2 minute read
Flower Fest 2022
By Alex Robles, Green Coast Radio
In early December 2021 the small town of Port Hueneme, California took a chance on what some would call a controversial event, “The Flower Fest.” This event had all the usual festival vendors that you’d expect, from local food trucks to Day of the Dead skulls but here’s what made “The Flower Fest” the first of its kind for the area.
This outdoor festival on the beach was allowed to have onsite cannabis sales and consumption as well. That meant that festival-goers could buy cannabis products and enter one of four consumption tents, roll a joint, and puff away with ZERO fear from the law. For me, that was the best part, because the sense of community and relaxed vibe that the cannabis culture is known for was on full display. Perfect strangers of different ages and backgrounds were having serious and silly conversations with me, it was awesome to see. Each tent had its own vibe with its own DJ. Some even had games like CornHole or Ping Pong set up in them.I mostly saw people rolling joints on Ping Pong tables instead of playing.
Since cannabis consumption was allowed, there was a heavy security presence and no alcohol was sold or allowed at the event. Festival-goers also had to be 21years of age or older to get in. I think these were big reasons why there were NO violent incidents reported to the police for the two-day event. The other benefit of having a 21-and-older outdoor event like this is that there were no baby strollers blocking the way. I have nothing against babies, but you know what I mean, strollers are everywhere at festivals.
Lucky for us, the Flower Fest is returning to Port Hueneme the weekend of April 30 and runs through Sunday, May 1. This year it’s going to be bigger, with more cannabis vendors, up to 8 cannabis consumption tents, and chalk artists. Of course there’s going to be local food vendors for when the hunger kicks in, along with some carnival games so you can test your high skills and win a prize. Tickets are available at Eventbrite for $10, or $20 at the gate the day of the event. Visit www.eventbrite.com/d/ca--port-hueneme/festivals/