Experience Balloon Classic presented by Aultman from the center of the action! Enjoy our exclusive Canton Regional Chamber Hospitality Tent with food, drinks, and a private beer truck (cash bar). Network and relax with family and friends amid all the full event has to o er, including hot-air balloons, live music, drone shows, food trucks, a children’s area, and more!
$40 chamber member rate
$60 non-chamber rate
Up to two free children’s tickets (age 10 and under) included with each paid adult ticket.
Includes: access to private tented space, bu et dinner, water and soft drinks, cash bar. Guests permitted to bring blankets and chairs to enjoy activities from the grassy area.
Canton Regional Chamber Hospitality Tent at the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival Balloon Classic presented by Aultman Friday, July 26 and Saturday, July 27 5-10 p.m. (5 p.m.- Tent opens; 5:30-7 p.m.- Food available)
• On-site parking is available for purchase at the event for $10.
• Chamber members are permitted to purchase tickets for guests at chamber member rate of $40.
• Tickets are non-refundable.
• Hot-air balloon ights are weather dependent.
• General admission for Balloon Classic is free.
Purchase tickets by July 21 at www.CantonChamber.org
Chamber Cup | Golf Par Tee | July Business After Hours | QuickConnect Luncheon | Marketing Matters | MAGNET SCORE | August Business After Hours | Cultivating Growth Update & Investors | 2024 Enshrinement Festival Schedule 2024 Enshrinement Festival Tix | 2024 Enshrinement Festival Events | Committee Chairs | Member Testimonial Photo Contest | Vintage Canton Save The Date | YP Meet Up | ystark! Sunrise Sessions | LSC Spotlight Class SCSC Luncheon | From the Development Desk | Sedgwick | New Members | Member Renewals | BizBitz
Bradley H. Belden Chairman
Jeff Dafler President & CEO
Melissa Coultas Vice President – Development & Partnership Relations
Mark Prosise Vice President – Events & Strategic Initiatives
Kelly Piero Vice President – Marketing & Membership Strategy
Molly Romig Vice President – Membership Development and Services Ad Sales / Action: 330-415-2158
Ashley Winter Member Experience Coordinator
Mattison Davis Marketing Coordinator
Sarah Lutz Editor & Creative Director
ACTION NEWSLETTER is published monthly for the members of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. The subscription cost is $25 per year and is included in the price of membership.
Reader questions and comments are welcome and encouraged. Contents may be reprinted with credit. Address all inquiries to:
Editor, Action
Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce 222 Market Ave. N Canton, Ohio 44702 or call (330) 456.7253, or e-mail news@cantonchamber.org
Advertising rates are available for Chamber members. Advertisement does not constitute endorsement by the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Join us for the next AultCare QuickConnect Breakfast featuring Mark Trew, Chief Operating Officer, Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland and East Central Ohio.
As one of Northeast Ohio’s largest nonprofit organizations, Goodwill’s retail thrift social enterprise supports employment, family strengthening, and communitybased programs that served nearly 17,000 people in our local communities in 2023. Goodwill employs over 700 team members across its ten-county territory, which includes Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, Stark, Tuscarawas, Carroll, Harrison, and Jefferson Counties in Ohio and Brooke and Hancock Counties in West Virginia.
In his role at Goodwill, Mark is responsible for strategy and daily operation of Goodwill’s twenty-six retail locations and thirty mission programs. Prior to joining Goodwill in 2018, Mark spent his career working in the behavioral health field, most recently as Chief Executive Officer at Alternative Paths, a mental health and addiction treatment provider in Medina County, Ohio.
In addition to his work at Goodwill, Mark currently serves on the Board of Directors for Pegasus Farm, Stark County
TASC, and The Workforce Development Board of Carroll, Harrison, Jefferson, and Columbiana Counties. Mark also serves on the advisory board for the Development Fund of the Western Reserve.
Mark holds a bachelor’s degree from The University of Akron and an MBA from Liberty University. Mark is also a graduate of Leadership Stark County’s 34th Class and Goodwill Industries International’s Executive Development Program. In 2023, Mark was honored as a recipient of the Twenty Under Forty Award from the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and be inspired!
About the series:
AultCare QuickConnect offers great networking opportunities for business leads. Join Stark County’s premier networking series – enjoy activities, hear speakers, make connections, and savor a delicious meal. Members can promote their business with a 30-second commercial by contributing a $15+ door prize. Contact Ashley to secure your spot: (330) 458-2073 or ashleyw@ cantonchamber.org
Wednesday, July 17 7:30 - 9:00 am
(Registration at 7:00 am) Courtyard by Marriott 4375 Metro Cir NW Canton OH 44720 $25/members, $35/non-members Register by July 10 at www.CantonChamber.org
Wednesday, July 1O • 5..7 PM
19th Hole Canton
101 Central Plaza South, Canton OH 44702
Join us for an evening of networking at the stunning 19th Hole Canton! This is a fantastic opportunity for Chamber members, professionals, and business owners to connect and enjoy light refreshments. Free Indoor golf will also be available. Don't forget to bring your business card to enter our exciting door prize draw.
Chamber Members: Free! Plus, bring a $15 door prize to earn a 30-second "commercial" opportunity to spotlight your business (members-only benefit).
Non-Members: Interested in joining the Chamber? Attend this Business After Hours as our special guest at no charge! Please contact mollyr@cantonchamber.org to secure your spot.
Additional Details: Enjoy a cash bar with happy hour pricing and complimentary light appetizers throughout the event.
Establishing clear goals is crucial for shaping strategies and measuring the e ectiveness of your marketing. SMART marketing goals should be Speci c, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Learn why SMART marketing is essential and how it can drive success in your marketing e orts.
Speci city: Establishing Clear Goals
At the core of SMART marketing lies speci city. Precise goals provide focus and direction and align teams and resources toward a uni ed vision. Formulating speci c marketing goals involves delving into the “Five Ws” – What is the exact aim? Who is the target audience? Where should e orts be concentrated? Why does the goal matter? How will success be measured? For instance, a speci c SMART marketing goal could be to “increase online sales by 20% in the upcoming quarter through targeted email campaigns” rather than a vague goal like “increase sales.”
Measurability: Tracking Progress
E ective marketing relies on tracking campaign performance, enabling evaluation of e ectiveness and re ne strategies. It is important to identify key metrics that align with your SMART marketing goals, such as total website visits, unique visitors, clickthrough rate, and average time spent on the site, when your aim is to increase website tra c.
SMART marketing stresses the importance of setting realistic goals that synchronize with resources and capabilities. Factors such as budget, team capacity, and time restrictions should be considered. Achievable goals help in e cient resource allocation and foster realistic expectations for success.
E ective marketing strategies stem from a deep understanding of business goals. SMART marketing goals should align with overarching business objectives to ensure meaningful contribution to the company’s growth. When outlining marketing goals, it is important to consider how they support the company’s broader vision, tying them to revenue targets, market expansion plans, brand positioning, customer acquisition, and retention strategies.
Time-bound goals provide structure and urgency for execution and evaluation. SMART marketing incorporates speci c timelines or deadlines for accomplishing de ned goals. A well-charted timeline keeps teams accountable and motivated while aligning marketing initiatives with business cycles and market trends.
Crafting SMART marketing goals is an ongoing endeavor, requiring continual monitoring and assessment to ensure strategies remain e ective and adaptable. It is important to regularly review data and metrics to gauge campaign performance and make data-informed decisions.
Real-life instances demonstrate the impact of SMART marketing goals:
•Company XYZ: Achieved a 75% rise in social media engagement within six months through targeted audience analysis, re ned content strategy, and in uential collaborations.
•Company ABC: Surpassed the goal of securing 500 leads through email marketing, tallying 700 quali ed leads through personalized email campaigns and persistent A/B testing.
Through the use of SMART marketing objectives, marketers can create a strategic foundation for adapting to the dynamic digital marketing landscape. This allows the alignment of strategies with overarching business objectives and enables data-driven decisionmaking. By embracing SMART marketing, intentional marketing e orts, precise outcome evaluations, and results-driven strategies can be developed and implemented.
Sincethe BlueprintforManufacturinginNortheastOhiolaunchedin June2021,MAGNEThasrolledupoursleevestomakethevisionof beingagloballeaderinsmartmanufacturinginthenextdecadea reality.Howarewedoingonthisjourney?FindoutintheBlueprint ProgressReport, foundhere.
It’s easy to romanticize being your own boss and striking out on your own. It’s also easy to forget what we know to be true – running a small business is a di cult and life-changing challenge. The rewards are well worth the e ort if you and your family are prepared for life as an entrepreneur. The best way to prepare for those changes is to understand the realities of running a small business before you dive in.
Entrepreneurship is a team sport. Before you launch and get to work, prepare for the changes that owning a business brings so you and your family can make the transition as easy as possible. Here are four places to start as you think through the realities of running a small business.
Income May be Unpredictable at First
A steady paycheck is comforting. The most immediate impact of owning a business is the reality that there’s no longer a check hitting your account every two weeks. Income shifts from expected to unpredictable when you start out on your own.
Creating realistic expectations around income begins before you launch your business. You can lessen the impact of unpredictable income by anticipating how much cash you need to sustain your personal needs and the needs of your business as a lifeline while your business gets o the ground.
You May Need to Forego Some Luxuries
Sacri cing some personal luxuries usually goes hand-in-hand with starting a business. This could mean giving up your daily latte purchase for home-brewed co ee, cooking dinner at home rather than going out, and staying home rather than taking this year’s summer vacation.
It’s important to keep as much cash in your hands as you can when starting out, which means giving up on some of the things you don’t necessarily need. Sacri cing luxuries now will ultimately pay o down the road as your business grows and becomes pro table.
Being your own boss has lots of advantages if you’re willing and able to hold yourself accountable to get the work done. Personal accountability and self-discipline are central to an owner’s success.
If you’re starting your business in your home, you’ll need to work with your family to set rm work hours and boundaries, so work time and family time don’t start to blur together. Dedicate a quiet room or set space in your home as your o ce or workspace. This will make it easier for you to stay on task and help you and your family better recognize boundaries.
Many entrepreneurs nd themselves working harder and for longer hours than they did when working for an employer. And, since there’s no crystal ball in life, there’s no way of knowing for how long the level of hard work will continue until you start to see the payo .
Working hard day-in and day-out for your business takes commitment. Yet, while you can’t expect to run a successful business without hard work, it’s equally important that owners nd ways to maintain a work/life balance. Personal time away from the business is necessary for your health as well as the health of your family and your company.
Preparing now for the realities of owning a small business will better position you for success down the road.
There’s no way to truly know how running a small business will change your life and that of your family’s until you start. One of the best ways to get prepared for these realities is to speak to other business owners who have faced some of the same challenges.
Even better is consulting with a group of business experts. Consider creating a business development board comprised of legal, accounting, banking, and industry professionals who will agree to provide pro bono guidance as you begin. Having a team to guide you can help you prepare yourself—and your family—for what to expect from running your own business.
Assembling a team of supporters around you, and your family, as you prepare to launch your business is something that a SCORE mentor is perfectly positioned to do. A SCORE mentor will serve as a part of your support team and connect you to other professionals who are experts in their eld and in the art of launching a successful business. Your mentor can help you prepare for the realities of running a small business and guide you along the way. Contact a SCORE mentor today.
Since 1964, SCORE “Mentors to America’s Small Business” has helped more than 11 million aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners through mentoring and business workshops. More than 10,000 volunteer business mentors in over 219 chapters serve their communities through entrepreneur education dedicated to the formation, growth and success of small businesses. For more information about starting or operating a small business, call 1 (800) 634-0245 or visit the chapter’s website at www.score.org/canton.
UPCOMING WORKSHOPS: https://www.score.org/canton/local-workshops/score-canton-upcoming-workshops
Political polarization is intensifying across America. Election rhetoric is more in ammatory. Rage is curdling hate. Political stakes are high and voters on both sides are polarized and unwilling to budge. Threats of government shutdowns, the inability of elected o cials to address pressing issues like immigration, runaway de cits, or climate change, and intense political tribalism has led most Americans to conclude government is not only dysfunctional but broken.
Although government is one institution in society, institutional trust is important for economic health. It is associated with many indicators including economic growth, social cohesion and well-being, and the ability of a political system to adopt and sustain policy.
Edelman is a global communications rm that studies public trust and institutions. It developed the Edelman Trust Barometer to study trust between business, governments, non-governmental organizations,
media, and their stakeholders. Edelman concluded that business is most trusted to integrate innovation in society.
As the 2024 political year continues, communities will have a growing need for trusted leadership. While the public continues to lose faith in many institutions, business has an opportunity to make a lasting commitment to the betterment of our communities. Some of your area’s most trusted businesses are contributing to a better future by investing in the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce’s Cultivating Growth program.
The Cultivating Growth program focuses on public policy, urban core, workforce and education, diversity and inclusion, community vitality, business attraction, retention, and expansion, and regional cohesion to strengthen the region’s economic ecosystem. Cultivating Growth provides business partners with an opportunity to capitalize on public trust by making an investment in the organizations, initiatives,
and people creating a brighter future. Trust holds communities together. It allows for innovation and success while it provides protection against fragmentation and con ict.
Cultivating Growth partners are thankful for the trust provided in them and are thankful for the opportunity to invest in the future of the Canton region. To participate in the 2024 Cultivating Growth program please contact Vice President of Workforce and Economic Development
Craig Brown at (330) 458-2059 or via email craigb@cantonchamber.org.
The 2024 Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival will take place in Canton, Ohio this July and August as our community welcomes the 2024 Enshrinees, many returning Hall of Famers, and football fans from across the country. Join us in Canton’s time to shine!
The 2024 Enshrinees are: Dwight Freeney, Randy Gradishar, Devin Hester, Andre Johnson, Steve McMichael, Julius Peppers, and Patrick Willis.
Who doesn’t love a parade? On Sunday, July 21 citizens will enjoy an afternoon in the heart of downtown Canton with family and friends for lots of fanfare and fun! Nearly 100 diverse parade units including community youth groups, marching bands, the walking flag, antique vehicles, and specialty units will participate in this spirit-filled Community Parade. The parade will begin on Market Avenue at 11th Street North and travel South through the heart of downtown. Free event no ticket necessary.Sunday, July 21 | 2:30-4:30 pm | Downtown Canton
The Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival Balloon Classic Presented by Aultman attracts balloonists from throughout the United States. It has become one of the most popular of all Festival events with more than 130,000 spectators viewing the balloon activities over the weekend.
There are a total of five scheduled flights each year, and an exciting Night Glow on Friday evening. Added excitement will be generated by the fabulous fireworks display on Saturday. There is musical entertainment both Friday and Saturday nights along with two children’s areas. NEW THIS YEAR: the Drone Show sponsored by Timken with support from Visit Canton.
Whether you’re in the mood for a funnel cake or a slice of pizza there is a vendor to meet your appetite! The Balloon Classic Presented by Aultman is truly an event for all families and friends to attend! Free event no ticket necessary Friday, July 26Sunday, July 38 | 4:00 pm | Kent State University at Stark/ Stark State College
Don’t miss the chance to experience the excitement and beauty of the Kent State University at Stark campus, while hot air balloons float in the sky (weather permitting). This event is for both serious and casual runners and walkers. Following the 5K run, at 8:50 am, there will be a FREE KIDS FUN RUN on the track near the finish line for ages 8 and under.
5K Run/Walk Registration Fee: $35
Saturday, July 27 | 8:00 am | Kent State University at Stark
The Play Football Skills Camp, for children ages 11-14, features football activities designed for all skill levels. Hall of Famers will be on the field to assist and encourage camp participants. A special component to the camp is a panel discussion that takes place with a Hall of Famer and other special guests on values learned
from the game. Contact the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Tuesday, July 30 | 6:00 pm | Youth Sports Complex, Pro Football Hall of Fame
For the 24th year, the national celebration will begin with Play Football First Play presented by Panini. This great event features thousands of children who form a human chain and pass a football along a 3-mile route from the location in downtown Canton, where the NFL was founded, to the front steps of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Contact the Pro Football Hall of Fame.Wednesday, July 31 |10:00 a.m. | Canton
HALL OF FAME GAME The Chicago Bears will take on the Houston Texans in the 2024 Hall of Fame Game. The matchup, which kicks off the National Football League’s 105th season in the city where the League was born. Contact the Pro Football Hall of Fame.Thursday, August 1 |8:00 pm | Hall of Fame Field at Tom Benson Stadium
PRO FOOTBALL HALL OF FAMER GROUP PHOTO The Class of 2024 and all returning Hall of Famers gather in Downtown Canton, OH at Centennial Plaza for a group photo for media and the fans. Contact the Pro Football Hall of Fame.Friday, August 2 | 10:30 am | Centennial Plaza
FASHION SHOW LUNCHEON PRESENTED BY CRYSTAL CLINIC PLASTIC SURGEONS This is one of the inaugural events of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival. It is arguably the largest and finest fashion show in Ohio with nearly 3,000 guests. Showcasing a variety of fashions, including men, women and children’s clothing from local and national stores and using stateof-the-art sound, lighting, and video this is a show you don’t want to miss!
The 720 Market will host an outdoor pop up shop experience before the show beginning at 9 am, guests can shop until 11 am. Grab a mimosa while you shop at our mimosa bar! Tickets starting at $75. Friday, August 2 | 11 am | Memorial Civic Center and Cultural Center
Experience the iconic moment as the Class of 2024 receives their first symbol of induction to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, the Gold Jacket. Joining them are over 100 returning Hall of Famers who will form the “Gauntlet” to welcome the new class as they receive their Gold Jackets. Tickets are limited!Friday, August 2 | 5:00 pm | Memorial Civic Center and Cultural Center
THE CANTON REPOSITORY GRAND PARADE More than 200,000 spectators will gather along a 2.2 mile stretch of Cleveland Avenue to welcome members ofthe Class of 2024 and many returning Hall of Famers. Specialty units, giant helium balloons, fabulous floats and marching bands will also dazzle the crowd! Reserved bleachers, chairs, and disabled seating: $15/seat plus fees. All other seating is free to the public. Saturday, August 3 | 8:00 am | Downtown Canton
EDGE IT The newest members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame are Dwight Freeney, Randy Gradishar, Devin Hester, Andre Johnson, Steve McMichael, Julius Peppers, and Patrick Willis. Contact the Pro Football Hall of Fame.Saturday, August 3 | 12:00 Noon | Hall of Fame Field at Tom Benson Stadium
CLASS OF 2024 UNSCRIPTED & TAILGATE PRESENTED BY CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF This one-of-a-kind event offers an unscripted, up-close-and-personal experience with the 2024 class of Pro Football Hall of Famers. It kicks off with an ultimate tailgate experience presented by the world-renowned chefs of Certified Angus Beef. As the afternoon progresses, the new class of Hall of Famers will take the stage to share untold stories from their lives and careers in football. Tickets starting at $91.
Sunday, August 4 | 11 a.m. | Memorial Civic Center and Cultural Center
The multi-platinum and award-winning superstar will grace the stage, promising an unforgettable performance on August 4. Seize the opportunity to experience the live magic of Carrie Underwood in concert as Hall of Fame Village consistently delivers world-class entertainment.
Contact the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Saturday, August 4 | 8:00 p.m. | Hall of Fame Field at Tom Benson Stadium
BLUECOATS - INNOVATIONS IN BRASS PRESENTED BY SOLOTECH Catch the Bluecoats alongside 9 of the world’s greatest drum & bugle corps and Bluecoats’ Rhythm IN BLUE for our largest drum corps show, back in Stark County. Go to www.bluecoats.com. Tickets starting at $27.
Monday, August 5 | 7:00 p.m. | Hall of Fame Field at Tom Benson Stadium
For the past 60+ years, the Pro Football Hall of Fame and Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce have partnered to produce the annual festivities celebrating the induction of a new Class into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Both organizations rely heavily on a team of more than 2,500 extraordinary community volunteers who work year-round with the professional staffs to plan the events. General Chairperson Kim Davenport and General Vice Chairperson Vi Leggett lead that team, with the strong support and dedication of the following committee chairs:
Kim Davenport, General Chairperson
Vi Leggett, General Vice Chairperson
Nate Mayle, Balloon Classic
Presented by Aultman
Todd Ascani, Enshrinees’ Gold
Jacket Dinner Presented by Haggar
John Runion, Up, Up & Away 5K
Presented by OrthoUnited
Joanna James, Community Parade
Jeff Burner, The Canton Repository Grand Parade
Amy Burner, Security & Logistics
Kim Davenport General Chairperson
Emily Clevenger, Fashion Show Luncheon
Presented by Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons
Peter Carbone & Denny Kinkead, Food
Mary Burkett, Staging
Mike Jones, Special Services
Steve Abbott, Class of 2024 Unscripted & Tailgate Presented by Certified Angus Beef
Nick Mazzocca, Appreciation Party
Joyce Salapack, Souvenirs
Michael Janaske, Communications
Beth Hirschman & Selena Blackford, Hospitality
Arndt Haddenbrock
Franchise Owner, 100% Chiropractic Jackson Township (Ohio) 7166 Fulton Drive NW – Suite #112 – Canton, OH 44718
I highly recommend membership in the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce and also participation in one of the TIP clubs. The connections and friendships you will make are very valuable. We had our ribbon cutting event last week and my friends from the Jackson Township Tip club that meets at Buehler’s showed up in force to support our new business venture! Molly Romig has all the info you need to become a member and to learn about all of the benefits.
Vi Leggett General Vice Chairperson
Lauren Dalesandro, Hostesses
Larry Tolson Enshrinement of Class of 2024 Presented by Visual Edge IT Drew Felberg, Guest Services
Agatha Johnson, Hotel Ambassadors
Lou Giavasis, Concert for Legends
Steve Neisel, Corporate Host
Tim Jones, Autograph
Maureen Schmucker, Volunteer Services
Joel Chenevey, Security
Traci Tsai, Hall of Fame Game
Bob Vero & Esha North, Transportation
Dan Levengood, First Play
Snapshot enthusiast or professional photographer? All are invited to enter by taking photos at any of the outdoor Enshrinement Festival events beginning July 21 through August 4. Awards will be given in event categories, and some of the winning photos may be used in future Enshrinement Festival publications.
Prizes may be awarded to each of the five first place photos chosen from the following categories: Community Parade, Balloon Classic presented by Aultman, The Canton Repository Grand Parade, and Up, Up & Away 5K presented by OrthoUnited.
Multiple honorable mention awards may also be given in each category. A Best of Show winner will be selected from all entries.
Up to 10 photos can be submitted for a single entry fee of $10. If you have more than 10 great photos to submit, multiple entry fees are welcomed. Entry forms are available at the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce and on the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival website at www.ProFootballHOFEF.com. The complete Enshrinement Festival schedule of events is also available on the website.
Digital photo submissions will be accepted; visit www.ProFootballHOFEF.com for details. Entries can also be mailed or delivered to: Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, 222 Market Ave. N., Canton, OH 44702. The deadline for receiving or uploading photos is 5 p.m. on August 23.
Michelle Alessandro
Marina Cernik
Olivia Clokey
Brad Cottrill
Leasa Craig
AJ Digby
Caroline Eberhard
Juanita Gray
Delaney Green
Meg Himebaugh
Adam Hopkins
Chris Hostetler
Sierra Hudson
Travis Kelley
Rochelle King
Dannie Mack
Rhea Malmgren
Bryce Mathie
Jonathon McCoury
Isabelle Menegay
Tracy Nicodemo
Jacob Pries
Andrew Quick
Brandon Rohrer
Joseph Rosace
Mackenzie Scrocco
Jessica Shanabarger
Sarah Venables
Miracle Walker
Emily Willis
Founded on the idea that thriving communities start with healthy businesses, Westfield Bank takes pride in being a full-service banking partner invested in the Canton business community.
That’s why we’re pleased to welcome to our team Jeff Snyder, SVP, market leader, as he brings extensive experience supporting Canton area small businesses.
Join us for the July luncheon featuring Ruth M. Bowdish, MSPsy, LICDC, CEAP, SAP. Ruth share her expertise on “Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness, Wellness and Safety”.
Positive psychology is the scienti c study of what makes life most worth living, focusing on human strengths, virtues, and factors that contribute to overall well-being, safety, and happiness. Unlike traditional psychology, which often concentrates on diagnosing and treating mental illness, positive psychology aims to understand and promote the aspects of life that lead to ourishing and ful llment.
Thursday, July 11
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Alex D. Krassas Event Center 251 - 25th St., NW Canton, OH 44709
Cost: $24
Buy a Season Pass and SAVE. Get 12 luncheons for the price of 10!
Network, connect, and learn at our Monthly Safety Luncheons while enjoying great food and valuable insights. Unlock ultimate convenience and savings with our exclusive Season Pass luncheon tickets, now available for just $240! Secure your spot at all 12 regular monthly luncheons and enjoy two extra luncheons for free – that’s 12 luncheons for the price of 10!
By purchasing a Season Pass, you’ll also meet the eligibility requirements for the FY25 rebate (eligibility requirements apply)*.
2,511 Sq. ft. partially furnished class “A” ground oor o ce suite for lease with three (3)private o ces, reception/waiting room area, conference room, bullpen area with cubicles, one (1) ADA restroom, storage room, and a kitchenette with a fridge. New roof 2021, new asphalt and new LED lighting in and out.
Convenient Belden Village location between Everhard & Dressler in Jackson Township (no personal or corporate income tax) along prestigious Munson St. Ground oor unit with plenty of parking in professionally managed building.
Other tenants include Erie Insurance, Ohio Retina Association and David J. Simmons & Associates
What our partners have in common is a desire to make a di erence in their community and play a role in long-standing, local traditions. Have you always wanted your company to get involved with the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement?
Do you want to be a part of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting, Business After Hours or Vintage Canton, but you were not sure how?
By working collaboratively, we can create a partnership of shared value that tailors to your organization, your social investment strategy and successfully impacts you’re your bottom line. Let’s do it!
We can help you reach businesses, the community at large, and highlight your company’s dedication to
Stark County. Learn how you can be a part of Stark County’s biggest traditions and largest network. CONTACT Melissa Coultas at (330) 458-2055 or melissac@cantonchamber.org.
The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) offers employers many different rating, bonus and rebate programs to encourage cost control, return to work, efficiency and safety. If you are interested in enrolling in a BWC program, or are already enrolled, here are some important deadline dates to remember. If you have any questions, contact our Sedgwick program manager, Dominic Potinaat 614-579-4723
Action Required Public Employers Private Employers
Deductible Program
Application deadline for re-enrolling and for new participants
Annual report deadline
Drug Free Safety Program (DFSP)
Application deadline for new participants
Online safety management self-assessment (SH-26) deadline and accident analysis training deadline (initial year only; new supervisors have 60 days from hire date to complete)
EM Cap Education requirements deadline
Group Experience Rating Application deadline for re-enrolling and for new participants
Group Retrospective Rating Application deadline for re-enrolling and for new participants
Group Rating & Group Retrospective Rating (employers with a claim in the green period)
Individual Retrospective Rating
Deadline to complete 2 hours of BWC approved training or BWC's online accident analysis form and safety class and to report all training to Sedgwick
Application deadline for re-enrolling and for new participants
Application deadline for re-enrolling and for new participants
Jul 31, 2024 (2025 rating year)
Sep 30, 2024 (2024 rating year)
Nov 30, 2024 (2025 rating year)
Jan 31, 2025 (2025 rating year)
Sep 30, 2024 (2024 rating year)
May 31, 2024 (2025 rating year)
Jul 31, 2024 (2025 rating year)
Dec 31, 2024 (2024 rating year)
Jul 31, 2024 (2025 rating year)
Jul 31, 2024 (2025 rating year)
Jan 31, 2025 (2025 rating year)
Mar 31, 2024 (2023 rating year)
May 31, 2024 (2024 rating year)
Jul 31, 2024 (2024 rating year)
Mar 31, 2024 (2023 rating year)
Nov 25, 2024 (2025 rating year)
Jan 31, 2025 (2025 rating year)
Jun 30, 2024 (2023 rating year)
Jan 31, 2025 (2025 rating year)
Jan 31, 2025 (2025 rating year)
One Claim Program
Safety Council Program
Transitional Work Bonus (TWB)
Education requirements must be completed
Attendance of 10 in-person safety council meetings must be completed
Application deadline for re-enrolling and for new participants
Application deadline for new participants
Sep 30, 2024 (2024 rating year)
Jun 30, 2024 (2022 rating year)
Jul 31, 2024 (2023 rating year)
Nov 30, 2024 (2025 rating year)
Mar 31, 2024 (2023 rating year)
Jun 30, 2024 (2023 rating year)
Jul 31, 2024 (2024 rating year)
May 31, 2024 (2024 rating year)
WELCOME to our newest members, who joined Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce in May. We encourage you to patronize their businesses. If you know of other businesses that would benefit from Chamber membership, please contact Molly Romig, Vice President – Membership Development and Services at 330-415-2158.
Ace Carpet Cleaning Co. (CARPET CLEANING)
Jennifer Bolyard, Owner 4300 – 30th St. NW Canton, OH 44718 (330)492-0544
info@acecarpetcleaningco.com www.acecarpetcleaningco.com
Ace Carpet Cleaning offers services tailored to meet the unique needs of homeowners. Our skilled technicians understand the importance of a clean and healthy living environment, and we utilize hot water extraction with advanced equipment and proven technique to achieve exceptional results.
If you book a job with Ace Carpet Cleaning and mention the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce we will give you 10% off.
Akron Reserve Ammunition, Inc. (SPORTING GOODS)
Ryan Stanley 346 – 11th St. SE Massillon, OH 44646 (877)338-2666 ryan@ammunitionstore.com www.ammunitionstore.com
Akron Reserve Ammunition, Inc. was founded in 2010. Akron Reserve Ammunition, Inc. specializes in Ammunition. Visit our website for full product details and information.
Alexander Funeral Home (FUNERAL HOMES)
Rachel Alexander 8612 Ohio 39 Millersburg, OH 44654 (330)674-4811
Alexanderfhinc38@gmail.com www.alexanderfhinc.com
The loss of a loved one can leave you with a lot of unanswered questions, feelings of stress and anxiety and grief that makes events
difficult to handle. The experienced funeral directors at Alexander Funeral Home, Inc. will guide you through the aspects of the funeral service with compassion, dignity and respect. Our staff of dedicated professionals is available to assist you in making funeral service arrangements. From casket choices to funeral flowers, the funeral directors at Alexander Funeral Home, Inc. provide individualized funeral services designed to meet the needs of each family.
Our honest service and commitment to excellence have served our customers well, and you can rest assured that we can assist you in your time of need.
All Seasons
Rodney Bomar, Owner/Window Cleaning Specialists 819 30th Street NW Canton, OH 44709
All Seasons Window Cleaning is providing window cleaning for residential and commercial customers with very affordable rates. We also offer full service janitorial cleaning services as well. Need pressure washing? We do that as well. No job is too big or too small. We value each and every customer! Discounts for senior citizens. Contact us for information or a quote on your next cleaning service.
Jennifer Roundinelli, Marketing Manager 4410 Belden Village St. NW
North Canton, OH 444718
Experts in Clothing Alterations
You can expect nothing but the best from our team of in-house tailors and seamstresses. During your visit, first, our staff will walk you through a private fitting and discuss what you’re looking to have done to your clothing items. Then, we’ll provide on-the-spot pricing for your alterations. Our customers can also access same-day or next-day alterations, and our ‘Pant Hems While You Wait’ service. Check out our express alteration options & see what ‘America’s Tailor Shop’ can do for you.
We complete most clothing alterations in just 4 days. But, we also provide our customers with next-day, 2, or 3-day alteration options. Keep in mind that our faster alterations do have the additional cost of an express fee.
Paul DiGiacobbe 2014 Champions Gateway – Suite 201 Canton, OH 44708
pdigiacobbe@arco1.com www.arconational.com
Founded in 1992 on the principle that construction should be an enjoyable and beneficial process for our associates and customers, ARCO has grown to become a leader in the design-build industry with offices in 42 major markets nationwide. As the 3rd largest design-build general contractor in the U.S., ARCO offers the strength and presence of a national builder with the personalized attention of a small company. Our professional, qualified team of engineers, project managers, superintendents, and architects is capable of designing and building the most demanding project anywhere in the country. We pride ourselves in offering the best, most cost-effective singlesource solutions and adding value to every project.
Chestly Lunday, Owner 554 Hastings Court Akron, OH 44319
Schedule a call online chestly@chestlylunday.com www.chestlylunday.com
Helping churches solve generational decline with insightful research, engaging presentations, and strategic coaching.
The American Church is about to fall off the generational cliff. By 2033, 15 million Baby Boomers will age out of church participation. The Church will decline more rapidly than ever before as our most loyal, generous, and active generation fades into history, and with their absence, more than 1 in 8 of today’s churches will shut their doors. What serves a pre-digital generation repels a digitally immersed generation making navigating generational engagement even scarier.
Generational change is upending the church, and without a proven engagement strategy for Millennials and Gen Z, your church could be one of them.
ColorWrap Inc.
Erin Ross 159 N. Wardell St. Uhrichsville, OH 44683 officeassistant@colorwrapinc.com
ColorWrap is an exterior and interior solutions company for the Fenestration Industry. CWI is AAMA/FGIA VCL listed for AAMA 613 & 615. By offering Lineal Painting, Finish Unit Painting and Interior & Exterior Lamination services CWI is able to meet the needs of your customers because one size does not fit all.
Justin Lewis, Owner 1400 Whipple Ave. NW Canton, OH 44708 (330)269-7181 info@driveeasy.co www.driveeasy.co
We are your trusted destination for quality pre-owned vehicles in Canton, Ohio. As a family-owned and operated dealership, we are committed to providing an outstanding car-buying experience centered around integrity, reliability, and exceptional service.
At DriveEasy, we recognize that purchasing a vehicle is more than just a transaction – it’s an investment in your lifestyle and peace of mind. That’s why we hand-select each vehicle in our inventory, ensuring that only the finest used cars, trucks, and SUVs make it onto our lot. Whether you’re searching for a fuelefficient sedan, a versatile SUV, or a rugged pickup truck, we have a wide selection of vehicles to suit your needs and budget.
Lindsay Kirkman, Business Development Specialist 4268 Strausser St. North Canton, OH 44720 (234)200-5303 office@gigconstruction.com www.gigconstruction.com
Gridiron Guys Construction is family owned and operated. Since our start in 2003, we have grown to become one of Northeast Ohio’s top-rated construction companies. The foundation of our company is built upon exceptional customer service and the quality of our workmanship is held to the highest standards. We are registered with an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and 5 star ratings with Home Advisor Pro and Angie’s List. Gridiron Guys
is known for our expertise in residential and commercial roofing. Our skilled professionals are trained and certified in many different phases of construction. We guarantee that the quality of the building products used will be of professional grade and installed to manufacturer’s specifications. View our Warranties here.
We are family owned and operated with a strong background not only in construction, but also in business management.
Matthew Hahlen 2195 Knox School Rd. Alliance, OH 44601
matt@hahlenlineservices.com (330)525-0750 www.hahlenlineservices.com
We are a natural gas and public utility company serving Northeast, Central, Southeast and Western Ohio. We employ licensed and trained technicians safety certified by Industrial Training Services, OSHA, and the Utility Commission.
Mark A. Short & Associates (MARKETING & DIGITAL AGENCY)
Mark Short 1200 E. Market St. – Suite 361 Akron, OH 44305 (330)546-5600
mark@masassoc.com www.masassoc.com
Digital Marketing Made Simple. ResultOriented Digital Marketing Agency at Your Service.
We offer every single digital marketing and digital accessibility service to help businesses reach the heights they desire.
Want to grow your business; yet aren’t sure about which services you need? Schedule a 30-minute conversation with one of our experts today. It’s completely FREE!
(continued on next page)
Dominate the online world and boost your conversion rate with Mark A. Short & Associates’ prime digital marketing services and technology platform.
Our Team comprises Growth-Driven Local Marketing Experts residing in almost every single state in the United States and all across the globe. With us, you’ll have access to your own go-to dedicated account manager who knows all the ins and outs of your local market and will help you achieve your goals and grow your business in an efficient manner.
Ryan Fearon, SMB Channel Consultant 121 Kenridge Rd. Fairlawn, OH 44333
rfearon@paychex.com www.paychex.com
Paychex, Inc. (Nasdaq:PAYX) is a leading provider of integrated human capital management solutions for payroll, benefits, human resources, and insurance services. Industry expertise since 1971
A top HR outsourcer — serving 2.2M worksite employees through our HR outsourcing solutions
Payroll is complex for small and mediumsized businesses and Paychex can make it simple. We were the original disruptors, starting small but thinking big. Today we are a leading provider of integrated human capital management solutions for HR, payroll, retirement plans, employee benefits, business insurance. Contact me today for a quote and additional information.
We are Canton, Ohio’s first dedicated indoor pickleball facility. With a 20,000 square foot complex, we have 8 courts that include 3 championship courts with expanded overruns sized for tournament play.
We offer league, individual, and group lessons, pickleball camps, tournaments, and open play.
Play as a guest; monthly memberships; annual memberships - every one can play. Great venue for parties and events as well. Stop in soon, call us or visit our website for additional information.
Sensory Escape (SENSORY GYM)
Mishka Macey, Managing Director 1950 Whipple Ave. NW Canton, OH 44708 (330)546-0083
mishka@sensoryescape.com www.sensoryescape.com
Sensory Escape is a sensory gym tailored for neurodiverse children aged 3-12. We offer a variety of sensory experiences, from calming rooms to interactive sensory equipment, all designed to support children’s development in communication, motor skills, and social interaction. Our dedicated team is committed to creating an inclusive space where children can explore and grow at their own pace.
partner businesses to gain “real-world” work and career experience, honing their professional skills while being provided with valuable insights in selecting an appropriate career path. Such opportunities include employment, job shadowing, internships, career speakers and field trips. Work-Based Learning guidelines are established by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.
In a Work-Based Learning partnership, your business will collaborate with Compact educational representatives to offer an experience that best suits your company and the student while gaining a generation of tech savvy employees possessing well developed professional skills at the forefront of technological advancements.
United Rentals / Reliable Onsite Services (EQUIPMENT RENTAL – LEASING)
Jessica Banks, Outside Sales Representative 1050 Killian Rd. Akron, OH 44312 (330)733-9000
Branch63B@ur.com www.unitedrentals.com/solutions/ specialty-solutions/reliable-onsite-services
Our purpose: To build a better future together. We work together with our customers, communities and employees to find solutions with a shared commitment to service and safety. To us, this is a simple, but powerful notion we call Work United™. It’s a shared mindset. One of partnership that helps us face any challenge, together.
Prime Pickleball (SPORTS & RECREATION)
Jason He, Certified Instructor 4736 Dressler Rd. Canton, OH 44718
primepickleballclub@gmail.com www.primepickleballclub.playbypoint.com
Kevin Hart, Career and Work-Based Learning Coordinator 1801 Schneider St. NE Canton, OH 44721
The Stark County Career Compact is a collaboration of four school districts which offer over 35 Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathway programs to students in grades 7-12 at the following schools:
Students enrolled in pathway programs are encouraged to participate in WorkBased Learning opportunities with local
United Rentals, Inc. is the largest equipment rental company in the world. The company has an integrated network of 1,465 rental locations in North America, 14 in Europe, 27 in Australia and 19 in New Zealand. In North America, the company operates in 49 states and every Canadian province. The company’s approximately 25,000 employees serve construction and industrial customers, utilities, municipalities, homeowners and others.
31 Incorporated
A-1 Steak House & Sushi Bar
Abbott Electric Inc.
Accel Pest Control
Accurate Door Systems Inc.
Akron Auto Auction
Alborn Excavating, LLC
A-List Properties
Altercare of Nobles Pond
Amy Wengerd Group -EXP Realty
Apple Growth Partners
Arrowhead Golf and Banquet Center
ASCEND: Rejuvenate.Educate
Aunt Alyee’s Berd-House Deli and Catering
Baker, Dublikar, Beck, Wiley & Mathews
Bear Carpet One Floor & Home
Beatty’s Sports
Bittinger Carbide, LLC
Bixler Moore, LLC
Bob and Pete’s Floors, Inc.
Brechbuhler Truck Sales
Breitenbach Wine Cellars
Brosnahan Concrete Construction
Buckeye Landscapes & Designs
Buckeye Paper Company Inc
Bu alo Wild Wings – Belden Village
Building Industry Assoc. of Stark and East Central Ohio
Bulk Carriers Transportation Equipment
Business Communication Specialists
Canton Data Print
Canton Erectors Incorporated
Canton Sign Company
Canton South BMV License Agency
Carolina Stair Supply Co.
Carroll Hills Industries
Caveney Inc. Servpro of Stark County, BSM
Central Ohio Recovery Inc..
Chad Coyle DDS LLC
Christ Presbyterian Church
Christophers Hair & Nails
Chuck Nicholson GMC Inc.
City of Canton
Classic Stoneworks LLC
Clearview Golf Club
Clearwater Systems
Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital
Conley’s Service, LLC
Cross Truck Equipment Co. Inc.
Custer Products
Cutler Real Estate
D.A. Bagnola & Company, Inc.
Dan Weaver Trucking LLC
DaVita – Belden Community Dialysis
Deco-Crete Supply, Inc.
Dennis Salapack, DDS
Dermatology Surgery & Cosmetics of NE Ohio Inc.
Dioguardi’s Italian Market & Deli
Direct Action Co., Inc.
Dollar Bank Servicing Center
Don Polo Mexican Food
Don Shula’s American Kitchen
Dorward Thinking Co., LLC
DoubleTree by Hilton Canton Downtown
Dream Vacations
Dundee Automotive, Inc.
Edward C. Levy Co.
Embassy Suites by Hilton
Akron-Canton Airport
Emmanuel Paradeses
E-Tank, Ltd.
Evans Industries, Inc.
Excel ENT, Allergy and Hearing Solutions
FASTSIGNS of Central Canton
Fedorko Chiropractic Health Center
Fireside Tax, Inc.
Fish Window Cleaning
Flory Fabricators Inc.
Forever Lawn NEO
Four Fifteen Group
Foxtrot Aviation Services
Framer’s Workshop
Fulton Title Corp.
Ganser Dental
Giant Eagle on the Strip
Giltz & Associates Inc.
dba One Easton Co. LLC
Girls on the Run East Central Ohio
GMC Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Great Lakes Best One Tire & Service
Greener Grass Organic Lawn & Pest
Gregory Industries
Habitat for Humanity East Central Ohio
Hall of Fame Senior Bene ts
Hamlin Newco LLC
Hartzler’s Quality Housing
Haymaker Tree and Lawn Inc.
Heggy’s Nut Shop Inc.
Heidelberg Materials
Heinemann Saw Company
Heitger Funeral Service
Hey Neighbor LLC
Historic Zoar Village
Home 2 Suites by Hilton
Home Preferred Home Care
Hoopes Fertilizer Works, inc.
Hostetler Insurance Group
Hub-Victor Trophies & Awards
Hughes Kitchens and Baths
IMAGIN3D Engineering Solutions
Inn at Whitewood Village
Integrity Group Services LLC
Janson Industries
JDT Industrial Welding Services, Inc.
Jenny CAN Cleaning Company
JJK and Associates Allstate
Johnny O’s Landscaping Inc.
Julz by Alan Rodriguez
Kelly Ann Roth DDS
Kids World Play Systems
Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc.
Knight Material Technologies
Koby Electric
Kolp Real Estate
La Pizzaria Restaurant, Inc.
Lake Sherman Village –
UMH Properties, Inc.
Laubacher Upholstery Inc.
Leppo, Inc.
Liberty Ford Lincoln Canton LLC
Liberty HealthShare
Love’s Travel Stops
Major League Tire - Massillon
Mary Ann Donut Shoppe, Inc.
Mary Kay - Ashley Winter Independent
Beauty Consultant
Massana Construction Company Inc.
MCF Industries, Inc.
(continued on next page)
McKay Gross Division/ Ray H. Miller Logging & Lumber LLC
MDS Foods, Inc.
Media 144 Security Solutions
Medical Mutual of Ohio
Merrill Lynch
Milligan Pusateri Co., LPA
Millwood Lumber Inc.
Mobo Med Spa – Akron Canton
Morris Flooring & Design
MT Systems, Inc.
Nail Design
Nathan’s Patio Bar & Grill
National Beauty College
National First Ladies Library
New Horizon Financial Group
No Limits Transportation
North Canton Drain Service
North Canton Racquet Club, Inc
Northstar Asphalt Inc.
Ohio Audiology Associates
Ohio Gratings
Ohio Roo ng & Restoration
Olde Wood Limited
Omega Cementing Co.
Orrville Pet Spa & Resort, LLC
Oswald Companies
Papa Johns Pizza
Parcher Team at Howard Hanna
Paul Yoder Construction
Peaceful Enterprises, LLC
Pedal Stomper Productions
Petitti Garden Centers
Phantom Fireworks of Canton
Philip H. Dixon DDS, Inc.
Phoenix Rising Behavioral Healthcare & Recovery, Inc.
Pipes Insurance Service
Play It Again Sports
Premier Bank
Premier Pharmacy
Professional Aviation Aircraft Services
Professional Detailing Products
Quass Sheet Metal, Inc.
Quickdraft Inc.
R J Wilson & Co CPA Inc
R.G. Smith Co.
R.L. Edwards Company
Rae’s on Court – Cocktail Bar & Event Center
Rice’s Landscapes Rede ned
Richard Kobasic State Farm Insurance
RiverTree Christian Church
Robert’s Embroidery & Screen Printing
Rooster’s Canton, Inc
Rose Lane Nursing and Rehabilitation
Ryan Homes
Sam Palleschi Enterprises
Samantha’s Restaurant – North MarketNorth Canton
Samantha’s Restaurant – North Portage
Samaritan Care, Inc.
Sanctuary – A Digital Marketing Agency
SB Welding & Design, LLC
SBN – Stark Business Networking
Scott Talbot Salonspa
Seven Seventeen Credit Union, Inc.
Shark Distributing LLC
She Elevates, Inc.
Shreiner Company, Inc.
Silver Leaf Contracting
Skipco Auto Auction
Smyth Retail Systems
Sound Energy Company, Inc.
Southeastern Equipment Co. Inc
Spectrum Reach
SSB Community Bank
Staley Technologies Inc
Standard Printing Company
Stark County Auditor Alan Harold
Stark County Auto Dealers Assn
Stark County Community
Enterprise Corporation
Stark County Educational Service Center
Stark County Park District
Stark County T.A.S.C., Inc.
Stark County Veterinary
Emergency Clinic
Stark Education Partnership
Stark Grease Service Inc.
Strata Granite & Marble
Sun Valley Auto Repair, LLC
The Center for Renewed Minds
The Junkluggers of Akron-Canton
The Karcher Group Inc
The Klingstedt Brothers Company
The Paul Kaufman Co., Inc.
The Spa at Atrium, LLC
The Timken Company
Thermtrol Corporation
Tower Industries
Troyer’s Genuine Trail Bologna
U S Casting Company
Under Pressure Systems, LLC
UniFirst Corporation
United Site Services Inc.
US Acute Care Solutions
V & S Schuler Engineering
Valentine Photography
Van’s Tire & Brake of Alliance
dba Van’s Tire Pros
Ventrone Excavating, Inc.
Victory Production Enhancement
Visual Edge IT
Wallace Forge Company
Warther Cutlery
WayMaker Medical & Care Sta ng, LLC
Wayne Savings Community Bank
Wenger Farms LLC
Weston and Associates
Winkhart & Minor LLC/ Cornerstone Real Estate Title
Zoned Comfort Heating & Cooling
GBS, a leading national information solutions provider headquartered in North Canton, Ohio, held a groundbreaking ceremony on June 19 for the major expansion of its GBS/DLXDeals warehouse located in Jackson Township.
As a major commitment to its business, clients and employees, GBS considers its warehouse expansion project to be the newest exciting phase of the organization’s ongoing growth. The 29,258 square-foot addition is a continuation of their commitment to operate and grow in Jackson Township; it also represents a major investment in their rapidly growing distribution, storage and third-party logistics (3PL) service capabilities. This project will also create new job opportunities within their founding city of North Canton.
After a few years of outsourcing additional space needs, GBS will be able to bring distribution for its GBS BrandConnect and DLXDeals business units in-house, with a signi cant capacity increase that will bene t virtually every GBS vertical. The new state-of-the-art facility will feature maximum racking, cutting-edge equipment and enhanced warehouse management technology, allowing GBS to keep pace with rising demand from their own businesses and the expanding needs from their client base.
With initial discussions only beginning early this year, GBS partnered with economic development groups at the local, regional and state level for support and speed of execution. Additionally, FoggBuilding Methods, a long-standing contractor with experience in building warehouse/logistics projects throughout northeast Ohio, is helping GBS remain on schedule for completion and occupancy before the end of the year.
Ultimately, GBS envisions this expansion of its warehouse as yet another example of how its Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) structure creates opportunities for GBS employee-owners to share in the company’s continued success.
Total Distribution, Inc. has been named to Food Logistics’ Top 3PL & Cold Storage Providers list for 2024 recognizing it as a leading third-party logistics and cold storage provider in the cold food and beverage industry.
TDI specializes in a variety of commodities from chemicals and plastics to consumer
goods and foods. Its services include, but are not limited to warehouse inventory management, food-grade warehouses with bulk storage, e cient cross docking and transloading, value-added automotive assembly, drumming and packaging facilities, and on-site eet of trucks and food grade trailers.
Total Distribution, Inc. as well as the rest of this year’s Top 3PL & Cold Storage Providers appeared in the May/June 2024 print issue of Food Logistics, and online at https:// foodl.me/3jn66v5p.
WRL Advertising (WRL) proudly announces its 70th anniversary, marking seven decades of innovative advertising and marketing excellence. Since its founding in 1954, WRL has grown into a cornerstone of the advertising industry, serving more than 220 clients in twenty-two states and several countries. The agency is renowned for delivering marketing solutions that build trust and generate positive business results for our clients.
Over the past 70 years, WRL has consistently pushed the boundaries of creativity, expertly helping clients connect with their audiences where they live. With the ethos of Think. Create. Design., the agency utilizes thoughtful strategy, tailored messaging, and skilled design to give its clients a sustainable competitive advantage. This milestone anniversary is a testament to the company’s employee experience, longevity, customer loyalty, and the unwavering support of its vendors and industry partners.
As WRL looks ahead, the agency is excited to continue building on its legacy of excellence and innovation, evolving with the industry. In the last decade alone, WRL has invested in both its people and technology systems to help its clients meet the latest digital marketing demands.
“We are thrilled to celebrate this signi cant milestone and re ect on the journey that brought us here,” said Je LeBeau, President of WRL Advertising. “One tradition has always remained – a solid foundation of exceptional individuals. Our team is small, and we depend on each other to deliver daily, consistent work that creates results for our customers.”
From results-oriented videographers and graphic designers with years of experience to young social media managers and SEO strategists, the team works together to
guide its clients to the best possible solutions. WRL fosters a creative environment where employees can Think. Create. Design. for many more years to come.
Rich Craig, managing partner at 415 Group, has been named one of the top 200 CPAs in the country by Forbes. He is one of only three CPAs from Ohio named to the list.
This was Forbes’ inaugural list of the best CPAs. Created by the Forbes editorial sta , the list includes the top CPAs active in the U.S. in public practice, sourced through independent nominations and accolades from CPA societies and associations. Almost a year of research went into the making of this list.
“It is an honor to be included on Forbes’ list, but this is truly an award shared by all of my colleagues, who bring experience and energy to our rm every day,” says Craig. “Our goal is to provide clients with a partnership, giving them the best advice, support and services.”
With Craig making this national list, the 415 Group name appears alongside some of the biggest and most well-known accounting rms in the country. Craig will be attending the Top 200 CPAs celebration at Forbes on Fifth in New York City this August, where he will be networking with leading rms and CPAs from across the country.
This national ranking for Craig comes on the heels of 415 Group’s inclusion in another prestigious list, “America’s Most Recommended Tax Firms,” compiled by USA Today and Statista. Craig credits his success, as well as the rm’s, to the talented team of accountants and IT professionals that comprise the 415 Group team.
Craig has more than 30 years of experience in accounting and consulting expertise. In addition to being a Certi ed Public Accountant (CPA), he is Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV), Certi ed in Financial Forensics (CFF), a Certi ed Valuation Analyst (CVA), a Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and a Certi ed Information Technology Professional (CITP).
Have business news you’d like to share via Biz Bitz? Send your news release to Sarah Lutz, Editor, at sarah@cantonchamber.org.
The Canton Regional Chamber ofCommerce andAultCare have partnered together to o er a healthcare plan for the small business community through a Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA). The MEWA was developed to provide additional options and to help control the costs of healthcare bene ts. Medically underwritten MEWA rates may provide a less expensive option than a smaller community rated plan obtained under the A ordable Care Act (ACA). This plan is available for small group employers with less than 50 employees.