ACTION Newsletter - December 2022

Page 13


Light Up Downtown, the 32nd annual holiday celebration in downtown Canton, is happening tomorrow, Dec. 1, from 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Presented by the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, Light Up Downtown provides fun for the whole family, as 14 city blocks come alive with holiday-themed attractions, entertainment, ice skating, refreshments, horse-drawn wagon rides, singers and dancers, and a visit from Santa.

The fun begins with a stage show at 6:00 p.m., fireworks at 6:45 p.m., then activities and entertainment along Market Ave. and in the Canton Arts District until 8:30 p.m.

Dance troupes in the stage show include Canton Elite Dance and Twirl Academy, Shirley’s School of Dance, Jacks N’ Jills - Jackson High School, McKinley SingersMcKinley High School and Candy Apple’s Dance Center.


Marathon Presents the 720 Market Village of Shops located at the Doubletree by Hilton Downtown Canton.

Woody the SARTA Trolley and Little Roam ing Railroad, FUNBOOTH and Live reindeer!

Light Up Downtown will be held snow, rain or shine. There will be plenty of parking both on-street and in the former Timken High School and Stark County District Li brary parking lots, City Centre Parking Deck, Millennium Center Parking Deck as well as parking in various decks and lots through out downtown for a nominal fee.



The main stage will be at Centennial Plaza in downtown Canton.


Fireworks, presented by Ziegler Bolt & Nut House, will be shot off immediately following the stage show (approximately 6:45 p.m.). There will be great viewing from Centennial Plaza area.


Beginning at 2:00 p.m.

• Market Ave. from Tuscarawas St. to 6th St. N

• 3rd, 4th and 5th Streets from Court to Piedmont

Beginning at 4:00 p.m.

• Market Ave. from Tuscarawas to 7th St. S

• 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Streets South from Court to Piedmont

Beginning at 5:00 p.m.

• Tuscarawas St. from Piedmont to Cleveland Ave.

next page) OUR MISSION: To lead the region in business and community development through collaboration and innovation. ACTION WWW.CANTONCHAMBER.ORG ONLINE NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2022 Light Up Downtown | MAGNET | Education & Workforce Update | Business Excellence Awards Nominations | QuickConnect Season Passes Join a Tip Club | SCORE | Leadership Stark County | MEWA | YP Updates | Ohio BWC | Safety Council Luncheon | New Members Membership Renewals | Snapshots from Social | BizBitz IN THIS ISSUE
(continued on

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or scan the QR code to register for a virtual meeting to learn more. scan me





/ Action 330.833.4400

ACTION NEWSLETTER is published monthly for the members of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. The subscription cost is $25 per year and is included in the price of membership.

Reader questions and comments are welcome and encouraged. Contents may be reprinted with credit. Address all inquiries to:

Editor, Action Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce 222 Market Ave. N Canton, Ohio 44702 or call (330) 456.7253, or e-mail

Advertising rates are available for Chamber members.

Advertisement does not constitute endorsement by the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Don’t forget to bring your cameras and cell phones to take photos with Santa at Centennial Plaza, shortly after the fireworks have concluded. Photos will end promptly at 8:30 p.m. Other venues may feature Santa Claus. Check the map for locations.

108th Annual Meeting


A variety of official souvenirs will be available at the white tent located in front of the Chamber offices, Market Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Streets North.


Portable restrooms are located in three areas: 5th Street & Market South (across from The Repository), 3rd St and Court Ave NW, and 5th Street & Market Avenue North.


Each downtown business decides how they want to participate, so please our map for location. There are MANY businesses participating, so we encourage you to visit as many venues as possible.


WHICH DOWNTOWN BUSINESSES ARE OPEN FOR LIGHT UP DOWNTOWN? We’re excited to have over 25 venues in a 14-block area participating tonight.

HOW FAR NORTH AND SOUTH DOES THE EVENT GO? The event runs from 7th Street North to 7th Street South.

WHERE CAN I RIDE THE LITTLE ROAMING RAILROAD PRESENTED BY The train will board on Market/Tusc North, by Central Plaza.

WHERE ARE THE HORSE-DRAWN CARRIAGE RIDES BEING OFFERED? Carriage rides, are available on the corner of 4th St. and Market Ave. S. (There will be no rides during the fireworks). They are presented by the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

WHERE IS THE 720 VILLAGE OF SHOPS BEING HELD? Marathon presents the 720 Village of Shops at DoubleTree by Hilton Canton, 4:30 – 8:30 PM


The live reindeer will be located at Central Plaza North, presented by the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

WHERE CAN I SEE WOODY THE TROLLEY? Sarta’s Woody the Trolly will be located on Market Ave.N and 3rd St.


The Fun Photo Booth, wlll be located at 2nd St/Market North. Presented by First Commonwealth Bank.


Outside of the refreshments being offered by participating venues, we do not have food for sale. Check with some of the great downtown restaurants who might be open for dinner.

For more information please contact Rebecca Shephard at ***NEW CANTON CHAMBER MEMBER?*** ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIALS FOR NEW MEMBERS ONLY! SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE SHOW WHILE OUR EXPERTS WORK THEIR MAGIC LOCALiQ experts use top tech and unbeatable insights to optimize your campaigns and drive real results for your business. Do it all with just one partner!
thank you A S W E R E F L E C T O N T H E P A S T Y E A R A N D A L L T H E B E A U T I F U L , B I G M O M E N T S I T H A S B E E N F I L L E D W I T H , W E A C K N O W L E D G E Y O U A N D W H A T A C R I T I C A L P A R T Y O U ' V E B E E N T O M A K I N G O U R I N D U S T R Y A S S U C C E S S F U L A S I T I S F R O M O U R P A R T N E R O R G A N I Z A T I O N S A N D M A N U F A C T U R I N G C L I E N T S T O O U R C O M M U N I T Y A N D I N D U S T R Y F R I E N D S , W E A R E G R A T E F U L A N D L O O K I N G F O R W A R D T O W O R K I N G T O G E T H E R I N T H E F U T U R E !

Education and Workforce

Many of you may not be aware of a group known as Great Start for Great Futures. This organization is a collaborative of parents, child care providers, social service agencies, business leaders and educators focused on birth-kindergarten. The goal of this collaborative is to ensure every child in Stark County is kindergarten ready in meeting social, emotional and educational baselines. Does kindergarten readiness affect workforce? You bet it does!

Kindergarten readiness is a solid predictor of future success in meeting third grade reading assessments, eighth grade math, and even high school graduation rates. Data also suggests kindergarten readiness is a strong predictor of better outcomes in career success, personal health, citizenship and stable families.

Ensuring the youngest citizens of our community are kindergarten ready is an 18+ year return on investment in creating a more sustainable community. How can you help? First and foremost READ TO YOUR CHILDREN (or grandchildren) and support programs that promote early childhood reading. Parents who read to their children introduce 3 million more words in a child’s vocabulary compared to children who do not have this experience. Some programs that support early childhood reading are found through your local library, Goodwill Industries, the Early Childhood Resource Center and other organizations. These programs accept monetary and/or children’s book donations and assist families in providing age appropriate books and activities for our youngest citizens.

In addition, 90% of a child’s brain development occurs by age 5. During the period from birth to age 3, a child experiences the fastest rate of brain development across their entire life span. 40% of Stark County youngsters are not on track at the start of kindergarten year. Just think of how 3 million more words can set positive momentum for our young learners.

For more information regarding how our community is addressing this important issue or to get more involved, visit Great Start for Great Futures:


Nominations for Stark County’s most prestigious business awards are due by January 27!

The Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the 2023 Business Excellence Awards.

Deadline: Friday, January 27, 2023 by 5:00 pm at

The Business Excellence Awards celebrate businesses that have distinguished themselves by being a significant presence in and/or providing substantial benefit to the citizens and economy of Stark County.

To be considered, the business must be for-profit and needs to have demonstrated several of the following attributes:

• Growth in business and/or employment (i.e. growth in sales or employees, etc.)

• Stability and longevity in your industry (i.e. adaption to changing industry, viability to your industry, etc.)

• Capital investment or expansion of operations and/or efficiencies

• Innovation (expansion of products/ product lines)

• Outstanding customer service

• Entrepreneurship

• Consistent Involvement in the community

A business can be selected to receive a Business Excellence Award more than once if their accomplishments are so compelling that they deserve further commendation.


The Business Excellence Awards will take place on Thursday, May 11, at the

DoubleTree Hilton Canton Downtown, beginning with a social hour at 5:30 PM and dinner at 6:30 PM.

For sponsorship opportunities, contact Melissa Coultas, Vice President of Development, at melissac@ or 330.458.2055.

Applications Open FOR BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARD NOMINATIONS • Office • Retail • Medical • Industrial • Investments • Management • Development • Site Acquisition • 1031 Exchanges 4065 Fulton Dr NW, Canton, OH 44718 330-498-4400 Est. 1985 Tim Putman President 330-495-0600 Wick Hartung Broker, V.P. 330-495-0601 Jim Bednar Agent 330-417-9034 Top 10 Commercial Real Estate Brokers in NE Ohio Top 10 in Sales & Leasing in NE Ohio Our team has over 125 years of collective experience! Spencer Hartung Agent 330-936-0276 Saylor Putman Agent 330-495-8292 Phone: 330.499.6000 Fax: 499.6423 400 South Main St. North Canton, Ohio 44720 ATTORNEYS AT LAW
9 Get the best value for great networking and inspiring speakers at our monthly AultCare QuickConnect Luncheons! Our SEASON TICKET PASSES are an excellent value - just $200.00 for the year! It is comparable to attending two lunches FREE OF CHARGE. Season passholders have access to attendee contact list upon request and receive other special perks all year long. Savings + Special Perks = WIN-WIN! Call 330-458-2070 or visit to purchase your tickets today. Season Passes on Sale Now! GET YOUR AULTCARE QUICKCONNECT LUNCHEON PASSES 2023 3RD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AT LA PIZZARIA 2023 SEASON PASSES ON SALE NOW! THEY ARE $200.00 FOR THE YEAR, A SAVINGS OF $40.00. JOIN A TIP CLUB and Grow Your Business Leads in the New Year! Attend a “tip club” for weekly networking meetings, and exchange sales leads with over a dozen fellow chamber members in a wide variety of industries! Participating in a tip club is free for members - and is open to all Canton Regional Chamber members. Choose a time below that works with your schedule for a casual breakfast or lunch. Just show up and pay for your meal! CURRENT SCHEDULE OF CLUBS: TUESDAYS Coaches Burger Bar – 4834 Everhard Rd NW – Noon WEDNESDAYS Samantha’s North Market – 6326 Market Ave. N. in North Canton – 8 am Winking Lizard Tavern – 5710 Fulton Dr. NW – Noon THURSDAYS Buehler’s – 7138 Fulton Dr NW – 8 am LaPizzaria – 3656 Dressler Rd NW – Noon Contact our Membership Department today to get started at 330.833.4400. Note: Groups will break from Dec. 21 - Dec. 31 for the holidays.

Why a Strong Business Brand Matters AND HOW TO BUILD ONE

If you do a google search for “what is a brand,” you’ll find endless opinions from countless marketers and other profes sionals trying to nail down the definition. The truth is, a brand is an elusive, visceral concept, not a tangible asset. Its value is measured through the emotional connec tions that exist between businesses and their customers, not with hard numbers plotted on a spreadsheet. And, this is precisely why building a strong business brand can be one of the most challenging tasks for a small business owner.


Your company’s brand is represented by more than your logo or tagline. It’s the culmination of your interactions with your customers, your business’ core beliefs, how you present your company and yourself to the world – and every other aspect of how you do business.


Marty Neumeier, Director of CEO Brand ing at Liquid Agency in Silicon Valley, is a speaker, author, designer and one of the most well-respected authorities on branding. Through all of his work helping companies like Google and Apple build their brands, he distills his explanation of a brand into the simplest of terms. He’s quoted as saying, “Your brand isn’t what you say it is. It’s what they say it is.”

To build a strong brand, you must cre ate opportunities for your audience to connect with you in engaging ways that allow them to understand your company’s purpose and believe in the value you bring to their lives. Their perception of your brand is its reality. It’s critical to understand the importance of branding your business properly. But, how do you build the type of brand that connects with customers and creates loyalty? Start by asking yourself these four questions.

1. What is your business’ purpose? What problem does it solve?

2. What is the first thing you want your customers to think of when they see your product or service?

3. If your customer were to tell a friend about your business, what would you want them to say?

4. What do you want your company to be known for?

Your answers to these questions should begin to give you some clarity into what makes your business special and why cus tomers would want to connect with your brand and purchase from your business. This understanding will form the founda tion of your branding strategy.


Your brand should be unique, easily rec ognizable and easy to understand. You’ll next need to develop clear messaging and design elements, including a logo. With everything you do and create, consistency is key.

Once your brand strategy, messaging and design elements are set, you’re ready to share your brand with the world through a number of channels. Your brand should be clearly communicated in everything your customers and partners see, such as your:

• Website • Blog and Social Content • Advertisements • Brochures • Promotional Materials • Business Cards • Signage • Trade Show Displays • Internal Signage and Documents • And Anything Else Represent ing Your Company


Especially in the beginning, your brand will evolve as you and your business do. It’s okay to tweak messages and make improvements along the way. Then, once you have your brand strategy in place and you know your message is resonating with your customers, stick with it. A strong brand is built through consistency.

Building a strong brand is critical to a business’ success. But, it’s not an easy task. Developing your business’ brand is the perfect time to bring in the support of a SCORE mentor. A SCORE mentor has experience building strong brands and has

access to the best resources to help you along the way. Contact a SCORE mentor today.

Since 1964, SCORE “Mentors to America’s Small Business” has helped more than 11 million aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners through mentoring and business workshops. More than 10,000 volunteer business mentors in over 250 chapters serve their communities through entrepreneur education dedicated to the formation, growth and success of small businesses.

For more information about starting or operating a small business, call 1-330-451-6509 or visit SCORE at

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agree ment with the U.S. Small Business Admin istration. All opinions, conclusions, and/ or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.


Leadership Stark County


From all of us at Leadership Stark County ... we’d like to wish you a happy and safe holiday season and a wonderful New Year!


The Spotlight Program is a great option for employers to enhance leadership potential and build competencies of young professionals. The class will meet in-person from 4-6pm on six program days, over a 12 week period, from March to May. Tuition for the six sessions is $600 per person. Scholarships may be available to non-profit organizations, entrepreneurs, and/or minority candidates. Company group applications are welcome. Applications for the Spring session are due by February 27, 2023.

For more information go to

The Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce and AultCare have partnered together to o er a healthcare plan for the small business community through a Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA). The MEWA was developed to provide additional options and to help control the costs of healthcare bene ts. Medically underwritten MEWA rates may provide a less expensie option than a smaller community rated plan obtained under the A ordable Care Act (ACA). This plan is available for small group employers with less than 50 employees.

For Chamber Membership information call 330-456-7253.

For healthcare or health fund information, contact your independent Broker or your AultCare Representative. All AultCare health plan quote proposals include commission, unless otherwise speci ed.


The third annual ystark YoungPro Confer ence was held recently- with more than 50 YPs in attendance for a day of leadership, education, and networking. At the event, leaders from the Stark County Commu nity Moving Forward (SCCMF) movement joined to engage in meaningful dialogue in small groups during the CEO Meet & Eat lunch session. Conversations centered around diversity and inclusion, as well as stories of their careers and life journeys. SCCMF is a group of local leaders who came together in 2020 with the intention to lift up the minority business commu nity. This year, they launched an internal effort - ‘Let’s Get Lunch’ - to make a con certed effort to sit down, and enjoy lunch with another member of the group whom they may not get the chance to know oth erwise. The ‘Lets Get Lunch’ idea originated with the thought that often times, we do not take the time to get to know others,

especially those of the opposite race, to gain better understanding and create meaningful relationships. It was important for this group to spend time with our YPs, and the feedback showed how valuable it is for experienced leaders to engage in meaningful dialogue with young profes sionals.

Of the session, our YPs expressed: I really enjoyed speaking with various leaders in the area that I might not have met otherwise. I felt heard while speaking and thought it was a great way to share ideas.

Getting to sit in on this session has helped me to be more aware of how diversity and inclusion of everyone can benefit society as a whole. It was nice to hear from the CEO’s in our area that are making this a top priority.

This was great, best experience I’ve had net working thus far. Loved that the CEO’s were authentic with us and their stories. Wish this portion was longer.

I found it extremely valuable and encourag ing to listen to what the established lead ers had to say regarding their journey and where they are now.

Looking ahead to 2023, the Canton Regional Chamber remains committed to strengthening our ystark programming with the goal of attraction, retention, and engagement of our critical workforce pop ulation- young professionals. We recently convened a group of 2022 Twenty under 40 recipients, as well as some of our en gaged ystark members for a conversation with Denny Saunier, President & CEO; Todd Hawke, Chamber Board member; Barb Bennett, VP of Education & Workforce; and Kelly Piero, Director of Marketing, Comm., & Public Affairs.

As a result of the session... Denny announced that the Chamber would be increasing our efforts internally to ensure the YP voice is represented. A 50% discount for Chamber events will be extended to all active ystark members. We will also establish a YP advisory council to have a ‘seat at the table’ with the Canton Regional Chamber Board of Directors.

If you have YPs in your circle, please encourage them to join the network of nearly 1,500 other YPs at

is sponsored by: Submit your profile! @ WWW.YSTARK.ORG YPs: A Focus Now and

In-Person Course Schedule July 2022 – June 2023 CANTON

BWC Service Office 339 East Maple Street, North Canton, OH 44720

2022 Course Name Time

Sept. 28-29

OSHA 10: Industry Safety Basics 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Oct. 5 Ergonomic Risk Factors: Understanding and Identifying 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Oct. 25 First Aid in the Workplace 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Nov. 16 Flammable Liquid and Gas Safety Basics 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Dec. 6 Effective Safety Teams 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

2023 Course Name Time

Jan. 24-25

Fall Hazards in Construction and Maintenance 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Feb. 15 First Aid in the Workplace 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Feb. 28

Mar. 14-15

Mar. 28-31

Apr. 4

Confined Space: Identification and Safe Practices 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

OSHA 10: Construction Safety Basics 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Electrical Hazard Recognition and Abatement 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Tree Work Essentials: Chainsaws, Chippers, and Other Safety Concerns 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Apr. 25 Emergency Preparedness Planning 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

May 23-24

Electrical Safety Maintenance (NFPA 70B) – Practices for Electrical Equipment Maintenance 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Safety for the Non-Safety Professional 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. June 21 First Aid in the Workplace 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

June 8

Division of Safety & Hygiene 1- 800 - 644 - 6292 We’ve got you covered!
BWC is once again offering in-person occupational safety and health courses as a benefit for Ohio employers with active workers’ compensation coverage and their employees at no extra charge.
16 “Safety as part of your service delivery - the winning equation!” featuring Michael Gallina, Vice President of Organizational Development and Community Engagement for AultCare Call our team of professionals for all your real estate needs! 4065 Fulton Dr NW, Canton 330.498.4400 1,350 SQ.FT. OF PRIME RETAIL, SERVICE OR OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE 2719 FULTON DR NW, SUITE A, CANTON, OHIO 44718 Tenant sublease, looking for three (3) year minimum. Ideal for o ce user, accountant, IT, lawyer or administrative o ces. Prime o ce location across Fulton Dr from the Hall of Fame Village. Approximately 3/10 of a mile to I-77. Become a part of a well kept plaza with a prime location in Plain Township across from the Pro Football Hall of Fame. For Lease: $1,400 Per Month Plus Utilities Saylor Putman 330.495.8292


WELCOME to our newest members, who joined Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce in October. We encourage you to patronize their businesses. If you know of other businesses that would benefit from Chamber membership, please contact Molly Romig, Director of Membership and Retention at (330) 833-4400.

what you’d pay for two single washes, you can get UNLIMITED monthly washes - that’s FROGTASTIC! Visit us soon!


James Smith, General Partner 3939 Massillon Road Uniontown, OH 44685 (330) 618-0922

Original Irish American Pub. Full Bar, Craft Beer. Meet. Drink. Be Irish. Our guests enjoy Happy Hour every day from 3 to 7 pm. Specials on everything including draft and bottled beer, your favorite and seasonal signature cocktails. Try our flatbreads, bavarian pretzels, Brubaker’s chicken and more!

Cleanrite Commercial Cleaning provides janitorial services for your business needs for a more productive workplace. We offer a complete range of commercial cleaning services including; general office cleaning, office deep cleaning, Covid/ Sanitizing services, carpet and hard floor cleaning, window cleaning, janitorial supply management, and much more.


Melinda Gosma, Operations Manager 350 Bridge St. Minerva, OH 44657 (330) 868-4161

Centralized Business Solutions Co. (ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SERVICES)

Jenn Lees, Vice President of Operations 1225 N. Main St. North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 495-9494

Accounts receivables firm specializing in medical and municipality among others. We take the stress out of handling the receivable side of your business, from billing to the collection process! We have a professional approach designed to provide the best service at reasonable rates.

Dee-Oh-Gee’s Pet Spa (PET GROOMER)

Krista Shanower, Owner 10070 Warmington St. SW Navarre, OH 44662 (330) 806-1275

We are a dog grooming, spa retreat for your dog. Your canine can bid farewell to bad hair days with luxury family pet grooming services. Your pup will be dealt with like royalty. Pamper your precious fur baby and preserve its overall wellness and health. Contact us today.

General Color has an expansive portfolio of colorants, additives and color design services that enable you to customize, enhance and maximize your goals. Our expertise extends to virtually all engineering resins including ABS, Polycarbonate, Styrene, PET, PVC, and Nylon and blended materials. General Color uses only prime resin as feedstock for all your concentrates.

Cleanrite Commercial Cleaning (CLEANING SERVICES – COMMERCIAL)

Joe Marshall, Owner 4786 Dressler Road – PMB 159 Canton, OH 44718 (330) 488-7119


George Waikem II, General Partner 4010 Lincoln Way East Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 478-4432

With three levels of clean, you can choose the plan that works best for you. If you want to save some green, our monthly Unlimited Wash Plans are a great choice. For less than

H.O.F. (Hall of Fame) Renovations LTD (HOME IMPROVEMENTS)

Johnathan Forney, Owner 1735 Navarre Rd. SW Canton, OH 44706 (234) 678-7222

Hall of Fame Renovations is a local family run home improvement company. We specialize in all construction and renovation needs for residential projects. From the roof to the basement, we can do it all. All jobs inside and out.

(continued on next page ...)



Hear The Possibilities


Michelle Paul, Practice Manager 6231 Frank Ave. NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 388-5813

Dr. Denise Testa has been providing superior hearing healthcare services for more than 25 years. We provide Audiology; Diagnostic Testing; Hearing Aids; Assistive Listening Devices and Noise Protection. We provide assistance for patients of all ages. We develop treatment goals that are achievable.

ModWash (CAR WASH)

Zorel Bennafield, General Manager 2600 Columbus Rd. NE Canton, OH 44705 (234) 203-1130

ModWash exists to make a ripple effect. With every elevated customer experience, we ensure every sparkling-clean car we deliver and every community we serve, we live our mission, nurturing more brilliance everywhere. People love ModWash for one simple reason: Your experience starts with a wash, but it doesn’t stop there. We believe in making a difference, one honest, compassionate action at a time.

Oasis has been providing excellent orthopaedic care to the area for over twenty years. Our new facility houses state of the art equipment enabling our surgeons to utilize the most modern techniques. We offer sameday surgical procedures. Patients are on their feet faster and recover in the comfort of their own home.

Paarlo Plastics Inc. (MANUFACTURER – PLASTICS)

Brenda Renicker, HR Manager 7720 Tim Avenue NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 494-3798


Alex Anthraper, Owner 4760 Portage St., NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 966-9805


Alex Anthraper, Owner 22 Massillon Marketplace Dr. SW Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 833-6529


Alex Anthraper, Owner 2877 S. Arlington Road Akron, OH 44312 (330) 544-4467

Whether you’re hungry for one of our popular breakfast items or looking for lunch, dinner, or late night dining ideas near you, your IHOP location is just around the corner and ready to serve. We proudly offer takeout and delivery options in addition to our casual dining experience.

The Next Wavelength Communications, LLC (FIBER OPTICS)

Allison Johnson, Member 2328 Goshen Way Dr. SE New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 340-2314 php?id=100057380121155

Aerial fiber optic cable.

Paarlo Plastics, Inc. is a quality, custom blow molder of standard and engineering grade thermoplastic products. Paarlo has been serving the general industry market since 1981. Our modern facility consists of over 80,000 square feet, operates on a threeshift per day basis and is guided by top management with over 50 years experience in the blow molding process.


Julia Ballas, RN, ONC, Administrator 7000 Whipple Ave. NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 498-9898


Griffin Long, Executive Director 5850 CR 77 Millersburg, OH 44654 (330) 403-9075

We cultivate an environment of belonging and purpose for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. At Sacred Ground, we understand the need for more holistic care surrounding individuals with disabilities and their families and seek to understand the uniqueness of all.

(continued on next page ...)


Stark County Probate Court (COURT)

Judge Dixie Park Judge, Stark County Probate Court 110 Central Plaza S., Suite 501 Canton, OH 44702 (330) 451-7755 legal___judicial/probate_court/

The probate court has jurisdiction over the probate of wills and administration of estates. The court is also superior guardian over the affairs of minors and persons adjudged incompetent.

Tuscarawas County Chamber of Commerce (BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION)

Scott Robinson, President 1323 Fourth Street NW New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 343-4474

An organization serving the business community of Tuscarawas County. We offer benefits and services relevant to the economy’s business needs, including health insurance, credit card processing, marketing services, workers’ compensation savings, networking opportunties and events.

Canton 330.966.9400 National expertise. Local talent. Certified public accountants (CPAs) and business advisors personally invested in the success of your business.
Online programs for busy, working adults in areas such as:  Business  Communication  Computer Science  Healthcare  Social and Behavioral Sciences Learn more at FINISH OR ADVANCE YOUR DEGREE WALSH UNIVERSITY SEDDEUSDAT INCREMENTUM 4.92x4.88_Degree Completion ad_22.indd 1 10/18/22 9:35 AM



3 Brothers Corner Tavern

33 JordynStrong Foundation

A & R Builders Ltd.

ACY Communications Inc.

Adams Signs & Graphics Company

Affinity Wealth Advisors

ALD Decal & Graphics

All American Gutter Protection

Alliance Area Domestic Violence Shelter

All Pro Storage

Amadeus Spa

AMC Roofing, LLC

American Title Assoc Agency

Apex Electric Supply Co.

Arnold & Spiker-Foster-Shiver Funeral Home

ARCIS Technology Group, Inc.

ASAP! Powered by Mirabel


Barbco, Inc.

Barnhart Crane & Rigging Company

Battle Services, Inc.

Belden Village Nursing

Bender’s Tavern, Inc.

Berlin Contractors Inc.

Better Financial Solutions, LLC

Black, McCuskey, Souers & Arbaugh, LPA


Blick Center

Bloom’s Printing & Design

Buckeye Council – Boy Scouts of America

Brad’s Carpet Cleaning, LLC

Brian L Zimmerman -Zimmerman Law

Brotherhood HVAC

Bryce A. Custer – Ohio River Corridor, LLC / NAI Spring

Canton Aluminum & Vinyl

Canton Harbor High School

Canton Palace Theatre Association

CBIZ/Mayer Hoffman McCann

Central Christian School

Cherry Blend Coffee Roasters Ltd.

CLA Canton

Clark & Son Auction & Liquidation

Clark Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc.

Clean Eatz

Cocklin Trenching Inc.

Congregation of the Divine Contractor Connection Inc.

Cyrus Custom Framing & Art Gallery

DeHoff Development Company

Desert Inn

DeVille Apartments and Builders

DeWees Real Estate Group

Domestic Violence Project Inc.

Don and Sara Armen Foundation Inc.

Dover Public Library

Doylestown Telephone Co.

Dumont Sporting Goods

Dutch Dannemiller Electric Company

Eckinger Construction Co.


Faye A. Heston

Fifth Third Bank

Formet-Clevenger & Gordon Funeral Home

For Paws Blue Cross Animal Hospital

Fresh Mark Inc.

Giant Eagle on the Strip

Grand View Roofing Systems

Hall, Kistler & Company LLP

Hammond Construction Inc.

Harmons Pub AKA Lance Patrick

Enterprises Inc.

Harold’s Equipment, Inc.

Harris, Miller & Finkelstein, CPAs, LLP

Harrison Paint Company

Hendrickson Trailer Commercial

HFS Wealth Advisors

Holderbaum Sewer & Drain Service

Homeplace Creative

Hostetler Management Group, LLC

H-P Products Inc.

Huntington National Bank Infinity Homes & Remodeling, LLC

Kempthorn Motors Inc.

Kent State University at Stark

Kevin Wright Insurance Agency KeyBank

KIKO - Realtors, Auctioneers & Advisors

King Properties

Lakes Heating & Air Conditioning

Lang Monument Company, Inc.

Living Water Church

Lucia’s Steakhouse

Mama Guzzardi’s Italian Restaurant

Mann Marketing

Marathon Petroleum Company LP

Marsino’s Bingo

Massillon Container Company / Vail Industries

Massillon Plaque Company


Merrill Lynch

Miracle Concrete Contractors, Inc.

Miracle Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Mission BBQ

MJK Electrical Engineering, LLC

Mobile IBC Services, Ltd.

Morrow & Meyer, LLC

My Favorite Travel Agent

NickaJack Farms and The Mane Barn

North Canton Collision, Inc.

Ohio Paper Tube

Osborne Family Dental OTC Services

Pathway Caring for Children

Performance Administration Corp.

Pioneer Financial Services Inc.

Plain Local Schools

REMAX Crossroads

Ron Ruegg Automotive

RTM Transport, LLC

SACS Consulting & Investigative Services, Inc.


Seven Seventeen Credit Union, Inc.

Shapiro Restaurant Group

Sheet Metal Crafters, Inc.

SJK Machine

Smith Development Snyder & Co., CPAs

Sol Harris/Day Architecture

Spectrum Orthopaedics, Inc.

Spirit/House of Loreto

Standard Engineering Group

Stark Industrial, LLC

Stark Library

Stark Management Services, Inc.

State Senator Kirk Schuring

Stephen Greer Insurance & Financial Services, LLC

St. Joseph’s Federal Credit Union

Stumpy’s Tree Service, LLC

That Plumber/That Handyman

The Bank of Magnolia

The M. Conley Company

Thermo Manufacturing Inc.

The University of Akron

TL Worldwide Transportation

T.R. Snyder Construction, Inc.

TruckCorp, LLC

True Hire LLC

Turf Tailors Lawn Care Services

Ultra Roofing

United Site Services Inc.

Vehicle Systems

Waggoner Chocolates

Wagoner Moving Systems, Inc.

Water-Watts Inc.

Windy Hill Hardwoods, Inc

Wishes Can Happen Inc.

Young Volvo

Zimmerman Steel & Supply Co., LLC

21 At your location or ours, we’ve got you covered. AultWorks Occupational Medicine specializes in treating work-related injuries and illnesses. We are certified by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. Our services include: • Injury Care • Drug and Alcohol Screenings • DOT and FAA Physicals • Pre-placement Physicals • Random Management Programs Canton 330-491-9675 Alliance 330-823-8864 Orrville 330-684-4767 December 17 at 8pm A holiday rock opera featuring former members of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Rainbow, Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent Band, The Irish Tenors, and more More info and tickets at FOLLOW US: Snapshots from Social QuickConnect Luncheon with Prosecuting Attorney, Kyle Stone Fall Spotlight Class volunteering with Compassion Delivered Signature Class Economic Growth & Development Day!

BIZ Bitz

GBS Corp, a leading national information solutions provider, is pleased to announce that Michele Benson has been appointed to lead the company as its new Chief Ex ecutive Officer, effective January 1, 2023.

As GBS’ current Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer, Benson has taken on a variety of roles and responsibilities throughout her 28 years with the organization. She began her career in 1994 as a Staff Accountant, responsible for sales tax reporting, fixed assets and commissions.

As CEO, Benson will lead the planning, development, implementation and direc tion of GBS’ operational and fiscal func tions and performance. She will also be accountable for analyzing and making recommendations on the impact of longrange growth initiatives, planning and introduction of new strategies and regula tory actions. Most importantly, she will be focused on the continued growth of the company’s sales, profits and stock price.

Anticipating Benson’s move from CFO to CEO in January, GBS welcomed JP Schip pert as its new Chief Financial Officer in July. Schippert has worked in accounting leadership roles across a variety of indus tries for over 25 years.

CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen LLP), the eighth largest accounting firm in the United States, announced principal and signing director career advancements for professionals across the firm effective January 1, 2023, including 3 in Akron and Canton. These advancements are in addition to the more than 770 professionals who advanced in July 2022.

Congratulations to the following individuals in Akron and Canton who have reached new stages in their career paths:

• Theresa Mullen, MT, Principal, State and Local Tax

• Kyle Bowers, CPA, Principal, Health Care

• David M. Supelak, CPA, MT, Principal, Tax

2022 marks the fifth consecutive year CLA has ranked number eight in the Account ing Today Top 100 Firms List. In addition, CLA is Great Place to Work-Certified™, demonstrating that it is an employer of choice in the market and enabling avenues to continuously build culture through reporting, analysis, and action able steps.

Each year CLA makes compensation and advancement decisions through an inclu sive and collaborative process. These deci sions are made by coaches and leaders who take time to know and help our CLA family members live their inspired careers.

DEHOFF REALTORS® welcomes Erin Holb as a member of The Angel Agnes Team. Prior to joining the team, she gained valuable experience in customer service, problem solving, communication, and leadership as a restaurant manager.

“I have always been passionate about all things real estate whether it’s buying or selling a home or investing in a prop erty. My business is built on the values of dedication, honesty, integrity, open com munication, and dedication to my clients. Buying or selling a home can seem like a daunting process, but with the right REAL TOR® by your side, you can achieve your real estate goals,” says Holb.

Holb earned an Associates of the Arts degree from Kent State University. Having now earned her Real Estate Certification from Hondros College of Business, she is eager to apply her knowledge and practi cal experience to serve her clients and meet their real estate needs.

Choose an honest REALTOR® dedicated to achieving your real estate goals. Contact Holb at 330-413-9857 or eholb@dehoff. com to get moving.

Belden Village Mall is your place for the holidays with events including photos with Santa begin through December 24th, Soothing Santa – A Sensory-Friendly Experience on Sunday, December 4th from 6:30 pm – 8:30 p.m. and on Sunday, December 11th from 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Visits with Santa are free, but reservations are required, and photo packages will be available for purchase. Learn more and book photo reservations here.

During holiday shopping, visitors can stop into Belden Village Mall’s newest restaurant, Condado Tacos for happy hour, seasonal features, or holiday date night. The taco chain specializes in original tacos, margaritas, and tequilas. For more about all Belden Village Mall events, shopping deals, restaurant options, and hours at

Gervasi Vineyard is proud to announce Brooke Zarconi has joined the team as The Spa’s Operations Manager. As such, her goals are to create a luxury experience not only for the local community to enjoy, but for traveling guests to add to their itinerary when they join Gervasi as hotel guests from all over the country. She feels everyone needs to find the importance of self-care and is eager to introduce guests to the exquisite experience The Spa will soon offer.

Brooke has over 20 years in the spa in dustry beginning as a Licensed Massage Therapist, transitioning into management. She has had the opportunity to work at some of the most prestigious resort spas in the country such as the 5 Star and AAA Five-Diamond, The Broadmoor Resort and Spa in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She most recently managed The Hotel Del Coronado in Coronado, California. Brooke has experience opening spas from the ground up, has served as spa director for numerous resort spas in downtown San Diego and is truly an expert in the spa industry.

Brooke and her husband recently moved to Canton, Ohio from San Diego, California with their 6-year-old daughter to be closer to family as her husband grew up in the area.

The Spa is underway and expects to open in the Spring of 2023. The Spa will feature a state-of-the-art design and equipment to provide Gervasi guests and local spa seekers a beautiful and tranquil experi ence along with exceptional spa services. The 5,000 sq. ft. facility will transcend guests to a high-end luxurious spa. Ser vices will include a variety of massages, facials, body treatments, and manicure/ pedicure services.

To learn more about The Spa at Gervasi Vineyard and future employment oppor tunities, visit spa. General inquiries can be submitted to

Have business news you’d like to share via Biz Bitz? Send your news release to Sarah Lutz, Editor, at


From the Development Desk…

What our partners have in common is a desire to make a difference in their community and play a role in long-standing, local traditions. Have you always wanted your company to get involved with the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement?

Do you want to be a part of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting, Business After Hours or Vintage Canton, but you were not sure how?

By working collaboratively, we can create a partnership of shared value that tailors to your organization, your social investment strategy and successfully impacts you’re your bottom line. Let’s do it!

We can help you reach businesses, the community at large, and highlight your company’s dedication to Stark County. Learn how you can be a part of Stark County’s biggest traditions and largest network.

CONTACT Melissa Coultas at (330) 458-2055 or

No matter what changes, our commitment to your health and safety never will. Access world class care close to you.

Get the care you need, where you need it.

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