CANSO Global ATM Operations Conference Programme Book 2016

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CANSO Global ATM Operations Conference Madrid, Spain, 10 -11 March 2016

Organised by CANSO CANSO – the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation – is the global voice of air traffic management (ATM) worldwide. CANSO Members support over 85% of world air traffic. Members share information and develop new policies, with the ultimate aim of improving air navigation services (ANS) on the ground and in the air. CANSO represents its Members’ views to a wide range of aviation stakeholders, including the International Civil Aviation Organization, where it has official Observer status. CANSO has an extensive network of Associate Members drawn from across the aviation industry.

Venue Details Meliá Castilla Hotel Calle del Capitán Haya 43, 28020 Madrid Spain Tel: +34 (0) 91 567 5000 Fax: +34 (0) 91 567 5051

Events Contact Amanda Tamul Head of Events CANSO Office: +31 (0) 23 568 5386 Mobile: +31 (0) 6 2972 1678 Samantha Tang Events Coordinator CANSO Office: +31 (0) 23 568 5390 Mobile: +31 (0) 6 1099 2611


Airport Madrid - Barajas

Meliá Castilla

Shaping Future ATM

Dear Colleagues, Welcome to the Global ATM Operations Conference 2016. This Conference has become a key forum for sharing best practice and discussing new concepts, with the aim of transforming global air traffic management (ATM) performance. The work of CANSO and its Members is guided by Vision 2020, CANSO’s strategic framework for the ATM industry, and its associated Work Plan with over 130 deliverables, all with detailed action points and timelines. Operations is at the core of ATM so, not surprisingly, many of these Work Plan deliverables are related to operational matters. The Conference will be discussing a number of them, as well as looking into new areas that could result in new Work Plan deliverables in the future. The theme of the Conference is “Shaping Future ATM”. We will examine the challenges we face now and in the future and discuss the technological, operational and collaborative solutions that will enable the industry to shape the future of ATM. One challenge is how best to deal with new non-traditional entrants to airspace. The Conference will explore how aircraft can safely co-exist with balloons and remotely piloted aircraft; and how best to manage the airspace above 45,000 feet with the advent of many more space vehicles. Improving the efficiency of airspace is one of our key priorities and this goal is reflected in sessions on the third stage of our FIR boundary crossing project (automation interfaces); developing a long term vision for PBN implementation; and how metrics can be used to measure and improve operational performance. New technologies are perhaps our best means to transform global ATM performance. Remote and smart towers enhance our capability to provide safe and efficient air traffic services; space-based ADS-B will transform the industry’s surveillance capabilities, particularly in remote areas not currently covered; and improved aeronautical information systems will enable ANSPs to safely handle the growth in air traffic. Experts will brief Members on how they can best secure the benefits from these technologies. All of these challenges and their solutions highlight the importance of partnership and on Friday we will focus on the importance of working with ICAO and industry partners to drive forward our vision to transform global ATM performance. We will also discuss proposals to enhance airport collaborative decision making (A-CDM) and get your feedback on CANSO’s proposed guidance on A-CDM. I look forward to an exciting couple of days, rich with strong operational content. Best wishes for a successful conference.

Jeff Poole Director General, CANSO 3

CANSO Global ATM Operations Conference Madrid, Spain, 10 -11 March 2016 THURSDAY 10 MARCH 2016 12.00 - 13.00

Venue: Prado Corridor of the Meliá Castilla Hotel

Registration and Welcome Coffee 13.00 - 13.15

Venue: Prado of the Meliá Castilla Hotel

Opening Address •

Jeff Poole, Director General, CANSO

13.15 - 13.25

A Message from CANSO’s ExCom Operations Champion •

Teri Bristol, CANSO ExCom Operations Champion and COO, FAA ATO

13.25 - 13.30

Setting the Stage • •

Thomas Hoffmann, CANSO OSC Chair and COO, Austro Control GmbH Kapri Kupper, Operations Programme Manager, CANSO

13.30 - 13.50

RPAS Operations - the Challenges, the Opportunities and the ATM Role There is a very obvious acceleration of work in the area of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS). Multiple initiatives are underway to develop future operating rules and concepts for a wide range of RPAS operations. In parallel, a wide range of companies, from large established aerospace leaders to small start-ups are offering RPAS airspace solutions. How does the established aviation community influence and control change in this fast moving new sector of aviation? What are the challenges, risks and opportunities? •

Rob Eagles, Director ATM Infrastructure, IATA

13.50 - 15.00

Emerging and Novel Entrants into Airspace - Opportunities and Challenges For the best part of 50 years, we have focused on improving the safety and efficiency of piloted aircraft in the stratosphere below 45,000 feet with the primary goal of minimising the risk of an accident or the loss of human life. Emerging rapidly is the necessity to examine how remotely piloted aircraft and balloons can safely co-exist with more traditional piloted aircraft in that airspace, but also above 45,000 feet. These considerations by States, ICAO and CANSO make for complex relationships, dependencies and interactions. This panel will discuss emerging entrants into “traditional” airspace, and also the expansion into the upper reaches of the stratosphere. • • • •

Chris Dalton, Chief Airspace Management and Optimization, ICAO Parimal Kopardekar, Principal Investigator NextGen Airspace Project, NASA Julie Jin, Project Loon’s Head of Overflight, Google X Pauline Lamb, COO and GM System Operator, Airways New Zealand

Moderator: Greg Hood, OSC Steering Committee Vice Chair and Executive General Manager, Air Traffic Control, Airservices Australia


Shaping Future ATM THURSDAY 10 MARCH 2016 - continued 15.00 - 15.30 Venue: Prado Corridor of the Meliá Castilla Hotel

Networking and Refreshment Break 15.30 - 15.50

Collaborative Airspace and RPAS Operations Work Group The rapid development and use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) in non-segregated airspace is challenging the world’s air navigation service providers (ANSP) to safely and efficiently integrate this new aviation entrant into existing airspace structures. Delegates will learn about CANSO’s work on safe airspace access, training for ANSPs and proposed future work. •

Doug Davis, Director, Office of Independent Airworthiness, Northrop Grumman

15.50 - 17.00

Why the Quality of Aeronautical Information in Future ATM Matters This session will discuss how better aeronautical information is essential if we are to have an integrated, inter-operable, and flexible ATM system that enables ANSPs to safely handle more traffic in the same amount of airspace during the same amount of time. Such a system would effectively link the full range of services from airspace design to flight planning and flight separation assurance, while reducing costs, lessening the environmental impact, and improving access to congested airspace and remote airports in developing countries. • • • •

Roland Baumann, Head Planning and Development, AIM, skyguide Ekkehard Gutt, Aeronautical Services Manager, Planning & ATM, Emirates Glyn Owen, COO, CGH Technologies, Inc. Jonathan Tree, Director, Industry Relations, Boeing Digital Aviation / Jeppesen

Moderator: Greg Pray, Deputy Director, FAA Aeronautical Information Services 17.00 - 17.20

Operational Uses of Space-Based ADS-B for ATS Surveillance Today, ATS surveillance only covers a minority of the Earth´s surface. This situation hinders developments that can benefit the primary users of airspace around the globe. This presentation will highlight the function of space-based ADS-B, including important technical parameters in relation to the use of the system as an ATS surveillance source. •

Peter Majgård Nørbjerg, Regional Director, Europe, Aireon and Chief Advisor, International Strategies, Naviair

17.20 - 17.30

Day 1 Wrap Up / Next Day Overview •

Thomas Hoffmann, CANSO OSC Chair and COO, Austro Control GmbH

17.30 - 18.45 Venue: Aranjuez of the Meliá Castilla Hotel

Conference Reception


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For more inFormation:

Shaping Future ATM FRIDAY, 11 MARCH 2016 08.00 - 09.00

Venue: Prado Corridor of the Meliá Castilla Hotel

Welcome Coffee 09.00 - 09.05

Venue: Prado of the Meliá Castilla Hotel

Welcome •

Thomas Hoffmann, CANSO OSC Chair and COO, Austro Control GmbH

09.05 - 09.20

CANSO - Partnership Initiatives CANSO contributes a huge amount of expertise, best practice sharing, authoritative guides and publications to advance its aims of achieving safe, efficient, cost-effective and harmonised airspace. It is vital that this good work is communicated effectively to industry partners, ICAO and States. It is also important that the views and concerns of CANSO Members are communicated effectively to decision makers and that we have input and influence on the decisions that impact the ATM industry. This session will highlight the importance of connecting, communicating, coordinating, engaging and delivering. This has to be done by combining all available technical expertise within CANSO Members and delivering this to all stakeholders. This will increase the profile of CANSO and its Members to ensure the concerns and needs of CANSO Members are included in the early stages of the drafting process of legislation and guidance material. •

Nico Voorbach, Director ICAO Affairs, CANSO

09.20 - 10.30

Smart Towers: A Step-Change in ATM Provision We are moving into a new world with the application of smart technology and imagery in control towers. This panel will explore some of the current implementations of remote tower technology and explore visions for operations in towers in 10 years’ time. • • • •

Steve Bradford, Chief Scientist for NEXTGEN, FAA Per Kjellander, Deputy COO, LFV Kurt Rammelsberg, Remote Tower Research Lead, The MITRE Corporation - CAASD Mark Robinson, Director Marketing and Sales (ATM) - Australia, New Zealand, & South East Asia, Saab AB

Moderator: Brendan Kelly, Head of Systemised Airspace, NATS 10.30 - 10.50

Airport Collaborative Decision Making This session will focus on the importance for ANSPs of contributing to airport CDM implementation. The presentation will highlight the findings of the A-CDM Workgroup and how the future CANSO guidance document on A-CDM will be structured. •

Stéphane Durand, Director, DSNA Services


CANSO Global ATM Operations Conference Madrid, Spain, 10 -11 March 2016 FRIDAY, 11 MARCH 2016 - continued 10.50 - 11.20 Venue: Prado Corridor of the Meliá Castilla Hotel

Networking and Refreshment Break 11.20 - 12.20

Measuring and Delivering Efficient Operations Maximising efficiency includes both the efficient use of capacity and providing the most efficient flight tracks to airspace users. Performance indicators used in a data-driven management process can be essential for managing complex ATM systems. This panel will present current examples of how aviation stakeholders are improving performance and the metrics used to track the progress of these investments. • • •

Glynn Turner, UK Business Development Analyst, Lockheed Martin Luiz Ricardo Nascimento, Head of Operations, DECEA Tim Hughes, Stategic Research Specialist, Airways New Zealand

Moderator: John Gulding, Manager, Strategic Analysis and Benchmarking, FAA

12.20 - 13.00

Crossing FIR Boundaries Task Force The FIRBX Task Force is on track to deliver a guidance document that will provide best practices for implementing automation platforms and interfacing them successfully with those of neighbouring FIRs. During this session, we will discuss the varying types of interfaces, and provide examples of successful crossboundary interfacing in continental surveillance and oceanic non-surveillance environments. • •

Jorge Chades, Oceanic and Offshore Procedures, FAA ATO Dan Eaves, ATC Operational Concepts, FAA ATO

13.00 - 14.00 Venue: Aranjuez of the Meliá Castilla Hotel

Networking Lunch 14.00 - 15.00

Performance-Based Navigation Workshop As CANSO continues to further its role in supporting a harmonised approach to PBN implementation, the PBN Subgroup is developing a CANSO PBN Vision document, which will be coordinated with ICAO and IATA to ensure alignment. During the workshop, we will present our draft PBN Vision material and provide an opportunity for you to offer feedback to ensure all key points are addressed as we shape the PBN future for ANSPs. This document will also serve as a foundation in driving ANSP industry standards, avionics, and ATC support tools. • • •


Jeff Cochrane, Director, Navigation and Airspace, NAV CANADA Phil Rakena, PBN Implementation Project Manager, Airways New Zealand Jeff Williams, Senior Vice President, Tetra Tech AMT

Shaping Future ATM FRIDAY, 11 MARCH 2016 - continued 15.00 - 15.20

Surveillance Task Force This session will present the CANSO paper that ANSPs can use as guidance material when considering the implementation of the future global surveillance technology, space-based ADS-B. The presentation will walk through the implementation scenarios that should be considered and will show the link between the introduction of this future technology with the ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU). •

Rob Thurgur, Vice President Operations, NAV CANADA

15.20 - 15.35

Environment Workgroup The aviation industry is under ever-increasing pressure to reduce noise and emissions. Improved global navigational accuracy has enabled the implementation of performance-based navigation and required navigation performance procedures (RNP). The CANSO Environment Workgroup (ENVWG) continuously shares concepts, best practices and reviews common ANSP issues that address both emissions and noise and the interactive dependency they have on typical operations including RNP. The ENVWG will review current activities and progress on these environmental topics. •

Christian Woborsky, Senior Advisor Environment, Austro Control GmbH

15.35 - 15.45

Closing Remarks •

OSC Steering Committee




15° 30 °

0° 33 DLT1445 B777 410 490

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JFH6752 B738 390 450

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30 0°

OPG3256 A388 400 520

YGD1723 A350 380 425



CKR8976 B744 350 415

APH6388 A321 370 485

XVX6211 B748 300 490



MAG7521 E190 270 410 PVP0786 A320 310 400

AQP6800 BCS3 280 400

ZTV3309 A332 360 420

12 0°

5° 22

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MKJ5509 B789 390 470 KNH2006 B748 400 500

0° 15

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0° 24



YGD1723 A350 380 425

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