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A MEMORY FROM POLLY Dear Gramma Chuck...Chuckles...Gram, I think this is our 1st photo together (February 3,1975). Your memory of that day maybe better than mine but, this is where it all began for me... and you were there from the beginning! A first time Grandmother with her 1st born grandchild. A title I feel blessed with and I wear as a badge of honor! To try and recall a favorite mind is flooded... You have filled my life with so many sparkling memories! Christmas’ & GCEEH Sleepovers & late night hot tub soaks Apple IIe & Nintendo Cards & Board games Junk food & Saturday morning grocery shopping with the Great Gramma’s Pork Jowl Bacon & Sunday Brunches California Coolers! Asti Spumante! Bartles & James! Champagne! Chex mix & Cheese puffs Chocolate Slim Fast, Yoo-hoo, JOLT, TAB cola Snack Attack, Master-Type, Mario Brothers, Tetris Some of my most cherished memories are of our time spent working together at M.C.O. and of course GCEEH! I thought ALL kids got to go shopping on Easter with “bunny eggs”! I tell everybody that I inherited the gift of overindulging children with bottomless bags of candy for all holidays from my Gramma Chuck! Since day one you have made me feel so special and loved!!! Thank you! I love you so much!! Luv, Pol


A MEMORY FROM MARK When Polly and I moved to Asheville in 2001, we became a pit stop for Gramma Chuck and Grandpa Sam on their way to Hilton Head, SC. It gave me the opportunity to have some one on one time with a very special couple. After 18 years of knowing Ohio’s number 1 couple, I was able to be included in a photo with Gramma Chuck and Polly.


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A MEMORY FROM ZACK One of my earlier memories with you, Gramma, was when Grandma Gates was living downstairs and you asked me to help out with your grocery shopping. I was always impressed with the level of organization for both you and your mom. Two lists, two carts, and efficiency going through the store. It was always very cool that I would be able to select one item or Grandma Gates would have selected an item (usually Fudgeshop shortbread cookies I think) that I would get to take home as a reward for helping out. Another long term memory was family brunch after Church. I always enjoyed coming over to your house after Church as a kid. It was a consistent reminder of importance of family getting together and feasting (especially on bacon). Endless amounts of Sunny D, Squeeze It’s and Sam’s Choice Wild Cherry! It was truly special that we were able to have these gatherings with you, Grampa, aunts, uncles, and cousins.


A MEMORY FROM STEPHEN We get back to your house after our gift exchange and start getting packed up to see that I’m missing something. My orange shoes were missing and could not be found. Love you Grandma Chuck and I hope you enjoy your orange shoes!


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A MEMORY FROM SAM Grandparents play such a vital role in the development of a family. In the Irmen family, the two of you have been that lighthouse. The guiding light through the good and the bad, supporting, encouraging, and loving each and every one of us as we have grown. Grandma Chuck, as a child growing up, there were few things I looked forward to more than your Easter Egg hunt and Christmas celebrations. Nobody knows how to throw a party like you do! But there are so many more little things that make you so special to me. Our Saturday shopping excursions with Grandma Bert are some of my fondest memories, and oh my, did we ever look forward to opening the candy cupboard for a treat when we got home! But there is so much more. Your ability to keep us all on track and make such a large family feel so loved and protected is unmatched in my eyes. The kindness and generosity you show each and every day is a model which we all hope emulate. To both of you, I just want to thank you for being there for me, and now, for us. Recently I was lucky enough to marry the love of my life, Laura, and the fact that we were able to share this day with you meant the world to us. Your love for each other and ability to make it last for so long is an inspiration to us both.


A MEMORY FROM MAX Probably the first thing I look forward to on my birthday, is getting a whole pack of bacon from Grandma. It’s always so good, and it’s made even better since I don’t have to share it with anyone. It’s even better that she always has special foods around the house. It’s so great that she does that.


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A MEMORY FROM LISA It was always fun to go to Grandma’s house. Usually it was for big holidays which meant so much fun for us little kiddo’s. Easter hunts, abundant Christmases’, or other family gatherings always meant a full house and lots of food. Grandma was always the center of it all planning, organizing and making sure everything was just right. This included keeping the ‘candy cupboard’ stocked with all of our favorite things. It was always the first stop when we walked in and visited (probably too) frequently during each visit. To this day, on my too infrequent trips to Grandma and Grandpa’s house, I often open up this cupboard to see if there are any fun treats. Grandma also always showed me that there are lots of different ways to be successful. I never remember her being judgmental about any life choices of our family or her friends. Lessons to be learned, but no judgement to be had. Grandma has told me a few times recently that she appreciates what I share online, and I believe I have her to thank for that, in part.. I would have to say that in my formative years, I was blessed and privileged to live in a world where there was family to count on and Grace to be received and given. Grandma, to me, embodied God’s definition of love as being patient, kind, not boastful or envious, not dishonoring or easily angered, protecting, trusting, hoping and persevering. Grandma, thank you for being a walking definition of love and being a strong part of a solid foundation for all of us to launch from!


A MEMORY FROM SHAYNE Grandma Chuck~ Grateful! I’m beyond grateful for being a part of such an amazing family, and for having the Greatest Grandparents we could ask for! Everyday, somehow or someway, I’m reminded of Family, and all the amazing lessons, love, kindness, and memories you’ve taught us or we’ve shared. No one really believes me when I say my Grandparents lived on a farm, well not really a farm, but The Farm, the Anderson’s Estate. They had a lake, a pool, a gym, a hot tub, a golf cart, a refrigerator in their garage that was filled with sugary drinks, a candy cupboard filled with all kinds of goodies, a ton of land, not many animals, but a lot of very kind people we knew as family. Some of my favorite memories of Grandma Chuck and Grandpa Sam are on the farm. Family reunions, amazing Christmas parties/exchange, GCEEH, Sunday brunches, Bridge/ Game days with the Grandmas. When I think back of some special moments or memories of Grandma Chuck they go way back to Saturday shopping trips with Grandma Gates, I think we would go to 3-5 stores with an accordion of coupons. We learned how to bargain shop at a very young age. Christmas and Easter top it all! All the family would get together and Grandma would have an amazing spread of food and goodies. She always knew how to make you feel so special. She also knew exactly what to get you for Christmas and Easter. Usually a theme was involved with no shortage of thoughtfulness. One year was Strawberry Shortcake, another year was Cabbage Patch Kids. (When there was a shortage of the real ones, Grandma had some made for us) The list goes on and on and on. Just when we thought it couldn’t get any better, Grandma came up with her very own Easter Egg/Scavenger Hunt with help from Uncle Bruce and I’m sure everyone. The “GCEEH” included an egg hunt, and then a very magical scavenger hunt! We would have to scavenge around the farm for clues, which lead us to Grandpa Sam where we would have to complete our final clue or task to get to our Easter Treasure. Again she just knew what to put in that treasure!!! The actual egg hunt and egg exchange table was pretty over the top as well! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! TO GRAMMA, WITH LOVE | 16


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A MEMORY FROM NICK Catching dinner for my Grandparents. One of my favorite things about visiting my grandparents is walking down the pond and trying my luck at fishing for bass. Once, during the spring of 2017, I went inside to check in with Grandpa before going down to the lake. He is always eager to share the latest fishing news from when the Jr. Bass Masters stop by. When I got there, Grandma was in the den (probably playing Dr. Mario on the Super Nintendo) when I jokingly offered to catch their dinner for the night. Grandma Chuck quickly replied “If you get one big enough, I’ll cook it.” Well the challenge was accepted. I walked down the hill with a friend to cast and it must have been one of the best days for fish because it wasn’t 30 minutes before I walked back up the hill with dinner. I proudly presented my grandparents with my trophy and announced “I caught dinner.” Watching Grandma Chuck trying to figure out what to do with this 3+ pounds of wiggling bass was hilarious as they were not expecting to start the meal prep for the night with the food still living!


A MEMORY FROM MOLLY Gramma, You will be forever in the history books as the creator of the best Easter celebrations in history. Gramma Chuck’s Easter Egg Hunts are legendary. You used to save up your loose change all year and stockpile candy as the season approached. One year, I got to help stuff all the eggs. You kept reminding me I needed to fill them a bit fuller. I was able to see the transition as the grandkids got older from egg hunt to bunny eggs to money eggs. It was an annual tradition we all looked forward to (well, we kids all looked forward to) and we’ll hope to maintain the spirit for the next generation. You have brought so much joy into our lives. You have helped create so many important memories. I love the way you hum and tap dance in the kitchen while making dinner. I will always remember my first “job,” accompanying you to the grocery store to help get groceries for Grandma Gates. You have always been the caretaker. You have taught all in our family to be good caretakers, especially my mom. You so graciously took care of Grandma Kate and Grandma Gates as they aged. By having them over for cards every Sunday brunch, we were lucky enough to grow up knowing and loving our great-grandmas. I’ve seen your love of all people, from the eldest to the youngest. You are the heart of this family. I love you, ~Molly


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A MEMORY FROM JILLIAN A day or two after New Years, most people had left the house on Holland Sylvania. The Christmas Crack was depleted, the massive tin of Chex Mix empty (god help our sodium levels). In the lazy, post-NYE lull, Dan and I decided to go yarn shopping with Gramma Chuck. We hopped in the car and headed to the yarn store. Together, the three of us wandered the aisles, comparing colors and thicknesses, rolling the strands between our fingers and debating which would be cozy and which would be too easily pierced by knitting needles. We returned home and somehow Cousin Tom was convinced to learn to knit as well. Maybe he went willingly, maybe he was roped in, or perhaps I should say, “yarned in.” The three of us and Gramma Chuck were engrossed in our work when Grandpa Sam walked in. He chuckled, with a kind of I-never-thought-I’d-see-the-day look on his face, and left us to it. I managed to knit my scarf-in-progress backwards and had to unravel it and start over, twice. Yet through it all, Gramma Chuck was patient and only slightly bemused at my incompetence. Several weeks later, we were instructed to email Gramma Chuck our head measurements, and not long after, a pair of cable knit hats, in our favorite yarn, a fluffy yarn with swirls of teal and cream, arrived at our house. To my newly knit-savvy eyes, I could see they were well made, and probably hadn’t been repeatedly unraveled to get that way. The warmth of those caps and the warmth of the welcome I received as a new member of the Robertson/Irmen family still sticks with me. Even if my knitting skills have not.


A MEMORY FROM LAURA Grandma Chuck, every time I have the pleasure of connecting with you, I am truly inspired by your love for your family and your sharp wit. It is always so fun chatting with you! Your thoughtfulness goes above and beyond and is always so authentic and genuine. For instance, our super soft and beautiful blanket is my favorite! It has gotten so much use and makes me think of you :) Thank you for being such a guiding force for all of us.


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A MEMORY FROM DREW Gramma, When I think of the word family, my first thoughts are of Sunday brunch with the Gramma’s. It was something I would look forward too at every opportunity. So much so that I, with all of my ADHD, would agree to sit on the hard wooden pew and listen to Fr. Wurzel talk for 45mins… not an easy feat. In that sense, you could say because of my young prowess in negotiation, The Irmen’s Sunday brunch also brought me to learn about God. That part of me has grown and evolved in many ways but St Joe’s before brunch was the origin. Immediately afterwards we would join the rest of the family where I would be inspired by, accepted by, and exposed to a group of characters that rounded out every corner of the world I would know at that time. Here, wandering around the house with more windows than walls I would get to talk to my aunts and uncles, copy all of my cousins, and get a sugar high from the snack cabinet where only the most exotic candies would be kept. When you are young there are some things you just accept: When you turn on the faucet water comes out – Food comes from the store – Family is something you’re born into. As I’ve gotten older I realize that food was there because Gramma slaved in the kitchen for hours and that Family takes effort and patience for all of us to gather. (I still have no idea how water faucets works). A single letter will never be able to describe what my Gramma means to me. The lessons learned in her house about life and the type of person I both am and want to become carry with me today. I love you, Gramma. Happy Birthday. Drew.


A MEMORY FROM MICHAEL I have always loved visiting Grandma and Grandpas house. The warm greeting from Grandma never fails to put a smile on my face. Her genuine affection for her grandchildren is so inviting. Any time we are in Toledo, Pam and I refuse to pass by the airport highway overpass without stopping in to say hello. I can hear her voice now as I write this echoing through the house, as I walk in and simply say hello... “Is that Michael!?� she will yell, drop whatever it is she is doing, and come give us hugs and kisses grinning from ear to ear, anxious to ask me all types of questions about my recent endeavors. Tears are rolling down my cheeks because thinking about this makes me miss her so much. I love you Grandma Chuck!



A MEMORY FROM CHRISTOPHER Gramma Chuck, I have so many memories of making sure I was home from work at exactly 10pm to make milkshakes, 10 cent ante pinochle with you and the great grandmas (where every 5th hand or so someone had a misdeal), and explaining to my friends that I didn’t find where my gramma keeps her candy... it is literally “The Candy Cupboard!” My favorite memory, however, would have to be the summer of games where we had the poster board to keep a running total of wins with several hundred tally marks on it. I’m sure just about anyone else would have gotten sick of the same two games over and over or just kept playing to humor me, but any time I had a free moment you would walk up and say “Well, what’s it gonna be?” which meant pick a game and let’s get to it! Lots of love, Christopher


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A MEMORY FROM COLLEEN Grandma, As a little girl, I remember going to your house after Church being a highlight of my every week! Getting to be around family was a treat! And of course, all of the goodies we would eat. You spoiled us grandkids in the very best way, always making us kiddos feel extra special with sweets whether it was cowtails, or those special belly washer drinks. As I started to grow up, I loved sharing my knitting projects with you and getting advice on what yarns to use. Seeing your projects and patterns always left me inspired. Seeing what beauty you are able to make from just a little tangled up ball of yarn is certainly a deeper metaphor for all of our lives. As I grow older, I cherish our conversations where you never fail to pass on valuable life wisdom (I need it!) to guide me down my path. Always delivered with ease and a little bit of humor! At family gatherings, as I look around, I can not help but to be thankful to my grandparents for being the roots of it all! I love you so much! Colleen



A MEMORY FROM CHRIS Dear Gramma Chuck and Grandpa Sam, Thank you so much for the warm welcome to the family. Getting to know both of you over the years has been a genuine treat. You made me feel welcome at your home from the beginning. As Gramma Chuck said, the first time I was a guest and the second time I was family. So, thanks for showing me where the forks were on my first visit so that I didn’t have to go searching through the entire kitchen when I came back! The wall of family photos is a prominent feature in your home. To me, those pictures not only document a shared history, but they also illustrate the positive impact you make on this world. Your entire family is filled with people who are generous with their hearts. They care deeply about their fellow man. These traits come from the values you instilled in them and demonstrate in your everyday actions. I have been touched by these qualities too. Grandpa Sam, your tales of working with Habitat for Humanity inspired me. I volunteered to build a house with them once during my high school days, and hearing your stories encouraged me to seek out opportunities to do that again. I am profoundly grateful for the moments we share and the memories we create. It doesn’t matter whether we are celebrating a wedding, playing rummy cube, grabbing the binoculars to look at the deer, or just sitting around reminiscing about days gone by. I always look forward to the next time we are together with eager anticipation. Love, Chris 39 | TO GRAMMA, WITH LOVE

A MEMORY FROM MARY I still remember one of the first times I met you. I was in your kitchen and saw your toaster - it toasted the bread then little doors opened underneath the toast and it slid out on a tray. I thought it was the coolest thing. When I told you about my toaster envy you promptly went over to your file cabinet, got out a folder labeled “toaster” and gave me one of the catalogs you had bought your toaster from. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so organized. Since then I have come to learn that in addition to organized, you are also loving, kind, funny, and have the best favorite color - orange. I love spending time with you, you have a smile that lights up a room, and you have made me feel so welcome in this family. Thank you for being such a wonderful grandmother and great grandmother!


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A MEMORY FROM TOM One thing I appreciate most about Grandma was our family Easter Egg hunts. Every year we would be so excited and look forward to it because it never disappointed, with games, presents carefully catered to every grandchild, and everything we could possibly need in a party. She never made it clear to us, but I know that she put all of herself into making it possible for these family events to happen and they are the first memories I reach for when describing our family to others.


A MEMORY FROM CANDACE Gramma Chuck, I don’t think I’ve ever told you this story, but I actually adored you before we even met. When Christopher and I were just getting to know eachother, he told me that he was on his way to play games with his grandma and shared a little bit about you. He then took a picture of your pinochle game and sent it to me -- shame on him for taking a photo of you without you knowing! Needless to say, that won him some serious brownie points because I could instantly tell that the bond that the two of you shared was strong. You are such an integral part of who he is. Even writing about it right now makes me a bit emotional. Fast forward a few weeks later to a story that you know...on our third or fourth date, Christopher brought me over to your house for a picnic. I asked, “Don’t we need to call first?” Christopher thought that was funny because everyone was always welcome at your home (I know that now!). We had a delightful picnic and then Christopher suggested that we go inside and say hello. Without letting Christopher see, I panicked internally. Meeting his role models on one of our first few dates?! Without any preparation?! When I walked through the sliding glass door, you and Grandpa Sam greeted us so warmly and instantly made my anxiety dissipate. We talked for hours in the new room, trading stories and smiles. We said goodbye with big hugs and I have cherished every hug and conversation that we’ve had since. You constantly live up to being the woman that Christopher painted a picture of before we even met. Thank you for being you and seeing the best in all of us! So much love, Candace


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A MEMORY FROM MITCH, ELIZABETH, & CHRISTIAN Grandma Chuck, One of my favorite memories, which was so hard to decide, would have to be all of the trips that you guys took me on! Picking pecans in Hilton Head blew my mind. And the best part of all of them was getting to experience them all with you! You have always made your house feel like a second home to me! Thank you for showing me so much love, and I can’t wait to continue to make more memories together! Happy birthday, Grandma Chuck! Love, Mitch, Elizabeth, Christian, and Bolt


A MEMORY FROM DAN Gramma: I always loved that you would tell people “The first time you are a guest, after that you are Family”. I use that with friends when they come over to make sure that my space always feels like home to anyone who visits. At thanksgiving this year, 2017, we shared that with friends and family and they were charmed by the thought. I also informed them that there was a practical component: The first time I’ll serve you, but after that you need to stop interrupting my card games and find your own food!


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A MEMORY FROM MADDIE Dear Gramma, You always have the newest, most unique, and most delicious foods for us. But those foods are all just reflections of the amazing grandma who feeds them to us. You are more consistent in love and care for us than the bacon you made EVERY Sunday. You are funnier than the jello eggs that would jiggle and make us giggle at GCEEH. You are as sharp as the snappy pistachio shells we leave in a bowl on your mantel around Christmas. You make our hearts melt faster than the pork rinds that live next to your favorite chair. Your stories and jokes lighten the room more than the bubbles in the many flavored drinks that fill the garage fridge. You are overflowing with love, just like than the snack closet with the newest treats to share. You always have something to surprise us, just like the many different pieces we find in a tub of your famous Gramma Chux Chex Chunx. Thanks for always filling our tummies with your goodies and our hearts with your love! Love, Maddie


A MEMORY FROM REBECCA Happy birthday Grandma Chuck, I hope your birthday is shakin’! Having you as a grandma is quite some good luck, and not just because of your tasty bacon. I remember coming over for Sunday brunches. You always found Max and I novelty treats, from hot coco to marshmallows to fruit punches, and you would always cook the most delicious breakfast to eat. I could not resist admiring your garden and flowers, and exploring outside — I would spend hours. For Cutsie, my stuffed frog, you knitted so many sweaters, but I think my favorite memories are our times spent together! We love coming over and visiting you, especially when Oscar the squirrel is there too. I can’t wait to see the more memories we’ll make, but as for today, let’s celebrate! Love, Rebecca oxoxox TO GRAMMA, WITH LOVE | 54

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A MEMORY FROM WILL I was so happy to meet Great Gramma Chuck! She held me by the fireplace at Molly and Chris’s reception and I was so comfy I slept through all the dancing and music. I love you!



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