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A MEMORY FROM POLLY Dear Grampa Sam, This is “the Dude” with his 1st born Grandchild. The date on the back of the picture says February 3, 1975, and I believe that this is our first photo together. In case you didn’t already know....I am really proud to be the first born...and I am blessed to be YOUR 1st born grandchild! This is my birthright...title...and, badge of honor! I chose this picture not because I remembered it... but, because, I hoped you would! This is where it all began for me and, you were there from the beginning. When asked to recall a favorite memory I am overwhelmed.....So many come to mind. Leg pulling...Storytelling...Pranks...Jokes Track practice check-ins & cross country stake-outs Raking leaves & fishing at the lake on the Farm Disneyland, White Birch Lodge, Hilton Head, Washington D.C. Golf cart & John Deere rides Cabbage Patch Dolls & decorating the Christmas tree The Anderson’s, Habitat for Humanity, Forbeck Foundation Cheers, M.A.S.H. Golf, Carson The “New Room” Frosted Flakes, Instant Ice tea, Diet Cheerwine Yardwork! Yardwork! Yardwork! You have filled my life with countless cheerful memories! What I cherish most, are the life’s lessons learned by your good example. As for... Family. Faith. Work. Underdogs. Projects. Charity. and Sports. Give. Believe. Dedicate. Do better than expected. Commit. OVER-Commit. & Strive. I am Grateful for you, proud to be your granddaughter and love you so much! Luv, Pol


A MEMORY FROM MARK When Polly and I moved to Asheville in 2001, we became a pit stop for Gramma Chuck and Grandpa Sam on their way to Hilton Head, SC. It gave me the opportunity to have some one on one time with a very special couple. Grandpa Sam shared many stories over the years. A few of my favorite stories were when he joined the Michigan State track team and how he helped develop one of the first covered hopper rail cars.


A MEMORY FROM ZACK One of my best Christmas gifts (besides Grammas Chuck’s Chex Chunks) was a collection of tools, an Anderson’s tool belt, and the opportunity to build a bird feeder with Grampa. It was a great experience and one of my first opportunities to learn from you. I’ve always enjoyed working with you from a young age whether it was helping out a family in need of some housework or clearing debris at Habitat sites. I sure hope that some of your work ethic and selflessness has worn off on me. I’ve gotten to experience someone with a never ending drive to try and help make other’s lives better. There have been so many other great learning experiences working at your place. I recall one of my favorite memories was taking care of some groundhogs with plywood and smoke bombs. The sweetest part about working with you over the summer was I knew that we would be stopping at Mel-O-Creme on the way home!


A MEMORY FROM STEPHEN Who would’ve known I would become best friends with Tom Izzo. I remember you didn’t believe me, but here’s our picture together. Love you Grandpa Sam!


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A MEMORY FROM SAM Grandparents play such a vital role in the development of a family. In the Irmen family, the two of you have been that lighthouse. The guiding light through the good and the bad, supporting, encouraging, and loving each and every one of us as we have grown. Grandpa Sam, from a young age, I realized what an honor it is to share the same name as you. Fishing down at the lake, riding on the gang mower for hours on end, chasing your golf cart as you taught me the lessons of the game, or seeing you as I was coming up a hill on the cross country course are some of my fondest memories as a child. The pride you showed in me still lives with me today. All of these things and many more are what made me know what an amazing Grandpa you are. But I have also learned that you aren’t just a great Grandpa, but an even better person. Your professional accomplishments, your philanthropic ventures, your faith, and your resolve have set a bar that we all can be proud of. I am proud to call you Grandpa and even more proud to share your name! To both of you, I just want to thank you for being there for me, and now, for us. Recently I was lucky enough to marry the love of my life, Laura, and the fact that we were able to share this day with you meant the world to us. Your love for each other and ability to make it last for so long is an inspiration to us both.


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A MEMORY FROM MAX I’ll always remember the time that Grandpa and I cut down those 3 trees at St. Joan of Arc. It’s was a hot morning and we went over and started slowly cutting them down. It was kind of an annoying job. We got covered by pine needles and sap from the tree and Grandpa even cut his hand really bad. But he still keep going! It gave me a greater understanding of never quitting.


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A MEMORY FROM LISA When I was a Freshman in high school, Polly and I got the opportunity to go on a trip to Washington DC with a group of other young adults as well as Grandma and Grandpa. The four of us stayed in a hotel room together. In the middle of the night on our first night, I was woken up by loud snoring. I tried to put my pillow over my head, but it didn’t even dampen the sound. At some point, Polly woke up too and we came to the realization that we were going to get no sleep for the entire trip at this rate. Our only hope was to somehow separate ourselves. Our solution was to grab our bedding and head to the bathroom. I curled up around the toilet and Polly slept under the counter. We closed the door and only then were we able to get some peace. I have no doubt that Grandpa was confused and troubled when he got up to go to the bathroom, and couldn’t use it because there were two granddaughters sound asleep and blocking the facilities! The next day we found a drugstore and got some earplugs, which helped a lot! On another note...I have another memory that Grandpa probably doesn’t even know that I know about. In 2007 I participated in the Mrs. Ohio International pageant. Grandma and Grandpa came to watch the very long day of events. My friend Maja sat next to Grandpa. She told me later that when it was announced that I was 4th Runner up, he smiled and said, “I’m so proud of her.” I have no doubt that Grandpa would have been proud if I had been in last place! He has always told us and shown us that he was proud of us. Grandpa has always demonstrated to us that it is easy to find the good, as well as something to be proud of, in any person. When he talks about any person in his life, you would think the person he was describing was a celebrity! I love you Grandpa! Thank you for showing us by your example what success, servanthood, love and legacy are all about. 15 | TO GRANDPA, WITH LOVE

A MEMORY FROM MICHAEL Grandpa Sam, I could write an entire book. He has inspired me so much throughout the years that I named my son after him. From his professional life to his personal affairs I look up to him and strive to be like him in every way. To hear him say “I am very proud of you Michael” is the most wonderful compliment that anyone could ever give me. I love you Grandpa Sam.



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A MEMORY FROM NICK Ghost House. My favorite memories with Grandpa when I was younger was going on rides in the golf cart. I remember when I was maybe 5 or 6 and we would take a ride around the “Lake” and check out the normal fishing spots, but my favorite spot was when we got to the path by the woods. When we pulled up to the edge of the dense what could be called a jungle like trail I remember getting very excited, because the path was windy and bumpy so it felt almost like a roller coaster (but with no seatbelt). We would drive past the dam on the creek just before getting to what the grandkids sometimes called the “Ghost House”. It was what was left of our parents old, beaten up tree house with a rundown rope bridge that was way to spooky to cross. Back then, I imagined those golf cart rides as “Adventures with Grandpa”.


A MEMORY FROM MOLLY Grandpa, You are the one who taught me the value of hard work. In words and actions, you have led by example. You spent your “career years” working with The Andersons as a trusted and valued member of their team. Then, upon retirement, you spent that same effort on volunteer work. Through your work with Habitat for Humanity and St. Joan of Arc, you have instilled in me a desire to be of service to others. Sharing time and treasure with those less-privileged is an honorable and righteous thing to do, and seeing the long-term effects of those actions is so rewarding. You have touched the lives of so many, even more than we know. It was through the CRHP retreats that I started to see a different side to you. Growing up, we knew we were loved, but after you started attending retreats, you became more demonstrative in your affection. It was shortly after one of those retreats that I first recall you saying, “I’m proud of you.” It was such a small moment, but it meant so much. You’ve always been there to support us, from track meets to musicals to science fairs. We are lucky to have you as a part of our family. I love you, ~Molly


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A MEMORY FROM TOM My favorite memory of Grandpa took place at our family white elephant gift exchange one year: the year of the fart machine. While Grandpa usually makes sure the spotlight is not on him, this particular year he gave Stephen Joseph the device, keeping the remote for himself, and regularly triggered farts in the middle of the event. The best part was watching him in tears laughing every time it went off, reminding all of us that we come by our sense of humor honestly and genetically.


A MEMORY FROM LAURA Grandpa Sam, I knew the minute I met you what an amazing individual you are. You have the ability to make people in your presence feel so comfortable. You are a wonderful listener and speech giver! It was such an incredible honor to have you stand up and speak at our rehearsal dinner. Your kind words meant so much to us and it was truly a gem of a speech! Sam looks up to and admires you so much and it has been such a pleasure getting to know you and discovering the same treasures he has spoken of so often. I feel so lucky to have gained two very loving Grandparents! Thank you for being the welcoming and caring people that you are. I am blessed to have become an Irmen. We love you and look forward to celebrating with you both and creating more memories! I feel so lucky to have gained two very loving Grandparents! Thank you for being the welcoming and caring people that you are. I am blessed to have become an Irmen. We love you and look forward to celebrating with you both and creating more memories!


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A MEMORY FROM DREW Grampa, The Irmens are a large clan. There are 11 aunts and uncles, 18 cousins, 1 Gramma and 1 Grampa. Needless to say getting 1 on 1 time with Grampa was challenging but always special. Two moments particularly stood out from the rest. They involved two of my favorite things, causing mischief and the golf cart. As a young boy, testing authority and discovering the consequence was one of my favorite past times. Mom would call this “learning the hard way”. One fateful day came and a different punishment then usual. I was sent to the farm to help Grampa with whatever he needed help with. Once I arrived at the farm Grampa informed me we were going to “warsh” all the windows in the house.. “Warshing” was a term I was unfamiliar with but growing up with Terry as a father I learned that English was meant to bent to the comfort of he who speaks it – so I rolled with it. What I got to experience was the definition of hard work. Normally something that wouldn’t interest me but even I, as defiant as I could be at 11 or 12 years old, knew that you don’t ever disrespect Grampa. And that reason was simple – He never asked me to do something he wouldn’t do first; he didn’t make me work while he watched golf. Grampa pulled out the latter and was the first one up. When I needed a break, he kept going. It was a lesson instead of a punishment. And it was inspirational and integral to the man I would focus on becoming later in life. The second memory was one that showed Grampa had a little party in him. Going to the farm was always exciting and still is. Nothing was higher on the priority list then hitting the white vinyl seats of the golf cart. One day Grampa and I set out on an adventure. Now, rules of the golf cart were simple. Respect the golf cart. On this day, Grampa did not follow the rules… We set off for the barn, one of my favorite places to go, down to the creek, and back by the ghost house. These were areas that I never drove because they were too challenging for me at that age. Grampa hit the turns and hill at full speed with me terrified and him laughing. It was very hard for my 70lb body to not fly out of the seats and I can say I was legitimately scared. When we emerged from the woods I can say I learned something new about Grampa, and I liked it! Happy Birthday, Grampa! Drew


A MEMORY FROM REBECCA Grandpa Sam, I hope your birthday is merry, and not filled with those dreaded chocolate-covered cherries. When I was little you made me a house out of a box, and from then on I knew having you as a grandpa would rock! You cheered me on at some cross country races, standing on the sidelines shouting whoo-hoo. At my musicals, you and grandma had smiles on your faces, always supporting me in all that I do. Grandparents’ Day is always a pleasure, and so are all the other times we spend together. There is not a puzzle that you have not solved, and your jokes always have wit. Over the years your relationships have evolved, no wonder with all the grandkids you are such a hit! Love you so much and I would just like to say I hope you enjoy your special day! Love, Rebecca oxoxox TO GRANDPA, WITH LOVE | 30

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A MEMORY FROM CHRISTOPHER Grandpa Sam, I have lots of favorite memories. Milkshakes at 10pm exactly (which you seemed surprised about every single day for two years straight), numerous Habitat builds, being allowed to mow your grass for you (yes, I was allowed to), and crossing the finish line at track meets only to see that you are one of the ones with the stopwatch are just a few that come to mind. My favorite, however, is one that I am sure many others share...your love for chocolate covered cherries! The Christmas party at Pat’s house, where every few minutes, someone new would walk up and hand you a rectangular box that you recognized immediately. You graciously accepted these gifts, opened them, and set them on the ground in front of you. It was after about the 7th box that I started to remove boxes from your stack when you weren’t looking, passed them to Tom with the discarded wrapping paper, and had him go in the other room and rewrap them. This happened well over a dozen times. Each time, the wrapping paper got a little uglier and Tom got a little less obvious, until the point where I was literally having you hand me a box, passed it at eye level to Tom, he would stick a piece of tape and a scrap of paper to it right in front of you and hand it back. That is my favorite memory. Love, Christopher


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A MEMORY FROM COLLEEN Grandpa, As a little girl, I remember being impressed by your work ethic. You taught us grandkids by example whether it was with yard work or habitat for humanity builds. You taught me to not quit until the job is done and the importance of putting your time into causes that matter. I witnessed you give your time not only to church projects but also to us grandkids. This heart for charity is something I very much admire, and hope to emulate in my life. As I started to grow up, I loved (and still do love) hearing your stories and off the cuff remarks full of wit and humor. Your jokes often have an element of surprise that keep me on my toes laughing. As I grow older, I cherish your inquiries about my work. You never stop believing in me that I will be running the place‌tomorrow! Your support and encouragement always puts a smile on my face. I love the fact that working at Hart is working for a family friend and I will work hard to keep the Irmen legacy strong! (Especially easy once I’m running the place.) I love you so much! Colleen



A MEMORY FROM CHRIS Dear Gramma Chuck and Grandpa Sam, Thank you so much for the warm welcome to the family. Getting to know both of you over the years has been a genuine treat. You made me feel welcome at your home from the beginning. As Gramma Chuck said, the first time I was a guest and the second time I was family. So, thanks for showing me where the forks were on my first visit so that I didn’t have to go searching through the entire kitchen when I came back! The wall of family photos is a prominent feature in your home. To me, those pictures not only document a shared history, but they also illustrate the positive impact you make on this world. Your entire family is filled with people who are generous with their hearts. They care deeply about their fellow man. These traits come from the values you instilled in them and demonstrate in your everyday actions. I have been touched by these qualities too. Grandpa Sam, your tales of working with Habitat for Humanity inspired me. I volunteered to build a house with them once during my high school days, and hearing your stories encouraged me to seek out opportunities to do that again. I am profoundly grateful for the moments we share and the memories we create. It doesn’t matter whether we are celebrating a wedding, playing rummy cube, grabbing the binoculars to look at the deer, or just sitting around reminiscing about days gone by. I always look forward to the next time we are together with eager anticipation. Love, Chris 39 | TO GRANDPA, WITH LOVE

A MEMORY FROM MARY I want to thank you for being so welcoming as I joined this family. In February of 2015 I lost my grandfather and in the time since then I have gained two more. The love you have for your family is such an inspiration for me and Zack as we start a new little family of our own. I feel so fortunate that our son is named after two amazing great grandfathers. I can’t wait for him to make memories with you!


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A MEMORY FROM JILLIAN A day or two after New Years, most people had left the house on Holland Sylvania. The Christmas Crack was depleted, the massive tin of Chex Mix empty (god help our sodium levels). In the lazy, post-NYE lull, Dan and I decided to go yarn shopping with Gramma Chuck. We hopped in the car and headed to the yarn store. Together, the three of us wandered the aisles, comparing colors and thicknesses, rolling the strands between our fingers and debating which would be cozy and which would be too easily pierced by knitting needles. We returned home and somehow Cousin Tom was convinced to learn to knit as well. Maybe he went willingly, maybe he was roped in, or perhaps I should say, “yarned in.” The three of us and Gramma Chuck were engrossed in our work when Grandpa Sam walked in. He chuckled, with a kind of I-never-thought-I’d-see-the-day look on his face, and left us to it. I managed to knit my scarf-in-progress backwards and had to unravel it and start over, twice. Yet through it all, Gramma Chuck was patient and only slightly bemused at my incompetence. Several weeks later, we were instructed to email Gramma Chuck our head measurements, and not long after, a pair of cable knit hats, in our favorite yarn, a fluffy yarn with swirls of teal and cream, arrived at our house. To my newly knit-savvy eyes, I could see they were well made, and probably hadn’t been repeatedly unraveled to get that way. The warmth of those caps and the warmth of the welcome I received as a new member of the Robertson/Irmen family still sticks with me. Even if my knitting skills have not.


A MEMORY FROM CANDACE Grandpa Sam, This picture captures some of my favorite memories of the times that we’ve shared -- all in one. The thing that they have in common is your sense of humor. We spent the day of our engagement at your house, chatting and playing games. The day after, we wanted to take a photo with you and Gramma Chuck to mark the occassion. As you can tell from your hair in the picture, it was so incredibly windy. I made a quick comment about how my hair was in my face, so being the chivalrous man that you are, you did me a favor and messed up my hair before the wind could do so. That was just so sweet of you! You saw an opportunity to share laughter and you went for it. It may have taken some time to regain our composure and after a few more tries, we did get that group picture with our hair looking somewhat decent (I use somewhat loosely). However, this picture holds an incredibly special place in my heart. The thing about it is, you’re not just making us laugh, but there’s an expected hearty laugh from you that comes along with it. Your laughter, paired with the joke you’ve made, makes it hard not to belly laugh right back. Boy oh boy, I have laughed so much with you and have so many stories and side-splitting memories thanks to your humor. So much love, Candace


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A MEMORY FROM MITCH, ELIZABETH, & CHRISTIAN Grandpa Sam, Trying to decide a memory to encapsulate my memories of you was beyond difficult. The FIRST to come to mind was a time that you took me down to fish on the pond on the golf cart. I don’t remember who caught it, but we caught a carp, and we put it on the compost pile, because, “carp stink”. I can’t say that is my “favorite” memory, but simply the most memorable. You’ve always been an incredible role model for my entire life. You have worked so hard, and truly personify the word “greatness”. I will never stop trying to live my life as passionately as you have lived yours! Thank you for giving me so many memories that I couldn’t pick just one! Happy birthday, Grandpa Sam! Love, Mitch, Elizabeth, Christian, and Bolt


A MEMORY FROM DAN Grandpa: You’ve been my role model in many ways. Your terminology may be a bit different, but the motto for how I work is “Get shit done”. Be it working hard and digging in to do it yourself, or working smart by leveraging whatever resources you had at your disposal, I’ve never seen a task assigned to you not get 100% finished in a timely manner. When I say I’m going to be somewhere I always get there 5 minutes early because there is no way I’d ever be late. The integrity and honesty in how you conducted yourself with friends, family, business was never preached but was always visible.


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A MEMORY FROM MADDIE Dear Grandpa, I have always known you (that I can remember at least) when you have been retired, but the whole time I have known you, you have been working. Not in the sad workaholic sort of way, but in the good I-want-to-do-this sort of way. “Where’s grandpa?” You’re probably hauling trees around, cutting the grass, feeding the small furry friends, and generally keeping everything spic and span. You have built so many houses for people who need them - the ultimate gift to give. You even work hard when it’s just working hard for some laughs- like the time you set up a whole ice croquet court so you’d have pictures to use in your very thorough Camp Cochran report. Amidst all that work, you know how to sit back and celebrate. You are always there to support us at all our events - sporting events, dance recitals, sacraments, birthdays, and graduations. Every time we see you, it seem like you have a story tucked away that’ll surprise us and make us laugh. You have shown by example the way to love through service, and our whole family has been the better for it. Thanks for always loving us and teaching us to never trust a fart. We will always love you too and never trust our farts now, either. Love, Maddie


A MEMORY FROM SHAYNE Grandpa SamOne of my greatest memories of Grandpa Sam is from when I was a child, however him telling the story of it at my rehearsal dinner will be a memory I will never forget. Grandpa Sam every year would take us to The Metamora Elevator where his friend Fred Duncan would host the great pumpkin contest. Folks would bring their prize pumpkin they grew and it would be judged and then open to be purchased. All proceeds benefited a charity. One particular year I was with Grandpa, and he told me I could choose any pumpkin I wanted. In his words I walked right up to the biggest pumpkin and said “this pumpkin.” So, being about 3 or 4 years old, it might have been something like “dis punkin.” I chose the winning pumpkin! Probably because it had a ribbon on it. Little did I know that pumpkin had a price tag of $90.00. As Grandpa told that story at my rehearsal dinner he had everyone laughing. Grandpa has a way with words, and definitely has the best penmanship of anyone I know. Over the years, he has shared so many wonderful stories about his life. Every time, I’m amazed of all his accomplishments. Such a humble man. Everyone who knows him, loves him. His attention to all his grandchildren, his yard, Habitat, his family, oh and again his YARD. Thanks for teaching us so much, and supporting us with your unconditional love. You are a legend. I love both of you so much, we’re so lucky to have so many years with you! Happiest of Birthdays to you both! Many hugs and blessings!!


A MEMORY FROM WILL I was so happy to meet Great Grampa Sam! We got to take a picture with Great Grampa Sam, Grandbub and Daddy - it was really cool having all four generations together! I love you!



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