The Marine Insurer. Sept 2021. Issue 7

Page 36


MARINE | Innovation In association with Noria Software

Removing barriers to innovation Organisations everywhere are under pressure to drive competitive advantage through innovation, but will fail to do so until they remove several common barriers that stifle creativity. Noria CEO Ronny Reppe shares his tips for overcoming some of these barriers and building an innovative culture The Marine Insurer Claims Edition | September 2021

What is the most painful task on your current to-do list? Perhaps it’s a challenging piece of writing, a difficult conversation with a stakeholder, or a project that you know will take weeks to complete. Companies should not limit their understanding of innovation to the latest gadget, software, or clever algorithm. An innovative idea can be as simple as finding a smarter way of doing something. Insurers are rife with inefficient processes that can be improved with innovative thinking. A simple process improvement can save more money and drive more efficiency over time than a cutting-edge piece of technology. For example, finding ways to ease the burden of compliance reporting, or communicating more efficiently with stakeholders and customers can save a great deal of time.

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