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Letter from the Publisher
Welcome to the Spring issue of Cannabis by the Sea magazine and Happy 420!
I can only speak for myself, but I’d like to think I entered into 2022 with a slight glimmer of optimism. Hope maybe? Things seem to be returning to a sense of normalcy (I say with caution). But what is normal now? My normal sure is different, but I’m not complaining. I certainly like the ability and option to work from home, I know I’m far more productive, and getting together with friends seems all that more special than it ever did. What’s the old saying? Everything happens for a reason? Always hard to find a glimmer of good when measuring it agains the untold loss and sadness that 2020 and 2021 brought us, but I’ll take it nonetheless.
Our amazing cover shot struck me so strongly when I saw it. It is so beautiful and yet in the middle of it is this gnarled, dead tree. It made me think of the senseless tragedy that is happening in Ukraine. Such a beautiful people and country, and they are both being attacked. And yet, the gnarled tree stands. We can only hope that peace will come soon.
If you didn’t know it already, Cannabis by the Sea magazine has a podcast! Cannabis Talk by the Sea is hosted by myself and editor, Amy Marie Orozco. We’ve had some wonderful and extremely informative guests: Autumn Shelton, Peter Dugré, Stacy Shymansky, Amy Steinfield, Dr. Eileen Gillen, and Courtney Frazer so far, with more on the horizon! You can listen to all of them through our website at cbtsmagazine.com/podcast. We’re also streaming on CarpinteriaValleyRadio.com and GreenCoastRadio.com. Listen in and keep in touch with us — we’d love to get your feedback and maybe even some questions that we or one of our guests can answer.
Thank you for your support of Cannabis by the Sea magazine … we look forward to our third year and introducing you to some more amazing people, and, of course, providing you with more information on this amazing plant that we call cannabis.
Keep in touch!
- Melinda Bie