2014 2nd vol link final

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UNIVERSITIES OFFER Financial Savings to Graduates Whether you are a graduate of the first class of Leadership Canton or a recent

Second Volume 2014 This issue is sponsored by:

participant of the Signature, Spotlight for Young Professionals or Government Leadership Academy, now is the time to take advantage of a financial incentive that will save you significant tuition and help you obtain a higher degree. Malone University, Walsh University and Leadership Stark County have partnered to extend tuition discounts to graduates of Leadership Stark County programs. At Malone University, Leadership Stark County alumni qualify for a 15% discount if they are graduates of any Signature, Spotlight for Young Professionals, or Government Academy programs. The tuition discount may be used to complete any degree program in the University’s Graduate and Professional Studies programs for which the student qualifies. Also included is the undergraduate degree completion program known as the Malone Management Program (MMP) and RN to BSN programs.

Key Program Dates

“I’m thrilled that the university is not just renewing the previous agreement but is extending it to ALL past graduates of the Signature Program as well as to ALL graduates of our supplemental shorter programs, Spotlight for Young Professionals and Government Leadership Academy,” said Fran Wells, director of Leadership Stark County. The financial value of the tuition discount is impressive and maximizes one’s Leadership tuition investment.


Malone is pleased to be able to do our part in cultivating and nurturing current and future leaders,” said Chris Abrams, interim vice president for enrollment management. “Leadership Stark County and Malone University share a vision for developing talent, particularly those who are contributing to the robust growth of our community.


Young Professionals After-Hours at the Orchard 2014 Leadership Golf Outing


Last Day for Spotlight Applications

SEPTEMBER 14-16 28th Signature Program Opening Retreat

SEPTEMBER 29 2014 Annual Fund wraps up

OCTOBER 16 (continued on page five)

Encounter Stark County bus tour

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Mercy to Open Renovated, Expanded ED in September To meet growing demand and to remain accessible to patients and their families during times of serious and sometimes life-threatening situations, Mercy Medical Center will open a newly renovated and expanded emergency department (ED) this September. The medical center’s ED is currently 20 to 30 percent more crowded than other providers in Stark County. Upon completion of the third and final construction phase this fall, the new ED will feature a 24-bed “pod” to improve patient flow and treatment, as well as the addition of radiology services and a dental operatory within the department. “The ED renovation is the first capital campaign for a hospital in Stark County in nearly 40 years, and is a direct response to the needs of our community” says Tom Cecconi, Mercy president and CEO. “Thanks to the generosity of hundreds of individuals, organizations, foundations and corporations and the determined efforts of the Mercy Development Foundation and Mercy Service League, we’ve raised $6.1 million so far toward this substantial project. The new Mercy ED will be a tremendous asset to health care in Canton and surrounding areas and will take the quality of our care to a new level of excellence.”

The hospital made significant progress in its emergency department (ED) expansion campaign throughout 2013, opening the new Mercy Marketplace – a space that combines the relocated gift shop, uniform shop and retail pharmacy – and the renovated main lobby. Earlier this year, Mercy finished phase two of the plan, opening a new ED entrance, waiting room, five-bed triage area, EMS first-responder room and connecting walkway to the hospital’s main concourse. Site improvements to the exterior of the building and parking lot were also made. Other recent additions to the hospital include Mercy Cancer Center’s new Varian Medical Systems TrueBeam™ Linear Accelerator. The TrueBeam is a “super” accelerator designed to advance the treatment of lung, breast, prostate, head and neck, and many other forms of cancer. Mercy Heart Center also installed a new bi-plane catheterization lab, which gives Mercy the ability to perform brain intervention after a heart attack or stroke. Our bi-plane will save hours of brain damage, and patients don’t have to be transferred to Cleveland for this treatment.

Class Acts Leading Ladies

The Junior League of Stark County honored two Leadership Stark County graduates at its Women of the Year event in May. Fourth Class graduate, Barbara Fordyce, received the President’s Award and 6th Class graduate Vicky Sterling received the Community Award. In one of her first duties at the helm of the Canton YWCA, newly appointed CEO Kelly Bah (22nd Class) presided over the 2014 Women’s Hall of Fame awards. Among those receiving awards were 23rd Class graduates Kathy Catazaro-Perry (Community Service Award), 26th Class graduate Lucia Pileggi (Business Award), and 13th Class graduate Gloria Pope (President’s Award).

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Leaders Coming and Going

Leadership Stark County extends since appreciation to our board of trustee members who have recently completed service: Maureen Ater (The Independent), Nancy Gessner (Massillon Cable TV), RaeAnn Guiley, Jill McDermott (Hendrickson Trailer), Tony Peldunas. Special thanks to Greg Luntz (Luntz Corporation) who remains on the board as immediate past president. We welcome new board members Todd Bundy (Black McCuskey), Matt Halter (Solmet Technologies), Greg Harbert (FirstMerit), Todd Porter (The Repository), and Julie Szendrey (Walsh University).

28th Signature Class Congratulations to the selected members of the 28th Class Signature Program of Leadership Stark County. Even though it was a difficult process for the volunteer Selection Committee to choose from all the well-qualified applicants, these people rose to the top to form a class that is representative of the geographic, professional, and cultural diversity of Stark County. The class members hail from 11 different hometowns including Alliance, Canton, Clinton, Hartville, Louisville, Magnolia, Massillon, North Canton, and Uniontown. The reside in 17 different school districts that includes Alliance City, Canton City, Jackson Local, Lake Local, Louisville City, Marlington Local, North Canton City, Perry Local, Plain Local, Sandy Valley Local, and Tuslaw Local. Forty percent of the class members represent education, social services, or government. It is this diversity that leads to dynamic, productive discussions and sharing of viewpoints that is important to any examination of community issues. Robert Arnold, MIS Manager, H-P Products, Inc. Gina Bannevich, Marketing Director, Belden Village Mall Michele Boone, Manager of Programs and Evaluation, Mental Health & Recovery Services Board of Stark Co. Karma Cline, Operations/Program Coordinator Children Services, Canton YWCA Mathew Connelly, District Sales Manager, HP Louise Dalton, General Manager, Global Distribution, The Timken Company Gwendolyn Davis, Director of Finance and Financial Aid, Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences Veda Davis, Asst. Director of Housing Mgmt., Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority Kristin Farmer, Judge, Stark County Court of Common Pleas Raymond Fryan, Manager of Purchasing, Canton Drop Forge Sandra Fusillo, Principal, St. Peter School Jennifer Harrington, Owner, The Ad Lab Bryan Harris, Technology Director, Stark County District Library Brian Hostettler, Senior Vice President, Key Private Bank Dianna Huckestein, Executive Director - Senior Living Services & Corporate Communications, GentleBrook Maria Klutinoty Edwards, Attorney, Tzangas Plakas Mannos Ltd Ryan Kuchmaner, Attorney, Black McCuskey Souers & Arbaugh, LPA Leslie Letner, Sr. Manager, Corporate Relations and Special Events, Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank Delrica Martin, Escrow Officer, Title One Agency, Inc. Alex McCallion, Attorney, Day Ketterer Ltd. Dawn Moeglin, Development Coordinator, Stark County Park District Keith Nutter, Area Manager, Aqua Ohio, Inc. Mark Parent, Director, Special Education, Plain Local Schools James Patterson, Principal Vehicle Systems Engineer, Hendrickson Trailer Commercial Vehicle Systems Melissa Patterson, Mechanical Design Engineer, Powell Industries Heather Pennington, Advanced Accountant, Marathon Petroleum Company LP Jon Daniel Pizor, Portfolio Control Manager, GE Capital Retail Bank Larry Pollock, Plant Manager, Timken Steel Company Heather Reda, Advancement and Training Assistant, Pathway Caring For Children Steve Reinhart, Coordinator of Special Education, Massillon City Schools Jason Smith, VP/Banking Office Manager, Premier Bank & Trust Bruce Stefancik, Director of Radiology, Mercy Medical Center Robert Stewart, CEO, The M. Conley Company Julie Stieber, Head of School, Canton Montessori School David Talenda, Senior Manager, Cohen & Company Erica Thom, Executive Director, AHEAD Inc. Benjamin Tobias, Director - TRiO Student Support Services, Stark State College Stephen Weingart, Vice President for Advancement, Malone University Ryan Wilson, CPA,Vice-President, R.J. Wilson & Co., CPA, Inc.

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Alumni VOICE APPROVAL In May 2014, participants of Leadership Stark County programs were asked to complete an online survey in partnership with The Corporate University, Kent State University at Stark. The results below include 225 responses gathered from the survey emailed to 759 past participants resulting in a 30 percent response rate. Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete the survey! Hard data regarding Leadership Stark County’s effect on the community is invaluable in our recruitment and marketing efforts. We appreciate the cooperation and expertise of Marshall Hill, research coordinator of The Corporate University, KSU at Stark. Among the findings: • 97% of respondents felt that the Leadership Stark County program met their expectations. • 96% of the respondents indicated that they learned more about the community resources than they previously knew • 94% would recommend the program to others • On the lower end of the spectrum, a still significant 71% indicated agreement that their Leadership Stark County contacts have been an important part of their growth. • 81% of respondents indicated that they have served on a board since their involvement with Leadership Stark County • 75% reported growth in personal and professional leadership as the program: “impacted my professional development” and “the leadership skills I learned benefited me at work” “allowed me to develop personally”

Recent Sponsors: 27th Class Cultural Diversity Day

Respondents were asked to relate the most important lesson for personal and professional development learned from the program. Some of the responses are: • Learning more about what our community offers made me think more positively about Stark County, its diversity and the role that individuals play in making it a better place. I think it really broadened my knowledge about how much Stark County offers in all areas--occupations, arts, communities, schools, etc. • ALL work being done in the county is important - whether in civic, nonprofit, arts, education or business. Seeing the interdependency of the different county functions was invaluable and made me appreciate the diverse contributions of individuals and organizations to our overall community. • Leaders come from all backgrounds and it is important to understand we all have similar needs but diversity is a strength. I learned how my style and approach impacts the way I see others. Seeing others from their paradigm is important.

27th Class Justice Day Stark County Bar Association & Stark County Association for Justice

27th Class Citizenship Day

27th Class Arts Day 27th Class Graduation

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In Kind Sponsors


I N K Leadership S Annual Golf Outing


I N G 2 0 1 4 Don’t Miss the 2014 Leadership On the Links Golf Outing! What better way to renew your Leadership connections than to spend the morning on the Tam O’Shanter Golf Course! Join Leadership alumni and friends for 18 holes with cart, a buffet lunch, and great prizes.

Put your foursome together and get into the spirit of friendly competition, fun, and olf Outing

networking opportunities! n the Links Friday, August 22 at Tam O’Shanter Golf Course 5055 Hills & Dales Rd. NW in Canton r Leadership connections spend the Shotgun start atthan 8:15toa.m. olf Course. Enjoy a buffet lunch, beverages on

$75 per person, includes 18 holes, breakfast, 2 beverage coupons, buffet lunch | $300 per foursome kCounty.org and get into the spirit of friendly he onopportunities! Hole Sponsorships are just $100


Make reservations at LeadershipStarkCounty.org/Golf2014

Lunch Sponsors

in Canton oursome Lunch Sponsors

Breakfast Sponsor



Breakfast Sponsor

Financial Saving ...

(continued from cover)

At Walsh University, Leadership 27th Class graduates and newly selected 28th Class members qualify for a 25% tuition discount to enroll in any of Walsh’s seven graduate programs to any student that qualifies including Walsh’s 12-Month MBA program, online DNP program or numerous other graduate programs. The offer is in effect for up to one year following Signature Program graduation.

Walsh is proud to offer this discount to Leadership Stark County graduates because we believe in the professional development and continuing education of our community leaders,” said Teresa Griffin, Assistant Vice President of University Relations. “For more than 50 years, Walsh has been an active and committed member of the Stark County community. We believe partnerships like this one are not only mutually beneficial, but also critically important to the future growth and prosperity of our community.

For more information contact Fran Wells, director, 330-458-2094. At Malone University, contact Chris Abrams, interim vice president for enrollment management, 330-471-8156. At Walsh University, contact Audra Dice, Director of Graduate Admissions at 330-490-7181.

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County-wide networking on the Encounter Stark County bus tour! Thursday, October 16, 2014, 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Cost $85 per person, includes buffet lunch It’s a one-day trip that begins in Canton and visits Massillon, Alliance, Hartville, and surrounding villages! For professionals and community members, it’s a great way to learn more about Stark County. Please recommend the tour to your colleagues, fellow community volunteers, or neighbors. • The tour will stop at businesses, farms, non-profits, and a local winery! • You’ll learn first hand of Stark County growing companies • Find out about Agri-tainment and seasonal labor in Stark County Network with community leaders and business professionals as they speak about Stark County’s businesses, economy, education, social services, and history.You will meet and make contacts with the other professionals and community members on the tour. • • • •

Discover how to become involved with local non-profits Experience Public/Private Partnerships and Government collaboratives Hear of Stark County’s past from local historians Enjoy lunch at The University Center at KSU Stark

Sponsored By:

It WILL sell out, so make your reservations now at LeadershipStarkCounty.org

Thanks to Alumni Support, Stark County Thrives

2014 Annual Fund

Everyday, leaders like you are working to strengthen the community, making Stark County a more vibrant place to live. You know the impact Leadership Stark County had on your professional life. Now, with your donation, new classes of Leadership program graduates are able to contribute to our community. Highlights of this year’s programming include: • Board training for close to 100 people and board matching that resulted in 22 Leadership participants appointed to non-profit boards. More than 80% of graduates serve on non-profit boards • Staff facilitates Gallup StrengthsFinder curriculum for Leadership Medina and LSC core programs; Stephanie Werren attended 2-day Gallup Strengths Coaching course in Washington D.C. • More than 90 community trustees trained through core programs (Signature, Spotlight Young Professionals, and Government Academy) Thanks to the alumni of Leadership Stark County, well-prepared civic leaders and elected officials are in place, cultural events abound, businesses retain better quality employees, corporations take an active role in community betterment, and non-profits are equipped to improve the quality of life for the least advantaged citizens. Pledge Now at LeadershipStarkCounty.org or return your pledge card in the mail.

LEADERSHIP STARK COUNTY | 222 Market Avenue North | Canton, OH 44702 | (330) 456-7253 | www.leadershipstarkcounty.org Fran Wells, Director • Stephanie Werren, Development Director • Joy Walko, Managing Editor • Sarah Lutz, Graphics Manager

Volume 4, Issue 1 | Page 6

Leadership Link is a publication of Leadership Stark County

YOUNG PROFESSIONALS After-Hours Leadership Stark County invites young professionals in Stark County to come to an evening of relaxed conversation, food & drink, and a little about what Leadership can offer to area young professionals. If your company has considered the Spotlight program for your younger employees, bring them to this event. Remember, your company can send a cohort of up to 10 individuals to the Spotlight for Young Professionals program.

Wednesday, August 13 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

You’ll get a chance to:

Meet in the charming, vintage barn and wedding venue

Varian Orchards 6344 Orchardview Dr SE, East Canton, 44730 No Cost-Reservations requested Event begins at 5:00 p.m., Spotlight presentation at 6:00 p.m. Make your reservations now at LeadershipStarkCounty.org

Tour this 5th generation working orchard

See the view from one of the highest points in Stark County

Network with other young professionals

Enjoy adult beverages and Hors d’oeuvres

Hear about the Spotlight for Young Professionals leadership course

Spotlight for Young Professionals


The Spotlight program is designed for dynamic young professionals (age 25-34) interested in their community. Spotlight offers six sessions that provide personal and professional leadership development along with networking and engaging community service projects.The next Spotlight for Young Professionals program begins September 29, 2014 Looking for a way to develop your leadership potential? In the Spotlight Stark County program you will: Strengthen your personal leadership effectiveness using the Gallup StrengthsFinder profile Be introduced to key issues, leaders, & places shaping our community Tour non-profits and participate in a community service project. Engage with other YPs in networking sessions Foster your enthusiasm for Stark County The sessions run from 4:00-6:00 p.m. and are scheduled for: Monday, September 29 | Tuesday, October 14 Tuesday, October 28 | Tuesday, November 11 Tuesday, November 25 | Tuesday, December 9 Tuition for Spotlight Stark County is $475. Tuition assistance is available for selected candidates from certain professional sectors. Employer Support is required for participation. Apply now at LeadershipStarkCounty.org/Programs/Apply

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222 Market Ave. N. • Canton, OH 44702

This issue is sponsored by:

Leadership *SNAPS* “Jury” deli berations a t 27th Class Justice Day 27th Cla ss Citize nship Da at Moun y t Union Universit y

LSC Blues on the Deck

26th Class get-together

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