The healing powers of cannabis and movement are remarkable. Put the two together and it’s unbeatable. No wonder approximately 25 percent of athletes report having cannabis as part of their workout. The ability to move our bodies should be a celebration of what we can do. Sadly, exercise often is seen as punishment. Let’s see if cannabis can change that.
Set the table. Set the stage. It’s a DIY cannabis-infused dinner party and you’re the host. Providing your friends with an edible experience in the comfort of your own home is a great way to rival any restaurant dining. You choose the menu. We show you how to roll into an intimate evening your guests will talk about forever. And ever. Count on them asking for seconds.
You asked, Ellie answered. Can cannabis put a spark in your sex life? The answer may surprise you. Or maybe not. What about Gatorade as a substitute for water in your bong? Electrolyte-ly speaking, it may be just what the doctor ordered. Ellie shares other water alternatives to fuel your bong, too.
Our Spring cover photo was taken by MaryAnn Sweeney with her iPhone. While taking a walk down Linden Avenue in Carpinteria in Spring of 2022, she stopped into one of her favorite shops and spotted these beautiful colorful shells that she intended to use on her Easter table the next day. As MaryAnn approached Carpinteria State beach, she decided to photograph the shells with the “Queen of the Coast” as the backdrop. Aptly named “Easter in Carpinteria” by MaryAnn, we are thrilled to have it on our Spring 2023 cover!
Bie & Bie Productions, Inc.
1072 Casitas Pass Rd., #286, Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805) 881-1218 |
Publisher — Bie & Bie Productions, Inc.
Editorial Director — Amy Marie Orozco
Creative Director — Melinda Bie
Contributors — Dianne Armitage, Peter Bie, Ellie Carr, Alonzo Orozco, Alex Robles and MaryAnn Sweeney
Published seasonally four times a year by Bie & Bie Productions, Inc., Cannabis by the Sea is a lifestyle magazine dedicated to information on the health and wellness properties of cannabis.
Cannabis by the Sea makes every effort to ensure the published information is correct, informative, and practical. Editorial content is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals.
Cannabis by the Sea advertisements do not imply endorsement of products or services, nor do they influence editorial content.
We’d love to hear from you. Send your comments and questions to
Send product samples to Cannabis by the Sea, 1072 Castias Pass Rd., #286, Carpinteria, CA 93013. All submissions, editorial and otherwise, become the property Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited materials.
COPYRIGHT © 2023 Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher.
Cannabis use is for adults 21 years of age or older. Consume responsibly. Keep out of reach of children.
Welcome to Year Four and the Spring Issue of Cannabis by the Sea Magazine!
Hard to believe that 3 years have passed since our inaugural issue and wow, what we have all been through in those years is mind blowing. I hope you have gained some knowledge from the contents of our pages over this time and maybe you’ve passed along some of that knowledge!
Personally, so far, this year has been a tough one, but I am grateful not only for the support of friends and family, but also for the ability to safely medicate myself as needed. My biggest issue is usually sleep — insomnia will set in when I am stressed or anxious. Sometimes it will set in for no apparent reason at all! A lot of us have taken the “a couple glasses of wine and I’ll sleep like a rock,” only to realize that our sleep is not good, and we generally wake up feeling “less than fine.”.
For me, that’s where cannabis has been a huge help. I take a sleepy time gummy when I get into bed. I don’t get a euphoric feeling, but my mind quiets and my body relaxes, which in turn allows me to go to sleep and stay asleep longer. And bonus — I don’t wake up with a hangover.
If you have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep, I would highly recommend researching and experimenting with some sleepy time gummies. There are quite a few on the market. Ideally, you want to concentrate on those that are low THC and contain CBN and CBD. It may take you a few tries to find the one that fits your body chemistry best. Talk to your budtender — tell them how you want to feel and how you don’t want to feel.
As we get into the middle of spring and slide into summer, I’m looking forward to a bit more sunshine and smiles! Getting the sleep we need is paramount to battling any emotional AND physical issues we are dealing with — so I will gladly have my bag of gummies next to the bed.
I send my wishes to you for a sunny and warm spring. Hoping your days are full of happiness, lots of laughter and the best of all health.
As always, thank you for your support of Cannabis by the Sea magazine . . . just by reading, you are supporting. We look forward to continuing to introduce you to more amazing people, and, of course, providing you with more information on this amazing plant that we call cannabis.
Keep in touch!
- Melinda BieDianne Armitage grew up in a family that loved music, storytelling, and reading. This love translated to a life filled with work writing copy, blog pieces, articles, and short stories. She is waiting for the wisdom that comes with age. In the interim, she spends an inordinate amount of time eavesdropping on conversations—her excuse being it’s for her yet-to-be written novel. A three-time breast cancer survivor/warrior, Dianne wrote a humor column, Feeling Kinda Funny, for a breast cancer website for 15 years.
Alex Robles has been using cannabis to celebrate and medicate with for the past 30 years. In 2016 he began sharing what he’s learned when he started Inmygrow. com. After California legalized cannabis sales and possession for adults 21 and older, he launched a weekly podcast, In My Grow Show. Alex also keeps himself busy as Program Director for, where he is also the host/producer of "Air Tight", a cannabis music podcast.
Editor Amy Marie Orozco knows the meaning of deadline. “It’s not target practice,” explains the usually good natured team member. When not prepping manuscripts for production, Amy likes nonfiction— writing and reading it—mostly of the behind-the-scenes genre. Everyday she is grateful that her bachelor’s degree in creative writing from San Francisco State University helps pay the bills. After fixing subject-verb agreements or inserting Oxford commas, Amy enjoys time with family, friends, and pets.
Ellie Carr (her pen name) is a writer from San Diego, California. She holds a BA in English from Humboldt State University and an MFA from Columbia University. During her academic career, Ellie worked as an editor, event coordinator, and art director for two student-driven publications. Her writing explores the mysteries of the body and mind, as showcased in her memoirs, personal essays, and flash fiction. Ellie specializes in creating accessible and digestible copy for websites, digital media, and nonprofit publications. She uses storytelling to optimize written content across all platforms. When she's not writing, Ellie enjoys hiking, kayaking, cooking, and pursuing her interests in botany and literature. CS
A small group of anti-cannabis voices linger in Carpinteria Valley. You often hear, “I’m not opposed to cannabis, but I didn’t vote for it to grow here.” The Santa Barbara County electorate overwhelmingly voted for cannabis legalization so long ago in 2016. They also voted for county cannabis taxes in 2018 — 4 percent of sales from the farmer to the county. In the race for First District Supervisor in 2020, voters in Carpinteria re-elected Das Williams over Laura Capps, who ran a campaign based on fixing the cannabis problem. This message did not garner a winning coalition, even from a well-known and respected political family. It’s fair to say that voices of outrage toward cannabis are animated by an anticannabis sentiment. What else could it be?
Cannabis farmers in Carpinteria have walked-the-walk when it comes to responsible farming. All of the claims about crime or kids getting access to cannabis farms or of property values and tourism suffering due to nearby cannabis never became true. There was real fear about cannabis, but it was never warranted. Cannabis has an odor that some people don’t like, and the industry has done excellent work with a data-driven and solutionsbased approach to eliminate cannabis odors.
The local cannabis farming industry has matured at a rapid clip and earned a reputation as a respectable industry. Voters have signaled repeatedly that it belongs. It remains disappointing when some use the cannabis boogeyman as a political tool and in the media to generate unfounded fear and loathing. It’s 2023, and high time to let go of the stigma.
— Peter Dugré, Carpinteria, California peter@two-trumpets.comI’d like to send a strong message of gratitude to our friends in Carp’s “New Ag” sector for a history of continuous and generous support of our nonprofit community and the end users—our fellow Carpinterians. Throughout the history of cut flowers and during the devastating economic turn growers’ experienced in a global market competition, growers have remained steadfast in their commitment to building community in important, substantial, and sustainable ways. Since the advent of cannabis cultivation when flower-growing was no longer tenable, the same faces, and the same ethos prevailed when it came to giving back. CARP Growers formed to unite industry effort and enterprise and has easily reinvested a half-million dollars individually and collectively in this community over the past 4 years.
Moreover, during COVID-19 CARP Growers was a primary driver of funding and operations of the 93013 Fund along with a program called “Keep the Lights On,” which organized food purchases from local restaurants—over 1,000 orders per week—in an organized way to feed employees and provide local business for restaurants that could not open their doors.
CARP Growers has committed $125,000 toward the construction of the Carpinteria Skate Park and nearly $200,000 to underwrite a full-time Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Counselor at Carpinteria Middle School, meeting a critical, unfunded need.
At a time when the industry is undergoing yet another round of adaptation, I think it’s important to reflect on the historical role agriculture has played in keeping Carpinteria vibrant and thriving. They are our friends and neighbors and are responsible for so many great things, and more to come!
Marybeth Carty, Carpinteria, CaliforniaNegative prescription drug interactions happen every day to thousands of people around the world. As we get more comfortable with the idea of adding cannabis, hemp, THC and CBD to our daily wellness regimen, those negative interactions could increase if we’re not careful. It doesn’t help that sometimes cannabis marketing can push the idea that “Since no one has ever overdosed and died from cannabis or hemp, that means it can’t harm you.” As a cannabis advocate, I wish I could tell people this was true. But the reality is, cannabis, hemp and their derivatives can affect some of the systems the human body uses to metabolize certain prescription drugs.
One of those systems is the Cytochrome P450 System (CYP450). This system is a group of enzymes responsible for metabolizing drugs and other foreign substances in the body. These enzymes are mostly located in the liver, but they are also found in other organs such as the intestine, lungs, and kidneys. Each enzyme is responsible for metabolizing specific drugs or types of drugs, while other drugs can inhibit or induce the activity of P450 enzymes, which can lead to drug interactions and changes in drug metabolism. THC and CBD are a couple of those drugs that can affect the P450 system.
CBD, or cannabidiol, has been shown to inhibit several CYP450 enzymes, including CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4. This means that CBD can slow down the metabolism of certain drugs that are metabolized by these enzymes, potentially leading to higher levels of the drug in the bloodstream. This is the reason why CBD has been shown to increase the effects of some blood-thinning medications like Warfarin in some patients, leading to an increased risk of bleeding.
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, in the Cytochrome P450 System THC has been shown to induce CYP1A1, CYP1A2, and CYP2B6, which can increase the metabolism of certain drugs like caffeine, clozapine, and theophylline. This can result in a decreased concentration of these drugs in the bloodstream and reduced their effectiveness. THC also may interact with antidepressant medications, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and increase the risk of serotonin syndrome, which is a potentially lifethreatening condition with certain patients.
Continued on Page 11
Yes, cannabis can interfere with prescription drugs. Negatively so.
(noun): The invisible barrier that comes at every turn for workers without a bachelor’s degree.
See also: no alumni network, biased algorithms, degree screens, stereotypes, and misperceptions.
Millions of qualified STARs — workers Skilled Through Alternative Routes — with experience, skills and diverse perspectives are being held back by this silent barrier. Learn more at
Continued from Page 9
Here are some reputable sources where you can find more information about possible drug interactions with cannabis:
● Mayo Clinic: Provides a list of potential drug interactions with cannabis, along with information on the severity of the interaction and recommendations for use.
● MedlinePlus: A database of health information maintained by the US National Library of Medicine. It provides information on drug interactions with cannabis, along with possible side effects and safety concerns.
● American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO): Provides information on the use of medical marijuana in cancer care, including drug interactions and potential safety concerns.
● Comprises more than 35 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
It is important to note that the research on cannabis and its interactions with other drugs is ongoing, and new information is emerging constantly. It is always a great idea to talk to your healthcare provider before using cannabis if you’re taking any medications. They can advise you on possible drug interactions and help you make an informed decision about using cannabis.
Q: Why is April 20th or 4/20 known as the unofficial day of cannabis culture?
A: It’s not police code for “marijuana smoking in progress.” That’s an urban myth. According to Time Magazine, the term originated in Marin County, circa 1971. “Five students at San Rafael High School would meet at 4:20 p.m. by the campus statue of chemist Louis Pasteur to partake. They chose that specific time because extracurricular activities had usually ended by then. This group — Steve Capper, Dave Reddix, Jeffrey Noel, Larry Schwartz, and Mark Gravich — became known as the “Waldos” because they met at a wall. They would say “420” to each other as code for marijuana. Later, Reddix’s brother helped him get work with Grateful Dead bassist Phil Lesh as a roadie, so the band is said to have helped popularize the term.”
A 2020 study published in PubMed, Cannabis Use and Sport: A Systematic Review, concluded that approximately one in four athletes report using cannabis. The study also mentioned that much more scientific evidence is needed to draw meaningful conclusions regarding efficacy, safety, best delivery systems, and long-term use.
This use appears to appeal to athletes across all manner of physical pursuits—with Golden State Warriors shooting guard Klay Thompson, Orlando Pride forward Alex Morgan, professional Motocross star Travis Pastrana, and professional skateboarder Paul Rodriguez among its proponents.
The University of Colorado in Boulder is conducting several studies on cannabis. Laurel Gibson, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, is the principal investigator for The SPACE study (Study on Physical Activity and Cannabis Effects).
She finds it intriguing that some studies suggest it is not endorphins that are responsible for the famous “runner’s high” but rather endogenous cannabinoids, naturally produced cannabinoid-like brain chemicals that kick in after a period of exercise, binding to receptors in the brain to make us euphoric and alert.
Gibson says, “It is possible that exogenous cannabinoids like THC or CBD might activate the endocannabinoid system in a way that mimics the runner’s high.”
In 2022, the NIH published a study conducted by the Journal of Cannabis Research exploring how and why adults use cannabis during physical activity. Essentially, this research further indicates that more study is needed, but the researchers felt they had provided directions to further explore the risks and benefits of combining cannabis with physical activity.
Interestingly, they point out early on that “Cannabis is one of the most widely used ‘illicit’ drugs ranking second highest in reported drug consumption among athletes. While research investigating the impacts of cannabis use on exercise performance began over 50 years ago, (Maksud and Baron 1980; et al.), the legal status of cannabis has made this research difficult to perform (Piomelli et al. 2019).
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In a recent conversation with Morgan English, founder of STONED + TONED, she shared how she began her cannabis journey saying “Growing up, I never had a good relationship with movement or even my own body image. Being a child from the ’90s, we were told to work out to lose weight and be skinny. That your value was based on your body size. Exercise was a punishment when, in reality, the ability to move our bodies is and should be a celebration of what we can do.
“Fast forward to college and when I discovered cannabis, for the first time in my life I felt a natural pull to go workout. I smoked a bowl on my fire escape and went to my college gym, and as I rode a bike, I felt joy with movement for the first time.
“There was no voice inside my head telling me I wasn’t good enough, strong enough, or able enough. The anxiety of being in public working out washed away. The connection between my mind and my body was strengthened.”
When asked how she counters the kneejerk reaction some people have when even considering the safety of using cannabis for workouts and injuries, Morgan quickly points out “When I get asked about this I always ask back, do we, as a society, think twice about someone stopping for a happy hour beer and then driving home? We don’t. With our workouts at STONED + TONED, we lean into micro-dosing. We recommend a few hits to start and then follow it with a 45-minute workout. We don’t encourage overconsumption. We provide a great breakdown on our website for anyone hoping to learn more: Weed + Workouts 101 | Stoned+Toned (”
Her takeaway message? “Cannabis is healing. Movement is healing. The two together are a true power duo, and the benefits of combining them last longer than just during your smoke and sweat sesh.” 14 Cannabis by the Sea Spring 2023
Ventura, California-based, Sarah Colesanti, owner of For Your Well-Being, has been an athlete her entire life and has been using cannabis products for 27 years. She has found that before high-performance exertion activities, using cannabis decreases pain, muscle soreness, and inflammation. Additionally, her recovery time is cut in half, her joints feel better, and her adrenals are not working overtime.
“I use cannabis in my wellness office and have quite a few athletes that regularly get work done. I am able to work deeper and more efficiently when I use my Therapeutic Relief Oil topically on my clients.”
As an Exercise Physiologist, Colesanti recommends starting out slow, saying, “Going too fast may deter you from feeling the medicinal benefits of cannabis. Perhaps two hits of a joint, or a gummy that is a balance of THC and CBD, or a topical solution would be more suitable for first-timers. Every body is different and we metabolize at different rates, so finding that niche that works for you is important.” Learn more about Sarah’s practice Exercise, Massage, Yoga, Reiki, Wellness | For Your Well-Being | Ventura at (
Before trying any new exercise or health regimen, it’s always good to check with your doctor.
Start low and slow with the movement and the cannabis.
Remember to dose liberally with TLC. Self-care is the best gift for yourself and your loved ones.
You read that right. The Cannabis Awareness and Prevention Toolkit (CAPT). From Stanford University no less. Yes, CBTS Magazine’s job is to advocate for legal cannabis across the board … for adults. A theory-based and evidence-informed educational resource, CAPT was created to prevent and delay middle and high students’ use or to cut back/quit. CAPT takes no stand on adult use or legalization, as well as addresses the bad and good of cannabis use. Basically, the brain is still developing in youths and cannabis can be harmful.
Calling all history buffs! In “Grass Roots: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Marijuana in America,” author Emily Dufton tells a story of cannabis in America and if it’s true that history repeats itself, things aren’t as rosy as the newly legal market may have us thinking they are. According to “Rolling Stone,” the book lays out America’s roller coaster relationship with cannabis and comments on the wider state of U.S. drug laws along the way.
“Higher Etiquette” by Lizzie Post, of the Emily Post Institute fame, is a guide to the world of cannabis, from dispensaries to dinner parties. Congenial in tone, “Higher Etiquette” brings the underground culture of cannabis into high society by navigating the new social issues legalization has brought with topics such as how to bring cannabis to a dinner party and how to behave at a dispensary. Highly recommended for readers who just can’t get enough of CBTS Magazine’s “Blunt Advice” column. xxxCS
Cannabis infused dinner parties are fun, insanely delicious, and can be highly experimental. Providing your friends with an edible experience is a great way to rival any restaurant dining in the comfort of your own home. If you never thought cannabis could be gourmet, guess again! Cannabis-focused foods are no longer limited to packaged brownies and fun-fetti cake—chefs are normalizing cannabis through everyday dishes, desserts, and even cocktails.
Edible marijuana is notorious for being highly effective and extremely potent—a cannabis infused dinner might intimidate smokers who prefer a more mellow high. Here are some tips and tricks for creating an all inclusive and comfortable experience for your first cannabis infused dinner party:
♦Select your guest list carefully. Make sure it’s people you trust and are comfortable getting high with. This isn’t the time to invite co-workers, or family members who come around once a year. Keep the guest list intimate with people you know and love.
♦Pick a theme. Potlucks are great for getting everyone involved and allow people to bring some of their favorite indulgent dishes.
♦Course the meals. With multiple dishes, it’s best to course out the menu, allowing for variety and time between plates. I suggest creating a menu or assigning food items to each guest.
♦Keep the doses low. One more time—keep the doses low. You’re getting high after all, and you don’t want to over do it.
♦Supply the Vibes. Keep the dinner space comfy and practical. Don’t rearrange your entire home. Instead, provide a space for shoes and bags, provide cushions or pillows to sit on, and keep a pile of blankets nearby. Download, or create, the “ultimate chill” playlist. Music is a great way to set the vibes right and keep them going.
♦Have CBD and essential oils available. Having CBD on hand is a great way to include your friends who have anxiety about getting too high or just prefer the mellowness of CBD. A calming agent like lavender oil is always nice to have nearby to provide a relaxing atmosphere and comforting scent. An oil diffuser near the table is a good idea, or a small tincture placed in the bathroom works too.
♦Have dishes that are cannabis free. Variety is key for any dinner party. Having regular foods available help your guests control how much THC they consume. I’ve learned that infused butter and olive oil are great, self-serving table choices.
Infused Green Eggs & Ham
From Chef Colleen Carroll
Pasta with Infused Pesto and Arugula
From Chef Laurie Wolf
Find the recipe in CBTS Magazine, Vol 3, Issue 1
Infused Guacamole
From Chef Cheri Sicard
Find the recipe in CBTS Magazine, Vol 3, Issue 3
Imagine sitting in a cell for years, decades, or even for life, convicted of an activity that is no longer a crime, while thousands of other people build intergenerational wealth doing exactly the same thing.
That is the situation that tens of thousands of cannabis prisoners face today in the United States alone, while countless others languish in jails and prisons worldwide.
The Last Prisoner Project has one singular mission: to set them free.
Dear Ellie,
I was talking with a friend of mine who, after taking a break for two years, started smoking again and noticed a heightened sex drive. I told her she was in the giggle phase of smoking weed for the first time again, where everything is funny and food is amazing. But I’ve thought about our conversation since and can’t help but wonder if regular weed use really does affect one’s sex drive?
— Hash Honey
Dear Hash Honey,
Thanks for bringing up a question that’s been on the minds of many of us. Let’s talk about the birds, and the bees, and weed. Although I’m not a professional, at least not a certified one, I’d love to answer this question based on my experiences and my own research.
Unfortunately, there’s little existing research on this topic, but a lot of people have come forward online to share their stories and discuss the effects of weed on our sexual experiences. Based on my research and personal experience, the answer varies depending on the individual, the strain of weed, and the relationship. Both men and women have reported a heightened sensation and increased sensitivity when smoking weed before sex, leading to more intense and enjoyable orgasms. Women have specifically noted that weed can help alleviate symptoms that could inhibit desire—such as stress, anxiety, or sleeplessness—and increase sex drive.
Depending on the strain, I’ve experienced different forms of intimacy with my partners while high. Some strains, like sativa, make me feel more energetic and “in the mood,” while others, like indica, have me opting for other forms of intimacy like cuddling, kissing, or lounging in bed together while watching a movie. Regardless of the strain, I’d have to agree that overall, smoking weed almost always heightens my sense of touch and feel and elevates the sensations.
However, smoking weed is never an excuse to be a lousy lover. While some stereotypes may persist, I’ve had both great and not-so-great partners who were regular smokers. Some people may experience feelings of anxiety when smoking and may prefer to be alone in the comfort of their home, which can also be a form of intimacy. My biggest advice is to listen to your body and do what is best for you.
Although we all have different bodies with different experiences, the topic of sex and cannabis is worth discussing, especially with weed’s growing recreational popularity and presence. Weed has the ability to affect our sex drives in specific ways, such as heightened sensations, relief of anxiety and restlessness, or the ability to relax and be lazy together. But remember, the experience is subjective, and what works for one person might not work for another. Communication with your partner and self awareness is key! Happy toking!
Continued on Page 23
Wild Thing by High Gorgeous — the name alone is enough to make us take notice, and so we had to try. The 200mg CBD/200mg THC/100mg THCA made us fans. The nourishing and hydrating lotion helps sore muscles and plumps up dry skin. The coconut scent rounds out the spa-like experience. Check with your pharmacy or shop online at
According to anecdotal evidence from budtenders, One of the main reasons people visit a dispensary is for a better night’s sleep. PLUS Sleep Gummies’ tagline “one bite and it’s goodnight!” sums up these nanoemulsified THC, CBN, and CBD sleep aids. Vegan and crafted with allnatural flavors and colors, PLUS Sleep Gummies are available in three potential. CBTS reader recommended. Find or ask for them at your dispensary.
Sometimes, you want to keep the cannabis smell in the bag. Or in the backpack in the case of RYOT’s waterproof and smell proof DRY+Backpack with high frequency welded seams. To keep the aromas in the bag and everything else out, there is a flexible roll and cinch closure. Bonus points for the SmellSafe insert that is carbon lined and can be used separately. When closed, the dimensions are 13.5” x 7” x 22”. CS
Dear Ellie:
A friend recently asked if I’ve ever used Gatorade as bong water. I didn’t think he was serious, but he was. Is this a trend? I’ve never used anything but water and ice in my bong, but I’m curious what bong water alternatives are safe to try?
—The Bong Blazer
Dear The Bong Blazer,
I have good memories of the ice-filled bong being a must-have accessory in my smoking circle. It was fancy, it was high class, it was a fun secret that only we smokers knew about. But yes, there are now many alternatives to just bong water. While some of these alternatives like liquor, wine, or milk may seem questionable, others can have a fun and positive effect on your smoking experience.
I spent a lot of time hanging out with friends who were always searching for the next big thing in smoking cannabis. I’ll never forget the first time my friend filled our bong with cranberry juice, as if we were experiencing a drought, and I thought they were trying to poison me. Even though we were smoking crumbs out of mysterious baggies and making homemade bongs out of water bottles, I found the juice to be exceptionally weird. The cranberry juice wasn’t what I expected. I remember really enjoying its flavors—hints of sweet and sour with a smooth finish— and found myself using it in place of bong water pretty often. I learned that cranberry juice helps to keep the bong water clean for long periods of time and contains a good amount of Vitamin C.
Nowadays, there are many alternatives to using regular water in your bong, some less questionable than others, including different flavors, fruits, and herbal remedies. Out of all the alternatives I’ve discovered and tried, here are a few of my favorites:
► Hot Water: hot water allows for smooth, easy hits that are gentle on the throat and lungs and can prevent coughing.
► Tea: hot tea, like chamomile, is the perfect alternative for a calm and cozy high at the end of the night. I’m always keen on anything that soothes the throat and provides a relaxing sensation.
► Electrolytes: adding electrolytes to your bong water after a night out with friends seems like the ideal hangover cure, but also a good remedy if you’re recovering from a cold or starting to feel under the weather.
► Fresh lemon peels, orange peels, or cucumber slices: this will freshen the water and complement the flavor of the weed without overpowering it.
Despite being weirded out by the cranberry juice at first, I see the benefits of using bong water alternatives to enhance the smoking experience and keep things fresh and fun. Keep experimenting and enjoy! CS
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This is what we’re talking about: All of us working together to normalize cannabis. Meet Halal Hemp, whose mission is to reclaim the cannabis, hemp, and plant medicine movement to empower Muslim and globalized communities via their Five Pillars: Education, Policy, Economic Decolonization, Community Collaboration, and Sustainability. They are doing this through the widely recognized halal certification. An Arabic word, halal translates into English as permissible.
According to their website, “In order for this audience to feel confident in consuming a product, Muslims typically want to see that it has been verified by a religious council, and vetted to be safe and in line with their religious beliefs.” Not to mention the growing halal market is estimated as a $3trillion market. Since cannabis products can’t be certified USDA Organic (thank you Schedule 1), halal certification shows certain standard, such as vegan as animal proteins are forbidden (haram in Arabic) in halal certification. Ask about halal-certified products on your next dispensary visit. www.halalhemp.
CS CBTS Staff Report