By The Sea

The best


conversation and

Fall 2022
Table of Contents

THCa - What is it?
Move over THC and CBD, THCa is the recent cannabinoid that’s been making all the news, which seems to focus on its non-psychoactive properties. This media darling is making headlines for its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, among other things.
13 Michael “Meeko” Thompson . . . Time Honored for Time Done
Twenty-five years in prison for selling three pounds of cannabis. How would you feel? Probably not as forgiving and generous as Michael Thompson, who very likely could still be behind bars if not for The Last Prisoner Project.
Blunt Advice
Worried about what to do with your kief? Ellie Carr, the CBTS cannabis couth and marijuana manners maven, has some suggestions for you. Also, traveling to a less weed-friendly state than where you live? She’s got you covered with some travel tips.

From the Publisher
Welcome letter from the Publisher
Meet some of the CBTS Staff
Letters to the Editor
Cover Shot
And Here’s Why
A Story of Bravery
Resources and References
Where to learn more, how to do more
The Cannabis Lifestyle
Recipe, Blunt Advice
We’d Recommend It
Products and services to enhance daily life

What readers have to say Marketplace
Find it, Offer it, Sell it
Last Look
Animation . . . The Good Ol’ Days
2022 Carpinterian of the Year, Beth Cox, captured our cover photo. “Fall nights bring some of the most serene and spectacular sunsets and moonrises, it is definitely my most favorite time of year for capturing the essence of our beautiful coast.” This beautiful photo was taken September 8, 2022 — it is the Harvest Moon of 2022, which is the closest moon to the Autumn equinox.
Amy SteinfeldCANNABIS

Bie & Bie Productions, Inc.
1072 Casitas Pass Rd., #286, Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805) 881-1218 |
Publisher — Bie & Bie Productions, Inc.

Editorial Director — Amy Marie Orozco
Creative Director — Melinda Bie Contributors — Dianne Armitage, Peter Bie, Ellie Carr, Alonzo Orozco, Amy Steinfeld and Patti Walters
Published seasonally four times a year by Bie & Bie Productions, Inc., Cannabis by the Sea is a lifestyle magazine dedicated to information on the health and wellness properties of cannabis.
Cannabis by the Sea makes every effort to ensure the published information is correct, informative, and practical. Editorial content is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. Cannabis by the Sea advertisements do not imply endorsement of products or services.
We’d love to hear from you. Send your comments and questions to
Send product samples to Cannabis by the Sea, 1072 Castias Pass Rd., #286, Carpinteria, CA 93013. All submissions, editorial and otherwise, become the property Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited materials.

COPYRIGHT © 2022 Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher.
Cannabis use is for adults 21 years of age or older. Consume responsibly. Keep out of reach of children.
From the Publisher
Welcome to the Fall issue of Cannabis by the Sea magazine!
Fall?! How did that happen?! Be that as it may, here we are with another year almost gone and another year waiting on our elected officials to federally legalize cannabis. And from the looks of things, this isn’t going to happen anytime soon. President Biden has been pretty clear how he feels about legalization . . . and given the divisiveness of the Senate, federal legalization is going nowhere fast.
Maybe you’re asking yourself, why should it? I mean, here in California we’ve got it pretty good! You’re right, we do . . . but I am compelled to remind you that we live in quite the little happy cannabis bubble here. Here’s an example:
According to a story by Moira Donegan in the Guardian UK, on May 25th of this year, Ashley Banks was arrested in Etowah County, Alabama for possession of “a small amount of marijuana” and a pistol that she was licensed to carry. She admitted to having smoked marijuana on the day she found out she was pregnant, which lead to her being charged with the “chemical endangerment” of her fetus. Despite having a high-risk pregnancy and the fact that she had admitted to smoking marijuana while pregnant landed Ms. Banks in jail.
Under Alabama state law, women arrested for drug use who are pregnant or have recently given birth can be charged with chemical endangerment, which requires them to post a $10,000 bond and go to rehab to regain their freedom. Ms. Banks was locked up for THREE MONTHS without being convicted of a crime. During this time she experienced hunger, fainting spells and bleeding, all the while sleeping on the floor because they didn’t have enough beds in the jail. Investigators told her to claim she had a drug addiction so she could get into treatment and be bailed out of jail
Now . . . I’m curious, if Alabama police had found her in possession of a pack of cigarettes, would she have been given the same treatment? My intuition says no.
According to an investigation done by Amy Yurkanin, a reporter for (Alabama online news agency), more than 150 Etowah County women have been charged with “chemical endangerment,” even when their children are born healthy or do not test positive for drugs.

Does this story make you squirm a bit? Good, it should. It’s disgusting. And this kind of thing is happening all across our country. So don’t get too comfortable in your California cannabis cocoon.
As always, thank you for your support of Cannabis by the Sea magazine . . . just by reading, you are supporting. We look forward to continuing to introduce you to more amazing people, and, of course, providing you with more information on this amazing plant that we call cannabis.
Keep in touch!
Melinda Bie

Although she wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Dianne Armitage has spent considerable time trying to remove her foot. This quest has introduced her to fascinating people and interesting situations with stories that beg to be told. When not searching for shiny objects, Dianne spends her time writing blog pieces, humor columns, and feature articles. A three-time breast cancer survivor/warrior, she wrote a humor column, Feeling Kinda Funny, for a breast cancer website for 15 years.

Amy Marie Orozco loves writing for and editing CBTS magazine. “It is a very exciting time to be in the cannabis industry, and I love learning so much every single day,” she explains. Most of Amy’s writing is of the nonfiction, journalism flavor, and she also has penned a couple of plays, short stories, and lots of letters. Staff members describe Amy as pretty affable (for an editor), though she can be prickly and show-offy with the grammar rules no one else follows.
Ellie Carr (her pen name) is a writer from San Diego, California. She holds an MFA from Columbia University and a BA in English from Humboldt State University. She was an editor, event coordinator, and art director for two student driven publications. Ellie writes about the mysteries of the body and mind through memoir, personal essays, and flash fiction. Her preferred genres are psychological thriller and dark comedy, but she is known to write a happy ending from time to time. She is a self-taught botanist and literary enthusiast who enjoys cooking and outdoor activities like hiking and kayaking. CS
The Rich History of Healing with Cannabis
We are grateful to have found your publication and the exceptional job you do at educating and dispelling the myths and fear around the use of cannabis/hemp in so many healthful, environmentally friendly products.
History is rich in the use of cannabis with the earliest hemp crops traced as far back as 10,000 years and the use of cannabis from hemp for medicine dates to 2,737 BC. It is interesting that the government had predicted in 1916 that all paper would come from hemp rather than trees by the 1940s and according to reports 1 acre of hemp was equal to 4.1 acres of trees.
Why did we change course away from this eco-friendly plant that can be grown in different climates and requires a small fraction of water compared to other crops?
It’s unfortunate that many are taught that products from hemp are new and unproven when a look at history shows there is nothing new about it, we just lost our way. Excuse the lesson in history but the bottom line is we are thrilled for its return to the stage and to be a part of this movement to restore it to its rightful place. Many thanks to you and your team for all you do to help bring this about.
Shannon Ashamalla, Santa Barbara, CaliforniaArmageddon Here We (Don’t) Come!
When the farmers of Santa Barbara County mustered up the tenacity to pioneer cannabis cultivation, I was both awestruck and thankful. Awestruck about the strength, bravery, resources, vision and intelligence required to get plants in the ground and thankful to their courage in bringing Prop 64 to fruition.
However, six years later and the sky never fell; crime never exacerbated, property values never tanked, traffic never increased, tourism never diminished, those peddling the Armageddon outcome of legalized cannabis are still attempting to hold court. And this couldn’t be more
blatant than what’s being hurled at the proposed Roots dispensary in Carpinteria. Opposition to the project are flinging the same fear-mongering we heard years ago, even though our economic and social indicators have now proven none to ever be true. Neighbors are being told to gird their loins and build safe rooms in preparation of impending violence and mayhem this beautiful, topshelf dispensary will trigger. Seriously, it would be almost comical if not for the emotional and psychological torture they’re force- feeding these people.
Education and facts are the only truth north we have in our quiver and I feel it’s important that we continuously share what we know to be true with all who will listen. THANK YOU CBTS for the opportunity to share what’s on my mind.
Tina Fanucchi Frontado | Carpinteria, CaliforniaComfort from Cannabis
My wife is suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, otherwise known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. One of the side effects is nausea and as she cannot eat solid food or drink liquids any longer, she was left to suffer through it — basically adding insult to injury.
I am 76 years old and had never, ever been to a dispensary. With the guidance provided by CBTS staff I visited Sespe Creek Collective in Ojai . . . they were awesome! It’s a beautiful facility full of educated, kind and compassionate people. With the help of CBTS magazine and Sespe Creek Collective we have been able to curb most of my wife’s ALS related nausea by using transdermal CBD patches.
My wife is an RN and we both have faith that at some point in the future, when cannabis is removed as a Schedule 1 drug, researchers will find a treatment or maybe even a cure for ALS and other neurological diseases inside this unjustly segregated plant.
Thank you CBTS staff for your help!
Jimmie Guzik | Ventura, CaliforniaA Story of
By Melinda BieIn a day and age when Women’s Rights are being compromised and outright denied, I recently had a conversation with a dear friend that gave me hope and reminded me that we are all here to help each other.
I’ve known Julie (not her reall name) for over 10 years now and have learned through our many coffee clatches that she contracted Lyme Disease in 1990. Lyme Disease is caused by the bacterium that is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected black legged ticks. At first, Lyme disease usually causes symptoms such as a rash, fever, headache, and fatigue. But if it is not treated early, the infection can spread to your joints, heart, and nervous system. Unfortunately, without a quick diagnosis and treatment, the effects of Lyme Disease can be lifelong.
Julie wasn’t properly diagnosed until 1994, when she received complicated antibiotic treatment, but by that time the disease had affected her body with terrible fatigue, headaches, arthritic pain and muscle spasms known as Herxheimer Reaction — a natural response to the destruction of harmful bacteria and other threatening microorganisms in the body.
During an annual gynecological visit around 1997, Julie experienced one of these reactions — and while of all times, with her feet up in the stirrups. While literally fighting to keep her body on the examination table, her doctor was stunned and helpless as Julie’s body contorted from the spasms.
When the spasms finally dissipated, she asked her what she was doing to cope with this, to which Julie replied that she had no other coping mechanism except to try to relax through it.
The only other options being offered by her doctors were pain relievers and muscle relaxants, which as someone in long term recovery, was not an option for Julie.
Her doctor then asked her if she had ever been offered medical marijuana. Keep in mind, this is all happening in 1997. Medical cannabis had only become legal in California in 1996 when voters passed the Compassionate Use Act. Most doctors had not wrapped their heads around the medical use of cannabis - and most certainly didn’t recommend it.

Cannabis had not been a part of Julie’s past, in her words “I could either take it or leave it.” “Would you be willing to try it?” Her doctor asked. Julie was reticent. After 13 years of sobriety, she didn’t want to do anything, natural or otherwise, that would endanger that. Her biggest concern was that imbibing would cause her to want things she couldn’t have. After further discussion, and agreeing that she would have someone she trusted with her to keep an eye on things, Julie decided to give medical marijuana a try.
She has never looked back.
The full body spasms lessened in frequency and intensity in about 3 months and generally abated all together in about 9 months. She may have a bad episode once every 18 months, which is usually tied to an upcoming weather event such as rain. Julie takes two puffs/hits before she goes to bed and two in the morning - and then goes back to sleep for an hour. She has been doing this for the better part of 25 years now and says she has never felt that her sobriety was threatened.
My thoughts and thanks go to that forward thinking doctor who risked her license by providing Julie with that joint. My thoughts are also with my friend, who has dealt with this disease with such bravery. I hope we can all be as compassionate and brave as these two women. CS
Of Note...
Lyme disease diagnoses have increased dramatically in the U.S. during the past 15 years, rising 357% in rural areas and 65% in urban areas, according to new data released by FAIR Health. “Those who have the resources to see a Lyme-literate practitioner may find relief after treatment—though not always. And many others have no access to Lyme-literate care whatsoever”, says Dorothy Kupcha Leland of
Ms. Leland provides a review of a book that addresses these issues and others — Cannabis for Lyme Disease and Related Conditions - Scientific Basis and Anecdotal Evidence for Medicinal Use, written by Shelley White.

Cannabis Talk by the Sea is hosted by publisher Melinda Bie and editor Amy Marie Orozco and focuses on everyday lifestyle and advocacy.

THCa - What is it?
THCa stands for tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. When cannabis is growing it makes cannabinoids as carboxylic acids that most often convert into non-acidic compounds through a process called decarboxylation. Almost all cannabinoids start off in their acidic form which have differing structures and effects than that of their non-acidic versions. THCa, although abundant in fresh cannabis, is unstable under controlled storage conditions and when exposed to light and/or heat it readily decarboxylates into THC.
In other (or plain English) words: When THCa is exposed to heat, such as when smoking, vaping, dabbing, or cooking, it will convert into the intoxicating, beloved cannabinoid THC.
THCa is considered non-psychoactive meaning you do not experience a “high” when taking it. This is due to the fact that THCa does not bind to CB1 receptors, the receptors that have a high binding affinity for THC. Research has shown that THCa does not seem to bind much to either of the two major cannabinoid receptors.
It has, however, been verified that extracts that are predominantly made up of THCa have been known to have anti-inflammatory and shown to reduce nausea and vomiting. THCa is also an effective neuroprotectant, so it is beneficial in the treatment of such conditions as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It can also help to stimulate the appetite in patients suffering from cachexia and anorexia nervosa. Most impressively, research shows that THCa helps to slow the proliferation of cancerous cells.

When smoking cannabis you are decarboxylating it converting the THCa into regular THC. This means that in order to absorb THCa you’ll either need to find a freshly made extract of it or you can ingest raw cannabis. There are several concentrates meant for dabbing that are advertised as being high in THCa but these will convert over time into THC depending on how much light and room temperature heat it is exposed to.
THCa is considered non-psychoactive meaning you do not experience a “high” when taking it.
Cannabis 101: “
While eating a nug of cannabis is not recommended (or generally pleasant), grinding fresh bud into something edible is a fine method for intaking THCa without decarboxylating it. Try adding ground bud to a smoothie along with other superfoods like kale or avocado to get the most health benefits from a delicious treat.
THCa’s legality is a thorny subject. Even though THCa itself is not psychoactive, it is still considered part of the cannabis plant and will convert to THC if consistently exposed to heat. It can also degrade to the semi-intoxicating CBN, also considered a cannabis-derived substance. Some US outlets have begun selling THCa products over the counter, no medical card required, but this ultimately depends on local and state laws, and shouldn’t be taken as a guarantee.
CBTS Staff Report

Michael “ Meeko” Thompson . . .
Time Honored For Time Done
By Dianne ArmitageThe media has turned its 24/7 attention in Brittney Griner’s direction over the past few months, lamenting her imprisonment in Russia for a cannabis-related infraction. Granted, even her celebrity has not caused them to maintain a laser focus on her plight, but nearly everyone has been wringing their hands because they find it unconscionable that she has been held since late last year.
Now imagine what it would be like to spend 25 years in prison for selling three pounds of pot. That is how much time Michael Thompson spent, and had it not been for the Last Prisoner Project as well as the continued efforts of individuals dedicated to getting him released, he could have spent the remainder of his life behind bars, since his conviction allowed for up to 60 years of confinement.

Thompson, now 71, was convicted in the late 1990s for selling marijuana to an informant, triggering a search of his home, where officials found weapons. The weapons included antiques, and most were locked in a gun safe. Because of prior non-violent drug convictions, he was sentenced to up to 15 years for the drug charges and 42 to 60 years for firearm possession charges. He would have been 87 at his earliest possible release date in 2038.

The Cannabis Caucus and other marijuana advocacy groups got the attention of Attorney General Dana Nessel who called Thompson’s sentence “egregiously disproportionate” especially given the fact that marijuana is now legal in Michigan. In December 2020, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer granted clemency to Thompson. He was released on January 28, 2021.
Much to his credit, Michael did not spend time looking back in anger. During a recent phone interview, it became obvious he remains true to his nature, faith, and moral compass, having left prison determined to help others. Thompson is dedicated to being a voice for the incarcerated people he was with and an advocate for prison reform, paying particular attention to nonviolent cases like his that result in decades of punishment.

Currently working with Cresco Labs SEED™ (Social Equity & Education Development™) program Michael has a platform to develop tangible pathways into the cannabis industry for communities impacted by the War on Drugs through restorative justice, community business incubation, and education and workforce development.
He is now focused on promoting the Clio Award-winning documentary short film, The Sentence of Michael Thompson, which premiered at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival on March 9th of this year. The film highlights Michael’s plight while examining the harm the War on Drugs has wrought, exploring possible new ways forward as national cannabis legalization gets closer to becoming a reality. Thompson is duly proud that this is the first documentary short film on the topic of social and criminal justice reform and cannabis decriminalization.
At a recent film festival, Chima Enyia, EVP of SEED at Cresco Labs elaborated, “Unfortunately, one of the themes central to Michael’s story is not unique; several hundred thousand Americans, predominantly Black and Latinx, continue to be arrested on marijuanarelated charges every year. Over 40,000 people suffer in prison because of cannabisrelated convictions at this very moment. We hope to help audiences truly understand the gravity of injustice on the lives of people adversely impacted by The War on Drugs and advance the dialogue surrounding racial and social justice to help change our nation’s drug laws.”
It is apparent Michael understands and honors the efforts of others on his behalf, quick to point out how they helped him. His tone is somewhat reverential when he talks about how profoundly the untiring support of Shaun King, Michigan’s Attorney General.
Dana Nessel, The Last Prisoner Project, Dee Dee Kirkwood, celebrities, and everyday people not only gave him hope but ultimately, made his release a reality.
Michael Thompson was arrested in 1994 for selling three pounds of cannabis. #mtfree.2021“I hope my legacy will be that I turned a lot of young people’s lives around,” Thompson shares, “I will feel like I did my part if I’m able to get a lot of people who don’t deserve to be in prison out. I want to make sure young people know that getting an education is the key because the lessons the streets teach you are not the answer.”
He continues, “I hope that cannabis becomes legal nationwide. Just think of the good the taxes would do for stuff like building schools.”
And yes, he does have an opinion on the Brittney Griner situation, saying, “I’m all for having her released, but I feel like they shouldn’t be able to pick and choose who gets out. Everyone currently held on a non-violent, marijuana-related charge should be released.”

More About Last Prisoner Project . . .
The Last Prisoner Project was founded in 2019 out of the belief that no one should remain incarcerated for cannabis offenses.
They brought together a group of justice-impacted individuals, policy and education experts, and leaders in the worlds of criminal justice and drug policy reform to work to end the fundamental injustice that is America’s policy of cannabis prohibition.
Their dedicated team works tirelessly to achieve their goal of freeing the tens of thousands of individuals still unjustly imprisoned for cannabis.
Make your voice heard! Last Prisoner Project is calling on President Biden to deliver bold action and immediate relief by granting clemency to the thousands of people incarcerated due to, otherwise still burdened by, federal cannabis-related convictions.
Their plan gives the Biden-Harris Administration a stepby-step guide to effectuating class-wide cannabis clemency effort in an efficient, effective and secure manner. The proposal, which draws inspiration from the clemency efforts of past Presidents, would help us build a more just and equitable America.

For more information on the Last Prisoner Project and how you can get involved, visit their website at

References Resources and
We’re members. Are you? NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) states its mission as to move public opinion sufficiently to legalize the responsible use of marijuana by adults, and to serve as an advocate for consumers to assure they have access to high quality marijuana that is safe, convenient, and affordable. The best way to show your appreciation for your legal cannabisenhanced lifestyle is to become a member. And we’re betting you couldn’t make use of all the information and other perks of membership you’ll receive. Do it today.

There’s no doubt that conversations about cannabis can be a minefield Just try having one on cannabis for children. Enter Alissa Lee, founder of Cannabis For Children, a nonprofit dedicated to advocating for improving communication about medical cannabis use, specifically for children. Alissa has created a portal for parents researching medical cannabis as a means to ease their child’s suffering. Cannabis For Children offers digital hand-holding to the moms and dads doing their darndest.
Contacting elected officials is a tried-and-true way of effecting change. If enough of us do it. Sometimes it’s just the very basic thing, such as finding the email address of an elected official, that prevents the masses from speaking up and out. Not anymore! Thanks to the National Cannabis Industry Association, the oldest and largest trade association for legal cannabis. Their Policy & Advocacy tab offers all you need to get in touch with a lawmaker. ww CS

The Cannabis
Long before she became a medical marijuana patient and cannabis cook, Cheri Sicard was a professional food writer and recipe developer. As a foodie first, she always approaches marijuana cooking recipe development from that perspective, believing there’s no reason to have to choke down bad tasting or boring edibles in order to receive the benefits of edible cannabis.
“Had someone told me back in 1996, when California’s Prop 215 first legalized marijuana for medicinal use, that I would become entrenched in the cannabis movement, I would not have believed them,” Cheri says. “Other than the rare toke at a party, I didn’t use marijuana. It wasn’t until I was in my late 30s that my doctor suggested I try cannabis to help with a chronic nausea problem. It worked. Not only that, but I also soon found I no longer needed the anti-depressant prescriptions I had been taking for years. The marijuana I was using for nausea also treated my symptoms of depression, without unwanted side effects that came with the pharmaceuticals!”
Cheri phased out of a career as a professional entertainer and into a career as a professional writer, recipe developer, internet entrepreneur and an outspoken cannabis legalization and anti-drug war advocate.
She has authored two cannabis cookbooks, The Cannabis Gourmet Cookbook and The Easy Cannabis Cookbook as well as Mary Jane: The Complete Marijuana Handbook for Women, which covers the aspects of cannabis that matter most to women.
If all of that wasn’t enough, in order to better help consumers make the best of cannabis infused edibles, Cheri also created a comprehensive online cannabis cooking course,, that has turned thousands of home cooks into cannabis cooks.

To learn more about Cheri Sicard, her online courses, recipes, books and more, visit where you will also find a link to, the home consumer’s school for cannabis.

Cannabis Infused Guacamole
Serving: 6 servings (1/4 cup each)
Preparation time: 10 mins
2 ripe, medium size avocados
(For the best cannabis guacamole, look for ripe avocados that are soft to the touch, but not mushy)
1 tablespoon cannabis infused oil (preferably olive oil)
1 ripe, medium size tomato
1/4 cup onion finely minced, red or white
1 green onion small, finely minced
1 jalapeño or serrano chile seeded and finely minced, use more or less depending on heat preference
2 tablespoons cilantro finely chopped
1 tablespoon lime juice freshly squeezed
1 teaspoon salt or to taste
1. Use a potato masher or the back of a large fork, or a mortar and pestle, to mash together the avocado and cannabis oil until you reach a consistency you like. In order to evenly distribute the cannabis in the avocado, mash this dip a bit more than you might when making a non-medicated guacamole
2. Add remaining ingredients and stir well until everything is well combined. Serve immediately.
Serve as a dip with chips or as an addition to tacos, burritos or quesadillas. It even makes a terrific cannabis-infused sandwich spread. For a double edibles dose, serve this Cannabis Guacamole with weed infused “Baked” Tortilla Chips ( For a lighter dose, serve the cannabis guacamole with regular tortilla chips.

This recipe will have about 15 mg THC per serving IF you made your cannabis oil from average cannabis (10% THC) and used 1/2 ounce of cannabis to make 1 cup oil.
In order to adjust the dosage up or down to meet your personal needs and to reflect the strength of the marijuana you are cooking with and the amounts you used to make your cannaoil, take Cheri’s online Dosing Class that will teach you how to do it.
1/2 teaspoon pepper or to taste CS
Courtesy Photo


Dear Ellie,I’m looking for more creative ways to use my kief. I usually sprinkle it on top of bowls, but sometimes smoking it can be pretty harsh. What are some ways to use kief that don’t involve smoking?
—Kurious Kief
Dear Kurious Kief
I was once a joint roller. Yes, that side hustle exists! I would roll a¬¬bout 200 joints a week. Part of my generous pay was that I got to keep all the kief that gathered at the bottom chamber of the grinders. For anyone who doesn’t know, kief is the powdery substance that gathers at the bottom of a grinder or on any surface after grinding or breaking apart the weed in any way.
Kief is a powerful substance— a machete disguised as a butter knife. I knew what kief was, I knew that it was potent, but I had never accumulated so much of it at once and so often. This is not a controversial opinion—kief is one of the cleanest extracts of cannabis and the purest concentrate because it is gathered through the use of motion and not chemicals. You are right at the source of cannabis plant matter. I sprinkled it on top of joints and bowls for an extra kick, and when I ran out of flower, I’d smoke a whole bowl of it. If you’re braving this journey, my advice is to take it low and slow. The high depends on what strain you have, but I’ve found that any kief I smoke leads to a pretty intense head high. Not a bad thing, if that’s what you’re going for, but definitely something to be moderate with.

One night, my friend was over and we decided to make an infused oil. I love infused oils because they’re easy to make and can be used in almost any dish. When it comes to canna oils, I prefer kief over flower because it infuses quicker and imparts less of that bitter green taste. If this is the route you take, make sure you know about decarboxylation. This may sound like it’s straight out of Dexter’s lab, but it’s simply applying heat to cannabis to activate the compounds so you get that potent, elevated high. Put the kief in the oven at 225 degrees for 30 minutes and you’re done. Do not miss this step!
There is so much you can do with a kief; it’s one of the most underrated benefits of using a grinder. Infusing it with oil is one of the safest consumption methods and a good way to get the most out of your bud. Have your friends over, make some pasta or baked goods, but remember, that butter knife can be sharp.
from page 21
Dear Ellie,
Any tips for traveling as a weed smoker? I grew up in California which is a very weed friendly state. I’m traveling to the east coast for the first time and don’t want to run into any problems. What are some ways of traveling from one weed friendly state to a not so friendly one? —Cannabis Cruiser
Dear Cannabis Cruiser
The answer to traveling with weed, as you probably know, is definitely “No.” We’re not there yet unfortunately. A good tip I have after traveling from California to New York is to do your research. Try to gain as much knowledge about the existing cannabis communities in the place you are going to visit. My biggest piece of advice is to not expect what you’re used to in California. In many countries, and even some states in the U.S., cannabis is restricted to medical use or even considered illegal. So be prepared for some likely adjustments if you are visiting a state that has not decriminalized or legalized marijuana . . . yet. Big emphasis on the yet.
An important side note—locals know best. A simple Google search will inform you about legalization, possession, and recreational use of cannabis. It will also help you find local weed shops. When I first visited NY, weed recently had been legalized, and I assumed it would be hard to find. I was wrong! There were shops all throughout local neighborhoods and trucks parked in the heart of the city’s most popular areas. They even had cafes, festivals, and cannabis tours. See what local shops are available near you and consider reaching out to them. I’ve done this before while traveling and met some good friends who guided me through a very cannabis friendly trip.
I also grew up in California, which has forever been the self-acclaimed weed capital, known for its rich landscapes that lend themselves to cannabis farms. It can be disorienting when leaving California to realize that the rest of the world doesn’t give off the same marijuana hype, but this is becoming less and less true as the weed market is beginning to sprout.
One of the down sides of legalization is the commercialization of weed. You might see this in bigger east coast cities like New York. In these larger, tourist driven areas, finding credible shops and budtenders can be difficult. I once bought a $25 joint in Times Square from one of the trucks, expecting the quality to match the price tag, but it was packed too tight and the bud had a strange texture. The weed was flavorless and the joint was impossible to smoke.
When I got home, I emptied it on the counter, and could tell it was a cheap combination of weed and something else. Charging a high price for a low quality product, sadly, does happen. So my biggest advice, as always with traveling, is to be observant, and mindful, especially when it comes to your weed. The best way to avoid any problems is to gain some basic knowledge about the existing cannabis communities and meet locals. I’m always pleasantly surprised at the bonds I make over weed while traveling and I think you will be too. CS
. . the world doesn’t give off the same marijuana hype, but this is becoming less and less true as the weed market is beginning to sprout.
Products for You
LEVEL’s Lights Out Protab+
A CBTS reader recommended Lights Out Protab+ from LEVEL after having solved some of her insomnia issues. The cannabinoid mixology of each tablet—20 mg delta-9 THC, 5 mg CBN, 5 mg delta-8 THC, 2 mg THCa, and 2 mg CBG—is power-packed. Start low, half of a tablet, and go slow. Onset takes effect in 30 to 90 minutes and lasts from 3 to 6 hours. Along with sleep, Lights Out Protab+ promotes relief and calm. Available at dispensaries.

LEVO’s Infusers
In the early days of cannabis legalization sweeping the country, Christina Bellman created the first machine for making infused oils available on a retail level for home cooks. That was in 2017 and now the Denver, Colorado-based company, LĒVO, offers a variety of machines, gummy making kits, ingredients and a variety of accessories for the serious cannacook. The website also offers a cookbook’s worth of recipes for inspiration. Available online and in more than 800 retail locations across the United States.

Transdermal Patches by Mary’s Medicinals
Patch up pain with Mary’s Medicinals. The company’s transdermal patches provide accurate dosing and the 2x2-inch pieces are available in CBD, 1:1 CBD:THC, CBG, CBN, THCa, Indica and Sativa. After applying the patch to a veinous part of the skin, its healing effect typically begins within 15 to 30 minutes and lasts between 8 to 12 hours. Available at dispensaries.

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the Good Ol’ Days
© Warner Bros.Remember the Looney Tunes cartoon character Speedy Gonzales? Extra points if you recall his cousin Slowpoke Rodriguez. Slowpoke made his screen debut in the episode Mexicali Shores, which was nominated in the Best Short Subjects, Cartoons category at the 32nd Academy Awards in 1959.

Speedy and Slowpoke are opposites. Speedy zips around — ¡Ándele! ¡Ándele!¡ Epa!¡ Epa! Slowpoke has an exaggeratedly slo-mo walk and carries a hobo stick and bindle on his right shoulder. What’s with the stupor, Slowpoke? The answer may be not so hidden in the song he’s singing, La Cucaracha. Translated into English, the words include “The cockroach, the cockroach, can’t walk anymore. Because it doesn’t have, because it’s lacking marijuana to smoke.”
Rewatching childhood shows from an adult point of view is eye-opening. Make time to visit Speedy and Slowpoke. You’ll be glad you did.
CS CBTS Staff Report
Cultivating Excellence

We strive to set best farming practices among California farmers in alignment with our community partners.

Consistenthigh-qualitygreenhousecannabisgrownby9memberfarms undertheCarpinteriaValleysunontheSantaBarbaracoast.