STRATEGIC PLAN Canterbury School of Florida educates and nurtures the whole child in mind, body, and spirit in preparation for college and an honorable life as a responsible steward of our world.
Our Core Values Academics – We foster a love of learning by discovering and celebrating individual talents and skills through engagement with exemplary teachers in distinctive
Portrait of a Canterbury Graduate Academically prepared
academic, artistic, athletic, and extracurricular activities.
Models integrity and respects differences
Character – As an independent school in the Episcopal
Demonstrates leadership and self-discipline
tradition, we instill and expect integrity, honesty, moral courage, personal accountability, respect, and compassion for others within the context of spiritual awareness.
Community – Respecting the diversity of others and valuing the relationships uniting us as a school community, we inspire individual responsibility and a commitment to serve.
Intellectually curious and explores possibilities Approaches each day with enthusiasm and purpose Views the world with empathy, humility, and compassion Poised and confident
Academic Excellence Support an academic and innovative learning culture that enhances student and faculty growth. Preserve a robust liberal arts education in the Episcopal tradition while promoting STEAM curricula and enhancement offerings.
Implement student programs on important life skills such as collaboration, innovation, perseverance, independence and self-assessment.
Focus on the developmental needs of all students’ physical, social, and emotional lives.
Ensure the most relevant and appropriate technology resources are available for innovative learning and integration in all disciplines.
Evaluate regularly the curriculum using data-driven analysis. Stimulate innovative teaching and learning practices through on-campus and virtual learning scenarios with appropriate academic leadership, curricula programming, and enhancement activities for all students.
The Canterbury Experience Continue to highlight what it means to be a Canterbury Crusader. Clearly define and communicate all aspects of Canterbury’s identity while emphasizing its mission.
Clearly communicate a concise statement of our Episcopal identity and its impact on our community.
Champion a culture of exceptional integrity, leadership, and service that extends to the greater community.
Enrich a culture of positive mental, physical, and emotional health and well-being.
Continue to stimulate and bolster
Canterbury’s signature programs of LEADS and marine studies.
Assess regularly Canterbury’ s extracurricular program offerings that clearly align with the school’s mission.
Physical and Digital Infrastructure Foster a safe and solid physical and digital infrastructure while focusing on future facilities improvements. Using a multi-year plan, build financial reserves for and make annual investments in facility and infrastructure that result in beautiful, functional, environmentally sustainable and innovative campus facilities.
Continue to foster and enhance a culture of safety and security within Canterbury’s entire school community.
Continue to follow the current Master Plan and coordinate phases of the Capital Campaign to address facility and security needs on both campuses.
Fiscal Health, Growth, and Sustainability Ensure a financially sustainable long-term plan for the future of Canterbury. Deploy a marketing plan that defines clear, distinct characteristics of Canterbury to achieve the school’s optimal enrollment.
Create a Human Resources committee with faculty, staff, and board representation to solicit feedback in creating competitive compensation and benefit plans that attracts, rewards and retains exceptional faculty and staff.
Advance a data-driven culture that allows for regular
important internal and external strategic initiatives.
Continue to evaluate and exemplify the value of operational efficiency.
Explore and expand opportunities to bolster revenues from auxiliary programs and facility rentals.
Continue to educate the Canterbury community on the independent school financial model and the impact of all available forms of charitable giving.
and frequent measurement and communication of key performance indicators of Canterbury’s most
Strategic Plan | 2020 - 2025
What does it mean to be an independent school in the Episcopal tradition? The Canterbury School of Florida is an independent school led by an autonomous Board of Trustees founded in the diversity and richness of the Episcopal Church. The Episcopal tradition includes:
The Study of Religion
Through our Chapel program, Canterbury fulfills two
Comparative Religions is a required class as part of the Senior
simultaneous commitments: to provide students an authentic
Seminar. It is designed to be an objective and comparative
experience of worship that is identifiably Episcopal; and to
approach to explore the history, traditions, and belief systems
welcome, affirm, and support the spiritual development of
of the world’s major religions. As a result, our students will be
students of all faiths or no faith at all. Chapel content coincides
better informed and more empathetic as they step beyond our
with our Character Education (LEADS) program.
walls into the world.
Equity and Justice
Episcopal Identity at Canterbury
Today’s Episcopal schools are populated by a rich variety
Canterbury’s Episcopal identity is experienced in 1) our
of students and faculty members from increasingly diverse
mission statement as it supports the spiritual as well as
dimensions of identity and religious, cultural, and economic
the academic formation of our students, 2) our practices
backgrounds. Canterbury is a place that affirms these
that balance a commitment to both nurture students and
differences as sources of strength that build up common life,
teach accountability, 3) our fundamental commitment to
deepen our common humanity, and enhance the intellectual,
be an inclusive community grounded in respect for each
social, spiritual, and moral development of all students.
of its members, 4) our Board of Trustees membership that includes representation of Episcopalians, 5) our Chaplain, who is ordained in the Episcopal Church, 6) our weekly chapel services, 7) our comparative religion class, 8) our community service expectations and, 9) our commitment to financial aid to help ensure a diverse and inclusive student community.
HONOR CODE As a member of the Canterbury family, I pledge to uphold my personal integrity, promote equality and be respectful and considerate. I will be honest and sincere, facing each day with a positive attitude.