Plais2018 reglementtechnique gb

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By signing his/her application form, the exhibitor has committed to respecting and ensuring the respect by all parties (decorators, installers or contractors) of all the terms of the General, Specific, Technical and Safety Regulations. The organiser reserves the right to have the general installer modify or dismantle all non-compliant installations liable to inconvenience neighbouring exhibitors or the general public.

STAND PROJECT Your booth project must be submitted no later than August 20th 2018 to: Your file must imperatively include: - The Fire Safety Form and the Electricity Form completed and signed (see chapter 4.7 of the specifications of the Palais des Festivals). - French reports or European equivalents, standard EN 13 501-1, - The plans (flat and elevation) quoted (Lg, lg, ht) on which are listed all the materials used, and reminded in the form.


52-54 quai de Dion-Bouton - CS 80001 - 92806 Puteaux Cedex, France E-mail :



flagpoles which have not been authorised, without notice, and the exhibitor cannot claim damages on this basis.

u See Safety Regulations • AFS Conseils & Sécurité Please consult the manual developed by the AFS Office in the Suppliers section. This must be respected by you, your team and all your suppliers during the assembly and dismantling of the Festival. • It is up to each exhibitor to provide the organizer or any other mandated service with all supporting documents, including the calculations of your project. • The organizer reserves the right to refuse non-conforming constructions and installations. 1. VIEUX PORT & PORT CANTO • Construction heights - Vieux Port (outside) and Port Pierre Canto: for all projects concerning stands or specific decoration exceeding 2.50m in height, a project presentation plan must be submitted to the technical department for approval at least 1 month before the Cannes Yachting Festival. The technical department will check stand installations and can refuse all those which do not comply with the approved project. • Clearing of aisles and pontoons Constructions, signage or objects must not extend into the aisles and onto the pontoons. The total lenght of stand facades or elements of decoration cannot be longer than 50% of the total allocated exhibition space concerned. It's forbidden to close all of the side of a garden giving onto an aisle. • Regulations concerning Marquees, Tents and Structures (MTS) Our structures comply with regulations. This regulation therefore concerns all fittings made by you or by a stand designer. For all constructions of a minimum surface area of 16m², the regulations applicable to marquees, tents and structures make it mandatory to have a safety check carried out by a supervising office and/or consulting firm, who will take care of the effective implementation of your construction and its approval. For important safety reasons, the application of these MTS regulations must be respected, since the safety committee will be uncompromising with regard to these checks. The safety committee may authorise the closure of a stand and/or an area in the case of non-compliance with MTS regulations. Therefore, we invite you to contact an approved body in order to establish an audit report on your construction. Pontoons: Only Tivolis provided by the organization are allowed, after feasibility study. For information - Consulting firms (see the list of authorised consulting firms – appendix 1) Before the construction of podiums, stands or specific structures, consulting firms carry out theoretical resistance calculations, establish plans and guarantee that applicable regulations have been respected. Consulting firms also enable certain very high costs to be avoided: • Subsequent recalculation and establishment of plans (these plans must feature in the safety file) • Re-manufacturing of the structure, where it has been deemed to be noncompliant with the applicable regulations and standards by the authorised checking body. • Signage It is forbidden to display balloons, flags and/or advertising banners in the Festival or the surrounding area, without prior written agreement from the organisers. This prohibition also concerns the hoisting of the flags on the masts before the opening of the show. A tolerance is accepted the day before the opening. Flagpoles which are not fixed or not safety-certified are not allowed. From the ground, the height of the flagpoles must not exceed 6m on the Jetee (north side). On the rest of the port, the height of the flagpoles must not exceed 8m. These must also be able to resist winds of 100 km/h. The organisers reserve the right to remove balloons, flags, banners or

Pontoons: Only the pontoons installed by the organisation are authorized in the water. it is strictly forbidden to attach flagpoles, flag holders or any other material on pontoons. Only the flagpoles provided by the organisers are authorised. No construction is allowed on the pontoons except the bodyguards (maximum height 1.20m) and the removable furniture (weight <70kg). Any degradation of the pontoons will be invoiced to the exhibitor. • Tent façade covering Safety standards must be met (100 km/h wind load). For this, only the structures provided by the organisers are authorised, in order to enable certified tent façade covering.It's forbidden to close all of the side of a garden giving onto an aisle. • Bare space in front of boats A passage of 2m must be left free between the edge of the platform and the beginning of construction. You can install your furniture or plants on this passage.In addition, an opening of 3m is mandatory every 10m. For spaces less than 10m long, a minimum access of 3m is mandatory. The openings must be arranged judiciously and at the ends of the linear. The organizers and / or the mandated company, will control the openings and give its final agreement after receiving all the plans.. • No anchoring or damage will be tolerated on quays which have been restored in recent years. If necessary, rehabilitation work will be invoiced to you. Thank you for taking the necessary technical steps. 2. PALAIS DES FESTIVALS • Construction heights The maximal height of construction in the PALAIS is 2.70m. The technical department will check stand installations and can refuse all those which do not comply with the approved project. • Opening onto the aisles The total length of stand facades, elements of decoration or signage directly overlooking an aisle cannot be longer than 50% of the total allocated exhibition space concerned. • Terraces For important safety reasons, no construction (structure or tent) is allowed on the terraces of the building. Terraces can not be closed and will only be furnished with small furniture.Any development carried out on the terraces must meet the snow and wind standards, speed of 100km/h, and must be subject to a technical control by the company mandated by the organizer. • Suspended ceilings Suspended ceilings are prohibited for stands. Only one banner (or solid part) of a maximum width of 0.50m or several banners split into 0.50m sections, can be tolerated, after consultation with the safety officer and subject to: - Having M0 or M1 fire protection classification - Having a minimum distance of 1.00 metre between solid parts or all fittings. - Not exceeding authorised construction heights. - The total full surface area must represent at most 20% of the total surface area of the stand. - Only velums of authorised M1 openwork textile (netting) type, whose mesh is at least 4 to 5mm, are authorised for the entire stand. In the case of total coverage, no solid parts or banners can be realised. - Being solidly attached by M0 suspensions. • Slinging Any hooking or slinging of material of any kind either on Palais structures or suspended ceilings is prohibited. If hooking is necessary, a request must be made to the Semec Technical Departments, who alone are authorized to verify the feasibility and to perform this service. The same is true for cable passage.


52-54 quai de Dion-Bouton - CS 80001 - 92806 Puteaux Cedex, France E-mail :


• Disabled access/single step The installation of floor covering whose thickness is greater than 20mm requires that the entire perimeter must have an inclined surface whose slope cannot exceed 8 to 10%. The inclined surface must be integrated into the flooring. However, this provision does not apply to the parts of the stand closed by supportive flooring fittings which render direct access to the stand impossible. Considering a possible set-back of the said fittings of at most 0.10m with respect to the outer edge of the flooring. Below 20 mm, the angular edges of the flooring must be fitted with a chamfer or a rounded corner. • Signage The exhibitor will not display balloons, flags and/or advertising banners in the Festival or the surrounding area, without prior written agreement from the organiser. The organiser reserves the right to remove balloons, flags or banners which have not been authorised, without notice, and the exhibitor cannot claim damages on this basis.

II. ASSEMBLY PERIOD – ON LAND • Taking possession of stands on land

u See Assembly Schedule A schedule by area has been developed and must be respected. Exemption requests can be made by email to the technical department. Exhibitors must have finished their stand buil d up by September 10th at 2:00pm. • Access and Circulation u See Loading & Unloading of Vehicles u See Parking Order Form All vehicles must be registered with the SEMEC before their arrival on site. No vehicle will be able to unload without having registered beforehand with the park mentioned in the notice. On the opening day, no vehicles must remain parked in the exhibition site, under threat of impoundment. Parking spaces can be ordered for the duration of the Festival. • Boats on land u See Assembly & Dismantling Schedule u See Handling Order Form u See Loading & Unloading of Vehicles For the unloading of all boats, it is IMPERATIVE: 1. To register convoy vehicles with the SEMEC, in order to obtain the right to access quays. 2. To make a handling request to SCALES (+33 (0)1 34 48 52 00), in order to be included in the handling schedule. Convoys which do not appear in the schedule will not be granted access to quays. • Safety commission u See Safety Regulations All installations must comply with the instructions issued by the Prefecture, and with applicable legislation. During the visit by the safety commission on the afternoon of Monday September 10th from 3:00 pm, fittings must be complete, and the person in charge of the stand must be present. Stands with non-compliant installations will immediately be closed down by this commission. • Empty packaging – Material deposit u See Logistical Services Order Form No premises are provided for storing packaging within the Festival area. It is therefore up to you to remove empty packaging and to have it stored by your transporter or by one of our service providers (SCALES for exhibitors at the Vieux Port and the Port Pierre Canto and SEMEC for exhibitors at the Palais des Festivals). • Customs A customs office is open in the Gare Maritime: from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 12pm and from 2pm to 3pm - Tel.: +33 (0)4 93 06 56 00

• On site deliveries No deliveries can be accepted by members of the organisation. Please make sure that your packages are delivered on a date when a member of your team will be present on site. Please ask the sender to specify the following information on your packages: YACHTING CANNES FESTVIAL 2018 Company name Stand number Person in charge of the stand Mobile telephone number VIEUX PORT (or PORT CANTO) 06400 Cannes / France • On site orders Given the complexity of the site, we cannot guarantee the feasibility of services ordered after deadlines and on site. If we are able to respond favourably, a significant increase will be applied for each service ordered on site.

III. ASSEMBLY PERIOD – ON WATER • Arrival of boats in the water u See Assembly & Dismantling Schedule - Vieux Port : Super Yachts Extension, Pantiero, Multihull area and Quai Max Laubeuf: The boats exhibited in these areas will receive a personalised arrival schedule. For the sake of good organisation, this must be respected. When they arrive in the bay of Cannes, the people in charge of the boats MUST contact the Festival organisers (VHF channel 72) who will take care of them or, if necessary, the harbour master (VHF channel 12). They must give the name of the exhibitor (site or broker) or his/her stand number and not the name of the boat. They will have to present your "Boat Poster" sent by our sales department. Boats longer than 24m must go through the Port Authority pilot. - Port Pierre Canto: Exhibitors will receive a personalised arrival schedule. For the sake of good organisation, this must be respected. When they arrive in the bay of Cannes, the people in charge of the boats MUST contact the harbour master (VHF channel 9). Boats longer than 24m must go through the Port Authority pilot. • Mooring & Wetting of boats in the water (except for specific areas) Areas

Mooring & Wetting

Super Yachts Extension La Jetée (South side) La Traversante Port Pierre Canto

Wetting by anchor

La Jetée (North side) Pantiero - Multihull area Quai Saint-Pierre Quai Max Laubeuf

Mooring on mooring lines (Allow sufficiently long end)

• Electricity for boats in the water Only one boat can be connected per electrical box. It is, therefore, forbidden to carry out unauthorised connections or to modify existing installations in any way. For safety reasons related to the risk of electrocution and fire and for the protection of our visitors and customers, but also due to electrical power limitations, we may be obliged to cut off your supply. • Access for people occupying boats u See "Life On Board" Bracelet Order Form For safety reasons, each person residing on a boat must wear the "Life on Board" bracelet on his/her wrist. This non-transferable bracelet enables wearers to access the exhibition area 24 hours a day. After public opening hours, any person not wearing this bracelet will be refused access.


52-54 quai de Dion-Bouton - CS 80001 - 92806 Puteaux Cedex, France E-mail :


Bracelets can only be replaced in exchange for the damaged bracelet. Bracelets will be distributed at your General Police Station. • Emergency Equipment Plan (PAU) u See PAU Form to complete on line in your Exhibitor Area In the event of an accident and in order to limit its consequences, the wetting plan has been divided into distinct areas. Two persons in charge per site must be designated to the organiser in advance. These people are required to: - Be available and reachable 24 hours a day (present on sites as quickly as possible, in 15 minutes at the most) - Immediately inform the port Safety Control Office on +33 (0)4 92 98 70 35 after discovering an accident - Have staff available who are able to move the vessels in their area 24 hours a day - React independently and undock vessels in the vicinity of an accident as quickly as possible, before the arrival of emergency services. Make themselves available to emergency services when they arrive - Decree by the General Council of the Alpes Maritimes region In accordance with the Decree by the General Council of the Alpes Maritimes region with regard to the organisation of the YACHTING CANNES FESTVIAL 2018, we remind you that: - Every exhibitor must send the organiser the list and characteristics of his/ her vessels in advance, as well as the name and contact telephone number of a person in charge who is available 24 hours a day, in case of need. - Boats longer than 24 metres must have staff on board 24 hours a day who are able to move the vessel, implement the equipment taken on board and respond to requests from the authorities present. - Pontoon safety information – "Cul de Sac" area Concerns exhibitors who have a private or semi-private pontoon. In the event of accident and danger, you agree to take on board your vessels any members of the general public who are on your pontoon, for emergency evacuation. The fire safety department will make regular, unannounced visits during the exhibition, in order to check the correct safety functioning of your area. This area, in the end of the pontoon, will be materialized by a green carpet installed by the organisation. • Grey and black water pumping In the context of Cannes Port "zero discharge" plan and the law on water, the organisers of the Festival raise the awareness of exhibitors with regard to the importance of respecting the environment of our welcome port. For this, we recommend that you contact the ECOTANK company (+33 (0)6 85 50 18 35), which will take care of the pumping of your wastewater.

IV. OPENING PERIOD • Opening hours u See Assembly and Dismantling Schedule - Every day from 10am to 7pm, except the evening of the Friday nocturne, with a closing time of 10pm, and Sunday, with a closing time of 6pm. - People with exhibitor badges can enter the Festival two hours before the opening time, in other words at 8am. • Deliveries during the Festival Deliveries for restocking stands must be made from 7am to 9.30am. After 9.30am, no merchandise will be accepted.

It is up to exhibitors to make sure that a person in charge or a guard is present on their stand for as long as there is still material there; this person will be your best guarantee against theft. From the opening of the Festival onwards, an exit authorisation slip delivered by the general police station will be requested at the doors for all merchandise leaving the Festival. This exit authorisation slip must be requested by the exhibitor himself/herself upon presentation of his/her badge. • Sound effects Sound effects must in no way disturb neighbouring stands. The organisers are the sole judges authorised to determine the acceptable threshold. The organisers can take all necessary measures to make these sound effects cease; these measures can go as far as cutting power or even closing the stand.

• Caterers in the Palais des Festivals (see Authorised Caterers list) The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès has signed an agreement with 10 referenced caterers. For quality monitoring and health inspection reasons, only these caterers are authorised to work inside the Palais des Festivals. All other caterers will be refused access. • The exhibitors have to take into account that the authorities (fire brigades, police, harbor authorities) may enter stands whatever check that it is.

VI. DISMANTLING PERIOD – ON LAND & ON WATER • Dismantling times u See Assembly and Dismantling Schedule After the dates defined in the schedule, we will be forced to remove material ourselves and to invoice you for the costs incurred. In no event will the organiser be held liable for non-compliance with applicable regulations. • Restoration of sites and rehabilitation The site of the stand must be restored to its original state. You are committed to keeping your site and its surrounding area clean and to respecting the surroundings. - Bare stand: Exhibitors must undertake the removal of their carpet, adhesives and any other material, such as rubble and other refuse, themselves. - Fitted stand (fitted tent and turnkey stand): all nails and staples installed by the exhibitor must be removed from partitions and sidings. Any deterioration or damage reported after the dismantling of the stand will be repaired by Reed Expositions France and invoiced to the exhibitor. The exhibitor is responsible for all his/her service providers. Exhibitors can have refuse removed by the cleaning company, at their own expense. • Access and circulation u See Assembly and Dismantling Schedule u See Loading & Unloading of Vehicles

• Surveillance of stands and of the Festival The general surveillance of the Festival during the opening period is handled by the organiser; this is an obligation of means and not an obligation of results. We remind you that the risk of theft is particularly high during the assembly and dismantling periods.


52-54 quai de Dion-Bouton - CS 80001 - 92806 Puteaux Cedex, France E-mail :


LIST OF BUREAUX FOR STRUCTURES CHECK Approved in application of the Article 4 of the Safety Regulations AGENCES APAVE 22-26 avenue Edouard Grinda 06200 Nice, France Damien DHENRY 04 92 29 40 50 / 06 18 29 24 81

AVERTECK Le Bernica 165 chemin Chevalier 97435 Saint Paul, France

SOCOTEC 1375 route des Dolines - BP 172 06903 Sophia Antipolis cedex, France Marc BUFOLO 04 92 96 85 30


52-54 quai de Dion-Bouton - CS 80001 - 92806 Puteaux Cedex, France E-mail :

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