RETURN TO CAMPUS See Returning to Campus, Part 1 published on July 2, 2020.
Canterbury School of Florida plans to reopen our campus and welcome home our students this August. We are excited to share our latest safer on campus preparations, academic planning, and procedural adjustments.
Safer on campus Distancing
Protective Face Coverings
Classrooms are being set up to encourage
All students, PK-12, must have a mask to wear
Hallway directionals are being laid out to manage traffic flow.
Independent workspaces are being identified for each student in all classrooms.
Shared spaces will not be available for students to congregate.
Recess will be scheduled by grade level only.
throughout the day on campus.
Faculty are being provided with a face covering and a transparent face shield.
Plexiglass is being installed at locations where distancing may be a challenge.
Formation of outdoor learning spaces are being developed.
Custodial Adjustments
Shared electronic devices will be discouraged.
Hand sanitizer stations will be available in each
Designated areas are being set up to quarantine
classroom, at all entry and exit locations, and main hallways.
Bottle Fillers will replace shared water fountains. Electrostatic sprayers are available on both campuses to sanitize daily.
students and staff who may become ill.
Negative tests are required for all students who have previously tested COVID -19 positive.
Canterbury is exploring a medical program for families to consult when their student becomes ill.
Merv-13 air filters have been installed.
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Community Activities Delivered Safely Canterbury is committed to the very important traditions we share as a community. We will continue with the following traditions, though they may look differently.
Flag - Flag will be streamed daily and students will continue to be encouraged to share in front of their peers.
Assembly - Important announcements will be student driven and delivered in advisory.
Chapel - Chapel services will be interactive and streamed for all students to enjoy.
LEADS - Character education will continue to support students on both campuses through classroom activities.
Athletics - Canterbury continues to support athletic practices on campus which adhere to our COVID guidelines. We will follow what the FHSAA guidelines determine appropriate for games and practices.
Academic Planning The Canterbury School of Florida Digital Learning Plan encapsulates quality instruction from the classroom into a format that transfers to an at-home learning environment. In the event a student or teacher must be at home due to a COVID related incident, digital instruction made up of visual lessons, interactive content, discussions, formative assessments, and personal advising will be available to students. Look for Division Academic Learning Plans (including Flexible and Distance) in a communication from the Principals on August 3.
On Campus Learning Enhancements
Professional Development
The new Veracross system allows for lesson
A module-based professional development
plans to be populated weekly.
Students will have a snapshot of their weekly workload.
Digital assessment tools will be used to track course progress.
program has been created for faculty and staff.
A new all-in-one communications and school management program, Veracross, has been implemented to support classroom and digital learning.
Content will be taught and delivered in a format that will transfer to at-home learning ensuring skill sets are developed.
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Procedural Adjustments All faculty, staff, and families will have to attest to be symptom and illness free before coming to campus.
Signage and Markers
Hough Campus (more information to come)
Floor directionals demonstrate distancing in the
Hough Aftercare will end at 5:30 p.m. Reservations are required due to space limitations.
hallways and traffic flow.
Outdoor markers are being placed to assist with carline management.
Dropin will not be permitted Semester 1; will be evaluated for Semester 2.
Students will be separated into rooms in groups of 10. Playground equipment will be sanitized before transition of students.
Shared supplies will not be permitted.
Visitors and Vendors
All outside visitors must have an appointment and be approved by an administrator in order to enter campus.
Temperature checks and safety screenings are mandatory for any outside visitors upon entering
Drop-Off and Dismissal
Parents will remain in vehicles during the carline process.
Students will be temperature checked prior to exiting their car.
Students will exit/enter their vehicle and enter through a designated entrance/exit.
All students will report directly to their homeroom each day; no congregating in the courtyard and/or hallways.
All outside visitors must wear masks at all times when on campus.
When on campus, all visitors must follow Canterbury’s COVID guidelines.
Hough Campus Enrichment
Hough’s enrichment teachers will travel to each classroom to limit student travel.
This will be re-evaluated as the year progresses.
Students will dismiss from their classroom. congregating will be discouraged.
Athletes are required to report to the cafeteria until practice begins.
Upper school students must be working with a teacher in their classroom or exit the campus.
Middle school students must either leave campus after school or move directly to aftercare or athletics.
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Canterbury’s task force is comprised of local doctors, lawyers, healthcare professionals, and financial consultants.
Canterbury Security Committee Members:
Jenna Worden Brooks
Carol Ann Martin
Attorney, Board Member
Director of Finance & Operations, CPA
Claudine Cieutat
Mike McGourin
Lower School Principal
Digital Learning Coordinator
Mark Dubina
Steve McMullen
Head of Port of Tampa Security, Board Member
KPMG Partner (Retired), Board of Trustees, Chair
Scott Greene, M.D.
Jody Moore
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgeon
Director of Technology
Mac Hall
Monica Talley
Head of School
Director of Athletics & Summer Programs
Donnamarie Hehn
Pam Walker
Upper School Principal
Director of Development
Jacqueline Jarrell
Jon Ward
Healthcare Administrator, PA President
Hough Campus Facilities
Steve Jay
Bevin Weeks, M.D.
Plant Manager
Pediatric Cardiologist
Paul Kostak Middle School Principal
Please continue to check our website and your email for updates and any future communication. Please contact with any questions.
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See Returning to Campus, Part 1 published on July 2, 2020.
ABOUT Canterbury School of Florida educates and nurtures the whole child in mind, body, and spirit in preparation for college and an honorable life as a responsible steward of our world.
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