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George Lemon concludes term as 2011 Chamber board chairman, thanks membership As my tenure as chairman of the board for the Canton Regional Chamber comes to a close, I’ve spent time reflecting on 2011. The speed at which the past year has slipped by, coupled with the challenging economic conditions experienced within our community, makes one wonder and marvel at the many successes achieved by the Chamber in 2011. The work of the board, executive management team, and staff, and the support of our sponsors, members and volunteers, have resulted in successes in many programs, events and economic development initiatives. I want to report that the organization is in a strong financial position. While we are still in a time of economic turmoil, the Chamber and its seven departments are eager to enter 2012 and take on any challenges the new year may present. Stark County is on the brink of significant positive economic change in the form of the energy endeavors occurring in our region. You can read more about our position on energy, and

specifically the oil and gas industry, later in this issue of Action. Our organization is made up of more than 1,500 business members from all corners of Stark County, and our members are the cornerstone of our mission. We’ve worked to fulfill our mission with our members, and to help them stabilize during this time of economic turmoil. To that end, throughout 2011 we conducted a great deal of strategic membership planning, established a new ambassadors club to help recruit and engage members, and we have new membership benefits coming in the early part of 2012.

Rick Haines elected Canton Chamber board chairman; three new board directors named

INSIDE: 2012 Strategic Plan & Energy...................4 Annual Dinner.........................................5 Women’s Impact Initiative.......................6 Stir After Hours.......................................7 Business Excellence Awards.....................8 AultCare Fast Break Breakfast..................9 Fast Break 2012 Season......................... 11 HOF Enshrinement Festival Schedule..... 12 OHSAA Games....................................... 13 Leadership Stark County................... 15,17 Stark County Safety Council.............. 17,20 ystark! Twenty Under 40........................ 18 ystark! Young Entrepreneur Profile........ 19 AC-3 Form............................................. 21 Hot Business on the Burner................... 23 New Members....................................... 25 BizBitz.................................................. 26 January Calendar.................................. 27

Rick Haines, president and CEO of AultCare, has been elected chairman of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce board of directors for 2012. Newly elected members of the board are: Kevin Bogard, Ohio Refining Division Manager, Marathon Petroleum Company LP; Judith E. Barnes Lancaster, Attorney at Law, and president of Global Management Group, Inc.; and Bruce M. Soares, managing director, Black McCuskey Souers & Arbaugh.

(continued on next page)

Rick Haines has served as AultCare’s president and CEO since 2001, and has held a number of positions since he joined the Aultman Health Foundation 28 years ago. Today, AultCare serves over 500,000 covered lives as a not-for-profit joint venture between the Aultman Health Foundation and Stark Quality Care Physicians. Haines is a board member for a number of local and national organizations such as America’s Health Insurance Plans, Council for Affordable Quality Health Care, Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, Stark Development Board and The Wilderness Center. He serves as a mentor to MBA students at Kent State University and is the vice chairman of the Kent State Stark Capital Campaign. He is co-chair of the Canton YMCA’s Capital Campaign.

(continued on page 14)

WWW.C ANTONCHAMBER.ORG OUR MISSION: To serve our Members through partnership, programs, services and events to advance the economic growth of Canton and the Stark County region.

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NEWSLETTER January 2012 - Volume XLIV - No. 1

Rick L. Haines President & CEO, AultCare Chairman Dennis P. Saunier President & CEO Jess Bennett Editor & Director of Marketing Denise Burton Director of Membership and Sales Advertising Sales / Action 330.458.2067

Sarah Lutz Bhatia Graphics Manager

One of our enduring works in economic development, the SYNCHRONIST Report, was completed this year, and the report indicates good things for our business community. Over the course of 20 months, the Chamber interviewed 136 businesses — mostly manufacturers and mostly in Canton — as a key component of our economic development program. The results are good news for the Canton and Greater Stark County economy. A majority of surveyed manufacturers in the Greater Canton area are reporting growth and envisioning a promising future. As many as 70 percent are reporting increased sales and more than half or currently expanding employment. We have continued to work closely with area development partners and local, regional and state government to attract new business to Stark County, and we welcomed VXI Global to downtown Canton and Old Dominion Freight Lines to Mills Business Park in 2011. Our developments efforts for downtown Canton continue to be in high gear, and we’re working to create new business, support our growing arts and dining district and renovate the downtown center city. ystark!, our young professional initiative, worked closely with the City of Canton and JumpStart on the Canton Entrepreneur Launch program this year, and we are extremely excited about the potential of this initiative for area entrepreneurs. In government advocacy, the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce helped to respond to the needs of our community by endorsing and working to help pass the Stark County Sales Tax issue and the Canton City Schools operating levy this past November, as well as the SARTA levy earlier this year.

their promise to produce a “One of a Kind Celebration,” despite the disappointments stemming from the cancellation of the NFL/Hall of Fame Game. With our annual awards programs, most recently the Community Salute Awards held in November, we are able to recognize local heroes. I am proud of our organization’s ability to recognize a variety of diverse leaders in our community each year through our business and service award programs. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as the 2011 chairman of the board for the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, and to be involved with the very strong and talented executive management team, led by president and CEO Dennis P. Saunier. I’d also like to offer my sincerest gratitude to all of the thousands of volunteers and community leaders who share their time and resources to make the Chamber’s efforts viable. Thank you to our generous sponsors, without whom we couldn’t produce the events and implement the programs that allow us to strengthen the community. To our members, my deepest thanks. It is only through your continued support of our organization that we can be successful in our mission of advancing business and developing community. Your support, your input, and your membership are vital, and it is our privilege to represent you. Thank you again for allowing me to serve as the 2011 chairman, I am truly a better person as a result. Best wishes for a fruitful business environment for all in 2012. Sincerely,

is published monthly for the members of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. The subscription cost is $25 per year and is included in the price of membership. Reader questions and comments are welcome and encouraged. Contents may be reprinted with credit. Address all inquiries to: Editor, Action Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce 222 Market Ave. N Canton, Ohio 44702 or call (330) 456.7253, or e-mail news@cantonchamber.org Advertising rates are available for Chamber members. Advertisement does not constitute endorsement by the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Once again, the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival department of the Chamber produced a hallmark festival for our area, reaching a combined 700,000 guests – both local residents and out of town visitors alike. The staff, together with a group of more than 4,200 volunteers, delivered on

George W. Lemon, 2011 Chairman of the Board


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Thank you to our ADVANTAGE CANTON funding partners:

Chairman of the Board - Rick L. Haines AultCare Sr. Vice Chairman - Karen Brenneman Hall, Kistler & Company LLP

AultCare, Aultman Health Foundation,

Vice Chairman - Brian Belden The Belden Brick Company

Charter One Bank, Chesapeake Energy,

Vice Chairman - Philip D. Fracassa The Timken Company Vice Chairman - Kevin Kampman The Repository

The City of Canton, Diebold, Inc.,

Treasurer - D. William Allen Pro Football Hall of Fame

Dominion East Ohio, Fifth Third Bank, FirstMerit Bank,

Immediate Past Chairman - George W. Lemon Retired President, Technical Products Group President & CEO - Dennis P. Saunier Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce

Hilscher-Clarke Electric Company,

Corporate Secretary - Steven J. Katz Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce

Huntington Bank, KeyBank, Kenan Advantage Group, Mercy Medical Center, Northeast Ohio Medical University, PNC and The Timken Company.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kevin Bogard Marathon Petroleum Co. LP

Tim Maloney Canton Chair Rental

Timothy M. Burke, Jr. FirstMerit Bank N.A.

Rick McQueen Akron-Canton Airport

Thomas E. Cecconi Mercy Medical Center

John A. Murphy, Jr. Day Ketterer Ltd.

William R. Cook Chase N.A.

Alan Rodriguez Jülz by Alan Rodriguez and Rodriguez’s House of Stones

Darryl J. Dillenback DNS Insurance, Inc. Mark Fleiner Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems Jerry Gilin Diebold Inc. Greg Harbert CharterOne Bank Jason F. Haupt Krugliak, Wilkins, Griffiths & Dougherty Co., L.P.A. Jan Hein Ohio Desk Terrance L. Jones Multi-Development Services of Stark County Geoff Karcher The Karcher Group Judith E. Barnes Lancaster Attorney At Law



Mark J. Samolczyk Stark Community Foundation William C. Shivers Huntington Bank Paul E. Siegfried Siegfried Enterprises Inc. Bruce M. Soares Black McCuskey Souers & Arbaugh Alice C. Stephens The Employment Source Walter F. Wagor, Ph.D. Kent State University at Stark David M. Wheeler AEP Ohio Mike Williams Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Energy, oil and gas industry foremost in Chamber 2012 strategic plan By Dennis P. Saunier, president & CEO Canton/Stark County faces an extraordinary year in 2012. Oil and gas exploration in the region’s Utica shale deposits could affect every aspect of business in our community. What will our manufacturers produce in 2012 and the coming years to meet the needs of energy exploration? How will health care respond to the workers who will be coming here and the residents who will be newly employed in energy exploration? How will our banking, legal and business services companies respond to this opportunity? What effect will the growth in energy employment have on our real estate sector? Our entertainment sector? Our social services, schools and colleges? And while oil and gas are creating enormous excitement, Stark County already has established itself as a center for energy. What will 2012 bring in the development of wind power, fuel cells and electrical service? And while energy in the ground creates economic opportunity, so does the abundance of our community’s water supply. Oil and gas, wind, fuel cells, water and electricity will be prominent in our economic future in 2012 and the years to follow. As the largest business services organization in Stark County, we have prepared our plan for 2012 with energy and resources foremost in our minds. First, we have announced that David Kaminski, Chamber director of education and government affairs, will be taking on a new role for our organization. Kaminski will now serve as our chief energy advocate, working alongside energy companies and other area development partners to promote the oil and gas industry, along with other energy industries, throughout Canton/Stark County. He will also work to help our area members find ways to engage with the oil and gas industry, as customers, vendors and partners.

In downtown Canton development, we will seek to encourage business synergies that can come when energy service companies locate management offices in our central city. In leadership and talent development, we will seek to involve the energy industry in nurturing a generation of professionals who can serve this emerging industry and serve the community as well. We will do this without losing sight of the tasks that this Chamber of Commerce has always shouldered with a high sense of commitment, among them tourism and our production of the annual Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival. Our creative staff and volunteers will find ways to make these enterprises grow in light of new industries emerging here. This will be one of the most exciting and challenging business years in a long time. We pledge to be prepared and to lead the way in promoting the growth that could lead to a new era of prosperity for Canton and Stark County. This is an excerpt from the Canton Regional Chamber’s 2012 Strategic Plan. The full plan is available online at CantonChamber.org.

In addition, every department of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce will find a way to assist the oil and gas industry, while nurturing relationships with our established business partners. In economic development, we will promote Canton and Stark County as a headquarters site for the energy companies that are coming to our region. When we work one-on-one with manufacturers and other businesses, we will look for ways to assist their growth into the markets that will serve energy exploration and innovation. In education and workforce development, we will help identify skills that are needed by the energy industry. We will assist our schools, colleges and universities in developing programs that will train students and adult workers to take advantage of the opportunities sure to arise.

Photos from a recent Oil and Gas Expo inYoungstown, Ohio: Above, Canton Mayor William J. Healy II; Below, David Kaminski and Steve Katz from the Canton Regional Chamber.”



UPCOMING EVENTS STAYING POWER: Timken top leadership to speak at the Canton Regional Chamber’s 98th Annual Dinner For one unprecedented evening, Timken Chairman Tim Timken joins President and Chief Executive Officer Jim Griffith to share their story of a company reinvented, with a new business model and fresh capabilities to capitalize on emerging markets and growing industries around the world.

Krugliak, Wilkins, Griffiths & Dougherty Co., LPA, Leonard Insurance, Malone University, Mercy Medical Center, The Repository, PNC Bank, Schauer Group, Inc. / Chubb Group, Stark State College, Superior Beverage, The Timken Company, University of Mount Union and Walsh University

The Canton Regional Chamber’s 98th Annual Dinner will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 8, at the Canton Memorial Civic Center. The annual dinner will feature Ward J. Timken, Jr., chairman of the board of directors for The Timken Company, and James W. Griffith, president and CEO for Timken.

Wednesday, Feb. 8 5:30 p.m. cocktail reception 7 p.m. dinner and program Canton Memorial Civic Center 1101 Market Ave. N in downtown Canton Cost: $88 members ($704 table of 8) $98 non-members ($784 table of 8) RSVP by Jan. 26

Few organizations possess the staying power of The Timken Company, with communities, investors, employees and suppliers collectively sharing in achievement, year after year. The company’s success is reflected in its significant diversification, extensive global growth, and value driven to the bottom line, with dividends paid each year and every quarter, from before the Great Depression, to the Great Recession and beyond. It’s also evident in the company’s steadfast investments, focused on a promising future. When it comes to good fortune, Timken is our community’s constant. “This year’s annual dinner provides a rare opportunity for our local business community to gain firsthand perspective about The Timken Company, straight from the source,” said Dennis P. Saunier, Chamber president and CEO. “We’re thrilled to have Tim and Jim joining us for this special evening.” At the Annual Dinner, the gavel will be passed from outgoing Board Chairman George W. Lemon, retired president, Technical Products Group, to the 2012 Board Chairman, Rick L. Haines, president of AultCare. The Chamber will recognize and thank the outgoing board members and usher in new members for an exceptional 98th year. The 98th annual dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a cocktail reception and dinner will be served at 7 p.m. Registrations for the annual dinner can be made online CantonChamber. org or by calling (330) 458-2070. Tickets for the event are $88 for members and $98 for non-members. All registration payments must be received in advance and reservations must be received by Jan. 26. Register now, space is limited. This year’s annual dinner is made possible by our sponsors: Aultman Health Foundation, AultCare, Black McCuskey Souers & Arbaugh, Canton Chair Rental, Charter One Bank, Chesapeake Energy, DeHoff Realtors, Diebold, Inc., Fresh Mark, Inc., Huntington Bank, Innis Maggiore, The Karcher Group, Kenan Advantage Group, Kent State University at Stark, KeyBank,

About Keynote Speaker Ward J. Timken, Jr., Chairman, The Timken Company Ward J. “Tim” Timken, Jr. is chairman of the board of directors of The Timken Company. He was elected to the board in 2002 and later served as vice chairman prior to being named chairman in 2005. Previously Timken served as president of the company’s Steel Group, leading it to record levels of profitability. In 2000, Timken served as corporate vice president in the Office of the Chairman. Responsible for strategy development, he played a pivotal role in the acquisition and integration of Torrington, the largest acquisition in the company’s history. His other positions at the company included key postings in Europe and Latin America in the 1990s. Timken serves as chairman of the board of Team NEO, an organization that advances Northeast Ohio’s economy by attracting businesses worldwide to the 16-county “Cleveland Plus” region. Timken also serves on the board of directors of Pella Corporation and several other boards, including the American Iron and Steel Institute of which he is past chairman, the National Association of Manufacturers Executive Committee, the Ohio Business Development Council, the Ohio Business Roundtable Executive Committee, the Stark Development Board, Firestone Country Club, the Timken Foundation and the Timken Charitable Trust. He holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Georgetown University and a Master of Business Administration from the Darden School at the University of Virginia.

company’s board of directors.

About Keynote Speaker James W. Griffith, President & CEO, The Timken Company James W. Griffith is president and chief executive officer of The Timken Company and a member of the

Since being named president in 1999, Griffith has led a transformation of The Timken Company focused on creating ever-increasing levels of value for customers and shareholders. By harnessing its legendary quality and industry-leading innovation, Timken has pushed beyond its historic leadership in the tapered roller bearing market into a vast global market for technologies to manage the friction generated by moving parts and improve the transmission of power in a wide array of machines. Griffith joined The Timken Company in 1984 and has held positions as plant manager, vice president of manufacturing in North America and managing director of the company’s business in Australia. From 1996 to 1999, he led Timken’s automotive business in North America and the company’s bearing business activities in Asia and Latin America. He was elected president, chief operating officer and director in 1999 and was named chief executive officer in 2002. Griffith is president of the World Bearing Association and chairman of the board of directors of the Manufacturing Advocacy and Growth Network (MAGNET). He is vice president of the Management Executives’ Society and serves on the boards of directors of the US-China Business Council and Goodrich Corporation (NYSE: GR). In September 2011, he began a two-year term as a member of the management board of the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He also serves on the board of the University of Mount Union. Griffith holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and a Master of Business Administration from Stanford University.



UPCOMING EVENTS Women’s Leadership Workshop | February Women’s Impact Initiative Event We hope you have signed up to hear our outstanding January program keynote speaker Carol Frohlinger, co-founder, Negotiating Women, Inc. If not, there is still time to register. And Frohlinger will once again join us as we present our Women’s Leadership Workshop on Wednesday, February 15. This workshop promises to be powerful and full of takeaway content. The Keynote Speaker for our Women’s Leadership Workshop is Jan Phillips, visionary author of The Art of Original Thinking: The Making of a Thought Leader. Phillips is a dynamic speaker who ignites original thinking and inspires evolutionary action. She creates a multi-sensory experience that evokes insights for life-changing choices. Phillips shows women how to access their wisdom, activate their creativity and communicate with clarity and compassion.

University at Stark, SarahCare, Raymond James Financial Services (Belden Village), Mercy Medical Center, Krugliak, Wilkins, Griffiths & Dougherty Co., LPA, LPL Financial, Grabowski & Company, KeyBank, Key4Women, Day Ketterer, BrunerCox LLP, Cleaver Law Office, CombiPackaging and Hall, Kistler & Company, and operates in collaboration with the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. Wednesday, Feb. 15 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The University Center at Kent State University at Stark 6000 Frank Ave. NW in North Canton Cost: $125 RSVP online at CantonChamber.org

by Feb.8 or call (330) 458-2070 Save the date for: ATHENA Award Dinner | March 21, 2012 5:30 to 9 p.m., The University Center at Kent State University at Stark | Tickets: $65 The ATHENA Award is presented to a woman-or man- who is honored for professional excellence, community service and for actively assisting women in their attainment of professional excellence and leadership skills. Nominations are now being accepted. Download the form online at CantonChamber.org. Deadline is January 31, 2012.

Following Phillips’ thought provoking session, plan on attending two dynamic workshop breakout sessions. Session One: Networking/Power – Power is NOT a dirty word! Facilitators: Jan Phillips and Cathy Hackney, PhD Session Two: Language/Negotiation – Indepth into the art of negotiating Facilitator: Carol Frohlinger The Women’s Impact Initiative February Workshop is sponsored by CEO Level Sponsor The Timken Company, along with Western Reserve PBS, Kent State



UPCOMING EVENTS Stirring up nostalgia with a trip back in time at The Old Eagles Club JANUARY STIR AFTER HOURS For the January Stir After Hours, take a trip down memory lane to Canton’s only BYOB after hours venue – The Old Eagles Club! But don’t worry, we’ll provide the beer and wine this time! Join us on Tuesday, Jan. 17, for a unique look at one of downtown Canton’s newest and hippest after hours spots. You’ll be treated to a DJ spinning tunes, tasty tidbits from BAM! Healthy Cuisine, draft beer and wine, and some laugh-outloud comedy! Some lucky Stir attendees will head home with tickets to upcoming shows at The OEC! About The Old Eagles Club The late-night crowd will call it the OEC, but that stands for the Old Eagles Club, says proprietor Mike Harrer of his new after-hours spot. Harrer, who has been a deejay for 21 years in addition to managing Damon’s The Place for Ribs here as well as Champs in Denver, Colo., decided this is what downtown Canton needs. The OEC is open Fridays and Saturdays, midnight to 6 a.m. It’s BYOB with high-energy dance music and a cover charge of $15. Memberships are also

available and are selling fast. The venue can accommodate up to 200 guests for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and corporate events – visit TheOEC.biz for information about joining, tickets and upcoming shows, and your next event. The organization will be featuring comedy acts from Canton Comedy Series twice a month. They have also booked live entertainment, with featured bands including Christine Thomson - the music of Etta James and Ella Fitzgerald, Key of Diamond, a Neil Diamond Tribute, Walt Wise’s Captain Jack, a Billy Joel Tribute, Captain Fantastic, an Elton John Tribute, and Hey Monea and Jim “Woody” Woodward – the music of Frank Sinatra. More acts are coming soon, visit TheOEC.biz for more details! RSVP for Stir After Hours online at CantonChamber.org. Tuesday, Jan. 17 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The Old Eagles Club 104 Sixth Street SW in Downtown Canton

Cost: $5 RSVP by Jan. 13 Please be sure to park in the private, gated parking lot behind the building.

UPCOMING EVENTS Chamber seeks Business Excellence Award nominations this month The Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for its annual Business Excellence Awards of Greater Canton – awards that recognize exceptional Stark County businesses for excellence and outstanding achievement. Nomination deadline is Jan. 19 and nominations can be made at BusinessExcellenceAward.com. “Stark County is home to incredibly innovative, growing and forwardthinking businesses in the country,” said Dennis P. Saunier, president & CEO of Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. “These businesses go above and beyond providing jobs and funding our economy – they are on the cuttingedge of emerging technology, they are making capital investments to our area, they dedicate resources to the community and they are helping to make our region more appealing to business growth and relocation.”

Sponsors of the Business Excellence Awards of Greater Canton dinner and ceremony are: Bruner-Cox LLP, Day Ketterer, Attorneys at Law, Farmers National Bank, Stark State College and The Repository. NOMINATE ONLINE To nominate a company, please visit BusinessExcellenceAward.com. If you have questions regarding eligibility or the nomination process, or wish to receive a paper copy of the nomination form, please contact Amy Nelson, events and marketing manager, at (330) 458-2073 or amyn@cantonchamber.org.

To be considered, the business must be for-profit, non-publicly-traded (and not a wholly-owned subsidiary of a publicly traded company), and have a significant presence in and/or provide substantial benefit to the citizens and economy of Stark County. Specific nomination criteria includes: business and employment growth, expansion of operations/efficiencies, outstanding customer service, investments in capital improvements, innovation or expansion of product line(s), responsiveness to business and industry challenges and adversity and community involvement. Honorees of this year’s Business Excellence Awards will be recognized during the gala awards dinner held on Tues., April 24, at The University Center at Kent State University Stark.



UPCOMING EVENTS Make Your Own Sunshine! Marvin Montgomery – a perennial favorite at January AultCare Fast Break Breakfast

We’re kicking off the 2012 AultCare Fast Break Breakfast season with a perennial favorite! There are so many times in our lives when we sit back and wait for good things to come our way. Yet, it is inevitable that all of us will encounter storms. Instead of sitting back and waiting for something positive to come your way, perennial favorite Marvin “Sales Doctor” Montgomery will kick-off the year by sharing seven proven steps for turning those gray skies blue! Don’t wait for your ship to come in. You have to swim out to it and “make your own sunshine”!

As an experienced motivational speaker and professional sales training specialist for over 30 years, Montgomery has assisted hundreds of organizations improve their productivity. He has earned widespread national recognition and praise. It stems from his informative, practical and stimulating programs that reflect his basic philosophy: preparation and practice are the keys to sales success. Montgomery’s captivating presentation emphasizes the same tried and true techniques that have assisted hundreds of organizations meet or exceed their sales goals. It is not the same old sales training message. Montgomery’s message will prevent those who experience it from ever using outdated training methods of trial and error or learning by doing. Beyond this important segment of the program, Fast Break attendees have the opportunity to obtain business leads through enjoyable networking activities

at an event that has built a reputation as one of the most energetic lead-producing sessions around. Bring a door prize valued at $15 or more and receive 30 seconds at the microphone to promote your business. Friday, Jan. 13 7 a.m. registration
 7:30 a.m. program
 Courtyard by Marriott 4375 Metro Cir. North Canton, OH Cost: $18 members; $21 members less than 48 hours in advance; $25 nonmembers RSVP by Jan. 11 SEASON PASSES ON SALE NOW!



UPCOMING EVENTS AultCare Fast Break Breakfast Series announces dynamic 2012 Season VALUABLE SEASON PASSES AVAILABLE NOW FOR EXCITING SPEAKER LINEUP Mark your calendar for the 2012 AultCare Fast Break Breakfast Series season! Plan to attend the second Friday of each month – you’ll hear compelling speakers, meet new business contacts and enjoy a delicious breakfast. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to network and promote your business! And, if you bring a door prize valued at $15 or more, you’ll even star in your very own 30 second commercial to promote your business!

Visit CantonChamber.org to purchase a season ticket book, or contact Amy Nelson, event manager, at amyn@cantonchamber. org or (330) 458-2073 for more information.

AultCare Fast Break Breakfasts are held at the Courtyard by Marriott, 4375 Metro Cir. N.W., Canton, from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Save $36 on a year’s worth of programs! Our $180 Season Ticket Books are an excellent value. You’ll pay just $15 per program, $3 off per ticket! That’s like attending two breakfasts free of charge. Season passholders are eligible for a special drawing each month, have access to the attendee contact list upon request, and receive special perks throughout the year! January 13: Make Your Own Sunshine Presented by Marvin Montgomery February 10: Canton’s Italian Village Comes to Life Presented by Ted Swaldo March 9: The NBA’s CHARGE into Canton Presented by Scott Woodruff April 13: Be a Better Business Writer Presented by Tim Kraft May 11: Run, Canton, Run! Presented by Rob Steinberg June 8: Interacting with Your Customers Presented by Steve Brubaker July 13: Top 10 Tips for IT Security Presented by David Besse August 10: Cleveland Plus: Healthcare’s Role in Marketing Our Region Presented Rick Batyko September 14: Next Gen Leadership: Where Text, Talk & Tweet Converge Presented by Leslie Ungar October 12: Strategy on a Shoestring for Small Biz Presented by Catherine Foster November 9: Clarity of Course®: Lemonade Stand Sales Strategies Presented by Diane Helbig December 14: Community Forum



CONVENTION & VISITORS’ BUREAU OHSAA State Football Championship attendance grows in 2011

The Canton / Stark County Convention & Visitors’ Bureau was thrilled to once again play host to “High School Football’s Greatest Weekend” for the Ohio High School Athletic Association State Football Championships and execute a red carpet experience for our clients – the OHSAA staff and administration, its board of directors, district boards, marketing team, sponsors, their families, the twelve participating teams, coaches, athletes, administrations, bands, cheerleaders, fans, football coaches and officials from all over the state of Ohio, high school football fans from all over the country, and our local sponsors and partners! The Canton ∙ Stark CVB, local host committee, scores of volunteers and workers wants to thank the many, many people who participated in one form or another in championship weekend and we look forward to continuing to host the best high school football tournament in the nation in two of the very best high school facilities in the nation for the next two years! Stark County’s tireless efforts and focus on continuous improvement continues to make Stark County “The RIGHT FIT for High School Football!” This year’s attendance figures totaled 48,695, and of all tickets sold, roughly 33 percent of all ticket buyers for presale were from the Northeast Ohio footprint, and roughly 20 percent of all presale is from greater Stark County. This year’s attendance marks almost 33% growth in attendance from 2010, which speaks to great matchups, good weather, and the strong promotional efforts of the Stark County group since numbers for all OHSAA Championships have been down across the board in recent years.



(continued from cover) He and his wife, Vicki, chaired The Wilderness Center’s 2007 Earthly Delights Tribute Dinner and Auction and the 2009 United Way Campaign. Haines holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business administration from Kent State University. Kevin Bogard graduated from RoseHulman Institute of Technology in 1989 with a B.S. in chemical engineering. The past 22 years of his career has been with Marathon Petroleum Company L.P. Throughout his career with Marathon, Bogard has served in numerous and diverse roles. The first roles were in both process engineering and process controls engineering. From there, he moved in to refinery economic modeling and crude oil purchasing. The next steps in his career shifted to management positions where he has served at five of the current six Marathon Refineries in positions of increasing responsibility. In his previous position, he served as the Refining Operations, Technology and Training Manager and coordinated the corporate standardization efforts in those areas. His current position brings him to the Canton area as the Refinery Manager.

setting and the for-profit corporate setting. She has owned her own clinical laboratory, and she established a tissue bank for the transplantation of human bone. Lancaster left corporate America in 2001 to concentrate her efforts on the solo practice of law in the areas of personal injury and probate, along with special counsel work for the Ohio Attorney General. She is also a principal and president of Global Management Group, Inc., a sports and entertainment company. She has been a trustee of the Akron University Law Alumni Association since 1996, and serves on the Dean’s Leadership Committee. She is a member of Walsh University Board of Trustees, vice chair of the Northeast Ohio Medical University, and she is the chair of Mercy Medical Center board of directors. She is a member and past officer of the Canton Museum of Art.

development companies, health care facilities, energy-related businesses and financial institutions. He is recognized by his peers as one of the preeminent lawyers in his field, having received an AV® PreeminentTM Peer Review Rating from MartindaleHubbell and for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2008 to 2012. In addition, he was recognized as an Ohio Super Lawyer for 2009. He received his bachelor’s degree from Providence College and his Juris Doctorate from Case Western Reserve University. An active volunteer in the community, Soares currently serves as a board member of the Stark Development Board, the Jackson Township Student Loan Association, and the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee. He is a past board member of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Canton, Inc.

Managing director of Black McCuskey Souers & Arbaugh and coordinator of the firm’s Real Estate Practice Group, Bruce M. Soares has over 30 years of legal experience in handling complex, multi-faceted commercial and corporate transactional matters for Fortune 500 companies, commercial real estate

Judith E. Barnes Lancaster received a bachelor’s degree from Kent State University and a Juris Doctor Degree from The University of Akron, School of Law. She attended Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Virginia, where she received certification in bargaining and negotiating. Law is a second career for Lancaster. Prior to becoming an attorney, she had an extensive and diverse career in health care in both the private, nonprofit hospital



LEADERSHIP STARK COUNT Y Leadership Stark County expands role as Stark County’s go-to board resource 17 Young Professionals + 16 Agencies = Huge Impact for Local Non-Profits

Daniel Kane, Senior Demand Fulfillment Analyst, The Timken Company Matched with: Community Harvest David Kaufman, Construction Administrator, John Patrick Picard Architect INC. Matched with: Siffrin, Inc. Tracie Kelley, Materials Management Analyst, The Timken Company Matched with: Community Christmas

Striving to ensure excellent curriculum, Leadership Stark County developed a board matching initiative to connect the younger professionals enrolled in the Spotlight Stark County program with a non profit agency. Young professionals were matched for a board shadowing process that ultimately leads to board service. In its second year, the 2011 SpeedBoarding event connected 17 younger professionals with 16 agencies at the Goodwill Community Campus. The participants rotated through ten-minute sessions with up to seven agencies. Conversations focused on agency missions and needs, and participant passions and skills. Agencies as large as the Canton Symphony and as small as Community Harvest participated in the speed-boarding event. Stark County Hunger Task Force, represented by Eric Smer, director, and Lisa Vitale, board chair, remarked, “We were really impressed with the caliber and skill of these people. Each has something to bring and we would greatly benefit from all of them.” Younger professionals, age 24-34, find the board matching process works to take the next step toward community service. “I think this is a huge addition to the Spotlight curriculum. I knew I wanted to get involved but didn’t know how or who to contact. You can learn more in one hour than in all the time leading up to this,” remarked Matt Ritzert, strategic planning coordinator at AultCare, now serving on the Siffrin board. Ritzert participated in the 2006

Spotlight class. At that time, the Spotlight curriculum included community service opportunities, but not board matching. Boardsmanship training will be provided to these young professionals and local non profits at an upcoming seminar as Leadership Stark County continues to expand its role as Stark County’s go-to board resource. The session is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 26, and is open to the public. More details and registration is at LeadershipStarkCounty.org. 2011 Board Matching Placements: Kris Babetski, Steel Services Analyst, The Timken Company Matched with: Canton YWCA Christopher Burr, Technical Support – Tier 3, Time Warner Cable Matched with: Canton Student Loan Foundation Matthew Gardner, Reliability Engineer, The Timken Company Matched with: American Red Cross, Stark County Chapter

Cynthia Larson, Staff Accountant, Gill & Company, Inc. CPA Matched with: Canton Symphony Katherine Manning, Director of Planning, SARTA Matched with: Trillium Family Solutions Travis Maxwell, Purchasing Manager - BBS, The Timken Company Matched with: Palace Theatre Amanda Pond, Archivist, Massillon Museum Matched with: Friends of Stark Parks Caleb Pugh, Logistics Coordinator, Kenan Advantage Group, Inc. Matched with: Canton Symphony Adrienne Reynolds, Bus Proc Mgr - Sc Planning, The Timken Company Matched with: YMCA, Louisville Nicholas Schott, Software Engineer, Diebold, Incorporated Matched with: Blue Coats Ryan Shaffer, Sr. Communications Rep, The Timken Company Matched with: Stark County Hunger Task Force

Charmane Harrison, Industrial Organizational Psychologist, The Timken Co. Matched with: Domestic Violence Project, Inc. Michael Ihrig, Communications/Web Specialist, Stark State College Matched with: YMCA of Central Stark Co. Kaliope Kalogeropoulos, Carrier Relations Specialist, Kenan Advantage Group Matched with: Canton YWCA



LEADERSHIP STARK COUNT Y Leadership Stark County board training seminar scheduled for Jan. 26 Leadership Stark County is expanding their board services for non profit agencies. A board training seminar on Jan. 26 is being offered to ensure that non profit agencies and their board members have access to best practices and current trends. The seminar includes three sessions: • The Dynamics of Focused Discussions, John Spitzer, rabbi emeritus, Temple Israel • The Role of the Board, Elizabeth Voudouris, Business Volunteers Unlimited • Legal Responsibilities of Board Service, Randy Snow, Black McCuskey Law Firm

Individuals serving on boards or staff of non profit agencies, and prospective board members are encouraged to attend. Also attending the seminar will be younger professionals, age 24-34, from Leadership’s 2011 Spotlight Stark County program who were recently matched with a local non profit for a one-year board shadowing experience.

Thursday, Jan. 26 8 to 11:30 a.m. The Timken Company 1835 Dueber Avenue SW in Canton Cost: $15 per person or $45 for three or more from same agency RSVP online by Jan. 23 Sponsored by:

The mission of Leadership Stark County is to develop a core of motivated leaders with lifelong commitment to community trusteeship. Leadership Stark County programs provide leadership training and education about the community. Registration is $15 for individuals and $45 for three or more from the same agency. More details and registration is at LeadershipStarkCounty.org.

STARK COUNT Y SAFET Y COUNCIL Stark County Safety Council Steering Committee (left to right): Stephen Gronow, Stark County Engineers, Chris Zabel, US Safety Gear, Bob Nicoll, CareWorks Inc., Larry Baum, Koch Knight, Dave Dennison, RG Smith, Program Manager Connie Cerny, Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, Chairman Colleen Maurer, Paarlo Plastics, Robin Watson, BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene, Barb Friedman, Union Metal, Deb Schlabach, AultComp. Members not present: Gust Callas, Black McCuskey Souers & Arbauth, Jacqueline Caldwell, Krugliak, Wilkins, Griffiths & Dougherty Co., L.P.A., Dave Demeo, Design Restoration, Steve Hanna, BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene, Kristina Harless, Day Ketterer, Attorneys at Law, Steve Katz, Canton Regional Chamber, Stephanie Mueller, AultCare, Hans Hilges, Morrow & Meyers LLC, Curtis Speck, Safety Resources, Curt Werren, American Red Cross. CORRECTION: In the December 2011 issue of Action Newsletter, we incorrectly listed the 2011/2012 Stark County Safety Council Chairman. The Chairman for 2011 and 2012 is Colleen Maurer from Paarlo Plastics.



YSTARK! Nominate Stark County’s talented young leaders YSTARK! TWENTY UNDER 40! AWARDS TO CELEBRATE INCREDIBLE YOUNG PROFESSIONALS LIVING AND WORKING IN STARK COUNTY ystark! is seeking nominations for the fifth annual TWENTY UNDER 40! awards. The awards recognize 20 incredible young leaders who are actively making a positive impact in the county. “Who are we looking for? We’re looking for Stark County’s best young professionals, those who are working to make Stark County the destination for young professionals to live, work and play,” said Aimee Belden, director of ystark!. Eligible “young professionals” are between 21 and 40 years old, and span all career industries. Full eligibility information and details on the nomination process are available at ystark.org. Winners of the 2012 award will be toasted at a gala awards celebration this June. The recognition of these deserving area young professionals is made possible through ystark! and The Repository.

2011 YP honorees celebrate at the historic site of the Onesto Hotel in downtown Canton.

Nominations are being accepted now through Feb. 12. Nominate online at ystark.org.



YSTARK! Young Entrepreneur Snapshot Editor’s note: In keeping with ystark!’s mission – to attract and retain talented young people in Stark County – ACTION will feature a monthly profile of an individual who represents the group (ages 21-40) that ystark! is targeting. Name: Ryan Hollingsworth Age: 31 Occupation/ Title/Place of work: Public relations/ social media practitioner, Communications Coordinator, Akron-Canton Airport (CAK) Why are you interested Canton’s Young Professionals initiative? I first became interested in it because they were doing cool, hip, trendy events that I really wasn’t seeing anywhere else. As I got more involved, I became interested in meeting other young professionals in the area that I never would have met without getting involved. What is your impression of ystark!, what do you think of their events, etc.? I really believe ystark! is one of the top young professional groups in the country and is on par with those in bigger cities. Most people don’t know that ystark! has more than 1,500 members and a very active executive board (of which I am a member) that is very engaged. Our events are varied so you can choose if you want to go to a social event like the Monthly Meet-Ups, an educational event like the CEO Meet & Eats, recreational events like Dodgeball or even just give your opinion on our very cool Facebook page at Facebook.com/ ystark. Where did you grow up? In what cities have you lived and worked? I grew up in Dover, Ohio, south of Canton. I graduated from Malone University and lived on campus for four years. My first job after college was as a reporter at the newspaper in the Dover/New Philadelphia area. After that, I moved up here when I got married and started working at the airport right around the same time. Why have you chosen to live in Canton? I don’t live in Canton. I live in Akron but that doesn’t mean I like Akron more. I am very pro-Canton and spend more time in Stark County than I do in Akron. I should probably just move to the Canton area!

What type of dwelling do you live in? What do you think of the housing choices for YPs in the area? My husband and I live in a three bedroom house. Before that, I lived in several apartments in the Canton area. Housing choices for young professionals are very affordable. What do you like MOST about Canton? The food! I love to cook so I really enjoy Canton’s culinary scene. My favorites are Heggy’s, Jasmine Asian Bistro, Papa Gyros, Muggswigz, and of course, Taggarts Ice Cream. What do you like LEAST about Canton? Canton gets a bad rap. I hate when we end up on the “worst cities” lists. I wish more people would step up and do something to share all the great things about Canton instead of complaining about Canton. What are the opportunities for YPs in Canton when it comes to career opportunities, cultural access, leadership or community involvement opportunities? There are lots of opportunities. Canton has a growing arts community and many boards and nonprofits looking for young volunteers. If anyone thinks there aren’t ways to get involved, it’s because they haven’t stepped up. What’s missing from Canton that would attract more YPs? More tech-savvy jobs. What do you do in the evenings or on the weekends for fun in Canton? Eat at great restaurants and go shopping mostly in the Belden Village area or the Strip. I also like First Fridays. What would you change about Canton if you could? I wish the downtown was more vibrant and looked fresher. Could you see yourself spending your lifetime in Canton? I wouldn’t have said this 10 years ago, but yes. The older I get the harder it is to leave my family, friends and opportunities that are all in this area. What would cause you to want to leave Canton? What other cities in the United States would be appealing to you as a home base? Why? I love to travel especially to the south and the Carolinas. I’ve never gotten accustomed to the Ohio winters. The south is really appealing to me because of the warm weather and the beach.

STARK COUNT Y SAFET Y COUNCIL Who’s got YOUR back? | January Stark County Safety Council Luncheon The first Safety Council luncheon of the year will feature Brian Walker, DPT, from Mercy Medical Center. At our first luncheon of the year, you’ll get a complete overview of the prevention and treatment of low back injuries in your workplace. Walker will give you an overview general work screen/functional capacity

evaluation/functional movement screen of the injured worker from disability to return to work. He’ll help you understand the treatment, rehabilitation and conditioning of the injured worker, emphasizing the most common problem…the spine! Walker will also share some of the services that are offered to treat the spine through the Mercy Spine Care Program.

spine care, and lower extremity/ foot orthotics evaluations.

Walker is the senior physical therapist and clinic coordinator at Mercy Sports Medicine in North Canton. He has been practicing physical therapy at Mercy for more than 13 years, and specializes in occupational rehabilitation, orthopedics and sports medicine,

Spotlight Company:

Thursday, Jan. 12 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Meyer’s Lake Ballroom 3218 Parkway St., N.W. Canton, OH 44708 Cost: $16 RSVP by Jan. 9

Brewster Dairy wins Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation SHARP AWARD for outstanding safety efforts The Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation (BWC) has recognized longtime Stark County cheese manufacturer Brewster Dairy for its commitment to protecting its workforce. The company received the distinctive recognition of SHARP (Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program) status by the OSHA On-Site Consultation Program, administered by the Ohio BWC. The BWC’s OSHA On-Site Consultation Program worked with Brewster Dairy employees and management over the last 18 months to make their facilities safer. The work included modifying and replacing hazardous work processes with safer procedures. Brewster Dairy has worked with the OSHA On-Site Consultation Program since 2005 and has made several changes to its corporate culture to emphasize employee safety and health with the goal of keeping workers safe, reducing claims and lowering workers’ compensation claims and associated premiums.


Doug Linhart, safety director for the Brewster Dairy said, “Our expectation is for all employees, vendors and contractors to perform daily duties in such a way as to insure that all employees return home safe. We as management must provide them with the proper tools and training to meet this expectation.“ To that end, the company has also developed a new safety slogan: “Working together toward a common goal…that everyone return home safe” and incorporated it into a new logo design. Each year the SHARP award recognizes small high hazard employers across the country for excellence in occupational safety and health systems. Brewster Dairy

is among 27 Ohio Employers who have achieved this status, and those 27 are in the top 0.1 percent of the companies in Ohio. The On-Site Consultation Program is one of many safety related programs available through the BWC. Learn more by contacting them at 1-800-OHIO-BWC, or visit OhioBWC.com. On behalf of the Stark County Safety Council, congratulations to Brewster Dairy for being a leader and continuing to strive to provide the safest workplace possible for all who work there!


Chamber’s Workers’ Compensation Group Rating saves significant premium dollars – submit your AC-3 today It’s time for you to begin planning for your workers’ compensation future. You are likely receiving information from many companies about their group rating programs and how much money they can save your business. While they may be able to save you money in the short term, these companies often lack the quality, comprehensive customer service and program stability that helps to ensure continued long-term group rating discounts. If your company is interested in group rating you should be considering the program that supports your local economy. As a member of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, it’s important to note that the Chamber has a partnership with Compensation Consultants Incorporated (CCI) and the Buckeye Workers’ Compensation Alliance. Our Chamber program is one of the most competitive available. In addition to offering significant premium discounts up to the BWC maximum discount, CCI provides comprehensive cost control services designed to help maintain your group rating status. Your Chamber membership may already qualify you for this group rating program. Long term discounts, high savings, program stability and comprehensive quality services could save you significantly by switching your program to CCI. Any company interested in applying, whether a Chamber member or not, should complete the AC-3 group rating application form below or online here: www.careworksconsultants.com/groupratingapplication.CCI will provide a free, no-obligation analysis of eligibility. For more information about the Group Rating Program from CCI, please contact Bob Nicoll at (330) 452-1050, ext. 14. You may also contact Denise Burton at deniseb@cantonchamber.org or Terri Fullmer at terrif@cantonchamber.org in our membership department with questions.

Those interested in applying for the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce Group Rating program should fill out the AC-3 group application form below and fax it back to Denise Burton at (330) 489-6005. Temporary Authorization to Review Information Policy Number ______________________________________

Company _______________________________________

DBA ______________________________________________

Address _________________________________________

This is to certify that COMPENSATION CONSULTANTS INC. (ID NO. 150-80) and Buckeye WC Alliance / Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce (41000, 2009/2010, code 11/20) including its agents or representatives identified to you by them has been retained to review and perform studies on certain workers’ compensation matters on our behalf. This limited letter of authority provides access to the following types of information relating to our account: 1) risk files, 2) claim files, 3) merit-rated or non-merit rated experiences and 4) other associated data. This authorization does NOT include the authority to: 1) review protest letters, 2) file protest letters, 3) file form CHP-4, 4) file motions, I-12s or IC-88s, 5) file self-insurance applications, 6) represent the employer at hearings or 7) pursue other similar actions on behalf of the employer. I understand that this authorization is limited and temporary in nature and will expire on Feb. 29, 2012 or automatically nine months from the date received by Employer Services or Self-Insured Department, whichever is appropriate. In either case, length of authorization will not exceed nine months. Telephone Number ____________________________________ Fax Number ____________________________________ E-mail Address _______________________________________________________________ Print Name _________________________________________________________ Title ____________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________________ Date __________________________


Stop worrying about your technology and let the professionals at ARCIS handle it for you! The company’s IT solutions simplify the use, maintenance and management of the IT you count on everyday. Founded in 2002, ARCIS helps clients succeed by providing innovative, effective and reliable IT services. Using a combination of expertise, experience, and skills, they learn a client’s business, find the right IT solutions to solve business challenges, and help clients achieve success. ARCIS provides a range of IT consulting services including security reviews, managed anti-virus, backup and business continuity services, software selection, project management, unlimited support packages, 24x7 monitoring and support, storage

area networks and virtualization. All of their services are backed by more than 30 years of experience in the SMB marketplace. “Many of our clients have relied on our company or one of our engineers for 12 to 15 years. They rely on us because they cannot get the combination of technical skills, business knowledge, dedication, honesty and customer service anywhere else,” said Chadd Sommers, account manager for ARCIS Technology Group. ARCIS Technology Group is located at 12856 Lincoln Way NW in Massillon, Ohio. Contact Chadd Sommers, account manager, at chadd.sommers@arcistg. com or (330) 236-1011, or visit them online at www.arcistg.com for more information about their IT services and solutions.

Want to see your business featured here? Come to our monthly Stir After Hours Small Business Networking series for your chance!

Baker, Dublikar, Beck, Wiley & Mathews attorneys at law

Telephone: (330) 499-6000 Telecopier: (330) 499-6423 400 SOUTH MAIN STREET NORTH CANTON, OHIO 44720 www.bakerfirm.com



NEW MEMBERS WELCOME to our newest members, who joined Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce in November. We encourage you to patronize their businesses. If you know of other businesses that would benefit from Chamber membership, please contact the Membership Department at (330) 458-2067. AFLAC - Amidon - Paxton (INSURANCE) Sue Amidon & Jeff Paxton 4960 Higbee NW Canton, OH 44718 (330) 685-1865

Kreighbaum - Sanders Funeral Home (FUNERAL HOMES) R. Scott & Randall J. Sanders 218 E. Nassau St. East Canton, OH 44730 (330) 488-0222 www.sandersfuneralhome.com

Robeck’s Travel (TRAVEL AGENCIES) Pat Robeck 13569 Lincoln St. North Lawrence, OH 44666 (330) 886-8747 www.robecks-travel.com

Mambo’s Pizza (PIZZA) Sara Johnson 910 12th St. NW Canton, OH 44703 (330) 580-8888 www.mambos-pizza.com

Tender Touch Massage (MASSAGE THERAPY) Sandy Gerhardt LPN, LMT 129 Easton St. NE, Ste 300 North Canton, OH 44721 (330) 418-1444 www.tendertouchmassage.abmp.com

B Side Wine House (WINE - RETAIL) Brenadette Turner 2701Cleveland Ave. NW Canton. OH 44709 (330) 451-2070 www.bsidewinehouse.com

Masterlift Inc. (MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT) Rusty Satterfield 934 Cherry Ave. NE Canton, OH 44704 (330) 785-0002 www.masterliftinc.com

Thoma Technologies, Inc. (ELECTRONIC CONTROLS) Robert Thoma, Sr. 8054 Frank Ave. NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 497-2066 www.thomatech.com

Barnhart Printing Corp. dba The Barnhart Group (ADVERTISING - AGENCIES PRINTING COMPANIES) Doug Kish 1107 Melchoir Pl. SW Canton, OH 44707 (330) 418-3274 www.BarnhartPrinting.com

NAAFS-North American Allied Fight Series (MARTIAL ARTS - PROFESSIONAL) Kim Singleton 6983 Promway North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 280-8442 www.naafs.tv

Total Health & Wellness Center, Inc. (HEALTH & WELLNESS) JoAnn Reilly 2401 Whipple Ave. NW Canton, OH 44708 (330) 956-5681 www.thwcohio.com

Allstate - Rich Esber Agency (INSURANCE) Rich Esber 1635 Whipple Ave. NW Canton, OH 44708 (330) 478-0171 www.allstateagencies.com/richesber/welcome

Canton Food Tours (TOURISM) Barbara Abbott 900 53rd St. SW Canton, OH 44706 (330) 495-0929 www.cantonfoodtours.com Dutton Auctioneers, LLC (AUCTIONEERS) Jared & Joel Dutton 10 Lincoln Way East Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 833-4700 www.duttonauction.com Dutton Real Estate (REAL ESTATE) Tim Schaff 10 Lincoln Way East Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 830-6650 www.duttonres.com Hush Ultra Lounge (NIGHT CLUB - LOUNGE) Shawna P McCullom 520 4th St. NE Canton, OH 44702 (330) 304-7978 www.hushultralounge.com

National College (SCHOOLS - ACADEMICCOLLEGE & UNIVERSITY) Jill Morrow 4736 Dressler Rd. NW Canton, OH 44718 (330) 492-5300 www.national-college.edu

Vertex Software, Inc. (MARKETING - MULTI-CHANNEL) Tom Montelione 242 E. Liberty St. Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 262-9310 www.vsiweb.com

Parents For Kicks (TAE KWON DO - SCHOLARSHIPS) Angela Jackson 300 Proudly Ave. NW Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 844-3328

Violand Management Associates (CONSULTANTS - BUSINESS BUSINESS COACHING) Karen Tuersley 7026 Mears Gate Dr. NW North Canton, OH 44720-8850 (330) 966-0700 www.violand.com

Pure Water Technology (WATER COOLERS & BOTTLED WATER) Christopher Hughes 5112 Richmond Rd. Bedford Heights, OH 44146 (216) 514-0300 www.purewaterohio.com

WineShop at Home (WINE - RETAIL) Beverly Skivolocki 22261 Margaret Lane Alliance, OH 44601 (330) 206-2998 www.vinocelebrations.com

Riveer Environmental (SERVICE INDUSTRY MACHINERY) Patrick D. Miller 233 Veterans Blvd. South Haven, MI 49090 (616) 510-4443 www.riveer.com

BIZ BITZ The Canton Marathon will kick off the countdown to the inaugural event with a free, one-day Winter Fitness & Health Expo at the Canton Memorial Civic Center on Saturday, January 14, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Make the most of your New Year’s resolution by visiting with more than 45 fitness and health exhibitors. The Canton Marathon will reveal the race shirt design and medals for the June 2012 event and there will be information available on training programs for runners and walkers of all fitness levels. For information, please check online at www.CantonMarathon. com. The Canton Regional Chapter of SCORE – America’s counselors to small businesses – has elected a new slate of officers. Mike Johnson serves as chairman, succeeding Bruce Ewing. Dick Evans serves as vice chairman, Pam Trask as secretary and Marge Loretto as treasurer. Other directors on the executive board are Jess Carroll, SCORE-Small Business Development Center liaison, Bob Holtgreive, recruiting and retention, Bob Mayone, clientcounselor liaison, Mike Ridenour, chapter performance results, Patricia Ripple, fundraising, Rodney Smith, technology advancement, and Dave Thiel, marketing. For more information about SCORE, visit CantonRegionalScore.com. A group of students from the Timken High School Interact Club has each received a $1,000 scholarship for the Character through Poetry Award, sponsored by the Daniel M & Maureen O Gunn Foundation. Presented annually, scholarships may be used toward a two- or four-year degree or to a trade school. The program requires students to memorize the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling in order to be eligible for the scholarship. The Canton Rotary Club, who is the executor of the funds, believes the poem’s thought provoking verse will serve students well throughout their lives. Interact is a service club for young people ages 14-18. Sponsored by local Rotary clubs, Interact


clubs give young people an opportunity to participate in fun, meaningful service projects while developing leadership skills and meeting new friends. Walsh University is one of the best colleges in the nation to work for, according to a new survey by The Chronicle of Higher Education. The results, released in The Chronicle’s fourth annual report on The Academic Workplace, are based on a national survey of nearly 44,000 employees of colleges and universities. In all, only 111 institutions achieved “Great College to Work For” recognition for specific best practices and policies. Walsh employees rated Walsh high in two specific categories: Collaborative Governance and Confidence in Senior Leadership Black McCuskey Souers & Arbaugh, LPA is pleased to announce that five of the firm’s lawyers were recently selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2012 (Copyright 2011 by Woodward/White, Inc.), an honor that Corporate Counsel magazine has called “the most respected referral list of attorneys in practice.” Attorneys Randolph L. Snow (Construction Law), Joel K. Dayton (Bankruptcy and Creditor-Debtor Rights Law), Bruce M. Soares (Mergers & Acquisitions Law), James P. Kamerer (Trusts and Estates) and Todd S. Bundy (Commercial, Construction, and Banking & Finance Litigation) are included on the list. Since its inception in 1983, Best Lawyers has become universally regarded as the definitive guide to legal excellence. Visit www.BMSA.com for more information. The law firm of Krugliak, Wilkins, Griffiths & Dougherty Co., L.P.A. is proud to announce that Attorneys John B. Schomer and Leigh A. Maxa have joined the firm. Schomer has joined the firm as a director and shareholder and concentrates his practice in business law and litigation with a diversified client base. Maxa has joined the firm as a director and concentrates her practice in the areas of litigation, business, real estate and employment law. Founded in 1958, the firm has 47 attorneys with 5 offices throughout northeastern Ohio in Canton, Akron, Alliance, New Philadelphia and Sugarcreek. For more information, visit www.kwgd.com.

The area leader in predictable cost IT services, AtNetPlus, Inc., has announced that the firm has been honored with its fourth consecutive Cascade Capital Business Growth Award. The recent awards ceremony recognized 52 of the fastest growing companies in Northeast Ohio. Over the past five years, winners experienced either an increase in sales of at least 100 percent (or $5 million) and/or the number of full time employees swelled by a minimum of 50 percent or (25 employees). Visit www.atnetplus.com/ news for photos, video, and additional information about the AtNetPlus and the Cascade Capital Business Growth Awards. Aultman Hospital has been named one of the nation’s 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals by Thomson Reuters. The study examined the performance of more than 1,000 hospitals by analyzing outcomes for patients with heart failure and heart attacks and for those who received coronary bypass surgery and percutaneous coronary interventions such as angioplasties. This is the third time Aultman has been recognized with this honor. This year’s winners were announced November 14 in Modern Healthcare magazine. Rose Sloat, managing partner of The Learning Service, Ltd. and Distinguished Toastmaster was recently honored with the title of District 10 Toastmaster of the Year. She has been a member of Toastmasters International for the past eight years. She has received the award of Area Governor of the Year in 2008 and her Distinguished Toastmaster Award in 2010. The award was bestowed based on the efforts and experience she has put forth working with members, clubs, areas, division, and the district. To submit a BizBitz news item, please e-mail jessb@cantonchamber.org.



6 12 13 17 18 26

First Friday – Ice, Ice Baby! Hear the rip roaring sounds of chainsaws as world champion ice carver Aaron Costic and his team compete in an Ice Carving Competition, alongside other local ice masters and artists, who will carve crystal canvases and sculpt snowy silhouettes at Ice Ice Baby First Friday.

First Friday, Jan. 6 6 to 10 p.m. Downtown Canton Arts District Free!

Who’s got YOUR back? January Stark County Safety Council Luncheon The first Safety Council luncheon of the year will feature Brian Walker, DPT, from Mercy Medical Center. At our first luncheon of the year, you’ll get a complete overview of prevention and treatment of low back injuries in your workplace.

Thursday, Jan. 12 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Meyer’s Lake Ballroom 3218 Parkway St., N.W. Canton, OH 44708 Cost: $16 RSVP by Jan. 9

Make Your Own Sunshine Marvin Montgomery – a perennial favorite at January AultCare Fast Break Breakfast We’re kicking off the 2012 AultCare Fast Break Breakfast season with a perennial favorite! There are so many times in our lives when we sit back and wait for good things to come our way. Yet, it is inevitable that all of us will encounter storms. Instead of sitting back and waiting for something positive to come your way, perennial favorite Marvin “Sales Doctor” Montgomery will kick-off the year by sharing seven proven steps for turning those gray skies blue! Don’t wait for your ship to come in. You have to swim out to it and “make your own sunshine”!

Friday, Jan. 13 7 a.m. registration 7:30 a.m. program Courtyard by Marriott 4375 Metro Cir. North Canton, OH Cost: $18 members; $21 members less than 48 hours in advance; $25 non-members RSVP by Jan. 11

Stirring up nostalgia with a trip back in time at The Old Eagles Club January Stir After Hours For the January Stir After Hours, take a trip down memory lane to Canton’s only BYOB after hours venue – The Old Eagles Club! But don’t worry, we’ll provide the beer and wine this time! Join us on Tuesday, Jan. 17, for a unique look at one of downtown Canton’s newest and hippest after hours spots.

Tuesday, Jan. 17 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The Old Eagles Club 104 Sixth Street SW in Downtown Canton Cost: $5 RSVP by Jan. 13

Women’s Impact Initiative January Luncheon The Women’s Impact Initiative will kick-off its 2012 season on Wednesday, Jan. 18, with a keynote luncheon from Carol Frohlinger, co-founder, Negotiating Women, Inc. Frohlinger talks to organizations who understand that promoting and retaining talented women is a “win-win-win” – good for women, good for men and good for the bottom line.

Wednesday, Jan. 18 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The University Center at Kent State University at Stark 6000 Frank Ave. NW in North Canton Cost: $35 RSVP by Jan. 9

Leadership Stark County board training seminar Leadership Stark County is expanding their board services for non profit agencies. A board training seminar on Jan. 26 is being offered to ensure that non profit agencies and their board members have access to best practices and current trends.

Thursday, Jan. 26 8 to 11:30 a.m. The Timken Company 1835 Dueber Avenue SW in Canton Cost: $15 per person or $45 for three or more from same agency RSVP online by Jan. 23

Please make reservations for all of our Chamber events online at CantonChamber.org (unless otherwise directed above), or call (330) 458-2070. Thank you for registering in advance!



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