditve v letu 2011. Ukvarja se z izvajanjem programov filmske vzgoje ter razvojem mladega ob~instva in izbira redni program kina. V program posku{a umestiti ~im ve~ kakovostnih evropskih naslovov in tako art film pribli`ati {ir{emu ob~instvu. @an Papi~ je cinefil oziroma filmski ljubitelj. Udele`uje se filmskih festivalov, ve~inoma v Sloveniji in bli`nji okolici (Motovun, Trst). Veliko izku{enj ima predvsem z vodenjem prireditev, med drugimi podelitve IRIS – nagrade za najbolj{e filmske fotografije (v letih od 2015 do 2020). Dlje ~asa se ukvarja z voditeljstvom in stand upom, v Slovenskem stalnem gledali{~u Trst pa trenutno igra v predstavi K(o)ronske zdrahe. Gledali smo ga v treh slovenskih nadaljevankah in igranem dokumentarnem filmu Za Pavla Knobla skovano. Uro{ Zavodnik je filmski re`iser, scenarist, igralec ter avtor ve~ igranih in dokumentarnih filmov. Doktoriral je v Avstriji, v povezavi z AGRFT v Ljubljani, z disertacijo iz filmske re`ije in igranim filmom Der Prozess kot avtorskim in interaktivnim filmom. Filmsko umetnost in fotografijo tudi predava na Univerzi v Celovcu (AAU Klagenfurt), Akademiji za ples mednarodne univerze AMEU in Univerzi v Mariboru. V Art kino mre`i Slovenije, Kinu KD Slovenj Gradec, skrbi za filmsko izobra`evanje mlade in {ir{e kinematografske publike. Na ravenski gimnaziji vodi Filmski studio na Gradu kot produkcijski studio. Kot fotograf se je predstavil na ve~ samostojnih in skupinskih razstavah doma in v tujini.


Gregor Jane`i~ is self-employed professional in culture and curates the Vrhnika cinema programme as an external partner of the Ivan Cankar Institute in Vrhnika. He has been involved in Kino Vrhnika since its revival in 2011. His work includes implementing film education and young audiences education programmes, as well as carefully selecting the regular cinema programme. He aims to programme as many quality European titles as possible, thus providing broader audiences with access to art film. @an Papi~ is a cinephile. He attends film festivals, mostly in Slovenia and in the nearby regions (Motovun, Trieste). He has a lot of experience in hosting events, including the IRIS awards ceremony – the award acknowledging achievements in film photography (between 2015 and 2020). He has been involved in hosting shows and stand-up comedy for a longer period of time and is currently performing in K(o)ronske zdrahe, a production by the Slovenian Permanent Theatre in Trieste. He acted in three Slovenian TV series and the feature documentary Za Pavla Knobla skovano. Uro{ Zavodnik is a filmmaker, screenwriter, actor, and director of several feature and documentary films. He obtained his PhD in film directing in Austria, in association with Ljubljana’s Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, with a dissertation on the fiction film Der Prozess. He teaches film and photography at the AAU Klagenfurt, the AMEU Dance Academy and the University of Maribor. He implements film education programmes for young and broader cinema audiences within the context of the Slovenian Art Cinema Association and KD Slovenj Gradec Cinema. He runs Filmski studio na Gradu production studio at the Ravne na Koro{kem grammar school. As a photographer, he has held several solo and group exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad.

izbor filmov za nagrado Art kino mre`e Slovenije

film selection for the Slovenian Art Cinema Association Award

Gagarin (Gagarine) Martin Eden Sol solza (Le sel des larmes) Zlo ne obstaja (Sheytan vojud nadarad) [vic (Sweat) Undine Vohunova `ena (Supai no tsuma) O~e (Otac)

Gagarine Martin Eden The Salt of Tears There Is No Evil Sweat Undine Wife of a Spy Father

Perspektive Perspectives

10 11 12 13 14

Asistentka The Assistant Kitty Green Gagarin Gagarin Fanny Liatard, JĂŠrĂŠmy Trouilh Moj jutranji smeh My Morning Laughter Marko \or|evi} Sade`i pozabe Apples Christos Nikou Izgnanstvo Exile Visar Morina


Perspektive Perspectives

glej str.12/see page 12

glej str. 10/see page 10 glej str. 14/see page 14

glej str. 11/see page 11

glej str. 13/see page 13

Perspektive Perspectives

Perspektive Perspectives

Asistentka The Assistant The Assistant ZDA USA 2019

Kitty Green re`ija/directed by Kitty Green scenarij/screenplay Kitty Green fotografija/cinematography Michael Latham glasba/music Tamar-kali monta`a/editing Kitty Green, Blair McClendon igrajo/cast Julia Garner (Jane), Matthew Macfadyen (Wilcock), Makenzie Leigh (Ruby), Kristine Froseth (Sienna), Jon Orsini (asistent/male assistant), Noah Robbins (asistent/ male assistant), Alexander Chaplin (Max), Jay O. Sanders ({ef/boss, glas/voice), Juliana Canfield (Sasha), Dagmara Dominczyk (Ellen) producenti/producers Kitty Green, Scott Macaulay, James Schamus, P. Jennifer Dana, Ross Jacobson produkcija/production Forensic Films 235 E 13th St New York 10003, USA & Symbolic Exchange (USA) & 3311 Productions (USA) format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 87' festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Berlinale 2020, Heartland 2020 (nagrada truly moving picture/Truly Moving Picture Award)

Zgodba mlade asistentke, ki je v slu`bi pri~a vpra{ljivim aktivnostim svojega vplivnega {efa, pomenljivo spominja na afero spolnih zlorab, povezanih s Harveyjem Weinsteinom, ki je spro`ila gibanje #MeToo.

The story of a young assistant witnessing the questionable conduct of her influential boss was inspired by Harvey Weinstein's sexual abuse cases that had triggered the #MeToo movement.

Pred Jane, ki se je pred kratkim zaposlila kot asistentka vplivnega medijskega producenta, je nov delovni dan. V slu`bo kot ponavadi prispe prva in odide zadnja, njeno delo je naporno in enoli~no. Tiskanje urnikov in potovanj, naro~anje kosil in skrb, da je {efova pisarna kot iz {katlice. Tiho prena{a nenehno sovra{tvo sodelavcev in {efovo grajanje ter mol~e opazuje, kako {tevilne privla~ne mladenke vstopajo v njegovo pisarno. Kmalu ji postane jasno, da je njen sum upravi~en in da je nehote del sistema, ki dopu{~a oziroma podpira tudi spolne zlorabe.

Another day at the office. Jane, the new assistant to a powerful media mogul, is the first to arrive and the last to leave. She does her job, endures her colleagues' hostility and applies herself to her pile of tasks with painstaking precision: printing out schedules, arranging travel, ordering lunch and tidying up her boss's office. Without him even once putting in an appearance, his existence is nonetheless all-pervasive. We hear him on the other end of the phone reprimanding Jane; we also witness the array of attractive young women who are paying a visit to the company at his behest. Jane's suspicions and discomfort spin out of control as it becomes clear that she is part of an abusive system.

"/.../ Gibanje #MeToo (Jaztudi) se je osredoto~alo na mo{ke, plenilce, in ne na vpra{anje, kako pritegniti ve~ `ensk v filmsko industrijo ter kako zagotoviti ve~jo varnost in nediskriminatornost delovnega okolja. To sem postavila v `ari{~e. Vemo, kaj se dogaja za temi vrati, o tem se je poro~alo, ne poznamo pa kolesja, ki se vrti pred temi vrati, kulture, ki obdaja molk, zastrupljujo~ega delovnega okolja. Ob pisanju scenarija sem v ospredje postavila te drobne trenutke, ki `ensko oropajo samozavesti, ki lahko spodkopljejo njeno prepri~anost vase in jo pustijo brez poti navzgor ali naprej." (Kitty Green)

prodaja/world sales Protagonist Pictures 42–48 Great Portland Street London W1W 7NB, UK E info�protagonistpictures.com distribucija/distribution Fivia d.o.o. Prelo`nikova 1 3212 Vojnik E cenex�siol.net

Kitty Green


Rojena leta 1984 v Melbournu, Avstralija. Na Viktorijinem umetni{kem kolid`u je {tudirala film in televizijo. S celove~ernim dokumentarnim prvencem Ukraine Is Not a Brothel, ki pripoveduje o aktivistkah feministi~nega gibanja Femen, je pritegnila pozornost na bene{kem festivalu in po`ela {tevilna priznanja. Asistentka je njen igrani prvenec.

2013 2015 2017 2019

Born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1984, Green studied film and television at the Victorian College of the Arts. She attracted notice with Ukraine Is Not a Brothel, her award-winning documentary about the activities of the feminist movement Femen that premiered at the Venice Film Festival. The Assistant is her debut feature.


"/.../ The #MeToo movement was focused on the men, the predators, and not on the issue of how we can get more women into the film industry and how to make workplaces safer and more equitable. That became my focus. We knew what's going on behind that door, that's been reported, but what we don't know is the machinery that's going on outside that door and the culture surrounding silence, the toxic work environment. In scripting it, it was about showing all these little moments that strip a woman of her self-confidence, that could leave a woman unsure of herself and without a path upwards or forward." (Kitty Green) Ukraine Is Not A Brothel (dok./doc.) The Face of Ukraine: Casting Oksana Baiul (kratki/short) Casting JonBenet (kratki dok./doc. short) The Assistant (Asistentka)

Perspektive Perspectives

Gagarin Gagarine Gagarin Francija France 2020

Fanny Liatard, Jérémy Trouilh

re`ija/directed by Fanny Liatard, Jérémy Trouilh scenarij/screenplay Benjamin Charbit, Fanny Liatard, Jérémy Trouilh fotografija/cinematography Victor Seguin glasba/music Sacha Galperine, Evgueni Galperine, Amine Bouhafa monta`a/editing Daniel Darmon igrajo/cast Alséni Bathily (Youri), Lyna Khoudri (Diana), Jamil McCraven (Houssam), Finnegan Oldfield (Dali), Farida Rahouadj (Fari), Denis Lavant (Gérard) producentki/producers Julie Billy, Carole Scotta produkcija/production Haut et Court 38 rue des Martyrs 75009 Paris, France E info�hautetcourt.com format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 95'

Portret `ivljenjskega utripa v rasno pisanem predelu na obrobju Pariza. Film, posnet ob resni~nem ru{enju ogromnega stanovanjskega kompleksa Cité Gagarine, skozi preplet realizma in bujne domi{ljije izri{e sanje mladega fanta, ki `eli ube`ati vsakdanji resni~nosti. [estnajstletni Youri `ivi v neko~ mogo~ni stanovanjski zgradbi, ki nosi ime po prvem ~loveku, ki je poletel v vesolje. Ne da bi kadarkoli pokukal onstran `ivljenja v revnem getu, sanja o skrivnostnih popotovanjih po daljnih galaksijah. Brez star{ev, obdan z brez{tevilnimi skicami, vesoljskimi zemljevidi in teleskopom, pre`ivlja dneve skupaj z drugimi begunci, ki so tukaj na{li zato~i{~e. Ko se mestne oblasti odlo~ijo, da bodo stavbo poru{ile, se s prijateljema odlo~i za tih upor in njihovo ope~nato rde~e domovanje postane vesoljska ladja ... "Pripravila sva video delavnice, nekatere s stanovalci razli~nih generacij in nekatere z ducatom udele`encev, starih med dvanajst in petindvajset let. Nekateri od teh mladih ljudi so ravnokar prispeli iz Sirije, drugi so tam prebivali od nekdaj. Med dolgimi sre~anji smo govorili o njihovem `ivljenju in sanjah. Vpra{ala sva jih, kje se vidijo v poznej{em `ivljenju. Ti pogovori so izoblikovali Yourija. Med razgovori sta se globoko spodaj izrisali nujnost filma in njegova gonilna sila: sporo~ilo, da imajo lahko mladi, ki jih {ablonsko obravnavamo s statisti~nega ali senzacionalnega vidika, velike sanje in nebrzdano domi{ljijo." (Jérémy Trouilh)

A glimpse at life in an ethnically diverse area on the outskirts of Paris. Shot on the cusp of the actual demolition of the Cité Gagarine housing project, the film blends realism and fertile imagination to live out the fantasies of a young boy.

festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Zürich/Zurich 2020

Yuri, 16, has lived all his life in Gagarine Towers, a vast red brick housing project bearing the name of the first human to journey into outer space. Parentless, surrounded by countless sketches, space maps and a telescope, he spends his days with the other refugees who have found shelter here. From the heights of his apartment, he dreams of becoming an astronaut. However, when plans to demolish his community's home are leaked, Yuri joins the resistance. With his friends, he embarks on a mission to save Gagarine, transforming the estate into his own 'starship'. "We organized video workshops, some with tenants of all ages, and some with maybe a dozen people aged 12–25. Some of these young people had just arrived from Syria, others had been there forever. We talked with them a lot about their lives and dreams. We asked them how they pictured themselves later on. Those conversations shaped Youri. Deep down, what developed in those discussions was the necessity of the film, and the engine that drove it: to say that young people who are habitually viewed from a statistical or spectacular angle can have immense dreams and imaginations." (Jérémy Trouilh)

Fanny Liatard, Jérémy Trouilh


Skupaj sta {tudirala na {oli za politi~ne vede v Bordeauxu, pozneje pa sta se oba navdu{ila nad filmom. Jérémy je nekaj ~asa pre`ivel v Indiji in Ju`ni Ameriki, nato pa se je vpisal na {tudij dokumentaristike v Lussasu, Fanny pa je od{la Libanon in po vrnitvi v Marseille sodelovala pri raznih umetni{kih projektih, povezanih z obnovo urbanih sredi{~. Zdaj `e ve~ let skupaj ustvarjata in snemata filme v Parizu.

2014 2016 2018 2020

prodaja/world sales Totem Films 8 Impasse Druinot 75012 Paris, France E hello�totem-films.com

Gagarine (kratki/short) La République des enchanteurs (kratki/short) Chien bleu (Blue Dog) (kratki/short) Gagarine (Gagarin)

distribucija/distribution Fivia d.o.o. Prelo`nikova 1 3212 Vojnik E cenex�siol.net

Fanny and Jérémy studied together at the Institute of Political Studies in Bordeaux and later switched to filmmaking. After graduation, Jeremy travelled to India, then South America, from where he decided to apply to a Master's program in creative documentary-making at Lussas. Meanwhile, Fanny went to Lebanon, and then worked in Marseille on arts projects linked to urban renewal. For the past several years, they have been jointly writing and directing fictional films in Paris.


Perspektive Perspectives

Moj jutranji smeh Moj jutranji smeh My Morning Laughter Srbija Serbia 2019

Marko \or|evi} re`ija/directed by Marko \or|evi} scenarij/screenplay Marko \or|evi} fotografija/cinematography Stefan Milosavljevi} glasba/music Dino Merlin monta`a/editing Marko \or|evi} igrajo/cast Filip \uri} (Dejan), Ivana Vukovi} (Ka}a), Jasna \uri~i} (Radica), Neboj{a Glogovac (Milo{), Bratislav Slavkovi} (Rajko) producenta/producers Milo{ Pu{i}, Ivica Vidanovi} produkcija/production Altertise Ba~ka 3 21000 Novi Sad Serbia E milospusic�gmail.com & Cinnerent format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 94' festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Rotterdam 2020, FAF Beograd/ Belgrade 2019 (najbolj{i film/Best Film), Pan~evo 2019 (najbolj{i film/ Best Film)

prodaja/world sales Altertise Ba~ka 3 21000 Novi Sad Serbia E milospusic�gmail.com

Z zna~ilnim balkanskim humorjem za~injena balada o generaciji, odrasli pod radarjem pretirano za{~itni{kih star{ev, ki se le ste`ka privaja na `ivljenje v resni~nem svetu. Zadnja vloga Neboj{e Glogovca.

Suffused with distinctive Balkan humour, My Morning Laughter is a tale of a generation raised under the radar of overprotective parents and struggling to cope with real life. Neboj{a Glogovac makes his final movie appearance.

Dejan ima skoraj trideset let, a je {e devi~nik. [e vedno `ivi pod isto streho s preve~ za{~itni{ko mamo in zapitim o~etom. Nesamozavesten je, poln dvomov in sramu, a ko se v slu`bi zbli`a s prijetno sodelavko Ka}o, posku{a uti{ati svoje notranje demone, da bi ugotovil, ali lahko z njo razvije globlji odnos od le prijateljstva. Potem ko do`ivi poni`anje lokalnega jasnovidca, spozna, da nima ve~ ~esa izgubiti. Potrudi se poskrbeti za to, da bo njegovo `ivljenje odslej vsaj znosno.

Dejan, even though he is almost thirty, is still a virgin. He tries to repress the turmoil he feels, caused by living under the same roof with his drunken father and overprotective mother, enough to see if he can actually have more than just friendship with Ka}a, a nice girl he works with. After the local psychic humiliates him during a sĂŠance, Dejan realizes he has nothing to lose. Empowered by that realization he attempts to make his life at least bearable.

"Moj jutranji smeh je film o odra{~anju z veliko razliko: glavni protagonist ni najstnik, temve~ tridesetletni devi~nik. V {ir{em smislu je zgodba o moji generaciji s pretirano za{~itni{kimi star{i, ki so se nas po najbolj{ih mo~eh trudili obvarovati pred zastra{ujo~o resni~nostjo zunaj intime doma. Vendar je njihova mo~ z leti postopoma usahnila in dru`ine so za~ele razpadati. Izto~nica filma je sledenje Dejanu med spoprijemanjem s problemom razpadle dru`ine in prizadevanjem postati samostojna osebnost, ne samo nekogar{nji sin." (Marko \or|evi})

"My Morning Laughter is a coming-of-age movie but with a huge difference: the main protagonist is not a teenager but a 30-yearold virgin. In a broader sense, it is a story about my generation, a generation that was overprotected by our parents, who did their best to shield us from the awful reality that was lurking outside our homes. But, through the years, little by little, they lost their strength, and our families started to collapse. That is the starting point of this film, keeping up with Dejan as he tries to overcome his broken family situation and be a man in his own right, not just someone's son." (Marko \or|evi})

Marko \or|evi}


Rojen leta 1988 v Kragujevcu, Srbija. [tudiral je na Akademiji dramskih umetnosti v Beogradu. Njegov celove~erni prvenec Moj jutranji smeh je mednarodno premiero do`ivel na festivalu v Rotterdamu.

2012 Na drugoj obali (kratki/short) 2013 Gde je Na|a? (Where is Nadia?) (sore`ija/codirection) 2016 Ujed p~ele u Velikim p~elicama (Bee Stung in Big Little Bees) (kratki/short) 2019 Moj jutranji smeh (My Morning Laughter/Moj jutranji smeh)

Born in 1988, in Kragujevac, Serbia, Djordjevi} studied at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. His first feature, My Morning Laughter, received its international premiere at the Rotterdam IFF.


Perspektive Perspectives

Sade`i pozabe Mila Apples Christos Nikou

Gr~ija, Poljska, Slovenija Greece, Poland, Slovenia 2020 re`ija/directed by Christos Nikou scenarij/screenplay Christos Nikou, Stavros Raptis fotografija/cinematography Bartosz Swiniarski glasba/music The Boy monta`a/editing Giorgos Zafeiris igrajo/cast Aris Servetalis (Aris), Anna Kalaitzidou (Anna), Sofia Georgovasili, Argiris Bakirtzis producenti/producers Iraklis Mavroeidis, Angelos Venetis, Aris Dagios, Nikos Smpiliris produkcija/production Boo Productions 26, Ierou Lohou Str. 151 24 Athens, Greece E info�booproductions.gr format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 90'

Alegori~na in duhovita filmska pripoved o tem, kako ~ustva vplivajo na ~lovekov spomin in kak{no vlogo ima pri tem sodobna tehnologija.

A humorous cinematic allegory of the pervasive influence of emotions on human memory and the attendant role played by modern technology.

Aris, samotar v tridesetih, nenadoma izgubi spomin, ta nepojasnljiva amnezija pa prizadene tudi {tevilne druge prebivalce njegovega doma~ega mesta. Arisa v bolni{nici vklju~ijo v eksperimentalno zdravljenje, med katerim podo`ivi nekatere dogodke iz mladosti in zgodnje odraslosti. Tam spozna Anno, ki se spopada z enako te`avo kot on. Njuno sre~anje Arisa spodbudi, da znova razmisli o svojih dejanjih in sprejme nekatere nove odlo~itve.

Aris, a solitary man in his late thirties, falls victim to an unexplained surge of memory loss disorders in his city and is forced to confront his severe amnesia through an experimental new treatment. The therapy, which leads Aris to live out experiences of youth and adulthood, culminates in an encounter with Anna, a woman undergoing a similar memory loss treatment. Their budding relationship will make Aris reconsider his actions and lead him to new decisions.

"Moj namen je bil ustvariti film bli`je kinematografiji, ki mi je ljuba kot gledalcu. Filmom, ki ustvarjajo lastne svetove, imajo jasno izoblikovani idejni koncept ter obenem pripovedujejo nenavadno in zaokro`eno zgodbo." (Christos Nikou)

"My intention was to make a movie closer to the cinema I love as a viewer. Movies that create their own worlds and have conceptual ideas and at the same time have an unusual and complete story to narrate." (Christos Nikou)

Christos Nikou


Rojen leta 1986 v Atenah. S kratkim filmom km je gostoval na ve~ kot {tiridesetih mednarodnih filmskih festivalih, v Motovunu pa je osvojil nagrado za najbolj{i kratki film. Nikou se je kot asistent re`ije podpisal pod nekatere najodmevnej{e filme gr{ke produkcije prej{njega desetletja, med katerimi velja izpostaviti Podo~nik Yorgosa Lanthimosa. Sade`i pozabe je njegov celove~erni prvenec.

2010 2013 2015 2020

prodaja/world sales Alpha Violet 18 rue Soleillet 75020 Paris, France E info�alphaviolet.com

Der Schübling (Death by Suffocation) (kratki/short) Of Dogs and Wallpaper (kratki/short) Babai (Father) Exil (Exile/Izgnanstvo)

distribucija/distribution Fivia d.o.o. Prelo`nikova 1 3212 Vojnik E cenex�siol.net

Born in Athens in 1984, Nikou's short film, KM, took part in over forty international film festivals, and won the Best Short Film Prize at the Motovun Film Festival. He has worked as an assistant director on some of the most significant Greek feature films of the past decade, including Dogtooth by Yorgos Lanthimos. Apples is his debut feature.


Perspektive Perspectives

Izgnanstvo Exil Exile Visar Morina

re`ija/directed by Visar Morina scenarij/screenplay Visar Morina fotografija/cinematography Matteo Cocco glasba/music Benedikt Schiefer monta`a/editing Laura Lauzemis, Visar Morina, Hansjörg Weißbrich igrajo/cast Miel Mati~evi} (Xhafer), Sandra Hüller (Nora), Rainer Bock (Urs), Thomas Mraz (Manfred), Flonja Kodheli (Hatiqe), Victoria Trauttmansdorff (Ursova `ena/Urs's wife), Stephan Grossmann (g./Mr. Winkler), Uwe Preuss (g./Mr. Koch), Nicole Marischka (Valerie), Daniel Sträßer (Georg) producenti/producers Maren Ade, Jonas Dornbach, Janine Jackowski produkcija/production Komplizen Film Hagelberger Straße 57 10965 Berlin, Germany E info�komplizenfilm.de & Frakas Productions (Belgium) & Ikonë Studio (Kosovo) format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 121' festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Sarajevo 2020 (najbolj{i film/Best Film, nagrada Cineuropa/Cineuropa Award), nem{ka scenaristi~na nagrada/German Screenplay Award 2018, Tajpej/Taipei 2020 (nagrada Zdru`enja tajvanskih filmskih kritikov/Taiwan Film Critics Society Award), Sundance 2020, Berlinale – Panorama 2020, Hongkong/Hong Kong 2020

Kosovo, Nem~ija, Belgija Kosovo, Germany, Belgium 2020

Vro~i~na, z elementi srhljivke za~injena {tudija mo{kega, ki se ~uti diskriminiranega in se vse bolj zapleta v mre`e lastne paranoje. Zmagovalni film leto{njega Sarajevskega filmskega festivala.

Riddled with thrilling suspense, Exile is a feverish study of a man whose mounting paranoia about being victimized exiles him from his own life. Best Film Award at this year's Sarajevo Film Festival.

Po te`kem dnevu v slu`bi Xhaferja pri vratih njegovega doma pri~aka mrtva podgana. Kdo jo je obesil tja in zakaj? Ti vpra{anji ga vse bolj razjedata in za vedno spremenita njegove odnose doma in v slu`bi. Ker je Xhafer v Nem~iji `ive~i Kosovar, je prepri~an, da je `rtev ksenofobije. Ko mu njegova nem{ka `ena namigne, da incident morda ni posledica diskriminacije njegovih sodelavcev, ampak dejstva, da ga preprosto ne marajo kot ~loveka, je u`aljen, a hkrati ne more z gotovostjo trditi, da `ena nima prav. Po {okantnem dogodku je Xhafer prisiljen premisliti svojo identiteto in se soo~iti z vpra{anjem, kak{en ~lovek je v resnici.

After a frustrating day of work, Xhafer returns home to find that someone has hung a dead rat at his front gate. The question of who did it and why slowly eats at him, forever altering his relationships at work and at home. Because Xhafer is a Kosovar living in Germany what could be seen as office politics now seems to have another, unspoken reason behind it. When Xhafer's German wife suggests the incident might not have been because his co-workers are discriminating against him but because they just do not like him, Xhafer is offended – but cannot clearly say she is wrong. After a shocking event, Xhafer is forced to confront his identity and the kind of person he truly is.

"/.../ @ivimo v paranoi~nem ~asu. To {e zlasti velja za nem{ko dru`bo, ki jo najbolje poznam. Izkusili smo radikalne spremembe naravnanosti: najprej smo bili leta 2015 prepri~ani v nujnost pomagati beguncem, kar nas je navdalo z dobrimi ob~utki. Zatem, leta 2016, se je vse korenito spremenilo. /.../ Na splo{no smo tujce obravnavali z dolo~enim apriornim nezaupanjem. Zanima me prav to ~ustveno stanje, `elel sem ga izraziti. S filmom Izgnanstvo sem `elel upodobiti ob~utje ujetosti v lastno stali{~e, videnje, zaradi katerega smo slepi za vse drugo." (Visar Morina)

prodaja/world sales The Match Factory Balthasarstrasse 79–81 50670 Köln, Germany E info�matchfactory.de distribucija/distribution Fivia d.o.o. Prelo`nikova 1 3212 Vojnik E cenex�siol.net

Visar Morina

filmografija (izbor)/filmography (selection)

Rojen v Pri{tini na Kosovu. @ivi in dela v Kölnu, kjer je na Akademiji za medijske umetnosti {tudiral film. Za svoj celove~erni prvenec Babai je prejel vrsto mednarodnih nagrad, med drugimi za najbolj{ega re`iserja na festivalu v Karlovih Varih ter za najbolj{o re`ijo in najbolj{i scenarij na FilmFestu München.

2010 2013 2015 2020

Born in Pristina, Kosovo, and based in Cologne. He studied film at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Morina's debut feature film, Father, received several international awards, including Best Director at Karlovy Vary, as well as Best Director and Best Script at FilmFest Munich.


"/.../ We are living in paranoid times, and this is especially true for German society, which I know best. We experienced a radical change of atmosphere: first, in 2015, we were convinced of the need to help the refugees and were feeling good about it. Afterwards, in 2016, everything changed radically. /.../ A basic degree of mistrust was applied to foreigners in general. It is this emotional state of mind that concerns me and that I wanted to express. With Exile, I wanted to show the feeling of being imprisoned in one's own point of view, which makes one blind to everything else." (Visar Morina) Der Schübling (Death by Suffocation) (kratki/short) Of Dogs and Wallpaper (kratki/short) Babai (Father) Exil (Exile/Izgnanstvo)

Predpremiere Avantpremieres

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Dragi tovari{i Dear Comrades Andrej Kon~alovski Izbrisati zgodovino Delete History Benoît Delépine, Gustave Kervern Greta I Am Greta Nathan Grossman Martin Eden Martin Eden Pietro Marcello Na`gani Another Round Thomas Vinterberg O~e Father Srdan Golubovi} Poletje '85 Summer of 85 François Ozon [vic Sweat Magnus von Horn Terapija Thalasso Guillaume Nicloux Undine Undine Christian Petzold

15 15

Predpremiere Avantpremieres

glej str. 22/see page 22

glej str. 20/see page 20

glej str. 27/see page 27

glej str. 24/see page 24


Predpremiere Avantpremieres

glej str. 21/see page 21

glej str. 23/see page 23

glej str. 25/see page 25

glej str. 19/see page 19

glej str. 26/see page 26

glej str. 18/see page 18


Predpremiere Avantpremieres

Dragi tovari{i Dorogi tovari{i Dear Comrades Rusija Russia 2020

Andrej Kon~alovski re`ija/directed by Andrej Kon~alovski scenarij/screenplay Andrej Kon~alovski, Elena Kiseleva fotografija/cinematography Andrej Najdenov monta`a/editing Karolina Maciejewska, Sergej Taraskin igrajo/cast Julija Visotskaja (Ljudmila), Vladislav Komarov (Loginov), Andrej Gusev (Viktor), Julija Burova (Svetka), Sergej Erli{ (Ljudmilin o~e/ Lyudmila's father), Aleksander Maskelin (profesor Ovodov/ professor Ovodov) producenta/producers Ali{er Usmanov, Andrej Kon~alovski produkcija/production Andrei Konchalovsky Studios 21/1 Pravdy street 125124 Moscow, Russia E info�konchalovsky.ru format/format DCP, ~b/b&w dol`ina/running time 120' festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Benetke/Venice 2020 (posebna nagrada `irije/Special Jury Prize)

Film o krvavih dogodkih, ki so v {estdesetih letih pretresli pode`elsko mesto v nekdanji Sovjetski zvezi, a so zaradi prikrivanja oblasti dolga desetletja ostali zamol~ani.

The movie is based on a true story that shook the town of Novocherkassk, USSR, in 1962 and was kept secret until the Nineties.

Novo~erkask, Sovjetska zveza, leta 1962. Ljudmila je ~lanica lokalnega odbora komunisti~ne partije. Vrednote partije zagovarja z vso vdanostjo in prezira vsakr{no nasprotovanje. Nekega dne pa je pri~a dogodku, ki ji za vedno spremeni pogled na svet. Oblasti v bli`njo tovarno po{ljejo vojsko, da bi zadu{ila stavko delavcev, vendar pa se vse skupaj sprevr`e v masaker. Mesto preplavijo izgredi, veliko je po{kodovanih in pogre{anih. Izgine tudi Ljudmilina h~erka, zato se zaskrbljena mati nemudoma odpravi na nevarno, a odlo~no iskanje. Film natan~no prika`e potek dogodkov, ki epilog dobijo {ele po razpadu Sovjetske zveze.

USSR, Novocherkassk, 1962. Lyudmila is a member of the local Communist Party. She is a staunch upholder of the Communist ideals and despises any form of dissent. During a strike at the local factory, she witnesses the shooting on the protesters by the Army sent by the government: a massacre. An event that will change her vision of the world forever. The city is torn apart by riots, arrests, hasty convictions. Many people are injured and several ones are missing. Lyudmila's daughter disappears into thin air and the woman starts an anguished, dangerous and relentless search. The film thoroughly chronicles the course of events that reached a resolution only after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

"@elel sem posneti film o generaciji svojih star{ev, ki se je borila v drugi svetovni vojni in jo pre`ivela v prepri~anju, da je ~astno umreti 'za domovino, za Stalina' ter z brezpogojno vero v cilje komunizma: oblikovati novo dru`bo s prispevkom milijonov posameznikov. @elel sem s kar najve~jo natan~nostjo rekonstruirati resni~ne dogodke, obdobje, v katerem je zgodovina razkrila nepremostljivo vrzel med komunisti~nimi ideali in tragi~no stvarnostjo dejstev. Film je posve~en ~istosti te generacije, njenim `rtvam ter tragediji, ki jo je izkusila ob pri~evanju sesutja svoje mitologije in izdaje svojih idealov." (Andrej Kon~alovski)

prodaja/world sales Films Boutique Köpenicker Str. 184 10997 Berlin, Germany E contact�filmsboutique.com distribucija/distribution Fivia d.o.o. Prelo`nikova 1 3212 Vojnik E cenex�siol.net

Andrej Kon~alovski

filmografija (izbor)/filmography (selection)

Rojen leta 1937 v Moskvi. Odrasel je v ugledni umetni{ki dru`ini. Njegov o~e je bil pisatelj Sergej Mihalkov, mati pa pesnica Natalija Kon~alovska. Kot {tudent je bil scenarist pri filmih Andreja Tarkovskega. Leta 1980 se je preselil v ZDA, kjer je posnel vrsto komercialnih `anrskih filmov. Zadnjih trideset let ponovno snema v Rusiji. V minulem desetletju je osvojil dva srebrna leva in posebno nagrado `irije na festivalu v Benetkah.

1965 Pervi u~itel (The First Teacher/Prvi u~itelj) 1966 Istorija Asi Klja~inoj, kotoraja ljubila, da ne vi{la zamu` (Asya's Happiness/Primer Asje Klja~ine, ki je ljubila, a se ni omo`ila) 1974 Romans o vljubljonih (A Lover's Romance/Romanca o zaljubljenih) 1984 Maria's Lovers (Marijini ljubimci) 1985 Runaway Train (Pobesneli vlak) 1989 Tango & Cash (Tango in Cash) 1991 The Inner Circle (Peklenski krog) 2002 Dom durakov (House of Fools) 2014 Belje no~i po~taljona Alekseja Trjapitsina (The Postman's White Nights/Po{tarjeve bele no~i) 2016 Raj (Paradise/Raj) 2019 Il peccato (Sin) 2020 Dorogi tovari{i (Dear Comrades/Dragi tovari{i)

Born in Moscow in 1937 into a family of acclaimed authors, Sergey Mikhalkov and poet Natalia Konchalovskaya. As a student, Konchalovsky wrote screenplays for Andrei Tarkovsky. He immigrated to the US in 1980, and made a series of commercial genre movies there. He has been filming in Russia for the past thirty years. Over the last decade, he won two Silver Lion Awards and a Special Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival.


"I wanted to make a film about the generation of my parents, the one that fought in and survived World War II with a conviction that it was honourable to die 'for Homeland, for Stalin' and an unconditional trust in the goals of Communism: to create a new society through efforts of millions of people. I wanted to reconstruct with the utmost accuracy the events that really happened, and an era in which history revealed the unbridgeable gap between Communist ideals and the tragic reality of facts. This film is a tribute to the purity of that generation, its sacrifices, and the tragedy it experienced seeing its myths collapse and its ideals betrayed." (Andrei Konchalovsky)

Predpremiere Avantpremieres

Izbrisati zgodovino Effacer l'historique Delete History Francija, Belgija France, Belgium 2019

Benoît Delépine, Gustave Kervern

re`ija/directed by Benoît Delépine, Gustave Kervern scenarij/screenplay Benoît Delépine, Gustave Kervern fotografija/cinematography Hugues Poulain monta`a/editing Stéphane Guillot Elmadjian igrajo/cast Blanche Gardin (Marie), Denis Podalydès (Bertrand), Corinne Masiero (Christine), Avant Strangel (varnostnik/security guard) producenti/producers Sylvie Pialat, Benoît Quainon, Benoît Delépine, Gustave Kervern produkcija/production Les Films du Worso 2 Rue du Cherche Midi 75006 Paris, France E spialat�lesfilmsduworso.com & No Money Productions (France) format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 110'

Re`ijski duo Benoît Delépine in Gustave Kervern je v zgodbo o treh zgubah v poznih srednjih letih, ki pa premorejo veliko sr~nosti, zapakiral ironi~no-kriti~en pogled na najbolj pere~e oblike sodobnih e-odvisnosti.

An empathetic tale about three late-middle-aged nonachievers, Delépine and Kervern's Delete History is an ironic look at the major types of modern-day addiction to electronic devices.

Marie je brezposelna mama, ki izgubljeno tava naokoli in se boji, da bi njen posnetek seksa pristal na spletu. [e posebej je zaskrbljena, kako bi to sprejel njen odra{~ajo~i sin. Bertrand je skrben o~e, ki `eli h~erko obvarovati pred internetnim sramotenjem njenih so{olk. Vendar to ni njegova najve~ja te`ava: nesmrtno je zaljubljen v spletno svetovalko za nakupe. Christine, ki se je zaradi odvisnosti od TV-serij zna{la na robu pre`ivetja, se kot voznica Uberja obremenjuje s slabimi uporabni{kimi ocenami. Vsi trije zdru`ijo mo~i v donkihotovskem boju proti povsod navzo~i in na videz nepremagljivi sodobni tehnologiji in dru`benim omre`jem ...

In a provincial suburb, three neighbours come to terms with the consequences of the new world of social media. Marie, who lives off her husband's family allowance, is afraid of losing her son's respect because of a sex tape. Bertrand can't say no to advertising calls and is fighting to protect his daughter, who is being bullied online. Christine, after losing everything because of her addiction to TV series, wonders why her rating as an Uber driver is not taking off. These three lone fighters are incapable of finding a solution to their problems on their own – until they join forces to declare war on the tech giants.

"^eprav ustvarjava komedije, sva pesimisti~na – samo poglejte, kaj se dogaja zaradi koronavirusa. To so resni~ni problemi, s katerimi se spopadamo globalno, zato smo vsi prestra{eni. Internet je globalni problem, takoreko~. /.../ Kak{en je smisel neprestane oboro`enosti s temi elektronskimi napravami, tro{enja energije za hranjenje starih izmenjanih videov in fotografij – spremenimo lahko `ivljenjski slog, preprosto hodimo in govorimo ter po~nemo vse, za kar smo kot ~love{ka bitja ustvarjeni." (Gustave Kervern, Benoît Delépine)

"Although we make comedies, we are pessimistic – just look what is happening with the Coronavirus. Those are the real problems we are dealing with, and we are dealing with them globally, so we are all scared, and the internet is a global problem, so to speak. /.../ And what is the sense of always having these devices in our hands and consuming energy for data centres to store the old videos and photos we exchange – we can change our lifestyle, and just walk and talk and do what we are made for as human beings." (Gustave Kervern, Benoît Delépine)

Benoît Delépine, Gustave Kervern


Gustave Kervern je bil rojen leta 1962 na Mavriciju, Benoît Delépine pa 1958 v Parizu. Oba sta svojo pot za~ela pri televiziji, kjer sta se tudi prvi~ sre~ala in ustvarila {tevilne satiri~ne oddaje. Skupaj ustvarjata `e petnajst let, vse od prvega celove~erca, komi~ne drame Aaltra. Njune filme odlikuje specifi~en ob~utek za ~rni humor, pome{an s socialno ob~utljivostjo, kar cenijo tako kritiki kot tudi ob~instvo.

2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2019

Gustave Kervern was born in 1962 in Mauritius, and Benoît Delépine in 1958 in Paris. Both started out in television where they collaborated on various satirical shows. They have worked together for the past fifteen years, since their first joint full-length feature, a comedy-drama Aaltra. A specific blend of dark humour and social sensitivity pervades their output, appreciated by both critics and the viewers.

festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Berlinale 2020 (srebrni medved – posebna nagrada `irije/Silver Bear – Special Jury Prize), Luxembourg 2020

prodaja/world sales Wild Bunch 65 rue de Dunkerque 75009 Paris, France E aguilhem�wildbunch.eu

Aaltra Avida Louise-Michel Mammuth Le grand soir Near-Death Experience Saint Amour I Feel Good Effacer l'historique (Delete History/Izbrisati zgodovino)

distribucija/distribution Fivia d.o.o. Prelo`nikova 1 3212 Vojnik E cenex�siol.net


Predpremiere Avantpremieres

Greta I Am Greta I Am Greta [vedska Sweden 2020

Nathan Grossman re`ija/directed by Nathan Grossman scenarij/screenplay Olof Berglind, Peter Modestij fotografija/cinematography Nathan Grossman glasba/music Jon Ekstrand, Rebekka Karijord monta`a/editing Hanna Lejonqvist, Charlotte Landelius nastopajo/with Greta Thunberg, Svante Thunberg, António Guterres, Arnold Schwarzenegger producenta/producers Cecilia Nessen, Fredrik Heinig produkcija/production BR.F Tjärhovsgatan 4 116 21 Stockholm, Sweden E sthlm�brf.co format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 98' festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Benetke/Venice 2020, Toronto 2020, Rejkjavik/Reykjavik 2020, Zürich/ Zurich 2020

[vedski dokumentarec predstavlja eno najpopularnej{ih najstnic, aktivistko Greto Thunberg, ki si prizadeva opozoriti na groze~e podnebne spremembe in na{o odgovornost zanje. Avgusta 2018 je petnajstletna Greta Thunberg za~ela {olsko stavko zaradi podnebnih sprememb. Njen moto je bil: ~e odraslim ni mar, kak{no Zemljo bodo zapustili svojim potomcem, zakaj bi se morali najstniki pridno u~iti v {olah? V nekaj tednih je to dejanje dobilo globalne razse`nosti in tiha {vedska najstnica z zametki avtizma je postala svetovno znana aktivistka. Film spremlja Gretino `ivljenje od prelomnega dogodka, ki jo je povzdignil iz anonimnosti, do njenih nastopov na konferencah in soo~enj s politiki ter ob razkrivanju njenega osebnega do`ivljanja osvetljuje tudi vlogo njenega o~eta, ki jo zvesto spremlja na njeni poti. "Ko sem prvi~ sre~al Greto v vetrovnem Riksgatanu na [vedskem, je mene in mimoido~e nagovarjala s {ibkim, jecljajo~im glasom. Bil sem obenem presene~en ob spoznanju, da je aktivistka, in prevzet nad mo~jo njenih besed. /.../ Greta je o podnebnih spremembah in okolju govorila navdse logi~no, nemudoma me je ob{la `elja po poglobitvi v to miselnost. Moj namen je bil skozi objektiv zaznavati svet, kot ga dojema ona, ustvariti zgodbo o njenem svetu. Mislil sem, da bi lahko nastalo nekaj malega, morda pripoved o odra{~anju za {vedske volitve? Kako sem se motil!" (Nathan Grossman)

prodaja/world sales Dogwoof 19–23 Ironmonger Row EC1V3QN London, UK E ana�dogwoof.com distribucija/distribution Demiurg Lome 3 5274 ^rni Vrh E info�demiurg.si

In August 2018, Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old student in Sweden, starts a school strike for climate. Her question for adults: if they do not care about her future on Earth, why should she care about her future in school? Within months, her strike evolves into a global movement. Greta, a quiet Swedish girl on the autism spectrum, is now a world famous activist. The film crew has been following the young activist from her very first day of school strike: chronicling Greta's speeches and confrontations with politicians and, in offering glimpses at her personal life, shedding light on the role of her loyally supportive father. "When I first met Greta in windy Riksgatan in Sweden, she talked to me and the people passing by with a weak stuttering voice. I was as surprised to learn that she was an activist, as I was taken by her powerful words. /.../ Greta talked about climate change and the environment in such a logical way and I instantly felt that I wanted to get into that mindset. I sat myself down with a will to make the camera perceive the world as she did, creating a story about her world. I thought it could be something small, maybe a coming-of-age story for the Swedish election. I was so wrong!" (Nathan Grossman)

Nathan Grossman


[vedski filmski ustvarjalec, ki se v svojih dokumentarnih filmih pogosto ukvarja z okoljsko problematiko. Diplomiral je na Akademiji dramskih umetnosti v Stockholmu, nato je bil zaposlen kot fotograf za revijo Rolling Stone India in se pozneje navdu{il nad filmom.

2015 The Toaste Challenge (kratki dok./short doc.) 2017 Köttets lustar (dok. TV-serija/doc. TV series) 2020 I Am Greta (Greta) (dok./doc.)

A Swedish documentary filmmaker and photographer whose work often explores environmental issues. A graduate of the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts, Grossman began his career as a photographer for Rolling Stone India before shifting his focus to film.


A Swedish documentary about one of the most popular teenage girls, environmental activist Greta Thunberg, known for straightforwardly calling attention to the looming effects of climate change and humanity's responsibility for addressing them.

Predpremiere Avantpremieres

Martin Eden Martin Eden Martin Eden Italija, Francija Italy, France 2019

Pietro Marcello

Re`iser Pietro Marcello je navdih za film, ki obravnava {tevilne aktualne tematike, kot so individualizem, dru`bena razslojenost ter vloga in pomen kulture v dru`bi, na{el v istoimenskem romanu Jacka Londona.

Addressing issues as live as individualism, social stratification, as well as the importance and role of culture in human society, Pietro Marcello's Martin Eden transfers Jack London's novel to twentieth-century Naples.

Mornar Martin Eden nekega dne iz pretepa v pristani{~u re{i Artura, mladeni~a iz dru`ine premo`nih industrialcev. Arturo Martina v znamenje hvale`nosti povabi k sebi domov, kjer mornar spozna mladeni~evo sestro Eleno in se vanjo zaljubi na prvi pogled. Razgledano in omikano dekle Martinu simbolizira dru`beni polo`aj, h kateremu te`i tudi sam, zato sklene uresni~iti svoje sanje in postati pisatelj. Toda kmalu se pod vplivom starej{ega intelektualca Russa Brissendena za~ne gibati v socialisti~nih krogih, to pa mo~no razburi njegovo izbranko.

After saving Arturo, a young scion of the industrial middle class, from a beating, the sailor Martin Eden is invited to the boy's family home. Here he meets Elena, Arturo's beautiful sister, and falls in love with her at first sight. The cultured and refined young woman becomes a symbol of the social status he aspires to achieve. At the cost of enormous efforts and overcoming the obstacles represented by his humble origin, Martin pursues the dream of becoming a writer and – under the influence of the elderly intellectual Russ Brissenden – becomes involved in socialist circles, which brings him into conflict with Elena.

"Martin Eden pripoveduje na{o zgodbo, zgodbo o tistih izmed nas, ki nas je namesto {olskega ali dru`inskega okolja izoblikovala `ivljenjska izku{nja. Roman velikega politi~nega pomena razkriva sposobnost vpogleda Jacka Londona v temno plat prihodnosti, v izkrivljenost in muke dvajsetega stoletja." (Pietro Marcello)

festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Benetke/Venice 2019 (najbolj{a mo{ka vloga/Best Actor), Toronto 2019 (nagrada platform/Platform Award), Ghent 2019, Göteborg/ Gothenburg 2020

"Martin Eden tells our story, the story of those of us who were moulded not in the family or at school, but through what we encountered along the way. A book of great political relevance that reveals Jack London's ability to glimpse the dark side of the future, the perversions and torments of the twentieth century." (Pietro Marcello)

Pietro Marcello

filmografija (izbor)/filmography (selection)

Rojen 1976 v mestu Caserta, Italija. Po {tudiju slikarstva je za~el snemati kratke videodokumentarce, leta 2007 pa se je mednarodni javnosti predstavil z dokumentarnim filmom Il Passaggio della Linea, ki je bil prikazan na bene{kem filmskem festivalu. Za svoje delo je prejel {tevilne ugledne nagrade.

2004 2005 2007 2009 2011 2011 2013 2015 2016 2019

Born in Caserta, Italy, in 1976, Marcello started to make video documentaries after graduating in painting. In 2007 he rose to international prominence with Il Passaggio della Linea, a documentary presented at the Venice International Film Festival. His cinematic output has earned him several prestigious awards.

re`ija/directed by Pietro Marcello scenarij/screenplay Maurizio Braucci, Pietro Marcello fotografija/cinematography Francesco Di Giacomo, Alessandro Abate glasba/music Marco Messina, Sacha Ricci, Paolo Marzocchi monta`a/editing Aline Hervé, Fabrizio Federico igrajo/cast Luca Marinelli (Martin Eden), Carlo Cecchi (Russ Brissenden), Jessica Cressy (Elena Orsini), Vincenzo Nemolato (Nino), Marco Leonardi (Bernardo Fiore), Denise Sardisco (Margherita), Carmen Pommella (Maria Silvia) producenti/producers Beppe Caschetto, Viola Fügen, Pietro Marcello, Thomas Ordonneau, Michael Weber produkcija/production Avventurosa Viale Carlo Felice 89 00185 Rome, Italy E info�avventurosa.net format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 129'

prodaja/world sales The Match Factory Domstrasse 60 50668 – Cologne, Germany E info�matchfactory.de

Il cantiere (kratki dok./doc. short) La baracca (kratki dok./doc. short) Il passaggio della linea (dok./doc.) La bocca del lupo (dok./doc.) Il silenzio di Pele{jan (The Silence of Pelesjan) (dok./doc.) Marco Bellocchio, Venezia 2011 (kratki dok./doc. short) Venice 70: Future Reloaded (dok./doc.) Bella e perduta (Lost and Beautiful) Ossessione (kratki/short) Martin Eden


Predpremiere Avantpremieres

Na`gani Druk Another Round Danska, [vedska, Nizozemska Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands 2020

Thomas Vinterberg re`ija/directed by Thomas Vinterberg scenarij/screenplay Tobias Lindholm, Thomas Vinterberg fotografija/cinematography Sturla Brandth Grøvlen glasba/music Mikkel Maltha monta`a/editing Janus Billeskov Jansen, Anne Østerud igrajo/cast Mads Mikkelsen (Martin), Thomas Bo Larsen (Tommy), Lars Ranthe (Peter), Magnus Millang (Nikolaj), Maria Bonnevie (Trine), Susse Wold (Rektor), Helene Reingaard Neumann (Amalie), Michael Asmussen, Cassius Aasav Browning, Oskar Kirk Damsgaard, Ole Dupont (Pedel), Diêm Camille G. (u~iteljica/teacher), Aya Grann, Martin Greis-Rosenthal, Palmi Gudmundsson, Christina Hildebrandt producenta/producers Sisse Graum Jørgensen, Kasper Dissing produkcija/production Zentropa Filmbyen 22 2650 Hvidovre, Denmark E receptionen�filmbyen.dk & Topkapi Films (The Netherlands) format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 115' festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Toronto 2020, San Sebastian 2020, London 2020

Re`iser Thomas Vinterberg in igralec Mads Mikkelsen sta znova zdru`ila mo~i v komediji, ki se spra{uje, ali je povi{ana raven alkohola v krvi res tako slaba stvar.

Director Thomas Vinterberg and actor Mads Mikkelsen reunite for Another Round, a sobering comedy about aging, alcoholism, and friendship between men.

Martin je bil {e nedavno tega najbolj{i u~itelj na srednji {oli, zdaj pa je zapadel v globoko krizo. V razredu se pojavi le poredkoma, njegov zakon je v krizi. Nekega dne ga na rojstnodnevni zabavi prijatelji prepri~ajo, da za~ne popivati z njimi. Eden izmed njih pove zgodbo o filozofu, ki je zagovarjal tezo, da so ljudje rojeni s pol promila premalo alkohola v krvi. Svojim kolegom zato predlaga svojevrsten eksperiment: od zdaj naprej bodo vsak dan pili ravno toliko, da bodo vseskozi vzdr`evali primerno raven alkohola v krvi. Zadeva sprva deluje, a kmalu na povr{je privrejo dolgo potla~ene osebne te`ave. Se re{itev skriva v opustitvi ali v nadaljevanju tega nenavadnega poskusa?

Once the brightest teacher at his high school, Martin has fallen into a seemingly permanent funk. He's barely present in his classes and his marriage is slowly dissolving. At a birthday celebration, three of his colleagues cajole Martin into boozing along with them. A party-animal, Nikolaj, tells them about a philosopher who argued humans are not born with enough alcohol in their blood. As an 'experiment,' he proposes they all drink constantly throughout the day to maintain the 'proper' blood-alcohol level of 0.05%. Initially the drinking seems beneficial. But as the experiment is pushed further, issues that have been simmering for years come to the fore and the men are faced with a choice: reckon with their behaviour or continue on the same course.

"Film raziskuje pivske navade Dancev. Dejstvo je, da je alkohol v zgodovini ~love{tva prispeval k {tevilnim dose`kom. Churchill je svetovno vojno dobil popolnoma nasekan. General Grant je bil ves dan pijan. Hemingway je pod vplivom alkohola pisal brez~asne romane. /.../ Alkohola ne obsojam. Film si prizadeva za vpogled v tematiko. Osuplja me, da ta v steklenico ujeta snov lahko `ivljenje odpre in obenem ~loveka tudi ubije." (Thomas Vinterberg)

prodaja/world sales TrustNordisk Filmbyen 22 2650 Hvidovre, Denmark E info�trustnordisk.com distribucija/distribution Cinemania Roj~eva 1 1000 Ljubljana E info�cinemania-group.si

Thomas Vinterberg

filmografija (izbor)/filmography (selection)

Rojen leta 1969 v Frederiksbergu, Danska. Skupaj z Larsom von Trierjem je soustanovil Dogmo 95. S Praznovanjem, prvim filmom tega gibanja, je leta 1998 osvojil nagrado `irije v Cannesu. Od tedaj pogosto snema v angle{~ini, denimo s filmi Vse je ljubezen, Dale~ od ponorelega sveta in Kursk: Prekletstvo globine. Film Lov mu je prinesel oskarjevsko nominacijo za najbolj{i tujejezi~ni film.

1996 1998 2003 2005 2007 2010 2012 2015 2016 2018 2020

Born in 1969 in Frederiksberg, Denmark. Vinterberg was co-founder, with Lars von Trier, of the Dogma 95 movement, which he provided with its first title, The Celebration. The film won Jury Prize at the 1998 Festival de Cannes. Since then he has mostly directed English-language films, including It's All About Love, Far from the Madding Crowd and Kursk. The Hunt was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.


"The film explores the Danes' drinking habits. It's a recognition of the fact that alcohol throughout history has helped bring about great results. Churchill won the world war while being plastered. General Grant was drunk all day. Hemingway wrote immortal novels also under the influence of alcohol. /.../ I'm not passing judgement on alcohol. My film tries to explore alcohol. It fascinates me that this substance captured in a bottle can open up a life and also kill a person." (Thomas Vinterberg)

De største helte (The Biggest Heroes) Festen (The Celebration/Praznovanje) It's All About Love (Vse za ljubezen) Dear Wendy (Draga Wendy) En mand kommer hjem (When a Man Comes Home) Submarino Jagten (The Hunt/Lov) Far from the Madding Crowd (Dale~ od ponorelega sveta) Kollektivet (The Commune/Komuna) Kursk (Kursk: Prekletstvo globine) Druk (Another Round/Na`gani)

Predpremiere Avantpremieres

O~e Otac Father Srdan Golubovi}

Srbija, Francija, Nem~ija, Hrva{ka, Slovenija, Bosna in Hercegovina Serbia, France, Germany, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2020

^etrti celove~erec Srdana Golubi}a prikazuje boj preprostega srbskega o~eta s togimi mlini socialnega skrbstva, da bi dosegel skrbni{tvo za svoja otroka. Presunljiv slavospev ~love{ki vztrajnosti in star{evski ljubezni. Po `eninem samomoru Nikoli, ki `ivi v skromnih razmerah, za~asno odvzamejo otroka in ju dodelijo rejni{ki dru`ini. Nato pa vodja socialne slu`be v tamkaj{nji srbski vasici nepri~akovano izda odlo~bo, da Nikola nima ustreznih dohodkov, da bi ju lahko dostojno pre`ivljal, zato izgubi pravico do star{evstva. Presene~en in ogor~en nad razpletom se Nikola odlo~i in vlo`i prito`bo na ministrstvu za socialne zadeve v Beogradu. Da bi dokazal, koliko mu pomenita otroka in kaj vse je pripravljen storiti zanju, se odlo~i pe{ prehoditi tristo kilometrov dolgo pot do glavnega mesta in vsem pokazati, kako krivi~na je ta birokratska odlo~itev. "Ve~ dni sem prihajal na pogovor z njim, na dru`enje. Pravzaprav mi je bilo najbolj zanimivo, ko sem ugotovil, da se v njegovi hoji skriva bistvo svobode in protesta. Odvzamejo nam lahko vse, razen dihanja in hoje. Povedal mi je, da se ni odpravil z neko jasno izoblikovano idejo, da je {lo za protest in dejanje upora, vendar z neko globoko intuicijo in nagonom, iz globin lastne du{e. Sledil je notranjemu klicu in se podal v nekaj, kar je po mojem mnenju veli~astno ~love{ko dejanje protesta." (Srdan Golubovi})

re`ija/directed by Srdan Golubovi} scenarij/screenplay Srdan Golubovi}, Ognjen Svilici} fotografija/cinematography Aleksandar Ili} monta`a/editing Petar Markovi} igrajo/cast Goran Bogdan (Nikola), Boris Isakovi} (Vasiljevi}), Nada [argin (Biljana), Milica Janevski (uradnica/ official), Muharem Hamzi} (Milo{), Ajla [anti} (Sanja), Vahid D`ankovi} (uradnik/official), Jovo Maksi} (Goran), Milan Mari} (Jovanovi}) Nikola Rakocevi} (Radoje) producenti/producers Jelena Mitrovi}, ^edomir Kolar, Alexander Ris, Marc Baschet, Danis Tanovi}, Boris T. Mati}, Lana Mati}, Danijel Ho~evar, Amra Bak{i} ^amo, Adis Djapo produkcija/production Film House Ba{ ^elik Gospodar Jevremova 35 11000 Belgrade, Serbia E office�bascelik.net & ASAP Films Srdan Golubi}'s fourth feature tells the tale of a father's epic & journey across Serbia to get his children back from foster care, Neue Medioplolis Filmproduktion & a heroic fight that redefines the word hero. A moving ode to Propeler Film human tenacity and parental love. & Vertigo After Nikola's wife has attempted suicide, the casual labourer's & two children are taken away from him and placed with foster SCCA/Pro.ba parents. A temporary arrangement, it is alleged. However, format/format following an assessment of Nikola's housing conditions, the head DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time of the social welfare office in their small Serbian village decides 120' that Nikola is too poor to provide an adequate living environment

for his children. The reticent Nikola decides to lodge a complaint with the Ministry of Social Affairs in Belgrade. He is determined to cover the 300 kilometres to the capital on foot. In this way, he intends to show the authorities how far he is willing to go for his children – literally. "I went to talk to him, to hang out, for a number of days. In fact, it was most interesting to realize that this walk of his embodies the very essence of freedom and protest. They can take everything away from us except breathing and walking. He told me that he had not set off with some fully-formed idea in mind, that it had been an act of protest and rebellion, but with some deep intuition and instinct, issuing from the depths of his soul. Driven by a strong inner impulse, he embarked on something that, to my mind, is a magnificent human act of protest." (Srdan Golubovi})

Srdan Golubovi}


Rojen leta 1972 v Beogradu, Srbija. Filmsko re`ijo je {tudiral na beograjski {oli dramskih umetnosti, kjer sedaj tudi pou~uje. S celove~ernim prvencem Absolutnih sto se je silovito uveljavil v mednarodnem prostoru, saj je prejel ve~ kot deset festivalskih nagrad. Uspe{no mednarodno pot je nadaljeval tudi s celove~ercema Past in Krogi.

1994 1995 2001 2007 2013 2020

festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Berlinale 2020 (nagrada ekumenske `irije/Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, nagrada ob~instva sekcije Panorama/ Panorama Audience Award), FEST Beograd 2020 (najbolj{i film/Best Film, najbolj{i igralec/Best Actor, nagrada Stella Artois/Stella Artois Prize), Sofija/Sofia 2020

prodaja/world sales The Match Factory Domstraße 60 50668 Cologne, Germany E info�matchfactory.de

Trojka (kratki/short) Paket aran`man (epizoda/segment: Herc minuta) (omnibus) Apsolutnih sto (Absolute Hundred/Absolutnih sto) Klopka (The Trap/Past) Krugovi (Circles/Krogi) Otac (Father/O~e)

distribucija/distribution Vertigo/Emotionfilm Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana E info�emotionfilm.si

Born in 1972 in Belgrade, Golubovi} studied film directing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, where he is currently on the faculty. His first feature film, Absolute Hundred, won more than ten festival awards and solidified his international reputation. His glittering filmmaking career continued with the features The Trap and Circles.


Predpremiere Avantpremieres

Poletje '85 Été 85 Summer of 85 François Ozon

re`ija/directed by François Ozon scenarij/screenplay François Ozon, Aidan Chambers (roman/novel) fotografija/cinematography Hichame Alaouie glasba/music Jean-Benoît Dunckel monta`a/editing Laure Gardette igrajo/cast Félix Lefebvre (Alexis Robin), Benjamin Voisin (David Gorman), Philippine Velge (Kate), Valeria BruniTedeschi (ga./Mrs. Gorman), Melvil Poupaval (g./Mr. Lefevre), Isabelle Nanty (ga./Mrs. Robin) producenta/producers Eric Altmayer, Nicolas Altmayer produkcija/production Mandarine Production 22 rue de Paradis 75010 Paris, France E mandarin�mandarin-bbf.com & FOZ (France) & France 2 Cinema (France) & Scope Pictures (Belgium) & Playtime Production (Belgium) format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 100' festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) San Sebastian 2020, Toronto 2020

prodaja/world sales Playtime Place Constantin Meunier, 21 B-1190 Bruxelles, Belgium E info�playtimefilms.com distribucija/distribution Fivia d.o.o. Prelo`nikova 1 3212 Vojnik E cenex�siol.net

Ozon se vra~a k svojim filmskim koreninam s tragi~no romanti~no zgodbo o brezskrbnem prijateljstvu in neusli{ani ljubezni na obali Normandije, posneto po romanu Aidana Chambersa.

Ozon is returning to his filmmaking roots with Summer of 85, a tragic story about carefree friendship and unrequited love set on the coast of Normandy. Based on a novel by Aidan Chambers.

Alexis je {estnajstleten fant iz delavske dru`ine, ki v vro~ih poletnih dneh razmi{lja o prihodnosti. Ko ga nekega dne na jadrnici nepri~akovano zajame vihar, spozna dve leti starej{ega (in premo`nej{ega) Davida, ki ga re{i pred prete~o nevarnostjo. David Alexisa povabi k sebi domov, mu priskrbi slu`bo v mamini trgovini ter ga za~ne zasipati z darili in pozornostjo. Fanta postaneta nerazdru`ljiva in vse ka`e, da bo poletje, polno drznih najstni{kih podvigov in prebujajo~e se seksualnosti, v vseh pogledih sanjsko. A kaj ko se sanje v teh burnih letih zdijo tako lahko uresni~ljive – pa ne samo tiste o ljubezni, ampak tudi o smrti ...

Alexis is a working-class teenager deciding whether to join the workforce or continue his studies in literature. While out sailing, he capsizes during a storm and is saved by 18-year-old David. David takes Alexis to his home. He takes the helm of this new friendship and budding romance, and is soon showering Alexis with attention and gifts. He even gives Alexis a summer job at his mother's nautical store. The boys become inseparable and it seems that the summer that awaits them – full of daring teenage adventures and awakening sexuality – will be a dream come true. However, dreams appear so deceptively achievable in these turbulent years – not only dreams of love, but also those of death...

"Zvesto sem sledil knjigi, ki nikoli ne problematizira gejevstva, nikoli iz njega ne ustvari pere~e teme, ker je za njegovo ~asovno ume{~enost zelo lepo in sodobno. Alex in David se imata rada, dejstvo, da sta oba fanta, ni pomembno. To je razlog, zakaj sem kot najstnik sanjal o tem, da bi si lahko ogledal ta film. Upodobitve gejev v filmih osemdesetih let so bile zelo tema~ne in bole~e, celo pred aidsom. Ob ustvarjanju filma mi je bilo pomembno slediti kodam mladinskega `anra. Romanco med mladeni~ema sem posnel zelo klasi~no, brez ironije, da bi bila njuna ljubezenska zgodba univerzalna." (François Ozon)

"I was faithful to the book that never problematizes gayness, never makes it an issue, which is very beautiful and modern for the time period. Alex and David love each other and the fact that they are two boys is beside the point. That’s the reason why I dreamed of being able to go see this film when I was a teenager. Depictions of gay people in the movies in the 1980s were very dark and painful, even before AIDS. Following the codes of the teen movie genre was important to me while making the film. I shot the romance between the boys in a very classic way, without irony, in order to make this a universal love story." (François Ozon)

François Ozon


Rojen leta 1967 v Parizu. Po magisteriju iz filma na Univerzi v Parizu 1 se je vpisal na oddelek za re`ijo na znameniti La Fémis. Njegove kratke filme so gostili {tevilni mednarodni festivali, leta 1998 pa se je s celove~ernim prvencem Sitcom uvrstil na program canskega festivala. Redka kombinacija humorja, rahlo~utnosti in psihologije mu je kmalu prinesla mednarodno slavo ter ga uveljavila kot enega najdrznej{ih in najizvirnej{ih francoskih re`iserjev.

1998 Sitcom 2000 Gouttes d'eau sur pierres brûlantes (Water Drops on Burning Rocks/ Hladne kaplje na vro~e kamne) 2002 8 femmes (8 Women/8 `ensk) 2003 Swimming Pool (Bazen) 2004 5 x 2 2009 Ricky 2010 Potiche (Gospodinja) 2012 Dans la maison (In the House/V hi{i) 2013 Jeune et Jolie (Young and Beautiful/Mlada in lepa) 2014 Une nouvelle amie (The New Girlfriend/Nova prijateljica) 2016 Frantz 2017 L'amant double (Double Lover /Dvojni ljubimec) 2019 Grâce à Dieu (By the Grace of God/Bo`ja milost) 2020 Été 85 (Summer of 85/Poletje '85)

Born in 1967 in Paris. With a master's degree in cinema from University of Paris I, he studied directing at the famous French school of cinema, La Fémis. Many of his short films have been in competition at various international festivals. Sitcom, his first feature, was in competition at the 1998 Cannes Festival. The rare combination of humour, sensitivity and psychology has earned him international acclaim and established him as one of the most daring and original French directors.


Francija, Belgija France, Belgium 2020

Predpremiere Avantpremieres

[vic Sweat Sweat Poljska, [vedska Poland, Sweden 2020

Magnus von Horn

Tri dni v `ivljenju priljubljene fitnes motivatorke, ki ji iskrena objava na Instagramu svet nenadoma obrne na glavo. Sylwia je tridesetletna fitnes motivatorka iz Var{ave, ki je zaslovela s svojimi objavami na dru`benih omre`jih. [portnica vsak dan trdo dela, da bi svoje telo ohranila v ~im bolj{i formi, obenem pa posku{a navdihniti na tiso~e drugih, da bi stopili na isto pot. Ko nekega dne na Instagramu objavi zapis, v katerem prizna, da se po~uti osamljeno, se pred njenim stanovanjem pojavi zalezovalec. Sylwia ga sprva ignorira in se posku{a {e naprej osredoto~ati na svoj naporni urnik, a ko njegovi poskusi postanejo vse bolj vulgarni, dekle vse te`je ohranja nasmeh na obrazu. Nekega dne Sylwia gostuje v priljubljeni televizijski oddaji in javnosti spregovori iz srca. Takrat prvi~ spozna, kdo ali kaj je v `ivljenju zares pomembno. "^ustveni ekshibicionisti me prevzamejo, verjetno ker sem na nasprotni strani tega spektra; ~ustva dr`im v sebi in jih zaradi bojazni pred obsojanjem redko razkazujem. Ob sre~anju z ljudmi, ki se izra`ajo z lahkoto in brez sramu, sem nevo{~ljiv. Na dru`benih medijih sem pasivni opazovalec. Opazujem tiste, ki so aktivni, ki razkazujejo sebe in svoja ~ustva. Koliko je v tem resnice? Izmi{ljam si njihovo resni~no `ivljenje. Kak{ni so, ko je njihov mobilni telefon izklopljen? Obstaja razlika?" (Magnus von Horn)

re`ija/directed by Magnus von Horn scenarij/screenplay Magnus von Horn fotografija/cinematography Michal Dymek glasba/music Piotr Kurek monta`a/editing Agnieszka Glinska igrajo/cast Magdalena Kolesnik (Sylwia Zajac), Julian Swiezewski (Klaudiusz), Aleksandra Konieczna (Basia), Zbigniew Zamachowski (Fryderyk), Tomasz Orpinski (Rysiek), Lech Lotocki (Andrzej), Magdalena Kuta (Danuta), Dominika Biernat (Wiktoria), Katarzyna Dziurska (Kasia), Wiktoria Filus (Zosia), Bartosz Sak (Kacper), Edgar Griszczuk (Eryk), Katarzyna Cynke (Marieta) producent/producer Mariusz Wlodarski produkcija/production Lava Films Mahatmy Gandhiego 7/30 91–012 Lod`, Poland E lava�lavafilms.pl & Zentropa International (Sweden) & Film i Väst (Sweden) & Canal+ Polska (Poland) & EC1 Lódz – Miasto Kultury (Poland) & Opus Film (Poland) & DI Factory (Poland) format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 100'

Three days in the life of a popular fitness motivator whose world is turned upside down when an Instagram post revealing her innermost feelings goes viral. Sylwia, a 30-year-old workout motivator living in Warsaw has gained celebrity status due to her avid use of social media. She is self-made and hard working, on one hand keeping her own body in the best possible shape as well as inspiring thousands of others to do the same. When an Instagram post where she confesses to feeling lonely goes viral, a stalker appears outside her apartment. Sylwia tries to ignore the stalker and stick to her busy schedule but when his attempts to contact her become more and more vulgar she finds it difficult to remain positive and smiling. When giving a live performance on Breakfast TV Show, Sylwia opens up and speaks from the heart. For a moment she knows exactly who she is and what's important in life.

festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Cannes 2020, Toronto 2020, Zürich/ Zurich 2020, Hamburg 2020

"Emotional exhibitionists fascinate me, probably because I am on the opposite side of that spectrum; I keep my emotions on the inside and rarely share them because I fear being judged. So when I meet people who express themselves effortlessly and without shame I feel envy. On social media I am a passive observer. I observe those who are active, who expose themselves and their feelings. How much of it is truth? I fantasise about their real lives. What are they like when their cell phone is sleeping? Is there a difference?" (Magnus von Horn)

Magnus von Horn


Rojen leta 1983 v Göteborgu ([vedska). Diplomiral je na poljski Dr`avni {oli za film v Lod`u. @e njegovi prvi kratki filmi so bili uvr{~eni na mednarodne filmske festivale, njegov celove~erni prvenec Efterskalv pa je bil predvajan v sklopu [tirinajst dni re`iserjev v Cannesu. Danes `ivi in dela na Poljskem. [vic je njegov drugi igrani celove~erec.

2007 2007 2008 2011 2015 2020

prodaja/world sales New Europe Film Sales Czerniakowska 73/79 00–718 Warsaw, Poland E jan�neweuropefilmsales.com

Radek (kratki dok./short doc.) Mleczaki (kratki/short) Echo (kratki/short) Utan snö (Without Snow) (kratki/short) Efterskalv (The Here After) Sweat ([vic)

distribucija/distribution Demiurg Lome 3 5274 ^rni Vrh E info�demiurg.si

Born in 1983 in Gothenburg, Sweden, currently based in Poland. He graduated from the Polish National Film School in Łódz and asserted himself already with his short films that screened at various international film festivals. His debut feature, The Here After, premiered at the Directors' Fortnight at Cannes. Sweat is his second feature-length film.


Predpremiere Avantpremieres

Terapija Thalasso Thalasso Francija France 2019

Guillaume Nicloux re`ija/directed by Guillaume Nicloux scenarij/screenplay Guillaume Nicloux fotografija/cinematography Christophe Offenstein glasba/music Julien Dore monta`a/editing Guy Lecorne igrajo/cast Michel Houellebecq (Michel), Gérard Depardieu (Gérard), Maxime Lefrancois (Maxime), Mathieu Nicourt (Mathieu), Daria Panchenko (Daria), Luc Sscwartz (Luc), Ginette Suchotsky (Ginette), André Suchotsky (Dédé), Jade Roberts (Sly), Françoise Lebrun (Françoise) producenta/producers Sylvie Pialat, Benoît Quainon produkcija/production Les Films du Worso 38, boulevard Raspail 75007 Paris, France E production�worso.com format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 93' festivali, nagrade/ festivals, awards San Sebastián 2019

[est let po filmu Ugrabitev Michela Houellebecqa se razvpiti francoski pisatelj vra~a na filmska platna, tokrat v dru`bi Gérarda Depardieuja.

Six years after The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq the provocative French writer makes a return to the big screen, this time in the company of Gérard Depardieu.

V elitnem zdravili{~u v francoskem letovi{~u Cabourg Houellebecq sre~a igralca Gérarda Depardieuja. Oba mo{ka morata obiskovati najrazli~nej{o nego in tretmaje, razvade, denimo cigarete in alkohol, ki se jim Houellebecq sicer vdaja vsak dan, pa so prepovedane. Edino tola`bo obupani pisatelj najde v kramljanju s slavnim francoskim igralcem, ki mu – vsakokrat ko je le mogo~e – v zdravili{~e pomaga pretihotapiti alkohol in cigarete.

Michel Houellebecq meets Gérard Depardieu at a seawater spa in Cabourg. Together, they try to survive the health regime to which they are subjected by the establishment. But events quickly derail their routine... Denied his usual vices of smoking and drinking, the writer finds solace in the presence of France's most famous actor, with the two casually shooting the breeze amid all their algae wraps, mud massages and cryotherapy treatments, while sneaking in cigarettes and alcohol whenever they can.

"Film Terapija se je porodil iz `elje zajemati iz istega vira navdiha, iste metode snemanja, enake svobode in spontanosti kot v filmih Ugrabitev Michela Houellebecqa in The End. V ta sistem neposrednosti sem `elel pripojiti Michela Houellebecqa in Gérarda Depardieuja. Z namenom sre~anja in insceniranja igrive 'drame za zaprtimi vrati', osnovane na otipljivih dejstvih, la`eh in gotovostih." (Guillaume Nicloux)

prodaja/world sales Wild Bunch 65 rue de Dunkerque 75009 Paris, France E fostojic�wildbunch.eu distribucija/distribution Fivia d.o.o. Prelo`nikova 1 3212 Vojnik E cenex�siol.net

"Thalasso was born from a desire to tap into the same source of inspiration, the same method of filming, the same freedom and spontaneity as in The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq and The End. I wanted to integrate Michel Houellebecq and Gérard Depardieu in this system of immediacy. To get together and fabricate a playful huis clos based on tangible facts, lies and certainties." (Guillaume Nicloux)

Guillaume Nicloux

filmografija (izbor)/filmography (selection)

Rojen leta 1966 v kraju Melun, Francija. Sprva je delal kot gledali{ki igralec in re`iser. Leta 1987 je posnel svoj prvi kratki film L'orage, 1988 pa celove~erni prvenec La Piste aux étoiles. Deset let je pou~eval na pari{ki filmski {oli La Fémis, v zadnjem ~asu pa se ukvarja tudi s pisateljevanjem.

1988 1994 1998 2001 2003 2005 2010 2012 2014

Born in Melun, France, in 1966, Nicloux worked as a director and actor in theatre. He made his first short film, L'Orage, in 1987 and his feature debut, La Piste aux étoiles, in 1988. He lectured for ten years at the Parisian film school La Fémis and currently also works as a writer.

2015 2016 2018 2019


La Piste aux étoiles Faut pas rire du bonheur (Happiness Is No Joke) Le poulpe (The Octopus) Une affaire privée (A Private Affair) Cette femme-là (Hanging Offense) Le concile de pierre (The Stone Council) Holiday La Religieuse L'enlèvement de Michel Houellebecq (The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq /Ugrabitev Michela Houellebecqa) Valley of Love The End Les confins du monde (To the Ends of the World) Thalasso (Terapija)

Predpremiere Avantpremieres

Undine Undine Undine Nem~ija, Francija Germany, France 2020

Christian Petzold

re`ija/directed by Christian Petzold scenarij/screenplay Christian Petzold fotografija/cinematography Hans Fromm monta`a/editing Bettina Böhler igrajo/cast Paula Beer (Undine), Franz Rogowski (Christoph), Maryam Zaree (Monika), Jacob Matschenz (Johannes), Anne Ratte-Polle (Anne), Rafael Stachowiak (Jochen), Julia Franz Richter (Nora) producenta/producers Florian Koerner von Gustorf, Michael Weber produkcija/production Schramm Film Koerner & Weber Naumannstr. 79, Haus 38 10829 Berlin, Germany E koerner�schrammfilm.de format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 90'

Ljubezenska zgodba s pravlji~no-misti~nim pridihom govori o temperamentni zgodovinarki in zadr`anem potaplja~u, ki sku{ata s svojo zemeljsko krhkostjo kljubovati usodi in skrivnostnim vodnim silam. Undine je vodnica v Berlinu. Do potankosti obvlada zgodovino nem{ke prestolnice, {e posebej muzejskega kompleksa Humboldt Forum. Je lepa, samozavestna in zgovorna, njene razlage so zanimive in privla~ne – skorajda popolno nasprotje njenega zasebnega `ivljenja. Njen izbranec jo je namre~ zapustil in vsak dan z bole~ino v srcu pogleduje proti bli`nji kavarni. A nekega dne spozna tihega mladeni~a, ki se pre`ivlja kot potaplja~ za odpravljanje napake na industrijskih rezervoarjih in vodnih objektih. In prav voda ju s svojo silo zdru`i ob prvem sre~anju – ki usodno zaznamuje njuno zvezo ... "Undine me je spodbudila k razm{ljanju o razmerju med re`iserji in glavnimi igralkami ali pa med muzami in umetniki. Ali ne do`ivljajo vse Undine tega sveta neskon~ne ljubezenske prevare? Ali mo{ki nenehno ne dominirajo? Ne gre zato, da Undine v pripovedki zmaga; vrniti se mora v vodo in po~akati na naslednjega mo{kega. Obstaja samo skozi mo{ke in to je stra{no prekletstvo. Na{a zgodba `eli raziskati Undine, ki se bori proti temu." (Christian Petzold)

Undine is an art historian who works as a museum guide in Berlin. She knows all about the Humboldt Forum, and has the knack for choosing just the right blouse and suit. She is nonchalantly beautiful, and the way she imparts her knowledge about the city that was built on a swamp is as professional as it is graceful. And yet, time and again, her gaze wanders over to the courtyard café to see if he is there. But her beau is leaving her, and Undine's world is collapsing. Christian Petzold' Undine defies her role as a powerless and spurned woman and falls in love anew, with Christoph, who dives into the sunken world of a reservoir. "Undine made me think of the relationship between directors and main actresses as well as the one between muses and artists. Isn't it a sort of perpetual betrayed love for all the Undines of this world? Don't men always dominate everything? It's not that Undine wins in the story; she has to go back in the water and wait for the next man to come along. She exists only through men, and that is a horrible curse. Our story aims to explore an Undine who is struggling against this." (Christian Petzold)

Christian Petzold


Rojen 1960 v Hildnu. Po {tudiju nem{kega jezika in literature ter dramatike se je vpisal na berlinsko Akademijo za film in TV. Med {tudijem je bil asistent pri H. Farockiju. Po {tudiju je sprva snemal tv-filme, za katere je prejel {tevilna priznanja, celove~erni prvenec Notranji mir pa je posnel leta 2001. V mednarodnem prostoru se je z deli, kot sta Duhovi in Yella, dokon~no uveljavil kot eden vidnej{ih predstavnikov mladega nem{kega filma.

1995 2001 2002 2003 2005 2007 2008 2010 2012 2014 2018 2020

Born in Hilden in 1960. He first studied German language and literature as well as drama, followed by studies at the Film and Television Academy in Berlin, during which time he was assistant director to Harun Farocki. He started out in his own right directing award-winning TV films, and made his first feature film, The State I Am In, in 2001. Ghosts and Yella solidified his repute as one of the most prominent young German filmmakers.

festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Berlinale 2019 (nagrada ekumenske `irije/Prize of the Ecumenical Jury), Edinburg/Edinburgh 2019, Sydney 2019

A modern fairy-tale about a temperamental art historian and reticent diver defying fate and mysterious aquatic forces with their earthly fragility.

prodaja/world sales The Match Factory Domstraße 60 50668 Cologne, Germany E info�matchfactory.de

Cuba Libre Die innere Sicherheit (The State I Am In/Notranji mir) Toter Mann (Something to Remind Me/Mrtvec) Wolfsburg Gespenster (Ghosts/Duhovi) Yella Jerichow Dreileben (Beats Being Dead) Barbara Phoenix Transit (Tranzit) Undine

distribucija/distribution Demiurg Lome 3 5274 ^rni Vrh E info�demiurg.si



Kralji in kraljice Kings and Queens

31 Koronacija Coronation Ai Weiwei 32 Sol solza The Salt of Tears Philippe Garrel 33 Zberi se, babica Focus, Grandma Pjer @alica


Kralji in kraljice Kings and Queens

glej str. 31/see page 31

glej str. 33/see page 33

glej str. 32/see page 32


Kralji in kraljice Kings and Queens

Koronacija Coronation Coronation Kitajska, Nem~ija China, Germany 2020

Ai Weiwei

re`ija/directed by Ai Weiwei scenarij/screenplay Ai Weiwei glasba/music Ling Ling, Punkgod monta`a/editing Wang Fen producent/producer Ai Weiwei produkcija/production Ai Weiwei Studio E fart.foundation�gmail.com format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 113'

V Evropi `ive~i umetnik Ai Weiwei je dokumentarec o karanteni v Vuhanu med izbruhom novega koronavirusa re`iral na daljavo, posamezne prizore pa so na skrivaj posneli prebivalci sami.

A documentary about the lockdown in Wuhan, China, during the COVID-19 outbreak in the spring of 2020. While Ai Weiwei remotely directed the film from Europe, the filming was done by ordinary citizens living in Wuhan.

Prvega decembra 2019 je bil v Vuhanu zaznan prvi primer pacienta s simptomi koronavirusa. Potem ko so kitajske oblasti izbruh sprva sku{ale prikriti, je bila konec januarja 2020 v Vuhanu razgla{ena karantena. Po mestu so bliskovito zrasle nove bolni{nice, {tirideset tiso~ zdravstvenih delavcev je bilo pripeljanih z vseh delov Kitajske, prebivalci mesta pa obsojeni na {tiri stene svojih domov. Film nas popelje v novonastale covid bolni{nice in na oddelke intenzivne nege, med bolnike in njihove svojce ter v `ivljenje navadnih ljudi, ki se vsak po svoje soo~ajo s posledicami epidemije. Dokumentarec skozi prizmo pandemije prika`e kitajski brutalno u~inkoviti na~in spopadanja z zdravstveno krizo in brezkompromisne mehanizme dru`benega nadzora. Pod drobnogled vzame vrednost individualnega `ivljenja v kontekstu politi~nega in se vpra{a: Lahko civilizacija pre`ivi brez ~love~nosti?

On December 1, 2019, the first patient with COVID-19 symptoms was identified in Wuhan. Chinese officials repeatedly concealed the number of diagnosed patients. On January 23, 2020, Wuhan was placed under a city-wide lockdown. Sprawling emergency field hospitals were erected in a matter of days, 40,000 medical workers were bused in from all over China, and the city's residents were sealed into their homes. The film takes us into the heart of these makeshift hospitals and into the private lives of individuals under lockdown. Through the lens of the pandemic, Coronation clearly depicts the Chinese crisis management and social control machine. Despite the impressive scale and speed of the Wuhan lockdown, we face a more existential question: can civilization survive without humanity?

"@elel sem prikazati prvoosebno izku{njo pri razumevanju Kitajske in njenega ljudstva ter njunega odziva na koronavirus. V teh dramati~nih okoli{~inah lahko bolje razumemo politiko in ~love{kost katere koli dru`be." (Ai Weiwei)

"I wanted to provide a first-hand experience in understanding China and the Chinese people and how they responded to the Coronavirus. Under these dramatic conditions, we can better understand the politics and humanity of any society." (Ai Weiwei)

Ai Weiwei

filmografija (izbor)/filmography (selection)

Rojen leta 1957 v Pekingu, trenutno `ivi in dela v Berlinu. Je vsestranski umetnik in aktivist, ki slovi po udarnih umetni{kih komentarjih sodobnih geopoliti~nih fenomenov. Svoje ob~instvo nagovarja s {iroko paleto medijev, od arhitekture in instalacij do dru`benih medijev in dokumentarcev, da bi vedno znova prevpra{al dru`bo in njene vrednote.

2004 2005 2005 2008 2009 2012 2012 2012 2013 2017 2019 2020 2020

Born in Beijing in 1957, currently based in Berlin. A versatile artist, Ai Weiwei is renowned for making strong aesthetic statements that resonate with timely phenomena across today's geopolitical world. From architecture to installations, social media to documentaries, Ai uses a wide range of mediums as new ways of examining society and its values.

prodaja/world sales Ai Weiwei Studio E fart.foundation�gmail.com

Beijing 2003 (dok./doc.) Beijing: The Third Ring (dok./doc.) Beijing: The Second Ring (dok./doc.) Fairytale (dok./doc.) Disturbing the Peace (dok./doc.) So Sorry (dok./doc.) Ordos 100 (dok./doc.) The Crab House (video dok./video doc.) Stay Home (dok./doc.) Human Flow (dok./doc.) The Rest (dok./doc.) Vivos (dok./doc.) Coronation (Koronacija) (dok./doc.)


Kralji in kraljice Kings and Queens

Sol solza Le sel des larmes The Salt of Tears Francija, [vica France, Switzerland 2019

Philippe Garrel re`ija/directed by Philippe Garrel scenarij/screenplay Philippe Garrel, Jean-Claude Carrière, Arlette Langmann fotografija/cinematography Renato Berta, Berto glasba/music Jean-Louis Aubert monta`a/editing François Gedigier igrajo/cast Logann Antuofermo (Luc), Oulaya Amamra (Djemila), André Wilms (Lucov o~e/Luc's father), Louise Chevillotte (Geneviève), Souheila Yacoub (Betsy), Martin Mesnier (Paco), Teddy Chawa (Jean-René), Aline Belibi (Alice) producenta/producers Edouard Weil, Laurine Pelassy produkcija/production Rectangle Productions 26, rue Danielle Casanova 75002 Paris, France E info�rectangleproductions.com format/format DCP, ~b/b&w dol`ina/running time 100' festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Berlinale 2020

Ljubezenske izku{nje mladega mizarja se pred gledalcem nizajo v ~rno-belem kontrastu s stilizirano narativno razdaljo, v kateri za`ivita tako na prvi pogled lahkomiselna mladostna ~utnost kot zrela pomirjenost s preteklostjo, poosebljena v mizarjevem ostarelem o~etu.

An apprentice cabinetmaker's ill-fated love narrated in a stylized black-and-white style, The Salt of Tears takes as its subjects both the seemingly reckless young sensuality and mature acceptance of the past as personified by the woodworker's elderly father.

V `elji, da bi se iz{olal za mizarja, Luc prispe v Pariz. Tavajo~ po mestu spozna Djemilo, ki mu prisko~i na pomo~ ter ga o~ara s svojo srame`ljivostjo in nedol`nostjo. Prepustita se ~utni romanci, ki jo prekine Lucov odhod domov k o~etu. Tam sre~a nekdanje dekle Geneviève, med njima vzplamti stara ljubezen in Djemila je pozabljena. Ko dobi prilo`nost za {olanje na presti`ni mizarski {oli, Luc pozabi na Geneviève in se preseli v Pariz. Tokrat spozna Betsy; ta v njegov svet vnese vonj po svobodi, ki jo s svojo {irino ponuja tudi francoska prestolnica.

Driven by his desire to become a cabinetmaker, Luc arrives in Paris. Lost in the banlieues, he asks Djemila for directions. In the girl's shyness and innocence, Luc glimpses the chance of an adventure. The two meet again but then Luc has to return home to his father, who is also a carpenter. There, he meets Geneviève, whom he knows from the past, and begins a romance with her. When Luc is offered a place at the renowned furniture-making school École Boulle, he follows his dream and moves to Paris, leaving Geneviève behind. Soon, a third young woman enters his small apartment, bringing the freedom of the big city with her.

"Film je zelo sodoben. Nadvse preprost je. Zavoljo gledalcev, ki morda niso navdu{eni ljubitelji zgodovine filma, niso tak{ni izvedenci ali kritiki, mora biti tvoje delo zelo preprosto in nazorno, da ljudje tvojo namero razumejo." (Philippe Garrel)

prodaja/world sales Wild Bunch 65 rue de Dunkerque 75009 Paris, France E aguilhem�wildbunch.eu distribucija/distribution Fivia d.o.o. Prelo`nikova 1 3212 Vojnik E cenex�siol.net

Philippe Garrel

filmografija (izbor)/filmography (selection)

Rojen leta 1948 v Boulogne-Billancourtu, Francija. @e kot fant je posnel {tevilne kratke filme, avtorsko pa se je izoblikoval ob akterjih francoskega novega vala. Nase je opozoril `e s celove~ernim prvencem Marie pour memoire. Za L'enfant secret iz leta 1982 je prvi~ prejel nagrado Jeana Vigoja. J'entends plus la guitar, eden vrhuncev njegovega opusa, mu je prinesel srebrnega leva, kar je ponovil leta 2005 s filmom Navadna ljubimca.

1967 1970 1979 1988 1990 1993 2001 2004 2005 2013 2015 2017 2019

Born in 1948 in Boulogne-Billancourt, France, Garrel made numerous shorts during his youth. A child of the Nouvelle Vague, he rose to prominence with Marie for Memory, his debut feature. In 1982, Garrel was awarded the Jean Vigo Prize for L'enfant secret. One of the highlights of his career, I Don't Hear the Guitar Anymore, won the Silver Lion in Venice, an award he received the second time for Regular Lovers in 2005.


"This is a very modern film. It's very simple. It's for people who maybe don't love the history of cinema, they're not such experts, they're not critics and you have to be very simple and very explicit so that people understand what you're doing." (Philippe Garrel)

Marie pour mémoire (Marie for Memory) La cicatrice intérieure (The Inner Scar) L'enfant secret Les baisers de secours (Emergency Kisses) J'entends plus la guitare (I Don't Hear the Guitar Anymore) La naissance de l'amour (The Birth of Love/Rojstvo ljubezni) Sauvage innocence (Wild Innocence) Les amants réguliers (Regular Lovers/Navadna ljubimca) La frontière de l'aube (Frontier of the Dawn) La jalousie (Jealousy/Ljubosumje) L'ombre des femmes (In the Shadow of Women/V senci `ensk) L'amant d'un jour (Lover for a Day) Le sel des larmes (The Salt of Tears/Sol solza)

Kralji in kraljice Kings and Queens

Zberi se, babica Koncentri{i se, baba Focus, Grandma Pjer @alica

Bosna in Hercegovina, Tur~ija Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey 2020

^rna komedija o dru`ini, ki razpada ob babi~ini smrtni postelji, medtem ko Sarajevo ovija gro`nja bli`ajo~e se bratomorne vojne.

A black comedy about a disintegrating family gathered around the deathbed of their matriarch, unsuspecting of dangers that lie ahead of them as the city is living through its last days of peace.

April 1992. Ob babi~ini smrtni postelji se zbere {tevil~na dru`ina, sicer raztresena po vsej Jugoslaviji. Njeno zdravstveno stanje ni ro`nato, a zdravnikova ocena, da je smrt le vpra{anje minut, se izka`e za prenagljeno. Minute se pretvarjajo v ure in ure v dneve. Dru`inske ~lane vse bolj grabi nervoza. Med njimi vznikajo prevare in spori glede nasledstva; {e posebej vro~a tema je dedovanje velike dru`inske hi{e v Sarajevu. Tudi babica s poslednjimi vzdihi po svoje sodeluje v njihovem pri~kanju. Morda pa jo ravno to ohranja pri `ivljenju? Dru`ini se zdi spletkarjenje proti eni od sester pomembnej{e od stra{ljivih znakov kataklizme, ki se zarisuje na obzorju.

April 1992. Members of a large family strewn around the former Yugoslavia gather around the deathbed of their elderly matriarch. She is not well, but the forecast of a family doctor that her death is a matter of minutes away proves incorrect, so the waiting stretches out for days. Relatives start bickering and arguing over the old woman's inheritance, especially her large family house in Sarajevo. Despite her deteriorating health, Grandma happily joins the fray. It appears this might be what is keeping her alive. Family intrigues directed against one of the sisters are more important than the clear, terrifying signs of an approaching cataclysm.

"Film pripoveduje o razpadu dru`ine, ki se prepira glede nepomembnih materialnih re~i, medtem ko se okoli njih sesuva svet. Zaslepljeni z drobnimi nepomembnostmi ne opazijo resne gro`nje. Film pripada ~asu pred vojno, vendar menim, da mo~no nagovarja dana{nji ~as in, kar je precej pomembno, to po~ne duhovito." (Pjer @alica)

"The film depicts the disintegration of a family that is arguing about meaningless material things while the world is collapsing around them. Blinded by petty irrelevances, they fail to notice a serious threat. The film belongs to the pre-war period, but I think it speaks strongly of today and, quite importantly, it does so in a witty way." (Pjer @alica)

Pjer @alica

filmografija (izbor)/filmography (selection)

Rojen leta 1964 v Sarajevu, BiH. Diplomiral je iz re`ije na Akademiji scenskih umetnosti v Sarajevu, kjer danes predava. Njegov celove~erni prvenec Gori ogenj je leta 2003 prejel srebrnega leoparda na festivalu v Locarnu. Zberi se, babica je njegov tretji celove~erni igrani film.

1994 1998 2003 2004 2011 2013 2020

Born in 1964 in Sarajevo, BiH, @alica graduated in directing from the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo, where he currently works as a professor of directing. His 2003 debut feature-length work, Fuse, won the Silver Leopard at the Locarno Festival. Focus, Grandma is his third narrative feature-length film.

re`ija/directed by Pjer @alica scenarij/screenplay Pjer @alica fotografija/cinematography Almir \ikoli glasba/music Dino [ukalo monta`a/editing Red`inald [imek igrajo/cast Jasna @alica (Kika), Emir Had`ihafizbegovi} (Muhamed), Alma Prica (Ma{a), Jadranka \oki} (Julija), Vedrana Bo`inovi} (Stojanka), Admir Glamo~ak (Damir), D`enita Imamovi} (Suzana), Branimir Popovi}, Izudin Bajrovi}, Dino Sarija, Mira Banjac producenti/producers Mirsad Purivatra, Amra Bak{i} ^amo, Jovan Marjanovi}, Aida Huseinovi}, Enes Erbay produkcija/production Obala art centar Zelenih beretki 12 71000 Sarajevo, BiH E info�oac.ba & Sarajevo film festival (BiH) & TRT (Turkey) format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 92' festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Sarajevo 2020

prodaja/world sales Obala Art Centar Zelenih Beretki 12 71000 Sarajevo BiH E altijana.maric�sff.ba

MGM Sarajevo: ^ovjek, Bog, Monstrum (dok./doc.) Kraj doba neprijatnosti (kratki/short) Gori vatra (Fuse/Gori ogenj) Kod amid`e Idriza (Days and Hours/Pri stricu Idrizu) Orkestar (Orchestra) (dok./doc.) Rob (dok./doc.) Koncentri{i se, baba (Focus, Grandma/Zberi se, babica)



Panorama svetovnega filma Panorama of World Cinema

37 Zlo ne obstaja There Is No Evil Mohammad Rasoulof


Panorama svetovnega filma Panorama of World Cinema

glej str. 37/see page 37


Panorama svetovnega filma Panorama of World Cinema

Zlo ne obstaja Sheytan vojud nadarad There Is No Evil Mohammad Rasoulof

Iran, Nem~ija, ^e{ka Iran, Germany, Czech Republic 2020

[tiri zgodbe na temo smrtne kazni so iranskemu re`iserju Mohammadu Rasoulofu prinesle zlatega medveda za najbolj{i film na leto{njem Berlinalu.

Iranian director Mohammad Rasoulof won the top prize at the 2020 Berlin Film Festival for the searingly critical There Is No Evil – four loosely related stories about the death penalty.

V dana{njem Iranu se {tirje posamezniki vsak na svojem koncu znajdejo v razcepu med izvr{evanjem ~rke zakona in so~utjem do so~loveka. Hashmat je dru`inski o~e, ~igar slu`ba je v popolnem nasprotju s toplino, s kakr{no je obdan v doma~em krogu. Pouya je vojak, ki so mu naro~ili, da mora obesiti ujetnika, a mu vest ne dovoli, da bi sledil ukazu. Spet drugje vojak Javad tridnevni dopust pre`ivlja z dekletom, a njegova slu`ba vse bolj ogro`a njuno skupno prihodnost. In na koncu je tu {e Darya, ki se kljub miroljubni naravi soo~a s tema~no dru`insko skrivnostjo. Ti protagonisti s svojimi dejanji odlo~ijo, kako njihova okolica ohrani nekatere najpomembnej{e ~love{ke vrednote.

In present-day Iran, four individuals find themselves torn between following the letter of the law and showing compassion for a fellow human being. Heshmat is a husband and father whose job stands in stark contrast to the warmth of his home life. Pouya, a military recruit, cannot imagine killing another man, yet is told he must do so. The soldier, Javad, is on a short leave from his service. Unlike Pouya, he follows orders, and the weight of his actions threatens to destroy the life he seeks to build with his girlfriend. Finally, there is Darya, who appears unaware of the obvious secret her family is hiding. The actions of these protagonists will show to what extent individual freedom can be expressed under a despotic regime and its seemingly inescapable threats.

"@elel sem se osrediniti na vpra{anje odgovornega dejanja v zvezi z upo{tevanjem ali neupo{tevanjem odredb totalitarne oblasti. Poglavitna zamisel je bila ustvariti zapleteno dogajanje, v katerem se na ozadju totalitarne vladavine zrcali soo~enje med nasprotujo~ima si dru`benima vrednotama. Na primer, dr`avljansko spo{tovanje zakonov velja za dru`beno vrlino, vendar v sistemu totalitarne dr`ave zakonodaja postane orodje za zatiranje ljudi. Spo{tovanje nekaterih od teh zakonov je v o~itnem nasprotju s ~love{kimi vrednotami. V teh okoli{~inah me je zanimala razlika med ukloniti se ali nasprotovati." (Mohammad Rasoulof)

"I wanted to focus on the question of responsible actions with regard to whether one obeys or disobeys the orders of a totalitarian power. The main idea was to create a complex situation in which one can see the confrontation between two contradicting social values against the background of a totalitarian government. Being a law-abiding citizen is recognized as a social virtue, but in the structure of a totalitarian state, the law becomes a tool to suppress people, and obeying some of these laws clearly contradicts human values. In these situations, I was concerned with the difference between saying yes or no." (Mohammad Rasoulof)

Mohammad Rasoulof


Rojen leta 1972 v [irazu (Iran). Po {tudiju sociologije v Teheranu je za~el snemati kratke in dokumentarne filme. Nagrade je za~el osvajati `e s prvencem Gagooman. Po drugem filmu Jazireh ahani je imel vedno ve~ te`av s cenzuro, zato njegovih filmov v Iranu niso nikoli predvajali. Leta 2010 so ga skupaj z Jafarjem Panahijem aretirali na prizori{~u snemanja filma, a enoletne kazni ({e) ni odsedel. Danes `ivi v Hamburgu.

2002 2005 2008 2009 2011 2013 2017 2020

Born in Shiraz, Iran, in 1972. After graduating in sociology, Rasoulof began making documentaries and short films. His debut film, The Twilight, earned him his first awards. After his second production, Iron Island, the Iranian censors banned the screenings of his films. In 2010, Rasoulof and Jafar Panahi were arrested on set while directing a new film together. He was sentenced to one year in jail, and released on bail. He has not yet served his sentence. Rasoulof is currently based in Hamburg.

re`ija/directed by Mohammad Rasoulof scenarij/screenplay Mohammad Rasoulof fotografija/cinematography Ashkan Ashkani glasba/music Amir Molookpour monta`a/editing Meysam Muini, Mohammadreza Muini igrajo/cast Ehsan Mirhosseini (Heshmat), Shaghayegh Shoorian (Razieh), Kaveh Ahangar (Pouya), Alireza Zareparast (Hasan), Salar Khamseh (Salar), Kaveh Ebrahim (Amir), Pouya Mehri (Ali), Darya Moghbeli (Tahmineh), Mahtab Servati (Na'na), Mohammad Valizadegan (Javad), Mohammad Seddighimehr (Bahram), Zhila Shahi (Zaman), Baran Rasoulof (Darya), Reza Bahrami (Shahram) producenti/producers Kaveh Farnam, Farzad Pak, Mohammad Rasoulof produkcija/production Cosmopol Film Stiftstraße 10 20099 Hamburg, Germany E info�cosmopolfilm.de & Europe Media Nest (Czech Republic) & Filminiran (Iran) format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 149' festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Berlin 2020 (zlati medved/Golden Bear)

prodaja/world sales Films Boutique Köpenicker Str. 184 10997 Berlin, Germany E julien�filmsboutique.com

Gagooman (The Twilight) Jazireh ahani (Iron Island/@elezni otok) Baad-e-daboor (Head Wind) (dok./doc.) Keshtzar haye sepid (The White Meadows) Bé omid é didar (Goodbye) Dast-neveshtehaa nemisoosand (Manuscripts Don't Burn) Lerd (A Man of Integrity) Sheytan vojud nadarad (There Is No Evil/Zlo ne obstaja)

distribucija/distribution Fivia d.o.o. Prelo`nikova 1 3212 Vojnik E cenex�siol.net



Ekstravaganca Extravaganza

41 Mandibule Mandibles Quentin Dupieux


Ekstravaganca Extravaganza

glej str. 41/see page 41


Ekstravaganca Extravaganza

Mandibule Mandibules Mandibles Francija, Belgija France, Belgium 2020

Quentin Dupieux

Po zgodbah o avtomobilski zra~nici in semi{ jakni je francoski re`iser Quentin Dupieux, ki ga odlikuje specifi~en smisel za humor, glavno vlogo v svojem novem filmu namenil velikanski mesarski muhi – in prisr~ni ~love{ki neumnosti. Ko preprosta, ne ravno najbolj bistra prijatelja Jean-Gab in Manu v prtlja`niku avtomobila najdeta orja{ko muho, se odlo~ita, da jo bosta udoma~ila in zdresirala. Prepri~ana sta namre~, da lahko z njo ~ez no~ obogatita. Njuna ideja seveda naleti na me{ane odzive med novimi – prav tako ~uda{kimi ali vsaj ~udnimi – prijatelji in neznanci, ki jih sre~ata na svojem cestnem popotovanju. "Moje delo bodo vedno pre`emale iste obsedenosti, isti 'podpis', isti ~ut za humor. Od vsega za~etka imam ob~utek, da orjem popolnoma samolastno ledino: razobli~ena realnost, skrajno izkrivljena med~love{ka razmerja, nadrealisti~ne upodobitve na{e dru`be, poglobljene in otro~je fantazije. /.../ V novem filmu, ki se ledini popolnoma prilega, kon~no opu{~am smrt za osredoto~enje na `ivljenje. @elim slaviti komi~no dvojico Grégoira Ludiga in Davida Marsaisa, za katero sem ga napisal, ob podajanju njune sokrivde in igrivosti z absolutno dobrohotnostjo. Mandibule je predvsem pristna in iskrena komedija o prijateljstvu. Zaradi navzo~nosti orja{ke muhe v osr~ju zgodbe je tudi fantazijski film." (Quentin Dupieux)

First it was a care tire, then a deerskin jacket, and now it's a humongous blowfly; from the mind of the genius Quentin Dupieux comes yet another gem with an unlikely protagonist. When simple-minded friends Jean-Gab and Manu find a giant fly trapped in the trunk of a car, they decide to train it in the hope of making a ton of cash. Their idea, of course, meets with a mixed reaction from the new friends they make and the strangers they encounter on their road trip – just as wacky or at least as odd as they are.

festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Benetke/Venice 2020, Sitges 2020

"My work will always be permeated by the same obsessions, the same 'signature', the same sense of humour. From the beginning, I felt I was ploughing a furrow that was entirely my own: deformed realities, infinitely twisted human relationships, surrealist portraits of our society, profound and childish fantasies. /.../ With my new film, which fits the furrow perfectly, I'm finally abandoning death to focus on life. I want to glorify the comic duo Grégoire Ludig and David Marsais, for whom I wrote it, by filming their complicity and playfulness with absolute benevolence. Mandibles is above all a genuine and sincere comedy about friendship. It's also, thanks to the presence of a giant fly at the heart of the story, a fantasy film." (Quentin Dupieux)

Quentin Dupieux

filmografija (izbor)/filmography (selection)

Rojen leta 1974 v Parizu. Je filmski samouk, ki je `e pri devetnajsih letih enega svojih kratkih filmov prodal postaji Canal+. Vzporedno je pod psevdonimom Mr. Oizo za~el ustvarjati tudi elektronsko glasbo. Leta 1999 je posnel vrsto oglasov z rumeno lutko, ki jo je poimenoval Flat Eric, singel Flat Beat iz te kampanje pa je postal mednarodna uspe{nica. Od leta 2007 je posnel osem celove~ernih filmov.

2007 2010 2012 2013 2014 2018 2019 2020

Born in 1974 in Paris. A self-taught filmmaker, Dupieux sold one of his short films to Canal+ at age 19. Concurrently, he started making electronic music under the pseudonym Mr. Oizo. In 1999, he directed a series of commercials with Flat Eric, a yellow puppet. He sold more than three million copies of Flat Beat, the music that he created for that ad campaign. Dupieux has made eight feature films since 2007.

re`ija/directed by Quentin Dupieux scenarij/screenplay Quentin Dupieux fotografija/cinematography Quentin Dupieux glasba/music Metronomy monta`a/editing Quentin Dupieux igrajo/cast Grégoire Ludig (Manu), David Marsais (Jean Gab), Adèle Exarchopoulos (Agnes), India Hair (Cecile), Roméo Elvis (Serge), Coralie Russier (Sandrine), Bruno Lochet (Gilles) producenta/producers Hugo Sélignac, Vincent Mazel produkcija/production Chi-Fou-Mi Productions 12 rue Barbette 75003 Paris, France E contact�chifoumiprod.com & C8 Films (France) & Memento Films Productions (France) & Artémis Productions (France) format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 77'

prodaja/world sales WTFilms 20 rue Bachaumont 75002 Paris, France E sales�wtfilms.fr

Steak Rubber (Guma) Wrong Wrong Cops Réalité (Reality) Au poste! (Keep an Eye Out) Le Daim (Deerskin/Semi{ jakna) Mandibules (Mandibles/Mandibule)

distribucija/distribution Fivia d.o.o. Prelo`nikova 1 3212 Vojnik E cenex�siol.net



Kinobalon Kinobalon

Program za otroke in mlade Programme for Young Audiences 45 Volkovi The Wolves Samuel Kishi Leopo 46 Moj brat lovi dinozavre My Brother Chases Dinosaurs Stefano Cipani


Kinobalon Kinobalon

glej str. 103/see page 103

glej str. 46/see page 46 glej str. 45/see page 45


Kinobalon Kinobalon

Volkovi Los lobos The Wolves

za otroke od 9. leta for children aged 9+ v {pan{~ini, angle{~ini in kanton{~ini s slovenskimi podnapisi /in Spanish, English and Cantonese with Slovenian subtitles

Mehika, ZDA Mexico, USA 2019

Samuel Kishi Leopo

re`ija/directed by Samuel Kishi Leopo scenarij/screenplay Samuel Kishi Leopo, Sofía Gómez Córdoba, Luis Briones fotografija/cinematograhpy Octavio Arauz glasba/music Kenji Kishi Leopo monta`a/editing Yordi Capó, Carlos Espinoza Benítez, Samuel Kishi Leopo igrajo/cast Martha Reyes Arias (Lucía), Maximiliano Nájar Márquez (Max), Leonardo Nájar Márquez (Leo), Cici Lau (ga./Mrs. Chan), Johnson T. Lau (g./Mr. Chan) producentki/producers Inna Payán Stoupignan, Leticia Carrillo Silv produkcija/production Animal de Luz Films (Mexico) E contacto�animaldeluz.com format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 95'

Pripoved o otro{kih `eljah in odraslih skrbeh priseljenske dru`ine, podana skozi prizmo pisane domi{ljije, je na leto{njem Berlinalu prejela glavno nagrado mednarodne `irije v sklopu Generation Kplus.

An imaginatively told, brutally honest and yet poetic emigration story about the desires of children and worries of adults, The Wolves won Generation Kplus Grand Prix of the International Jury at this year's Berlin International Film Festival.

Osemletni Max in njegov bratec Leo se v upanju na bolj{e `ivljenje z mamo podata iz Mehike v Ameriko. Najbolj se veselita izleta v ~udoviti svet Disneylanda. Vendar iskanje strehe nad glavo ni preprosto in mama opravlja kar dve slu`bi naenkrat, da zaslu`i za skromno ve~erjo. Max in Leo dneve pre`ivljata sama v majhnem stanovanju, dale~ od obljubljenega Disneylanda. Da bi ~as hitreje minil, z barvicami ri{eta pisani svet domi{ljije, ki v njunih o~eh zares o`ivi, sama pa se spremenita v pogumna nind`a volkova. Nekega dne pa kljub mamini prepovedi odpreta vrata stanovanja in stopita v {irni svet ...

Together with their mother Lucia, the brothers Max and Leo have just crossed the border from Mexico into the United States in search of a better life. And they share a dream as well: To visit Disneyland one day. But it is not easy for them to gain a foothold in their new home. While Lucía tries to finance their new life by doing odd jobs, the two brothers spend their days in their one-room flat building an imaginary universe with their drawings and thinking about mom's promise of going to "Disneyland". The walls of the room, which they are forbidden to leave, become a projection screen for imaginative adventures and open a window on their new life.

"Film Volkovi je za pripoved o otro{tvu, negotovosti, migraciji, reintegraciji dru`ine, prilagajanju na novo okolje in pomenu doma vzniknil iz mojih lastnih, zamegljenih spominskih podob. Za oblikovanje tega filma se mi je zdelo zelo pomembno ~rpati iz zgodb in izku{enj migrantske skupnosti v Albuquerqueju. @elel sem naslikati portret s spajanjem tako domi{ljijskih kot dokumentarnih prvin ter postavljati fiktivne like ob bok dejanskih krajevnih prebivalcev, njihovemu svetu in ve~kulturnosti, ki je porodila zdravo migrantsko skupnost." (Samuel Kishi Leopo)

"The Wolves emerges from the hazy images of my memories in order to tell a story about childhood, uncertainty, migration, a family’s reintegration, the adaptation to new surroundings and the meaning of home. It was very important to me to draw on the stories and experiences of the migrant community in Albuquerque for the production of this film. I intended to paint a portrait by mixing both fictional and documentary elements and compositing fictional characters atop actual locals, their surroundings and the multiculturalism that has built a thriving migrant community." (Samuel Kishi Leopo)

Samuel Kishi Leopo


Rojen leta 1984 v Guadalajari, Mehika. Na tamkaj{nji univerzi je diplomiral iz avdiovizualne umetnosti. Njegova dela so bila prikazana na ve~ kot stotih festivalih po svetu, vklju~no s presti`nimi, kot sta Clermont Ferrand in Berlinale.

2006 2009 2010 2011 2014 2016 2019

Born in 1984 in Guadalajara, Mexico. He graduated in audio-visual arts from the University of Guadalajara. His works have screened at more than one hundred international festivals, including the prestigious Clermont Ferrand and Berlinale.

festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Berlinale 2020 (glavna nagrada mednarodne `irije v sklopu Generation Kplus/Grand Prize of the Jury KPlus), Busan 2019

prodaja/world sales FiGa Films 5701 Biscayne Boulevard #402 33137 Miami, USA E contact�figafilms.com

Memoria viva (kratki/short) Luces negras (kratki/short) Acerca del drama de los calcetines (kratki/short) Mari Pepa (kratki/short) Somos Mari Pepa Juglares del Gol (dok. serija/doc. series) Los lobos (The Wolves/Volkovi)

distribucija/distribution Demiurg Lome 3 5274 ^rni Vrh E info�demiurg.si


Kinobalon Kinobalon

Moj brat lovi dinozavre Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri My Brother Chases Dinosaurs

za otroke od 12. leta for children aged 12+ sis v italijan{~ini s slovenskimi podnapisi in Italian with Slovenian subtitles

Italija, [panija Italy, Spain 2019

Stefano Cipani re`ija/directed by Stefano Cipani scenarij/screenplay Fabio Bonifacci, Giacomo Mazzariol (knjiga/book) fotografija/cinematography Sergi Bartrolí glasba/music Lucas Vidali monta`a/editing Massiomo Quaglia igrajo/cast Alessandro Gassmann (Davide), Isabella Ragonese (Katia), Rossy de Palma (Rock), Francesco Gheghi (Jack), Gea Dall'Orto (Chiara), Maria Vittoria Dallasta (Alice), Lorenzo Sisto (Gio) producenti/producers Isabella Cocuzza, Antonia Nava, Arturo Paglia produkcija/production Paco Cinematografica Piazza Rondanini 29 00186 Rome, Italy E info�pacocinematografica.it & Neo Art Producciones (Spain) format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 102'

Ganljiv in humoren film o najstni{kih tegobah, o sprejemanju druga~nega in lastnega, posnet po resni~ni zgodbi in istoimenski knjigi Giacoma Mazzariola. Mladi iz kar 32 dr`av so mu letos podelili evropsko filmsko nagrado mladega ob~instva.

festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Evropska filmska akademija – nagrada mladega ob~instva/EFA Young Audience Award 2020

Jack `ivi v glasni in sr~ni dru`ini, s starej{ima sestrama in mlaj{im bratom Giòm, ki ima Downov sindrom. Kot otrok je Jack verjel, da ima Gio prav posebne mo~i, tako kot superjunaki v stripih. [ele pozneje je spoznal, da so bratove mo~i druga~ne narave kot tiste v stripih. Ko za~ne Jack obiskovati gimnazijo, se njegov svet obrne na glavo. Na vso mo~ se zaljubi v novo so{olko, dru`beno aktivistko Arianno, povsem spremeni svoj slog, zamenja krog prijateljev in celo bratec Giò postane sramotna nadloga! Jack ga na vse na~ine in do skrajnosti zanika, kar stvari povsem zaplete. "/.../ Osebno se mi je roman prikupil, ker je v svojem jedru zgodba o prijateljstvu: o vezi med Jackom in njegovim bratom Giom. Ta `anr, ki bi ga nekako lahko poimenovali 'tovari{ki film', je zelo ugla{en z mojo senzibilnostjo. K prou~evanju med~love{kih odnosov me najbolj pritegne in spodbudi neobi~ajno prijateljstvo." (Stefano Cipani)

prodaja/world sales Eagle Pictures Via Ettore Romagnoli 6 20146 Milano, Italy E info�eaglepictures.com distribucija/distribution Demiurg Lome 3 5274 ^rni Vrh E info�demiurg.si

Jack has a brother, Gio, who has Down syndrome. As a child, Jack believed the lie his parents told him, that Gio was a special being with superpowers, as in a comic book. Now that he is about to go to high school, Jack no longer believes that his brother is a superhero, in fact, he is almost ashamed of him, especially since he met Arianna, the first love of his life. Jack cannot allow himself to make any gaffes of bad impressions with the girl of his dreams and looking after his little brother and his unpredictable behaviour soon becomes a burden. But you cannot be loved by someone as you are, if you cannot love someone despite his faults. "/…/ The reason why I personally love this novel is that it is fundamentally a story about friendship: that between Jack and his brother Gio. This genre, which could be defined in some ways as a buddy movie, is very much in tune with my sensibilities. Unconventional friendships are what attracts me the most and stimulates me to analyse human relationships." (Stefano Cipani)

Stefano Cipani


Rojen leta 1986 v Salòju, Italija. Na Univerzi v Bologni je {tudiral zgodovino filma in filmsko kritiko. Pozneje je film {tudiral tudi v Los Angelesu in na Newyor{ki filmski akademiji. Je avtor {tevilnih kratkih filmov in nekaj videospotov. Moj brat lovi dinozavre je njegov prvi celove~erec.

2009 2009 2009 2011 2013 2016 2019

Born in 1986 v Salò, Italy, Cipani studied film history and criticism at the University of Bologna. He went on to study film in Los Angeles and at the New York Film Academy. He has made several shorts and videos. My Brother Chases Dinosaurs is his debut feature film.


Based on a true story and the eponymous book by Giacomo Mazzariol, My Brother Chases Dinosaurs is a heart-rending and comic account of the challenges of adolescence, the importance of accepting difference and accepting yourself for who you are. Young jurors from 32 countries have elected the film as the winner of the EFA Young Audience Award.

A Pill for David Friktenstein (kratki/short) Napoleon's Charm (kratki/short) A Piece of Hero (kratki/short) While God Is Watching Us (kratki/short) Symmetry (kratki/short) Shine Bright (kratki/short) Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri (My Brother Chases Dinosaurs/ Moj brat lovi dinozavre) 2020 La Grande Guerra a Colori (kratki/short)

Evropa na kratko Europe in Short

Tekmovalni program Competitive Programme 1. sklop Section 1 48 Zadnja slika o~eta The Last Image of Father Stefan \or|evi} Past Perfect Past Perfect Jácome Jorge Zima v de`evnem gozdu Winter in the Rainforest Anu-Laura Tuttelberg Vrti~karji Community Gardens Vytautas Katkus Sun Dog Sun Dog Dorian Jespers 2. sklop Section 2 49 Nevidni heroj Invisible Hero Cristèle Alves Meira ^e`ana Applesauce Alexander Gratzer Carrière de Pissy Carrière de Pissy Eliott Chabanis Igra Playing Lun Sevnik THORAX THORAX Fruhauf Siegfried A. 3. sklop Section 3 50 Da Yie Da Yie Anthony Nti Zlate minute Golden Minutes Saulius Baradinskas Route 3 Route 3 Thanasis Neofotistos Hotdog Hotdog Alma Buddecke, Marleen Valin 51 Pono~i je vsaka ma~ka siva All Cats Are Grey in the Dark Lasse Linder Toomas pod dolino divjih volkov Toomas Beneath the Valley of the Wild Wolves Chintis Lundgren


Evropa na kratko Europe in Short

Tekmovalni program Competitive Programme

Zadnja slika o~eta

Past Perfect


Zima v de`evnem gozdu

Sun Dog

Nevidni heroj

1. sklop Section 1

Zadnja slika o~eta Poslednja slika o ocu The Last Image of Father Srbija Serbia 2019

cinematography Anu-Laura Tuttelberg, Rodrigo Pérez Alcocer kontakt/ contact festival�miyu.fr format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/ running time 9'

Prizori plesa `ivljenja in smrti v bujnem tropskem okolju, kot se dan za dnem, leto za letom prikazujejo ~arobnim bitjem, ki naseljujejo divjino na{ih sanj.

re`ija/directed by Stefan \or|evi} scenarij/screenplay Stefan \or|evi} fotografija/cinematography Damjan Radovanovi} igrajo/cast Igor Ben~ina, Marko Mati}, Marina Red`epovi} kontakt/contact stefan.j.djordjevic�gmail. Scenes of the dance of life and death in the lush tropical nature as lived day by day, year by year, by the magical creatures that com format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 20'

inhabit the wilderness of our dreams. Du{an in Laza potujeta proti Beogradu skozi vzhodno Srbijo. Neozdravljivo bolni Du{an mora najti nov dom za sina Laza, ki mu sam predstavlja vse, kar ima.


Du{an and Laza are travelling through Eastern Serbia to Belgrade. The terminally ill Du{an has to find a new home for his son Laza, to whom Du{an is all he has.

Litva Lithuania 2019

Past Perfect Past Perfect Past Perfect

Portugalska Portugal 2019 re`ija/directed by Jácome Jorge scenarij/screenplay Jorge Jácome, Pedro Penim fotografija/cinematography Jorge Jácome, Marta Simões kontakt/contact pf�portugalfilm.org format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 22'

Skozi serijo prostih asociacij, ki pre~kajo razli~na stoletja in zgodovino, nas spremlja vpra{anje: kaj je mesto `alosti? In a series of free associations that cross several centuries of History, one question is being addressed: What is the place of sadness?

Zima v de`evnem gozdu Talv vihmametsas Winter in the Rainforest

Estonija, Mehika, Litva Estonia, Mexico, Lithuania 2019 re`ija/directed by Anu-Laura Tuttelberg scenarij/screenplay Anu-Laura Tuttelberg animacija/animation Anu-Laura Tuttelberg fotografija/


Kolektyviniai sodai Community Gardens

re`ija/directed by Vytautas Katkus scenarij/screenplay Vytautas Katkus fotografija/cinematography Vytautas Katkus igrajo/cast Arvydas Dap{ys, Vygantas Bachmackij, Jelena Ju{~enko kontakt/contact lightson�lightsonfilm.org format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/ running time 15'

Zgodba o hladnem odnosu med o~etom in sinom. Vez med njima, zastrupljena z brezbri`nostjo, popolnoma razpade. A story about a cold relationship between a father and his son. Their bond, plagued by indifference, disintegrates completely.

Sun Dog Sun Dog Sun Dog

Belgija, Rusija Belgium, Russia 2020 re`ija/directed by Dorian Jespers scenarij/screenplay Dorian Jespers fotografija/cinematography Arnaud Alberola, Dorian Jespers igra/cast Alexander Pronkin kontakt/contact info�squareeyesfilm.com format/ format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 21'

Fedor je mlad klju~ar v Murmansku, ledenem mestu sredi temne ruske Arktike. Medtem ko tava od stranke do stranke, se izgubi nekje med sanjami in resni~nostjo. Odklenejo se vrata v fantazmagori~no vesolje in na obzorju vzhajata dve sonci.

Evropa na kratko Europe in Short

najpomembnej{ih vpra{anj: treba ga je umiti, olupiti, razrezati in zme~kati. Jabolko, namre~.



While two uniformed guards reveal themselves to be spineless beings, animals continue their philosophical discussions about important existential issues. At the same time, the solution to one of the most essential problems becomes apparent: you just have to wash, peel, cut and mash it. The apple.

Carrière de Pissy Carrière de Pissy Carrière de Pissy Carriere de Pissy


Francija, Burkina Faso France, Burkina Faso 2019 re`ija/directed by Eliott Chabanis scenarij/screenplay Eliott Chabanis fotografija/cinematography Kévin Agboton, Maciej Edelman kontakt/ contact clemoine1994�gmail.com format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 13'

V osr~ju mesta Ouagadougou je ogromen krater iz granita, v katerega so ujeti mo`je, ki si na vso mo~ `elijo ven. Na koncu je osvobojena zgolj njihova podoba. Fedor is a young locksmith in Murmansk, a frozen city situated in the darkness of the Russian Arctic. As he wanders from client to client, his dreams erode his sense of reality, opening the door to a phantasmagorical universe: a second sun rises over the horizon. 2. sklop Section 2

Nevidni heroj Invisivel Heroi Invisible Hero

Portugalska, Francija Portugal, France 2019 re`ija/directed by Cristèle Alves Meira scenarij/screenplay Cristèle Alves Meira fotografija/cinematography Julien Michel igrata/cast Duarte Pina, Lucília Raimundo kontakt/contact dir�portugalfilm.org format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 28'

Slepi Duarte tava po pla`i in i{~e svojega prijatelja Leandra, ki je skrivnostno izginil. Navkljub `go~i poletni vro~ini Duarte prehodi kilometre Lizbone, a Leandra se nih~e ne spominja. Potovanje se sklene v srcu no~i in razgali skrivnost. Duarte, a blind man in his 50s, is looking for his Cape Verdean friend, Leandro, who has mysteriously disappeared. Despite Lisbon's summer heat, Duarte walks miles in his neighbourhood but no one seems to have seen him, nor remembers him. His quest will eventually lead him to the heart of the night and reveal his secret.


Apfelmus Applesauce Avstrija Austria 2019 re`ija/directed by Alexander Gratzer scenarij/screenplay Alexander Gratzer animacija/animation Alexander Gratzer glas/voice Alexander Gratzer, Johannes Forster kontakt/contact alex_gratzer�gmx.at format/ format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 7'

Medtem ko se za uniformirana stra`arja izka`e, da sta bitji brez hrbtenice, `ivali nadaljujejo filozofske razprave o pomenu eksistencialnih vpra{anj. Obenem pa se razjasni {e eno

In the heart of the city of Ouagadougou, a huge granite crater imprisons men who try their best to get out of it. In the end, only their image will emerge.


Hra Playing ^e{ka The Czech Republic 2019 re`ija/directed by Lun Sevnik scenarij/screenplay Lun Sevnik fotografija/cinematography Kry{tof Melka igrata/cast Miloslav Pechá~ek, Rudolf Trí{ka kontakt/contact alexandra.hroncova�famu.cz format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 22'

[estnajstletna prijatelja Boris in Hugo kupita pi{tolo. Zapreta se v stanovanje Hugovih star{ev in po spletnem video prenosu napovesta, da se bosta ~ez eno uro ubila. Friends Boris and Hugo, aged 16, buy a gun. They lock themselves in Hugo's parents' apartment and announce in an internet livestream video that they are going to commit suicide in one hour.


Avstrija Austria 2019 re`ija/directed by Fruhauf Siegfried A. scenarij/screenplay Fruhauf Siegfried A. fotografija/cinematography Fruhauf Siegfried A. kontakt/ contact siegfried.fruhauf�gmx.at format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 7'

Otrokom govorimo, naj ne gledajo v sonce, zato da jim njihova potreba po vizualnem raziskovanju ne bi po{kodovala vida. THORAX pa – nasprotno – nagovarja ravno otro{ko radovednost in iracionalnost ter nas kakor kinemati~na ~rvja luknja vodi v ozadje podob, kjer po~asno ~love{ko oko izpostavi ble{~e~i igri svetlobe. Children are told not to look into the sun, to prevent their childish visual urge for discovery from damaging their eyesight. In


Evropa na kratko Europe in Short

Tekmovalni program Competitive Programme

V{teto v ceno

Da Yie

Route 3

Zlate minute

contrast, THORAX fuels adolescent irrationality and curiosity, leading us – like a cinematic wormhole – behind the images, where the sluggish human eye is subject to a play of dazzling light. 3. sklop Section 3

Da Yie Da Yie Da Yie

Belgija, Gana Belgium, Ghana 2019


Potem ko poeti~nega ra~unovodja dolgovi in neizogibna lo~itev spravijo do roba, se ta odlo~i narediti samomor. Re{i ga lahko samo {e infarkt. Driven to the edge by a huge debt and his impending divorce, a poetic accountant decides to kill himself. The only thing that can rescue him now is a heart attack.

Route 3 Route 3 Route 3

BiH, Gr~ija Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece 2019 re`ija/directed by Anthony Nti scenarij/screenplay Anthony Nti, Chingiz Karibekov fotografija/cinematography Pieter-Jan Claessens igrajo/cast Prince Agortey, Matilda Enchill, Goua Grovogui kontakt/contact dimitri. verbeeck�caviar.tv format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 21'

Tujec v Gani mora po navodilih svoje tolpe ~ez dan rekrutirati otroke, ki bi {e isti ve~er zanje opravili tvegane zlo~ine. Tako spozna `ivahna de~ka in deklico, ki ju namerava predati naprej. Toda dlje ~asa ko pre`ivi z njima, bolj se za~no porajati dileme o tem, kaj je prava odlo~itev in kak{no prihodnost jima s tem ustvari. A foreigner in Ghana gets an assignment from his gang to recruit kids for a risky job that is to take place later that evening. He finds Prince and Matilda, two lively kids and good friends, and plans to hand them over to the gang. However, after spending the day with them, he begins to question his decision, dwelling on how it will affect their future.

Zlate minute Auksines Minutes Golden Minutes Litva Lithuania 2019 re`ija/directed by Saulius Baradinskas scenarij/screenplay Saulius Baradinskas, Titas Laucius fotografija/cinematography Vytautas Katkus igrajo/cast Billy Boyd, Kristina Kazlauskaite, Vainius Sodeika, Darius Auzelis, Salvijus Trepulis, Kestutis Cicenas, Mark Barkovski, Arnoldas Augustaitis, Rokas Buzelis, Paulius Cizinauskas kontakt/contact lightson�lightsonfilm. org format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 10'


re`ija/directed by Thanasis Neofotistos scenarij/screenplay Marina Symeou fotografija/cinematography Carmen Tofeni igrajo/cast Enes Kozli~i}, Lazar Dragojevi}, Simonida Mandi} kontakt/contact ben�radiatorsales.eu format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 13'

V nagnetenem in zatohlem tramvaju v Sarajevu se srame`ljivi mladeni~ soo~a z ovirami vseh sort, medtem ko sku{a pritegniti pozornost lepotice, ki sedi nedale~ stran. A vro~ekrvni junak te divje farse ne obupa kar tako. In a sweaty, overcrowded tram in Sarajevo, a shy teenager is beset by every imaginable impediment as he tries to capture the attention of his object of desire. Yet the overheated hero of this wild farce will not be easily defeated.

Hotdog Hotdog Hotdog

Nem~ija Germany 2019 re`ija/directed by Alma Buddecke, Marleen Valin scenarij/screenplay Alma Buddecke, Marleen Valin fotografija/cinematography Christopher Behrmann, Max Rauer igrajo/cast Lena Klenke, Alfredo Zermini kontakt/ contact felix.schreiber�filmakademie.de format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 8'

Hannah, ki je v zapletenem odnosu s svojo vagino, nam duhovito razodene, kako se je njena seksualnost razvijala skozi ~as. Ena od {tevilnih prelomnic je, denimo, trenutek, v katerem je odkrila

Evropa na kratko Europe in Short

Pono~i je vsaka ma~ka siva

Ma~ji dnevi

Toomas pod dolino divjih volkov

vibrajo~o funkcijo svojega kontrolerja za PlayStation. Hannah, in a love-hate relationship with her vagina, chronicles how her sexuality has changed over time. Like that one moment when she discovered the vibration function of her PlayStation controller.

Pono~i je vsaka ma~ka siva All Cats Are Grey in the Dark All Cats Are Grey in the Dark [vica Switzerland 2019 re`ija/directed by Lasse Linder scenarij/screenplay Lasse Linder fotografija/cinematography Robin Angst kontakt/contact info�squareeyesfilm.com format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/ running time 18'

Ko mlad, privla~en volk Toomas izgubi dobro pla~ano slu`bo in`enirja, mu ne preostane drugega, kakor da za~ne slu`iti dru`inski kruh kot `igolo. Svoj novi poklic prikriva pred nose~o `eno Viivi, a tudi ona ima skrivnost: udele`uje se seminarja opolnomo~enja `ensk, ki vklju~uje mo{ke su`nje. Ko Toomas dobi vlogo v seksploatacijskem filmu, se skrivalnice zelo zapletejo. After losing a well-paid engineering job, Toomas, a seductive young wolf, is cornered into working as a gigolo to support his family. He is keeping it a secret from his pregnant wife Viivi. However, Viivi has a secret, too: she is attending a female empowerment seminar involving male slaves. When Toomas gets a role in a sexploitation movie, it becomes harder to keep his new profession a secret.

Christian, mo{ki srednjih let, `ivi v celibatu in dneve pre`ivlja v dru`bi dveh ma~k, do katerih ~uti absolutno naklonjenost. Film, ki se za~ne kot ekscentri~na komedija, s protagonistom, ki odpelje svojo ma~ko v tujino, da bi jo tam dal oploditi, se prelije v so~utno {tudijo ranjene du{e. @elja osamljenega Christiana po tem, da bi postal o~e, samo dokazuje, da je dru`ina tam, kjer srce bije z brezpogojno ljubeznijo. Middle-aged celibate Christian lives with his two cats and feels undying affection for his fury companions. The "Catman" is striving to get one of his cats impregnated by an exquisite tomcat. What sets out as an eccentric comedy portraying an unconventional bond soon transforms into a compassionate character study of a fragile soul. A lonely man's quest for fatherhood proves that family is where our heart pulsates with unconditional love.

Toomas pod dolino divjih volkov Toomas teispool metsikute huntide orgu Toomas Beneath the Valley of the Wild Wolves

Estonija, Hrva{ka, Francija Estonia, Croatia, France 2019 re`ija/directed by Chintis Lundgren scenarij/screenplay Chintis Lundgren, Dra{ko Ivezi} animacija/animation Chintis Lundgren, Dra{ko Ivezi}, Darko Vida~kovi} glas/voice Dra{ko Ivezi}, Chintis Lundgren, Leon Lu~ev, Lee Delong, Dra`en Sivak kontakt/contact chintis.lundgren�gmail.com format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 18'


Spremljevalni program Accompanying Programme

SR, 11. novembra 2020, od 17. do 19. ure Liffova spletna stran in Facebook profil ter YouTube kanal Cankarjevega doma Za otroke od 7. leta

Workshop: Blank Paper

S prepogibanjem papirja bodo udele`enci izdelali poljubne like in jih o`ivili s tehniko stop animacije. Potrebovali bodo mobilni telefon ali tablico, list papirja in kan~ek potrpe`ljivosti. Prireja: Pionirski dom

Using the paper-folding technique, children will create optional characters and bring them to life with the stop-motion technique. The participants will need a mobile phone or tablet, a sheet of paper and a dash of patience. Organised by: Pionirski dom

SO, 14. novembra 2020, od 16. do 18. ure Facebook stran Liffa in Cankarjevega doma ter YouTube kanal Cankarjevega doma Za otroke od 7. leta

SAT, 14 November 2020, 16.00–18.00 Liffe and Cankarjev dom FB and Cankarjev dom's YouTube channel For children aged 7+

Mladi se bodo prepustili domi{ljiji in s predmeti, ki jih najdemo doma, spletli nepri~akovane zgodbe. Predmeti bodo o`iveli s pomo~jo tehnike stop animacije, kar pomeni, da bomo fotografirali vsak premik posebej. Udele`enci bodo potrebovali mobilni telefon ali tablico. Prireja: Pionirski dom

Using their imagination, young people will weave unexpected stories with various household objects. Objects will come to life by way of the stop-motion animation, a filmmaking technique in which we will physically move objects in small increments and capture them on film one frame at a time. The participants will need a mobile phone or tablet. Organised by: Pionirski dom

^E, 12. november, ob 17. uri www.rtvslo.si/kultura, Liffova spletna stran in Facebook profil ter YouTube kanal Cankarjevega doma

THU, 12 November, at 17.00 www.rtvslo.si/kultura; www.liffe.si and Liffe FB, Cankarjev dom's YouTube channel

Delavnica: Nepopisan list

Delavnica: ^arobna {katla


WED, 11 November 2020, 17.00–19.00 www.liffe.si, Liffe FB and Cankarjev dom's YouTube channel For children aged 7+

Workshop: Magic Box

MMC dogodek

MMC Event

Asistentka, prvi film "dobe MeToo", ki na spored prihaja po obsodbi producenta Harveyja Weinsteina na 23-letno zaporno kazen, bo izto~nica za {ir{i pogovor o toksi~nem delovnem okolju in kulturi ti{ine, v kateri lahko storilci ostanejo nekaznovani, ker okolica odvra~a pogled od njihovega po~etja. Kaj imamo v mislih, ko govorimo o "nagnitem sistemu"? Ob filmu re`iserke Kitty Green bomo v debati z gostjama, direktorico In{tituta 8. marec Niko Kova~ in filmsko kriti~arko Petro Meterc, posku{ali ovre~i ve~ni argument: "Zakaj ni ni~esar povedala, ~e je bila pri~a zlorabam?" Pogovor bo vodila Ana Jurc.

The Assistant, the first '#MeToo Era' film to be released after film producer Harvey Weinstein’s stunning downfall (he has been sentenced to 23 years in prison for sex assault), will serve as an overture to a broader debate on toxic work environments and a culture of silence in which perpetrators can go unpunished because everyone is turning a blind eye. What do we talk about when we talk about a "rotten system"? Taking our cue from director Kitty Green's film, we will try to refute the eternal argument: "Why didn't she say anything if she witnessed the abuse?" The talk with Nika Kova~, Director of In{titut 8. marec, and film critic Petra Meterc will be hosted by Ana Jurc.

Spremljevalni program Accompanying Programme

Confessions to the Ghosts PE, 13. november, ob 19. uri Liffova spletna stran in Facebook profil ter YouTube kanal Cankarjevega doma

FRI, 13 November, at 19.00 www.liffe.si, Liffe FB, Cankarjev dom's YouTube channel

Podoba-Glasba na Liffu

6th International Competitive Music Video Programme In cooperation with Tresk Festival

6. mednarodni tekmovalni program glasbenih videospotov V sodelovanju s festivalom Tresk Podoba-Glasba se seli na doma~e zaslone! Skupaj z Liffovim filmskim programom bo letos na spletu potekal tudi zdaj `e tradicionalni tekmovalni program glasbenega videa. Matic Majcen bo v spletni projekciji predstavil dvanajst kandidatov za najbolj{i videospot minulega leta. Ob tem bo z gostom, re`iserjem Matev`em Jermanom, predstavil {e sijajen video album Confessions to the Ghosts, ki je osvojil glavno nagrado na leto{njem festivalu Tresk. Kot vsako leto bomo med gledalce, ki bodo oddali svoj glas za najbolj{i videospot leta, podelili nagrade v obliki vinilnih plo{~. Nedvomno pa bo `e dvanajst mojstrovin glasbenega videa dovolj velika poslastica za o~i, da bo virtualno prisostvovanje dogodku nujno za vse ljubitelje sodobne glasbe.

Image-Music at Liffe

Image-Music this year from the comfort of your home! By now a traditional event, Image-Music will accompany Liffe's main programme as an online event. At the web screening, Matic Majcen will present twelve candidates for best music video of 2019. Together with a guest, director Matev` Jerman, he will focus on the brilliant video album Confessions to the Ghosts that won first prize at this year's Tresk Festival. The viewers will vote for best music video of the year, and receive prizes (vinyl records). Still, the 12 music video masterpieces are reason enough for all fans of contemporary music to attend the virtual event.


Spremljevalni program Accompanying Programme

PO, 16. novembra letos prek spleta

MON, 16 November this year online

Ogled filma in pogovor z re`iserjem

Film screening and talk with the director

No~ evropskega filma je pobuda za promocijo evropskega filma, nastala pod pokroviteljstvom programa Ustvarjalna Evropa MEDIA in Evropske komisije v sodelovanju z mednarodnim kinematografskim zdru`enjem Europa Cinemas. V letih 2018 in 2019 se je pobudi pridru`ilo 54 kinematografov iz 34 razli~nih dr`av, ki so na ogled postavili zelo raznolike filme. Letos so se organizatorji odlo~ili, da {e pove~ajo {tevilo sodelujo~ih kinematografov in tako naj bi se v dnevih med 16. in 20. novembrom pobudi pridru`ilo kar 75 kinematografov po Evropi, med njimi tudi Kinodvor, tokrat v sklopu festivala Liffe.

European Cinema Night – an initiative to promote European cinema – was launched under the auspices of Creative Europe MEDIA programme in cooperation with Europa Cinemas, an international network of cinemas focusing on European films. 54 cinemas from 34 different countries joined the initiative in 2018 and 2019, offering a wide and varied selection of free screenings. Following the decision of the organisers to further increase the number of participating cinemas this year, as many as 75 cinemas across Europe, including Ljubljana's Kinodvor.City Cinema – within the context of the Liffe Festival –, are joining the initiative between 16 and 20 November.

No~ evropskega filma Sade`i pozabe

V ponedeljek, 16. novembra, bomo ob 19. uri prikazali film Sade`i pozabe, po ogledu pa se nam bo na pogovoru pridru`il re`iser filma Christos Nikou. Film si bo lahko brezpla~no ogledalo 60 gledalcev, kako priti do povezave za ogled pa bo objavljeno na Kinodvorovi spletni strani in Facebook profilu.


European Cinema Night Apples

Within this context, Apples will be shown on Monday, 16 November, at 19.00. After the screening, the director Christos Nikou will join us for a talk. 60 viewers will be given free access to the film; please visit Kinodvor's website and FB page for instructions on how to get a free access link.

Spremljevalni program Accompanying Programme

TO, 17. november, ob 13. uri prek spleta (Zoom)

Pogled v prihodnost AV-industrije po pandemiji Filmska industrija se je s korenitimi spremembami soo~ala `e pred koronakrizo, ta pa je proces preobrazbe samo pospe{ila. Strokovno sre~anje v organizaciji Motovile (Centra Ustvarjalna Evropa) in Art kino mre`e Slovenije v okviru festivala Liffe v koprodukciji Centra za kreativnost ter s podporo Mestne ob~ine Ljubljana in Slovenskega filmskega centra pogled usmerja v prihodnost industrije v lu~i posledic pandemije in novega programa EU Ustvarjalna Evropa z vidika dveh vpra{anj: Kak{ni bodo izzivi AV-produkcije, distribucije in promocije v tri- do petletni prihodnosti sektorja na splo{no? Pogled v prihodnost bo predstavila analiti~arka in poznavalka mednarodnih AV-trendov Johanna Koljonen, avtorica strokovnega poro~ila Nostradamus Report 2020, mednarodne pobude za spremljanje in analizo sprememb v AV-industriji ter napovedovanje njene bli`nje prihodnosti, ki industriji v naslednjih letih napoveduje ~as ustvarjalnega razcveta in tudi kaosa. Kako povezovanje kinematografov in platform videa na zahtevo odpira nove na~ine navezovanja stikov z ob~instvom? Pogledali bomo, kak{ne so bile te sinergije med spomladanskim zaprtjem kinematografov po Evropi in kako se je sodelovanje nadaljevalo po odprtju kinematografov. S primeri z Nizozemske, Poljske in Hrva{ke bomo sku{ali ugotoviti, ali postaja tovrstni poslovni model ustaljena praksa v prikazovalskem sektorju, kaj to pomeni za kinematografe in njihova ob~instva ter kaj lahko pri~akujemo v naslednjih mesecih, ko se kinematografi po Evropi znova zapirajo. Svoje izku{nje nam bodo posredovali Marynia Gierat (Kino pod Baranamy, Krakow), Simon Blaas (Cinema Middelburg, Middelburg) in Alen Muniti} (Kino Mediteran, Split), pogovor pa bo vodil Jure Mati~i~ (Art kino mre`a Slovenija, Mestni kino Dom`ale). Strokovno sre~anje bo v angle{kem jeziku, brez tolma~enja. Ob prijavi boste prejeli povezavo za spremljanje dogodka na spletnem kanalu Zoom. Neposredni prenos bo potekal tudi na Liffovi spletni strani in Facebook profilu, YouTube kanalu Cankarjevega doma ter na Facebook straneh Motovile (CED Slovenija) in Art kino mre`e. Ve~ informacij in prijave na www.motovila.si in www. artkinomreza.si. Projekt sofinancirajo Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj in Republika Slovenija pa tudi Mestna ob~ina Ljubljana in Slovenski filmski center.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020, at 13.00 online (Zoom)

The Future of the AV Industry after the Pandemic: A Look Ahead The film industry was facing radical changes already before the COVID-19 pandemic, a crisis that only served to accelerate the process of transformation. Organised by Motovila Institute (Creative Europe Desk Slovenia) and Slovenian Art Cinema Association in partnership with Centre for Creativity and with the support of the Municipality of Ljubljana and Slovenian Film Centre, the event will take a look into the future of the audio-visual industry in the light of the pandemic and the new EU Creative Europe programme. Two specific issues will be tackled: What are the challenges that the audio-visual production, distribution, promotion and consumption will be facing on a 3- to 5-year horizon? Industry analyst Johanna Koljonen, author of the Nostradamus Report 2020 that predicts a time of creative explosion as well as chaos for the international AV industry in the coming years, will provide a general insight into the future of the screen industries. Nostradamus Report is an international initiative to document and analyse industry changes and make projections for the future. How do alliances between cinemas and online platforms open up new ways of connecting with the audiences? The pandemic prompted many cinemas to stream their films on an on-demand platform, thus enabling the survival of the exhibition sector during these troubled times whilst making it easier for the audiences to access quality films. With examples from the Netherlands, Poland and Croatia, we will try to determine whether this business model is becoming a common practice in the exhibition sector, its implications for cinemas and their audiences, and what we can expect in the coming months as cinemas across Europe are again facing closures. Experiences will be shared by Marynia Gierat (Kino pod Baranami, Krakow), Simon Blaas (Cinema Middelburg, Middelburg) and Alen Muniti} (Cinema Mediteran, Split); the discussion will be hosted by Jure Mati~i~ (Slovenian Art Cinema Association, City Cinema Dom`ale). The event will be held in English without translation. Upon applying, you will be sent an invite with a join link to the Zoom meeting. Live streaming will also take place on www. liffe.si, Liffe FB and Cankarjev dom’s YouTube channel, as well as the Motovila (CED Slovenia) and the Slovenian Art Cinema Association FBs. More information and applications: www.motovila.si and www. artkinomreza.si. The project is co-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and the Republic of Slovenia, as well as the Municipality of Ljubljana and the Slovenian Film Centre.


Nagrajenci Award Winners

vodomec Kingfisher Award 1996

@iveti v pozabi Living in Oblivion, Tom DiCillo 1997

Vzhodna pala~a, zahodna pala~a Dong gong, xi gong, Zhang Yuan 1998

@ivljenje, kot ga sanjajo angeli La vie reveé des anges, Erick Zonca 1999

Deseti brat

Beshkempir, Aktan Abdikalikov 2000

Vzhod je vzhodno East is East, Damien O'Donnell 2001

Kruh in mleko Kruh in mleko, Jan Cvitkovi~ 2002

Sobota Sábado, Juan Villegas 2003

Vrnitev Vozvra{~enje, Andrej Zvjagincev posebna omemba/special mention:

Pod njenim oknom Pod njenim oknom, Metod Pevec 2004

Popolni preobrat Somersault, Cate Shortland posebna omemba/special mention:

Pogre{ana Bu jian, Li Kang-sheng 2005

Skriti adut Voksne mennesker, Dagur Kári posebna omemba/special mention:

Odgrobadogroba Odgrobadogroba, Jan Cvitkovi~ 2006

1:1 Ena na ena 1:1 En til en, Annette K. Olesen posebna omemba/special mention:

Namizni tenis Pingpong, Matthias Luthard 2007

Okna v ponedeljek Montag kommen die Fenster, Ulrich Köhler 2008

Lakota Hunger, Steve McQueen 2009

^rnci Crnci, Zvonimir Juri}, Goran Devi} posebna omemba/special mention:

Policijski, pridevnik Politist, adj., Corneliu Porumboiu 2010

Podo~nik Kynodontas, Yorgos Lanthimos


Nagrajenci Award Winners

zlati kolut (nagrada ob~instva) Golden Reel (Audience Award) posebni omembi/special mentions:

Na morje Alamar, Pedro González-Rubio

Potovanja vetra Los viajes del viento, Ciro Guerra 2011

Zakloni{~e Take Shelter, Jeff Nichols 2012

Klip Clip, Maja Milo{ 2013


Miele, Valeria Golino posebna omemba/special mention:

Obramba in za{~ita Obrana in za{tita) Bobo Jel~i} 2014

Lahko no~, mamica

Goodnight Mommy, Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala 2015


Rams, Grimur Hakonarson posebna omemba/special mention:


Pot domov

Wo de fu qin mu qin, Zhang Yimou 2001

Pet minut slave

Iedereen beroemd!, Dominique Deruddere 2002

Sestre magdalenke

The Magdalene Sisters, Peter Mullan 2003

Pesem za malega razcapanca Song for a Raggy Boy, Aisling Walsh 2004


Les Choristes, Christoph Barratier 2005

Zveza Kebab

Kebab Connection, Anno Saul 2006

Zajtrk na Plutonu

Breakfast on Pluto, Neil Jordan 2007

Povratne steklenice Vratné lahve, Jan Sverák

Projekt stoletja The Project of the Century, Carlos M. Quintela 2016

Dobra `ena

A Good Wife, Mirjana Karanovi} posebna omemba/special mention:

Teden in en dan One Week and a Day, Asaph Polonsky 2017


Columbus, Kogonada posebna omemba/special mention:

Arabija Araby, Affonso Uchoa, Joao Dumans 2018


Kona fer i strid, Benedikt Erlingsson posebna omemba/special mention:

Ne bom ve~ luzerka My Last Year As a Loser, Ur{a Menart


Teret, Ognjen Glavoni} 2019


Dilda, Kantemir Balagov posebna omemba/special mention:

Angelo Angelo, Markus Schleinzer


Lara, Jan Ole Gerster


Nagrajenci Award Winners

nagrada zmaj (nagrada ob~instva) Dragon Award (Audience Award) 2008

Katin Katyn, Andrzej Wajda 2009

Ubil sem svojo mamo I Killed My Mother, Xavier Dolan 2010

Technotise: Edit in jaz Technotise: Edit i ja, Aleksa Gaji} 2011

Onstran Beyond, Pernilla August 2012

Lore Lore, Cate Shortland 2013

Dekle na poziv Call Girl, Mikael Marcimain 2014

^arlijeva de`ela Charlie's Country, Rolf De Heer 2015

Druga mama The Second Mother, Anna Muylaert 2016

Med morjem in zemljo Between Sea and Land, Carlos del Castillo, Manolo Cruz 2017

Ognji{~e Heartstone, Gudmundur Arnar Gudmundsson 2018

Aga Aga, Milko Lazarov 2019

Vsak dan je dober dan

Glasovanje za nagrado ob~instva zmaj s sporo~ili SMS Tudi letos bodo gledalci med celove~ernimi filmi izbirali svojega favorita. Film z najvi{jo povpre~no oceno bo prejel nagrado ob~instva zmaj. Seznam filmov je objavljen na www.liffe.si. Gledalci svoje glasove oddajo na glasovalnih listi~ih ob odhodu iz dvorane ali pa za film glasujejo prek mobilnikov. Na~in glasovanja prek SMS-sporo~il je omogo~il glavni pokrovitelj festivala Telekom Slovenije, d.d. Ocene filmov lahko do 6. ure zjutraj posredujete na telefonsko {tevilko 2929. V sporo~ilo vpi{ite: LIFF (presledek), {ifro filma (presledek) in oceno od 1 do 5. [ifra filma je na vstopnici in festivalski spletni strani. Z iste telefonske {tevilke lahko za vsak film glasujete le enkrat. Izidi glasovanja bodo objavljeni na www.liffe.si prihodnji dan. Glasujejo lahko naro~niki storitev mobilnega omre`ja Telekoma Slovenije, uporabniki Mobi ter Izi, Spar Mobil, Hip mobil in Me2. Poslana sporo~ila so obra~unana po veljavnem ceniku operaterja. Dragon Audience Award text-message voting Selecting from a range of feature films, the spectators will be able to vote for their favourite picture, which will receive the Dragon Audience Award. The list of films is posted on www.liffe.si. Votes can be cast when exiting the cinema or by a mobile phone. The voting via text-messaging has been made possible by Telekom Slovenije, d.d., main Festival sponsor. Vote for a film by texting the following message to 2929 by 6 a.m.: LIFF (space), film code (space), and your vote from 1 to 5. Please find the film codes on your admission ticket and on the LIFFE website. Only one vote per film will be accepted from each phone number. The voting results will be announced on www.liffe.si the following day. Eligible voters include subscribers to the cellular networks of Telekom Slovenije, and the users of Mobi, Izi, Spar Mobil, Hip mobil and Me2. Messages will be charged according to the operators' relevant pricelists.

Every Day a Good Day, Tatsushi Ohmori

nagrada mladinske `irije Kinotrip Young Jury Award

nagrada za najbolj{i film 360˚ Best 360˚ Film



Rde~a `elva

La tortue rouge, Michael Dudok de Wit 2017

Pokli~i me po svojem imenu

Cake Attack, Monika Janjilovi~, Maks Bernard, Tadej Anclin, Jan Uderman 2017


Freedom, with No Excuses, Matej Lozar, Anja ^otar, Rok Jagodnik, Uro{ Kokol, Sa{o Stojak

Call Me by Your Name, Luca Guadagnino 2018 The Rider, Chloé Zhao 2019

Medtem ko vas ni bilo

Sorry We Missed You, Ken Loach


Torta napad

Svoboda, brez izgovorov

Nagrajenci Award Winners

nagrada FIPRESCI FIPRESCI Prize 2004

^e{ke sanje ^esky sen, Filip Remunda, Vít Klusák 2005

Kaj je Iva posnela 21. oktobra 2003 [to je Iva snimila 21. listopada 2003, Tomislav Radi} 2006

Bele dlani Fehér tenyér, Szabolcs Hajdu 2007

In s kom ti seksa{? Et toi t'es sur qui?, Lola Doillon 2008


Rde~a `elva La tortue rouge, Michael Dudok de Wit 2017

Mo{ki ne jo~ejo

Men Don't Cry, Alen Drljevi} 2018


Styx, Wolfgang Fischer 2019


Monos, Alejandro Landes

Balast Ballast, Lance Hamer 2009

Prinesi mi ro`marin Go Get Some Rosemary, Ben Safdie, Joshua Safdie 2010

Neljubljena The Unloved, Samantha Morton 2011

Zgodbe, ki se jih spominjamo Historias que so existem quando lembradas, Julie Murat 2012

Otrok iz zgornjega nadstropja L'enfant d'en haut, Ursula Meier 2013


Salvo, Antonio Piazza 2014


Buzzard, Joel Potrykus 2015

Družinski film

Family Film, Olmo Omerzu

nagrada `irije Art kino mre`e Slovenije Slovenian Art Cinema Association Award 2019


Ema, Pablo Larraín


Nagrajenci Award Winners

nagrada za najbolj{i kratki film Best Short Film Award 2008

Zemlja in kruh

Tierra y pan, Carlos Armella posebna omemba/special mention:



Nisem od tukaj

I'm not from here, Maite Alberdi, G. @. Alberdi in Giedre Zickyte posebni omembi/special mentions:

Wolfy, Matev` Luzar 2009


Missen, Jochem de Vries posebna omemba/special mention:

"�...� Craving for Narrative", Max Grau 2018

The Ground Beneath, Rene Hernandez 2010

Matria, Álvaro Gago Díaz posebna omemba/special mention:

A Bike Ride, Bernard Attal 2011

The Box, Du{an Kastelic 2019

The External World, David O’Reilly posebna omemba/special mention:

Last Year When the Train Passed By, Pang-Chuan Huang posebna omemba/special mention:

Onda vidim Tanju, Juraj Leroti} 2012

The Christmas Gift, Bogdan Muresanu


The Beast, Samantha Nell, Michael Wahrmann

"�...� Hlepenje po pripovedi"

Tla pod nogami


Vo`nja s kolesom


Svet zunaj

Lani, ko je vlak {el mimo

Potem zagledam Tanjo

Bo`i~no darilo

Tuba Atlantic

Tuba Atlantic, Hallvar Witzo posebna omemba/special mention:

Francija, ki se zgodaj prebuja

La France qui se lève tôt, Hugo Chesnard 2013


Terrarium, Hana Ju{i} posebna omemba/special mention:


Premature, Gunhild Enger 2014

Roke proti nebesom

Hands Up to Heaven, Ulrike Putzer, Matthias van Baaren posebna omemba/special mention:


The Chicken, Una Gunjak 2015


Picnic, Jure Pavlovi} posebni omembi/special mentions:


Discipline, Christophe M. Saber

Vsaj pu{ke nam {e ostanejo

As Long as Shotguns Remain, Caroline Poggi, Jonathan Vinel 2016


Figure, Katarzyna Gondek


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