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Ohio Means Jobs
OhioMeansJobs Stark and Tuscarawas Counties is the local employment and training centers that connects job seekers with employers by providing numerous resources in a single location. These fee-free services are available to employers thanks to funds provided by the U.S. Department of Labor to the Stark Tuscarawas Workforce Development Board.
The OhioMeansJobs.com website is the State of Ohio’s job posting portal, available to all Ohio businesses to utilize at no cost. Employers working with OhioMeansJobs Stark and Tuscarawas Counties centers can have their open positions posted through OhioMeansJobs.com and promoted locally on social media platforms to engage applicants. OhioMeansJobs Stark and Tuscarawas Counties also offer candidate résumé screening services and will send qualified résumés received to the employer.
OhioMeansJobs centers offer employers the opportunity to hold onsite hiring events at the center, both during normal business hours as well as after hours to suit their recruiting needs. Onsite hiring events give employers the opportunity to connect with job seekers utilizing the centers and are extensively promoted in the centers and on social media. Employers may also take advantage of participating in job fairs that are hosted by the OhioMeansJobs centers.