The Marine Insurer Issue 3

Page 36


SEAFARER WELLBEING In association with Standard Club

Pandemic means sharper focus needed on crew physical and mental health Captain Yves Vandenborn, Director of Loss Prevention at Standard Club explains that seafarer wellbeing has been a focal topic for its loss prevention team for several years. This article highlights the risks to seafarer’s wellbeing during this pandemic and shares supportive advice to help seafarers alleviate these risks for themselves and their crew. The outbreak of COVID-19 has compelled many parts of the world to enforce a public lockdown in a bid to flatten the transmission curve among the population. International borders have been closed and modes of transport internationally, nationally, and locally have been drastically reduced to impose physical and social isolation to contain the spread of the virus. The Marine Insurer P&I Special Edition | July 2020

Although understandable and absolutely necessary to protect public health, these heightened entry/exit requirements and absence of international movement have derailed crew changes and therefore affected the many seafarers waiting to board and disembark from ships worldwide. Seafarers face heightened anxiety and stress levels as they are unable to join ship and remain in lockdown at their homes. No work means no income and this directly threatens the family’s, and even the extended families’ financial income and stability if the seafarer is the sole breadwinner, which is often the case.

NO BLANKETS Many of these seafarers also come from countries which do not have a wholesome social security blanket that can assist the needy in difficult times. Very quickly, financial hardship leads to physical and mental difficulty because of the unmanageable pressure falling on these individuals. Fortunately, many international industry bodies such as The Mission to Seafarers, International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), Sailors’ Society and other such organisations are focusing on initiatives and offering outreach services that support seafarers in distress, as well as their families during this difficult time. In addition to this support, companies within the shipping industry can take this opportunity to work out financial arrangements with their seafarers who are unable to join

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